1 mo Economizes the use of flour, but ter .and eggs ; makes the biscuit, cake and pastry more appetiz ing, nutritious and wholesome. -1 .. : 'el! ABSOLUTELY PURE ' This is the orilyhbaking powder tiiade f rom Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, It Has No Substitute There are Alum and Phosphate of Lime mixtures sold at A lower price, but no housekeeper regarding the health of ber family can afford to use them. mtm rm i ifli Stanly is Ah Right. The people of this State will have the opportunity on Tuesday, the 26th of May, o rising up m air their might and voting against the manufacture and sale of in toxicating liquors. No question in years has become so promineut as this, and sections all over the country have been fast throwing off tthe galling yoke. That the drink habit is an evil that attacks more than the individual and his private family, h' c been long con ceded. It is a meuaae to the pub lic in many ways, and the great railroads and business heads of the country are refusing to -employ any man with the habit. The evil is far-reaching, and the people of this State should welcome the call and the opportunity to do battle in a righteous cause. The ques tion is not one of politics or creed, but a matter of conscience with the individual. We are glad that it is so, as the victory that will surely come in May is one that the people as a whole need to feel as theirs. May the voice of Stanly be heard in positive and thunder ous tones. Stanly Enterprise. Opinions and Reasons Therefor, , A, A man may entertain any opin ion that pleases him so long as he does not trouble his neighbors with it; but when he begins to give his reasons for it, it becomes quite another matter. By itself, an opinion is, quite unassailable ; it is private property. t It may be wrong, but no matter ; so long as a man hoards in the depths of his , own bosom it is nobody's con cern he is resposible to nothing but his conscience ; but when he begins a campaign in the hope of convincing others that he is right, or with the intention of making converts, and announces it-with a trumpet tongue, his troubles be gin. vHe is then compelled to give his reasons, "and, since the world began, reas as have been known to be awkward and entan gling things. Th y fall under the examination of acute minds, and there is no hop for them if they do not appeti to the common-sense of tbo public. Joel Chandler Harris in Uncle Remus's Magazine for February, Hare You Broken Year Land Yet. The plows andv harness should be put in good condition so as to expedite work when the land is dry enough to plow. Push the work of breaking the land with all the rapidity, observing the good rule not to plow the land when it is at all clayey, when wet. The suggestions made in former issues of The Progissive Farmer as to 3 deep and fine breaking of land is as applicable now as when J fchey were first written. Failure to do good work in this particular will tell in after cultivation and yield of crop, Progressive Tar mer, 1 " A JOB LOT OF ODOS AND ENDS. General News, State News and Comments on Various Subjects. Big Tom Wilsoru famous hun ter and mountain guide, passed qultely away last Saturday morn ing at his home in Yancey county at the ripe old age of 85, afteran illness that .had extended over many long weeks. Probably no man in western North Carolina was better known as a mighty huntsman than was Big Tom. During' his long career in this State scores of bear and deer have fallen victim to his unerring rifle, and no guide was better fitted than he to lead the city .huntsmen to the haunts of big., game. Up until a few years ago he devoted. his time to hunting and guiding parties from the cities, but of late his body has been so weakened by disease and his once keen eyesight dimmed by age he has been com pelled to forego the chase. Tbe Cape Fear Lumber Com pany of Wilmington, lost its im mense lumber mills by fire Satur- dayJ3th inst., throwing out of em ployment 150 men. The damage is estimated at $100,000 fully covered by insurance. The prohibitionists of South Carolina having failed to put a state prohibition bill through at this session, will appeal to the people. A bill has been mtro, aucea in eacn nouse to nave a special election on state prohibi tion or county dispensary next summer and the date will be fhied so as to make this special election fall on the same day as the first democratic primary election, in August, when a large vote will be easily brought out. Wanted: An Opening. Where is this place? One who lives in an eastern city writes this letter, one who is typical surely, of many in whom adversity lately has caused serious thought about their lot in life: "Is there any seceion in these United States fo which the many men who are being daily thrown out of employment in the cities may emigrate and begin life again beg.n, this time, as their own masters, or in some way that will SALISBURY PEOPLE Keeping Open House. .. Everybody is welcome when we feel good ; and we feel that way only when our digestive organs are working properly, Dr." King's New Life Pills regulate the action of stomach, liver and bowels so perfectly one can't help feeling goodwhen he uses these pills. 25c at all drug stores. With Chronic Coughs Need Vino!. It Stops the Cough and Cures the Cause, -This' is the season for coughs ajad cold , and for the benefit of Salisbury, people a member of The T. W. Grimes Drug Co. tells them the best means for a cure. He says: '-Take Vinol, our real cod liver preparation without oil. It does not upset the stomach like other syrups, and it is much more effective. Vinol is not a pallia tive but a curative," " This is because Vinol contains in a highly concentrated form all of -the healing, strength creating and medicinal elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' livers, with all the useless, nauseating oil eliminated and tonic iron added. It tastes fine, and cannot upset the weakest stomach, hence its wonderful power to cure. We ask very person in . Salis bury who has a chronic r cough or hard cold to try HvuqX- our guar antee. The T. W, Giimes Drug CoM Salisbury; N; O.-"" secure them against being thrown out against the next panic?'. The class to wKich refer is composed of unmarried young Americans of thetjntelligent, physically - hardy, and' &mbitioustype sesn so fre quently during thgood times in banks and offices clerks, sales men, and the like, who have saved up from $500 to $1,000." Obviously there are such places, and there answers .to this man more truthful and cheerful than" to lament the passing of Govern ment free homesteads in tha West, When this man's sons are his own age, there will be one hundred and twenty-five million people in this country. The'y" will be wanting then, as they are wanting now, more wheat, more apples, more oranges, more beefsteaks, more coats and more shoes than they can get. Among those millions, the position of this man's son will depend upon the wisdom of hie own presentehoice, his ini tiative, and his persistence. Col lier's Weekly. Oldest Minister Dead: . The Rev. Angus Johnson, near ly 100 yearB old, died a few days ago in Avalon, Tex. He was prob ably the oldest minister in the United States having been contin onsly engaged in the work of the ministry of the Southern Presby terian church seventy-two years. His descendants are two grand chrildren Mrs. K. B. Werne, of 303 East Main street, and W. T. Johnson, of this city and two great grandchildren Miss Lucille Werne and Master Charles Victor Werne, children of Mrs. kT B. Werne. A" native of Robeson county, N, C. where he was born Aug. 26, 18Q3, he was licensed to preach on April 10, 1836, by the presbytery of Harmony, in South Carolina. He served churches in the Caro-, Unas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Florida, until, in 1386, he was called to the pastorate of the church at Avalon. Richmond (Va.) News Leader. . At times when you don't feel just right, when you have a bad stomach, take something right away that will assist digestion ; not something; that will stimulate for a time but something that will positively do the very work that the stomach" performs uuder ordinary and normal conditions, something that will make the food digest. To do this you must take a natural digeetant like Kodol for Dyspepsia. Kodol is a scientific preparation of vegetable acids with natural digestants and con tains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose will digest more than 8,000 grains of good food. It iB sure to afford prompt relief ; it digests what you eat and is pleasant to take. Sold by Jame's Plummer and all drug gists. ' BLOCKADED. Every Household in Salisbury Should Know How to Resist it. The back aches because the kid neys ars blockaded. Help the kidneys with their work. The bacVwill ache no more. Lots of proof that Doan's Kid ney Pills, do this. -It's the best proof, for it comes from Salisbury : R. M. Pendleton, printer on the Salisbury Evening Sun, and resi ding at 321 S. Lee St., Salisbury, N. C., says: "I suffered a great deal from pains in the small of my back, which were often so se vere that I was obliged to, quit jjrork. I could not walk 'in an erect position and had a constant dull ache in the region 5f my kid neys. I procured Doan's Kidney "Pills, started using ttiem and re ceived so much benefit that I think it but a duty to recommend them. My back is now strong and I am able to work every -day with out the leaBt sign of rain." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co, Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. v. OPEN AN ACCOUNT v WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. ' W. 0. Coughenour, Pre srdent, T. C Linn, Vice-President, ,. W. H. White, Ca'shier. Capital - - $50,M)0.00 Surplus, - f $40,000.00 Dibectoeb : John S. Henderson, D.. A. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craifce, W. S. Black mf&s Walter H. Woodson, vW. B. Strachan, A- H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accomrocdationextended con sistent with safe banTEing. .W. H. WHITE, Cashier. Valuable Farm lor Sale: I hereby offer for sale my farm of 58 acres on the Stokes Ferry Public Road five miles South-east of Salisbury, N. Good six room dwelling house, good out buildings, good pasture and well wateted. ' . v For price and terms see, Lewis I. Cauble, R. F. D. No. 6, Salisbury, N. C, This Sept. 18th 1907. tf J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. v FAR AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAfiMS, OPEN "iND . TOP, BEST QUALITY AND STILE. A a FURNITURE, CARftTS We. sell the. celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Ca's Farm and Old tcrfiages und Buggies repaired, painted "and made ' as, good as new. " ' New Tops madeK and old Tops repaired.1 New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty: steel, tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds o? Wood and Iron Work done athrt notice. We have skillecLworkmen iu each department. Surreys, Buggies and , Wagons for Sale. , Harness of all kinds made and repaired; Call and get pricey ' ' ' J. 0. WHITE & CO. ' c,'cx c'c:c' c'7 3c'J1c'7'c'"0 AND MATTINGS. We have everything iii furniture, and .are also 1 headquarters for CARPETS AND MATTINGS. We make a specialty of church -carpets, Lodge Carpetsand all large carpels. Soms of the large carpets we have put down can be seen at the First Baptist Ohurch, Spencer Methodist, Holmes Memo rial and South Main Churches; Fulton and Spencer Masonic lodges. When in the city drop in tosee us. You are always welcome. IV. B. SUMMERSETT. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M 3 Mew V ZF rk-n It rv VIM nil1, him n v Cabbage Plants and Watch Repairing. 1 he undersigned is prepared to have all your Frost Proof Cab bage plants shipped to your near est express office any time from October to April for $1.50 per 1, 000: you pay the express. Club lots will make the express lees on the 1000. He also has an experience of more than 40 years in the Jewelry business and. is better prepared now than ever. You can leare and get your watches with Mr, Will Taylor, (Kluttz & Rendleman's,) with the Lyerly boys at Granite Quarry, with Mr. P. Alex,. Peeler, Faith ; or you can send them di rect to our door by mail for a few cents. Cnt this out and save it for reference long after it disap pears, bend all orders and work as per above to R. L. BROWN, ll-6-13t. Salisbury, N. C, No. 6 Where to Go to Buy ABM Whenun need of good, reliable single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner at J Innis and Lee Streets. , iSPREAD NEWSl Jf Attention is called 'to the fact that I have just stocked my storeroom on West Fisher Street, with a Fresh and Select line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Beef, Pork and Salted Meats, acd will keep in season Oysters, Game and Country rroduce. When in need of anything in my line you are cordially invited to give me a call when you have Country Produce to sell call on me and get the highest market price for same. eef Cattle, Hogs and Sheep wanted. Be sure to find my place before you buy or sell. PHONE 281. 121 WEST FISHER ST. SALISBURY, N. C We also do flret; class repairing on short notice and at reasonable pricea, Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halt9rs, Whips.'Brushes. Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. We "solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. If your horse is injured in any way get a bottle ofs our Horse Liniment. "No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. A WORD OF ADVICE TO FARMERS. You are no doubt fairly well satisfied with the prices "which jtou are getting for your products. If, in excharige6for the money you receive for what you" sell, you should need a few pieces of Furni ture, we would advise you to go to th Big Furniture Store. This store is lo cated in .the Empire JBlock, near the Central Hotel. You will find there the Best Prices to be Had in Salisbury: If you doubt this statement you can'veri f'y it yourself, if you will take the time to see them before you buy. VI v a F LAST YEAR PRICES. I will save you money if you will buy your win ter supplies from me. My stock is now one of the most complete in the city and liaring bought the greater part of it before the great advance in the market, and tiy so doing they cost, less than they do now, so have marked them tor sale accordingly. Your time will be well spent if you give me a call Be fore you buy. Below you will notice proof of statement above, A Grey Blanket for s . . . . . .25c A White Blanket for. . . , .35c three for $1.00 Other great values in Blankets from $1.50 to $1000 per pair. In thiB lot the noted iLlkin Blanket is included at, a very low price. Big lot of Outing, Flannelettes and Flannels left over from last season and the price has not been changed, so this alone speaks for the remarkable. Jow prices on these goods. The bp. me grade of these goods this year cost the merchant from 2c to 82c per yard more. These prices will also apply to our line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's 3 ltJinLdL'&iP"V5re slip, VJ VJ A 3 S The best 25c Ladies' Vest in the State, real value 35c. Big line of Dress Ginghams at 8 1 -3c- worth from 12c to 15c. . ' Special one lot of Waist Goods, worth anywhere 15c. my !rice 10c- One lot of short lengths in Percales, regular value 12c,' special for 10c per yard. Just received, one lot of Domestic, regular value of which is 8c, my price 5c the yard. You cannot afford to tfniss this chance, it is one in a life time. , Some Very Special Bargains in DRE88 G'OOD 75c values for 60c. 60c values for 50c. Several pieces of Fancy Serge Plaid, regular value any where, 35e, my price 25c. Some very special values in Ladies' and Children's Hose. A 15 Cent Value for 10 Cents. These were bought direct from the mills and at jobber's prices. , Other great values in all lines. ; . ' A. W. OOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOno O n O For Gifts of Value and Merit r O j GO TO O o w. wk tin 7s. o o . ' J g HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List -and Consider their usefulness. bee tnem and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Art Sauares. , j Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, ir6n and brass, Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets. Clothes Baskets, Chiffonier?, Cot?, Chairs of all kinds, " for children, ' for office, Desks for office and ladies, Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, ' Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Furniture, Lounges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mattresses Odd Fieces of all Kinds, Picturps and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes UngB, ' Sideboards. Toilet Sets, iUmbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. T. E. WITHEKSPOON & CO. O Remember the Substantial gifts of the best and most V O lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at' Jv O KJE0. -TSTST. TTOlTJHt 03i O O ' West Innes Street. - - " - Salisbury, N, 0vO. J

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