A STAND OF Dr. Knapp's Advice la Regard to Planting. Things Essential for Seed fioralnatlon. Procuring a stand of cotton tinder the various conditions of heat and moisture is one of the important things which all of us X. . 4. 1A.na,1 Knar to AnAV3' A" 7 .1" i, tf i U r.fl. " slid., or the drag W farmer .Ireadr knows that or Mndmort part of the machine three things are essential for the germination of seed. They are heat, moisture and air (or oxy- The planting machine, in the hands of careless men, is respon sible for much of the poor stands of cotton. Most of them plant entirely too deep, and are adjust able enough to run more shallow than three or four inches or to put less than a bushel of seed to the acre. In many of them the wheel, is the last ROCKWELL ; lyilANUEL. The health of the oommunity is Mrs.-C A. Miller and her three very good, except a few chills. little children were visiting in our Rev. Clapp, of Newton, preach- community lately, gen which abounds in the air). The practide of many planters shows conclusively that iowever much importance they attaoh to the two former conditions they very This leaves the surface oompacted which greatly favors drying out the soil. There are now on the market a few machines that seem to be al most ideal in construction . They plant either wet or dry seed, have a force feed arrangement that often do not take the latter dro?s ene se!d from T ?. fr in cues a parr, are easily uujuout- ..... bla to an v desirable denth. have en no I lmnnrtannA vun tnfi ninfir I . , I " mnv i . . , . . Dressing tnem in ciose couauo with soil, and having such cover ers to come laBt. as leave a loose ed an excellent sermon recently at the Reformed churoh here. J. A. Bost, section boss at Rockwell, has moved in the new house on East Coy street. Mrs. Sallie Friok, of Salisbury, was visiting in Rockwell recently. B. A. Fesperman has moved into his new house. May Frick visited her brother in aaiiBDurv last wees, one re ports a nice time. There will be a big day at Rock 11 Tl 4.1 4 i U TF-Un.Ar, wen iuiy bus m. oi-voirvuj im urn n r f T come and bring your sweethearts. U 1 I V jQ ty 111 There will be a ball game at 10 a. Let us thoroughly masticate, agitate, digest and assimilate this fact bo that we will have it "in the blood" when planting season comes around again. Most seed will germinate when lying on top f fVia rri-.nnrt with frp fiTTkOHIlTft of air if the conditions of heat Ifc isn interesting study and one and moisture are right. mulch on the surface. There is muoh yet to be learned about seed germination under the various conditions named above. Dr. S. A. Knapp, in charge of Demonstration farm work in the South, and a man of ample expe rience and wide observation, gave out information in the early spring about follows : Thoroughly pulverize the soil before planting. Use only sound, well improved Beed and plant shallow. Harrow iust before planting, soon after planting, and continue the use of the weeder or harrow until the plants are large enough to be in capable of paying well for the time SDent in understanding it thoroughly. C. R. Hudson. HACKETT DENIES IT. Says lie did not Make Remorks Which Hats Been Attributed to him, Congressman Hackett had the following to sav in an interview the other day in Charlotte : "The statement that I intima ted that neither of the three gen tlemen who are candidates for jured thereby. This advice anti- governor is fit for the high office cipated all the unfavorable condi- to which he aspires, or that either tions which we have had for ger- 0f them is not a man whom the mination. He had in mind the people can trust to the fullest ex thorough aeration of the soil, as tent in the office, or that I am of well as the bringing about of pro per conditions of heat and moisture. If the rainfall is too great, this Btiring of the soil right down to the seed close underneath, dries out the immediate surface thus obviating, to some extent, the ex- Miss Dovie Beaver is well again, we are glad to note, Miss Beaver has had the chills the last; two weeks. W. R. Trexler, Jas. Mesimer and Geo. Brown have all had their wheat threshed, C. A, Miller is thinking of mov ing back to the farm from Rock well next fall. We expect to have a wedding in our community before long. Uncle Jethro. REMEMBER US When you need a tooth extracted, When yen need a tooth treated, When you need a tilling, , When you need a crown, When you need a bridge, When you need a plate, When you need any kind of DENTAL WORK, we are doing the .business, De- cause we are doing first-class work at prices you can afford to pay. Dr. L. S. Fox, 122 No, Main St., Phone No. 805. Office Hours : 8 :30 am to 12 :S0 pm, 2 to 6:15 pm. COMFORTS OF HOME that make a happy couple. We have contributed in no small de gree to the comfort of many a household. And expect to con tinue to do so. Our stock of furniture is more extensive than ever, and we're selling it at marked down prices. Hand some and serviceable parlor suits $10. Durable and ele gant lounges, couches and easy chairs at half real value. As tonishing bargains, IE. WITHERSPOON & COMPANY EMPIRE BLOCK, SALISBURY, N. C. ' m. and an Kinas oi races as o o'clock, Also fire works and graphophone entertainment at 8:80d. m. Ice cream and cold drinks will be served. Blue Eyes. GRASSY RID6E. Grover Eagle has had the fever for three weeks, but he is improv ing. There will be preaching at Lib erty the first Sunday in July at 3 p. m. Everybody is invited to come. but Strawberries are all gone, blackberries are plentiful. The mumps are preyalent around here, and; some people are keeping close at home to avoid the risk of catching them. Leora. OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. Head of the State's Educational System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, fledicine, Pharmacy, Library contains 48,000 volumes. New waterworks, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. 0. A. building, library. Vj 790 STUDENTS. 9a IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1908. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HILL, N. ;0. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE RST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. W. 0. Coughenoub, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital- - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, O. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton,Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE. Cashier. the opinion that they are m any way unfitted for it, is gratuitous and untrue. I have taken no part in the campaign tor eitner canaiaata nor have I uttered a word derog- tory to the character of either. I have stated frequently in public ceBsive moisture, yet forming a and private conversation that all mulch to conserve tha underneath three are honorable men, staunch to.preventtoo much dryness should I and true Democrats, and that eith- the ram ceases. It is a form of I nr would make as erood a crovernor aerial drainage that extends only as the other. I have deplored the to the depth of stinng.Futhormore fact that bitterness and personal this frequent stiring lets in the ities have been injected into the sunshine thus helping in the ques- campaign : have stated that I be- tion of heat. It also lets in the lioved it wonld ininra the Demo life-giving air. cratic party, and that such things It is often necssary to plant I ought not to occur in the canvass cotton seed when the soil is dry. J for office between Democrats ; and in planting under such conditions that I believe it would be for the the usual practice is to put the best interests o the party to nom seed into the soil three or four inate a man who had not engag incnes. This is all right provided ed in a campaign characterized We know that excessive rains I hv nftrRnnalitifiR and stronff feel ORGAN CHURCH. The health of this community is very good at present. Monroe Ketner is the smart man of this community. He has his corn laid by and his wheat hauled. He can sit easy in his chair now. Sav. Bro. Xerxes, wake up, let us hear some more of you. We understand L. J. Shive has got able to The crops in this ooking fine now. would not come immediately. iJut we dot know this. Rains may come, pack the soil, and pre vent entrance of sunshine and air. However, there are ways of the success of securmg a stand witbout running party. this risk. During the second week of May, during a severe drought, the writer had occasion- to plantaome cotton seed in soil that was exceedingly dry. A lighted torch was first passed over seed to remove the fuzz and adhering lint which pre vent the close contact of the seed with the soil. This could prob ably have been done better by close ginning or reginning . Wet ting the seed and rolling them in ashes or in a small amount of commercial fertilizers would have accomplished the same purpose. The seed were thoroughly wetted with water and kept moist for three days before planting. The eed were then put three-fourths of an inch in the ground - at the rate of 12 pounds peracre. With in a week fully ninety-five per cent of them were up. The stand was perfect. The young plants are Btrong and vigorous,, with broad, dark-green leaves, ready for business. In fields near by are seed which were planted from three or four inches deep and which have never come through. The usual practice in this coun try is to plant from one to two bushels of cotton seed per acre. This gives many plants, standing thick in a row, Oonreqently, the growth is spindling, does not start to fruiting early, falls down easily when ohopped, and, as Dr. Knapp lays, invites an attack of disease or inseots. In thin planting, the talk makes a strong, stocky growth gets busy early, and makes a few bolls before the thick planting gets started. Conse quently the yield is greater. Borne farmers have seoured good lands with only a peck of seed - per acre. ing. Tms is tne substance and extent of my statement made in Winston, as an individual, solely in the interest of harmony and the Democratic "paw grass" again. section are Old Happy. JLKKBSSBKtS JJHJTIDSHa-mjSStt jj 1 1 KJ FAITH. James Ritchie had a stroke of paralysis and is confined to Mb bed. The subscription school starts up nere tne second Monday in July with Misses Mary Heller and Mamie Peeler as teachers. Vends. ST FOR Biliousness Constipation Headache Indigestion Dyspepsia Flatulency Malaria Chills & Fever Jaundice Sleeplessness Nervousness Loss of Appetite and all disorders aris ing from Torpid Liver.' takeTtnow. THE GENUINE has the BED Z on be front of each package and the signature and seal of J. H. ZEIX.IN , on tne uae, in jtisu. ATTENTiONI SOUTH LAND Belle Shoes All Leathers and Styles. Your choice at $1.50 the pair m -. 1 1 1 lhese fohoes are made bv us and Guaranteed to be all Sol id Leather. tPDPUlAR PRICE FOOT WEAR J N tERMS STRICTLY CASH g ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICI .Having qualified as administrator o: the estate of Dr. O. W. Corriher, de ceased, late, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned on or Defoie the 28th dav of May 1 iwjw, or tnis notice win De plead in Dar 01 tneir recovery. All nersons indebted to said estate will please mane immediate payment. JAMES E. COERIHER. SE..admr Theo. F. Kluttz. attorney. 5-26 6t. Dd. VERY ANN0YIU6. This Hardlf Expresses What Salisbury People Say of It.! Any itchiness of the skin is an noying. .Little danger in itching skin diseases, Bat they make yon miserable. Doan's Ointment is a never-fail ing care. For Pile?, Eczema all itching troubles. Salisbury citizens endorse it. W. A. Monroe, 424 W. Coancil St., Salisbury, N. C, says: "Sev eral years ago I was bothered by a skin ernpton which failed to yield to the various remedies I used. After suffering for some time, Doan's Ointment was brought to my attention and I procured a box from the Salisbury Drug Com pany. The first application brought relief and when I had finished the contents of one box my 'trouble had entirely disap peared. I have had no return of it it since and know that (the cure effeoted by JJoan's Ointment was a permanent one. I advise anyone afflicted in a similiar manner to give thepreparation a trial." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Milburn Go Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other Subscribe for The Watohmah. Wanted. At once, two WATER SUPPLY. hands. AsoN, Apply to R good farm L.. Thom 5-13t Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant and abundant supply of good water for the household, stock, yard, garden and fare purposes, and at the same time that which needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to your house from any nearby spring or branch without no further atten tion after the installation of a ram. The best r m on the mar ket is sold and installed by T. A. P. Rosbman, Routed, Salisbury N. 0. Write for particulars. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having thiB day qualified as admin istrator C. T. A. of W. A. Overcash. de ceased, this is to notify all persons hav mg claims against tne estate 01 sua deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Land is, N. C. on or before the 18th day of May, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery- ah persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay' mf-nt. This May 18th, 1908. Silas J. Ovbboash, Admr. O.T A. Landis, N. 0 R. Lee Wright, attorney. 5-18 4t 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anyone sending a sketch and description may ijulckly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is prooaDiy patentame. communica tions strictly conadentlaL Handbook on Patents sent free. OMest agency for securing patents. Patents taken thronch Mann & Co. tveevu notice, without cbarue. in tne Scientific American. receive A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest e1r Terms. 90 a culation of anv scientific IcnrnaL year : four months. SI. Sold by all newsdealers. MN&Co.361''. New York branch offloe. 625 V 8U Washington. & CI Notice. mk m ' By virtue ot a deed or trust ex ecuted to-by i JN. x freeze and wife, M. C. Freeze, which is re corded in boos Si page ob in rec ord of mortgages for Rowan Coun ty, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash on the 20th day of July, 1908, 12 o'clock rn, the following land lying in Atwell township, adjoin ing Caleb Freeze, Rufus Rodgers and others, bounded as follows Beginning at a stake in the field and runs E 5 chains to a stake thence B bo W & chains to a ! stump : thenBe S 25 W 10. 50 chains to a stake : thence N 70 W 2.70 chains to a pine: thence N 19 E 10.25 chains to the beginning containing 8 acres and known as the Meadow lot. June 17, 1908. t G. J. Harris, trustee. PE BANK SAL1LBUBY, N. C. Does a General Bankin? Business. 41 HPu? DBXLtt. We pay 4-per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President. Teller. DoYouWaDttoHelp Make Good Times ? Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay you 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. WACHOVIA LOAN 5 TRUST CO The State's Strongest Banking Institution. Where to Go to Buy HARNESS! When in need of good, reliable,! single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to . . . . . hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Streets. We also do ilret-class repairing on Bhort notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Baddies, Collars, Bridles, Halt9rs, Whips, Brushes, Combe, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspection. We solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our 'stock. 11 your horse is injured in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline k Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. FURNITURE, CARPETS AND MATTINGS. We have everything in Furniture, and are also headquarters for CARPETS AND MATTINGS. We make a specialty of church carpets, Lodge Carpets and all large carpets. Some of the large carpets we have put down can be seen at the First Baptist Church, Spencer Methodist, Holmes Memo rial and South Main Churches, Fulton and Spencer Masonic lodges. When in the city drop in to see us. You are always welcome. W. B. SUERSETT. it for ycu, taking mortgage in your addition give you guarantee of our Real Estate Loans from $100 up If you have Guardian money in any amounts; or money of your own to invest, deposit it with us to be loaned on real estate mort gages. We'll lend the note and name, and in the written Company : 1st, That the title to the proper ty on which we lend your money is good : 2nd, That taxes will be kept paid on the property while the loans runs; 3rd, That the borrower will carry fire insurance for protection cf lender ; 4th, That 3 interest will be paid to you every six months, at our office, on the day it falls due; 5th, That should the property have to be sold to collect the note and mortgage, it will bring enough to pay the mortgage and interest together with all costs. You are put jto no trouble and take no risks. In addition to the real estate mortgage which you L.n t 1. 1 nuiu iu your uama yuu uavw iuw i written suarantee of our Comnanv which is worth ($30,000) thirty thousand dollars. This is the safest and most con venient method of investment on earth netting as much as 6 per cent interest. We ask for your patronage. McGubbins & Harrison Go, CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS $30,000,00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, SALISBURY, N. C, Charles W. Woodson, M. D., Medicine and Surgery. j. o. white & c J Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAT WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND 1FL. We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies! repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kindsof Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. 0 0 0 0 0 J. O. WHITE & CO. OOOOOOOOOOOOCNOOOOOOOOOOOCO ror uiits or value ana Merit GO TO O O o o o o o G. W. WRIGHT'S, HEADQUARTERS FORALL KINDS OF o o o o o o Offers his Professional Services Public. Office Phone 600 ; Res. to the 336 J. OFFICE: Wachovia Bank Building. For Rent. Large seven-room house No. 519 Park avenue. Painted, good water, stable and fence. Apply to H. E. Rufty, East ! Salisbury. 5-18 4tpJ For Salfi, or will exchange for a horse or cow one new Buck stove and a new Weaver organ, addres care of Watchman, Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. Art Squares, Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, iron and brass, BabySCarriages, Curtains, Carpets. Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cots, Chairs of all kinds, " forchildren, " for office, Desksforoffice and ladies, Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-CartB, Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, - Leather Furniture, Louuges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces of all Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rugs, Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. o o o o o Remember the Substantial gifts of the best and most Q lasting and also remember that you are invited to trade at q West Innes Street. - - - - Salisbury, N, 0. $ OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO