-. .-- . ' . rr ; GOURTY COUtttSSIONERS" . -Er.W---v.---. & if - Titfr only Ba 1 1 2 ith Royal 6raf 8 Creafi of Tartar 11 H : made.from grapes r jS, : - w Insures healthful and IKs i I ii:iiis(1iii)! Road Bull!: Rftlnv nnns: flther mmi-Mm p BelDg Done. Other f iThe-Kdard of Countyi-Ctfmmis- Rimers mec iu , jregiua jmou mji jr Hartman; Harris, Current . and Chairman Smoot present.- ; a44H C5.' Miler wBre; .exou8ed iYoni road doty ad.potttai;i i 'Convict camp No.1;! ; now locat ed! Heat Tihej old ..Gobble nill&was ordersd after finishing , to m'acada- tSrae miles on the new-: Con cord, road. arid-their go from .there id, the 'Sherrili, Ford road; iOrderad that fiOo' ner vard be paid" for rpbk' hauled on the in- jocilnton rbad at established camps tnd to; .:paid.jwhen:iiB'ed J iOrdered that 0, H. Kltittz, be appointed committee to .lnV4ti THE GREAT DESTROYER. Some Startling Facts About the Ylces of Intemperance. What a Murderer Said. Prisoner at the bar, haveyoa anything to say why sentence of death should not be passed upon you?" . i : - ' A solemn hush fell over the crowded courtroom, and every person waited in almost breathless expectation for the answer to the judge's question. The judge waited in dignified silence,' and the situation had be' come painfully oppressive, when the prisoner was seen to move, his head was raised, his - hands were clinched and the blood had rushed into his pale care-worn face, y Suddenly he arose to his feet and in low, firm but distinct voice said: "I have 1, Your Honor, you have asked me a queetion, and now I ask, as the last favor on earth, that you will not inter rupt my answer until I am through. I stand here before this bar convicted of willful mur der of my wife. Truthful witnes es have testified to the fact that I wasTa loafer, a; drunkard and a wretch: that I returned from one i of my prolonged debauches and fired the fatal shot that killed the wife I had sworn to love, cherish, and protect. While I have no re membrance, of committing the fearful deed, I Have no right to complain or to condemn the ver dict of the twelve good men who have acted as jury in the case; for their verdict is in accordance with the evidence. "But may it pleaBe the court, I wish to snow nat 1 am .not atone responsible for the mtirclet qf my wife." ; .. This startling statement created a tremendous sensation. The indge leaned over his desk, , the lawyers wheeled around and faced the prisoner, the jurors looked at each other in amazement. The prisoner paused a few seconds, and then continued in the same firngi, distinct voices i i i : 1 "I repeat; your honor, thai I am not the only one, guilty. of the murder of my wife. The judge on this bench, the jury in the box, the lawyerS within this bar, and most of the witnesses, including the pastor of the old church, are also guilty before Almighty God, and will have to stand with me before His judgment throne, where we shall all be righteously judged. If it had not been for the saloon in my tow,n, I never wpuldhave,be come a drunkard; myWieiWptil4 never have been murdered, " I would not now be here, ready to,, be hurled into eternity Had it not been for these human traps I would have been a sober man, an industrious workman, a tender father and a loving husband. But to-day my home is destroyed ? my wif e murdered,. myvlittlejchildren God bless and 'care f or Ahenv- cast on the mercy of the ; world ; while Tarn to . be hanged; by the strong --arm . of the State. -.. God knows I tried to , reform, but as the open saloon wasin my path way my weak, diseased will-power was no match against the fearful, consuming agonizing appetite for liquor. For., years L,was "a sober mkn. For one year my wife and children were happy and our little Jbome was a paradise, f I was oh From AH Partsf oUhirStateil Items. Con- Fridayt . in ; Newborn, ;; an known--ii eizro . tknbcked J down Jifrs'J: ,aWon when:he was wUhinaf f ewfeet of hr. home, and snatched her purse contain ing about-$' . ' -: ; ." . Convention of the King's Iughyrwhich met in Raleigh :Iast Thursday, have de- pjded- to provide for the -erection oi' ".a cottage at -the Stonewall Jackson-Training School. . The" cool : weather last week greatly Tetaded the ripening and gathering of! strawberries : in. th Eastern part of the State. ; Stokes Monship, of Hamlet, las Thursday . accidentally , shot, and killed Spurgeon Ewing, a colored boy. Simmons has been un- who signed remonstrances against reopening the saloons of our town. One-half of this jury, the prce outins attorney on this case, and i the judge who sits on Tthis benoh, all voted for Baloons; " By their; votes and influence saloons were reopened. aadtheyhaye made me what I am." ' The impassionate words of tiie Lprisonefell like coals of fire upon the hearts of those present, and many of the spectators and some of the lawyers were moved to tears. . The judge made a motion as if to stop further., speech, when the speaker hastily sard s "No, no your honor! Do hot close lmy lips'; 1 am nearly through. I beganmy downward career at-a saloon bar legalized and protected ; by the; voters, of 3 this town. . After the saloons you have allowed have ?;made me a drunkard and a murderer, I am taken before ahoiher bar 'the bar of justice and now the law" power will conduct me $o thei place of execution, and hasten my soul into eternity. I shall appear before another bar th judgment bar of God--and there you, who have legalized the traffic, will have to appear with me. , "Think you that the' Great Judge will hold me, the poor weak, helpless victim of your traf fic alone responsible for the mur der of my rwife. Z :May m my drunken, frenzied, ..irresponsible condition have murdered one, hint you have deliberately voted or the saloons which have murdered thousands, and they are in fall operation to-day with your con sent. You legalized the saloons that made me a drunkard and a murderer, and you are guilty with me before God and man for tie murder of my wife; Your honor, I am now done ; I am now-ready to receive my sentence , and -belled forth to' the 'place of execution. You will close by asking the. Lord to have mercy on my soul, - Iiwill close by solemnly askip God to open you blioc eyes b yjfpu gsjte the new. bridge and? road at Chain gang No. . 1 was ordered repair! Stokes ferry road beyond tilwn creek. .. " ( . . - -. - ' . : jThe taxes on P. . C, Shaver's property in Morgan township was reduced from $600 to $500. r R. A. Dover was allowed $1.00 per month" for support. : 1S. H. Elliott was allowed $25 00 to repair the Wilkesboro ; road, from the nine mile . to fork's of road at blacksmith shop. ' Mrs.- Patterson, keeper of the County Home, reported 14 in mates, 10 whites and 4 'colored. " " Supt. Hartley reported 82 con victs in his camp, 10 white and 22 colored, all in good health. 'I Supt -Garter' reported- 28 bon yicts in his camp, 2 white; and 26 colored, all in good health. . Ordred that Jno. Rinehart be employed as blacksmith and ma chinst at Camp No.2, ,at $50.00 per month. Ordered that the road supervi sor in Cleveland township be au thorized to open a road around Roseman's pasture instead of through, as this, is on higher ground, and will; "make a s better road. : :: l :;;"; --; ; - ' Mrs; Alice Joyner' was allowed $4.00 for burial expenses of Mrs. Bettie Garnet. . C. L. Raney was refunded his poll tax. Dr. C. M. Poole was paid $25.00 for rock hauled by Wm. Hooks. It was decided to build a dairy at the County-Home. By the request of the Board of - Elections, the school election to be held May 16th, at Granite jQuarry, was. rescinded. . K It was decided to leave the mat ter . of . macadamizing the Gobble Mill road, from Spencer to Salis bury avenue, oyer until .next meeting. - Joe Oats and wife were allowed $4.50 per quarter for support. r $50 00 was ordered paid to the Salisbury Fire Department for the services rendered in saving Klhe court House from 'destruction hy the recent fire. A, M. Rice, township tax col- lector,' reported having collected $40,734.54 in taxes and all as paid to the County Treasurer except The former of der, to Qp'en a pub Senat6r prominently mentioned as a can didate for Chairman of the Dem ocratio National Executive Com mitteei ln an interview, however, Mr. Simmons states that he is not a candidate. i" . , ' ; - - indjvidnaUrjesgsibilftyJ'sl t)iaj you will cease to give" your sup port to this dreadftri traffic AiJONTMOUS. ri Ho roa-d,bv way of th"e;ynce Mill, rHwI raV&ed 5tale trMht o way - HOWS' THIS? - ' V We offer One Hundred .Dollars- Reward for any -tease of Catarrh that cknnoi By '7SSHs Catarrh Curo. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known- F, J. Cleneyifot th3astl ID, yfcars, :na mJt Per fectly; honorable in' all bijslhess transapuons and financially able to carry put airy 6 by gatiomfmadf by? his fif m. . ? r T f W ALD1NG, KlNNAN MABVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Hall's. Catarrh Cure is taken, in- terhallvi acting directly upohithe blood and mticous surfaces of j the4-( system. Testimonials sent - f reev Pride 75 cents' J per s. bottler Sold" -ba4t4rugllttr.cf feoa Take Hall's Family fills '.for cohstipaiorf;v- Execotor Jleticelo iiedj(erl : : Having qaalified as Bxecutdr of 'Zfhe last Will and Testament of P.' W. Brown. deceased; thltfls itpftoj;iflall persons haviog claims against saidv de cedent to exhibit thef earner tor' thef -tm-dersignedjprqpely "proven on or before the 4th'day ofApxil)l(O0ior, this ncmee wiUbe plead in bar of their rtecovery. ... This April 4th, 19Q8r: 1 bU 6t Executor of W Bown feould tV be 1adyif It was ordered .-that a road be op9qed',frnIt Wilkesboro road about the three-mile post, through the Geo. Pink ' Farm, .'.Belmont Land "C6b. property by ' way of the Fair -Ground, tor ; the new Mocksvilla roady provided the pe titioners open road, build bridges andfepjeparB coingHo theirMejpllPrng such matters. ' - - J. t Iie!WxesUliinate is no entirely iree irom aisease, 6n he high elevations fevers pre vaii J while on the lower levels jnalaria is encountered to a great er or .less extent according to alti-J tude. rTo overcome climate aflec- ti6.nf,lassitude) miliaria, jaundice, biliousness f eVer and ' ague', and genefa reme ereat alfeAr fier j'thel atttidotd foi veejy; forta df-bodily etesBAexJroSBiess, Sold, .tmder ;A guarantee -at . all uiuk oouioo, i jjvut I Joficeo Applitjalioir lor Mint f Notice is hereby given, that appiKja- tion will be made to Gov.r B,JB; Gl(nn, for ther pardon of Will Fishe. who was convicted at 'November tdem; J07iof Rowan Superior court, for assault and battery, and sentenced by Judge Jus tice to two years on the public roaas oi Kowan countv.' this jaarcn zist, 1 tVUT A rpll . In "the municipal .election, Thursday, at Fayetteville, a bond issue of $100,000 was Voted for the purpose of paving the streets. ; Night riders,; last Sunday night destroyed the tobacco plant beds of O. Fishel, a prominent, farmer of Friedberg in Davidson county. Within t the next two - months the Seaboard Air Line will spend upwards of $X),000 for the im provements of its terminal at Wilmington, Three mammoth warehouses will be built fronting thejriver so that the largest vessels may be" unloaded at a minimum expense. : A ; great prohibition rally was held in Charlotte last Sunday aft ernoon. . Gov, Glenn and Dr. H. W. Battle' of Kinston, were the speakers. They 'had more than three thousand hearerB. Work has been resumed on the Blewitt Falls water-power deyel opment near Rockingham, after a suspension- , of several "months ThiB is the second largest water power in the State, and' when the plant is completed it will furnish the electricity for a large number of varied industries. - The order which had been agreed upon by-the Officers of the South ern to have all of the conductors running South from' Washington lie over in Salisbury, instead oJ Charlotte.. has .been, withdrawn This was done because of a disa- salaries between the railroad Ttie Commencement exercises oi uxrora seminary win occur on Mal7th and 18th. Rev. R. P. Kerr, of Baltimore, . wll preach tne paccaiaureate sermon, ana tne baccalaureate address wilTb&'made by Mr. T. W. Masob; -Nor thamp- tonV-Co. ; . r virtue of an order of thefiunerior Oourtjof Eqwan Cpunty in the special proceeaing entmea Bal lie -JS.- -thunn ana . others vs is . Bingham ; and others" the undersigned Commissioner Will expose at public sale to the high- esB uiuuer ior casn, at tne court House door in Salisbury, N. O, , on ; v '; Uonday, tbe 1st day of Jane, 1908: at 12 o-clock, m. , the following describ ed real estate in Franklin- township and Rowan county to-wit : '. . . .. 5 v First-Tract--Known as the school noose- -tract,: adjoining the lands of Henry Mpn.roe, M. D. Simerson, JkL.. Cauble and others,, and containing 2k acres, more xr less. ; v fc -'-Second Tract On the west side of the Mdcksville road,vin the front of old Chunn; house, ' adjoining Henry Monroe and others, containing 31)t acres, more or less. f Third Tract-Khown as the Chunh residence tract, on east side of Mocks ville road, adjoining the lands of J as. A..Hudson and of others, and contain ing 100 acres, more or less, on which is located dwelling house, .tenant house and other farm buildings. ; . ., . Fourth- Tract Lying west of the lands of Jas. A. Hudson, and between the roads leading to the Hudson house containing 42jJ acres, more, or less, and"a house and barn " , r Fifth TraclLying between the road from Barnes Hudson's to Salisbury and tne xaakin river, adjoining the lands of L.. A. Wagner and others, contain ing 115 acres, more or less, partly river Dottom. ' eixtn Tract laying up the river from the fifth tract, ad joining lands of Jas A. Hudson and others, containing 115 acres, more or less, partly river oottcm. All.of said lands being known as the home place and adjoining lands ' of M. L. Chunn and Oaroline Chunn. For information or. description : see map posted at court" house door or apply to the undersigned; Two or more of said tracts may be soy. collectively it found to be advantageous. This the 25th day of April 1908. Richard L. Thomison, Com. B. B. Milller, Atty. A WORD OF ADVICE TO FARMERS. 0 Wth the prices whicht you , are getting 0 for vour Drodiiftts. Tf. in oh the inoney you receive for what you sell, you should need a few pieces of Furni ture, we would advise you to go to the Big Furniture Store. This store is lo cated in the Empire Block, near the 0 Central Hotel. You will find there the Best Prices to be had in Salisbury. If you doubt this statement you can veri ly it yourself, if you will4e the time to see them before you buy. T. E: WITHERSPOON & CO. 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac anlckl Invention is orohablv Da Hons strictly conSdentiaL Handbook on Patents gent free. oidC3t astency lor seenring patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive ipeciol notice, wit bout charge, mtne 0 rimillTlinr nmnrrn a runNiiunc, UMhrtio 0 AND MATTINGS. greemenV over the ooudiTctors- and ,t ALL WR0h V; W The Mistake Is Made fy. If uy Salisbury citizens. ; . ? -. the cause of Don't mistake backache. TA be cured you must know the cause, i ; . ' t It is wrong to imagine relief is curd. . - - - f " - Hackache is kidnev.a'che. '' " You must cure the kidneys. AT Salisbury rAaidencfrfcellH" vnn h J. C. Williams, 811 No. Long St.,1: Salisbury, N. Q., says: Bim-yery grateful for the benefit I derived from the niwi 7hf Bnnh'a Kidney Pills and hive- npT hesi JanCjr in endorsing them. . I : suf- f erred for a long tim$ from kidney trouble and often was' in absolute misfy from the pains across': the small or my back .4- My . head ache a great deal. Iasfclaneuid Lid?nad no energy or ambition to rjerform my work. I was final ly aSyised to try Doan's Kidney illijaniprocured a box from the tifialisburyi Drug Compjany. They proyjea w oe gust wna i neeaea ftndBntirelv? disnosed, of my lrouble.,, ' ' "f,,' For saTejr lpealers. Price ,50 jjentf.t Poster-Milburn Co., for i aeDiyie mowenecwveFpuffaloJSfiw: York; able Agents ative and-blobd Dun- If; Remerubet-' the'laftme--Dban's and take no other. St Made Waeohs.--Took first at the Yadkin Valley avm, juaae at crescent. Jor aley Jl H. McKenzie, Salis- mttlii. G. ; .r;,.. : falkffi: Stick SOUienlrS. made from M trffrbriginal hern bUIs of tha old. laauBiuu xj-uuoc,, uurueu avyiaux- bet fab, '07, can be purcnased at Scientific Jftttcrkatt. A handsomely illnstrated weekly, Largest dr. culaf Ion of any pcientific Journal. Terms. $3 a yoar; f our-roontUs, f 1. Sold byall newsdealers. TttUNN g Oo.siBroad ,.fjew York REMEMBER US When you need a -tooth extracted, When ycu need a tooth treated, When-you need a filling, When you need a crown, When you need a bridge, When you need a plate, When you need any kind of T DENTAL WORK,. we are doing The Business, be cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay. Dr. L. S. Fox, 122J No. Main St.-, :, c 'Phone No. 805 Office Hours : 8 :30 am to 12:30 pm, 2 to &:15 p m. We have everything in Furniture, and are also headquarters for ; CARPETS AND. MATTINGS. " We make a specialty of church carpets, Lodge Carpets and all large carpets. Some of the Targe carpets we have put down can be seen at the First Baptist Church, Spencer Methodist, Holmes Memo rial and South Main Churches, Fulton and Spencer Masonic lodges. When in the city drop in to see us. You are always, welcome, "- V B. SUnr.lERSETT. f J.0.17HITE&G Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND TYLE. OPEN AN ACCOUNT : ' WITH THE .' , SALISBURY, N. O. W. d.A5ouGHB0T,;Jrfslntr j: TilOlfLiNN, Vice-Presidefitt W..H.Whie, "Cashier. Capital - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson,;D, A. Atwell, T. O. Linn, H, N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W, S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. -B. Strachan, A, H. Price, W, C. Ooughenour. ,;v Every accommodation extended eon- - - J A JIL 1 1 . Biaittmc wiw BU.ie uauK.ing. ': W. H. WHITE, Oashtor. Where to Go to Buy We Bell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Go's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies! repaired, painted Tand made as good as new. w New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnishedand old Cushions repaired. ' New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. : Rubber. Tires a Specialty; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. . Old rubber tires repaired, ? ; All kinds) f Wood and Iron Work done at short notice, ' We haye skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. . " Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. , J. O. WHITE & CO. oooooooooooooooooeoooooooo O ror uirts oi value and Merit O ' - . GO TO o o Q Q. m HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF o o o o o o HARNESS! When in need of goody reliable single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don t fail to hunt up our place on tne corner of Innis and L ee Streets. ? ; We also do Hret-clalBs repairing on short notion and at reasonable .. .. .. i . , .-. . j prices. ' Our .line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Haltsrs, Whipsj Brushes, Combs, Robea. iHariies - Oil i and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for mspec- ion. t. We solicit a ; portion . ot your patronage and inyjte you to . call and see our stocs. .. ; ; - If your horse is injured in any way -get a Dome ci our .norse lmment. JSo curej .no payg ' g Hartllne & Co. ;EISHEr:. riJ;HRwdr.Pweir Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over tbis List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Kitchen Safes. v Art'Squares, ; -Book-Racks and .Cases, Beds wood, iron and Jbrass, Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers,. Cots,.;"-; Chairs of all kinds, Ji'i 5 f otchildren, for office, -Desks -for office and ladies, .Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, Hall Raoks, Hat Racks, . N Kitchen Cabinets, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Furniture, " Lounges, - Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, ' Odd Pieces of all Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rngs Sideboards. Toilet Sets, , . , Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, . Wicker Furniture. Q , - Remember the-Substantial gifts ofthe best and moat q, lasting and also remember that you are inyited to trade at O Q O O West Innes Street. . - - ' - - ' Salisbury, N. O.' O oooooooooobobooooooooooobo r .-. I 1 I - K:-P --: v

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