. -y" r-- ' tr , '7WJ -nr I N i ." ' ii k - 1 1 ' i i . i . . i . . . . ; , r "J 1 I , ON - , ' C-C-'Vi ... : ., - n - Absolutely Pure TAa only baking powder tnado with Royal Grapo Croam of Tartar Ilo Alum, Ho Lime Phosphate The Harm That Whiskey Does. Who knows the harm that whiskey does? The suffering who can tell? We ask the man who strong drink loves, Who by the curse has fell. He cannot tell one half the pain Or suffering it has brought - To him in mind, in heart, in brain, Or on his body wrought. He cannot tell the pain and woe Of wife and children dear, Or all the suffering that they knew Ur what's their dreadful fear. How oft' his mother's heart has broke; ' His father bowd in shame, When he las put himself to soak . In whiskey's fiery flame, . A list of harm brought on by drink, Would fill a volume large, And many crimes, as black as ink, We mustlo whiskey charge. It takes, from christian homes, the boys And turns them into thieves : And all their hope of life destroys. And 'round them ruin weaves It takes the bright-eyed boys we love, And makes them drunken sots ; " It puts them where they're not above The murderers' midnight plot. When'in the prison they are cast, We ask the cause to know? And when the truth we find at last, "Twas drink, the deadly foe." It makes them in the ditches fall And in the mud to lay, It makes them taste thl bitter gall That in strong drink doth stay. It makes its way into the home And some times, shame to say, It makes the fairer ones to roam Where sin and shame doth stay. It lands its victims in the grave, In early manhood's hour, It makes them in their misery rave; - Strong drink has dreadful power, Sonetimes it rules where laws are made For this bright land of ours, And oft, a candidate has aid Brought in by whiskey's powers, Somtimes its use will make a man- Forget his blood bought right And cast his vote at drink's command, ' Let it be wrong or right. It causes men to quarrel and fight, . And blpck each other's eye,- With cruel blows, their friends they smite, To slay.them they will try. Then let us join the ranks with these Who stand against this foe, And with them every move oppose, Our courage let us show. With words of love, we'll beg and plead . - Witn those who make and sell This awful stuff, they know will lead . , So many down to hell. We'll plead, with . them, to cast their vote To save our girls and boys, And clench the demon by the throat Before it more destroys. We'll ask their help, to drive it out Of this bright land of ours , And when 'tis done, we'll raise a shout Stong drink has lost its pow'rs. Bunion, Faith, N, O., 3-2-'08. Judge Becomes Interested In Prisoner and Will Assist in Getting Pardon. Asheville, March 28. Publica tion of a notice is made here of application for a pardon for A. G. Strickland, who is under sentence to the chaingang for a term of eighteen months but by. reason qf a kindly feeling aroused in 'Judge Peebles for the convicted man. Strickland is at libarty and grant ed time in which to piepare and make application for a pardon. The interest that Judge Peebles has taken in Strickland came aboat in a queer manner. Strick land was convicted here of bigamy and sentenced to eighteen months on the roads. He appealed to the Supreme Court and pending the hearing of the appeal went ,on about his work, returning to South Carolina, his native t State. When informed that the Supreme Court had' decided against him Strickland came to Asheville and voluntarily presented himself to Judge Peebles for re-sentence. So unusual was the aotv that Judge Peebles made inquiry and declared that a mati as honest as Strickland ought not to have to serve time oh the roads. Execu tion of the sentence was continued for 60 days with the tacit under standing that' Strickland apply for a pardon, the court in ti ' mating that it would be glad to How to Raise Boys. "Thar aint much of a problem in raisin' boys if you'll have a lit tle common-sense about it," said Mr. .Billy Sanders. "Don't let 'em run wildlike pigs in the woods, an' don't keep the lines too tight, an' .when things go wrong don't be afear'd of usin, a raw-hide. But don't forgit that the mammies an daddies of the land are twice responsible when one of the'r boys goes wrong. Ef the legislatur' wants to do a good work, and make better citizens out'n. the risin' generation, let it put a heavy penalty on the dear parentB of the boys that go wrong." Joel Chandler Harris, in Unole rRemus' Magazine. : Pigeon Follows a Train. , A correspondent writing from Lenoir toxthe Greensboro "Indus trial News tells of the peculiar j performances of a white" pigeon. Everyday when the l passenger train on the Carolina and North western railroad 4omes into Le noir, saysthe correspondent, is fol lowed y this pigeon, which perch es itself on a housetop or in a tree near the station until time for the train p depart As soon as the signal is given for the train to leave this pretty white bird is all attention and when" the - train begins to move the pigeon, follows after it. Sometimes it flies along side the engineer's cab. within arms-length of the cab window. Other times it has been seen ahead of the tram, over the train and away benind, bringing up the rear owing to the speed the train was running. Several people have testified to having seen this pigeon follow ing the train for the past four five days. The railroad men re port that the pigeon follows . the train to .Granite Falls, Cliffs and even as far as Hickory .r tt al ways follows the first train from Hickoryi or wherever it stops to rest', back to Lenoir, Kodol is today the "beBt known and most reliable remedy for all disorders of the stomach, such as heart burn , .sour stomach and belohing of gas, Kodol contains the same juices-found in a healthy stomach. Kodol is pleasant to ta&e. It is guaranteed to -give re- lief and is - sold here- by James Plummet and all druggia. or REMEMBER US When you need a tooth extracted, When yen need a tooth treated, . When you need-a filling, When you need a crown, ? When you need a bridge, When you need a plate, When you need any kind of DENTAL WORK, we are doine The' Business, be cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay Dr. U S. Fox, 122$ No. Main St., Phone No. 805. Office Hours : 8 :S0 am to 12 :30 pm, -2 to 6:15 pm Get DeWftVs Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve it is healing, sooth ing and cooling. ; Itx is good for piles. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. Do Not Be "Decelied " - The pastors of the churches in Alamance county, thirty-two in number, have issued a pastoral address to the voters of Alamance county that has right ring. From it these extracts are taken. "This is the opportunity for which we have been long, praing, and one which, if neglected now, may never come again, jf we let our cause be lost now, we serve notice on our Legislature that our people are opposed- to Statejnrohi bitio ; to win by a small majority will mean the indefinite continu ance of the fight; to win over whelmingly will settle the question once for all. "Let us not be deceived by the soothing assurance that victory gill be easily won. On the con- taryr we need strenuous efforts of every temperance man and wo man, a thorough organization in every township, and every vote that cap.be cast. The liquor man ufacturers and dealers of the whole country are pouring money into otr State and flooding it with per nicious litterature filled with specious falsehoods. And some of our own newspapers and politi cians are using all their influence to prejudice' the people against prohibiton." imi TO ACT. Don't Walt for the Fatal Stages of Kidney Illness. Profit by Salisbury People's Experiences. Occasional attacks of backache, irregular urination, headaches and and dizzy spells are early symp toms of the kidney disorders. It's an error to neglect these ills. The attacks may pass - off for a time but return with greater in tensity. If there are symptoms of dropsy puffy swellings below the eyes, bloating of limbB and ankles, or any part" of the body, don't delay a minute. Begin taking Doan's. Kidney Pills, and keep up the treatment until the kidneys are well, when your old time health and vigor will return. Cures in Salisbury prove the effec tiveness of this great kidney remedy-. M, L. Helms, 412 W. Council St., Salisbury, N. C, says: "I give Doan's Kidney Pills the credit for curing me of kidney trquble and I heartily recommend them. For quite awhile I had pains in the small of my back and I was annoyed considerably by the irregular action of the! kid neyys. Upon learning of Doan's Kidney Pills I procured a box from the Salisbury Drug Company and they soon proved- to be the remedy I needed, disposing of the pains in my back and correcting the kidney difficulty." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other,-' Dpn't fail to pay your poll- tax before the 1st day of MayJ if you wish-to vote in any of fhe elections to be held this year. This is what Hod. Jake Moore State-Warden of Georgia, says of Kodol For Dyspepsia: "E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. 111. Dear Sirs I have suffered more than twenty years from indigestiou. About eighteen months ago I had grown so much worse that I could not eat a crust of corn bread and could not retain anything on my stomach, I lost 25 lbs; m fact I made up my mind that I could not live but a short time, when a friend of mine recommended Kodol. I consented to try to please him and I was better in one day. I now weigh more than I ever did in mv life and am in better health than for many years. Kodol did it. I keep a bottle con stantly, and write this hoping that humanity will be benefitted. Yours very truly, Jake Moore, At lanta, Aug. 10, 1904." Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. LAND SALE .Farsuant to tne provisions or an or der obtained from J. Frank McCub bins, Clerk of Superior Court of Rowan County, in the special proceeding en titled J. Samuel McCJnbbins, Admir., of John A McCubbins, ys J. S. McCub- bins, W. C. McCubbina et al., appoint ing the undersigned Commissioner to sell certainlands for the purpose "of making assets, I will expose for sale at the Uturt Mouse door in Balis bury, on Monday,- April 6th, 1908, at 12 M., the following tracts of lands: 1st. Beginning at a stone on H. W. McDiniel, T. C. Carrol, and J. F Campbell's corner, thence .8 88 deg, E 14.35 chs to a locust, then S. 1 deg. W 22 35 chs to a stone, thence S K dee W 7.75 ch8 to p poplar on east side of branch, thence S 18j deg E 12 chs to a stone, thence 8. 22 deg E 4,44 chs to a poplar4 on south bank of branch, thence N 85) deg "W ll 24 chs to a stone on H. G. Sane's line, thence N 8 deg W 47.51 chs to the beginning, contain ing 56 acres, 10 rods. 2nd. Beginning at a. sycamore - tree on the north bank of 4th creek, thence NIK deg E 13.70 chs to a pine, thence N 16 deg W 2.86 chS'to a stone, thenoe N $ deg W 5.11 chs to a stone on H. G. Sane's line, thence S 85 deg E 11. 24 chs . to a poplar on south side of branch, thence N 22 deg W 4.44 chs to a stone, thence 88 deg E 21.50 chs to a stone on H. G. Lippard's line, thence S 2 deg W 17.44 chs to an ash on north-bank of 4th creek, thence with the meandering of the creek 47 chains to the beginning corner, con taining 64 acres. 3rd. Beginning at a stone on J. F. Campbell's corner, thence S 1-2 deg W 7.75 chs to a poplar on east bant of branch, thence 8 18 1-2 deg E 12 chs to a stne, thence S 88 12 deg E 21.05 chs to a stone on H. G. Lippard's line, thence N 2 deg E 27.06 chs to a stone on 0.- A. Campbell's corner and A. J. Lippard's line, thence S 83 deg W 14.50 chs to a black jack, thence N 62 deg W 2.75 chs to a stone, thefice S 49 deg W 11.72 chs to the beginning corner, con taining sixty acres. This latter tract is the dower tract assigned and set apart to Mrs. Amanda McCubbina and will be sold subject to her life interest therein. Terms of sale: X cash K-in six months K i nine months, with inter est on deferred payments. Title re tained until full purchase price is paid. This February 25th, 1908. J. SAMUEL McCUBBINS, commissioner. John L Rendleman, attorney. t .MM fin YEARS EXPERIENCE rVhr ' DE8ION8 '-Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain oor opinion iree wnemw u Invention is probably patentable. Commnnlea- tions strictly confldontfal. Handbook on Patents . n swim- aajmiHvMT no TOTl TM - . reoelre lecuu nonce, witnoat cnarge, m mo Scientific American. K handsomely illustrated weekly, tartrest clr dilation of any scientlflo Journal. Terms, 8 a year ; fonr months, $1. Sold by all newsdealers. fflUNN & Co 5,NewM rnCh offlne 626 IP 8t Washington. JD.G. Subsoribe fox The Watchman, Cabbage Plants ind Watch Repairing. The undersigned is -prepared to have all your Frost Proof Cab baee plants shipped to vournear. est eXDre8s office any time from Oetober to April for $1.50 per 1, 000: you pay f. the express-i'Club lots will make the express less on the 1000. He also has an experience o more than 40 years in the Jewelry business and is better prepared now than ever. You can leave and get your watches with Mr, Wil Taylor. (Kluttz & Rendleman's.) with the Lverlv boys at Granite O.uarrv. with Mr. P. Alex. Peeler Faith : or you can send them di rect to our door by mail for a few cents. Gat this out and save it for reference long after, it disap pears, send all orders and worfc as per 'above, to R. L. BROWN, tl-6-13t. Salisbury, N. C, No. 6 Valuable Farm For Sale. I hereby offer for sale my farm of 58 acres on the Stokes Ferry Public Road five miles South-east of Salisbury, N. O. Good six room dwelling house, good out buildings, good pasture and wel watered. For price and terms see, : Lewis I. Cauble, R. F. D. No. 6, Salisbury, N. C This Sept. 18th 1907. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5000 Papers of Garden and Flower Seed at jet a Paper. We. have Just Reced 5,000 papers fresh Garden and Flower Seed that we are' Going to Dispose of at 1 centra Paper, with a thousand other things that we are selling at spe"cial16w prices. Good Alamance at , 5c (JoGd Domest-c, at. . . .,. . .... 5 and 6c (Bleached -'Domestic, per yard, .......... . 7i. 8, 8i, 10 and 12o Best heavy shirting-in stripes and plaids per yard, at . . . ...... 1 0c Yard wide colored suiting,, dark colors, worth 15cts at 10c Good Calico at.. 5& and 6o Heavy cotton flannel, 10 cent ' quality at 8c Good quality white lawn, one yafd, worth iOcts at 8ic BeBt flannelette, 10 to 12o quality. '.. 8o Colored oil cloth, 11 yds de at; . . 15c Good window shades 25 to 35c 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 Our entire stock of shoes at cost. . Ladies' Cloaks at cost. Ladies' Rain Coats at cost. Our entire line of knit goods and underwear at cost. Big lot Hamburg Embroidery at 5 and 10 cents per yard. Six yards of good Torchon lace for 10c. Big reduction on winter dresi good, Our $1.2$ qmalityv ISaek Taflrta c $1.00. Prices have been reduced on many lines and vhenyou "want to by any- thing it will pa you to come in and see us. 0 0 0 PamplbeJD 0 0 0 "Bllt Men, may come and men mlty go, bat I go on jHforever." RorHBocK's Roller. Mills. Gold HillN. C. 2-12 8m OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. W. C. Coughenoub, President, TrC. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H, N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. - W. H. WHITE, Cashier. Where to Go to Buy HA MESS Whenjin need of good, reliable single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Streets. We also do first-class repairing on short notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halt9rs, Wljips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. We solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. v If your horse is injured in any way get a bottle of our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline k Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. Sale ol Valuable Real Estate. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court rendered in the special proceed ings entitled R. A. Shuping; Admr. of J. B. Rex et al and John Rex, Q. W, Rex and others, authorizing, em powering and directing the undersign ed commissioner to expose hereinafter decribed lands to public sale at the court house doer in Salisbury, N. O., on Monday, April 6th, 1908, - the undersigned commissioner will at said time and place offer at public auc tion, to the highest bidder, for cash, subject to confirmation, the following described real estate known as the James Rex lands lying in Steele town ship, adjoining' the lands of Ludwig, Shank and others, and and bounded as follows : Beginning at a stone, John Rex's corner on Ludwig's line and runs thence S 88 W 1 5 65 chains to a Hick ory, Dobbin's corner of Dobbin's line ; thence with said Dobbin's line S 9 W 14.40 chains to a stone, Dobbin's xcor ner on Shank's line; thence with Shank's line N 88 E 14.47 chains to a poplar, Ludwig's corner; thence N 2 1-2 E 14 chains to the beginning, con taining 21 8-100 acres more or less. This is a valuable tract of land and title to the same is perfect. Sale to begin at 12 o'clock M. on A.pril 6th, 1908, and the purchase price to be paid within 20 days from day of sale and confirmation. This March the 2nd, 1908. R. A. SHUPING, Admr and Comr. R. Lee Wright. Attorney. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND MATTINGS. t We have everything in Furniture, and are also headquarters for CARPETS AND MATTINGS. (j Carpets and all large carpets. Some o-the large pOLC VY C LLCL V D yUb UUWU UilU UK3 BCCU ctt LUC JClXt Baptist Church, Spencer Methodist, Holmes Memo rial and South Main Churches, Fulton and Spencer Masonic lodges. When in the city drop in, to see us. You are always welcome, V. B. SUL1MERSETT. J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN MD TOP, BEST QUALITY AND TYLE. A WORD OF ADVICE. TO FARMERS. You are no doubt fairly well satisfied with the prices which you ate getting for your products. If, in exchange for the money you receive for what you sell, you should need a few pieces of Furni ture, we would, advise you to go to the Big,Furniture Store. This store is lo cated in theEmpire Block, near the Central Hotel. You will find there the Best Pric.es to be had in Salisbury. If, you doubt this statement you dm veri fy it yourself, if yott will take the time to see them before you buy. T. E..WITHERSPOON & CO. We eell the celebrated Geo. ,E. Niesen & Go's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Baggies! repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions! furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds; C Wood and Iron Work done at short notice, We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies, and "Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. WHITE & CO. t if oooooooooooootooooooooooooo o o O For Gifts of Value and Merit o O GO TO O o o o o Q. W. WRIGHT'S, HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF o o o o Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Art Squares, Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, iron and brass, Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cote, Chairs ofjall kinds, " for children, " for office, Desks for office and ladies, Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, -Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, . Go-Carts, Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Fnmiture, Lounges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces olall Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rags, - J ' Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, "Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. - " Q Remember the Substantial gifts of the best andv most 0 q lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at Q ' V WestTnnes Street. - - - - SalisburvN. 'a. 7 oooooboooooooooooobooboodo -5 ). 1 - "i T- - i J . 1 m ill