"i vi-"5-.v-"V -y '. V ..1- 4 - S I--, THE CAROLINA 7ATCHMAII.I LocaNowsltems. An agent of the ' Immigratior Committee wasritr town Thursday securing information as to the sentiment of oury in regard to emigrants. . . , The:. Presbyterian Churches ; of Spenoer- and Chestnut Hill have extended a call fcn Rev fi-r. . W ;Lee. of Mt. Airv. who nre-hed kfe those churches a few days agW : vMiss Minnie Bullabaugh and Wm: Riggina were married at the home of-the bride in. East' Salis-,. bury. Saturday evening.. The couple have, the & best wishes of friends and acquaintances. mv. a n ' 'i The Salisbury Company of the xt- i j i ' j . . National guard. has been designajfc- ea as uoast Artillery uuaras ana will go to Fort Caswell for a course of instruction on June the 1st. . W. A. K, Sloop, of China Grove, has discovered gold and Bilverore on his land and has de cided to have it assayed. He thinks there are large, deposits of both metals. . The post office department has taken np the matter relative to the poor facilities now existing m the mul service along the South ern. Upon request of Senator Overman, the department will in vestigate and remedy the condi tion. Two native African boys were brought to Salisbury by a return- sd missionary and entered Living- stone oollege. This college now nas quitea numoer ot its grad- nates doing missionary work along the African coast. The Southern railroad company has decided to expend $40,000 in improvements in and around the shops at Spencer, thereby increas-l xug tne laciimes oi tne same. The contract has been let to J. C. Moore, oi trreensboro, and workJhia residence on Church St., Sat wui oe cqmmencea ai once. , . 1 The Gillespie company has en- tered laborers liens in Stanly and Montgomery counties, against the Whitney company, amounting to several thousand dollars. It is reported that a syndicate of Pitts- Durg. ra., nas Deeniormeaiortne purpose of buying the plant. L. Scott Allen, of Washingtpn, D. C will begin the publication of a weekly newspaper at Spencer, to 'be called "The Crescent." The a mermen ana mercnants at a meeting last Friday night gave- Mr, Allen much encouragement, and it is said, tnat the prospects for the enterprise are very bright. A Men's Study Club was organ ized at tha First Presbyterian church Sunday morning with about 15 members and several names ef those who will join later were handed in purpose of the tramc snonld. be voted out. Af club is the study of the Bible and ter answering the objections , of Rev. Dr. Clark will be the teacher those opposed he stated that the until a leader ia elected. The Red "O" Oilcompany has established an agency here for the sale of their product, This company uaa oeen ngnwng ine btandard Oil company for several J years and Salisbury may look out ior cneaper on. ine agency nas Deen piacea, wiin tne uverman company. v A good sized audience heard the prohibition speeches made byjDrs. Clark and Duttera at the court house Thursday night. The meet ing was enthusiastic in its bearing towards temperance and Soth speeches were thoughtful, forceful and earnest in expression and de- livery. C. C, Moore, of Charlotte, who has been untillately president of ine oosnon rowers Association, T. L Moore, of Lexington, Pres andis now. a candidate for Com- ident ; R. M. Brown, of Granite missioner oi Agriculture, paid the Watchman office a pleasant call last week; Mr. Moore, who has given his service largely to the farmers in aiding and advising them as to their, crops, should have the consideration of the people in regard to his candidacy. John Palmer, a negro who ap plied kerosene to a mule, the property of Joe Ballard, ajad was indicted forf cruelty to animals, was tried before Esq., Kesler and sent to. jail to await Superior court. Palmer " . undertook ' the work of ridding said mule of fleas, with which the animal was tor mented and succeeded in tortur ing it to such an extent that the law took hold of the case, ' Standing of Candidates In Voting Contest. Those voted "for, up to the close 6f'hn8Bg.7aesda7;'eyenihgVaro as,4b41pws I r5 1 ' ' B. Lt Basinger, Richfield, :No.;2, ; , :t ..... .... TH. Kixk, China Grove V;. Ivy: L. Hoffner, Rockwell, 900 485 No icieveland "i" . J 0E; HipeSr Woodleaf... . . 2, 480 850 800 WVM. Buh, Salisbury. . 225 No. 200 P' B, Efird, alfsbury, 200 R JvHart,China Grove, H. O. Sloop, China Grove, 3, . . . . . . . . 7, .' . . . -Junius ForrV. China Grove. . W. D.; Graham, Mt. TJlla. . . Bing Hart,. Mt. Ulla. , . . . . . J. E. Barber, Barber, 'No 1, Lippard, Barber.No, 1, , . -r u George Goodnight, Barber, j .... No 200 No. -200 200 200 200 200 200 No. 500 pj. F. Eaton. Cleveland. . 200 E. D, Bostian, China Grove, N6. 2, 200 Geo. D. Peeler. Salisbury, Route 6 118 B. A. Elliott.- Salisburv. No. 1, 100 H. A. Stirewalt, ChinaGrove, No. 1, 100 P. J. Cress, China Grove. . . 100 R. L. Leonard, Chestnut Hill 100 Tbe CODRty Republican ConventlOQ. Last week, we published by re quest, a call for the County Re publican Convention, in which the date was fixed as April 18th, but, we are informed by Walter Burrage. chairman of the execu- tive committee, that this is an er ror and tbat the date is April'4th The convention will therefore be held Saturduy, April 4th. We regret the mistake and thank Mr. Burrage for calling attention to it and thereby making it possible to make proper and timely correc tion. DEATH. Brown, P. W., after an illness Df several weeks' uration, died at urday. March 28th. Mr. Brown was a native of Salisbury, having been engaged in the blacksmith business in his early days and later did a saloon and cafe business m town. He leaves a wife, and sev eral children by a former marriage, bU "oum uis iohb. ine iunerai i was conducted from the Jfirst Methodist church and the inter ment was at Chestnut Hill ceme- tery. Price Speaks at Spencer. A. H. Price spoke to one of the largest audiences ever gathered at the Spencer Y. M. C. A. The number was estimated at 600 and many were turned away on ac- count oi tnere oeing no room. Mr. Price's speech, which was on the prohibition issue, was a clear loSical reasoning why the liquor money spent in buying whiskey and causing court expenses would SUDDOrfe the besfe Bchoola in onr COunty, and thatunder prohibi- tioDj taxeB would bereduced to a a minilinuln. On the whole the Bpeech waa one of the beBt of ef. fortg from an able exponent, and wm help the temperance cause. District Meeting I. 0, 0. F. The district meeting of the I. 0. O. ' P. was held Monday night in the lodge room of Cordon Lodge, and was convened by President T. - Moore. AH the lodges in the district were represented. After the initiatory and first degree jwas conferred, the meeting pro ceeded to elect officers. The f ol- iowing iB a list of those elected : Wt R. Bean District Supervisor ; Quarry, Vice-President; Wm. H. Stewart, Marshall; W, L. Staf ford, Treasurer, and H. M. Brown, of Lexington, Inside Guardian; Outside Guardian, D. V, J. Peeler. The next meeting will be held with North State Lodge, Sept, 8, 1098. H. Lfltfj, near Gold Hill, is offer ing a big reduction on his en tire line of goods. 3-21-3t Don't fail to pay your doU tax before the 1st, of May if you wish to vote in any of the elections to be held this year. Call On N. LUtfy. near Gold Hill, and see1 how "cheap he sells all kinds of merchandise. 8-21-3t J Over Davis & Wiley Bank. Satisfaction Guaranteed, Office Hours: -e-f Phone 156 a m to I p m to 6 p m Th e E Every train bringi us tbe new things for Spring and Sumv mer wear. It will pay you to call and inspect our new SULKS, DRESS GOODS, WAISTS AND .SKIRTS New Woolen Material New Blacks, Blues, Browns, in the latest weaves. Spec ial values from 25c to $2 per yard. Wash Goods in all the new dainty designs Lawns, Dimities, Batists, Percales, Galateas, Silk Mulls, at the very low est prices. Eeady to Wear Goods, Pretty new Suits, Skirts, Shirt Waists, and Muslin Underwear at the very lowest prices. A Few Specials. Good Dark Calicoes for Good Ginghams for .... . . . American blues and Simp 4c 5c 6 c 10c 5c 5c 5c son's grey and black cali coes for t 12 and 15c Madrass for. . . Good white Lawn for, Pretty line of dainty new Lawns for. Good Toweling for Big line of Ginghams, 10c . value for 7c Gi?8jiam81 in !hort leDSthB. xo vaiue r ior,. 10c 12c 25c 25c Dress Goods special. . . 50c Dress Goods special 12c Percales in short lengths for 10c 15c Percales in new designs i 12ic Special values in Men's, Ladies' and Children's Hosiery at..10V 124c, & 15c Soap Special 5 CaKes of Extra Fine Laun dry Soap for 10c. Silk Special. Four Pieces "of Fancy Dress I and Waist Silk, 50c quali ty, Special 25c. Store-Co. nil) a L Department Store Co. The Empire Department Destroyingr Cost, Profit SALISBURY'S GREATEST CL0THIER, Wednesday The condition off the pre sent panic has found us with an immense stock, which we bought for this spring's business. We find ourselves with the bulk of the stock on our tables, and, having gigantic plans in view, we must raise money, hence this mighty sacrifice and the world's greatest slaug h t e r of Clothing and Furnishings for men, Boys and Children to be sold in onr building at Salisbury, N. C. ftri: Hiiftn a srnnfinnnnR narirnTn j ul mi u i -j i doubt traps will be laid for Read, Read, Read! Prices CrusKed in every Department. Sensational Bar gains in Men's Glothing. Fine Suits of Men's (A oc Clothes, all to match,., g0" A fine suit ef Men's Clothes, all to match. ThiB is positively worth $7.50 or your (A QC money refunded, crushed mkmt. money oacK at any time it you are not satisfied. Cil QC Crushed to 909 Men's splendid suits in velour fin ished cassimers or worsteds, this is positively worth $12.50 or your 'money refunded. 0 AC A UOUUU BU Blue surges, choice worsteds orTMen's fine pants worsted cassimeres, all Men's suits. hand tailored Manufacturer's cost $12.50. Crushed to Fancy mixture suits for men, both in three-piece full lined as well as two-piece suits, half or quar ter lined double and sii.gle breasted, fully worth Cil OC &J0.00. Crushed to... H'Q'1 Fancy mixture suits for men, two piece, one-half or one-quarter lined double and single breast ed in the highest of fashion made by the world's famous tailors, lined with pure silk, can't be bought elsewhere for lesB than $18.00 to 20.00 $85 Crushed to. yU'Wtf Silk andSatin lineddreessuitsfancy plaid worsteds, worth 0"p AC $15.00. Crushed to... Men's $17.50 suits, the very best grade of all wool, worsteds' we guarantee, greys or dark plads, tailor-made garments. (A QC Crushed to . . Q'0Q 200 Men's blue broadcloth suits, fast colors of the very highest grade of blue, all guaranteed or your money back, worth O1 QC fully $15. Crushed to 9 1 " 3 200 men's suits black broadcloth. imported, the very .finest single and double-breasted, hand-tailored, worth $18 to $20. CA oc Crushed to., J)"03 Ai $9.85 you are free to choose a suit worth $22.50. Brown all wool worsted in checks or stripes single or double breasted, the very -finest makes. Nil ft1! Crushed to . Single and double breasted suits J. A AC tbl A OCT il a at fp,u uuu $x.oo tnat repre souts the product of the worlds celebrated looms and the worlds We have thousand other gams for Men s, Boyd' and children's high grade Clothing and Furnishings ever brought together by Ins fi7rn ?n North Oarol eqnalinng m quality and variety the combined stocks of all the other clothing and furnishings foremen bova and children in Salisbury and we hereby- guarantee to sell positively as we advertise, and every price we (mote is stnVri v bona fide and every quotation correct. , "oquuwiBBmcuy. SALE POSITIVELY This store'will be closed to all the world Monday and Tuesday tojmark the goods in plain figures, and arrange the stock for opening of sale Wednesday, April 8th at 9 a.m. A 10 DAYS CRUSHING , April Having gigantic plans in raised, so we have decided high grade up-to-date MEN Ml i ci in c INGS, sending death and destruction to high prices, demor alizing competition. We have adopted heroic measures, it is our loss, your gain. This store will be the scene of the greatebt slaughter inprices ever inaugurated in or around Salisbury, and it will long be remembered by the thousands of people who will attend this sale from far and "near, be1 cause people know and realize what we advertise is gospel truth. Drop your plow or your tools and come to visit this sale. Never before and perhaps never again will an oppor tunity like this be presented to you to save money on all sea sonable, high grade Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, kj duiu CLii Oi r"ri.i,i i iii'.n. i 11 i faf A-m-nr. v,4.i "muiig uui cuuiycuiuiis ujitj ubwb win spreau iiKea uomDsnen explosion ana ho you by having signs too; but look for our big sign and the name before you enter. most skillful tailors, thev are equal to and guaranteed to ex ceed any $25.00 and $35.00 tailor made to order garments in" the world. The latest shades of browns, tans and olive colors, all wool ank silk mixture. We will cheerfully refund you your money on demand if not satis SEES 514-45 1 $14-85 It may bo hard to believe that a big concern would sacrifice such an immense stock to ba sold at less than the actual-cost of the raw material, but it is the gos pel truth and we merely ask you to come and test our state ment. Men's fine dress pants worth $2.00 Crushed to .89 (4 1Q i fully $2.50 Crushed to v I Mens fine Trousers for Sunday wear, stripes and plaids, peg tops, side buckles, flaps on hip -pockets positively worth (4 AC $4.00 Crushed to Men's fine trousers for Sunday wear, tne newest shades of plaide wool worsted worth (A AC $5.00. Crushed to.... 500 pairs of the celebrated Nu fangl". trousers, the world's famous make all wool worsteds in neat stripes or plaids regular price from $7.00 K 52-95 $3-85 Youth's suits double-breasted sizes from 15 to 20 fine quality of Cassimeres all wool ful- Cil CC ly worth $10.00Crushed 9H'Vi One lot of Youth's Suits all to match worth 7 50 Cft QC Crushed to "03 Youths Suits Double Breasted Worsted worth $12.50 CP QC Crushed to . , Pants, Etc. Good heavy Men'B Socks, Worth 10c. Crushed to 2k One lot of Men's Corduroy Pants. Worth $2.00. Crushed 79c to. One lot of Men's Corduroy Pants. Worth . $1" and $5. AA Crushed to , . . VlaOv "Headlight" Overalls known all over the worjd as the best $1 00 overalls made. Crushed 79c to, One lot of Men's Overalls made of heavy blue denim. MtJ Worth 75e .Crushed to .vCi One lot of Boys' Knee Pants, all wool, small size only. Worth art.ip.lna ion OPENS WEDNESDAY, J Salisbury's Greatest Clothier. We hereby agree to refund the money on all goods priced above if not satisfactory to the purchaser. Railroad fare to be paid to pur chasers of $25 00, or over, within a radius of 25 miles. Look- for the big sign before you enter and look for the name. ' and Everything1, starts at 8th, at 9 a. view, but the money is to be to unload the entire stock of - , II wi riM. inn7Pn ann pcmnisn . in j t-i ouc. and 7oc. Crushed One lot of Boys' Knee Pants, all sizes. Worth up to $1. AA. a suit. Crushed to VvC One lot of all Linen Children's Wash Suits, in Russia Blouse or Sailor Style. Vorthup AA. to $1.50 a suit. Crushed U DC One lot of Boy's Knee Pant Suits, all sizes. Worth up to ! A $3.00. Crushed to f JfC One lot of Boys's Knee Pant Suits. Worth ;up to $4.00. (fe-f 7 A Crushed to Ol One lot' of Men's very fine Shoes, and Uxtord s famous makes. Worth $3.00 and $4,00. &4 CI Crushed to 1 One lot of Men's Overall Pants. sizes up to 8(5 in. seam. AA Worth $1.00 Crushed to 09C . j One lot Men's ShoeB and Oxfords such makes as Geo. G Snow, Hanan & Son, Walkover and Ralston Health, these shoes sell from 4 00 to 6 00 all over the world we have them in Patent Leathers, Gun Metal and Russetts, Crushed $1-85 A. few hundred men's and 4 A - boys caps worth 50c crush Men's 75c and $lcaps all up A? to date -shapes Crushed OvU Men's leather work i n s A A gloves worth 50c crushed 9Q Trunks and Dress Suit Cases at crushing prices. Hat Department. One lot of Men's and Boys Dross straw hats 50 cent value A Crushed to f Q One lot of Men's arfd Boys . Dress Straw hats 25 to 85c value 4 A Crushed to I fcC One lot of Men'e-Furhats $1 AV and $1.50 values crushed fiJC About 50 dozen Men's, Hat all the latest shapes and styles A worth up to 2 50 Crushed HQ One lot of Far hats for Men and Young Men all in the latest styles and colors worth fkf tip to $3.00 Crushed to 8f $2,000 of Men's Genuine Panama Hats, the very latest styles to be Slaughtered in this sale. One lot of Genuine Panamas all eizes the latest styles worth One lot of Men's GenuiuePanamas orsh$2-45 1 52-95 lull IS H APRIL Mil, AND CLOSES Oi TEN DAYS 5?9 9 m., sharp. $35.000 00 worth of high grade Men's, Boy's arid Children's Cloth ings to be distributed Into the homes of the people, for less than the actual cost of the raw material, at J. Feldman's, SALISBURY, N. C. Opens Wednesday, . April the 8th, 9 o'clock, a. m. , r.r.n -. . itlen's Furnish ings. One lot of Men's Negligee shirts worth 75c crushed 34c 29c -Men's NegligeeShirts worth fully 50c Crushed to. . . . One lot of Men's Negli gee ttnirts sold for 50 cents 19 c Crushed to. Ope lot Men's unlaundried White Shirts, alfTinen, strictly $1.00, slightly damaged by water. 07 Crushed to One lot of Men's fine full dress White Shirts, all linen, QA worth $1.00.... Men's. very fine white pleated bos om soft Shirts worth $1.00 CQ 4 to $1.50. Crushed to.. .. fT The famous brand of "Manhat tan" White Shirts, all linea QC worth $2.50. Crushed to mQ One lot of , E and W Collars, the famous brand, -worth 25c. 1 O the world over. Crushed to One lot of Men's and Boys' Linen Collars, worth 15c. Crush- AC ed to U3 One lot of Men's white all Linen Cuffs, including E and W A7jl brand. Crushed to.,... 'w,2 Itlen's Undenvear One lot medium weight UndoV. wear, white, blue and brown, drawers to match, worth A $1.00. Crushed to 04C Men's Balbriggan Underwear worth fully b5o, Crush- f ed to IQC Men's Balbriggan Underwear, drawers to match, short or long sleeves. Crushed 17k to. Men's Balbriggan Undeiwcar worth 7a cents a gar- A A meiit. - Crushed to AivO v rjeckvear- dne lot of Men's 4 in 'banil ra.v. ties, fancy silks. Regu lar price 25c. Crushed to 12c uub 101 oi men s narrow black buk lxecKties, 4U in. long. A A Worth 25o. Crushed to I ZC One lot of Men's Cravats, all silk, iancy weaves or solid . 4 A black, worth50c, crushed I Zfi One lot of silk-Bows in all colors. w orth up to 25c. Crushed to 3c All our higher grade Neckties will be crushed in prices. will reach the lowest limit in this gigantic sale of clothing and furnishings for men, boys and children. The greatest 10 days eyer held in the State will open on Wednesday, April 8th at 9 a. m r -vi"' ' '