(PUBLIC IS FLEECED. 'to How the Tariff Favors the the Expense of Americans. has always ben an inestion in presidential but never more im- this year. Hon rs have poured into National Commit- rs at the auditor i- ring the fallacies ive tarm league. voted the Repub- many years write br the election of lings .Bryan on ac- tariff as exploited by tenublican party. Investi gations show that oar American machinery and other exportations can be bought for just half the price asked in our country, on the Mexican border. These astounding revelations have caused thousands of Repub licans to flock under the banner of Bryanism. O. B. Steen of Los Angeles, Cal., has made a study of the tariff question as it is car ried on under the Republican regime. Mr. Steen has undisputed proof on this matter and in speaking of the tariff question said : "One phase of the tariff ques tion that Beems of sufficient im- nnrforna rlamgnH rnhl ifMfcv in this campaign is the alleged ban ance of trade claimed by the pro tective tariff league and officially confirmed by government reports. "When you ask why that bal ance of trade was not apparent in the shape of gold imports from abroad, the sterotyped reply has been that it was carried as credit balances in Europe which we could draw against when needed. Republicans have been painfully silent in regard to this mythical balance, due us since the panic be gan. The attention of the pub lie was first called to this fallacy in June, 1907, when we borrowed some millions of gold from France, practically hypothecating future exports of American wheat that had not been harvested. Since that time we have imported many millions of gold, all of which have been borrowed. My investiga tions show that an American type writer appears upon our list of ex ports at the American price, $105, and is sold in Menico for $62.50, the difference being a part of our balance of trade that does not ex ist except for campaign purposes. I am credibly informed, by those in position that thesame rule ap plies in our exports to other coun tries. Many men predicted their plans for business enterprises up on the official strtements that enormous sums were due us from foreign nations, and in conse quence, the real business interests of the country have suffered. As a Republican I used to believe in protection, and I may say I do yet when necessary to protect American labor ; but I do not be lieve in that kind of protection to American labor that pays an American woman two cents for making a shirt and a Chinaman ten cents for washing it. I do not belieye in that kind of pro tection that charges an American -girl $105 for a typewriter and sells a Mexican banker one of the same make for $60. I do not believe in that kind of protection that en ables the Mexican farmer to buy American wire and nails 40 per cent cheaper than the American farmer, living almost within the shadow of the factory where they are made." Gov. Haskell Not Done. In a supplementary statement issued by Governor Haskell this morning he says: "If President Roosevelt's statements are cor rectly quoted, he has crawled into a hole scarcely big enough for him to turn around in, and before he gets through with me I will i - - thn hole, Roosevelt, in mtt into practices has placed want him !wry for it." iispatch. ir uandy uoia led Preventics ?d by druggists a few hours, Pre- to break any cold And Preventics, and toothsome, are (children. No Quinine, ling harsh nor sick- 48 25c. Sold by ok. KAMSAS GETS THE PRIZE. Some Interesting Stories of the Corn Crown In 1 hat State. The veracity of the Kansas farm er iB never doubted, hence the State Board of Agriculture is mak ing preparations to hire men to assist in the harvesting of the greatest crop of grain the State has ever known. In addition to common harvest hands, the de partment is looking for 10,000 good axmen, who according to re ports, are needed to a sist in harvesting the crop. The yield is a little above the average, with stalks running from three to five feet through, and ears of corn any where from nine feet to twenty feet in length. In fact the corn crop is so heavy that it has nar rowlv escaped causing a lot of casualities. At Garden City, Bill Siucaller and his family had a narrow es cape from death. A Btalk of corn growing in the yard was blown over by tne wind ana crasnea through the roof of his house, almost completely demolishiugthe building. Bill was pinned in bed, but his eldest son, Frank, chopped away the stalk after an hour of hard -vork and extricated the old man. Experiments conducted by the Metropolitan Water Company at Medrcine Lodge, Kan., with the reinforced cornstalk pipes have proven successful, and a company to manufacture them has been or ganized. It is estimated that pipe can be placed on the market at one-tenth the cost of cast iron pipe, and the new material wil outwear the iron. The supply o raw material is inexhaustable The company willl be stocked for $5,000,000. Great excitement was caused a Fort Ri ey when Troop N, Six teenth cavalry, which -had been participating in themaneuvers 1 he night before, failed to report in camp. A scout learned that they were hemmed in by immense corn stalks and unable to get out, and hastened into camp with the news The seise batteries were ordered out with the engineer battalion and after working all night chop ping and dynamiting they got a trail cut through and the trcop returned to camp this morning. A fast stock train on the B. & M. was wrecked & mile east of Enter prise by a cornstalk which had fallen across the brack. The en gine was demolished. Several similar accidents have narrowly been averted near here recently, and the trains have" been given slow orders when passing corn fields. Col. John Golong, of Exerter township, has captured the $500 prize offered by the County Fair association for a unique corn ex hibit. Taking his plowing engine, he hitched 46 farm wagons in double column behind it and then ran the train along his cornfield By means of block and tackTe arrange ment he loaded on his train one of the largest stalks. Hauling this to the fair grounds, he un loaded it on the midway and had it hollowed out. ' In each of the sections he displayed some of the products of his 7.500 acre farm, and in the middle section fur nished up comfortable quarters for his family during fair week. , With the denuding of the for ests and the continual increase in the price of lumber, a new indus try has spiung up at Leoti, Kan., in the manufacture of weather boarding, fencing and such ma terial out of the cornstalks. The cornstalk timber has been found to wear as well ai wood, and the market is rapidly growing. Un known liar. Engineer and Fireman Killed. Sonth6rn Railway southbound passenger train No. 41, from Charlotte to Seneca, ran into an open switch one mile and a half south of Welford, a station twelve miles south of this city, tonight about 8:45 and Engineer W. J. Fonville, of Greenville, and bis colored fireman were. killed. The baggagemaster had a leg broken. None of the passengers suffered more than being shaken up. The engine and tender turned com pletely over. Dr. Earl, of Green ville, rushed to the scene in an automible and reudteed aid to the injured baggagemaster. " A wreck ing crew left here at midnight. It is believed by officials of the road that the switch was thrown by some miscreant. Spartanburg, S. C, special to Charlotte Observer. THE WHITE PLAGUE. Great Morement Now on Foot to Exter minate Tuberculosis. " For the next three weeks the na tional capital will be the Bcene of such a crusade as, perhaps, never before has been witnessed against humanity's common foe the white plague. It will be an edu cational campaign, world-wide in he scope, the ultimate object of which is to eradicate, if possible, from the ends of the earth a dis' ease which statistical experts de clare, cuts short the lives cf from one-tenbh to one-eighth of the civilized ponulatition. Such distinguished foreigners as l)rs Robert Koch, of Berlin ; Baug, of Copenhagen ; A Calmette, of Lille, France ; N Theodore Tendeloc, of Leyden : R. W, Phillip, of Edinburgh ; Vienna ; G. t im Yt H eta C. von Pirquet, of Sims Woodhead, of Lydia Rabinowitscb, of Berlin ; Camilo Callejo, of Val- ladolid, Spain; T. Ishigami, of Osakao, Japan, and noted Ameri can physicans and scientists and others who have devoted their ives in an effort to solve this problem, will actively participate. The campaign will be carried-l on by tne coming international Congress on Tuberculosis in its sixth annual session which will meet in the United States for the first time at the new national museum in this city. The eon- gress, which might fittingly be called a real world's congress on tuberculosis, will mark an kpoch in the anti-tuberculosis movement in this country. The initial step will be taken tomorrow night when there will be a public opening at the new National Musem, in "connection with the congress, a tuberculosis exposition. It will be one of the lareest. the most important and in every way themost comprehen sive exhibit ever assembled and it will be illustrative of what is be ing done throughout the world in the fight agaiust tuberculosis While the display is connected with tne congress, it is not so closely related to be taken as the official opening of the congress That important event will occur one week later, September 28th. Washington, D; C, dispatch. How's This? We offer Oae Hundred Dollars Reward for auy case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney fo he last 15 years, and beliave him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, W holesaleiDruggists, To ledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, a6ting directly upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price, 75c. p-r bottle. Sold by all Druggists Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Chance to Help the Orphans. The establishment of a real ma chine shop where the brys can be trained in this great and growing business, ought not be longer -delayed. But the only way we can hope for it is for somebody the Lord has prospered to plank down the money to build it. Three thousand dollars could not be spent m re wisely than in the do ing of this thing ; and we hope the burden of giving this money will grow so heavy on some Christian's heart that he will yield, and en joy the richost experience of his life. Charity and Children. INDIGESTION? DYSPEPSIA? FLATULENCY ? FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. THE GENUINE HAS THE wmm RED 2" ON THE FRONT OF EACH PACKAGE AND THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF J. H.ZEILIN &CO., ON THE SIDE, IN RED. ,..V Sons oLOIil Age. ' The editor of TioB Sun inciden tally mentioned the. fact that he was born when kbia -another was well on towards 4??years of age. Our townsman, D.'iT. McLean. who was standing bjr?, and a per fectly reliable man he is, said his father was born after his father and mother was j 55 years old. The family lived.ion Green river in jfoiK county.;' we recall no other case like this. Jenny Liud, we thiiik, gavejrirth to her only child, a litul daughter, when near 56. Thfse intances are rare. RutherfordtcSAuu. fee- It's a pity when sick ones drug the stomach or stimulate the Heart aatj Kidneys. That is all wrong 1 A weak Stomach, means weak Stoniasr nerves, always And this is als ) true of the Heart and Kidneys. The weak nmves are instead crying out for help. This explains why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is promptly helping btomach, Heart and Kidney ail ments. The Restorative reaches out inr the actual cause of these ailments the failing "inside nerves". Any way test the Restor ative 48 hours. It won't cure so soon as that, but you will surely know that help is coming. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK; SALISBURY, J. C. W. C. Coughenour, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital""- - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H N. Woodson, Buiton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strnchan, A. H. Price, W C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE, Cashier. Execution Sale State of North Carolina ) In the S jpe S rior Court. Rowan County. C. M. Miller, Plaintiff.) vs. ! Notice of exe- Eureka' Consolidated ( cution of sale Copper Co. J By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court oi Kowan county in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 2nd day of November, 1908, at about 12 o'clock noon at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder fo cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and in terest which the said Eureka Consoli dated Copper Co., the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to wit:First tract :See deed to WalterGeo. Newman dated May the 5th, 1899, from R. J. Holmes and registered in book 86, page 446 and also see deed to Eu reka Consolidated Copper Co. in book 111, page' 218. Second tract: all of a certain tract of land containing 33 acres more or less and known as the Stock ton Gold Mining tract, see deed to Walter Geo. Newman, dated May 5th, 1899, and recorded in book No. 85, page 415. See also deed to Eureka Consoli dated Copper Co, in book 111, page 218. Third tract a certain tract of land known as the E. Mauney home plac in the town of Gold Hill which was conveyed to Walter Geo. Newman on the 26th day of June, 19(36, and described in deed registered in book 111, page 21. See also deed regis-tei-ed in book No. ill, page 222 in which the said property is conveyed to Eureka Consolidated Copper Co. by the said Walter Geo. Newman. J. H. Kridkr, Sheriff Rowan Co. This 17th day of September, 1908. 4t ATTENTIONI SOUTH LAND Belle Shoes All Leathers and Styles. Your choice at $1.50 the pair These Shoes are made by us and. Guaranteed to be all Sol -id Leather. FOE SALE. A well established wholesale and retail liquor business in Florida. Will sell either stock and fixtures together or will sell fixtures and lease without stock. The business will be closed at the end of' the fiscal year which is the last day of September. Reasons for selling is the owners are going into tim ber business in Alabama. Add ress FERNANDINA LIQUOR CO.. 17-28 8t pd. Fernandina, Fla. IFlFtallDBH (popular price root wear ) TERMS STRICTO" CASH DOINC THEIR DUTY. Scores of Salisbury Readers Are Learning the Duty of the Kidneys. To filter the blood is the kidnevs duty. When they fail to do this the kidneys are sick. Backache and many kidney ills fol low ; Urinary trouble, diabetes Doan's Kidney Pille cure them all. Salisbury people endorse our claim. Cl Hp.nrv "RoatroT 915 Rant St Snli"c bury, N. C, says: "I was troubled for a long time with dull pains in my back and loins. 1 also had frequent head aches and was bothered a great deal by the irregular action of the kidney secretions. Believing that the kidneys were the cause of my suffering, I pro cured a box of Doan's Kindey Pills from the Salisbury Drug Company and began using thenrr Although I did not take them according to directions, I received wonderful benefit from their ue and believe that if I take them as directed a complete cure will result. I give them my heartiest endorsement." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Poster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yoik, sole agents for the United States. Remember the take no other. name Doan's and Where to Go to Buy HARNESS! When in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don t fail to hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Sreets. We also do Hret-class repairing on short notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. vve solicit a portion oi your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. TO 1 ... - xi your norse is in j area in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St Mc Capital and Surplus $30,000.00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE. Salisbury, N. G. We offer cheap for quick sale a 33 acre farm five miles West from Salisbury on the Statesville road, known as the Chris Wagner home place. Has dwelling, barn and good well. Half of the place is in timber. Terms can be made to suit the purchaser. Apply at our office for price. WATER SUPPLY. Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant and abundant supply of good water for the household, stock, yard, garden and fire purposes, and at the same time that which needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to your houst from auy nearby spring or branch without no further atten tion after the installation ot a ram. The best r m on the mar ket is Bold and installed by T. A. P. Roseman, Route 8, Salisbury N. C. Write for particiJars. 50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac- Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is prohnbly patentable. Communica tions strictly conSdentiiil. llajuibookon Patents sent free. Oldest npency for securing patents. Patents taken f h rough Munn & Co. receive tperial notice, without "barge, in the Scientific Jfmericati. A. handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms. $3 a vcar: four months, $1. So:l by all newsdealers. UNN & Co.36iBroad-' New York branch Offlce If St. Washington. IX C. COOOOOOOOOOOO 0 0 0 0 CO&YfhltH-r T. E. WITHERSPOON & COMPANY, I 1 BAL1LBURY, N. C. Does a General Banking: Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Rank. D. R. Julian, .J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. Thompson, . J. A. Peeler, V.-President. Teller. J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND 1TL. We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggiesi repaired, painted and made as good as new. - New Tops made and .old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired.. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered..- Rubber Tires a Specialty : steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds of Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. 0 0 Summersett Undertaking Co o o 2 Are ruiiy equipped witn tne, latest Hearses, Church Truck and all supplies necessary for con- ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of all y grades of o Coins, Caskets Thm'i. Mt. T? M TQTTia sett can be reached by phone at all times, night or o day. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o y The Undertaking Parlors of O Are the equal of any in the State, which, com o bined with the skill and experience of his assistants makes his place one of o Q needing sacn services. A laay is employed in this department and will render assistance whenever 5 desired. o o COFFINS, CASKETS, BURI- o o o o o o o o o o o o AL ROBES Furniture of all Kinds,: of suit all constantly kept in Stock. s O Very respectfully, CEO. W. OOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOOOOOOO COMFORTS OF HOME that make a happy couple. We have contributed in no smalldev gree to the comfort of many a household. And expect to con tinueto do so. Our stok of furniture is more extensive than ever, and we're selling it at marked down prices! Hand some and serviceable parlor suits $10- Durable and ele gant lounges, couches and easy chairs at half real value. As- toniBhing bargains. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay'you 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. I The State's Strongest Banking Institution. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 WHITE & CO. 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 THE and Burial Robes. orT Mr T W nvrm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o RUST CO TAKING-. the most desirable to those FOR SALE. every variety and Prices to Q You are invited to call, 1 O Q O WRIGHT; 8