? SOLO HILL. May 4th: Jack. frost -paid us a 'parting visit Friday morning May 1st We have had both iee and -frost in abundance. -: Dave Eagle who formerly clerked for J. A. Arey ;Eas moved to the country liear his grandfather , , Six miners left here this morning for Mocksville near which place they will be em ployed at a mine; they will sink a shaft und drive a level. B. V. Hedrick, who has been engaged in placer mm ing at Villa Rica, Ga., is vis iting friends and relatives here. C r " Mrs. Catharine Ducker has purchased 28 acres of Jand here near the depot, consider ation $500. "The location is well adapted to nianuractur ing purposes, lying adjacent to the Southern Railway and bordering on Jthe corporate limits of Gold HilL J. R. Rufty and the other heirs have sold the old Rufty mill property on .Dutch sec ond creek, consisting of the mill and 44 acres of land to Lorenzo Carter, considera' tion $900. - Jeannette the little daugb ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ducker had the misfortune to fall and cut a severe gash in her f ore- head requiring 3 stitches -to be taken in same by Dr. Bow ers, who attended her. No serious results are anticipate ed however. Irvin Shaver a former "knight of the grip" and F. W, Pirie formerly master mechanic at "the Gold Hill mines together with several other disciples of Isaac Wal ton visited Snider's pond in the Piney woods section and succeeded in bagging 71 fish and two turtles, also about one half bushel of tadpoles. James Rufty a prominent merchant of this place visited up on Dutch second creek last week and succeeded in catching an eel almost a foot in length. Rome Myers has closed a trade with Mrs. Laura Jen kins for the store house , now occupied by T. G. Myers, the consideration being $500. Dr. Stokes and a party ; of capitalists are ;:expecte$ here this week from Joliet, IlL, to look over their mines. , "-" -N : ' Mose Johnson's son-in-law. went down to - the .-; pond one night last .week and caught 15 turtles almost a tub full. All persons desiring to sub scribe ;for "Jthe- Carolina Watchman will be given the ben efit of : half f price rates from now till Jnnfl. hr annlvc lnp to Wtfl. Martin or the money can be left with the postmaster or sent by the car riers, alter i une zutn, tne price will be $1.00 per year. Come along now and lets Toll up a long list of names for the - Watchman while ' the price is low and the panic is Mike." POUKDIXB OF PASTOR AT FAITH. -s. ftf p. Ptrlstaaers Sho Tlslr Appreciitloa Pastsr li Ec;utis Wij. The members of Eev. 'O. Fisher's two churohes met at the parsonage . . here ' : Monday and brought Mr. Fisher and hit young bride many useful presents, and made "arrangements to r. place " a nice range and table: in the par aonaee for their aie. .They also spread a Jong table with the best of thing! and all enjoyed a fine dinner. About two hundred mem ber! and friend! were present. They start out in life withs a long and bright future before them with" the best wishes of a host of friends . 6EKERAL KEWS. itess frsa All Sestlsss tf forestry li a - . Cesmsel F ira. . A snowstorm played HiaVoo in New Yoifc State last Thursday. Iu some place the snow was ' lour Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest or five inches deep. p ; ft? ' ancf Most Satisfactory. WATErV c SUPPLY. Admiral E vans hasrejBumi Probably th cheapest and belt, on. T 60LO MOB t The farmers are about through, olanting in this section J. H. A. Barger has started over his corn the second time. He is an early bird. There will be an organization of an Anti-Saloon league at Barger school house Saturday night, May 9th. The public is invited.. After organizing the club the boys will organize a debating-society. Two men from our community went to town last Sunday and bought a chicken rooster. They eay that both are going to vote wet. We pity a man that has no more respect' for his country than to vote a wet ticket. They both belong to the church. The preacher told them he was going to" preach a prohibition sermon and instead of going to church they went to town. . The people of this community say that they want prohibition to stop the mean people from their wrong doing, and let them help make the world better, for if the good people don't take a part and fight tha poison out of the state, who will? For the trash that buy and sell it on Sunday will not do it. So good people of North Caro lina come out on May 28th and help vote the state dry and then have a free country. x - Gold Knob and Rockwell crossed bats last Saturday. The score stood 4 to 5 in iavor of the home team. Any team wishing to play ball report to A. L. Klnttz, Salis bury, and he will gire - you chance. B. A. Goodman lost a fine mule last week, valued at $200. COBNSIJATOBIAMATUS. Tecpenace CM Orgtalzti ii Rockwell. Bookweil, May 4The' people of Rockwell are greatly enthused over the coming prohibition elec tion. They have organized a tem perance club of about 80 members, the most of whom are legal voters, and who on the 26 day of; May will go out and cast a dry votsT to get this awful liquor : ourse stopped in the good old state of North Carolina. The Athenian Liteary-Debating Society of Rockwell elected their new officers for the next 6 weeks. The society has been organized but about 8 months, but great im provements in debate have already been noticed and the membership doubled since its organization. The new officers are as follows r George H. Sifford, pres ; Charles Linn, vice-pres; Clarence Peeler, sec; Harvey Feapexman, censor; Luther Stockleather janitor. . , Ukclk Bru.. snip nee aiwr uk water for the household, stock, weeks rest. The fleet yetterday I yard, garden "and fire purposes, left Santa Cruz for the Golden ( and at the same timffrtnat yrjiictx needs the; least attention is ine hydraulio ram. You can :. hafe- Almost complete returns from your water delivered ngnt to your texaerDemocratio primarieli held house from any nearby ipring or .j.-5i..I.4i,Btft branch without no further atten- on Saturday indicate that Senator iion after the iMulIntion :of J. W. Bailey and his associates on ram. ? The best r m on the ma- the ticket, - as. delegtt to the ket is sold nd installed by T. A. Democratic National; convention P.. Roskmah, Routed, ; aalisburyi h.Wfi-. mtrit. nf iftntarfvArtha $ u. wnw ior panicuiars. delegates headed 4)y jCfone J6hn- son. Insist upon DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. There are substi tutes, but there is only one origi nal. It is healing, soothing and cooling and is especially good for for piles. Sold by James Plum- mer and all druggists. - I0TICE. Kotise is hereby given that the un dersigned freeholders of Gold Hill and Morgan Townships will apply by peti tion to the Board of County Commis sioners of Bowan County, a. C, on Monday, the 4 day of May. 1908 to al ter the Boundary line between Gold Hill, and Morgan Townships the pro posed change will begin at the first railroad crossing of the Salisbury and Gold Hill public road north of station in Gold Hul and extend with the rail road track to the Cabarns county line this March 14, 1908. Gold Hill Morgan Township Township John Morgan, Luther Biggers, Thos. Movie, Geo. H. Morgan Bennie Martin, H. E. Tiser, D. L. Martin. J. C. Snuggs. An early morning fire last Sun day in New York City (eaused the death of six persons, and the in jury offour others. -t.vw . iatlct The Hi 0ll$I.C3 you canjjet a setting of eggs from O. O. Harrison's nice large White Wyandotte, the great winter layers. P. O,, Mt. UllatN.O, v2-12 eow 12t pd China Grove Roller The New York SUtenyentaon capacity 6t Utvtk. T J.iumAsiiki mh'. mat ii. . n J Ml x MJ Vi JXO uiwwuwwwj ; J.-., ing mill IDD WUI OUt UU iUA last Saturday in NeirlYork jCity i about sixty (60) days. J. F. for tire purpose of selecting dele- Cooper, Manager. 8w w tu iMuifW...Hwu ADMINISTRATORS NOTICB u ,7 tZrrrrr- K7'J r Having qualified as administrator held in Chicago in July. W. R. ap0n the estate of Leroy a Biee, de- Hearst, who was elected chair- feased this is to notify all persons hay-V- : . . ing claims against the estate of said manvdeoiareaagainsf any iunn- deceased to exhibit them to the under- cratio or Bepnnucan parties. notice will be plead in bar of their re- i Icovery. All persons indebted to said The Senate Monday passed the will please make immediate pay- house resolution appropriation of This April nth. 1908. $250,000 for the relief of storm Jas. H. McKjmhs, Admr. O UUUilfiD XU WW.M Mississippi " and Louisiana. The Secretary of War is authorised to expend this money for the pur chases of supplies taSL medicines to be iBiued to destitute persons. ADUINISTRATOa H0TIS3 An electno railway! from, Ashe-1 Having qualified as administrator of the estate of D. V. Keul, deceased, late of Bowan County. North Carolina this is to notify all persons having,' claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the . undersigned at Salisbury. N. C on or befote the 11th A:l lOnO nrn Uitl . flnMu will ville, N. 0., through Greenville, be plead in bVof their reeovery. All a n . fn AiUnfa. ! tha immmiA nersons indeoted to sata estate wiu . . , . - please make immediate payment. . project that is Uing undertaken E. JONES. BETJ). Admr. Dy a numoer ox norsnern- piw. of jy Q tLESDm ist!. Already three surveys have Eugene H. Bean, attorney. 4-15 4t. been made from Greenville to Asheville and one from Greenville to Atlanta. The electricity for the line will be generated by water-power probably from the Catawba river, Estiet ti lb Steek&sifsrs, (Mrs, lll&irs ti m Spr Stij Cq- Subscribe to Th Watchmav. ' WW A Charles V. Woodson, LI. D Medicine and Surgery. Offers his Professional Services to the Public Office Phone 000; Bes. 233 J. OFFICE: ItttSTU Iltt MZL 8ummons for Belief. ooooooooboooooooooooooooooojoooooooQooopooooooopoooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o & o o o o o o o o o o o o o Bowax OotTKTT. In the Superior Court Overman is Oompany. Simpson-Peacock Com nanv. V. Wallace, J. V. Wallace and LL. O. Wal lace, partners, trading as V. Wallace & Sons, The Spencer Supply OomDanv. . state oi Mortn varouna. To the sheriff of Bowan County, OreetioK: Too are hereby commanded to sum mon The Spencer Supply Company, the defendant above named if it be found within your Uounty, to be ana appear before the Judge ox our Bupenoruourt, at a Court to be held for the County of Bowan at the Court House in Salis bury, N.C., on the 9th Monday after the 1st Monday in March, the same be ing the 4th day of May. 1906. and an swer the complaint, a copy of which will be deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for said County, within the first three days o said term and let said defendant take notice that if it fail to answer to the said eomnlaint within that time, the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. Hereof fail not, and of this aummons make due return. Given under my hand and seal of this Court, this 12th day of March 1906. J. F. MoCuBsras.- Olerk of Superior Court of Bowan County. 8-25 4t. THE Su ersett 7, Are Fully equipped withtbe latest , Hearses, ' Church Truck and "all supplies necessary -for con ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of all grades of. , Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. 7 Their Mr. R. BL Davis and Mr. T. W. Summer sett can be reached by phone at all times, night or day. " . . ' O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 11C0FF 418 N. Main St., Washington Building, - Salisbury , N: C. Ladies' Furnishings & General iler- - chandise. To My Friends who helped make my fe cial Sale, just closed, so great a success, I am truly thankful and cordially invite your contin ued patronage, promising to give you as low prices as any one on earth who does a legitinicl e bus iness, on all Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, and Ladies' Furnishings of all kinds. Your visits to my store iare alwasy appreciated and every courtesy will be shown you. Yours truly, O OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOOOOOOOOOOO rs - ' - O D0 you know that the choice of a place to buy your clothes ought to be as per g O sorial a matter as the choice of a friend, especially these days when Iclothes are so O O plentiful, but money is not. This is a definite message to you. Giving BoOP S !roi.,nc mTflTiT hndv in Salisburv. has brought many thousands to us every yearr o O to purchase their clothes, and surely they are enoughJetter to beWoBTHVYouE g O While to investigate before buying o O o O O O O Hot Weather Garments at Special Prices for a few days only. 200 Men's Dark Crash Single Coats, worth $1.00, reduced to 39c. 200 Men's Black Alpacca, single coats, worth $1.50 reduced to 69c. O O O o o o o later that Defies Drags Wature's Great Blood Tonic The recent drug exposures in this Country have proven to all that deadly poisons and stimulants lurk in many Patent Medicines. You never know when you might be tak ing some of that ClaSS. i:; - Nature has made ample provision for restoring vigor and vitality to humanityr and the publicras well as doctors, resort to Natural Remedies, when all others have failed.; . Are you tronbled with Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Malaria. Kidney or Bladder Trouble Chronic Diarrhoea or Dyoentery, and above all, that dreadful disease Scrofula which has almost baffled human skill) or Diseases pecu liar to Females? " - - Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated Iron & Mum Water Is Nature Remedy for Nature's His. Yes, when you consider that disease comes from impoverished or run down conditions of the system, this Natural Mineral Water furnishes the system what it needs. " . - . . The-analysis of tm Water, shown on the bottle, tells you what Nature thinlLs woo should taHo when oicnV and the doctor who reads it will 'agree. - Do you -think the grouping " together in this Water of 17 different minerals, which are recognized by medical writers as most powerful blood tonics, could have been accidental? Reason answers, NO I . v . ; i . m' : ? An Tlfroi bottle of Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated :Iron and Alum water contains all the minerals of 25 gallons of the average natural water-ea why buy a barrel of water when you can aet bottle of minerals at the trivial coot of onodollar. vThe dose-is ateaspoonfal in a glass of your own spruigwater. . ; How this Water acts uponthe system is not clearly known. It is judged mainly by its works. It has cured all the diseases numerated above, and many more, evidently through its action as a powerful DIOOD JTONIC. , lt - - We liayb to ' .;: - :r-'.- - '. ;.rSoldandJtiBoonmienu.!rr O O O O O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o r i o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O 5 1Q5 SotLtK Maa St. o o oobbbbboooloSoob

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