41 V- fi"'. lilii SOUTH ROWAN. The fruit crop of our communi ty is more plentifulOthan was ex pected .,by many. "" There : will probably be two-thirds of a-, crop. J. B. Park had arunaway quite recently, which 'resulted in .the horse get&gkUn , the barb-wire fence jj$ng cut at several plaoea, but not seriously. " Little William, on 0f " P. A. Miller, met with s; painful acci dent a few days ago whilef cutting feed. His ' hasdjl!ipped from where he was holding and went ; --Iwtween the two cog-wheels which resulted in the , iashing "oOwo fingers so badly iihat it .was neces sary to amputate. them The ptple of our community are ' through planting corn and cotton with the exception of a few who have cottonjyet to plant. ROGKEB. BOCfcV Farmers are well along with their work. Almost all are through planting. Wheat and oats are looking very well. We- had quite a frost Friday morning, and a little ice. T he people are talking election considerably for the last week or two. There seems -to be more "wet" people in the county than is generally supposed to be. Should all the denominations Btand as Btrong as the Reformed Church," the lwet" fellows will have a tough time in North Caro lina bo many are afraid they will get sick and have to pay so much for a little medicine. , It is hoped the leading physi cians of North Carolina will ad dress the people all over the State so that the Wetland the "dry" may know the good and the bad effects of alcohol upon the blood, brain, circulation.digestion, heart, muscles, nervous system, stomach, A W; hlpipgia baring lum ber tawed to build a dwelling at -EockweUaSPS:v; :swf1iaT weather along now and some Hope it will soon'oontinue warm bo the garden truck wiU grow. : is?: JBLO. Shaver, of Morgan. Town- ahipTis hauling 'lumber.io buryhaves4 erected. That is right, Mr. Shaver, help make the town larger, -f ? f Silisbrry cotton mill is till ranging four dayi a week, but will stopf or a week or more in June. ; There waTa crowd of men from Factory; Hill -who went fishing -Friday night with great success; There was a young man from Motgaa Towiisbip who came to Salisbury the other day. He said The came after a sack of licenses. Guess if that is the case.there will be some more weddings down in Morgan Township. ' Jesse Harkey, wif e and daughter, from Pina Woods, visited his jion John Harkey, Saturday and Sun day. . y . Will Tayjor has moved into his new residence on Avenue SW He has plenty of room now. Misses Minnie Leach and Mag gie Nail recently made a trip to . Raleigh to represent the Daught ers of Liberty. Mr. and Mrs. Leach near here are sick at this writing. There was a temperance address Sunday evening at 4 p, m. to men only, delivered by Rer J. G. Adams, of Texas ; also Sunday night by the same man. Both were good speeches, " The people are waiting-patiently for Rev. Stuart to tell.themsome thing good on the line of prohibi tion. - : : Bubbt fir; John Riha, of Vining, la., 8ays, "I 'have been selling De Wtts Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a . yearajidlihey give .better satisfaction than any pill I have ever sold. There arelados en people here who have used them and they give perfect satisfaction in every case. - I have used - them . myself with fine results." Sold by, James Plummer and all drug " - " . v ' May 2. The Woodieat mgn School closed its first session last night with an up-to-date enter-k ofT - two W. a ' -l -m. ow pursuuB proBuuu. .... iuo wuw i has had one- the most success ful terms ever taught here. The committee extend their thanks to the teachers, GVB. Wetmore, N. 'N. Flamincr. Misses Emma 1 Erwxn and Fannie Bost, The people of this district were so carried away with the High School'that ihey voted a special tax iii order to run the school more successfully that was voted down less than a year agblR. E. Neighbourand A. H. Pice by a good maiority. r-. m , . Aj.iple: the ralmerville JJraas Band Last Tuesday wnile all were out . at work the house of H. Fides was I anlanH hv snniA nnvnnwn nftTHDll I ,; wa tr. J"-"B MT,wftH rhiit thAvwftirfefld- hilt they found only $8.50, whic they camea away i Onisop thTBots. rIH- April zytn. several auiomo- j uum wo nm8 uu .bo """"sometime ago about tne young since we have good roads.- There Qranite Quarry merchant, using were two Here today, tne one irom Salisnury conwinea inos. xi, 1 Thos. H. Ulineot v. waiiace oons, M - m w 1 1 0 rt 1T.T F. Sides, of the Sides Motor. Car wade Raskin, of the Rankin Grocery Co., and K.-Gerald Wer- ner. of New York city. The oth- er automobile was from Granite Quarry and belonged to Dr. Peel- er. lie was accompaniea oy t T.iro.iav . . J I Pu1ar Tl(LniA Ho., shinned a 1 V rrniti to DimviileJ .,. Ki- mVt Hvrl loads shipped there by this irm in the past few months. Three wagons loaded with a fine grade of cemetery curoing w men ana toois are gone w v . 1 4.-. lL. chureh south ol unma urove ior Peeler Bame & Co., to place the work in place there. This is a oupUcate of tne Kuit s jod recent- 'r a uaeswiu. aui w tery in. eaJMDnry. ;v J. M. Wyatt has moved to Faith where he wiULb? near his granite work this summef liy-mama- mm iv .luavTnn ni VinnniH. I -s . Tr? KaUonal organizer .and lecturer (or the Women's Christian Tem- perance Union, lectured to a large audience at the reformed church Kam Vridav niffhtland organized W. fl:T- n; with 110 members. V xneiouowinir oia?CT wo wiou elebtedr:";":pv:' x President. Mrs. Bihder : Corre spending See., Misa Pearle Lin- -gle ; Bee. Sec., Miss Mary N. Peel- try Treas., Mrs. r. A. reeier. tfn i rr church Mrs. Ellen McCombs,, of viaiii vRo wasn't a decent place for t j v I Miss Bertie Mae and Pearle Peeler have returned home from their grandfathers, Bev. a 'inland' to stop them from selling Brown after a week's visit. Mr. and Mrs. R, L. Brown are Peeler this week. Mrs. A. L. V. Fisher is unable to be out of bed at present. rWSBarger; Jim Nance, Arch rBtniHinse g1isellprrorki the granite quarry there on -a big building job. " - Peeler Bame Fisher & Co., have just Jbeen awarded the big contract of-street curbing by the city of Newborn, N. 0. This is one-of the largest contracts that has ever come to Faith and means many thousands of dollars for -her citi zens and a summer's job for a large force of workmen. . Rowan county granite carries the day wherever it becomes known over all other granites in the South.: We heard three fine temperance addresser Sunday . at Granite Quarry one at Shiloh church ' by Mrs. Newton, and two in the af ternoon at the school house by Bismark Capps Esq., and Hon. A. H. Price. . There, were-L a large number : of people present,' and these addresses did muoh-good for the temperance cause. - - DeWitVsLittie .rlyBisers are small, 'safe; sure and gentle little pills." Sold by James Plum per and all druggists, - tOWEft ROWAMJ ::"r Mrs.' J. G. Arey, who has ' been $ickf or sometime; is in a critical condition, we are sorry to. say.' There will be 1 big prohibition ..11. -A T;t;c ' Qtk tka r speakers are Revs. C.yJ. Black and q w. Belk. All are invit- ed to come,.both L" wet andT dry." - io- Sflaver has parohased.a new top buggy. - Guess he aims to ride. r. , - Rev. James Wilson will v speak on the important Bubject of Pro hibition,at ZionM. Ev Church,' May lUtn, at 11 a. m. All are invited to come and hear him. - There will be a grand, prohibi tiou rally at ' Morgan's Cross Roads, near (Dorinth Baptist church, in Morgan Township, on May 17th. We are expecting Rev jof Salisbury, to address the peo . ... , . '111' All are cordially invited to ... j U!. -J :r f 6 "j10 be loBe , - fL- w-w w UI.UB JJiTBS. CHB1STIAMA. ;A ril 27 1908. We mentioned the Kraphophone to make love to nii -mu m feeline sure the reader8 of the Watchman would hike -to hear the results, we in qnired of him how the score stood. He said he was not oreoared to make a statement, but added that ErneBt wanted to try his luck with th mft(hin I - . , , - . Mrs. Annie L. Kluttz spent last I week in this community. I The batle roJal ia beil K waged against the saloons anld. soon the hfj8 in8 on thebreese. mU Au j j 4. The crv of the widow and the or Lhan haa been -onnded. the old Ando-Saxon blood . is roused. I .4- and now whiskey has been brought to t brink of inevitable ruin. Men open ta conviction have long 8inCe seen the error of their wav and are now fighting the evU. Some'men say it wUl only x&Aej bad matter: worse to have prohibi tion. Is there anyone who is so 1 debatiched thathe actually be- 1 lieves the liquor business in Rowan I can do . anv can be any worse? Lei' us all ftrat in d ndVlo the right. J . ..: UBEnnXROADS. . The new rural mail ronte r..w.Ji - ni xr-. oa j xj, route makes Itmord convefi- Uent for tjie people around St. Matthews o get their mail. J The farmers are verV'busy thisX4idiesr Patent Leather Ox fine weather plowing their edrnr Last week there were abWut four loads of whiskey, passed down this and . mile east of the Cross women to pass, as two jof. the men were liyng drunk within sr. few feet of theroad. Reader, don't we need profiibitionfor such.men. liquor and making drunkards of some sure to get it on the 26th -of May as for this community, there are tral" people ih it, and a maiority m$ugtoogl ,Th sto passed hrdugh this vicmitv last' SnndavMand"? let Adam Jackson aii smiles, its a boy. A crowd of boys were standing in the road lasf Saturday night when a dog ran up to them and all jumped behind John Jackson and left him to be their shield, but Mr. Jackson soon had' the dog on the flight and nothing serious happened more than Jfehe boyB were badly frightened. Billy. A great many "people imagine they have heart trouble when the fact is that therwhole trouble lieB in. the stomachs Thepains in the side around:, the . region of the heart are not necessarily heart trouble, we suggest tnat you-i start with the stomach and when ever you feel a depression ' after eating or wheneyer - your food seems to nauseate take Eodol. It will not be very long until all these "heart pains'! will disap pear;' Take Kodol now and until L you; know you ; are right ! agaih. There un't any doubt about what it will do and you will find tne truth of this; statement verified after you have -used iKodol for "a few Weeks. It is sold -here by James Plummer and all druggists. r5 .,--1. r n n cR-H n rn fenri r? JL Will be Given away at - Owing to scarcity of same concluded to close out all the merchandise -on hand to give me a better chance ' . - -in ja i. to remodel my store room and meet the demand of my creditors who are pressing me for the settlement of their accounts. I cut 11 previous prices for I mean to remove . n . - m tne gOOUo at any Biiuriiiuu, 1 cgtii uicaa ui Men's Hats, all colors and shapes, 75o and 50o value, to go at 10c Men's Felt Hats, $1.50 value at 9c Men's Hats, $1.25 value, at 85c 2 50 $1.59 40c .-.20c tt " 95o ft "lir i-t ner t i. rs. uaps, 000 vaiae, s tt it 25o 19c 60c :4 40c t. it Boys' Cans, 85o value, at. . . .18c Bovs' Hats. 50c value, at.r..3Uc $ l.wi " ye iiadiesShoBf, $1.75. cut to $1.34 - - 1.95. " 155 H -Vik 2.40. ' 1.75 tt 2.95, 2.20 -2.00; " J.40 Ladies' lojr cut Oif ords $1.00 value ooo Ladies'.low cut Oxfords $1.50 value 95c 85c Ladies lowvcut Oxfords $1,25 --Talue Ladiea'Tai low cut Oxfords .$1.45 an. low cut Oxfords $X.SCsyaltie. $1 60 LadieswFent Leather Ox? fodS. $8.00 value. . $2.20 forasi fuu value.. fi.zo BoVs-Iow cut Shees, Patent . feather;. $2. 50 value at. . .$1.75 Ladies' Silk Hat, $3.00 value, at 18.00 value at $5.00. Bui ai40o each or $2.40 per Remember Hundreds of items that we" cannot me11 J IS a high time for mis pager wiui ) yu kinds feed fojsanyone that wants to buy . . Fftfe will be returned to eVerV0ne Who COmeS from the adiofninor Rfatlnns. rm. auu t;vrj bartment Store, l ares will be paid to tits ?s . . K0cwml;JN. CM Misenheimdr feprmffs, JN, U, Cdjne and get a free In addition to these MUlx. FIRST PRIZE Quarter Sawed Oak Bureau with 20x4(Unch Bevel Glass, for the largest purchaser for cash during this sale. SECOND PRIZE One Eight Day Clock, 17 inches high, for the second largest buyer for cash. - , THIRD' PRIZE One Nice Parlor Lamp, for the third largtst buyer for cash. - .: I will, also to encourage my customer! and friends who owe me,ihat if they pay their account, I will include same as a cash ourchase. v 'READ CAREFULLY Every time you buy anything from, me I will give a coupon and the one who hashe largest number of coupons at jae.end of 19 days from the beginning of this sale will get the first prize, which is the above described bureau. . . The.rt largest xnumber gets the second "prized . , - The otlB who has the third largest number gets the third prize, which is the parlor lamp.' - ; - Now jf you want to secure the best bargains you ever bTeardf come to our store and attend this sale, It is a wonderfnl thing for you to do. If y tit want tS" see the prizes you can come and see same at our store and be convinced. We do this to show the public and our friends and customers that we appreciate their business - It isasavihe for vou even if von do not ice the nri7- Bnt. if vnn tar Vniill rofc the biautifutpmes FREE.:-. -' i nis si le wui oegm on upn p. m., everystomer snouia Dng D(OT:FOEGET3HEIPM N. C., ollltti SabuiTCoadra i tow room in my present Infants' white, -brown and black Kid -shoes,. . . ... . .... 19o Men's Shoes, $3.50 value, at $2.90 Men's Patent LeathefOxfords, ' $3 50 value, crushed to. . . $2.95 Men's Patent Leather Oxfords, $3.00 value, crushed to. . .$1.90 Men's Gun Metal Shoes, $3 25 valae, to go at $2.80 Ladies' $135 Shoes at. ..... . 90o Ladies $1.50 Shoes at. $1.20 Men's $4.00 Shoes at 2.98 MiBses' Oxfords, low cut, $1. 10 value, at. . . . s . . .... 70c Misses' Oxfords, 60c value. . . 40o Men's Pants, $1.20 value, cut far below cost. ........... 49c Men's Pants, $1.40 value, cut to 80c Men's Pants, $2.75 value, cut o ' men s ran, vaia, OD , to... $1,60 Men's Pants, $2.00 value, cut to.;...... .$1.25 Men's Pants, $2.95 value, cut -to.. ......$2.00 Men's All Wool Serge Pants, (summer weight) $3,00 value, at .... .....".$1.98 Men's Pants, $2 00 value, at. $1.29 Men's Pants, $2.35 value, at. $1.85 Men's Pants, $3.75 vahie, at.$3.00 Men's Suits, $16 value, at. : $9.00 $2.10. Ladies' Hat, $2. 75 value at Bureau, 20x40 bevel edge glass, $17.50 set. Three-piece oak set containing dresser witn bevel edge glass to go at $15.70. we guarantee all prices to be lower than any other merchant asks for you to come and buy these wonderful bargains. We want to raise auu uu) uitr-iteiiis uiuutiuueu at tne prices quoiea. y e nave ail uuc uuvo at lcaat f iu.vu wuriii ui guuus liuui uiy complete JJe- - " ' ride on this beautiful day. I will guarantee f atisfaction to all. low prices, I have coucluded to giv to tho public ,r-.--r - uay oi at v o oiook a. m. ana ms.oonpouB aua Bne.winnerfcwui -'.j;: Yours DEPWMW STORE lo) 0 the Ending of large store, and as I auvt jjixau. Men's Overalls, 50o value, at 39c " .- $1.00 " 85o " 1-25 1 89c Calico, Bi, 4, 4, 5", 60 per yard. Coat's Spool Cotton Thread, 4cn Men's working Shirts, 50o value, at .. 83c Men's Sunday Shirts, 50c val ne, to go at. 89c Men's Sunday Shirts, $1.00 value, to go at. ........ . . . 78c Anything in men's furnishings at a reduction in pricey MhM White Lawn, 9o value at ... . 7c White Lawn, iOo value, at . . . 8c White Lawn, 12c value, at. . . IOo Fancy Lawn at, .4 and 80 Shirt Waist Patterns, "$2.00 value, to go at . $1 .25 Ladies' Black Hose, IOo value at 74o , WbitQ Bed QuiUg $1 m valne , to go at.. 69c White Quilts, $1.25 value, at 80c , $1.50 -M $1.20 Children's Heavy Half Hose, IOo value, to go at .7o Ladies' Silk Hats, $2 .75 value reduced to. 75c Men's Suits $8.00 value, cut to.-,.. $5.00 Men's Suits, $10.00 value, cut to. ... ...$6.50 Men's Suits. $5 00 value, at $3.75 $1.98. Ladies Hat, $1 50 value at value at $9$0. - $2.50 Rockers at $1,85. Rattan Bottom Chairs, one 70-inch bed, one bureau with tion at the same low same at the lowest prices possible tbe followmar stations: . : Kichneld, JS. C. and New London. N. O. continue tor iv aays. un tne 51st get tbe prizes, no prizes will be awarded .after the above date - respectfull, This Sale want to remodel the .. .. .. Men's Black Worsted Suits, $10.00 value, at $5.75 Youth's Suits, $6.00 value at $4 00 Youth's Suits, $3 75 value at $2 29 Youth's Suits, $8.00 value at $5.50 Boy's Pants, sizes 10 to 14 years, per pair 20c Children's Suits, all sizes, $1 89 value, cut price. ..... 98c Men'gjummer Undershirts, 25c value, at 19o Canned -Corn - ai. V 6 and 7c Brown Mule Tobacco at 7fo Some of all kinds at .3c Good Luck B. Powder lb.7 and3o Cedar Water Pails 25c value, at , . All kinds of .5 and 3c Soap.. . The best coffee mill made. . . . Six Glass Tumblers at. . . .... Tea Cups and Sauoers, 50c value, per set. , 14c 8o 19o' 13c 39o Fancy T3a Cups and. Saucers, 75c value, at 58c The best 85c Broom 20c The best 25c Broom . .... 19o Horse Collars, $1.75 value.. $1 89 " 1.39 " .. 1.10 11 11 -1.25 it . J .00 Corn Meal, guaranteed the best made, bushel 81c Butter Dishes at 7c Oliver Chilled Plows at lower Drices than anvwhere. 986. Bureau. Quarter sawed oak. large bevel glass, one nice ' same goods. prices as above. It Grant Ouarrv. N: CI. ?- 1 day of May, 1908, at 8 o'clock, HI $35.00 One mile west of-Gold Hii

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