: : FAITH. Oar town haefnever had any use fonts callaboQe: Not a single- person has ever been put in it ; be cause we have a strictly temper ance town. If any town our size in the United States can beat thiB we would like to hear from j,bem. Oar town is fiye years old s,nd all our citizens are welNeettled and doing well. " - W. S.,Earnhart has built a new blacksmith shop at his home. Faith can haul big loads ot granite to Salisbury now that we have good roads. A great many valentines were handled by our mail carrier, Route No 3. this year. We have just received a letter from a woman who says she wants to keep house for some one and take her little girl, with her.- Lswis Ward who has beent his home since Christmas, sick, is able to be out ag;in. A young granite cutter has ar rived at the home of Mr. ahd Mrs. Clarence Williams, Feb. 15th. A young liveryman arrived at Mr and Mrs. Milas Stirewalt's, Feb. 15th. OLD SLAVE CARD FOR. Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Stirewalt moved to Faith a few years ago and their youDgest baby was 11 cr 12 years oldf and on Feb. 16th a yonng gentleman arrived at theii home. Faith Is the place to move to if you want a large-family. The County road force is grad ing the big road through- Faith and has moved the crusher over on Peeler Brothers Mountain, where the waste granite which has accumulated for the past several years, will be crushed to gon the big road. Mr, Harvey Fink, who married Miss Maude Brown, has moved into J,. L. Shaping's residence. John Deal moved into Monroe j Stirewalt s house on the Hoffner place. Venus1. THE PROPOSED PROHIBITIOfUAW. ' TRADING! FORD. , Feb. IT. The health of this community, genearally -speaking, is very good. Only a few serious cases of sickness. George Cornelison who has been very ill for some time is much im proved we ase glad to know. Little Irene' Miller, who has been suffering with her eye, is im proving fast. Miss Carrie Peeler who has been confined to her room -for a few days is in school agaitn John Wilson had the misfortune to get his collar bone broken while .playing at school. He is getting along nicey. Miss Miller, of. New London, who bas been visiting her sister Mrs. Barrett Cornelison, has re turned home. Will some of our correspondents please tell us why, as soon as some little contagious disease gets in a community, our public schools have to close? V understand a number of our public schools are being stopped on account of ajareaking out The school at this place is pro gressing nicely with a full attend ance. ' ' Betsey. Promise Msde by G!d Master is Carried Oat &i His Daughter, Fory-three years ago this month Fort Sumter fell into the hands of the Union forces which Bad battered against it unvailiug ly for four years. But for the fact that it had been cut off com pletely from its bass of supplies the Bhips and batteries of the ene my would have been battering away unto this day in vain, so impregnable was the fort and so devotedly its defenders. But this is only byway of introduction to a very good story that was told yes terday to show the true relations obtaining between the white peo ple and the blaek people of this much critisized and derided com munity. When Fort Sumter was aban doned Mrr Lincoln's Emancipa tion Proclamation became effect ive in Uhareston, There was living here then a very worthy gentleman who owned a consider- ble number of slaves. He had always treated them with con sideration. Calling them to gether he told them they were fiee and could stay with him or go wherever they pleased, that he would take care of those who stayed and that he would always regard with affection those who preferred to seek their fortunes elsewhere ; but he wished- them to understand that whenever they needed help to let him know, so that he might be of some assis tance to them. Among tliem there was a boy named Edward then learning the trade of a caT penter under one of the contract ors of this town, Mr. James Kenny, and he cor.clud'sd to serve out his apprenticeship. He be came in time a journeyman and followed his tiade in Charleston, where he was much respected and where he could always obtain re- numerable employment from the white people of the community. In the cousre of time, sickness fell upon him and reverse came and in his despondency he did not know where to turn for help; but lying one day on his lowly couch of suffering he bethought himself of the promise of his old master who had long sinca passed away, leaving behind him, however, a diughter filled with her father's spirit, and turning in despair to this gentlewoman, now living in Asheville, the carpenter wrote to What It Will and What It Will Not Do by the State Organizer. WHAT IT WILL DO. LIBERTY X ROADS. her of his condition, reminding her of her father's promise. By return mail came eufficieut money to pay his expenses to Asheville, where hewas placed in a sanito rium and nursed back to life and strength and usefulness ibyae community. Last Saturday Ed ward reported for du y to the con tractor who told us the story and it is hoped that he will lived for many years. The story teaches its own moral. Is it too much to hope that it will make a go d impres sion on "the great Christian North?" Charleston News and Coueieb. - BOSTIANS X ROADS. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hill have been visiting Samuel Deal, an-aged uncle of Mrs. Hill's, who lives near Cold Water Creek. Mr. Fagg, of Cabarrus, is going to move his traction efigine and saw mill on Lewis Eddleman's land, to do some sawing as soon as the roads get sobe can. We learn that Esq. Z. A. Kluttz has been in our section, surveying some land. He is a man of. busi ness and a. fine teacher. Jacob Yot is vrry gi?k with pn.eumonia. We hope for him a speedy recovery. The people cannot do a better thing .han haul rock and have the mud replaced with rock between Mr. Cliue3 and Mrs Julians, then the road could be traveled, pretty well. We are glad to learn that a plan is now on foot to have a ' part of theroad macadamized this spring anp hope it will succeed. Mrs. Rebecca Hill and son John, who have been sick for several weeks are able to be up again, we are glad to note. John Goodman we learn has taken pneumonia and is quite sick at this time, Ajax. Neighborhood Favorite. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor, Maine, speaking of Electric Bit ters, says: "It is a neighborhood favorite, here with us." It de serves to be a favorite everywhere. It gives quick relief in dyspepsia, liver, complaint, kidney drange- I ment, malnutrition, nervousness, weakness and general debility, its accion on tne blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alternative tonic" is sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. It will abolish every licensed whiskey and brandy and brandy distillery in the State, It will abolish every saloon and dispensary in the State. It s will stop the wine traffic within the State. For wine cb be sold only at the place of man ufacture in quantities of two and one-half gallons or more and n6t shipped anywhere in tbe State. Ic will stop the sale "of all these chemical mixtures by whatever name known that will produce in toxication. It will nlace under tbe most stringent and binding regulations pharmacists and physicians, who may haridle intoxicating liquors for medicinal purposes only. It will allow the officials of any county or town to prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquors by pharmacists in the drug stores. WHAT IT WILL NOT DO. It will not prohibit the farmer from making cider from fruits grown on his own land and selling the same ':t home or in his market town. . It will not stop the manufac turer from making his wine and shipping it outsi te of the State. It v ill not stop the sale of the so medical preparations and essences that may have alcohol ,in then) to preserve them or hold the medicinal agents in solution, such as camphor, Vanilla, etc. It will not repeal existing pro hibition laws. " s It will not prohibit the sale of wine to ministers or church offi cials for sacramental purposes. If this law fails to be ratified by the people at the polls on May 26, 1908, it will not affect the present status of any ex isting prohibition law in the State. In other words, the dry territory will not be changed. Under the law, Greensboro's voting wet would not make it wet, and Salisbury's voting dry would not make it -dry. Under local optin. Greensboro has voted dry. and ae a locality she must remain' so until the locality as sach votes wet, while Salisbury has voted the other way. "The vote on "the manufacture and sale of intoxU eating liquors" in North Carolina is quite a different thing from local option. Again, this law is right. For the influence of liquor is never local. Salisbury or Wilmington citizens, while controlling the sale of the traffic, do not control the dangerous and damaging in fluence of this traffic. This in fluence is felt for hundreds of miles around. Every citizen in the State has a right to self-protection against the influence of this traffic, now centered at a few points, aud the only way of protection is the abolition of the traffic throughout the State. The popilsAt Lilarty are prac ticing their speeches and dialogues and making ready for the last day of school. F. M. Tyack, who has been on ihe sick list with grippe, is able to be out again. Misses. D. A. Weaver, C. A. Campbell and Nat. Troutmau are planning to take a big fishing trip down on the Yadkin River soon. School at lfberty is progressing fine with Miss Bame as teacher. Adam Jackson lost a fine mule recently. ' The Beam Mining Co., has sus pended till they can get sufficient machinery to do their ; work. Geo.Ribelin is an -agent for some partrait Co., aud is expecting to be out in the business soon. EMINENT PHARMACISTS. North Carolina Woman 132. At the great age of 132, Mre. L. Kilcrease, living at Pine Mill, near here, celebrated her birthday to-day. It is believed she is the oldest white person in the . world. She was born Feburary 19, 1776, in" Halifax county, North Caro- llina, and lived there 100 years before sh.e came with her family to Texas. Her daughter, aged 93, lives with her. Mrs. Kilcrease shows records in family Bible corroborating her statement as to her age aud inves tigations have proved them cor rect. She still enjoys good health and is able, by the use of a cane, to walk about the house. She saw George Washington, her recollection of incidents she witnessed a centuary and a quarter a so is marvelous and she likes to relate stories of those stirring creator for old people times. Forth Worth dispatch. Everywhere Acknowledgo the Superiority of I . Vinol. If one person more than anoth er should know the value of a medicine it is the retail pharmacist. For thi) reason such testimony as the following sheild be convin cing. C. A, Patterson, the leading druggist of Charleston, W. Va , writes : "I have used Vinol for every member of my familv, and have never been- .disappointed in the results. It i3 a pleasure to sell a "remedy that gives such uni versal satisfaction." Mr, Chas. E. Rogers, Druggist, of Elkton, Ky., writes: 'I coiv sider Vinol one of the best rerne dies in my store, and sell more of it than any one medicine. I have also used Vinol in my family with excellent results." Mr. J. F. Brudley of New Bruns wick. N. J., writes: "It is a pleasure to recommend the cod li ver preparation, Vinol, as it gives such splendid satisfaction. As I, havejised it in my family, I pjp recommend it from experience." The reason Vinol is & far supe rior to old-fashioned cod, liver oil and emulsions is because it con tains1 all the medicinal, bodv building elements of cod liver oil actually taken from fresh cods' Ji vers with all the useless oil elimi nated and peptonats-of-iron ad' ded. As a body builder and strength weak wo men, delicate children, after 6ick- ! ness and for all pulmonaTy trju bles, Vinol is recommended bv We hope to soon. repart a wedding Joe Pakrer, of Concord is spend ing a few days in our little town. Ganes Cranford, of Western N. C, spent a few days with rela tives, last week, in this commun ity. We people down here need air ships till the roads get better. It has been too muddy too go auy where. - The Graf mine has resumed work again and is running on a larger scae. One of J. A. Ribelin's hogs got out recently and walked a foot log across Panther creek, but we don't know that the hog used the handpole. Miss Jennie Brady visited at Eh Eagle's Saturday night. Joe. Hiil was also a visitor at the same place. We hear so much about the leap year that it makes ue think that there is going to be lots of wed dings. Billy. South Carolina Senator Dead. - V- SenatoiA. C. Latimer, of South- Carolina, died here this morning at 9:30 o'clock following an oper ation for intestinal trouble severa1 days ago. The members of hh family was at his bedside when the end came. Senator Latimer served thret terms in the House and had beer in the Senate since 1903 Wash, iugton dispatch, 20th. First Class rm Impieinanfs at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when you buy Implements that wear well and work well. The kind that we sell. We issue one of the best and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor- fi mation. Mailed free upon reauest. Write for it. The Implement Co., 1302 East Main St., RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, etc. Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. i Cures Blood, Skin Diseases, Cancer, Greatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood Is Impure thin, diseased, hot or fall of humors, if you have hlood poison, cancer, carbuncles, eating sores, scrofula, ec zema, itchin?, risings aud humps, scabby. plmp.r, skin, bone pains, catarrh, rheuma tism, or any blood or skin disease, take Bo tanic Blood Balm, (B B B) Soon all sores heal aches and pains stop and the blood is made pure and rich Druggists or by express $1 per large bottle Sample free by writing Blood Balm no Atlanta, ua. 15 B B is especially ad vised for chronic, deep-seated cases, as it cares after all else fails Plant Wood's Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES Sc FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden and Farm Seed3, is one of the largest in this country, a result due to the fact that Quality is always our Jj p first consideration, q We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Scja Beans and other Farm Seeds. - Wood's Descriptive Catalogue Is the best and most practical of seed catalogues. An up-to-date and re cognized authority on all Garden and Farm crops. Catalogue mailed free on request. Write for it. T. woes i sons, SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Ya K EEB FAC Safety toTfbur Stoc in Choice Selection Of Grain. dl "Wilkes' Good Goods on the outside of a sack is an absolute guarantee that the grain on the inside is clean and sound. Our cleaning process removes all trash and grit, and our careful inspec tion insures quality. -Sound and clean grain is as impor tant to the health of stock as good food is to you. I We have been selling good grain nearly half a century, and the quality has always been the best. All mer chants know this. You can buy ''Wilkes Good Goods" at general stores. Sound grain means sound stock. rikf rill X VT GQOD GQSSS NASHVHII TZKK b We had several cases of apron Ginghai in short j lengths, bought for our sale, but it was delayed on P railroad and didn't get here, except for the last two days, so we still have some left. It is worth - 8c, but we will sell, while it lasts, at 5 w Another lot of sameringham-, but run a little narrow. It goes at 4 We are headquarts on Shoes of all kinds. A We have a big stock of Men's, Women's and j children's cheap, coarse shoes, to finish out the V f Use DeWitt's Little Early Ri- over 000 of the leading druggists sers. pleasant , little pills... They of the United States. Your mon- are easy to take. Sold by James ey back if it fails. The T. W. 1 Plummet arid all druggists. Grimes Drug Co., Salisbury, N, 0. winter with. 1LI-BI lfuras Cure sg Cbnsfipifion When troubled with constipation the day should be started with the juice of a whole lemon in a glass of cold water without sugar. .This, with regular exercise and the eating of q)o) WHEAT FLAKE CELERY Fill will stimulate the liver into extra action and then the bile causes the bowels to move. Bile is the natural laxative for the bowels and the lemon acid and the food stimulate liver action, ; Palatable Nutritions Easy of Digestion and Ready to Eat Can be served hot Pat la a hot oven, for a few minutes; oitcook In boiling mine Hie 9 naeVaVA My Signature -v n A .134 p ow on every AU ttrocers . package THE EYES Constantly in use while awake, subjected to the most exacting work, and the most delicate of any of the organs of the body, is it any wonder that they sometimes rebel? 1 If you suspect that your eyes are rebelling, should have them attended to AT ONCE. you Onlv fl. frrflrlnatp. Onflpinn with pvatv npprlfnl an. C V pliance should be permitted to examine your eyes. A (I i nine mistake may mean a big mistake in time. y We examine eyes accurately, fit glasses correctly, 0 ) and charge for nothing but the glasses, (rive us a Q I trial. ! '.' GORMAN Sc GREEftI, SALISBURY, SPENCER, MARION, N. C. OOOOQCOOOOOOOOOOC5SOOGO I Su B THE ersett Undertaking Co Are Fully equipped with the latest Hearses, Church Truck and all supplies .necessary for con ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of a 1 i grades of Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. Their Mr. R. M. Davis and Mr. T. W. Smumt i sett can be reached by phone at all times, night or day. J" NATURE'S GREAT BLOOD TONIC Piedmont -Bedford Concentrated V Iron S Alum "Water t ( Representing the Famous Bedford Alum & Iron Springs of Va. contains 17 of the most powerful Mineral Tonics. An IB-oz. bottle contains all the minerals in a barrel of the average water. We furnish the minerals, you furnish the water. We have certificates both from the public and from emi nent physicians, telling of its virtue in Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, a large variety of Female Diseases, Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, Anaemia Malaria, Ulceration of the Throat, Diabetes, Piles, Chronic Eczema, Ner f ousness, Chronic Constipation, and many show ing the wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro- Dr. T. L.'Kablee, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: For Scrofula, that fearful destroyer of human health and happiness, -ve have in k:ii3 water a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident has hitherto found an equal. It is in this malady, and some forms of secondary oaJL Irriiary ' Syphilis, that this water when carried to its full alterative effect, displays its highest curative powers. In all forms of diseases peculiar to females, this water will be found to exert a curative influence second to none in Virginia. T have given yourConcentrated "Water a fair trial, and say with pleas ure I have been greatly benefited. For some years I have suffered more or le.-a with Indigestion, followed by Constipation and other attendant ills. "Within the past two months I have found such relief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight; have eaten what I have not dared to do for a long time, and have done harder work than I have been able to do before for years. Rev. OSCAR LITTLETON, Presiding Elder, Lynchburg, 'Va. Since 1894 I have been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea.. About six months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Water with the most wonderful and satisfactory results. For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to church, as my trouble kept me in constant apprehension having lost almost entirely the control of my bowels; but now I am happy to state that after using about a half dozen bottles of your remedy I am entirely cured, nt having used any for the last four months. I can-confidently and most gkd iy reeoinmerid your remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea. Capt. RUFUS AMIS, Yirgilina,' Ya. I waj an intense sufferer for some months with' Indigestion, and could get no renef from the ordinary remedies. During the month of January I began the use of your Concentrated Water, and one bottle has entiiviy re lieved me. I can now digest any diet and am entirely free from sulfering. I take great pleasure id giving this testimonial. Bev. H. M. BLAIR, Editor N. C. Christian Advocate, '' Greensboro. N. '". I have used and prescribed waters from several Iron and AUim Spring, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated W,at-r in all t J; goes to make the ideal alterative, strengthened appetizer and re.-Ur.-:i It is at once a fine tonic and flesh-builder. Have advised several r--- - -to try it, and always with fine and quick results. In January I had ne sent from one of your dealers to a lady, with the understanding tie. t ir' ir did not at once improve her dige?tive apparatus, I would pay the $1.00 ir. v !: She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a part of one-half d ,1 n;ri bottles, and is now completely cured of a long and annoying Trouble. This seems to be the case with all who try it. " fi. P. HILLIARD, M. D., Rocky Mount, K. C. J. M. ECHOLS CO,, Lvnchburg; Va. Sold and recommended by T, WTGrimes Drug Co., Chest nut Hill Drag Co., H. M. Cook Pharmacy. ,