Carolina Watchman. H ROWERS A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People nd for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, July 1st. 1908. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. Vol. IV. No 28. LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. A GREAT MAN 60NE. Clevelind Passes Peacefully Away at His Home. The following extract from a Princeton, N. J., dispacth of the paper : Grover Cleveland, twice Wliat People of Our Enterprising Sister Ex-President 6rom Town are Doing to Occupy Themselves, Lexington Dispatch. Jane S4tn. Dr. F. L. Mock, who success fully passed examination before the state board last week at Wins- i. mill lnnnfn a UlVIIT. t.Vl 1 S nty. He graduated from the Q ueQ ' " ..J,,,JL niwJ 8:40 o'clock this morning at his, home, "Westland," in this quiet colleee town, where he had lived No. 46, the "shoo fly train, is . . retirement as the na- the most interesting aggregation L10nig chief executive, almost 12 of engine and cars on the South ern, and is a yery popular trajn, CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. A HORRIBLE TRAGEDY. ooun North STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Owner Refuses Handsome Offer for His Farm. An Agricultural Curiosity. Statesville Landmark. June 28 rd, O. L. Woodside, a farmer of Concord township, has on exhibi tion in Statesville Saturday a bunch of oats, which grew from one grain, that is a wonder. There last spring. too. It rung from ttreensooro to Charlotte and back, passing down about 4 o'clock in the morning and going back about 6. There are only two caw and the en8me Leath An Old-Timer Attends the Charlotte Con- Young Man Playtniiy poihis uinea bun lention ae a Delegate. -. . at his Sister ana mis Her. - . I .. . - : concord rimes., Jnne3-2. A most distressing tragedy oo The first cotton bloom of the curred early last Saturday paorn 24th will be of interest to all the season was sent us yesterday by mg at the home of 1. tt. Mctee, readers of this paper: . A. J. Linkerf No. 1 township. 717 South Jackson street ; Presi- This is pretty early. - uituae mows, oow w Anderson Winecoff, who lives "stMissAurora ,wno was . 5io years old, were naving a niay in iaSb UOncUJU Uiuuguu J uv".., na the first load of home-raised watermelons last Friday. The Presbyterian church build ing at China Grove has been rent ed to the fcrerman Keiormea nd ue eiT dropped to thd floor of the oats, He thinks the gram people. dead. A charge of shot entered which produced this fine bunch is HnintTC Smith has been em- the face of the unfortunate girl a new variety and he hopes to get hv t.nmftCh and kidnev ailments ployed to survey the government just below the eyes, making k hole it started in this section by saving I - . . - - l.i i 1 i 3 T 1. V. w..-n I 11 J of long standing as the cause of lot on which the postomce buna- tnrougn ner nea. WB BWU I I w A - . A- I . While Mr. Cleveland had mg is to be erected, and tne wor lnsnantiy. While some bed clothing was be- years ago, An official statement given out and signed by the three physicians have heart trouble, superinduced are 56 large stalks in the bunch, frfl scuffle in iaroom of the house, (all heavily laden with grain. Mr The boy seized a single barrel shot I Woodside will save the seed to omn Rtandinonear bv. and bomt- nlant next year. He says the O 1 o " ' I ing it at his sister, pulled the bunch was about waist high and kriorcrAr. There. was a loud reDort had a richer color than the rest rn i - is comioal. It is an old style fel- m health for the last will be done afbnce. i 11 I C t r ' Kn( it. I r - I '- low, small The boy hurriedly mother and told her iounu niB ing fumigated in a bath wnat naa room at sanatorium, Sunday mill l uuu v Miwu veais nuu iuu uu.v tu. ut-nia. Martina rsnmoT.v at i. pulls the tram m on time every g .q . deftth came -- - happeued. Mr. MoGee was sent morning about 10;16f tne alcohol pep. Down at Spencer the rail- nexpectedly. Some three weeks Sihat wy member con- for and notified of the affair while lamp n6ed for fumigating explod ed men have a lot of fun out of a hewa8 b ht home-from . . ,. . . -nff7 nriviieees of neighbors at once came into ren- ed and iu an in8tant the room I " w I 46's crew, xney can e.wu . , , hi conditi0n the "calf." But No. 46 is the for a time was 8uch that the hotel prepared mustard, just the same. he wag gtaying wft8 kepfc Monday night the Mayor sent open after its regular season be Buck Hargrave to the roads for cause he was too ill to be moved, "vagrancy," and Fruit" Ayers gut when Mr. Cleveland was fn tha same for drunkenness, pro-ihrnncht back to Princeton he fauity, resisting an officer and w - Dther things ; but yesterday each gamed five pounds in weight, came across with the necssary J Although confined to his room rnin And were released. They are onnt.irinonalv after his return to der any assistance they couia. in flame8. Fortunately the Mr. McGee stated that he was firQ wa8 diS00Vered promptly and not in the habit of allowing the as extineuished before any dam gun to remain loaded, but mat a age of consequence resulted. An few days before the acciaen ne aiarm wa8 Bent in and the hose had loaded the gun to shoot a on regDonded nromntly but Col. J. N. Brown, who was one bird He failed, to get a shot and fihA SfiTV;ca Gf the firemen was not needed. in tne ago, lett yesieraay w aboauu tu house, lie feels sure tne Doy was convention this year. A. J. Bost, unaware that the gun was loaded. writing whiskey prescriptions after the prohibition law goes into effect in North Carolina, shall have his license as a physi cian revoked. , I -f tn t.hft I JfimOOratlC I 4-0 nnlnnil f Vi Q ffiin whon ahnmaA H1CTI1H of lmnrOVemeUt and!"4 6 UeglBUbOU tu 6" ' O I o J. rUn.14--A K naa ra I . , .. , i .. iL. convention au vumiuiuo w tw hft retnrnea it to its mace iu mo ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. The Doings of Our Neighbors Down the1 Yaakln Railroad. Stanly Enterprise, June 1 5th. R. E. Neighbour, of Salisbuiy, expects to begin his tent meetings in Albemarle on July sixth. The tent will be erected next Tuesday on the vacant lot on South side of the Central Hotel. Mr. Ruby will be here on that day, and twill begin the training of a choir for the meetings. It is expected that great interest will be manifested in the meetings and that the large tent will be full of hearers at each service. Pet" Lowder reported to us the first cotton bloom, on Mon day, June June 22. Mr. Lowder expects a good crop of cotton, Mrs. Will A. Smith, who has been in bad health for sometime, was taken to the hospital at Salis bury a few days ago to undergo an operation. Mr. Smith is very grateful to the many who have made it possible for him to give his wife, this treatment. C. B. Mize, foreman of the con struction work on the new Metho dist church, arrived from Char lotte Tuesday, and is ready to be gin work. The- old church has been moved back, and will be used STATE NEWS. efctatto doesn't 7Zno yeste, of Bost Mill who was also a dele- Coroner Dorsett was notified and Jf" mean that there aren't some white day that Mr. Cleveland's condi- gate o the 188o convention, will he called a jury together and fnly ttJ wwr loaflmr. rA nneineaa on the not be able to attend this year. made a carefui investigation of ty, east of town folks who are loafing. Friday while coming to Lexing ton through the country Mrs. J. W. Fitzserald, of Linwood, was t.i.-n aroused uneasiness on tne Dart of Mrs. Cleveland. Un the case. After considering the C. B. Buchanan, of Hickory, has been here for some days hav ing the building lots at Oak View, on9 js completed. Allison proper- cleared off and improved. He is also laying off From All Parts of the State. Items Con densed for Busy Readers. Baxter Liles, a young farmer in Wake county, was killed by light ning last week. With - three brothers he was working in, to bacco when a severe storm came up. All hurried to the houBe ex cept Baxter, who stopped under a pine tree a very dangerous thing to do in time of storms. Light ning struck the tree and killed him. Frank Carland, a citizen of Limetone township, Buncombe county, aged 70 years is mail car rier, and latetly he says he has been "annoyed." A rope was stretched across his road which threw him flat, and while sitting on his porch the other day some one shot at him and barely missed him. He asks for protection of the officials. George Brummell, of High Point, is in Guilford court on a charge of bigamy, he having mar ried No. 2 without a divorce from No. 1. He claims he was not knowingly at fault, having had reason to believe that No. 1 was dead. She arrived at High Point and raised a row, and they settled it between themselves, but she I 1 J 1 1 1 ' ! J by the congregation until tha new came anQ flaa aim Kn""' Over in Cabarrus county a bull It 1 . . j t m 1 j. J J. A. Hunevcutt. of Leo. died belonging to jonas iuorBlriyBu the 17th instant after four We learn tnat several yuuuBr- v.. nrenaratorv to havme -. '- .-.i it. 1 j.1 1 1 1 i- j-l I am Wanna the mrv THTiTl rn- I - r r j doubtedly aflected byne neai, men are avauaDie lor wie vacauwy w - j -y -ther auctiQn Bale some time Mr, Cleveland showed ! failure and Mrs r I ... I J ; 4- a tia offoft that, the signs 01 made at jannapons oj wi ---- . month. 1 . m . 1 a. a n r rn n - - niavoiftnrt t.e e. oi Taxr w i,. Hntchens to deceasea came w uoi uevu j are Tmnrnroman fa "17 TTnnouftiitt,. nf this nlftp.e. being made on the property and ' ' ' ' on days illness, and was buried at Love's Chapel Friday. Fe was the uncle of Messrs. P J. and R. He y-.. I 1 Ik. n a. n .TV1 H7 Y HTM U I . . 1 I 111 - I1B 11 U I I t U UinnB Ull7bHUUWU 1 - x na wn.B r.KHii ucio iium iwn v it i w o a was auite sick. home on No. 7 that afternoon and o o I .... i r 1 l aV- nr Trirwnntl followed Dr. Bry- seennnff a man for this place, be- a gun m tne nanus oi ner uruiaie. no dlnVerons results followed her ant from New York and when cause it is regarded by the Metho- The funeral was held bunday no dangerous results followed 0arnochaD) aa a fruitful field The ap. afternoou from the residence the experience fehev reached tmflnt, will- in all Drobabilitv. , V-J ,4.l,Q PJ.. W10Y01" - V J ' I f ' vionnmpnreyBUuu .. Mlled .n Daring eve. be made this week. -H ornaiiania With fi. $1U I .. -.1 r I ninrr M ra 1 AVA Ann Tfl LTi aggUlKU ml i U ; l. nneefAi attcT I ""JfS " " ' I I MP HT.Orill WU1UU UBSCCU VI" a euai- if w - tno conntv last Monaay am con H many attacics mr. oievaiauu uau giderabe damage to cotton and 3ullered. wheat in many sections the worst Mr. Clveland became worse our felt assured gold piece of the new s Vind with a buzzard on without "In God we trust." ran across the money back in the Bpring and put it in his vest pock et to save because of its new design. Later he lost it and had forgotten the loss until one day last week when his colored man found it in the garden. The man was pulling up turnip salid, and -. i- j. i t i.- as he pulled up eacn y morning. The last time he shook it to knock the dirt loss I . rooo from the roots. Presently he put on sale. Cemetery and Stock ton streets are being extended through the property. The fine farm near Statesville which S. A. Fowler, of Newton, was so anxious to buy and for x t r ci. -II u The plant will develop 1,200 that of J. W. Shemll, who lives ilnmam bem e done in Nos. 1 and O a 2 township. Local eroceryman report a big advance in the price oi Jaw, meats, jtc. It is said that the quotations on these necessities are higher than for many years During the storm that swept a Dart of this county Thursday, ing the night and Mrs. Cleveland wrh railed to the bedside of her husband. The distinguished pa tient sank into unconsciousness I from which he recovered at times. only to suffer a relapse. This con- inued throughout the night and earlv morning. The last time he became unconscious was about two hours before he died. Death lightning struck the cabin of Geo was peaceful. Just before he died Kiser, who lives on Marvin Dulin's Mr. Cleveland sought to say plantation, in No. 2, and instant .Amnfttino Knt. hia words were in- Mv Villed two children, a girl 4 audible. years old, and a boy aged 14. bryan pats tbibute. The family had grouped together ana. The Lincoln, JSeb., June zi. me - . . 7 I .1 f J.l, AkiM.An ara. ahftlr ed by lightning, but soon recov orad- The Darties killed were negroes. interment being in Chestnut Hill cemetery. The members of the famuy are utterly prostrated over the sad af fair, and they have the warmest sympathy of the community in on the Taylorsville road near the their great bereavement. State Farm, and Mr, Sherrill has notified Mr. Fowler that he will WILL NOT ACCEPT. notseii. Miss Annie Ferguson, of States- Judge Cray Says Don't Want Second Place viiie, was elected second vice-presi around on Vick Dry's premises and Dry shot and killed it. -Tucker got a warrant for Dry, but Dry left. The two had been mad at each other. Wilson F. Perry, sentenoed to I J r - - y 1 Wort hfla nommenoed on the ouo AUi iUiSJ. ounpu uj electric power plant on Little jumping from the train when the River. This plant is five miles Bheriff of Edgecombe county was S. J. Smitherman and sons-in-law who DroDose next vear to build a 9KO fWV. . tnktnn mill in Trnv. horse j g-OB uu tu xvaiDigu. power, and rroy will tasie it an. I iuh oiubi uj buiub uij jruuug Trrnr Mont.crnmerian. I men in Concord ordered a keg of He ed off at Garner and was retaken i there last week one night as he Iwas in the act of taking 'a tram. pulled a large chunk, and outj from the dirt and mass of roots rolled the lost money. Mr. Hum preys had sowed the bed early in the spring, and the piece slipped nut of hia nocket then. Me was to rfc it hack, "but" he said, "it looks like I ought to have got following tribute to former Presi $20 if I sowed $10." dent Cleveland was written to- nicfht bv William J. Brvan, and Dispatch readers will recall tnat aalya v t TTT.Ti.- will appear in next weeks months ago Jev. vvaibei . , . - dent of the North Carolina Nurses' Association, which was in session in Durham last week. Miss Sump ter, of Statesville, passed the ex amination before the board of ex aminers and is now a registered nurse. Mrs. Rachel C. Kimball, widow of berries, even the poorest among us may feast and be happy. issue seme Holcomb, a native oi mi. death of ex.PreBident looked more flourishing than they he 8ttid was indicted tor using GroVer Cleveland brings to a sud- do right now. Vegetables are language in a meeting at barters- i,annmBrftl rareer Lhnndftnt. With peaches and ii- f r arrxnrt 1 n . hi Vine, vra., w iino dwuuu - , T 1 T - J. pulpit and preacneu. knowQ wQrld . du nothlDg 0f the constant offering $200 and appealed to the higher ing the present generation Like court He maintains that the every commanding figure, he had woVdsused by him were not ob- zealous supportersland earnest op scene and werenotintendedtoof- ponents, but those who differed fend any one. He is a Methodist f rom him were as ready as his evangelist and married a daugh- warmeBt friends to concede to him ter of the late Sam Jones, of Car- elementB of leadership to an tersviiie. i . j-Qa TTa w.a1o. . ... .... I HlH TH.IiH 111 LU U1UU ml" xv . w lirSfl 01 Lmng. Uinn flvArraadvto accent re I I11UL1 ftiBVV- "f M. Last Weduesday a negro con- l nnria;bilitvforwhat he did. Few vict named James Crump, who is mfin' have exerted a more positive serving a term on the chain gang, - fl enee UT)0n those associated attempted suicide. The man ob- with them. We are not far tained possesion some way of the enough from the period in which necessary instrument of destruc- n-g wor wa8 done to measure ac tion and proceeded to cut his oarately his plaoe in history, but throat. He succeeded in inflicting tne qUalities which made him a laree and painful gash upon oa. o ra a nait. OT the nation's himself, but it is bolieved he will herjtage, and universal sorrow is on the Democratic Ticket. Federal Judge George liray would not under any conditions anr.enfc the Democratic nomina tion for Vice President. A defi nite announcement to this effect was made tonight by former Con gressman L. Irving Handy, who will make the speech at Denver! of the late Thos. . ivimoaii, dieo placing the judge in nomination yesterday morning at the home of for the presidency which task he her daughter, mrs. n. xrout nerformed four years ago, When man, in west Statesville. Mrs. - I - -a Jk 1 1 t 1 Mr. Handy was asked tonight re- Kimball suflered a tail aooutnine garding the acceotance by Mr. months ago and has been confined Bryan, of a suggestion, of W. B. to her room since. bhe was par Brinton, of Dixon, 111., that tially paralyzed some time ago, The gardens of Concord never judge Gray be his running mate I but did not suffer Mr. Dearman. wife of C. A.. Judge-Gray would not consid- D died of tuberculosis . wr I er the nomination ot vice rresi- , vesterdav morning at her dent on the ticket with Mr. Bryan . . harmouv neighborhood ..,! " or with any other presidential .nan.d ftnd eiffht children .... . , -r I n o candidate, it tne uenver conven- anrvixra tion should nominate him tor his office he would immediately' decline the honor, and somebody else would have to be named. The judge would look upon the office of Vice President as a place with all the deprivations of a con vent and none of the consolations of religion." Wilmington, Del., dispatch. The new opera house will book one of the most attractive plays on the boards at its fall opening. The management has closed a con tract for "The Clansman," T6m Dixon's well-known play, and it has been booked for October 6 The new seats are being placed in the opera house, which, with the new curtains to be provided, will make it quite a handsome interior and a distinct credit to the town. the stuff that made Milwaukee famous, and it arrived all right and was put in an ice ohest until Sunday- should come. Sunday morning, however, the keg was missing. An all day search was kept up until it was found neatly buried. They had got so thirsty hunting all day that the beer ap peased their wrath, and those who stole the keg were forgiven, SHERMAN SERIOUSLY ILL. THIS IS DIFFERENT. and recover. felt at his death," The Remedy That Does. Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but tail to per A New Band. Another bandhasbeen organized by a number of young men here, Mrs. E. R. Pierson, which will be known as tne sans- Anrmrn Harare. Fft. "It IS I DUrV XauQ. X6 Blftrw UUU uuvic curing me of throat and lung favorable conditions and we may trouble of long standing. form," 6ays Average Length of Life. The man who lives till he is nrwre than a century old and the nhild rho dies in infancy are alike in the law of averages They balance each other's ohances. as it were. Of 100.0C0 people living at the age of 10, only 95,614 will live to the age of 21, only 82,284 will be living at 40, only 49 will be living t Qfi. and onlv 9 at 97. At 80 the average man may take it tha he has under 85 years to live ; at 40. tinder 28 vears : at 50, under 21 years ; at 60, under 14 years. la ea'w&nd all of these cases how he lives will determine 1 whether he will have a longer life or a shorter life, but the average will infallibly work out within space of ninety years Cassell' Saturday Journal. that be allowed to express the wish that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me bo much good that I feel confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung heal er is sold at all drug store. 50o and $1. Trial bottle free. it will meet with a degree ot suc cess some similar organizations did not achieve. "The young men have their instruments and will practice twice a week. The offi cers of the organization are : Presi It Prevents a Somewhat Peculiar and Com plicated Case, But Why Not? A form of the damage suit in dustry little known where the stock law prevails, is quite an item where stock can get on a railroad track, especially about the time a train is coming along. A cow or steer that would hardly bring $10 in open market is worth at least $100 after it is killed by a train. In South Carolina the Seaboard Air Line railroad has suffered from that sort of a thing until patience is exhausted and the worm has turned. The division counsel at Columbia has brought suit in the Circuit court of Lex- BS. Just Exactly Right. 'I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exactly right," says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harris- ville. N. Y. New Life Fills re- the least discom- Ponl IT TUrnharrit: Sfift. and : lieVO WltUOUt t p. H. Meronevi Director. '. fort. Best remedy for constipa- t t vranfnTA Prmtinai mnnifti. : tion. biliousness and malaria. an, N. V. Taylor. . 25o at all drug stores. State ofOhio, City ofTjlbdo, ) Lucas County. j Frank J. Chaney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chaney & Co.. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforessid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. 8worn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, - this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. (Seal.) A. W. tflxTCASON, Notaey Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation Death of Naval Officer. A message received here this afternoon by Dr. S. Westray Battle from Carlisle Winslow an nounced the death of Lieutenant Commander Francis Winslow, U. ingtou county, S, C, gainst San- N retired, at Norfolk, Conn., ders Meetz, a farmer of that coun- yesterday. Lieutenant WinBlow ty. With great solemnity, dig- was a native of North Carolina nity and impressive phrasing, the and had visited Dr. Battle in complaint states that on the 13th Asheville several times. A broth- of last April, near the station of er of Lieutenant Winslow is now Lephardt, a certain bull, which commanding "one of Jth9 large the plaintiff is informed and be- oiiiiM. nf the United States navv. lieves is the property of Mr. Asheville special to Charlotte Observer, It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers expe- aT -m.r TT I fl ? 1 nence. U. m.. naraen, oi onver City, North Carolina, says: t4I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. For Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it Vice-Presidential Nominee Stricken Goes to Hospital for Operation. James S. Sherman, Republican nominee for vice president, has been ill for two days, his illness will necessitate his remaining here till tomorrow. Mr. Sher man on his way from Cincinnati to Cleveland Saturday night- was seized with a billions attack. Upon arrival here he went to the home of Myron T. Herrio, former Governor of Ohio, whose guest he was to be over Sunday. He was o impelled to Jgo immediately to his room. He was unable to see anyone either yesterday or today. The physician who was sum moned tq attend him ordered that no one should be admitted to the room and that Mr. Sherman be not disturbed. There was noth ing to alarm at any time in the distinguished patient's condition. His physicians tonight had no doubt that Mr. Sherman would be able to continue his journey to Utica temoraow as the attack is at an end. The preseat plan is for him to leave Cleveland ' at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning for his home in Utica, N. Y., accompani ed by his secretary and one or two friends. Cleveland, O., dispatch. Meetz, did stand on the track in front of a Seaboard passenger train, moving at a high, though not above schedule rate of speed, and in spite of whistle-blowing anrl ftfViaT m on r o nf wiirnit or re Best the World Affords, wantonly, willfully and wickedly "It gives me unbounded pleas failed, refused and neglected ure to recommend Bucklen's Ar to get off the tracks, to the njca Salve," says J. W. Jenkins, great danger to the satety and , ChftDeii Hill.' N. C, "I am . m a 1 1 . ' BT i w ' it can't oe neat, x nave tnea it lives oi u ui;w uu PWuBx. convinoed it's the beBt salve the aDdM:H:rSt tiiTc! worldaffords It cured a felon l0ine.'.' Mr. Harden is right; it s Meetz ha8 lifld with a on my thumb. and it never fails the best of all medicines also for gu-1 in a replied magistrate's court weakness, lame back, and all run against the road to recover $95 down conditions. Best too for from the road for the killing of chills and malaria. Sold under the bull. And the end is not yet. traarantee at all drug stores. 50c. I Statesville Landmark. o to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied. 25c at all drug stores. , Subscribe to The Watchmak, t "ILtg.. -CaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaajiKaaallffpa Wl minimi WtHtfftLytfJfg lr "-ffl3ftBMiBBMMMMiiMMBBMBiii A. 5p