v . X " ' ' k - "!"- "v ' - - V1 o v; roiuia V- A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of tjie People and for-Honesty in Governmental Affairs. VOL. IV. .. NO 30. Salisbury, N. O., Wednesday, July 15th, 1908. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. Gi 1 r LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Three Funerals In One Day In the Same Cemetery Last Week. Lexington Dispatch, July 8th. People from various parts of the county tell the same stories about the illegal manufacture and sale of whiskey in Davidson. Those living on roads leading trom Davie county say that wagons and buggies with whiBkey aboard pass their homes continually. A man from Silver Hill sayB that he is certain there has been a still in operation in his section for six months past. People from-the Arnold community say that whis key is sold there, some believiDg that it is made in the section, others that it comes from. Davie. One man says three or four loads pass his place weekly. The local officers have heard there is a blockade brandy ' still between here and Trading Ford already in operation. It is true that there is nothing definite in these re ports, but they certainly indicate that the law is being violated. In yesterday's election on spe cial school tax in Tyro, District No. 1, every vote was caBt for the tax. This is a glorious record for Tyro. It js the first township and No. 1 is the first district in Davidson county t& vote for this special school tax. Tyro leads and now let the county follow until Davidson is filled with spe cial tax districts. STATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. A Well Known Lady IsSerlooly Injured In a Runaway Accident. State s v 111 e Landmark. July 5th. D Elmore Cloanmeer. late a widower and a groom of a day. was tried at the court house yes terdav afternoon before Justice Sloan on a number of charges. He was found guilty of tresspassing on the premises of his mother-in law, Mrs. Weatherman, and guilty of an assault on T. P. Lapish. In eaoh case judgment was suspended on payment of . costs. In two other cases the defendant was found not suiltv. The cases w grew out of the courtship and run away marriage of Gloaninger and Marv Weatherman, daughter of Mrs. Weatherman, who lives on Fourth street. Mrs. Weatherman had ordered Cloaninger to keep off her premises when she found that he was trying to steal her daugh ter, but the latter did not heed the warning. The Weatherman girl was willing to marry him and loved him enough to walk all the way to Barium with him Sunday night, where the knot was tied by Rev. John Wakefield. The evi denoe at the trial convinced those present that a very deplorable state of affairs exists in both the families cor cerned in thie pro ceedings. Saturday, the fourth, was a day ofjshowers and mud and only a few Statesville people spent the day CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. THE DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM. Raider's Mule Killed by Falling Tree and Republican Party Condemned for Conduct He has Narrow Escape, Concord Times, July 7th. On last Fridav morning J. D. H. Isenhour, of No. 4 town ship, went to what is locally Una known as "The Run" to but the water be in e too high he turned back towads home. . On his way back he came across "Un cle" Reuba Pea, who was cutting down a tree. He stopped and talked to him and while thus en gaged the tree fell and strking the and Policies Which Produced Most Dis astrous Panic in History of United States The platform readji as follows : The Democracy of ; North Caro- in convention assembled cross, reaffirms its allegiance to the car dinal principles of true Democra tic government, and congratulates the people upon the wise, the pro gressive, and economical conduct of public affairs since its restora tion to power in thisVState. , In the inaugural address of emmerid his spirit of internal im provement to the people of our State for their investigation, and suggest that the next General As sembly take such action on this matter as may saein best. EDUCATION. We believe that education is one of the fundamental needs of all government. We believe ttyit every prospective citizen has the right to receive, and it is the duty of the State to furnish adequate preparation for such citizenship. We congratulate the people that a four months Bchool in every dis trict no longer a promise, but a relizatkm. We recommend the administration of our educational affairs, and pledge the continua tion of that policy which has ac complished so great good. The Democratic party has kept teu minutes, though he was not Uered into power : Democratic pol- , , . J . a. .-: u u;,a . . F, ' ,:.. f. led passenger and freight rates in iDjuruuiB01)u0uvuul0uOUu. lcy became tne condoning poncy Q. . , ,n.uanannla The mule never even quivered, of onr State. The achievements . . " w v" T r . male and killing him instantly, Governor Aycock, jinuary, 1901, The tree struck the animal right j8 tnj3 Beutence : "This year" we on the head. Mr. Isenhouer was meet under extraordinary cir riding sideways on the mule, and cumgtances one pferty goes out the tree struck him on the hand, and auother comesp ; one policy iniuying it right muoh. Mr. Isen- en(ig &nA ft new onileeins ." houer loBt consciousness for about jne Democratic ijrty again en lower rates, while the reports of the railroad companies show that this reduction of rates has been accompanied by increased revenue on that class of business affected the rates. We declare that the best inter nnf i-tf fcniirn at. fcho VftrinilB fiel ehr A Dr. George L. Levburn, pastor L; j . iinniAO Thnoa who flta of the Presbyterian church here, tended tne picnic at Cool Springs 1 4a A. 3 QnlinUn law I ' ... . yesieraay. ioi b"uu; anent a Dleasant time in spite 01 the Whitehead-Stokes sani- . . nin tit 'n 1 a tVi raQ wVtrt wont f.n .UO 1U, " " tonumto take an operation ior geitzer'B.on-the Catawba, and Da m . TV T 1 l I appendicitis, ui. leyDuro vis Springs have little to say had three attacks at intervals aur- . tht, hnBlnfiHH honaes re but was knocked dead instantly. Qf those years are ujnmistakeably The mule was a good one and val- great. To the trust , imposed, the ued at about $150. Democratic party has been wholly Rev. Panl Barringer will leave faithful. The administrations of . . . s t T A 1 Jl on the 14th for Hot Springs, ArkJ governor onas. n ana fehe 1&wb of where he soes for treatment. Af- Governor R. B. Glenn have added ' feer hia severe soell of the grip last prestige to our history, and given winfcBT t.h diaease settled in Mb prosperity to our people. State leg, which has been giving him a affairs have been conducted with great deal of trouble. clean efficiency, and to the people ii a:a .. has come peace order the records begin. There is now no more disorder, and no more doubt. The Speople have T" z" ' WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, unanimously nominated by the Democratic hosts, week, as their standard bearer for the third time. Cl , , j .i i election seems brighter than ever before, esfes of the State demand that all & of our people shall unite in earn at Denver last His chance of home in No. 2 township last Fri day after a several days illness, ftcrfld 55 vears. The bodv was in o terred Saturday at Bost Mill. Earnest Query, in company with two gentlemen, left y ester est endeavors to secure employ- riers and Publio Bervice oorPora" ment at fair wages for all of our lloUB a8aiQSt a11 1NU is.ii zi.z i :ji points in lavor ot points out oi or wto are working on short, time, the State having no greater natu hv nit khftir'a. hnfc hv ra- 1 advantage. ple have , . nonaaA uvl)annu The party in power in the na come into their own. Responsi- ,. ... s. tion that has so long failed t Conditions encourage the full and t . l nwir 0nt0,i.a i.-.nHnir t.n t.h correct sucn inequalities is eqoai afr No 8 townihin to mit ud -.iftn.tintri investment of capital and employ- -. ,.A J ' " 1. W A IliUQ UCT QlUUUtVUH V fc. j &UV..VWW. J I - - . . " . i. . imi-j ii i u vice corporations ior meat oi bjluiuu iuuur buuuiu udi a hW.ororf nd (...(.nnrd hv thfl vantages unaer wniuu State. FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. ingthe past two years, and re cently was quite ill for a week. He visited Dr. Whitehead the other day and an operation was mained opened all day and a good many people were on the streets. Mrs. J. C. Robertson died Sun- decided upon. There aremany who 7 afternoon at 1 o clock at her the disad this State has labored. No railroad company, telegraph company, telephone company, ex pres6jCompany,or other public ser vice corporation, should be per mitted to issue or grant to any person, except othcers and em anxiously await the news of a sue cessf ul operation and his recov ery Perhaps never before in the his home in Bloomfield, death re- (mltiner rom tuberculosis. The C7 funeral was conducted from the Western Avenue Baptist church n r,. -wtA n-r n 4- Q j-.'rlrnlr artrl f.Vta in tory of Lexington were there three terment. waa at Qakwood cemetery. inUHraiH IU DUO sa&uo JW4- I lf.M DAkAAn nro a Al rroara rlrt in one day, as was the case here and ifl flurvived by her husband i .1 monaay. and five children. She was a na The case of A. F. Wilson jtive ot South Carolina and has ...rainat thfl Sonthern for iniuries two brothers and other relatives cgWSWBV m I Tftftftivfid waB compromised by his I living in that btate. Mr. Konert i - ... ... attorney, Wade H. Phillips, Esq., j son is a cotton mill man and the for $900. The plaintiff, who lives family moved to Statesville wnen at Linwood, was front brakeman the work on the Paola cotton mill - on a train that was wrecked was begun. Mr. Robertson has near Lima. Va.. a vear ago, when been one of the superintendents of fhe engine and tender jumped tne the work and will be one oi tne fnramAn in the mill vhen it be People who eat continue to com-1 8ina operation wioin that ftlthouffh monev is Lnzhtning strucx tne uavie 1H1U vmwv v - O I O - scarce 'and work scarcer and the avenue cable of 4;he Iredell Tele .ni in full nwincr. rations are I nhono Co.. last Thursdav and 60 jjCtUtV am oi I f still high and eatables command telephones were out of commission ah mnch and more than they do until late baturday atternoon, in mnch larger towns. It is good wh?n Messrs. Harry Gill and Thos. on the folks who have it to sell, Patterson, linemen, completed the Kr.tit.ia danth to the frog the work of repairing the cable. The WUV v -w w - w I X7 C tffwn-fellow who is nearly out of linemen were compelled to work ... i o 4h nnder ft temoorarv shelter maae - j . - ... aiu a roin of ThuTB-lof oil cloth and a large umbrella, day night and Friday morning near the top of the pole during some machinery, and while cross- To. the child is givenx greater and ing Gander's Run a trace broke, greater opportunity fr knowl- causing the surgpo run bacx in- edge, and North Carolina is be the water. whictKwas up badly on nmft ft national leader in popular account of the rains', and was on education. A stably govarment All foreign corporations doing account of heroic effort that the niB inspired confiden?ce?rL6oalim- business jn this State should be life of the horses were saved, as I hoyjit.h"icror Ireauired to obtain license to do surry and its contents went back Q03d schools and go rrbads are I ao, and the license of any such into sue ufBoa.. xu uuo unoj no i01l2er a dream, dub are :erow-1 uoruorawoun buouiu u wyuwuh !.,. .,... naHH frank. 0, ing realities. ,UgristttktioM I watered stock or bond be issued otner free gervicej p rivilege, bene t or favor, and any perBott re ceiving any such free pass, frank, or other service, privilege, benefit or favor, should bs made equally guilty with the corporations issu ing or granting the same. CAPITAL INVESTED IN LEGITIMATE ENTERPRISE SHALL HAVE THE PROTECTION OF THE LAW. We oledee. not onlv to citizens IyjL UlllD KJ Va VUU ViWiowuo v. other States, that all- capital in . . . . vested in legitimate enterprise in once. I XTrvnik Pniinlitn toVia4"V01. frt1fllffn I ' l 11 Ul ill uaiunua, nuouuox ivisigu tnnofo oro met. and the call of I and the charter of anv domestic I j i.; - ;TT Q v " -w t i ui uuiilCD Liu, uui(;uiaiio uiitovo, 1.1 in n r nnrnnnl T1-! ike I innuMiilinn ilniniT ViTiPinofia in t.hial .... .1 1 j . J C iut) uixiiuiicu io auotiicu. a. u uia wijjuibuiuu j shall nave tne equal protection ui -r. ti.z -r'i I Vil irH and to the deaf the State I State, and the license OI anv Iorlj.ui j .i tiarAn XV6V. JriaiO XJUiuaui was uunmo - I - I uuo ihwb iuo ouni mouuij to fill his pulpit Sunday mgnt now ooiu ojwu uih uwi w uu. wgu uuu 00MKieration of thosewno aa- :j i. .u:a umi fnr her nnfortnnate insane she I ed. if anv such corporations con-1 il u,n. nr.jn fnnthur OWing bO Ull UUUIUclib wuiuu uoiou i i uiliiiBbCi iuo iaD, auu no lmuuj him that afternoon. It is not se- provides a retuge ot comiort. tribute to any poimcai cauipaigii piedge .thut all such persons or wAfA a lot, of tools which they had I carried with them. The surrey is have been "managed with credit j by it in violation of State statues, still in the creek. The men had and without Bcandal. The record I or without the approval of prop in nnmarred bv official miscon- erlv constituted legal authorities and aside from getting wet and a duct. Apppropriations have in-J Foreign corporations doing bus- ittie nit scarea no damage wan .ronoaH an onr iveeriR demana wniie i mesa in tnis csLaie snouiu uu re done, taxes are reduced. Even the con- quired to submit to the iunsdic The friends of Prof. Jerome Uict is now able to add his part to I tion of the courts of the State n( nharlorte. are nrffinfiflthe support oi the government. unaer tne penalty oi uviuK tuen hm fnr the nreoidenov of the A. noNiTEDERATE solpier. license to do business in the State jtr iw riniiofTQ Prof. Dnwd has I mu rnA-.a ciAaa v.atra I revoked. taught at Trinity college, theh een remembered with gratitude TTniveraitv of Winconsm. and the! anA innraaaaA nroviainn made j i uv. .uv.VMw r- 1 i i ubiier Gbuma. tuavi mi' unui University of Oklahoma, and lsj against want in the days of his I parties, or for political purposes veBted jn legitimate enterp mi w w . w - n. v n . 1 1 n iinnun u. uxj. u a aw dj-1 w u ia w iiiwvv uvwr lnffical studv of mankind from O the standpoint of race. CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS. York Stock Exchance for a period of six vearB. It means a pi ft to the enemies of the Republic of the power to issue or retire one-half million dollars, exciting specula- ion, or compsllii g disaster, ac cording to whichever best suits their betting book. PANIC of 1907. We condemn the Republican party whose policies and conduct produced in 1907 the most acute and disastrous panic in the his tory of the United States. The effect of its polioy has precipitat ed panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged, depression, closed factories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise, and crip pled, American production. Un der this Republican panic suffer ing has been universal, soup houses have been tstablisehed. and strikes have been of almost daily occurence. The Republican party has been in control of the nation al government in all of its branches for the past eleven years, and now in the midst oi abundant crops, and boundless national re sources it has brought about the most destructive panic in our his tory. We point to the fact that every panic which occurred since the formation of the Republican party was precipitated while that party was in power. ordmpacker's measure. i We condemn the Republican rious however. - proviues a reiugo ut uiiuuuo w "j FwiiB.w. WUU.FU..&.. pieage .tr&t all such persons or , , . . , . That the legislature could dedi- fund, or to any fund for the pur- OOIporation, bating the provi- tVVevi' 11! AT . ate oue-half million, dollars for pose of aiding in, or procuring aions of ,to Uw ehall be mad t0 aa' t T T ' 1 J MISS L,aura L,esue reiurnea ys-LUQ Ojoto ,ora nf au nnT . tu0 nnmin.t.inn of anv candidate terday irom oaiisoury, wu u . f ... ffi aA hoon for several weeks linder I . - . . .1 . " -- - abilitv. and the certamtv ol . I j. -1. XI Unn..4nl UhA ' were have. An as immense amount of water fell and streams were "up." Doubtless some damage was done. 41 You were needing some rain, weren't you?" an old farmer was asked. "Well," he replied, rev erently, " we thought bo, but we might 'a' been mistaken. I reck on if we could run things like we tfchink they oughter be run, we'd make a pretty mess of it. I neyer worry about the weather or the crops, but leave them to the Old Man up yonder, and I've never seen Him miss it yet, and I'm an old man now." and during the afternoon Satur day some chemicals being used by hem caught fire and Mr. Gill was slightly burned. It Can't Be Beat. ThebeBt of all teachers expe nenoe. G. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Caroliua, says: find Electric Bitters doeB al that's claimed for it. For Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent med icine." Mr. Harden is right; it's the best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at all drug stores. 50c. SB. had an operation performed for annendicitis. and is now fully re- Tr ' oovered. our care. And the Democratic party nlederes itself to maintain those Jr O policies which make for the devel nnment of everv seotion of our nnrpTuiiT mi i . oncdinui niLLi . State and for the security of our H. W. McAllister has had a new people, and the stability of our brick building erected on Chestnut institutions. feel and suffer the full penalties for such violation. PROFESSIONAL LOBBYING. We condemn the practice of nesses of the civil war, and renew again the bloody-shirt issue, by tacking to the campaign publicity LAST SESSION OF CONGRESS. State ofOhio.City ofT ledo, Lucas County. Frank J. Chaney makes oath hat he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Chaney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforessid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eaoh and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub- sorihed in mv presence, this Oth . . - . day of December, A. D. looo. (Peal.) A. W. WL.jyA!bUiN, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, and actB directly on the blood and-jnuoous surface of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c, Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Subscribe for The Watchmas. Hill and it will soon be occupied. Messrs. Charlie and Calvin Mil- ler,of Millertewn.were in Salisbury Friday and Saturday to Btand ex amination for teachers, certificates Miss Earnie Shaver and brother visited kin people, on Chestnut Hill Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. George Livingood died Tuesday, the 7th of July and was buried Thursday in Davier county. There was an ice cream supper cri ven Saturdav night by the Lutheran church members. The District Conference of Sal isbury district convenes at Suth Main Btreet Methodist church, Tr.iv ifir.Vi A fnll attendance is v vw desired. The Sunday sohool of the Meth odist church will have a picnic Julv 31st Mm. N. C. Eagle visited Mrs. Annie Overman Sunday. John and Charlie Morgan were v w in Salisbury Saturday from gan township on business, Morris Mesimer purchased a fine horse recently. We endorse the able progres ... . r r aive administration oi governor R. B. Glenn, and the state officers, and we approve and commend to the neonle of North Carolina the E A record of our Senators and Repre sentatives in the Congress of the United States. bil Crumpacker's Southern rep resentation reduction measure. The passage of this bill through the lower house of Congress was I t. 'r l i J :j.:i i We denounce the vacillating u UU6 nypucnucai poi- and do nothing policy of the last ltl0 signed to corral the session of tbe Republican Con- oegro vote in the doubtful States gress. We declare that most of their Presidential nominee. the legislation enacted by that extravagance. We denounce the Republican party for its failure to enact dur ing the last session of Congress a campaign publicity bill ; but the public service corporation. All public service corporations and natural-monopolies should be professional lobbying. Drougnt unaer Btnuv uuuuiui ui the United States as to inter-state hnnineag. and of the State as to intranstate business, and but a fair retnrn on a fair valuation of property owned or operated by I 1 - 1 t J L A A11 wwrA A Pin. -V T ; , A. body is cheap, tawdry, hypocnti- ing operating expenses, including 3 j J' , , , icai, maiie-auiiii. just and ample wages to em- Irdovees. CURRENCY BILL. t. i i: i i j I XK7& donnnnco the flannon-Veo- rrivate mououuiiws buuuiu w u . - , u i.Twi-Aiiirifth nnrrenov hill, which people of the. country need not ex- destroyea, OiiBUirnuieB vy yiva- -- ' j - , . - .. J . i. L maa n,asrl hv the laat Beaaion of pect such a measure to come from pective purcnaBoru w muu uuwu ui i " j - , , . keep down the prices of ar ticles Congress in the interest and at a party that thrives on corruption ...Iuwhn, of others the dictation of a handful of money, find which could not carry hold be made criminal and all great banks and speculators who on a campaign, or win a national rOOBOr1 interest in nermanent kaMr,a r nornorationR entering OCCUPV oflices On Wall Street. W"U1'MMU iU"" j i j I A. i. i 1 k Thio inonitons measnre. which I trom iavorea interests. ruau. uuiiuiug) auu. iuuku""u5 lnLO BUUil UUllBUnnu y duuuiu uo 1 1 that the advantage in the way of punished. And we condemn in further centralizes in the hands tariff. greatly increased land value, in every form subsidies, gratuities, of a few the issue of American We denounce the preseut in the auick and easy transportation bonuses, trusts and monopolies, money ot the Amencaa people, famous, and trust-bleeding tariff, over good roads, and tne conse- and tney snouia not oe toieraiea. w ouaiucioooj xuDUOU miUU6u jmp08BU Upuu hjb peupio uy me quent saving of wear and tear on J Congress shodld so amend the both houses of Uongress at the dy- Republican party, and renew our 1 l 1 . i i A 1 inn Knnra nndor thO I a atl OT T.ne I A-mn nH frV ifa -immaHial-A. experiment, but a plain practical prevent discrimination and re- Czar-like methods of the Speaker, j ion to the end that all unfair bur- . . jt I ... ... M .! ill 1. xl- . C xl.l. i ... . c i. -n niitinno -vt I i in int.iitafa trnthi onrt I onn t.nrnnun T.ne FriCKHrv oi IjIIH I rtana anuii ne romovon ' a nrr nana. laUUj tXO 111 llUUBO DCUV1UUB I UalCB 1U lUHCl-OUavo bimu.u, uv i O " uuuo bub... .w.v., uoju- Korth Carolina, and other states nrovide for the nnnishment bv im- Republican Dicator of the Senate. I ciallv those upon the necessaries l- n A :n naA ortrl I : nffinawa rf rail ma A a I Kn more flhamfilflR SneCtaclfi I rt 1 i fa anA f.hnao f Vl Q t onahla t.ha BUUU iuaUB nio 1U UOC) auu U11BUUU1DUV vuiuoio ui mmuauD iw " v -jr 1 vm. wuuwu v.u believing that with a constant im- and other common carriers and has ever been presented to the j trusts to extort from' the people - T 1 i. nTT.Um I 1. 1 Mnn-MnA'A-nM I Amorinon TIAOTllethan the methoflfl I n vaa ar o hi a n?nfl fa ani4 aal I prOVlllg BVUUU1 BVBbOiU, OJOUOUl I puUHU BWIVIUO UUipUXaillUiao, iur amvivu .uui-.v uutonouuouio uxvusa uvi ww sen of good roads, linking the East ting such laws: and particularly by which the hybrid and iniquit- their products to consumers at ... . .. ,1 . ... . . . I i j.j I home at hicher nriees than io with the Piedmont Bection, and to make unlawtul sucn discnmi- ous measure w barged for the same goods to the Piedmont with the mountain nations as are now, of may in the through Congress, lhis billturnB foreign consumers. section, will be of great good to future be practiced by railroad over tne xreasury oi sue uuueu GOOD ROADS. We regard with approval the in- Bubby. North Carolina, therefore, we rec- companies and other common car-1 States to the gamblera of the New (Concluded on page six.)

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