S62t Hot Air About Problbttion. -Anti-prohibitionists have , at tacked the legality of the prohibi on law, adopted two weeks ago by the voters of the State in the special election provided for by the State Legislature in special session. It is alleged that the passage of the prohibition law was effected in a radical and revolutionary manner ; creates a ref erendurrTand is in violation of the presen f orm of government. Grounds of ille gality alleged against the laws are that the extra session of the Legis lature had no power to ligislate on any subject except railroad rates and that the other subjeot was not provided for in the Governor's call, whereas the constitution provides that the Governor shall specify for what 'purpose he calls the Legislature togttfctr. If the Leg islature oimnot b oosirolld ia its action by the govern, says the anti-prohibitionists, the law is illegal. ""Its going into effect, '-says the bill of domplamt, "was made con ditional on the approval by voters of North Carolina and that meas tire is not a legislative law, be cause the Legislature has no power to delegate its powers and leave to another the right to say whether a measure shall become a law, but if it is a law at all, it must be constructed as one passed directly by -the people in the nature of a referendum, and the constitution of North Carolina makes.no pro visions for this system of law making." Judge Coolev is Quoted to the Wisf Georgia Politicians. Governoriloke Smith, of Geor gia, naa been in omce a little less than a year, and he is already in the midst of a rather hot fight for re-election. The Governor is elected for a term of two years in Georgia ; but he is brdihally given a second term without a contest; a fight for re-election is a very un usual thins indeed. Governor Smith was elected by a most overwhelming majority, carrying 125 counties out of 145, and there fore the opposition which he has encountered is doubly remarkable. His opponent is Joseph M. Brown, whose father was Governor during the civil war. and also represent ed the state in the senate, Mr. Brown was a member of the State Railway Commission, and was re moved from office by governor Saith because their ideas about reforming we railroads were not tfca sjttte. They are both reform era. And they are both prohibi tiomsts. It is very hard to find a politician in Georgia these days wno is not a reiormer ana a pro hibitionist. When you do find one he isn't in office. Don Mar quis, in Uncle Remus's The Home Magazine for June. As every one knows, Smith was badly defeated, and, of course, Brown was elected. Various reas ons are assigned for this great change, but nothing seems to be certain except the fact that Smith was defeated. Who is The Rev. Wasson? New York, June 4, Investiga tion at the instance of Bishop .Burgess, of the Kev. W. A. Was- wiieci, suae uoiieguuaturu ua uo nead L 1 because Of his activ right to confer law-making power lties in North Carolina against on a popular vote, Asheville dis- prohibition, reveals the fact that natch m iwu-ivv;,:, wnen pastor oi St. ka ovigo o uuuiuu, maruu avenue and Gates. Brooklvn. ho was ask- MlDJ MVSt8rlOOS DiStppiaraDCeS ID the ed for his resignation because of Rlapk Ununfaln I actions in awarding some church! building S contracts, which were A report from Wise -county suspiciously conducted and unau Virginia, waioh has not yet been J monzea. xlis resignation was confirmed, says that mine Super- ' 'accepted ' before tendered. ix-j-ATTr w tr.n vr7;l It has also been learned tha w; ;.xv.eiiy' OI a "'"" the Rev, Wasson, while not being uuuu? wuiyauj, cnargea witn intoxication, is who mysteriously disappeared in known to indulge in the drinking the Black mountains over a week f intoxicants at his home or ago, has not been located. J m0D& j? fiends. He never at- Tr.iii-t-.j. -. ,l tempted to conceal this fact, but xixyuou6 u iour. always preached of the evils of son since -.award , Wertz, the the abuse of liquor. But it is not young Philadelphia millionare, recalled that he ever advocated to suddenlv disappear in these absolute prohibition . i a - i i i --v - u niB acts wnne in rooiyn he was found to be unpolished and considered rnncrh. Whila nve years ago young Wertz was rector of St. Georee's his mem lost and though a reward of $150,- bership decreased and at one tim Tail Wanted a Megro to Dine With Him. A dispatch to the St. Louis Republic under the date of Fayette- ville, N. 0 , May 22nd, says ; "Solicitor N. A. Sinclair return ed last -night i torn Savannah; Ga. j where he attended the funeral of his aunt, Mrs. Mary McNeill, ,On the train with Sinclair was Secre tary Taf t and three attendants, two whiCe men and a negro. The secretary and his party boarded the train at Charleston, S. C, having returned from a trip to Panama j andvbeing then on their way to Washington. The secre tary ordered four covers laid on his table for dinner. On account of the considerable bulk of the secretary, it was found necessary to extend the table, which usually accommodated .four people, in sr derthat the party might find seats about it. As the big man andhis three companions appeared in the dining car and were preparing to take their seats, when the conduct or of the train qu:etly informed Mr. Taft that in South Carolina, wnere tne "Jim urow laws are stringent, colored people are re quired to wait until all the whites on the train have completedtheir meal before they are allowed to eat. The negro companion of the secretary was forced to retire, in spite of the. protests of Mr. Taft This is considered to be a rather high bid on the part of the secre tary for the southern negro Vote The incident is being considerably discussed among the southern people. BuyHaSA atAuction? 1 1 At any rate, you seem to-be getting rid of iton auction-sale I principles: going, going, g-o-n-e!" Stop the auction with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It certainly checks falling hair; no mistake about this. It acts as a regular medicine: makes the scalp healthy. Then you must have healthy hair, for it's nature's way. The best kind of a testimonial Sold for over sixty years." A SI Xade by J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Also manufacturers of ijers SAKSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. UNIVERSITY OP NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1007. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, riedlclne, Pharmacy. Library contains 48,000 volumes. New waterworks, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. O. A. .building, library. REMEMBER US When you need a tooth extracted. When ycu need a tooth treated, When you need a filling, wnen you need a crown, When you need a bridge, When you need a plate, When you need any kind of DENTAL WORK, we are doing The Business, be cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay. Dr. LrS. Fox, 122 No. Main St., Phone No. 305. Office Hours : 8 :30 am to 12 :30 pm. 2 to 6:15 pm. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. W. O. Coughenoub, President, T. 0. Linn, Viee-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital- - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H, N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackirier, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, w. u. Uoughenour. Every accommodation extended sistent with safe banking. W.H.WHITE, Cashier. con ( : ; ; with Coolness. is what is req aired,-and is ex actly what is gained -by using bur reed andcrex furniture in your parlor or living rooms in summer. Our large and varied stock will give you a complete selection of the many and vari ous elegant styles in which thia class of furniture ia mAa . L j thereby furnishing your rooms J3 in inorougn harmony. T. E. WITHERSPOON & COMPANY, EMPIRE BLOCK, SALISBURY, N. C. 1 g PEOPLES fll 1 I 8AL1LBUBY, N. C. Does a General Banking , Business. 3 - CH; We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. D. R. Julian, J. D. Nobwood, -President. . Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeleb, V.-Presideni. Teller. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay you 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. UOILOflOTB 0 The State's Strongest Banking Institution. S 790 students, oa in faculty. Where to Go to Buy mountains, though none of the others were ever found. About 000 was offered for his body, and hundreds of men scored the moun tains for weeks, it was six months before his body was found. It was riddled with bullets.- Later J. F. Gearhart, a Bristol insurance man, disappeared in the' Black mountains, and was never heard from. About a year ago Walker Kent, a young Pennsylvania engi neer, was lost in the Black moun tains and was never heard from since. Several revenue o ffi - cers have suddenly been tat the mountains, which are across the line from the country infested by the notorious Kentuc ky.f uedists and the theory is that they have all been murdered and their bodies hid. Bristol, Va., dispatch. 1 M 1 V attendance on cnurch servicee were practically none. m Baptist Minister 6ets Busy. Newborn, June 7. Kev. J. W Ham, pastor of the Tabernacle Baptist church, has been on the warpath this week against blind tigers. On Thursday he had J. W. .callings arrested and when the place was searched it required several drays to carry away the liquor found on the place. Yester day he first swore out a warrant against J. W. Harrell, colored, a . i i i t . miunuuio una Die 10 leav nis bed. iustTan wb.611 118 plao was searched it rezuired a wagon to carry away pe liquor round in the place. Latr in te day another warrant issued for a Mr. Moring, clerk in HarrelFs store brought to light a den 3 to 6 feet, in which were over 1,000 pints and a barrel of liquor. All of the arrested were bound over to court, which will ine state Normal and Industrial College. Pen nere nt Monday. We deire to call attention to the advdvertisement of the State Normal and industrial College Sallsbiwf People Give Credit Wnere Credit which appears in this issue. Every A Grand Family Medicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electric Bitters," writes Mr- Frank Conlan, of No. 436 Houston St., New York, "It's a grand family medicine for dyspepsia and liver complications ; while for lnie back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recommended." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart re newed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes, bold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. The Fall term begins . Sept. 7, 1908. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HILL, N. O. HARNESS! When in need of good, reliable, N. C. Woodmen a Separate Jurisdiction. A 'it 1 , m . ai tne last- meeting or tne exe cutive council. Sovereign Camp, Woodmeu of the World, held at I Omaha, Neb., in May, 1908, North Carolina was set off as a separate jurisdiction and designated as head camp "W." Wanted. Energetic man to estab single or double wagon or buggy lish branch office, and manage Home-made Harness don't fail to our "Invincible1' thouse cleaning hunt up our place on the corner . a. I macnine in this city : an excellent of opportunity to right man. Refer ences and security for machine re quired. Address, Carolina Reno vating Co., Wilmington, N. C. It j walking Stick Sowenirs, made from the origins' hewn sills of the old i Mansion House, burned Septem ber 6th, '07, can be purchased at I J . H. Keid's or Purcelrs drugstore W.-S. Charles states that the first convention of delegates of this jarisSictiou will be held at Charlotte, second i Tuesday in March, 1909. There are 260 camps in this state, and each camp will be repre sented by iron one to three dele gates, according to the meirber ship. mis miormation will oe 01 in terest to the many Woodmen of thiscountrv. showing the rowth of the order in this state, as it . is AH Leathers and Styles. requirea tnat eacn jurisdiction snail have a membership of not less than 5,000 in good standing, North Carolina having 7,000. Innjs and Lee Streets. We also do flret-clasB repairing on short notice and at' reasonable prices, Our "line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. We solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. If your horse is injured in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND MATTINGS. We have everything in Furniture, and are also headquarters for CARPETS AND MATTINGS. We make a specialty of church carpets, Lodge Carpets and all large carpets. Some of the large carpets we have put down can be seen at the First Baptist Church, Spencer Methodist, Holmes Memo rial and South Main Churches, Fulton and Spencer Masonic lodges. When in the city drop in to see us. You are always welcome, W. B. SUMHERSETT. ATTENTIONI SOUTH LAND Belle Shoes Real Estate Loans from $100 up If you have Guardian money in any amounts ; or money of your own to invest, deposit it with us to be loaned on real estate mort- ONLY ONE ' .EST." year sees a steady growth in this great institution devoted to the higher education of the women of North Carolina. The Mclver is Doe. Jfeople of Salisbury who suffer with sick kidneys and bad backs want a kidney remedy that can be depended upon. The best is Doan's Kidney Pills, a medicinr memorial building, provision for tor the kidneys only, made from which waa made by the last gener- Pure roots .and herbs, and the on'y uuo ia is DacKea oy cures in baliBburyv Here is Salisbury tes timony. John W. Glover, 128 So. Long Street, Salisbury, N. 0,, say : "In my estimation Doan's Kidnev a I assembly, is nov in course of erection and will ba ready for occupancy at the opening of the fall term. The college last year had a total enrollment Ninety-two were represented. Nine-tenths of all the the gradu ates of that institution have taught in the schools of North Carolina. The college dormitories are fur nished by the State and board is at actual cost. Two hundred of 930 students. Kj118 is Jhf best kidney remedy on uuo maia.Hu wuny. sunerea trom kidney complaint for a long time and often was in a serious condi tion from -the severe pains in my back and through my loins. Fre quently in the morning I would be so lame and sore that I could not get out of bed without assis tance and I was at a loss to know hor to dispose of my trouble. many a friend told me about appointments to the dormi tories, ""apportioned amonfe the Pan'!1Kidn?y Pil and deciding several oonnt.ifta ? trJ ?e.m 1 procured a box from i .7; . 8 v y tn& Salisbury Drug ComDanv A illation will be awarded to appli- short use stopped f the pn my cants about the middle of July, back and improved my health. Students who may wish to secure Whenever I notice a slight return one of these appointments should ?f J?9 tr,ourye' 1 promptly resort should make application before u 8 Kl1dney fllls and 8ood Jnlr 1AfK FFowon Detore reguitB are al fl forthcoming. July 16th. For sale bv nil oi, x-; 50 cents. Foster-Mil hn Wiltel At once, two good farm f,0.' York sole agents for bd.. APply to E. L. W '"berZme-Doan D-lotf I and tftVo nn 3 FOR Biliousness Constipation Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency maiaria - Chills & Fever 'Jaundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss off Appetite and all disorders aris ing from Torpid Liver J TAKE IT NOW. THE GENUISTE has the "RED Z on the front of each package and the signature and seal of J. HU Z I TN & OO. on the side, In RED. gages. Your choice at $1.50 the nairL. we " le." n Ior yu'. takm it uue noie ana mortgage m your name, and in addition give vou .v. 1 . . ... - uaitne .written guarantee 01 our and Guaranteed to be all Sol- cT?a - ibd, inai me line w me proper J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND 1YL. E. Nissen & Co's Farm and These Shoes are made by money tPOPUWR PRICE FOOT WEAR ) terms snucriy cash WATER id Leather. I ty on which we lend vour is good ; 2nd, That taxps will be kept paid on tne property while the loans runs ; 8rd, Tnat the borrower will carry hre insurance for protection cf leader ; 4th, That 3 interest will be paid to you every six months, at oar office, on the day it falls due ; 5th, That should the property have to be sold to collect the note and mortgage, it mil bring enough SUPPLY. t0 pay he mortgage and interest bogetner witn an costs. You are put , to no trouble aDd t.ftlrfi nn nolra Tn orlrlitinn tr 4-Va Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest real estate morteaee which vou and Most Satisfactory. " hold in yur name you have the A. A. . J n -. 1 written guarantee or ouruompany wnich is worth ($30,000) thirty tnousand dollars. This is the safest and most con : . il. a n . veuiBup meinoa 01 investment on 1L 11! t r earta netting as mucn as o per cent interest. We ask for your patronage. McGubbms & Harrison Go, CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS $30,000,00 REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, We sell the celebrated Geo. Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies! repaired, painted 'and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds)? Wood and Iron Work done at short notice, We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. TX t i . xiarness oi an Kinds made and repaired. Call and prices. get J. O. WHITE & CO. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo i w vjuus ui vaiue ana merit GO TO Q Q. W. WRIGHT'S, HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified as admin istrator O. T. A. of W. A. Overcash. de ceased, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Landis, N. O., on or before the 18th day of May, 1909. or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment. This May 18th, 1908. Silas J. Ovbboash, Admr. O. T. A., Landis. N. C. R. Lee Wright, attorney. 5-18 4t Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant and abundant supply of good water for the household, stock. yard, garden and fire purposes. and at the same time that which needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to vour house from any nearby spring or branch without no further atten tion after the installation of a ram. The best r m xn the mar ket is sold and installed bv T. A. P. Rosbman, Route: 8, Salisbury, N. C. Write for particulars. o o o o o o For Rent. Large seven-room house No. 519 Park avenue. Painted, good water, stable and fence. Apply to H. E. Rutty, East Salisbury, 5-13 4tpJ 50 YEAR8 EXPERIENCE f Mil Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone aendtng a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention Is Drobsbly patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents Beut free. Oldest agency for securing patents. .Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a rear : four months, (1. Sold by an newsdealers. Mum & Go.3G,Broa New York Onoch Office. SB JT CK. Washington. &CL 7 Charles W. Woodson, M. D Medicine and Surgery. I Offers his Profession! Services to the Pablic. Office Phone 800: Res. 838 J. OFFICE: Wac&OTia Bank Building. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICt Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Dr. Q. v. Corriher. de ceased, late, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned 4 on or Deroie tne zotn aay of May, 1909, or this notice will be plead v in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. JAMES ifi. UOKKlfcLEK, Bu.,admr. Theo. F. Kluttz, attorney. 5-28 6t. pd. Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty! Art Squares, . Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, iron and brass,. Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cots, Chairs of ail kinds, " forchildren, 14 for office, Desks-for office and ladies. Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, Hall Backs, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Fnrniture, Lounges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces of all Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes Rugs, Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. Q Remember the Substantial gifts of the best and most lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at West Innes Street. - - - - Salisbury, no. -O o 6 O O

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