SALEU. March 81. Farmers are very busy with their farm work ejnce the pretty snow, 'v We have no sickness in our community at present. D. F. Wise has the poles all up for the phone line to his home. Miss Stella Lippert and her brother made a flying trip to Iredell county last week. Jake Menius has moved back to his old home where he will reside in the future. The two Misses Sifford are can vassing the county taking orders for O-I-don't know-what. Look, out tibys, have your money ready. E. M. Sifford and family were over at Father Gauble's last night. Mrs. M. J. Bosfr spent a few days in town with her daughter last week. Peaches are about all "killed in this community. Rev. R. R. Sowers will hold the spring communion at Salem E. L. church, the fourth Sunday in April at 8 p. m. There will be a picnic at Salem Easter Mondav in behalf of the Children's Society. Let , every body come and bring their money and have a good time. Charles Rary has moved to Eli Shulenberger's where he will farm this summei, The chicken thieves are not all dead yet, as they played havoc at Mrs. J. D. Shank's, with her tur keys and chickens. . John. YADKIN VALLEY RIPPLES. April 4th. St. John's mill has changed hands. H. C. Grubb and F. M. Thompson- being tne pur chasers. It is laid that a num ber of improvements will be made inthe near future. We need an up-to-date mill in this commu nity. A great deal of the fruit is killed, but not all, no matter how the election goes peach, brandy will be scarce. " When you go to vote, my fel low cranks, remember the Maine, not the ship of Maine but the state of Maine, for about 60 years she has been ordering her medi cine for snake bites from other states but she has industries in place of saloons and distileries, y that brings the money back again in educational and Christian en lightenment. She is one of the leading States in the Union. Nine-tenths of the territory of . South Dakota is prohibition, yet, according to the population, she has a larger jercentage -of people that can read and write than any other state in the Union, notwith standing the fact that the popula tion is largely composed of every nationalty under the sun and very largely to the serfs of Russsia, she owes these qualifications en tirely to temperance and compul sory school laws. N- The voters seem to be pretty well divided on the coming elec tion. 1 The majority is supreme. Everything comes to those who wait, Some are waiting to see their name in print. Uncle Tom. Court House Hill. April 6th. The health of this community is very good at pres ent. - The farmers are. busy preparing their land for corn and cotton. Some of them are through plant ing corn. Crescent and Chestnut Hill crossed" bats April 4th, the soore standing 6 to 6. Gold Knob and Rockwell crossed bats Friday, the score standing 18 'to 7 in favor of Gold Enob. George H. Lyerly is running in the voting contest. Anyone who desires to renew will please give their votes to him. He will kind ly thank them for it. Fahn Lyerly 'and Herbert KJuttz visited at Rev. Trexler's Sundiy last. 'x .P. H. Lyerly has moved into his new store. . We hope he will like it. Bill. CM OB N. Lotfj, near Gold Hill, and. see how cheap he sells ftll kinds of merchandise. ' 8-21-8t SOUTH ROWAN . March- 23. It seems that spring came this year - before" the $2.00 and the third prize was gly scheduled time. During the warm en to A. ,0. LentzC C. L. Earn- weather the peach buds nearly all showed their beauty by opening, poorest performer. ,, Last Thursday the weather change Mr . tQd Mra. Frank Small are ed from rain to snow and from I warm to cold. The peach crop isLnn oKrtnt QO , nearly all froze and if. the apple crop falls short, there will be. a grear scarcity of fruit, again, this year. I - i dj, iu.-u x7, uu hundred relatives and eight people, and family, fathered around the home of Mr. and Mrs Ambrose Casper to celebrate Mr. Casper's 67th birthday. Mr. Cas per was completely surprised. A long table .was spread on which many good things to eat were placed . Immediately after dinner manypresents were given to him by bis friends. The occasion was one long to be remembered by the many friends present. Last Tuesday a gentleman and his son Who were delivering pic tures in our community happened to the misfortune of having a run away and though both were thrown from the buggy, neither one was hurt. There were a lot of picture frames scattered around and badly broken uo. The horse tore theling he fft0 that he was dressed in shafts from the buggy, and after running about half -a mile was caught by James Caster. It seems tnat a great many of us were misinformed about a man having fire in his wagon bed, on Saturday night before Christ- A ' , r mas, -!- I port is false, we will take his word W I for it. J. F. Parks sold a fine milk cow last Saturday to Jake Rusher for thirty dollars. Jonn .Beaver and family were welcome visitors to' Frank Parks last Sunday. feince the warm weather has set in wheat is looking fine. The breaking of the school at rarjc s acaaemy was rana. ine crowd present was very large, r-k l n mi I School convened on Friday until 1U O ClOCK a. m. Aieieyen O ClOCK Rev. H. A. Trexler delivered an able address on education. He spcke briefly for an hour and a quarter. His speech was a glori ous one for the cause of education. Immediately after his speech Z. A. Kluttz gave a. lecture on Chris tianity. He spoke for thirty min utes. , The next thing on handa after the'speakingwas dinner. So preparation was 'made and a long table was spread and upon it was plenty-for all, and some left over. In the afternoon the crowd greatly increased in numbers and it was a general picnio for the young peo pie. The Rock and the Academy boys played a game of ball nine innings) which terminated in a Bcore of 2 to 2. G. H. Bark kept the score and Robert Peeler was umpire. This game of ball was said, by a number of aged people present, to be one of the quietest and most peaceable games ever played on the ground. Rocker. ST. LUKES. We had a fine rain the 5th. Eyy thipg refreshed verj much. Some of our smartest farmers have already planted corn, but 1 the majority will wait until next wee t ttt nrn mi v ' Rev. R; L. Trexler has been do Rev. W. WfcRowe will preach a L Bome fine- work hig CRm. sermon on-proHlDltlon at St. Lukes on the 4th Sunday afternoon April 25, at 8 oclck. , v, . . .. , . Everybody is invited to come put and hear this sermon, it makes no difference whether you ace "wet" or ?dry" we assure you that it will do you no harm, even if it does conscience "anti's." irritate your come TTD along a litte, We hear that some of the min isters . are against prohibition. Well, there are alwayB some black sheep in every flock, but we do think that the shepherds should try and keep -their hands white, We wonder if any minister can ask his God to aid him in work ing against prohibition. . We hear that there will be a prohibition rally a t Rockwell next Sunday afternoon. Messrs Price and Hatcher will speak. Fred. Subscribe for The Watohmah, GOLD HILL. n V April 6th. The -fiddlers' con vention came off last Friday night. About fifteens-disciples of oat-gut and horse hair participated in the contestr- S. F. Rogers won, the first prize of $5.0a Chas. Rogers was awarded the second prize of hart received- ttie prize as the va t lutu died of naenmonift w. Mnnv. ftnd Wft8 interred hQod m cemetery OQ Tuesday, MarchSlst. a ioage oi tne wooaman oi tne Wn - ld WoQ nrtrari;,0l Vi aTa was ororaxiizad hnrn last TKnrBdoV niaht consisti of 15 u- j L. i II hi iiiHiM. m. 1 1 i will iiu v niiw ri HH Chestnut lodge. - Gold Hill now boasts of "five fraternal orders, viz : Masons. Juniors. Odfellows. Paughters of Liberty and Wood men of the World. One car load of the new ball mill, to ha installed at the Union mine, was received last week, and has been unloaded and placed on the ground where preparation is I being made to erect the mill build- - Mis.Clara Proctor ga,e a tacky party , last Thursday night, The I prize (a red-bandana handker- chief) was awarded to Chas. A. Helderman as the tackiest looking Lgootleman present, notwithstand his best clothes, while several others wore all kinds of ludricrous looking costumes. Miss Ophelia Wilson secured the prize as the tackiest girl present. A novel sight on our streets last Thursday was a dirty, shabby- j js j , ..jj,...-. W f I small tables over town. They claimed to be from Greenville, S. C, vnd were traveling in a wagon. Mrs. Laura Jenkins received the $700.00 insurance ' carried by her son, Will, who died of typh'oid fever a few weeks aeo.' He car ried $500 in the Junior order and $200 in the Daughters of Liberty. The Juniors also will erect a handsome monument over his grave. Tne BUperintendent of the q0 Hill mine received- a tel- Lgram to shut down all work ex- ftftn r.nmr.i'ntr motor in nnrilnnrvo withwhich, the stamp mill which has been running night and dav was closed aown and an under ground work, blacksmiths and mechinists were cut off. We had some ice and frost last Saturday morning, but hope there will be some truit left. Mrs. Charles Fisher died yester day and will be interred at Mt. Pleasant today. W. Hi Martin. J. M. Proctor ana j Rf Faggart were elected as delegates to the Republican con vention which - met in Salisbury Saturday last. Mike, BARBER SCHOOL HOUSE. Gold Knob and Rockwell played ball last Friday. The score at the finish was 18 to 7 in favor of Gold Knob. What has become of Bartlette? Won:t some one please wake him up and get him busy giving us. the news. Miss Sophie Lyerly, who has t0 ?o ieTt and rTeapei- ate. I E, C. Lyerly has purchased a new buggy, so now the girls may I expect a riae. liOOK our-, gjns. L.. llTI hftH nnt vet been-ahlfl to I produce a pretty negative from an ugly subject. Luther Thomas has been visit- . . . Lent2, f fcen bere 0f ate There must be some attraction. gcme ft :onT farmers have planted corn while others are pre- paring to do so The cold weather recently hurt some . of the fruit trees, in this community, but if we don't have another cold snap, there will be some fruit yet. ' John Trexler has about oom pleted his new house. COBNELLAOBIAMATUS. A Twenty Year Sentence. "I have just oompleted a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which cured me of bleeding" piles just twenty years ago,V writes O. S. Woolever, of LeRaysvilie, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve heels the worst soreB,- boils, burns, wounds and cuts in the shortest time. 25c lat all drug stoies. CRUSHED ! CMTSHED! Destroying Cost, Profit and Everything, starts at 8 r cj SALISBURY'S GREATESf CL0TMIER, Wednesday April 8th, at 9 a. The condition of the prei sent panic has found us with an immense stock. "322. wS2 Z'"J"Vru' h,u """w7 w" "- J" itTl y-e-. II WIOWp v WWC2 Hiuak money, hence this mighty sacrifice and the world's greatest slaug h t e r of Clothing and Furnishings for Men, B6ys and Children to be sold In onr building at Salisbury, ff. C. ed; such a stupendous bargain feast. Among our competitors this news will spread like a bonibshell explosion and no Imihf tmna will ho laid for von hv havinc sicna too: hnt look for onr bier sicrn and the name before you enter. Read, Read, Read! Prices Crushed in every Department Sensational Bar gains in Hen's Clothing. Fine Suits of Men's CA AC Clothes, all to match,.. L A fine suit ef Men's Clothesj all to match. This is positively worth $7.50 or your $0.85 money refunded, crushed O" Men's suits worth $10.00, or your money back at any time if you are not satisfied. $71.85 Crushed to ; Tf Men's splendid suits in velour fin ished cassimers or worsteds, this is positively worth $12.50 or your money refunded.- CP 5 Crushed to f. . . . . Blue surges, choice worsteds or cassimeres, all hand tailored Men's suits- Manufacturer's cost $12.50. Crushed to $5-85 Fancy mixture suits for men, both in three-piece full lined as well aB two-piece suits, half or quar ter lined, double and breasted, fully worth $ R5 $J0.00. Crushed to. . . vs"WM Fancy mixture suits for men, two piece, one-half or one quarter lined double and single breast ed in the highest of fashion made by the world's famous tailors, lined with pure silk, can't be bought elsewhere for less than $18.00 to 20.00 CA OC Crushed to Silk andSaiin lineddresssuitsfaucy plaid worsteds, worth $15.00. Crushed to . . $7-45 Men's $17.50 suitsthe very best grade of all wool worsteds we guarantee, greys or dark plads, tailor-made garments. (A SJ5 Crushed to Q'V" 200"Men's blue broadcloth suits, fast colors of the, very highest grade of yblue, all guaranteed or - your money back, worth OC fully $15. Crushed to v I 200 men's suits black broadcloth, imported, the very finest single and-doublebreasted, hand-tail ored,, worth $18 to $20. Crushed to $9-85 At $9.85 you are free to choose a suit worth $22.50v Brown all wool worsted in checks or stripes single or double breasted, the very finest makes. ' $Q 85 Crushed to 5T Single and double breasted suits -at $14,45 and $14.85 that repre sents the product of 'the worlds celebrated looms and the worlds We have thousand other articles too numerous to mention, in fact here will be the most marvelous of majestic bar gains for Men's, Boyd' and children's high grade Clothing and Furnishings ever brought together by any firm in North Carolina equalizing in qualitv and variety the combined stocks of all the, otler clothing and furnishings for men, - boys and children in Salisbury and wehereby guarantee to sell positively as we advertise, and every price we quote is strictly bona fide and every quotation correct. . ' SALE POSITIVELY This store will be closed to all the world Monday and Tuesday to mark the goods in plain figures, and arrange the stock for opening of sale "' Wednesday, April 8th at 9 a.m. r n ;n J r i t ' i djy Having gigantic plans in view, but the money is to be raised, so we have decided to unload the entire stock of high grade uptodate x MEN 'S, BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S INGS, sending death and destruction to high prices, demor alizing competition. We have adopted heroic measures, it is our loss, your gain. This store will be the scene ol the greatest slaughter in prices ever inaugurated in or around Salisbury, and it will long be remembered by the thousands of people who will attend this sale from far and near, be cause people" know and realize what we advertise is gospel truth. Drop 5ourplow or your tools and come to visit this sale. Never before and perhaps never again will an oppor tunity like this be presented to you to save money on all sea sonable, high crrade Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing, to be sold at a sacrifice. You most skillful tailors, they are equal to and guaranteed to ex ceed any $25.00 and $35.00 tailor made to order garments in the world. The latest shades of browns, tans and olive colors, all wool ank silk mixture. We will cheerfully refund you your money on demand if not satis- &d$14-45$14-85 It may bn hard to believe that a big concern would sacrifice such an immense stock to ba sold at less than the actual cost of the raw material, but it is the gos pel truth and we merely ask you to come and test our state- ment. Men's fine dress pants worth QQ sz.uu urnsnea to Men's fine pants worsted fully $2.50 Crushed to $1-19 Men's fine Trousers for Sunday . wear, stripes and plaids, peg tops, side buckles, flaps on hip pockets positively worth $4.00 Crushed to $-.95 Men's fine trousers for Sunday wear, the newest shades of plaids wool worsted worth (A $5.00. . Crushed to 500 pairs of the celebrated Nu fangl" trousers, the world's famous make all wool worsteds in neat stripes or plaids regular price from $7.00 Youth's suits double-breasted size from 15 to 20 fine quality of Cassimeres all wool ful- Cil ftE ly worth $10.00Crushed H'V" One lot of Youth's" Suits all to match worth 7 50 $0.85 Crushed to. ...... . . . Youths Suits Double Breasted Worsted worth $12.50 $Cag5 . Crushed to... Q" Pants Etc. Good heavy Men's "Socks. Ol! Worth 10c. Crushed to fcSC One lot of Men's Corduroy Pants. Worth $2.00. Crushed Qq One lot of Men's Corduroy Pants. Worth $4 and $5. A gJQ Crushed to OlaVV "Headlight" Overalls known all over the world as the best $1 00 overalls made. Crushed 79c to. One lot of Men's Overalls made of heavy bluo denim, ft A Worth 7Sc Crushed to ffOC One lot' of Boys' Knee Pants, all wool, small size only. Worth OPENS WEDNESDAY: X F Salisbury's Greatest Clothier. . . . -. We hereby agree to refund the money on all-goods priced above if not satisfactory to the purchaser. Railroad fare to be paid to pur chasers of $25.00, or over, within a radius of 25 miles. Look fox the big Bign before you enter and look for the name. - T?r? A TAT? ) qvlj uo CLOTHING, will be amazed and astonish- 50c. and 75o. Crushed 4 yi to.... 140 One lot of Boys' Knee Pants, all sizes. Worth up to $1 QQa a suit. Crushed to OvV One lot of all Linen Children's Wash Suits, in Russia Blouse or Sailor Style. Worth up QQa to $1.50 a suit. Crushed 0 v V One lot of Boy's Knee Pant Suits, all sizes. Worth up to ! A $3.00. Crushed to I IC One lot of Bovs's Knee Pant Suits. Worth up. to $4.00. M.79 Crushed to O I " One lot of Men's very fine Shoes, and Oxford's famous makes. Worth $8.00 and $4,00. A Crushed to JJ " One lot of Men's Overall Pants, sizes up to 36 in. seam. Worth $1.00 Crushed to 39c One lot Men's Shoes and Oxfords such) makes as Geo. G Snow, Hanan & Son, Walkover and Ralston Health, these shoes sell from 4 00 tp 6 00 all over the world we have them in Patent -Leathers, Gun Metal and Russetts, Crushed $1.85 A few hundred .men's and 4A. boys caps worth 50c crush 9 v Men's 75c and $ leaps all up OC a to date shapes Crushed Uvv Men's leather working gloves worth 50c crushed 19c Trunks and Dress Suit Cases at crushing prices. fMat Department. One lot of Men's and Boys'" Dress straw hats 50 cent value Crushed to One lot of Men's and Boys 19c Dress Straw hats 25 to 35c value 4 A Crushed to HQ One lot of Men's Pur hats $ 1 A JP and $1.60 values crushed frOC About 50 dozen Men's Hat all the Jatest shapes and styles "JA worth up to 2 50 Crushed f 3C One lot of For hats for Men and Young Men all in the latest styles and colors worth up to $3,00 Crushed to . . 97c $2,000 of Hen's Genuine Panama Hats, the very latest styles to be Slaughtered in this sale. One lot of Genuine Paiiyaas all sizes the latest styles worth from $3 to $- .45 $1.95 $5 Crushed r One lot of Men's GenuinePanamas worth from A 45 $0 95 $5 to $10crushA S""' m m w i m - GENTS FURNISH APRIL 8TB, Al CLOSES IN TEN DAYS. 9 UAJ ' 9 m., sharp. $35.000 00 worth of high grade Hen's, Boy's and Children's Cloth ings to be distributed into the homes of the people, for less than the actual cost of the raw . material a J. Feldman's, SALISBURY, N. C. Opens Wednesday, April the 8th, 9 o'clock, a. m. r.1en's Furnish ings. One lot of Men's Negligee shirts worth 75c crushed uffv Men's NegligeeShirts worth AA. fully 50c Crushed to Jv One lot of Men's Negli gee Shirts sold for 50 cents 19c Crushed to. One lot Men's unlaundried White Shirts, all linen, strictly $1.00, slightly damaged by water. 27 Crushed to , One lot of Men's fine full dress White Shirts, alt linen, 04 worth $1.00.. Men's very fine white pleated bos om soft Shirts worth $1.00 59 to $1.50. Crushed to.. .. The famous brand, of "Manhat tan" White Shirts, all linen 95 worth $2.50. Crushed to One lot of E and W Collars, the famous brand, worth 5c. -2 the world over. Crushed to ' One lot of Men's and Boys' Linen. Collars, worth 15c. Crush- AC ed to One lot 4)f Men's white all Linen Cuffs, including E and W 073. brand. Crushed tp .... . 2 Men's Underwear One lot medium weight Under wear, white,' blue andN brown, drawers to match, worth Aif $1.00. Crushed to . 04C Men's Balbriggan Underwear worth fully 35o, Crush edto..... IOC Men's Balbriggan Underwear, drawers to match, shorfc or long sleeves;, Crushed 4 to... IJC Men's B a 1 b r iggan Undeiwear worth 75 cents a gar 29c ment. Crushed to... Neckwear. One lot of Men's 4 in. hand Neck ties, fancy silks;. Regu- H A lar price 25c. Crushed to One lot of Men'&l-narrow black silk Neckties, 40 in. long. IA 'Worth 25o. Crushed to One lot of Men's Cravats, all silk, fancy weaves or solid f A black, worth 50c, crushed Jy One lot of silk Bows in all colors. Worth up to 25c. Crushed 3c to. All our higher grade Neckties will be crushed in prices. will reach the lowest limit in this gigantic sale of clothing and furnishings for men, boys and. children. The greatest 10 days ever held in the State will open on Wednesday, April 8th at 9 a.m.

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