.--fi-,. ,- -A t v.- , - ,- It 1 1 THE aOtRS WVWCWW r TY7 A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. Vol. IV. No. 42. Salisbury, N. C, Wednesday, October 7th, 1908. Wm, h. Stewart, Editor. olina -is v.' 4 i - m LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. The Political Pot Boiling. A Caution to Those who run Automobiles. Lexington Dispatch, Sept. SOth. The Dispatch congratulates its Thomasville representative, Drug gist Charles R. Thomas, on win ning 3rd prize among the druggists of the United States at their meet ing in Atlantic City, in a contest for the identification of botanical drugs, 50 in number. It is said tha- there is no doubt at all about 'that new cotton mill being built, which The Dispatch mentioned last week. There is no news to get about it except that they are sure going to build. Five hundred children are now enrolled in the graded school. The school has settled down to busi ness and is running smoothly. All children who intend to enter dur ing the next month must do so next Monday. There will be no more days of admittance until the first Monday in November. There is nothing but politics now. Monday and yesterday you could see little knots ot republi cans and democrats here and there and everywhere in the sheriff's office and all around talking candidates, schemes, politics. The republicans have opened up head quarters in Baxter McRary's building, back of the courthouse, and have their banner emblem of Taf t, Tariff and Trusts and pan ics spread to the winds. There is a rumor that they are dickering with the national republican com mittee for a slice of the campaign fund. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Humphrey who was bitten by a supposedly mad cat, will return from the hospital this week. The physicians have writ ten in a way that has banished all fears and no danger is ever antici pated as a - result of the wound. The experts say that, having been wounded in the foot, far from the brain, and after taking the pre scribed treatment, there is no dan ger whatever. All automobile-lovers ought to protest against recklessness on the part of any autoist, for the people will not stand for it, and some thing may drop. The other night a farmer in Rowan county was run into by a fool chauffeur, and the farmer drew a bead on him and shot at him, but missed. That sort of thing will follow reckless driving, and of course there will be thugs who will practice it when ' the autoist is not to blame and innocent people may suffer. A caution that all automobile drivers ought to observe is this : When in the rural districts drive slow. There are things that go faster than gas. The prophets say a hard winter is in store for us. In the moun tains there is an enormous crop of chestnuts sure signs of a hard winter. The 'simmon crop is very heavy, and the fur on 'possums never was so thick and warm. The hickory leaves curl upwards There are other signs but they are not recalled. Yesterday morning was cold enough for fire- to feel "right," and there may have been frost. In the mountains there has been frost for a week. The coal man is becoming popular again and the ice man is getting ready to fold his tent like an Arab and as silently steal away. Goose Eggs In September. They are gathering blackberries down in Chatham county and are making a big blow about it and are asking who ever heard of ripe blackberries in September here in North Carolina? Aw. g'long wid yo old September blackberries. Here in Union county we've got a goose in JNortn uaroima or any other old place laying in Septem ber? Wm. Clark, of Goose Creek township, came in last Saturday and reported that he has a goose up in Goose Creek that is laying goose eggs here in the . month of September and says that his goose has broken all records for no other goose was ever known to lays eggs in the fall of the year. Monroe Journal. POWDER HOUSE GBES UP. Explosion at Spencer Which Destroys Life and Damages Much Property. Thursday afternoon at 5 :40 the powder house at the Southern's shops in Spencer was blown sky ward by an explosion, and as a result, two men were killed, three others are put about on the verge of the grave and thirty-nine others were injured, but not seriously. As soon as the news of the ex plosion reached this city, accom panied by the usual exaggerated rumors customary in similar cases, a condition of great excite ment prevailed. Main street was soon thronged with persons of all ages and both sexes, anxiously awaiting the coming of the street cars that they might get to the scene as soon as possible Hun dreds availed themselves of other means of transportation and until a late hour the streets between here and Spencer were filled with vehicles of all descriptions. Many of these persons were, of course,' actuated by curiosity, but among them were those who had some loved one at work at the shops, and it was natural that they should anticipate the worst. The scene of the explosion at the north end of the storehouse platform was one well calculated to strike the hundreds of specta tors with awe and terror. Wo men were there waiting for hus bands, sons or brothers, little ones crying tor latner, ana anxions friends on the alert for any word of missing ones who were believed to have been on the ground when the exDlosion took place. Master Mechanic Kederly, H. P. Brandis, C J. Norman, Foreman Conley of the klacksmith shop, McCor- mick of the car shop, Bob Julian of the round house, and others whose duties kept them there later than the majority of the force, were on hand and at once set to work to bring things to something like a semblance of usual conditions. One man, Chas. Layton, was instantly killed by the explosion and helper, a negro named George Gould, received injuries from which he died during the night. The vicinity of the explosion wa3 strewn with men who were injur ed, no one could tell just how se verely. Kind hands extricated them from the debris and they were taken, some to the sani torium, others to the Y. M, C. A. hospital and those least hurt, to their homes. Three are still in a very serious condition, Flether Staf ford, George Honeycutt, and J. F. Gobble, and at this writing it seems to be a chance whether they will recover. Thirty-nine is the official number of the injured, ac cording to the report filed with Mr. Kederly. Among these Fred Loflin is one of the worst cases. He may lose his eyes. C. H. Leonard had an arm broken. W. W. Kluttz received a severe wound on the head. Numerous others were thrown to the ground or against the sides of the cars by the force of the explosion. Their injuries, speaking generally, are more from the concussion than anything else. Mr. Kederly re ceived some slight wounds about the head but will be all right in a few days. Kluttz was with Stafford, Gobble and Honeycutt, the three men so seriously hurt, and they with others were on their way to the fire with the hose. Some box cars intervened .between them and the powder house. They saw the smoke, supposed that some of the box cars close to the storehouse platform had caught. Being members of the car shop fire brigade they rushed on in the direction of the smoke and were almost at the point of the explo sion before they realized the dan ger, then it was too late. Just a second before the explosion Kluttz went back a Bhort distance to straighten a kink in the hose, and this is all that saved him from being at least as seriously injured as his three companions. W. W. Kluttz was on the plat form near the end of the store Continued on last page. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Cotton Crop Will be Short. Some of the Movements of our Neighbors. Concord Times, Sept. 29th. G. C. Walter, of Rowan county, and Miss Ellen Graham, of Kan napolis, were married last Sun day. Dr. J. E. Smoot is now in Balti more taking a special course in medicine. There was a fine general rain throughouc the county last Sun day the first in three weeks'. There is no' doubt whatever of the fact that the cotton crop in this section this year will be short, in many places not over half a crop. Mr. Robert Hall, of near Enochville, tells us that there are many fields in his section that are not even worth picking, The crop was literally ruined by the fresh ets. The congregation of St. Mark's Lutheran church at Charlotte have called Rev, Robert L. Patterson, of Somerset, Pa., as pastor. Mr. Patterson is a son of the late Mr. I. Frank Patterson, of China Grove. He has been at Somerset for ten years, but recently resigu ed the pastorate thus to devote his time to the mission work of his church. J. S. Armstrong, agent of the Southern here, has resigned to ac cept the agency of the Seaboard at Lincolnton. His successor has not yet been named. Last Saturday was the biggest cotton day of .the season, there being 170 bales on the market. The ruling price was 9 cents. John Williams, of Caunon-ville-, died at his home there last Friday of typhoid fever, aged about 40 years. He was married the second time only a few weeks ago to Miss Price, of Union coun ty. He leaves six children. The body was taken to Union county for burial. Able to Buy Food but Don't do it. John Sowers, better known as "Sunday," was found in a very weak condition in southwest Statesville Sunday. Chief Conner was notified of John's plight and took the unfortunate fellow to po lice headquarters. It was found that the principal trouble with Sowers is that he is starving him self to death. Mr. Conner gave him something to eat and he was able to walk to his home on Tradd street within a short time. Sow ers is practically an idiot, and is not capable of taking care of him self. He lives alone in a cottage on Tradd street and although he has considerable property and money, he will not buy enough food to sustain his physical needs, That his h alth is failing fast for lack of good food is very notice able to those who see him stand ing about the streets from day to day. For a time Sowers was under the care ot a guardian, but at a hearing some time ago he was ad judged capable of attending to his affairs and the guardian waB dis missed. Mayor Grier has taken the matter up with Clerk of the Court Hartness and an effort will be made to have Sowers' placed under the care of a guardian. Statesville Landmark. Celebrated Birthday. Yesterday there was celebrated at the Umberger home here, the 64th birthday of Mrs. C. W. Um barger. Her son-in-law, Rev. J. M. Terrel, missionary to Brazil, his wife and children, and Miss Aline Umberger, another daugh ter, who had been in Brazil for I w four years, had just returned for a year's vacation. Another of Mr. Umberger's daughters, Mis. Anderson Weaver, 4of Edgemont, was present with her husband, and the arrival of Ollie Umberger, from Concord, made the home coming of the children complete. The birthday breakfast was beautifully served by Miss Brooke Umberger. Both received gifts and the occasion was altogether enjoyable. Mt. Ulla special to theCharlotte Observer. I I . ' STATE NEWS. Items of Interest Clipped, Condensed and Prepared for the Watchman's Readers. Governor Glenn has been noti fied by the Democratic National Committee that he is to speak in New York, Maryland and several other States October 10th to 20th. State Auditor Dixon says the increase in the pension list this year over last is1 something like 400. It is expected that pension ers will receive about the same amount this year as last, namely, first class $72, second $60, third $48, fourth $25. A remarkable yield of hay is re ported by R. B. White, a High Point liveryman. On ten acres near that city he cut 28 loads of hay, 2,000 pounds to the load, which is worth 75 cents a hundred pounds. This was done at a cost to him of $100, making a net pro fit on the yield of $320. In Buucombe Superior Court a few days ago Mrs. F. C. WatkinB was awarded $4,000 damages against the Southern Railway. Mrs. Watkins fell through the platform of the railway station at Swaunanoa and was seriously in jured. It is alleged that the plat form was rotten and suit was brought for $25,000. At the recent term of Stanly Su perior Court a suit was tried in volving 192 acres of land in the heart of the town of Norwood. now covered largely by valuable property, and was decided in favor of the plaintiff, Mrs. C. B. Mor ton of Rockingham, who brought suit as one of the surviving chil dren and heirs of the late J. R. Livingston. The case was appeal ed. The propositions of & syndicate formed to purchase the Odell Cot ton Mills at Concord, for some months in the hands of a receiver, have been rej-cted and the court will be asked to make another or der for the sale of the property. The mills were to have been sold on the 16th but the sale was post poned to permit the adjustment of the insurance on the mill burn ed. The insurance. $210,000. will 9 be paid in full, it is said. The Coming Farmer. The day is coming when the small farm, the labor-saving ma chinery, the knowledge of seasons and soils and rotations, and tho careful but intense cultivation shall constitute the ecmiDment which will yield handsome re turns. The farmer of the future who shall win success will be an educated man. He will know his fields like the potter knows his clay, and his mind will be as skill ed as the hand of the artisan who fashions the vase. He will be able to plan a campaign upon his plats with the same precision that Lee danned at Cold Harbor and exe cute it with the success of Jack- sou at Autietam. As the lawyer knows his code, he will be ac quainted with soils and strata : and as the practioner is drilled in the art of procedure, he will know the rotations. He must be famil iar with precedent, and his eve nings shall be spent by the fire side with the best books and farm journals, and experience of his fel low soilsmen in other countries shall be in his mind always. He must be a student, but his knowl edge shall not all come from books. Persons, experience, ex perimentation, the visits to other model farms, and constant imbi bition of new theories these shall make his batteries invincible, Danbury Reporter. -Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y a veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says : "The good Electric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dol lars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of "stom ach trouble, to little purpose. then tried Eleciric Bitters, and they cured me, I now take them as a tonic, and thev keep me strong and well." 50c. at all drug stores. ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. Furniture Factory Operatives Injured. A Freakish Stalk of Cotton. . Stanly Enterprise, Oct. 1st. Miss Alio Kizer, of Salisbury, is visiting her sister, Mr. A. L. Patterson: The many friends of Mrs. W. P. Broom will regret to learn that she is seriously ill and that the at tention of a trained nurse has be come necessary. "Suppose they should elect Cox for Governor, which they won't," remarked a citizen of West Albe marle, "why he would appoint all the officeholders, registrars, judges of election, etc., and don't you know that they would soon have every negro in North Carolina on the registration books again? They'd do it, in spite of all you could do. Vote for Cox, No ! I wouldn't for anything." James Cooper sustained serious injuries to the thumb on his left hand at the furniture factory while working at a jointing ma chine. On Tuesday. Allen Still had a similiar misfortune, and three of his fingers may have to be amputated. Daniel P. Kirk exhibited a stalk of cotton here a few days ago that had 15 well developed bolls. These bolls were well filled with seed, but bore not the slightest trace of fleece. Is it a form of cheat, or merely a freak in the cotton plant itself? Someone answer. There is a variety of lintless cottoD. Just a strap seed we sup pose Ed. Watchman. Surveyor C. M. Miller, of Salis bury, has been in Albemarle a few days surveying lines for a city sewer. The lineB will probably fol.ow Second and Main streets, reaching to exits at the creek west and southwest of town. The street force haB been busy grading the principal streets and side walks, and a notable improvement will have been made on public square when the macadam work is finished. With the present good work continued our little city will soon be aoie to ooast ot good streets and sewerage. A larger and better water works plant, with water at cheaper rates should soon follow, and to this Bhould be added a system of lights for our streets. Just watch Albemarle grow, in spite of the Roosevelt pa nic 1 County Officer Suicides. , A long-distance telephone mes sage this afternoon shortly before 1 o'clock from Marshall, stated that Rogan Rice, register of deede of Madison county, commit ted suicide at noon today at his home in Marshall by shooting himself through the temple. The message stated no cause for the rash act was known. Mr. Rice had been register of deeds for Madison "county for the past four years and was the nominee of the Republican party in that county for re-election., Surviving are a wife and one child, aged 2 years. Asheville dispatch. Died at Moment of Rescue. Eli Brady, a young negro man, was killed in Randolph county last week by falling into a wel). Brady was digging a well on the farm of John Wright, in Grant township. At noon he was being raised to the surface and before he reached the top of the well he called to those who were at the windlass to draw fast, as he was sick. As he reached the surface, without warning he released his grasp on the rope , and fell head foremost to the bottom, 35 feet below. Death was instantaneous. His skull was crushed and his body badly mangled. Asheboro News. A pain prescription is printed upon each 25c.; box of Dr. Shoop's rinK rain laDiets. ask your Doctor or Druggist if this formula is not complete. Head pains, wo manly pains, pains anywhere get instant reliet from a Pink Pain jTablet. Cornelison & Cook. I LIST AND PRICES OF BOOKS. Adopted for Use in the Public Schools of norm uaronna. The following is a list of books adopted for use in the public schools of the State for five years from July 1, 1906, and required by lav to be used in all public schools. All books must be in cloth binding : Exchange Contract Price. Price. ORTHOGRAPHY. A Spelling Book, by Foust& Griffin 07 .15 DEFINING. Webster's Primary Dictionary .44 Webster's Common School Dictionary .. 65 Webster's High School Dictionary (New Ed.) .90 Webster's Academic Dictionary (New Ed.) 1 35 BEADING. First Reader 10 .20 Second Reader 13 .27 Third Reader 15 .30 Fourth Reader 16 .33 Fifth Reader 17$ .35 Wheeler's Primer was unanimously recom mended for schools using a Primer 10 .30 - x for grades above the Fifth Reader was rec ommended WRITING. .60 The Natural System of Vertical, 8 Nos. each .05 Smithdeal's Slant Writing Books, six numbers each .05 The Old North State Copies, Medial, six numbers each ARITHMETIC. .05 Colaw and Ellwood's Primary School Ar ithmetic .12 .24 Colaw and Duke's In termediate Arithme tic .12 .24 Colaw and Ellwood's Advanced Arithmetic .22 .44 First Book in Business Methods was unani mously recommend ed for schools need ing it AGRICULTURE. .60 Agriculture for Begin ners, by Hill, Bur kett and Stevens GEOGRAPHY. .60 Maury's Elementary (Revised) 90 .40 Maury's New. Com plete LANGUAGE LESSONS AND GRAMMAR. .44 .88 H y d e "-s Two-Book Course in English, Book I. .12 .25 Smith's Our Language Second Book 17 .34 Buehler's- Modern En glish Grammar, with Composition 27 HISTORY. .55 White's Beeinn er5s History of U. S Chambers' Higher His tory of Uniten States PHYSIOLOGY. Culler's First Book . Culler's Second Book Culler's Third Book DRAWING Books 1, 2, 3, each . Books 4, 5, 6, each . ' 40-Page Edition. Books 1, 2, 3, each . Books 5, 6, 7, 8 each . 40 Sheets Practice Pa per, in envelope.. Teacher's Manual free. 20 .40 35 .70 ,12 .17 .22 .25 .35 .45 .10 .12 .14 .18 .05 Go to the blood, if you are to drive out Rheumatism. A Wis consin physician, Dr. Shoop, does this with his Rheumatic Remedy and with seeming sue cess. Rub-on's, says the doctor never did care Rheumatism. It is more than skin deep it is con stitutional, always. Because of this principle. Dr. Shoop's Rheu matic Remedy is perhaps the most popular in existence. It goes by word of mouth from one to an other, everywhere. Grateful pa tients gladly spread results. It is an act of humanity, to tell the sick of a way to health. Tell some sick one. Sold by Corneli son fe Cook. STATESVILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Has a Good Word for Haskell. Another Old Terrapin is Turned Up. Statesville Landmark. Sept. 29. W. H. L. Campbell, clerk of the Supreme Court of Oklahoma, who had been, visiting relatives in Statesville and the county for sev eral weeks, left for home Friday. Mr. Campbell was, of course, much interested in the charges against Gov. Haskell in the Dem ocratic primary, Mr. Campbell does not believe he is guilty of any wrong-doing in connection with the Standard Oil Company. A young son of J. M. Waugh, of Fallstown township, found an old terrapin near his home a few days ago with the following in scription . carved on its shell : "Miss A. E. Troutman, 1868." The terrapin showed signs of old age all right, but to make sure that the carving was done in 1868 Mr, Waugh communicated with Miss Troutman, who is now Mrs. R. E. Beaver and lives north of town. Mrs. Beaver stated that she remembers distintly having carved her name and the date on the terrapin 40 years ago, when a young woman. Deputy Sheriff (and sheriff to be) Deaton, of Mooresville, who was in town yesterday, stated that what might have been a serious cutting affray occurred at Moores vilie Friday night. Carl Dry and John Little, cotton mill em ployes, engaged in a fight and Dry proceeded to slash Little with a pocket knife, . inflicting gashes on his face, throat and chest. Fortunately the cuts were not deep and will not result se riously. The men were tried be fore 'Squire Voils Saturday morn ing and gave bond for their ap pearance at Superior Court. John F, Hager and Mrs. Dora Brown, both of Sharpesburg town ship, were united in marriage Sat urday morning about 11 o'clock by Dr. C. M. Richards, at his home, corner West End avenue and Kelly street, The couple drove to town earlv Satnrdav j j morning and returned to Sharpes burg immediatly after the cere mony had been performed. Both are favorably known in their com munity. Messrs. R, K. Gregory and Wil liam McRone engaged in a lively fistcuff in the lobby of the Gem theatre Friday afternoon about 5 o'clock, but no serious damage re sulted. The difficulty was the re sult of a dispute about an account held against the theatre people by McRorie, who was formerly em ployed by the concern. The pu gilists submitted in the mayor's court and were fined $2.50 and the cost each. Representatives of the Radcliffe Lyceum Bureau have placed a lyceum course in Statesville cov ering the five first-class attrac tions. Let the President Continue. If Mr. Roosevelt can ce induced to write one or two more letters to Mr. Bryan he will succed in practically eliminating Mr. Taft from the campaign. The Amer ican people like to see fair play and they are going to have it. Taft's sticking so close to Roose velt reminds us of the story of the man who brought his great big overgrown son to see the circus ; the streets were crowded, the band was playing, and the procession of animals was moving, the big fellow had his daddy by the coat tail and would cry out, "Dad, don't lose me I" Greensboro Record. The wholesale, harmless green leaves and tender stems of a lung: healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its curative properties. Tickling or dry bronchial coughs quickly and safely yield to this highly' effective Cough medicine. Dr. Shoop assures mothers that they can with safety give it to ver very young babes, No opium, no chloroform absolutely nothing: harsh or harmful. It calms the distressing cough, and heals the sensative membranes. Accept no other. Demand Dr. Shoop'sv Sold by Cornelison & Cook,

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