5) m : GREAT GOING s - i L -L- 3 ! r - - - i OUT OF BUS ff 2? D Nothing Like it ever Seen or Known in Salisbury Before. cn9odixD.a4 . - w.hrtfihi if mubibc To be Sold Regardless of Cost. ANWL Published by request of the writer. (Copy.) Salisbury, N. C, May 23rd, 1908. Mr. A. L. SMOOT, City. Dear Sir: I feel somewhat of a delicacy in writing you, but when I consider our relations, which as I understand them, haye of the most pleasant nature for many years, I feel that it ib not out of place to address you and call attention to the proposed Prohibition Bill, which is to be voted next Tuesday. You know that my distiller and all its equipments, were built and put into operation after I had complied with all the laws of the United StateB, State, County and City, and it seems to me a great in justice that this property should be confiscated, without any indemnity whatever. My distilling plant and equipments and business represents more than one half of my life's earnings, and I do not believe that as good a friend as you have always been will vote to confiscate my property, I sincerely trust you can see your way clear to help me in the coming election. , With kindest regards, I remain, Yours very truly, D. L. AREY. (Copy,) May 30, 1908. MESSRS. SMOOT BROS. & ROGERS, Salisbury, N. C. Gentlemen: Owing to the faot that North Carolina was carried for Pro hibition, I am Closer to the sum total amount of from forty to sixty thousand dollars, besides it hag the effect of forcing ''The D, L. Arey Distilling Co.'1 tosecure a location in some other State at an enormous outlay and as I see the situation, taxes in Salisbury will be increased to excessive proportion? . Taking all these things into consideration I find that beginning with July 1st I will have to increase myrents so as to be able to heavy obligations. Therefore, you are hereby advised will be raised to $110.00 -per month. Very Respectfully, D. L. AREY. meet these that yours No comment needed on the above. We must sell out, move out or get out some how, the sooner the better and the sooner you come the better the bargains and the greater the variety to select from the old reliable firm Nov any thinking man will readily see that we can not afford to pay such rent; and we will therefore close out-our business as fast as we can, to retire permanently or seek another location, cut ting, slashing and slaughtering prices as they have been cut be fore. Our immense stock of Men's Clothing, Boy's Clothing, Shoes, Hats (except Knox and Stetsons,) Underwear, Pants, Gloves, Suspenders and everything else will be sold Kegardless of Cosy. We must get out of the Washington building at once there's not a minute to lose. A prohibitory ren al is equivalent to an order to "get out;" and, so, we will sacrifice hundreds of dollars to wind up quickly. Smoot Bros, and Eogers have been in business in Salisbury many years and their Reputation for first class goods and Jair, square dealing is well known. Therefore every man, woman and child will know this is a bona fide sale and a sale that means just what it says. We are going to do exactly what we say we will do. Remember its the greatest cutting, slashing, smashing, break-ing-up and going-out-of-business sale ever precipitated in the history of Salisbury. It is perhaps the last chance you will ever have to buy goods from the old and reliable firm. The store is now closed to , mark down stock and take inventory. Th s slaughter will be jterrific the veriest landslide of values. We must get out quick and we don't want to carry the goods out when we go we want to sell them and convert them into cash. This is Positively the "RECORD BREAKER," moot Bro ogar Great Going-out-of-Business Sale ! ! There have been sales before in Salisbury, but this one is in a class to itself. Nothing like it ever known before! Read our prices Ponder our values See how we have have smashed, stunned and bewildered the records of all previous sales. All our Fine Clothing Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for 8uits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formsrly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for -Nothing Reserved. S37 50, no $27 50 82 50, 28 50, 25 00, 22 50, 20 00, 18 50, 16 50, 15 00, 18 50, 12 50, 10 00, 8 50, 7 50, now now now now now now now now now now now now now 25 OO 22 50 20 00 17 50 14 50 13 50 12 50 11 00 9 50 8 50 7 50 6 50 5 50 All our Fine Shoes. 'Edwin Clapp Will be included in this sale, Prices below; Shoes Formerly Sold for $7 50, 8hoes Formerly Sold for 6 50, Shoes Formerly Sold-.for 6 00, Shoes Formerly Sold for 5 50, 8hoes Formerly Sold for 5 00, Shoes-Formerly Sold for 4 50, Shoes Formerly Sold for 4 00, Shoes Formerly Sold for 8 50, Shoes Formerly Sold for 3 00, Shoes Formerly Sold for 2 50, and other brands, Look at the now now now now now now now now now now $6 00 5 50 4 55 4 50 4 10 3 35 3 15 2 80 2 10 1 85 Children's Suits. Nothing Reserved. Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Snits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for Suits Formerly Sold for 8 50, now 6 50 7 50, now 5 75 6 5o, now 4 75 6 00, now 4 50 5 00, now 3 90 "4 50, now 3 75 4 00, now 3 40 3 50, now 2 90 2 50, now 1 75 2 00, now 1 50 Men's Shirts. Negligee and Full Dress, All included in this great prices-destroyiug, comparison -inviting, going-out-of-business sale 1 Shirts that were $2 00 each $1 50 Shirts that were 1 50 each 1 20 Shirts that were 1 25 each 95 Shirts that were 1 00 each 80 Shirts that were 75 each 60 Shirts that were 50 each 40 Grab 'em quick they won't last more 'n a "jiffy" Terms of sale stricty cash. Men's Fine Trousers. Look at these Priees : Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Trousers Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Formerly Sold for Sold for Sold for Sold for Sold for bld for Sold for Sold for Sold for Sold for $8 50, 7 50, 6 50, 6 00, 5 00, 4 50, 4 00, 3 50, 3 00, 2 50, now now now now now now now now now now $5 25 5 75 4 75 4 25 3 85 3 50 3 40 2 90 2 40 1 95 Then Here Comes the HATS: Hats for Everyboby. Hats for big heads, little heads, shriveled heads, swelled heads, old heads, young heads, wise heads, empty heads, covered heads and bald heads. Everybody come running hats going for next to no price at all: Men's Soft Hats formerly $3 50 now $2 25 to $2 50 Men's Soft Hats formerly 8 00 now 1 99 to 2 25 Men's Soft Hats formerly 2 50 now 1 25 to 1 50 Men's Straw Hats formerly 5 CO now 3 50 to 4 00 Men's Straw Hats formerly 4 00 now 2 75 to 3 25 ,Men's Straw Hats formerly 3 50 now 2 00 to 2 50 Men's Straw Hats formerly 8 00 now 1 75 to 2 25 Longley Low Hats formerly 3 00 v and 3 50 now 2 25 to 2 50 Longley Low Hats formerly 2 50 now 1 85 Longley Low Hats formerly 2 00 now " 1 35 Men's Underwear Mereilessly Slaughtered. Can't you see the advantage of loading upon these excel- excellent garment garments while these price so low? Fine light weight Woolens formerly $2 50, now $1 85 Fine light weight Woolens formerly 2 00, now 1 35 Fine light weight Woolens formerly I 50, now 115 Fine light weight Woolens formerly 1 25, now 98 Fine light weight Woolens formerly 1 00, now 85 Fine Balbriggan Cotton formerly 1 00, now 82 Fine Spring Needle goqds formerly 1 50, now 1 12 French Balbriggan formerly 50, now 40 French Balbriggan formerly 25, now 21 Everything in our store struek by the base ball bat and knocked-into-Smithereens priees. Gloves for everyday wear. Gloves for dress wear. Gloves of all sizes, kinds and prices, Handkercheifs in Silk, in Linen, in Cotton Nothing reserved Neckwear included in this cut-to-piecea-sale. Suspenders, Hosiery, Belts. The 75 cents ones now 49 cents The 50 cents ones now 39 cents The 85 cents ones now 23 cents The 25 cents ones now 19 cents All Our Fine, Union Made Overalls, Too, Included in this great, knock 'em-to-pieces sale : Hamilton-Carhartt's formerly $1 25 now . 98 Hamilton-Carhartt's formerly 1 00 now 85 Hamilton-Carhartt's formerly 75 now 60 Finch's "Pig Nose" formerly 1 25 now 98 FiDch's "Pig Nose" formerly 1 00 now 85 Umbrellas, Coat hangers, Canes, Jewelry, Col lars and Cuffs. Boys' Knee Pants, Telescopes, Trunks, Valises, Dress Suit Cases and a thou sand and a things too numerous too numerous to mention go in this sale. Remember we mean what we say. A genuine GOING-OUT-BUSINESS SALE. if CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, SALISBURY, N. C. LOOK FOR THE BIG SIGN, WASHINGTON BUILDING, 120 NORTH MAIN STREET. lill