-a CHESTNUT HILL" : " . " r April 20. W. E;Egle and wife and three children are spending Easter with relatives and" friends down in Piney. Woods. They will return home Tueaday next. .. Miss Marie Shatrer recently visi ted her cousins Albert and Ada Eagle. - Miss SuBan Overman, of Chest nut Hill, is very ill at this writiug We hone her a speedy xeoovery and-a long and happy life. -Miss Franois Glover, of . Con cord, spent a few day with her mother near Misenheimer Bprings and returned home Saturday. The Sunday School ohildren, of the Methodist church had an Eas ter egg Hunt Baturaay ana eujuj ed the occasioa-very much. The dwelling on Factory. Hill, occupied by John Whitman, was destroyed by are jrnaay morning. He lost all his household and kitchen furniture. - Mrs. Lindy Eller, near here, has been oonfined to her bed for a few weeks, but is improving now we are clad to quote. ; - Guess we can report a marriage n nr l Tiro a o vnnncr nrTinlA wniC n came from Albemarle Saturday. Rev. J, A. J. Farrington, perform ed the ceremony. , The people of the State are at work for prohibition, which is a 4arge number. ; I am sure there is not a man that can be at any .bet ter work, so let us do all that is in our power to drive out the worthless stuff called whiskey, and lets have sunshine and love in this dear old State of ours. It a -confessed evil. Let us work an pray, especially those who have not decided to vote for prohibi tion, you get down on your knees and ask God to direct you to vote right. Bobby. LIBERTY X ROADS. Wheat and oats are very much revived since the recent rain. J. T. Earnhardt, of Albemarle, visited Miss Lucy Lentz last Sun day, . . " ' Miss Lillie Taylor and N. Lufty were united in the holy bonds of matrimony last Sunday by . Rev. W. E. Cruse. MrrLufty is a very enterprisingg merchant one mile west of Gold Hill. We extend our best . wishes to thishappy couple. ' Hon. W. T. Bundick, is touring this county and making very in teresting speeches in favor of pro hibition. E. A. Goodman and wife visited at Mose Goodman's last Sunday. We think Roby Hill will soon chase the bargain that he has been driving down on Panther Creek. Lots.ofour people went to the Barger school house to hear Messrs Wright and Price on ro hibitionlast Monday, , and also to A. M. Eller s big sale at Craven 0. A. Campbell spent Easter Monday down oh the Yadkin river fishing. " Rev. Wilson will preach a pro hibition sermon at Liberty the -first Sunday in May. Billy. IMMANUEL. April 18th. Farmers are near ly, done planting corn aad are preparing .their ground for cotton, ; ' L. A. Beaver was the first to get done planting corn in this community, ' Messrs. Price and Hatcher made prohibition speeches at Rockwell last Sunday. A very large crowd jeas in attendance. , A. M. Barringer has been quite ..sick during thVplust week. t Misses Mary and Dovie Beaver William Beaver and Geo. Boger all have cotton patches this year. Look out for some weddings next fall. Geo. Boger went past a strange place Saturday ev!ening:.and.;we think he trampled on somebody's toes, because they told him not to come past any more. ,, . : , v. : An Anti-saloon league has been organized t Rockwell. . -Missestlrene Miller and "Lena Karriker visited at'Jno. C. Hols houserls last Thursday. v" Uscus Jetbho. orresBonQenee. 1 GRANITE QUARRY I April 21.-The old easter rabbit has gone through bur town and done well. I think found most of the homes. I wonder if he will come back this way. Earnest thinks that' he - will go back by Patsy's. A jolly good time was had at the egg hunt, -at the i Granite Quarry Sohool house. Easter.Mon-1 day, which was most interesting to4 the little folks. It was a great i i 1 pleasure lor tne cnimren to nunc .aoggB wcwu flw cwn flWamapITid Brown't paitvrt Batfet some iound lots ol tnem and some umuu.uuu Bom.iuy. . jij --i c j ; - i Mr and Mrs. Joh,n. Saf rit of i Salisbury, visited W. T. Peeler's last Saturday and Sunday.. Hhe friends of Paul Lyerly, who i cut his foot very badly a few weeks ago, out again we aregiad to see 4 -. mm. .. Mrs. CoraXyerly spent Easter. at home with her parents, Her friends were glad to see her home again,. She goes back to school at Mt. Pleasant Mondav. Edward Earnhardt and MissT Lillie. Lefler of this place were! united in the holy bonds of matri- j mony monaay, at o p. m. Kev. u.i. ' If 1 . n. I H. Coi officiating. The ceremony took piace in tne parsonage, alter which they left for Will Lefler's where they will stay for a whiler ine mends of the happy couple wish them muoh joy. - A crowd of boys went fishing Easter Monday, and did not catch very many fish. Anarew .Brown nas been coming to Granite Quarry quite often. He knows a good plaoe when he sees ' ' Tom'Hoglin, who has been siok for the past few weeks is now able to be out, but not able to go to workyet, Jack. FOUND SNAKE IN MACHINE DRAWER. Better Feed yoor Corn to Poor Stock Rath- v er than Exchange Jt for Wblskei. Gold EZnob, April 20. Spring has come and the farmers are tak- ing advantage of it. The most of them are done planting corn and some have fixed their cotton ground. Wheat and Oats are: looking well in this neighborhood. Paul Barger has some fine oats. He was the first to have oat heads. He had some April 10th, and J. H. A. Barger was the first to have wheat heads. He had some April 12th. Who oan btat that? P. M. Philips lost a fine horse last week whioh he valued at $200 That is a big loss for a poor man but those who have' will lose and those who have not can't lose. Mrs. J. M. Brady, while sewing last week, opened her machine drawer and in the drawer lay'a big snake that measured 2 feet long. mi -t a i j xue ena&e must nave taxen up winter quarters there and had just come out for spring. A number of young people from Christiana were present at St Peter's Sunday. Among the num ber were Jupius Lyerly, Charlie Lyerly, Misses Sophie Lyerly and Daisy Lyerly. We "were glad to have thenrwith us, so.come again Messrs. Henry C. and Harvey A. Park have returned home from Mobile, Ala., to visit with - home folks and see how North Carolina is getting along. Some of the , drinking class of this community ask if we have prohibition,' what would become of the corn that is raised? Others say, feed it to the poor horses. That is right brother. Let all vote for prohibition and let the poor horses have some corn,- - COENELIATORIUMATUS. Kennedy's ""Laxative . Cough Syruy the cough syrup -.that tastes nearly as good as. 1 maple sugar and which children like so well to take. Unlike nearly all other cough-remedies, it does not constipate but on the other hand it acts promptly yet gently on the bowels, through whioh the cold is forced out of the system; and at time it allays. . inflamma tion. Always use Kennedy's Lax ative Cough Syrup. Sold by James Plummer and all druggists. christian; April 20. The prohibition rally' at St. Luke's last Saturday ! night was a great success in spite oi the unfavorable, weather. Messrs. Bismark CaDns and P. S. Carlton were the speakers of the oooasson. Many , "wet" men were present. mere win- be: anotner big f rally hf f Satuaday night,April zoia. x ne speasers wiu do . an nounced later-. As: usnar everv- Ki, ;'a nnwinarit, iniaA The Easter visitors are : , Mr, nd Mrs. Luther Fisher at Rev. R. L.. Brown's, Mr. andf Mrs, 8. R. Frye at Nathan Brown'sMr and Mrs. Geo. F. Brown at John Caub- le's. and Arthur Thomas at Luther Lyerly's. " " - u - There was a great ball playing in Mondav. Peonle. vonnnd nld. 10.1 and fern il. ffftfchflrfid and an . o old fashioned ball game was play ed. It was an occasion that wil long be remembered. Xbbxbs. . FAITH. I" . u. Easter Monday, April 20th, ions tko ca the" singing here .today in the Reformed church. A large crowd e in attendance. -Professor - C (A. Jacobs ishere conducting the singing and all -are looking for rofe8Bor Brown from Cooleemee Peeler, Bame & Co. shipped an- other car load of curbing today. The Albert Bee Pink Granite Co. started their large hoisting machine Saturday and raised one 0f their large derricks with it. They are rigging it up this week. A There ase so many quarries run ning now that there is a pay day at some of them every Saturday and trade with the merchants is improving. - Since C. S. Carter, superinfefc-1 dent of Camp No. 1, has been ou here working-the road through! our town, it begins to look like a little city. You ought-to see the automibiles ihat come cut here, One-iaa just returned to Salis- bury, it came oufcruke a blue streak and returned slowly so its occuPanM oouia Bee e town. George Gant, of Winston, is visiting his father, p. p. Gant, this we ?k. Lawson Ludwiek is selling onions and radishes in the cities of Faith and Salisbury, grown this year. It looks like old camp meeting times to see so many people, buggies and horses all over our little town today attending the Lold-time singing. John Peeler and S. A. Corn have gone to High Point to bid on a large granite vault. There it more large, costly oemetery work coming into the quarries this spring than, has ever been known before. s Mr. and Mrs. David D. Peeler are spending,, this month with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Wil helm. Vknus, We Are Dying Yonnger. In view of all that has been said 'about the fall in the death rate it seems strange to realize that we are not living so long as our grandfathers and grandmoth ers' did. M.OI& babies live to grow up nowadays than formerly, but peo ple in latter life dfa youtfger. Once Arrived , at adult age the av erage man or woman has, fewer years of survival to expect. This seems onthe face of it so surprising a statement that in or der to -be accepted it should .be backed up by data authentic and indisputable. Such data are fnr nished by the figures of the in surance companies which all a gree on the point), but it is easier to refer to the government census reports, which tell the tale in simple fcnd convincing fashion. Even during the past fifteen years the death ' rate among all persons over 55 years of age of both sexes has risen considerably .---Health Culture. C A Twenty Tear Sentence. - A VI have just completed a twenty year health sentence, imposed by Bucklen's " Arnica Salve, which cured j me of bleeding piles just twenty years ago," writes O. S. Woolever, "of LeRaysvilie, N. Y. Bucklen's Arnica, Salve heels the worst sores, boils, burns, wounds and cats in the shortest time, 25o at all drug stores. : r i-i: i-riilii-O ilk diicAii-it i-t yQ : Our Sensational Sale ha opened with a crowd crushed to been keepinff up because people know and "Tbuth, and no merchant ould be more sensation of such 11 sale now in progress at our establishment. few days away and-this Great Crushing Sale will wind up just If 1 you haven t selected your Easter Suit it's high time to get store is the objective point for you, if you want the smartest products of the world's most skillful tailors and the latest shades of Brown, Tan and Olive colors suits for thej least possible outlay. When again will an opportunity like this be presented to youoj save money on , such High Grade Clothing, and again there was never a time when it! was so inportant for you to save from five to ten dollars on a suit of clothes as now ''panic time." Positively you cannot afford to overlook Feldman'sGreat Gloth ing Sale of the most wanted and seasonable merchandise for one half Jess than manufacturers' cost. ' -. - 3 Sensational Bar gains in Hen's Clothing. One lot of Men's Suits, all to match. This is positively worth $7.50 or your money refunded f to . $2-85l$3-85 Men's Snits worth $10.00 or your money back at any time if -you are not satisfied. tli OC Crushed to..... ..Vr Blue Serges, Fancy Worsteds or cassimers, . all hand tailor man ufacture's cost $12.50. Ar OE Crushed to ... -00 Fancy Mixture Men's Suits, two ' piece, one half or' one quarter - lined, double and single breast ed, made in the highest of fashion, lined with pure silk. Can't be bought elsewhere for less than $15 to $18., QC Crushed to ....OU Men's $17.50-Suits, the very best grade of allWool Worsteds, we guarantee. Greys or dark plaids tailor made garments. f A QC - .Crushed to X)0 Men's Suits, Blaok Broadcloth importedf the very finest single WATER SUPPLY. Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant and abundant ..supply of good water for the household, stock, yard, garden and fire purposes, and at the same time thatr whioh needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to your house from any nearby spring or branch without no further atten tion after the installation of a ram. The best r m on the mar ket is sold and installed by T. A. P. Rosem an, RouteS, Salisbury, N, C. Write for particulars. HOTICE. Notice is hereby giteri that the un dersigned freeholders of Gold Hill and Morgan Townships wil apply by peti tion to the Board of County Commis sioners of Rowan County, N. C, on Monday, the 4 day of May, -1908 to al ter the Boundary line between Gold Hill, and Morgan Townships the pro posed change will begin at the first railroad crossing of the ' Salisbury and Gold Hill public road north of station in Gold Hill and extend with the rail, road track to the Cabarns county line this March 14, 1808. - 1 Gold Hill - ; Township ," John Morgan, Morgan ' - Township -Luther Biegers, Geo.-H. Morgan, H.E. Tiser, J. CL Snug'gs. ThoB. Movie. Bennie Martin, D. L, Martin. Charles W. Woodson, M. D., Medicine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public, Office Phone 600; Res. 836 J. OFFICE: Wunria Ban Baflfling. and double breasted, hand tail ored worth $18 to $20. OA AG Crushed to.... qJ'QQ At $10.85 you are free to choose a suit worth $22.50, brown all Wool Worsteds in checks or stripes, single and double breasted, fancy cuffs on sleeves of c6at; trousers made full peg top, side buckles, flaps on hip pockets. Crushed to (J Q 85 Single and double breasted Suits at $14.45 and $14.85 does repre sent the producb of the world's celebrated looms and the world's most skillful tailors. They are equal to and guaranteed to ex c&ed any- $25.00 and $35.00 tail or made to order garments in the world, the latest shades of Brown, Tan and the new Olive oolor, all Wool and Silk mix ture, lined with pure Silk. We win cneeriuiiy reiund your money if not satisfied. Crush- SI 4-451 $14-85 Our Entire Stock of YoufTvs' Suits at Crushed Prices. One lot of the nfangl"Trousers, the world's famous make, all Wool Worsted in neat stripes or A 1 Sale PositiYely Winds up Saturday, April 1 8th. J linera Nature's" Great Blood Tonic - - - , - -The recent drugf exposures in this Country have proven to all that deadly poisons and stimulants lurk m many Patent Medicines. You never know when you intent be tak ing some of that class. , . Nature has made ample 'provision for restoring: vigor and vitality to humanity, and the public, as well as doctors, resort to Natural Remedies, when all others have failed. aa!1 tr2Siledouith 9ysJ??ps!? Nervousness; Malaria. Kidney or filadder Trouble, Chronic Diarrhoea or Dysentery, and above all, that dreadful .disease Scrofula, which has almost baffled human skill, or Diseases necu liar to Females? - - - Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated ; Iron fi iliim Water, Is Natures Remedy for Nature's Ills. Yes, when you consider that disease comes from impoverished or run down conditions of the system, this Natural Mineral Water' furnishes the system what it needs. . ! '. - - The analysis of this Water, shown on . the bottle, tells you what Nature thinks you should take when sicK, and the doctor who reads it will agree. Do you think the grouping together in this Water of 17 different minerals, which are recognized by medical writers as most powerful blood tonics, could have heefl accidental ? Reason answers, NO ! - An 18-oz bottle of Piedmont-Bedford .Concentrated Iron and Alum water contains all the minerals of 25 gallons of the average natural water Then why buy a barrel of water when you can get a bottle of minerals at the trivial cost of one dollar. " The dose is a teaspoonful in a glass of your own spring water. . How this Water acts upon the system is not clearly known. It is judged mainly by its works." It Jias cured all the diseases numerated' above, and many more, evidentlv through its-action as a powerful BLOOD TONIC. . We have many .valuable certificates, which we will be glad to -mail, if you are interested. - ' - . . . - . . . - . . - ' J. M. ECHOLS CO., Lynchburjr, Va. - T. W. Grimes Draff C6M realize what we advertise is nothing hut thn s keeping up with hk plaids, regular prices from $7.00 to $10.00 a OOSSoOOft1! pair, crushed JlZ OO And our v Entire Stock of Men's and Young Men's Pants for less than the actual cost of the raw material. One lot of Men's Genuine Panama Hats, the very latest styles. L Worth from $3.00 to $5.00. Crushed to .45f.95 And our Entire Stock of Men's Fur Hats, JohnlB. Stetson's Hats reserved, for less than the actual cost of the raw material One lot- Men's Shoes such makes as Geo G. Snow Walk over, W. L. DouglaB, King Qual ity. These Bhoes sell from $3.50"to $5.00 all over the world. We have them in Patent Leath er, Gun Metal, and Tans. Crushed to-?hf CQ tSfk CO SI" $2 One lot of Men's Fancy Vests made of the best Poplins, Peques, Linens, Golatas, Ducks, and pure Silks. Worth from $1.5a.to $7.50 ACoOOl1! Crushed to. 4uC20Z ' One lot- of Men's White Dress Shirts, all Linen, the faj&ous Water that Defies Dnis Sold and Recommended Kv . Chestnut HmDruff Co. -tt the walls, and it has j reputation than such With Easter only a about the same time. it iiow. Feldman's "Manhattan Brand, sold every- wjtere at $2,507 Crushed to And our Entire Stock of Negleeel Shirts, fancy or plain whites, and all our coat shirts for less than the actual cost of the raw material. Jf One lot of Boys' all Wool Knee Pants, , worth fully 50c, slightly damaged by water, small sizes only. Crushed to And our Entire Stock of Boys' Koge pant SuitSjages from 8 tc 17 years, for less than the ac tual cost of the raw material. i One lot Boys' Linen Night Gowns agesjrom 5 to 15 years, 07 worth $1.00. Crushed to L I C Remember, we have a thousand and one other articles too nu merous to mention, and we" hereby agree to refund-the mon- liy on all goods priced above if not satisfactory with the pur-t chaser, you - will find any thing kept in an Up-to-Dater Clothibg Store for Men, Boys and Children and Gents' Fur- nishings for less than the manu-1 facturers' cost. 1 v Cooki Pharmacy f