couSSS! A. Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, July 8th, 1908. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. Vol. IV. No 29. r - v 1 1 j- t . . j". . ; - ..... . -1 ...... . r - 1 . I .... V" IY l SSJVbock MrstMary JFatts and 1 - tll STATESVIUE, AND IREDELL MUSTY. A Well Known Lady Is SerkTuiy Injured in a -Runaway Accident. St&tesvill e Landmark. June. 80t&. Saturday afternoon about o her eon. John. Watts, were ? going from Statesville to theirfcbme in Loray community wen the mule they were driving took fright at or near the Tayloraville railroad crossing in Bloomfield, and ran away. Mrs. Watts and her son were thrown from the buggy. The lat ter was run over by the buggy but was not hurt. Mrs. Watts-received a severe gash on her fore head, the flesh being cut to the bone, and severe bruises on her shoulder and side. It is probable that a rib is fractured. She was taken to the home of Mrs. A. E. Heath, near the scene of the acoi dent, and physicians summoned. Sunday morning Mrs. Watts was removed to the home of her nieces, Misses Mattie and Sallie Thomas, on north Center street, where she now is. Her injuries are quite painful and she has suffered much, but it is hoped that she will be up in a few days. Mrs. Caroline McFarland suf- LEXIN6T0N AND DAYIDSON COUNTY. Call Extended Dr. Geo. H. Cox. Some Warm Remarks on the Tax Dodgers, Lexington Dispatch, July 1st. The Lutherans congregation has decided to Dr. Geo. H. Cox, the well-known Lutheran pastor and leader, and is now awaiting his decison. The entire town jons the Lutheran 'people in the call and hope that this able preacher will acoept. Licker that will make a man break into a house is fierce, you must admit Lexington is full of blind tigers that is selling such poison. They get it from the blockaders out in the country. When the Law and Order League gets that-detective, maybe the fur won't fly then. TheHax listers think that when they foot up their aggregates they will find a smaller valuation than last year's. People have been mere than usully reuctant to reg ister their full amount of holdings and-some didn't pretend to do so AN EXCELLENT MOVE. Record Physicians Place Themselves on on the Liquor Question. The State Medical Society of North Carolina adopted the fol lowing resolutions at their recent meeeting , in Winston-Salem. They have the right ring : . " Whereas, the people of the State of North Carolina have, by a a large majority vote, recently an act which after January 1, 19C9, makeB illegal the sale of. in toxicating liquors in North Caro lina except upon physicians, prescriptions: 'Whereas, the Legislature of North Carolina, in framing the prohibition law, did evidence great confidence m tne meaicai profession of said State by placing in the hands of such profession to an extent success or failure of the lw in that the members of the said medical prof essidh-are given the right to prescribe spirituous liquors at their discretion, there fore, be it resolved : First, That the Medical Socie L, H. CLEMENT HONORED. fiember of Salisbury Bar Elected Presi dent of State Bar Association. The following special from Morehead City where the State Bar Association held its meeting ast week, will be ofinterest here : The election of officers was next heldrW. A. Gutherie, of iinrham, nominating for president, louib jt Clement, of Salisbury. I the present conditions ot portions MrV'Guthrie spoke ofrthe growth j of Town creek, wnich had been re- of this association and declared it ported to the borrd as a serious a badge of honor to be a-member, danger to the public health. The yet strangeto sSyY it has been the I report of this committee Bets fortn ast among the professions to or-1 that a great deal of refuse matter . -m-r At I 1 I J -J J i J . ganize. He saia mere was uu sou-1 oi an aescriptionB ib aepuBimu iu tionalism or political differences I the creek or along its banks, and in this organization. There are the suggestions embodied in the now 417 members of which 17 report resulted in the following . . -i I j r l l j. were aamittea a& mm bubbiuu. i uruer iruui iuh uuaru jnd brazenly admitted it. As ty 0f e State of North Carolina, long as one man isn't particular in fifty-fifth regular 'annual ses about what he what he swears to sjon assembled, do hereby con there will be two of the same demn as unprofessional and gross imind, and a dozen and a whole y immoral any lax or unfaithful conduct in its members in the ex ercise of the privileges conferred in this law. ''Second: That the Medical So ciety of the State of North Caro lina rfisnectfnllv urges upon all the physicians of tnis btate, whether members of this society or not. to ioin ub in demonstrating ferd a painful accident at the J p0pulaion, for every man who home of her son, John McFar- J fcnows he is not giving in what he land, in west . Statesville, late is worth excuses himself on the Sunday evening, Mrs. McFar- grouna that everybody else is do s. land is about 80 years old and in jng tne same thing. Both the attemotine to carry a number of town and township will fall off books across the room she fell tosome from last year. It has been the floor with considerable force, hinted that lists would be made While it is not thought that any on 0f Bome tolerably wealthy ' bones were broken her hip was gentlemen who, returned too small fcne people that the members of badly sprained and bruisea anaian am0ut of-credits and monies, medical profession can be re j and that the commissioners would hied upon implicitly to perform I be presented with same t ?r ac- fcheir full dutv in aiding in the en n. A few examples might f orcement of the prohibition law I have a'Wholesome effects on tax j an(j jn building up a public sent dodgers. Meanwhile the poor ment hat will inspire protection that the Johnson county man and the man who isn t quite againBt an illegal traffic in intoxi "It's I so poor pays nis lull amount oi wnBp h'fl acetiBtomed to knock- th ourdens of government, it is I the same all over the world arid H naid an admirable tribute to Mr. Clement as a lawyer and gen- leman. Speeohes lull ot praise seconding the nomination of Mr. Clement were made by W. S. O'B. Robinson, F. H. Busbee, Z. V. Walser, Thomas B. Womack, andj W. D. Pruden. Mr. Womack moved that Secretary Davis cast the vote for the association for" Mr. Clement, and this was done amidst applause. Mr. Clement was formally noti fied of his election yesterday af- ehe is suffering much. "I know why Home has with drawn at this time," said a by stander when The Landmark bulle titifid the news Saturday after noon farmer had quit the game.- Saturday evening, Lieut. W. S. Sinclair, of Char Inttft. was in town a - - j yesterday , morning en few hours route to Aohftvillft. where he will examine number of applicants for ser vice in the United StateB army. doubtless will be like this for two or three years longer 1 The fund of prohibtion election jokes will nevei be exhausted. One that is gaining circulation now is that a certain fellow who had been makins blookade whis- vot- i. . . it ,- j Mr Sinclair stated that last fcey went up to tne pons anu wftB a record-breaker in the ed dry because that morning two UAVUVM f ww . 11 1 , W of enliBtments in the of his pigs got ino Borne still slop - - tn .a fiiatrinfc. and that and were drowned. tJ, ill Jf I.U WXiW ' Sergt. T. M. Hudson, who is in charsre of the Statesville recruit ing station, helped to make it a record-breaker. During May, 1907, only seyen men were enlist ed at the six stations comprising this district, and during May, eating liquors. ; "Third. That the Medical So ciety of the State of North Caro Una respectfully urges upon, the Board of Medical Examiners) of the State of North Carolina the man ifest duty of revoking the license to practice of any physician who may be proven guilty of abusing the privilege accorded him in the prescribing of intoxicants r Resolutions. The following resolutions were This morning at 12 :30 in tne I adopted at a recent meeting oi tne nDPer part of tvwn a house occu-1 Jnnior Order at Rockwell, N. C vr i - pied by Dull Uecfc caugnt nre ana was burned. The alarm brought a creat . manv people out. Both O ' mf m fire companies responded prompt- lv. The houfie was a small one Whereas : ths - citizens ot tne State of North Carolina have by their vnt.e exDreBsed their will in resrard to the sale and manufac 0 ture of intoxicants, believing AN IMPORTANT MEETING. Board of Health Holds a Session Makes Some Needed Orders. The County Board of Health held a meeting at the court house last Wednesday for the purpose of considering a report submitted by one of its committees. This was the report of a committee which had been appointed to look into "That the report of the commit tee be received and spread upon i he minutes and that the commit tee be discharged. It is ordered further that the Salisbury Cotton Mill be notified to connect its sewer with the city sewer at once and that the .same shall be completed within the shortest reasonable length of time. Second, it is ordered that each land owner along Town Creek be tween the Salisbury Cotton Mill CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Citizen Visits Home and RelatiiesAfte Absence of Eighteen Years. Concord Times. Jane 30. John Y. Morrison, who left CorJcord about 18 years ago, re- ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Gorton Blooms Becoming Common. Corner Stone Laid for Lutheran Church. Stanly Enterprise, July tnd. In sending us a cotton bloom, plucked on June 26, Luther H. turned to Concord Friday morn- j Boat, on Big Lick Route No. 2, ing and is visiting his sister, Mrs. writes : "I have never known the P. B. Fetzer. Since leaving Con farmers in our community to cord, Mr. Morrison has been liv- have more promising prospects ing in Georgia, until about two for large crops than we now have." years ago he 'moved to Florida. The friendg of ABhley Tncker While in the latter State he had sympathize with him . in the loss the misfortune to get his ankle of hiB two.year.old son that died broken, which necessitated having xfondav mornine. The remaina were buried in the country near his left leg amputated between the foot and knee. Mr. Morrison ia off on a vacation of a month, which he will spend here with relatives. Mr. Tucker's old home. After acknowledging the first two cotton-blooms in our last is sue thev have been com in 2 in The next regular meeting of the Lhin k Wi hn. dft or more later than , the 22nd. "It or ternoon by the following message I sewer and the ford at P. W. from the secretary of the Associa- j Brown's place be notified to clean Morehead City, N. C, July 2. 1 obstructions at once. Hon. Louis H. Clement, I Third, that the cotton mills be Salisbury, N, C, tasked to assist in cleaning up said "The Bar Association sends to I creek. you as its next president hearty I Fourth, that the distilleries tbe congratulations-and good wishes, I requested to dispose of surplus and your friends here are justly I meal and slop so as not to enter delighted and happy at your elec-1 Town Creek in snch quantities as tion today. 1HOS.-W. DAVIS." Mr. Clement wired in reply : "Thomas W. Davis, Morehead City, N. C. "Please return to thf.Bar Asso- ciation my sincere appreciation furhls great honor,. 'he greatest . . . IT ll I " i in my opinion tnat a ionn Caro lina lawyer can receive. I would thank you to notify the Associa tion of my acceptance and to ex press to my friends my deep grat itude, ' "L. H. CLEMENT." to become dangerous to health offensive to sense of smell. The parties anected by tnis or der will be immediate v notified of this by the Board. HOLD COURT IN HOTEL. Cabarrus County Farmers' Union will be held in the court house at Concord on the first Saturday in July. All local unions in the county are respectfully requested to hold a meeting before the coun tymeeting and colleect dues for next quarter, and also elect a full representation of delegates to the County Union. There was a confusion at the de pot last Friday night caused by looked for awhile' as if we jffcre gomg to getenougn to m&:a bale. It shows that Stanly farm ere f are keeping up with their busi ness.- ;- . j ivTlpI afternoon at 5 o'clock the corner stone laying at tne Euiheran church will take place; 3he new stone is here and will be -placed in position with impressive ceremonies. All are invited to be the night operator going to sleep preB6rJt feev q. H. Cox, D. D.f on duty. Nothing serious result- 00ndnct the ceremonies. ed from it, but several trains were . . delayed here awaiting orders. I . f Asheville, where they go to enjoy day night at 10 o'clock at her the mountain air .and incidental- home on Academy street. Mrs.iv to taw ;n the Yonncr Peonle's Earnhardt had been a sufferer for I Missionry Conference. In this some time with heart disease, andconneotionf ft may he stated that and on last Saturday while on Her I fehere will be no evening services front porch had a severe attack, j at fehe Lutheran church during which came near proving latai. I fho montha of Jnlv and Ancrust. She rallied from this only to be followed by others, and surround ed bv her familv peacefully . fell a. - asleep Sunday night. The Southern and its Men. Building on the Lutheran church has been delayed the past two weeks, owing to a delay in the shipment of granite, s which was At his office, on Thursday, July (ordered from an Indiana quarry. 9, our County Superintendent of ThiB grade of granite was ordered Schools, Prof. C. E. Boger, will on aceqnnt 0f peculiar forma conduct admission examinations tion Being'very soft when it ia Interesting Cas Comes Before Judges atjfor the A. & M. College at quarrieditiseasytoshape close a Popular Summer Resort. Raleigh. The college officer in joints, and it hardens after being Th0. n intflrfist.inff and of admission urge tnat an ex Bed to light-aud weather. It rather novel scene in one ot the who expect to enter m beptemoer hallways of the Atlantic Ho- be examined at this time, tel this afternoon when Judges Alex Caton and Miss Myrtle Owen H, Guion and William -R. Draughn were married last Sun Allen heard argument in an in- day morning at 9 o'clock at the is ' gratify ing to Know tnat tne work is again biing prosecuted. New Institution for Spencer. Snonpsr hn.a nrcrn.nixnd ft. hnard . i . j: -i v. nt 4Val. . j i i : u.:.w i 1.1 u:j n I o A wasnmgwu uispa "ijoiicuon case, ine uijauuwuu uoiug noma oi tne urme iuoduoi uul0ftrade with the followine offi- cil i . I i ,. , i ji. . t T. n i . . i mi - : n I " zviiif Bays ; sougnxto restrain tne vmy oi iiibw uorDin Bireec. iue mniiiago wbo Referring to the negotiations hern through its mayor from cut- a very quiet affair, only a few which were on April 1, 1908, sus- ting and ruining shade trees of friends of the contracting parties pended until July 1, 1908, in re- Kreat age and size, admitted to be being present. The ceremony was epect to wages paid to labor bywithin the boundary of the performed by Rev. J. E. Shenk. it 1908, 36 meKrere enlisted. The an(i waB owned by Jason Grouse. J to be best for our State to prohibit number this montn may d irgf. Tne blaze wa8 over Deiore many same, ana The recent increase in the pay of 0f the folks reached it. officers and soldiers is oa Q thing ig certain of the Da of tne increase. vidson delegation and of all dele R. P. Smith has Bold his farm gati0ns at the state convention, nf R74 acres near Troutman to A. I no man cr0t as much fun out it as M. Rankin, the consideration I oharles E. McCrary, who affec being $1,100. Messrs. Smith and tionately called "Shorty" by two . , t i ... a Rankin were in town baturaay miihon North Carolinians, rqg to close the trade and transfer the Leg Gruham didn't more enjoy- paperB. ment. Oar man got him a horn There was on exhibition at The and a Craig banner and a Home Landmark office Friday two banner and he "demonstrated" bunches of oats grown by M. F. till the last armed foe expired Carte, of Shiloh township. There He got up on a chojr in front of were 107 stalks in one bunch and the band and waved time with his Both bunches norn, ana uown wnere uw uig- tion was he blew Craig defiance in the ears of his Kithin friends. He had a perfectly glorious time. Fis f elow delegates told him they wanted him to go to the next cjn- vAnt,ion no matter what man he stood for. 185 in the other. grew from one seed. License was issued Saturday for the marriage of Jas. T. Summers and Miss Nancy E. Lloyd, both of the northern portion of the county. The couple waB the first to secure license for 18 days 'the longest period between the dates of license salos sinco Register Willi ama has had charge of the office, about five and a half years. i dp 1 11V It Can't Be Beat. The best of all teachers expe dience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. For Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent med icine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for "weakness, lame back, and all run -down conditions. Best -too for chills and malaria. Sold under n-li-t ft all drug stores. - 60c. Remedy That Does. "Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing others promise but fail to per form," says Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Auburn, Centre, Pa. "It is curing me of throat and lung trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily. New Discovery is doing me so much good that I fflol confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung heal er is sold at all drug store. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. the Southern Railway uompany sidewalks. under allegations and affiliated lines, President that the trees interf erred with Emley. of the Southern Railway the proper paving of the Company, has made the following sidewalks. The case of Mary Bt.ntfimfint: I Hatch, nlaintiff. returnable be- "In view of the demonstrated I fore judge Guion, and B. G. Aren Whereas: it is in harmony with greater efficiency of labor and itsUai6) returnable before Judge Al- the teachings of our great order, resulting benefits to. the compan- nen involving the same question, . on.Vi Trinninlfis that allliefl. and in the hope, and with I were hv consent heard before the religious and patriotic people some expectations, that present tw0 judges sitting together should encourage, therefore be it business conditions may show The case was argued by W. W Resolved: that we, the members improvement, an understanding oiark, for the defendants, and D. I. . 1 1 ! l. XJ- I , t Rrv.Vwoii nnnnnil No. 170. has been reacnea inrougu l. Ward. V. Hi. Henderson ano I m. TT J TJj-kWN I - . . . no Jr. O. U. A. M., of Rockwell, N. Martin A. is.napp ami uu. Gowp6r & Nunn tor tne pamtm C, do express our great pleasure Charles A. Neill, tfie mediators at this action of our citizens and under the Truman act, witu an j l i YYttmA fVio oornoof nlaaafia of emoloves tnat were I . .. .1. I t k "1 fforts made by the great bulk of parties to tne Bdttiment oi April onr membership in helping to 1, 1908, to ttrenecttnatnegotia w I t t r ... brine about the results, as they tions temporarily suspended eb oi preme Court justices present had at.ftnrf and that, -vft at this meet- A.pril 1. 1908, shall be further I i been lnv;ted to sit as "friendB svuu, - - I - . -, . I -vil 11. I ing place cursives. , no P""??".?-'' "T"" "S, " anoertain tones, before ' the " ,Mm.a ,i the oDtion 0f that this case presents new points that company through the media- patny witn tnis as wen as au toiB unaer wie jwuiuu wu, other means to bring about con ditions that will tend to better State ofOhto,Cixyoi,Tjlbpo, ) humauitv and the citizenship of Lucas County. ) Frank J. Chaney makes oath fViot fVioro ftviet.a nnn?it.iona tlit.that he IB UUCIU " hinder, to some extent, the per AN0THF.R WARNING. Some of Salisbury's Beys Will Do Well to Remember and Heed It. The judges took papers, Several other judges listened to I the argument and regret was af- I terwards expressed that the five other judges here and the four Su ss. in North Carolina law as it seeks to preventN the destruction of shade trees on streetB. , There has been cases involving damages for trees already cut down in this city. Morehead City, N. C. oial to Charlotte Observer. Best the World Affords, "It giveB me unbounded pleas- Bucklen's Ar- ure to recommend senior partner ot tne firm of F. J. Chaney & Co., doing Knoinfina in the Citv of Toledo. feet working of prohibition laws, rjnnntv and State aforessid, and therefore be it that said firm will pay the sum of ta W of fho ONTT, HUNDRED DOLLAlib tor . -r t ? . n . i aoiin n rid hvhi v time tne ecoramg secretary or -"ot be; Dured bytheuse of nica Salve," says J. W this Council snail taKe tne matter Hall,s Catarrh Cnre. of Chapell Hill, N. C, up witn our representatives in tne Conffresa of the United States-re- flworn to before me and sub ;rr tKnir aiA in hnvmn .nh onriVtAd in mv presence, this 6th " ' " , i lul- A r 1QQA . :L x-JM (Seal.) A. W. GLEASON, ping intoxicant iuw uty tern- - NOTABY PUBLIC. tory, and that we as loyal citizens Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in of North Carolina do hereby ex- Uornallv. aud acts directly on the i . - . press our willingness to aid, where blood and mucouB surrace oi tne it ia necessary, tne more perfect is vstem. oenu - i A finforcement or our laws. free. I It was ordered that these reso- F. J . UUJJNJiii flc uu., loieuo, 'lutions be recorded on our Books!. Sold by all Druggists, 75c, spe- cers : President, G. W. Connell. First vice president, J. P. Crow ell. Second vice president, E. S. Burgess, Third vice president, G, O. Bla lock. Secretary, A. W. Hicks, Treasurer, J. R. Dorsett. In attempting to swing an out-l Chaplain, Rev. J. M. Dunaway. going Southern passenger train Standing committees were -ap-for Marion, N. C, Boyd Stroud; pointed as follows : Industrial the 15-year-old son of Arch committee, D, S. Miller, J. P. Cro Stroud, of the Richland Mill vil- well, W. H. Burton, J. D. Dorsett, lage, fell under the wheeh and J. H. Jhomas and A. D. Smith. . waB instantly killed this morning Membership committee, J. P. as the train was passing Sumter Crowell, Dr. M. L. Smoot, Rev. and Indigo streets, a block from J. M. Duuaway, W. L. Ray, and the union station. The little J. D. Dorsett. fellow's body was horribly man- Advertising committee, L. Scott gled, the head being the only por- Allen, B. F, . Stevenson, and P. tion not cut up. M. Nussman. This dangerous practice of Committe on constitution and swinging onto outgoing passenger, by-laws, J. K. Dorsett, Dr. M. L. trftina fnr free rides is a favorite I Smoot and D. J. Miller. pastime among young boys of his age in that section of the City, and at the time of the accident Boyd was accompained by a num ber of his companions who were more fortunate in getting safely on the train. The Stroud family came here from McColl, S. C, where they have a number of relatives. also have relatives at Dillon, S.C. , Judge Peebles Scores i Jury. Jesse Riggans and E. T, Cook, young white men from the Del gado Cotton Mills, charged with complicity in the murder of Banks Roth wall, an old colored man, on Carolina Beach road last Qeptem- har. worn f onnd not crniltv and dia- !?" hey I charged by a jury in the Superior Court today. Judge Peebles laid severe stricture on Jhe finding, mi i ji i. i n t i I . i i-: i : i i I . J iwu.iiib, awaiting an inquest, wuiuu win i . iofiQ nA a Aietrr tA K JbKAXsrk J. urJkiN.&i. Ljpnyinoed it's the best salve the s. C, special to Charlotte Obser world aff ords. It cured a felon VefT and that a copy be submitted to Take Hall's Family Pills for Subscribe for The Watchmah. onr county papers for publication.! constipation. on my thumb, and it never fails to heal every sore, burn or wound to which it is applied. 25c at all drug stores. Just Exactly Right. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for several years, and find them just exaotly right," Mrs. Dr. MOOre, (painless tooth ex- says Mr. A. A. Felton, of Harris tractor) has sufficiently recov- ville, N. Y. New Life Pills re ered to be at Dr. Fox's office lieve without the least discom- Thursday. and Friday of this week fort. Best remedy for constipa- Jnlv 9th and 10th. Will not be tion. biliousness, and. malaria. I here again for some time. 1 25o at all drug stores. Hanover county. The young men at the time of the killing were armed with a warrant from an obscure magistrate for' the old man's arrest on a charge of the larceny of turpentine 'and were accompanied by the prosecutor, - Ii. M. Bryant, white, who has fled the county. The magistrate ia ordered by Judge Peebles held uh-' der $200 bond for malfeasance id office. Cook and Rigging were I vonvaaonf ad Vitt W 13 Cn ffnJ Esq. Wilmington Charlotte Observer, special A. f, "A - r St f -i to ;i- i . X-T-'--; - -,- C-- 7 i , ...u,-. , ' 11 11 in HIT

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