GENERAL NEWS. The heavy rains on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday resulted in record floods in North and- South Carolina and great damage to crops, railroad and other property. - In many places the rainfall was the heaviest of which there is any record and in places the streams were the highest ever known. The , damage was greatest in North and South Carolmth- The Democratic primary elec . tion was held in South Carolina Tuesday. So far the returns in dicate that Governor Ansel has been renominated, defeating C. L. Blease, of Newberry, by about 15,000 votes. None of the half dozen or so candidates for United States Senator received a majot ity. E. D. Smith, of Sumpter, led, followed by John Gray Evans and Mayor Rhett, of Charleston. A second primary will be held for Senator, in which Smith and Evans, if they receive the highest number of voteswill be the con testants. The Georgia Supreme Court has affirmed a decision of the Superior court which means that the courts of Georgia will enjoin the picket ing by strikers of the premises of employers with the view of coercing or intimidating persons from en tering or remaining in the employ of said employers whose men have gone on a strike. The "Night Riders" of Ken tucky have succeeded in forcing the American Tobacco Company to abandon its business in that State. It is announced that the company will move its headquar ters to Cincinnati. It is also stated that the tobacco growers of Ken tucky, Ohio, Tennessee, Indiana and Wisconsin have organized the Union Tobacco Society, under the laws of Kentucky and will main tain headquarters in Louisville, The object of the society, it is said, is "to pool the crops of its members and to secure remune rative prices." A brick wall 45 feet high col lapsed at Chelsea, Mass., Tuesday, carrying with it about 30 work men. Eight were killed outright or died in the ambulance on the way to the hospitals. About 20 others were injured, some of them seriously. A number of others escaped with but minor injuries Thorns H. Tibbies, who was the vice presidential candidate of the People's party in 1904, when Tom Watson, of Georgia, was the nom inee for the presidency of that par ty, has issued a statement appeal ing to his supporters of four years ago to vote for Bryan and Kern in this campaign. Thursday ofterLoon at Ruffin two children of Tobe Stacy, col ored, aged two and six years, met death in an unusual way. The children were at home alone and were hanging with their heads out of a window. The prop used to hold up the window was knocked out and the sash fell down, strik ing both across the neck. When the mother, who cooks for Mrs. J. S. Johnson, returned home, the body of one was cold and the other was also dead, but had lived some time after the blow. A four-year-old child was standing between the two when the mother arrived, but it was so badly frightened it had not made known the accident. The father of the children works fof the railioad company. Both chil dren were buried in the same grave. Reidsville Review. EARLY IS NOT A LEPER. Mrs. Early While In Salisbury Tells Report er White Spots Were Caused by Acid. Mrs. Early, wife of John R. Early, now quarantined on the Potomac flats in Washington D. C , because of symptoms of leper cy, was in the city Thursday night. She was on her way xo Washing ton to see her husband and while here she was interviewed by the Charlotte Observer' a reporter, who writes that paper as follows : "She was accompanied by her mother and carried her little 1-year-old bey, who is giving the leper much concern, lest the dread disease be in his bedy, Mrs. Ear ly came in on the belated Ashe ville train and took the next north bound passenger train to Wash ington. She says she knows noth ing of her husband's strange ill nessintil she saw an account of it in a newspaper Tuesday, She is loth to believe that Early has lep- rocy, but in the" face of the doc tors' diagnosis of the case she fears the worst. Mrs. Early says her huaband at one time worked in a place where a strong acid was used and which when it touched the flesh burned blisters and left white spots resembling a white ulcer and that he was burned a number of times by this solution spattering on him. She was exceeding anx ious to hurry fco her husband, al though realizing the fact that she would only be allowed to get with in a short distance of his tent." A dispatch from Washington to the same paper Saturday says : "The Spanish War Veterans yesterday passed resolutions se verely censuring the Washington health authoritier for the location of. early's camp in a low, flat and damp place near the riser. "The actiug health officer, Mr. McLean, today issued a state ment in reply, in which he says: "We have done everything in our power to make him comfort able. Do the Spanish War Veter ans think the District health of ficers 'have .not as much pity as they have for this unfortunate man, who has served his country long and honorably? I myself come of soldier stock, and my father and my brother are filling soldier graves. The fact that this man is a soldier would appeal as strongly to me as to anyone. I do not think it necessarv or cos sible to take any action on the complaint made by the Spanish War Veterans. "If we decide to keep Early here permanently we will build a house for him. It is possible his camp may later be moved to some other spot. The people of Washington may be assured, however, that so long as Early remains here he wil receive the best possible care." ADAMS SUES BUTLER. Chairman of Republican State ExecutWe Committee Wants $50,000 for Slander. Judge Spencer B. Adams, chair man, of the Republican State ex ecutive committee, Saturday in stituted sait in the Superior Court of Guilford county against ex Senator Marion Butler for libel. The suit is the result of charges of bribery made against Judge Adams by th a Raleigh Caucasian, that paper having printed the state ment that, while chief justice of the Choctaw and Chicasaw Citi tizenship Cfourt of Indian Terri tory, Judge Adams accepted a bribe and rendered, a decision which deprived thousands of Indians of their property rights. While the complaint has not been filed, it is understood that Judge Adams will I ask for damages to the amount of $50,000 and that an additional suit for a like amcunt will be brought against The Caucasian as soon as the notice required by statute has been filed. Judge Ad ams is represented as counsel by Maj. Charles M. Stedman, G S. Bradshaw and R. C. Strudwick, of Greensboro, and T. A. Long, of Graham. New Pull in Your Sign. In all the towns where a news paper is published every man should advertisi in it, if nothing more than a card stating his name and the business he is engaged in. It nearly always pays the ad vertiser and besides lets the people at a distance know that the town in which vou reside is a prosper ous community of Jsusiness men and that the people settle in it with a chance of making a liviDg. Never pull in your sign in a home paper while you expect to do busi A clever, popular- Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preveutics is being dispensed by druggists everywhere. Iu a few hours, Pre ventics are said to break auy cold completely. And Preventics, being so safe and toothsome, are very fine for children. No Quinine, no laxative, nothing harsh nor sick ening. Box of 48 25c. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. He Is Easily First. The Danville Advocate claims that the meanest, stingiest man has been located, and a premium for his superior in closefistedness is hereby offered. This prince among the stingy got married to a homely girl rather than marry one he loved better who lived forty miles away. He did that to save traveling expenses. After the mar riage he took his bride for a walk around the square for a bridal tour. He bought' her a nickel's worth of stick candy for a wed ding present and then the stingy rascal suggested that they save the candy for the children. He is the limit. The premium offered for his superior will not be taken. Monroe Enquirer. Pink Pain Tablets Dr. Shoop's stop headache, womanly pains, any pain, anywhere, in 20 min utes sure. Formula on the 25c. box. Ask your druggist or doctor about this formula it's fine. Cornelison & Cook. A Strange Fish In Kansas. A great many guesses have been made today by the residents of Fairbury as to the name of a con pie of animals, or fish, whichever they may be, brought in by Gus Bitzer, a Rock Island engineer, when he returned on his run to Belleville, Kartsas. In appearance the things re semble a channel catfish, being of the same color and shape, but they have four legs and each leg a foot with five toes. Immediate ly back of the head three growths appear on each of the animals, The strangers seem to get around every bit as well on dry land as they do in water. They have been on exhibition all day today and hundreds of persons have seen them, but no one has been found who ever had seen anything like them before. Bitzer caught them in a pool of water near Belleville yesterday. He says there are many specimens in the Belleville neighborhood, but nobody there seems to know what they are. The animals appear to be vicious and snap at anything held near them, A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 38 Highland Ave., Houlton, Maine, says : "Have been troubled with a cough every winter and spring. Last winter I tried many advertised remedies, but the cough continued until I bought a 50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery ; before that was halt gone. This winter the same happy result has followed ; a few doses once more banished the annual cough. I am now con vinced that Dr. King's New Dis covery is the best of all cough and lung rededies," Sold under guar antee at all Druggists. 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free, A Bad Condition of Affairs. The local Merchants' Associa tion is in a fair way to make things lively around this town. It has issued a creditr book, giving each person a rating. This book is not the milk in the cocoanut. Last week it made a statement to the Ministers' Association and asked them to preach a sermon on the subject of not paying a just debt. The various ministers took the matter under advisemont and some of them, it appears have been investigating. Yesterday morning Dr. Detwiler, at West Market church, referred to the matter just before his sermon and woke up some of the hre the 5' brock-sTrvice at Grace P. church, the pastor, Rev. T Ogburn, is said to have taken the hide along with the hair on the question of not paying one's debts 1 his is a deplorable situation. It is said that the Merchants5 Asso ciation has due it some $20,000 in Greensboro, most of which it is impossible to collect. So bad is the situation that an agitation has been started all over the State to repeal the homestead exemption law of this State. Greensboro Record. gloomy DESPONDENT THINKING OF THE I SUICIDE STUNT i TT i ii TIB ill t AND FORGET IT SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR Stirs th Liver to Healthy Action and MAKES UFE WORTH LIVING. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. C. W. C. Coughenour, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors: JohnS. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. fetrachan, A. H; Price, W. C. Coughenour. .Every accommodation extended, con sistent with safe banking. W.H.WHITE. Cashier. Where to Go to Buy HARWESS When in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to ! nunt up our piace on tne corner Designing Engraving Printing Publishing Plain and Colored Postal Card Publishing V SITING CARDS, Fine Stationery Business, Social and Wedding. Write of j Innis and Lee Sreets. i i we also do iirst class repairiDg ou shorVuotics and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and I other horse supplies is always complete and ready for mspec ' tion. ITT 1 i , vve solicit a portion ot your patronage and invite you to call and see our "stock. it your norse is injured in any way get a bottle of our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 180 East Inniss St. R. AMBROSE MILLER AD-WRITING AD-SETTING PLATES 209 East Forty Second St. , New York, U.S.A. Special For 54 cents we will mail 100 Fine Calling Cords (name only) in neat box. Send P.O. Money Order no stamps. Send 64c if registration is desired COMFORTS OF H9HE that make a.happy couple. We have contributed in no small de gree to the comfort of many a household. And expect to con tinueto do so. Our stock of furniture is more-extensive than ever, and we're selling it at marked down prices. Hand- HO m A flnrl fionn'oa Vl a norlA suits $10- Durable and ele- U gant lounges, couches aud easy Q chairs at half real value. As- B tonishing bargains. I E. WITHERSPOON & COMPANY EMPIRE BLOCK, SALISBURY, N. C. PEOPLES IIOI 1 8AL1LBURY, N. C. Docs a General Hanking Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. D. R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, J. A. Peeler, V.-President. Teller. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay you 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. WAGHOVM LOAN X TRUST CO." The State's Strongest Banking Institution. J J. 0. WHITE & CO. Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITT AND IYL. Real Estate Loans from $100 up If you have Guardian money in any ernounts; or money of your own to invest, deposit it with us to be loaned on real estate mort gages it for yen, taking mortgage in your addition give you guarantee of our We'll lend the note and name, and in the written UN I VP I TV Company: J.OL, mail oho iiiiiie uj tuts JJluper- ty on which we lend your money is good ; 2nd, That taxes will be kept paid; on the property while the OF NORTH CAROLINA. 1789-1907. & irTtau uf ine statBcs J. How to Get Strong. P. J. Daly, of 1247 W. Congress St., Chicago,' tells of a way to be strong: He says: "My mother, who is old and was very feeble, is deriving so much benefit from Electric Bitters, that I feel it's my duty to tell those who need a tonic and strengthening medicine about it. In my mother's case a marked gain in flesh has resulted, insomnia has been overcome, and she is feteadily growing stronger." Electric Bitters quickly remedy stomach, liver and kindey com plaints. Sold under guarantee at all Druggists. 50c. THE PATIENCE OF JOB. Could Hardly Endure the Torment of Itch ing Piles. Ictching piles iscontant torment so is eczema. No comfort all day, no rest at night. Can't keep your mind on work. No use to go to bed. Suffer no longer ; use Doan's Oint ment, it gives relief in five or ten minutes. It cures m a short time cures you to stay cured. Salisbury people endorse it. J. M. Steele, 601 Clay St.. Salishnrv. N. C, says: "Several veara asm nft.v having used Doan's Ointment with most satisfactory results, I gave a tes timonial in its favor- At the present time I have not one word to retract from that statement as th relief T obtained has developed into a perma nent cure, Prior to using this reme dy, I suffered a great deal from hem orrhoids and at times it. seemed as if I would be unable to endure the misery. Doan's Ointment procured from the Salisbury Drug Company proved dif ferent than any remedy I had ever taken, benefitting me at once. As be fore stated, a further use resulted in a complete cure." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yoik, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and I take no other. Iducati6M System. DEPARTMENTS. College, Engineering, Graduate, Law, fledicine, Pharmacy, library contains 48,000 volumes. New- waterworks, electric lights, central heating system. New dormi tories, gymnasium, Y. M. C. "A. building, library. 790 STUDENTS. 92 IN FACULTY. The Fall term begins Sept. 7, 1908. Address Francis P. Venable, President, CHAPEL HILT., N. C. M"8 We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co' Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies' repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repsired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty; steel tired wheels changed to Rubier Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds of Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. WHITE & CO. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3rd, Tliafc-the borrower will carry fire insurance for protection cf lender ; 4th, That 3 interest will be paid to you every six months, at our office, on the day it falls due; oth, lhat should the property have to be sold to collect the note aud mortgage, it will bring enough to pay the mortgage and interest together with all costs. xou are put to no troub'e and take no risks. In addition to the real estate mortgage which vou hold in your name you have the written guarantee of our Company which is worth ($30,000) thirty thousand, dollars. This is the safest and most con venient method of investment on earth netting as much as 6 per cent interest. We ask for your patronage. McGubbins & Harrison Go, CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS $30,000,00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE, SALISBURY, N. c. WATER SUPPLY. THE Summersett Undertaking Co, Are Fully equipped with the latest Hearses, Church' Truck and all supplies necessary for con ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of all grades of Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. Their Mr. R. M. Davis and Mr. T. W. Summer sett can be reached by phone at all times, night or day. 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 ATTENTION! anTTTU" t a xtt ti 1, All Leathers and Styles. Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant and abundant supply of good water for the household, stock, varrl. crnrdfin and firo nnrnosAB Your choice , at $1.50 the pair and at the same time that which n,. c, needs the least attention is the these brioes are made by us hydraulic ram. You can have , n your water delivered right to your and taUaranteed to be all Sol- house from any nearby spring or Kro iiaVi wifVtnnf. 11 r furfriar of f mv- .Leather. inn q f for t.Via in of.o 1 ti f inn rt o VJLVU M A- vJ lli a V U 11 14 11W KA J M. (At ram. The best r m on the mar ket is sold and installed by T. A. P. Roseman, Route 8, Salisbury N. C. Write for particiJars. tPDPULftR PRICE FOOT WEAR ) TERMS STRICTLY CASH oooooGooooooomoooooooocooo o For Gifts of Value and Merit Q o o o o o Household and Kitchen Furnishings. Look over this List and Consider their usefulness. See them and Consider their Cheapness and Beauty. GO TO Q. W. WRIGHT'S, HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL KINDS OF 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE foe "Sale. A well established wholesale and retail liquor business in Florida. Will sell either stock and fixtures together or will sell fixtures and lease without stock. The business will he closed at the end of the fiscal year which is the last day of September. Reasons for Belling is the owners are going into tim ber business in Alabama. Address FERNANDINA LIQUOR CO.. 7-28 8t pd. Fernandina. Fla. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c Anvone sendins a sketch and description may Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is j.roDnoiy paientanie. uramonicR. tions strictly cor.adential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest aeency for securing patents. fatents tasen turouen aiimn & CO. receive pecu notice, without "harga, in the Scientific American. t. Larsest eti 1. Terms. $3 11 newsdealer! New York button. DkG. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. LarRest cir culation of any scientiHc journal. Terms. $3 a .. Um CI D- k.nll MAra4AalAM MUNN&Co.3618""'- ursncb Office. 625 V 8t Washington. Art Squares, Book Racks and Cases, Beds wood, iron and brass, Baby Carriages, Curtains, Carpets, Clothes Baskets, Chiffoniers, Cots, Chairs of all kinds " for children, 14 for office, Desks for office and ladies, Dining room furniture, Dining Tables, Dinner and Tea Sets, Eazles, Go-Carts, Hall Racks, Hat Racks, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Safes, Lamps for Table and Hall, Leather Furniture, Lounges, Linoleum, Mission Furniture, Mission Clocks, . Mirrors, Mattings, Mattresses, Odd Pieces of all Kinds, Pictures and Picture Frames, Parlor Suits, Rockers all kinds and sizes, Rugs, Sideboards. Toilet Sets, Umbrella Stands, Wardrobes, Wicker Furniture. o o o o Remember the Substantial gifts of the best and most lasting and also remember-that you are invited to trade at West Innes Street. - Salisbury, N, C. o o o o o oooooooooooootooooooooooooo