Gara II . A Home Newspaper Published iivthe' Interest of the people and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. V VOL. IV. NO 15. Salisbury, N, O.. Wednesday, April 1st, 1908. Wm. h. Stewart, Editor. LEXIN6T0N AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. LOSS BY FIRE AND ROBBERY. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. HOCKSVILLE AND DAYIE COUNTY. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY.. MEETS JUNE 24TH. r A Veteran Fax CiogHt. Roidylso iB'Coan ly Neighborhood. House Burned at Tyro. Lexington Dispatch, March 86th. John Pugh recently caught one of the biggest gTey foxes he ever caught, and he has captured some large ones. This one had been running for years in the Stokes Ferry country, 1mt went "down finally before Mr. Pugh's hounds, after a" four hours chase. A small child of Fred Green colored, was burned Sunday at its home near the depot, and while the burns were painful, the child will recover. Matches caused the accident. ' , . Ticket and freight business at the depot slowly- improves. The new rate law goeB into effect next Wednesday, and after that the rate will be 2 cents per mile. This law will extend all over the south. Mrs. Scott Brown, formerly of Thomasville, but now of Camden, S. C, and one of the most popu lar hotelist8 in the south, will run the famous Haywood White Sul phur Springs, at Waynesville, the coming summer. 7.The capacity of the hotel is about 400 guest and Mrs. Brewn's many friends hope she will fill it to overflow ing. Thomasville note. I We'received a letter from some dear unknwn subscriber Monday Afternoon who is "agin" state prohibition; but he couldn't or he wouldn't sign his name. We Borrowful and carefully out it in the waste basket. If a man is afraid to sign his name to an arti cle, he does not deserve considera tion. But the funny part of it was, he signed, "A Temperance Democrat." It is to laugh. 5 Last Thursday . night th6 re mains of the. first wife or, the late John W. Finch were exhumed and reintered by tbe side of Mr. TTinrih'H errave. She was a Miss - o Ifewsom, a daughter of Dr. Allen Newsom, and died within about a of her marriage, one war J - - w buried in a metallic when exhumed, after the covering Fine Former Thomasville Ladi Loses Heart! Doable Header on the June Bug. 1roo Robber anil Incendiaries in Si. Cattle from the State Farm. GeOJge, .68. - StatesvmeL&ntoark. March M-7. The Thomasville correspondent Sharpe Bell, colored', died a few of The Dispatch sends an interest "u , . , . snip, ouarp was auuwu u wauj ing story-of robbery and mcen- gjj -fl oitizen who bftd a diarism which has recently come mania for stealing cows. ' Within to light months after it happened, a years he stole four or five the whole having been smothered cows and Berved many terms on up to facilitate the work of detec tives and attorneys for the lady who haB lost so much Mrs. Flora H. Pinnix, the vic tim of the robbery, who was for merly Miaa Flora Hoover, a sister ertY stole nter cow of the late Capt. P. A, Hoover, of apparently harmless and Thomasville, made a visit to rel- when a cow cam ia Anrt way lie couldn't resist th the chain gang accordingly. He was on the Iredell roads for a long time, finishing his last term a few months ago. Once he es caped and while enjoying his lib- He was inoffen- came in aib the tempta- tivftfl in thia ftonntv last August. wa7 Just before this she was robbed of tioh to take her.' $11,700 at Jier home in St. George, The condition of Rev. J. B Burglar to be Tried. Dalle Marr Patents an Air Brake. Cooleemee Rebuilds. Some News Items About Our Neighbor TownjnlCdnntf. Mockavllle Courier; March. 25th. A. H. Jarretfc mother and sis- Concord limes, March 27. Dr. D. D. Johnson, who. has ter, andfriend-MisslingnjAn,of been proprietor of a drug store here for nearly 23 years, this week day to here Yadkinville. snent dne the past week enroute bury to visit friends .V James Lang wiir be here this week from Charlotte to of theTstore DV1U VUI UIO CllVl UUBUIOBB IIU Messrs. Mumford F. Ritchie and brought W. T. Wall, who will take charge April 1. They will! be nlftoed on trial for burtrlarv. I continue the business at tne old I M It will be remembered that he lslstand under The Times office, the supposed leader of, the gang which Drv Johnson has occupied that attempted to rob the Bank ever since he has been in Concord. of Davie in 1903. Many people here'are eagerly waiting to get a glimpse of this ootoriouT safe craoker. a. A postal card was received from I Concord, and R. O.. A. Teaeue, of Farmington, Thunderstruck Sunday night last a fire con sumed tne dwelling on Marshal Dorton's farm, near Flows, in No.i 10 Ttwihin, sicfct mils stuth of I one mile west of bridge. The firel Several Deaths. Pythians to Hare a Big Time. Ilrs. Leonard 6nes1n Training. Stanly Enterprise, March 86. ' Robert, the son of Mr. and Mrs, W. P, Lowder at Norwood, died last weekC . He was about 40 years of age. - :r .. . The Albemarle Pythians are ar ranging to have a splendid occa sion at the district meeting to be be held here on night of April 28. R. A. Robinson, of Norwood, died Saturday morning. His re mains were carried to Richmond county for interment. He was 68 years of age and a brother of Mrs, J, W. Boitian, of this place. Charles B. Leler, a prominent citizen of New London and well known in the county, died yes- diabetes. Democratic For God and Heaven," the oppo- in the edifice overnight.. The wasaDOUB ou years -to over w. w. iioiaen, oi wase, in sition, 'For the devil and nen." I building- was unoccupied, ana as IOB'w Ui BFuou P"WUB1 Mr. Teaeue states that this would card players are thought to have grown sons and daughters. His contests ever waged in the btate. daughter, Mrs. Luther Earnhardt, I While details of this convention of this place, left yesterday to be I are meagre it is known to have at the interment, which takes I bee n a very stormy one, ! the Hoi- on which he suggested the ticket is supposed to be an accident or . - I . I i.1 1,;w.i -oa TQOliinrf 1 noUannn nsntloo nlin 'of air a A I terdaV mOIOlDE iTOm Ga. While asleep in her room, Branch, who has been critically ill lUi uu& 0x0 ,oaoa 3 i - 7 ,1: Ufr fafl.... fi " . . .'! . .' ... , anA PToavan." the onno- in the fina otrArmirht. The Mr. Lefler was about 5 along about the first of August, at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. u. she was arroused partially by some p, Sowers for some days, has been liomi, in 'hoi rnnm Diml v P finworo for anm Q r a7H been un raau9aA tnftf. fiomet.hinff mrrrintr Weflnesdav nieht it in a much truer light. left matches or lighted faggotB duo locnAuu vumv " v " a " I v B j o I . . . . , . - wrong, but being in a stupor, pre- and it is thought that the worst The Board of Graded School exposed m tne ue nouse. ji so sumably from the effect or chloro- has passed. His mother, Mrs. H. Trustees met Monday and decided it ,is hoped the persona will be form, or some other drug, was un- E. Branch, of Clinton, S. C, and to go ahead with the, work and to discovered. able to grasp the situation, Nev- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and give the town a graded school next Mrs. A, M. Furr, of No. 9 town- ertheless she was conscious of a Mrs. J. G. Branch, of Salisbury, year, beginning this fall. Hope ship, died of paralysis at her neruon beinff in the room. Later are here with Mr. Branch. this will be entirely satisfactory home near Georgeville last in the night, when the effects of , s . j(aoam nf thft State U alr kickers. , Wednesday at 0 o'clock a. m. the drug wore off, she was able to f in j d bout 50 head of gamnel Lawrence, who has held She had been very low for some move, and immediately went to k cattle at the depot tomorrow, a position here for some time as time as we had noted before, her trunk, where she had $11,700 OR Koinir raioorl at I nTi'nlor toff. SnnrlaiT for Saliabnrvl f ft complication of diseases, I Zi M U. . U1J.ULU AUASVXA WV V I AVAH " ' " J fttftte f ftTm, The remaininff . 25 where he has accepted a x position She was before marriage woro fattened hv cattle men in the on the Watchman. A Widenhouse. She was 66 years v.w j I 1 r , 1 1 nt. 1 ennntv who fed them according to . . . ; jano o monuns oid. one leaves j w 1 Anions uie uatuuu uou iai 1 1 1 j 3 j v. - , 1 uuHuauu, six buub auu one uaugu ter. State ConTsntion to Meet in Charlotte.; 4 The State Democratic Executive Committee at its session in Ral eigh, on Thursday, March 4th, . selected Jube 24 th as the date and Charlotte as, the place for tbe State Democratic Convention. 79 members were represented by person or proxy at the roll call. After a long discussion; the com mittee endorsed Wm. J. Bryan by a close vote. The decision of the State Demo crat executive committee to hold the coming State Democratic con vention in Charlotte in June re calls the memorable convention , held in this city . in April, 1858, just half century ago,- the conven tion which nominated Judge John W. Ellis, of Rowan, for Governor in bills. Onenme the trunk, she A. W found that the money was gone. There were eleven one thousand dollar bills, one five hundred dol lar bill, and two one hundred dol lar bills. t ... . . r . J ' Mrs. Pmnix kept atore at &t. h t t farm; The cattle will be George and was known to nave ahioDed to John Redmond, a stock money. She immediately em- deaier at Richmond, Va who will ployed detectives and lawyers on q11 them for the owner8. tVia nman onil til ft Tlf.mORt BAttTftCV I W-4 .tor. An amusing (and yet it might tbe direction of the Department lek by D Swift & Co Wagn Agncuiture, 'as an experiment, . . D n;. waBnft to W. A. just as Mr. Meacham fedjhose at Weant o this ace, for a fluid Jn Fesperman and Davis pressure air brfge. Wo wish Mr. B&rnnardB. two young wnite men of No. 11 township, got into a vention. place in New Bethel church ceme tery this morning at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Hester Leonard recently accepted a position in the school of trained nujses at the State Hos pital at Morganton, She former ly lived in Albemarle, and lor a year has been in the home of Rev. nr. Murdocn, at Salisbury, as companion to the mother of Mrs Murdoch. Previous to that she was taking & course as trained nurse, which' was interrupted by her own illness; She intends now to complete the course, and enter the work as a professional. C . S. Brown visitedhiainpther Mrs.'-Cornelia Brown aiQooleemee has onlyrecentlyJU a serious) runaway oc- Monday Mrs, Brown is " in her supposed guilty parties have been ourred late Wednesday afternoon 85th year and ig good iJt'x-k&w ttii mill nV on Court street. J. H. Wilson s fih- Tflft(iH withont the aid health. arrested and ; their trial will come on jourt sweei,. a. xi. She reads without the aid of spec- nffnotmnth horse and buggy were, leaving tne tacles. Mr. Brown tells us that Following hard upon the rob- Wr sbop) at a good pace wnen while he Bat in a chair that berv and her efforts to run down " "uu ttJ" "x """ has been in tne tamiiy ,. v j. denlv broke loose from tae bed. tne guilty uaibioo, firrVit loaf. Woflnoadftr in t.Vlfl mad a a feult Fesperman lies at his t When a negro, by the name of homrroth asevownmndwerflitnnby hiseye, being inflicted with a) of whiskey- in a street car in three-pound weight in the hands Washington,-D,.C., Friday night, of Barnhardt. The bone over his Congressman Thomas J. Heflin, eye is crushed in, but hij .wound i of Alabama, protested, and a des den and Ellis factions both dis playing considerable feeling in the hall aB well as outside while the meeting was in session. The convention assembled on Wednes day, April 14th, and the nomina tion was made Thursday fol lowing, the session being held in the old court house which f then stood on the corner of Trade and Church Streets, on the site of .the palatial " Selwyn Hotel,, Capt. John Walker, of Mecklenburg, served as temporary chairman of the meeting until Gen. C. M. Avery, of Burke, was made presi dent of the convention. Char lotte Observer. i one hun- her store was aeniJ urow luuoe dred years and over, Mrs.urown s I ... . I 'V..r. T?Vq W'ilonn roVin iro a in I . . . i . , , 1 .1 . coffin, and burned to the ground and sbe lost A"u"ft "" '" tatner and motner Dougnt me all therein. It is thought that ne 8Sy B"u BiUUUU ehair when! they first began keep- had been removed from the glass, this was the work ot tne same par- " " . " " "g nouse, ana it nas uwiuni uou- was seen to be in apprently per- ties who perpetrated the midnight tbe bed dropped, but he mancged tom that wa8 put put in it and is fMtatatft'nf Tre-ervation. Men robbery. This is thought to have . still m good condition. awww bvmu r 1 - . .. . I . J 4.kA. hnron -l ho omnamrr u.;niicnnT -Fz-vt tha tinrnnaa nt tnmwinff UFPVU . o roiueuiuoiuiKiuccu v j 0 . 0 1 . , . . nnt -,f V a lnnirtonr. was Qf ano .n. nnTMiit off the track and 01 in- f uuv tr 1 1- is not necessarily fatal, rest has been made. No ar- J. R ill for some Litaker, who had been so days, died Monday tn faot Judge J. C. Pritchard will ad- peared as natural" as when first timidating Mrs. Pinnix. The store tnatwnen e young --- -- on the-subject of State Prohibi 1 ..a j i u,a t.Avr Jna ilnroa filled with (roods and was 6s- t"e buggy dropping, inBLeaa 01 whosaw the body, her features, state buried, and she bad been dead 34 was filled with goods and was es years. Quite a number of people timatfcd to be worth several ttiou turning loose the lines and falling tion at the court house on Mon day, March 80, at 2 o'clock p. m. were present were present when .and dol to.. being tbe .rgest " " .toi. Lrt y one that can possibly DED I1I1UM IIIUII Ill n I I . m w t night about 10:30 o'clock, Mr. Litaker was taken to a hospital in Charlotte some time ago for treat ment, and his condition greatly improved. Later, however, he relapsed, and nothing could be i done to save him. He was a good citizen, and leaves many relatives and friends to mourn his death. perate fight ensued. - Congress man Heflin shot at the negro tMice, one ball entering the head just above the ear, fracturing the skull. He claims that, owing to the animosity displayed against him as the author of a recent sJim Orow" ' had asked and obtained permission to carry a weapon. Mr. Heflin 's objection was raised against the negro s drinking, because of the presence of ladies on the car, - r HtiiFiailiar mt This Union is rapidly hastening toward a state of society in which the President,- Senate and House of Represenatives, will fulfill tbe duties of kings, lords and com- the coffin was removed, having been attracted by the unusual in cident. mercantile George. The friends and relatives of Mrs. Pinnir in this conntv will await There was some ugly domgs oui, I .th interest the triftl and con 1 I , - H m A - f in Arnoia comuuuuiiiv uuo night last weeki when damage was be present to hear this dis- . a drma tn nersonal property, a drummer stopping at Craver & Zimmerman's stole, suffered dam age to his vehicle, the cushion, back and dash board being slash ed. Harness belonging to 'Squire Sidney Craver,. was ruined. A surry and milk wagon belonging viction alleged robbers and incendiarieB. Lexington Dispatch. J, B. Stiirrlll still in the Race. To the Democrats of North Caro Una : It has come to me from a num ber of sources that the report is to Rich link were cut and the being circulated that I have with wire fence of John Koontz was drawn from the race for the Dem- greatly damaged. Chief Hay- ooratio nomination for Commis worth with his bloood hound went gioner of Labor and Printing of out to the place, and some progress North Carolina. I am at a loss was made tracking the criminals, to "know how this report orig- but the trail was lost in the road, inated, as I have never had the There seems to be i pretty good gligtest intention of withdrawing idea as to the identity of the mis- f rom the contest. The encourage- creants : and there seems to be menfc and support I have received little doubt that it was all the f rom every part of the State Beem work of blockaders, against whom t0 assure my nomination for this the men damaged have stood in office. I have reseived almost the the past The officers should not unanimous endorsement of the stop until they have the criminals. North Carolina press, and letters . - I A n an i;n. ran nn itfbr hnrao .nd uu',u' two wheels until he stopped them. til gUBhed jurist D tWB 8ubj6Ct- , . , . , , . .1 Cooleemee Journal, March 85. Capt. Tom Kowiand ieit just a little aet nn" Satnrdav because j. V V V mfwv Jf J I . .1 T 1 I tr Tt H ova TrrrTb i r. ct aATnQT.nintT llirft of the people who are the his train was a double-header dur- -"" "iU " , . ing the trip from Statesville to w J Charlotte. A email locmotive had .e work with all the speed possi been dispatched from Spencer to le. The overseer in the several save the expense of having two departments of the mill are over- t . . i honhnff onn AioaninfT nn t. n o tti h.. conductors the extra engine coupl- m, tina of the wavs." Of nhineTV. i ne TnanniniRiH are nurei - i o " il. Icourse they didn't mean it that engine and the -two puffed away " ZZSTZ Z way but many of them do seem to towards Charlottaith the- little - "1,,. I think that very few people will get train of three cars m & r-? after the new ruling goes 7 '. The TBrwin mills at Durham and effect. Be calm, dearly be A little grandson of A. M.Savilleni.a .olrQ,nVo fttynA1 mftnv nf loved, those who appreciate your 1 1 i X. I 1 J I probaoiy aoout moumb lu the hands. Will Eliminate the Deadneats. The way some of the editors are The rtontraotora arrived Mondav discussing this new postal regula bion, WUUlU leave uiio uujucosiuu on the uninitiated that after April 1st, the Gditors will publish their . . 1 M 1 papers only to supply tneir ex ohange list, as some of them are expressing it, they have come to White Caps. Dressed up iu some off his wife's J ton Transcript clothes and claiming to be a woman visiting in the house. Rich ard vxill, a well-to-do necro farmer, was allowed to pass throgh U 11UC Mi lUlUiiftVDU TV uiudap illcit distillers, who surrounded his house last night to take avenge on him for having, as they believed revealed to revenue officers the location of a blockade disitillery on the neighborhood, uui nan leoeived a note with bones, comn and other gruesome symbols, warning him that he must leave the. neighborhood or -i. mons, and the power of .the com munity pass from the democracy of numbers into the hands of an aristocracy, not of noble ancestry r or ancient lineage, but of moneyed monopolists, land jobbers, and heartless politicians," This quo tion is not, as might appear, a present day . jeremaid,! but its author was William ' Lyon Mac Jeazie, the instigator of the Up per Canadian rebellion of 1887, and he gave forth this utterance in 1840, after three years resi dence in the United States. Bos Gaze on Child Buried Fifty Years Ago. When Postmaster Joseph Wid- uer, of new nartrora, iosb nis little daughter fifty years ago his wife and he were horrified by the thought of physical disintegration, and .they sought the aid of a New York undertaker to preserve the child's features. As a result the body was buried in what was known as an "air ht"kcoffin of iron with a cover of glass, 1 The undertaker assured the sor- was seriously but not dangerously hnrned Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. Saville on the Boule vard. The child had been left alone in a room for a few minutes and when members of the family responded to his screams they found the little fellow's clothes in flames. His feet and legs were painfully burned before the flames could be extinguished. The child flatnrdav niizht about 12 o'clock V""UK ; "JTi. T broom and it is thoueht that the mf - i tna mnar nrnm iiihiit. uhiiiuuizllh iu - the attractive home of Dr. J . E n. crnod man v The neonle seem to flortB wiU PaV f 01 their PaDe" f.rxe death. He had icnore the 'Owing parents that if they looked be verv well contented, knowin nd hosQ who d not aPPr6Ciate nntand the' 'white cannera" name Ut ' their daughter's Corpse a half thotth ,,mnnv will rnhv the them enough, will have to go ith-1 ftnmnftnv of them flnd century later it would be as natu- vki,M v w-wv t . . i ft v " r j " to Cathell at Tyro was burned to the ground with all its contents. The loss is nearly $ 4,000 and the in surance $2,275. There was no one" at the house, Mrs. Cathell being away at a neighbor's and the doctor at Reeds on a profes sional visit. The servants were all away some unknown- cause in the most prominent Democrats in the State. For these assurances I am deeply grateful, and if nomia- ted and elected will give the duties of the office my very best attention. Respectfully, J, B. Shebbill. Concord, N. C, March 21, 1908. broom was ignited from the open grate and his dress ignited by the broom. Anderson Hodge, a Salisbury negro, is in jail here awaiting trial in Iredell Superior Court for retailing. The officers have known for some dayB that Hodge was a . - . Lt. ' u- Li. . !rf recrtilar walkme saloon' or blind The hre began iromtno ruum, uiwuguu vu i -; w a no oil bird and ita caire the dnlv thinsr tigeT, hut up to Wednesday they vuv I " a- - .... . . i .. .. i. xt.. x.. M.t.Ui,.4 w.p aavaA All the doftWa were unable to get a case againB tn.n' uiano rt tha hnild- books! medicine, instruments, his brm. He has been making tups ing was none : and nothing what- diploma and license were destroy- from Salisbury to StateBville ever could be done toward stop- ed. About 1,100 pounds of meat, about three times a week and .i r, . A. . x I a iba trnm aW nine hnorfl. were each each time he carried a heav- pmg me mu in tne mam pait w ouu .v o- r Ail'-1. x ij i.vL.r.i Tir nathell . will re- ilv laden suit case. The ofneers nntanta iuvn, uira hnild aa Boon as he can eet his got on to his game Wednesday and nnen innw on M.nin.r into affairs straiehtened out, when they arrested him Hihey bnildinff arly completion with all possible them rh Just fn8fc , - selves with the thought of work on the new e speed No Race Suletde In This Family. There is a lady livi ng in Cham- bersburg township who, yesterday, became the mother of the fourth pair of twins. For three conseou- ive times there were twins born after which several children were born until yesterday she gave birth to twins again nn - 1. . ... T , 1 . just console your- the dif- ferent complexion the subscrip tion list will take on. All the deadbmts, those who swallow up the newspaper man's profits, will not be on it any more. Wades boro Ansonian. began firing at the house. At first Gill put out the fire and hid up the chimney, later, however, his wife appealed to the marauders through the strongly barricaded door to at least let her and the child and also another woman, who was spending the night there, pass out in safety. This they consented to do, vowing their in tention to burn the house there after with her husband in it. Gill then dressed in some ol his wife's The house was then rid died with bullets, but not burned. Gill drove thirty mile through the country today toRaleighand reported the case to the State and Killed By Lightning. During i severe electric storm She is the Wednesday night about 8 clock, UlotheB and the three passed out mother of twelve children, eight near Hickory, Mrs. Sarah Feim- safely. of whom were born at, four differ- ster, widow of the late Jno. A ent times. She also has two sis- Feimster, was struck and instant ters who are mother's of twins ly killed, by lightning.--Mrs and herf grandmother was the Feimster lived with her daughter, United States officials. Raleigh mother of twins. Dr. Hill at- Mrs Augustus Stroud, on the Dispatch. tended her yesterday and says I farm of Mrs. M. E. -Gaither, two thas the last pair are stout healthy miles from Harmony, and when Best Healer itt the World. children. Statesville Mascot. struck was sitting m the room r6V p. Starbird. of East Ray nursing one of her grandchildren, mond, Maine, says: "I have used lianor"and who was unhurt and the grand- Buckien's Arnica salve lor several DOcketHnntnoi. ... tilled. Mra. TTsim- years, on my oia army wouuu, ral as it was then. The fifty years expired th,is week, and the Wid mers had the body exhumed. When the earth was removed from the glass cover they saw the child's face as calm and unchanged as on the day of death. The coffin was reburied and the Widmers are happy 'in the belief that the earth ly . form of their child, will defy the ravages of all time. Water bury Dispatch to'New York World. found three pints of a drinking glass in his and on going to his boarding place 0.a. ; .wt 0r-' id i. and. ot.her obstinate sores, and hud lor cougns ana ce as, ia grippe thaxrfnnd aallon'in hi nit. " "w J . " . " it the best healer m the world. I in 1 bottle free. No Use To Die. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discovery, " says Mrs. J. P, White, of Rushboro, Pa. ,,I would not be living today only for that "wonderful : medicine, It loosens a cough quicker than any thing else, and cures lung disease After the case is pronounced hope less. This most reliable remedy asthma, bronchitis and hoarse : j i u t ... ... . ; 4 4- .'ii - r i nnrvivHU uv a uuiuuoi ui uuuuxou i -naa tr. .en nrirn orao r. an c.c.Hm in iihrh. ib nuu uuuoi kuuiuids au ftrieV Wedneadav and aen to iaii and a large circle of -relatives my veterinary business," - Price all drug stores, 50c and $1. Trial in default of a $200 bond. and friends. Statesville Mascot, zoo at an drug stores. V V