.1, -;it A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People anfor oheflty, in ,governmenta1:Affairs. t Salisbury, n: C, Wednesday;- MARCrniTH, 1908 . ' ' r Vol. IV. No 12. aVm. H. Stewart, Editor. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Court Adjourns. Woman woo Broke Into Jail Found 6ulltjof Ralllng. Lexington Dlspateh. MarcHh. A case of local interest th,at may be tried this court is that ot- Miss Maggie Earnhart vs the Wen nonah cotton mills. She was hart in an elevator wreck in the mill, and sues for $20,000. ' It is reported that $1,500 has been of fered as -a compromise, and re fused. The Drv . Olodfelter case may not be tried. Two young men fro n Jackson Hill passed through this town a foot on - their way to Salisbury with one little possum hide, to purchase some of that precious oorn juice. I guess they expect to go into the retail business. Lin; wood note, - The season for shooting quail and other birds .in Davison county closed Saturday. This has been ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. First Automobile In the City. New Steam Laundri to be Operated. Stanly BnterprlBe.'March 5. . . Mrs. A. L. Patterson and little son are spending' the week with relatives in Salisbury. R. L, Sibley is the first to""6wn an autimobile in this city. He took his first ride on it Tuesday. Somewhat of an innovation, and SI E HEEDSflH EYEP0e 'CONSENSUS OF OPINIONS AT SALISBURY CONVENTION, At the beginning, of the jneal there was a pause. Jbinaiiy, tne Hon. J, D. McNeill'spoke: "The Democrratio party," said he. "is in a ota hx. it nas dried up." ' . " t a Qpaicatfld said Mr. D VXAWWM www m - way a very enjoyaoie season ior an ine tne Bttm The promoter8 ten UB sportsmen ; lots of game has been tnat machinery will be installed killed and plenty has been left, as soon as the building is corn- Most oi tne nortnern sportsmen lpite. have gone back north. One man says that this year is going to be a fine fruit year, be cause the 14th of February, St.. Valentine day, was warm and rainv. Last year, he says, this rf - a, - - day was cold and- clear, indicat ing a fruit failure. If some people are to be believ ed, there is much that is unlaw ful and disgraceful just above Ar nold, in the Center church com munity. There are good people there, jind there are some bad ones, it seems. It is said that Tblnk ot the Liies Saied Bi a Timely Drink hTnhxr inenuonsiaer tiiecis oirroipmon. ...,Ifc h forgotten the Salisbury, N. -0., March 5.-- home," said Mr: Morton. The conference of prominent "This is populism," replied Mr Democrats that met here "today Morton, "It is tetotahsm. was very very prominent. In "We are the only d excep Mr. Sibley may in. this matter be 1 fact, there was no trouble in dis- tions to prove the rule' acquieso- regarded as a pioneer. tinguishing them among the ed Mr. McNeill. -There has been quite a mad dog crowds of visitors to Salisbury. Dinner over the convention was excitement on onr utreeta the oast The average crowds disgorged at seated in a carriage chartered by this Doint from local trains carry Mr. Murphy. "We by another with the rabies", and their rips swinging on one finger town," said he. aaa resnlt leverftl canines have when they get off and go away The convention been nlaoorJ where all or moat of I wiuu a ubew Bsoxxft lLB a -preuv u, the otherB oncrht to be. load- Morton, When the p.nnference of Demo-1 claimed Aioemarie win nave a steam i - . it,OTT TOarQ readilv recognized bv the fact 0 w that their gripB were already full The conference itself wore an ex pectant look, As it disembarked it looked about for the conference and discovered the Hon. W alter Murphy. 1ITTT1 ' " J-T ' ' wnere is uuo uuuiwitsiio "Grandma" Omie Austin, as asked the conference. laundry. Outside capital is inter ested in the spheme, and experi enced men are backing it in a way that will guarantee it success from Wq will boa f he . WW .m m WW ww rode. "That ob&rfed Mr, "There is andiher," ex- Mr. . Stubbs. IpTow in my town," Stid Mr. MCXHeui, "a sight like that plate glass would create a stampede.' .. .4 5 UOCKSYILLE AND DAYIE COUHTY. Magistrate Who Has Held Office Oier Tlrirt) Years. Sop, Personals. Mockavllle Courier. March B. Dr. John Kerr Martin passed CONCORD; AND CABARRUS COUNTY. B, F. Rogers Dead. A Carious incident atiBirtRfajr Party. Concord rimes. March -. ;. In the matter of receivership through towa Monday. en route to of the Odell Manufacturing Com his home in Patrick oounty, Va., pany, of Concord, and the South- from "Fumehurst," where he hj&s ern Cotton sMills, of Bessemer been spending some time with his City, Judge Boyd last Tuesday nephew Wm. K, Clement. morning, on report of the re- tv,q T?Kii Vhaiii ceiver, presenting resolutions STATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Clmrch Oftleers Pen lip Widens. Sone ' tOlDg 8 HlPBOSiSt C0BlM5t o. " StatesvtUe Landmark. March 8-8. It is reported that 8' number of church officers are penning their chickens against the possible ap pointment of a board of inquiry by the Ministerial Associaton. Daputy Collector Davis s and B. C. Griffin visited North Iredell convention here Monday evening 1 adopted at a meeting of the credi- Tueid'ay and destroyed an illicit and eleoted the following officers : Dr. M. D. Kimbrough, chairman, A. T. Grant, Jr., secretary. Carr Swicesrood who has been s;al months ntotned tome SaUut- John R. Williams, the (i j. j i ii : in 1 . 1 tors una BWCJtnoiuers, neia aaa aifttillerv nlanfc in New Hone week, continuned the recivership township, in the corner of the of Ceasar Cone for the Odell C0Unty adjoining . Alexander and Company for longer. rykeg s No limit was fixed. for the South- . . , , , ern, a. it ia understood that plans 7. bnrgl" ent.e,red .h M : mer eoniiieration which u fV0" jfcl . blld" mav reanltin ft RatisfacfeofV ar- wg, which is nsed-for a kitchen, urV oh j-v I ltiestiajmiBhtr, ty raising tf sev- Fat bar-keeper on the side-walk, appointed a justice of the peace she is familiarly known to all her friends in Harris township, is young at 82 and can of six chil dren, 58 grand children and 92 great grand children, all living. She is cheerful and a most lovable old woman, and is one of the bounty's most remarkable aged persons. 'The State does not hold a more earnest, consecrated and enthu siastic temperance worker Rev, C. J. Black, of this county, and the prohibition cause in Stan- "an' whiskey has long been sold,. that hy j8 greatly strengthened by hav much "gambling goes on and other mg him as leader, rottenness exists. The officers A UnAid map wag reoently and the good people there ought mftde q hQ Bhowning the to keep their eyes opened, , and mcorpotftte limit8t by Henry M. break it all up: Lilly, of the firm of Fields & Grover Proctor, who, it will be Lilly, architects and engineers, remembered, while eloping with a who recently opened a branch of- Miss Myers in Thomasyille town- fice at this place. The map is of ship, became engaged in a dim- a high order and reflects great culty with 'the girl's father, and cut Jrim severely, was fined $100 and costs. - The report of the grandjur; fQ?nWl a. recommendation for an addition ta the jail, the jury say ing that it was too small for the Tinmhor nf prisoners usually in prison. credit upon this excellent young engineer. Tne firm is securing many orders from the people of this place and surrounding towns forarchitectural drawings and en- lg work. "Faith," replied Mr. Murphy, 'tis verselves that are the conferees." -4 'But we have already confer red," exclaimed the conference. We have it already mapped out. There is no disagreement between us. Where ara the other Demo crats?" Mr, Murphy waived a hand to ward the main street of Salisbury, than distinguished for plate glass in its windows, "There is the reception committee," said he, "lake ioy that there are no more to oe en- said Mr. Murphv. c,au' what's the - . m ' difference, so longas we are agreed?" , - Accordine to the liscence the : W r - writer has been granted as a. poet, the above is an accurate state men ofjhow the Conference of lead ing Democrats called to meet in Salisbury and is sue a State protest against the Populistic innovation of State prohibition arrived. They met a cordial greeting not only from Mr. Murphy, but from th entire city. At the same time they seemed, unhappy. They waving his apron : "Hurrah for Democracy I" "He means me," said Mr. Mor: ton. "Us," corrected Mr. Stubbs. "Three cheers for the conven tion."- ruesday night, ny raising , a win dow sash, and took ' therefrom a r -1 . i j XT I -v , vxeorge v. ooanian, ox u. q1 of bread whijh 3 township wasin tosee us this had been leffi 0n" "table." Judge morning; He states that the Connelly hearo bis dogs bark fu- young people of his section are rioasly during the 'night but as still chasing foxes that almost this was not unusual ha did not everyday he can hear the dogs on et np to investigate. He feels the trailr Thktjpartlof the coun-that he vnowg ;he truiltv arty Lawyer," was inafcown Friday on business and dropped in to see us. Mr. Williams is a remarkable man an many respects. He was by the 1885.. Legislature of N. C,, in THB CONVENTION MEETS. UK t 4 convene At twelve o'clock the tion went to the opera house and were let in at thestage.entrance by the janitor. They emerged after a session of two and W half hours. Although important party plans cannot be given out :; in detail, it is learned that the; proceedings consisted in hearing speeches fromM. Morton, Mir. Stubbs and Mr. McNeill. ; Mr. ;Mnrphy kind ly acted as audience with the as sistance of the janitor. An open letter to the people of North Car- all olina was proposed by Chairman SCorton and vunanHppusly adopt ed. In part the letter said : THE "OPEIT 'tiKTVEB. " "Wo appeal to all patriotic cit izens of thetate and of the par tv to sav in this hour whether or a position -with a drug1 firm in Salisbury. Geo. W. Shook, aged 48, died at his home in this place last night at 10 o'clock. He bad been in ill health ior several months, and about - two months aso he and the fox-hunters are enjoying some fine sport. On last Thursday night when No. 35 cam? in from Salisbury, policeman Ben field noticed the action of one Frank Baxter, a vounjr negro" hack-driver, and Fayssoux, the gentleman who was hypnotizing people in States -ville last week, 'is unable to hypnotize his creditors, it seems. The Charlotte Observer sayt Fayi aoux has been indebted to that es tablishment in the sum of $40 for gave 'Qp'ui.W? kept a wat3h,on him, finally seiz service at Salisbury and came iug a grip which-contained two home, where he continued to grow gallons of liquor and three bot- not their bottles shall be knocked week. . . 1 " XT worse until tne ena came, ne held for a number of years differ ent and responsiblo positions in internal revenue service, and prior to that he had for twelve or fif teen years been register of deeds of Davie county. He is'survived by a wife and several children. Cooleemeee Journal, March 5. Coolemee basL ball team got to gether and .organized last Sat urday evening. Glad to see the boys getting right. Louis Gullet - of Salisbury, the printer, has been visiting his father of this place, and also made a busines trip to Mocksville this several years, The account was placed in the hands of an attor ney and an attempt was. made to attach' FayssduxV belongings8 in Charlotte last week but 'he1 got A family reunion was held in out of town before this could be No. 2 township J ast Friday at the done. home of Mr. and Mrs. Mose Lin ker, the occasion being the cele- tles of beer. from their lip3 and iheir bar rooms shattered about their ears. There is an era of populism ca reening drukenly along the paths of liberty. In this hour of peril we appeal to all true Democrats . Salisbury and Lexington must be getting on the bum . the way people are moving here from those places. The preacher has bought him a cow and iB getting ready for the panic He says tne repuDiicans bration of the birthday of Mrs. LinKer. Quite a jolly time was had. Mrs. Linker was the moth er of fourteen children, twelve of whom are living. Nine of . these children with their children - were present on that-day in all twen tynine' children ; and grand children. It was quite a 'coinci dence that five married daughters Bhould attend, each having a babe just five months old. The day . Miss Emma Reid died Friday at 12 ;40 o'clock, of pneumonia,1 at the home of her brother, John H. Reid, at Davidson, in her 68th year, i The funeral services were conducted Saturday af UrnoOn at o'clock at titer home, by Rev. El Mi Sentdle, of Davidson, and the interxnent was t Center ohutch oemetery near Mt. .Moorne, . this ajbunty: Mie Keid WW datigh-' ter of the late Ruf us Reid and Isa bella Torrance Reid, and was a member of a prominent south was pleasantly spent, and the big I Iredell family. She was born and For Everybody., , Norman R. Coulter, aprom- Uelbert " ... ' . - . . -1 rTK4. ornViitanf. in the rew. com ? Bdi-mancuoo, "I ago jsars. . uiw 8ui - J I fully endorse all that nas oeen old, feeble woman living alone gajd 0 ElectricBitters as a tonic kept looking over their shoulders. wh0 have ever taken a drink, to wont furnish soup. They were nervous. pause and consider where their Mrs. B. L. Elliot was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. . . ... i j x it. j i ouuuiuki wo iiiir i ,M it iv.tann i" Qoron nninr. r.ci t.nh feruuitiuiiH nun rHumb u YYUBIO IB JJ ijououui -j -o about a mile and and half from "robbed of $50 by two XSAUtt WWW masked men. who went to medicine-. It is good for every body. It corrects stomach, liver herUnd kidney disorders in a prompt and efficient manner ana omiuu the Hon. George Morton. "Sick," replied Mr. Murphy. "Where is the convention?" ksked Mr. Harry StubbB, of that are informed, has nn on mom a.. they are f no longer prece- r a t t Tirown dents. We denounce theattempt vigit t her oid home in Salisbury, to legislate morals as immoral and spent Sunday with her and propose that the only ration- daughter, Mrs. Melton on Chest- al method of dealing with the li- nut Hill, Rev. and Mrs. By rum Bpent home circle was not broken until late in the day, when eaoh , wend ed his way homeward with pleas ant recollections. G. J. Miller, a colored man of No, 5 township, was in Concord last Saturday with the stuffed skin ot tne largest racoon ever reared at the old Reid homestead at Mt. Monroe. ' Miss Reid is sur vived : by one brother "and two sisters JohnH. Reid, of David son; Mrs. Frank Brown, of Salis bury, and Mrr. Ri' H. Morrison, of Shelby. seen in these parts. The "coon" . TvV.Tr I IN flftm V Cl llnQ 1)11 Ii W 1 Ii II IDHttUl llHIftb was as large as tne average dog,i . . or and 20 pounds of meat net were "Where is the rank and- file l nni'iiA1 onrl .'forcihlv took! .. . ti Tii..i -niijiwl; 4..:,.4 mmm hlnntlad A mot i nun nnor nnfiat.ion is to atT13int a com UUIUO, OU.oio - V . UD the SVSiem. iiieCi OHWIB UaHWUll-, iwvv-.; -a rjr I m J in O.liaknw tiia trionnv from her. She had it :0 t.Va nftHt.Hnrinff medicine ever LuWan a who like the use and ab- mittee of experts as a court and u 3 J' vuv IHVMW j I 19 UW WVMirwc"-Q - I X VVUW " I - over a druggist's count- u... nA ohnao of liauor?" aaked make drunkenness a felony. the Hon. J. D. McNeill. Drunkenness shall be construed, large, even my capacity TUfr MnrnhrnmntPrt n.r. i.tlfl (71 ftHH I hnwflVflT. B.S ariSinff OniV wflBIl LLIB I ovx. J f o I I bell-boys who had been employed patient is unable to get up. When count- ounner it is in- M. 50c at all drug stores. is in a wkllet. straDoed to her body, gold L.-.-11. (,..vli.t ThftHP.onndrels er:las a blood IJUUcabl-I UDl oaiiui I , - j n.iiot from its fastenings. 1 equaled. Villi DUO nvv . w - n.ni1 ran. T . --, aire F. H. Fleer's case , Capt. Milt Jones, county s rauroau - . roBBed and he is limit- for hutit- obtained from it. He caught the animal last raonaay mgnt in South Rowan, near the line. It was under the nouse alter the chickens; when he set his dog on it. It was soon treed and cap tured. It is now on exhibition at the store of the Cannon & Fetzer Co. I ntUVinnf nnn.rooiflflnt MCfinBft I a kn.loi- onrtl"o " : . w raxxiu. , . wasnol orossed. and he was to miner, passed down the road to, - .q r f& wm Charlotte last week with anomer - - $3,000 gold brick, taken from hiB B. F. Rogers died last Thursday Lorning at 6 o'clock at the Ortbo- paedicSanitarium in Philadelphia. Mr, Morton said: "I have to "but I am afraid it is in for man lays down under liquor, the fought it out along this line for five veara. I will continue to tha rinft1 t.hev were met by the battle in the party and save it.' out. Howard, larceny and recemng, 4 fivQ extra bell boyB who had been "We call uponUe party to save it- Mr. Stubbs saidt .I have never months on the rOads. Webb Ken- . ... .... l;..4-A1.ravai MrvihifioTi T Io a mine in Montgomery county. abandonment, gives ' $100 employed to hand e tne crasn. self irom an uncnscomame un- ."r- J The brick was the result of pne bona and judgment suspended on The two extra clerks bowed be- constitutional, irremediable as- have never introduced a bill, l The brick: was tne . J of otfl: The ca8e y,;nA f.v,a The exnectant aanlt noon the vested rights of have voted against everybody else's I 7 . : O TIT. .1111 MM llUliiiLD I tltM T w ' I UliiU " 1 K 1 1. " YV dOA O liW"" : he has a million in sight. ored landlord smiled and rubbed his the citizen in the pursuit. of lite, uu 4uMUU. x I hands. wealth and beverage. For the have saved my town. I protest, The Hon. Georce Morton, the latter he ought not to-be compel!- but 1 am not going to let it inter- 1 am usea na.vm.ent of costs. The case against W. jj . .mcwoweii, retail ing, was dismissed, but his wife . 1 I. " 1 1 A "1 Saturday morning a noted coi-rthe woman wno "oroxe. in?ojau, woman died here-manny -w s jr. w fluuQ Qn,hn Hnn. ori f,n Tnn too fftr or too lona. He fere with my appetite. Bradshawr celebrated tor ner man bein 8U8pehded, Peter j. d. McNeill were escorted to might die of apoplexy and that to it. if old works in many . ncme Everhardt, for carrying a gun, their S6verai ro0ms. The five bell- would be unconstitutional. We captain m'ntiiiJl on T-rinffton. Few women ever did wfta fined $10 and costs. Ha . uu.ji A - ... ::w rV or a hard work as Wnd an old nistol in the road D0VB unammuuB B:. " "w Mr- McNeill spoke at some ! TTi weddW. and was carrying it. Will Cross pitchers of ice water and ran BIiOW buioipe by state. length upon the necessity, of li- eno uiu. I i. an f oooonlt urit h IVmot.ilv .o wait, on tbo convention iTTi. i. jut- tu-xt-:ii n gUfc W unjo ...v- r I VV XitJii XliUtJl VIOYVOU 1X1. L. OUJ. I qUUI 111 O V Di Jf WCfl-lcgumiou deadly weapon. . before it,had rung, ihememoers said. ; household. He also enthused the of the convention had each anl This is what Hon. Jake Moore, ,, . Tnnm RnftClfli. , , A, , u t u j u affQ Wrnen of Georgia savs of DVtiUiJ" " , -r -- about xne poor ienow wnose me -men wnu wuum x uavo uruu., State W arden or ueorgia, says oi tn fV.a nngni.. TnL - , . . ... .. ... :Li nr. w n i y ixuudu. up j-- . i aavon. ih tme ot tne uemooTftmc wm e remaining euutJi. xnr. jiiu- LIFE-SAVINQ. spoke at it was Mandy they sent for. bhe did the good cooking for every big event. There are families here Who couldn't get ' along with Those who knew her . l-i-n ..si- nf miWitt Sr. Co.: Chicaso. 111. Dear the dining. room ten extra waiters nartv and the State. Thev are Neill said: "It is a humane as -fill A TalBuU Qoi XctIp f j v I w w - o i . , i T J - - i . . . rtv-lPlit T have suffered more than waited nervously the call of the nmmu;--' oW Bnim1e. .well as ba wen. one say children nicely and stood high with colored folks and About eighteen months ago-I had white neoole., rneumonia 4-lna to 11 Of) ' Ot her death hnried Snndav bv the "True could not retain anything on my enga " . . I 4-,oV, Tlr.af.9F.lha? twenty years from indigestion. reenlar staff. In the kitchen tne waited - for wis grown so much worse that I could I a. t n , . t ; nnl:narvl and she not eat a crust of corn bread and "" " ment. THE CONVENTION awhile the is fed: in iact x NReformers," a colored organiza- . vtninflthftticolldnot a V.;U n Vi r. I-iali-incrorl I .. . i i .? 1 I A tt-nf otttTi?1q the f.on VOntlOn w wiiiv,u quo, x6 llve a snoru lime, wuuu a 1"71 . . .. . , , , 1. j 1; i -v . m -. M-i i rnn ioanvr rt hsnot rv m twr n ikn v n a a a irui iiimiiv kiwmr iiiiiimi iiiiii recommended fil en- nto the dining room. JJ'irst "uiyuBu nuiuV UM DW'"" J both committing slow suicide, well as patriotic duty we owe hey need a life saver and an eye Once a" man came to me and said opener, it is lor tne party to say witn teare running irom u vyw . A little more drought and there 'Save my hf eJ I pulled my flask will be no oasos like your flowing and gave him a drink. toWn. Wilmington will be turn- better at once. I saved his life, as or! into a salt lake. Yon have no I have no dotfbt every man here The state docket engaged the friend of mine attention of the court all of last week until Saturday noon the grandjttry was discharged. Eleven new jnen were sent to the county , roads. - The Shoaf case, one of the most importanii, wb . . - --t - will b6 continued oh account of the UH Yours very truly, Jake Moore, neas of Mrs. Shoaf. Other cases lanta. Aug. 10, lyua." tyy were settled as follows; Million- Kodol. I consented to try to came the Hon. George Morton, I have traveled to reach here, it lar circurngtances. Dupposeit , Hon. Harry made a man tnirsty to loot at. pronioiuon naa. prumuiwm x 'nnna t I Tf I could save the life of the could not have saved that hfel" ever did in my life and am m - . , WJ Ue Murnhv. party and the State, I would do The convention after looking better health tharr for many years. D, McNeil and Walter Murpny, p y , Salisbury, left for their Kodol did it. I keep a bottle con- arm in arm. tThey sat nown ma . j -r "V- homesxpressinghemselves de- santly,and write this hoping that Btinne8s that was broken by a re- disposal of my friends who come jj hted with the town, with its humanity will be benefitted. Mf aw prnffle amonst the waiters to Fayetteville. But I am practi- Hn;,lta and devotion to the funda- . . - . ....II 1 i;U---1 in 1 - . i ' 1; .T III I . mmmo t-ln. txrtat-nttm mor. A them ShOUld Caiiy uUB-OUijf uubibi wudib iu i mental principles oi liuorsj. , iiumo uxxu huoudiucod mcu v Favetteviiie and. wniie mv will is Hneciai to tne raaaiavi jubdoj. . , uo puuui i j - At- This announcement, while not a surprise to the people, was the cause of expressions of universal reeret. Mr. Rogers, whose health had been failing forseveral years, during the past several months had become much worse, and ten days ago, as a last resort, was ta ken to the sanitarium named above. His loved ones knew hiB serious condition, a do reaiizea that little could be done for him, but felt that they must exhaust evey means to benefit him. Mr. Rogers had enlargement of the liver and a complication of dis eases. Benjamin Franklin Rogers was born in Mt. Pleasant October 21, 1847, and was, therefore, in his G2nd year. He was reared ih Mt. Pleasant, his father being B. O. Rogers. Mr. Rogers lived for several years in Salisbury, coming He felt 1 to Concord in 1879. since which 0 time he has made it his home. For sometime he taught school in an bid school house in the rear of the present residence of Jne. A. Kimmons. Later he-Decame a commercial traveler, and for twenty years or more he was one cf the best known and most sue cessftrl 1 drummers in the South. He commanded a large salary, and had an extensive acquam- and the electrical annartus in stalled she mill will be operated by electricity. This mill's ma chinery will be installed this month. When the mill. will begin operation has not been decided, -Lester Moore, young son of Sam Moore,' of Shiloh township was given a hearing before Justice W. W;Turrier Saturday afternoon on the charge of abandoning "his wife , He gave a bond of $200 ior his appearance at Superior Court. Mr. and-Mrs. Mcpre were married about 1& months ago and it is al leged that the husband ' went to Wilmineton some time ago, leav ing his wife with relatives in Sailoh, and remained there with out providing for his wife'or even writing her as to his whereabouts! Both" Mr. and MrsMoor are very young, being 6nly about 18 year old at the time of their marriage. Sold by a9 fe0 which three of James Plummer and all druggists, bring ,the soup 1 Lunatics BrertWiadfif Bars aad Ecapss. Four male patieutSj Confin- ed in the ward for the viol ent ineane at the State HospiV tal in Morganton, madfe their escape Moiay jniht 4 US breaking the iron guards f rem a window. And thengha'vig ilant search has been made for them, no, trace, has been found so far. The Hospital authorities are still making ' every effort for their . ttppr$ hension and Relieve' they c will" soon be recaptured. Kodol is today the best known and most reliable remedy for air disorders pf the. stomach, such as heart burn , ' sour stomach and belch jng of gas. Kodol ' contains the i ame jqices found in a healthy stomaciu ' Kodol , is pleasapt to take. ' It is guaranteed to give re lief and is sbld ' here1 James Plummer and all drugU. ; ie Pharmacy r ,.4

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