THE CAROLINA WTCHMAH. Wit. VL KBWAjiv- El. u4 Plk at m 1 nak t a4rat lft. lHf. at tte tort ofln at Ball kmry, N. C Cat act of Coacrwn of Manh M. U97. i Salisbury, N. C, Oct 7, 1908. DEMOCRATIC TICKET, NATIONAL. For President: WILLIAM JENNINGS BRYAN, For Vice-President: JOHN WORTH KERN. STATE. For Governor: W, W. KITCHEN. For Lieutenant Governor: W. C. NEWLAND. For Secretary of State : J. BRYAN GRIMES. For State Treasurer : It. B. LACY. For State Auditor : B. F. DIXON. For Attorney General : T. W. BICKETT. For Commissioner of Agriculture : W. A. GRAHAM. For Corporation Commissioner : B. F. AYCOCK. For Superintedent of Fducatiou : J. Y, JOYNER. For Insurance Commissioner : J. R.YOUNG. . For Commissioner of Labor: M. L. SHIPMAN. Electors at Large: J. W. BAILEY. WALTER MURPHY. CONGRESSIONAL. For Congress: RICHARD N. HACKETT. COUNTY. For Sheriff: J. H. McKENZIE. For Register of Deeds : E. H. MILLER. For Treasurer: J. R. NICHOLAS. For Senator : WHITEHEAD KLUTTZ. For Representatives : JNO. M. JULIAN. DR. J. W. CARLTON. For County Surveyor : C. M. MILLER. For Conorer: DR. E. ROSE DORSETT. For County Commissioners: P. A. HARTMAN. W. L. HARRIS. W. P. BARBER. R. B, PEELER. P. B BEARD. Township Tax Collector : A. M. RICE. IredeJl county seems to be a f ovoritehaunt for ancient tarr. pins. It has been decided upon good authority that there is no law un der which the leper, John Early, can be sent back to North Caroli na, so -suppose we stop worrying over it. The kerosene cure for snake biteseven in a prohibition State, will hardly become popular. A man who has plenty of cash with which to purchase good food and yet allows himself to become nearly starved for want of it, cer tainly needs a guardian much more than he does money. The gentleman who is bettiDg five to one on Taft's election, seems desirous in convincing the publio of the truth of the old adage about a fool and his money. It would be interesting to know if this night rider business is the real stuff, or whether it is just the work of some citizens who aspire to be humorous. The Greensboro Record thinks if President Roosevelt can be in dnced to write a few more letters to Mr. Bryan, it will insure the election of the latter an opinion toith which the majority of intel ligent voters will concur. Gov. Haskell? callff President Roosevelt a "foar-flaster," If the governor of Oklahoma con tinues to use such terms as this, people - will begin to imagine hings about him. - It is rather, late in the season or snake storiesr but that one in another column, from, an Asbe ville paper, will do to tell-any old time. Roosevelt will not reply to Bry an's last letter. Does he begin to realize that he has alteady replied too often? The impressible Tom Watson makes a clean breast of it and ad mits that he is only bluffing. The weather prophets often say there is a hard winter ahead of us, but sometimes it does not get around according to schedule. Ink and Paint. "There is a difference between good advertising and showy adver tising" says The British Adver tiser. "The showy advertisement will receive the commendation of those who don:t think- much about advertising, or who are not going to buy the goods. This commendation is a pleasant thing to have, but it sometimes costs more than it is worth." Outdoor advertising is of the showy variety. Ten square inches of newspaper space filled with sensible selling talk in behalf of a meritorious commodity will exert a greater in fluence on the minds of buyers than ten thousand square feet of red paint smeared over the land scape always provided that the newspaper is of the type that com mauds the confidence of its read ers. Philadelphia Record. Another Snake Story. A rural mail carrier is respon Bible for the tale of a curious ex perience with a pair of black snakes by a man whose name ne could not learn. He says that the man was walk ing through the Woods when he came upon a monster black snake about six feet in length, which at tacked him and attempted to wind its body around him . He secured a large stick and killed the snake but not before it had dealt him a severe blow upon the face in its efforts to squeeze him, the marks of which were still visible. Im mediately after killing the first snake its mate came out from un der some shrubbery and seeing its dead companion made for the man and severely but probably not se riously, hurt his knee before he could do away with it. Asheville Citizen. A Stiff Fight. A i Villi An interesting nent between a "jar fly" and an English sparrow took place on the street here the other day, and the remarkable part of it was that the jar fly whipped out the sparrow and got away from him. They fell from a tree to the ground where the fight, became faBt and furious. As fast as the sparrow would catch the jar fly in his bill the fly would give one cf its vigorous 'inra ' ' aViolrirtrv t Via snormiD IriAaa This was kept up for severat min utes when the sparrow flew away in disgust and the jar fly went back in the tree to continue his montonous ' 'jars. ' ' Wilkesbo- o, N. C, Chronicle. "Jar fly" is a new one on us. Does the Chronicle mean one of our common "lowcusses l Will the esteemed Charlotte Observer please take hold here quick. Note to Correspondents. . An interesting communication was received yesterday from "Old Happy," whoever that may be. Of course in the absence of the writer's real nam j appearing on the communication we cannot use it. Pleabe remember to add your real name to your communica tions. Any one can sign '01d Happy," "Lee" "Venus," "Blue Eyes," etc., and no onebe respon sible for the communication. Also date your letters and don't use some one else's non de plume. Only one correspondent is wanted in the same community. To in sure publication the same week' the items are written thty should reach this office not later than noon Tuesday. What Mr. Foraker has lo say about it from now on will only serve to keep it stirred up, Ex, Roosevelt will Shut up. President Roosevelt will not, re- i ply to the latest letter of William J. Bryan, given out by him last night at Rock Island, 111. Secre tary Loeb stated to-day that the. President felt that inasmuch as Mr. Bwjis letter: was simply an attack upon nim personally, theTe was no reason why he should an swer it, Secretary Loeb to-day also made thestatemens that President Roosevelt had no intention at pres ent of making a tour in behalf of the Republican candidate for Pres ident. Many invitations had been received by the President. JMr. Loeb said, dut Mr. Roosevelt never has stated that he ) would take the stump, when asked whether, if the situation took such a turn that the President might consider that making a speaking tour would materially aid the Republican cause, the President in that event would take the stump Mr. Loeb replied that he might or might not do so, and added that no one cculd tell what the future would bring forth. Washington despatch. - ' Advertisements, as Clocks, Should Keep Running, A store's advertistmeuts tell the people what is "doing at that store what is new, what is inviting, why today is a good time to visit the store. People look for advertisements to tell them these things just as uaturaliy as they would look at a clock to tell the time. Sometimes a clock does not run sometimes a store's advertise ment does not. A "tun-down" clock or advertisement are about equally unsatisfactory, unservice able, misleading. Curious thing about it is that a merchant who wouloVthink it ab surd to have a "run-down" or out of repair clock will, sometimes deliberately let his advertisemei stop running It s not wise, nor "good business," nor dofensibl on anv known grounds bnt i ts sometimes done. ExchaDge. Republican Candidate Sued. Complaint has been filed with Clerk of the Court A. A. Mc Kethan in a suit entitled 4,L. M Andrews vs.jJ. Elwood Cox," in which the plaintiff alleges that he enterered the contract with the defendant to manufacture and sell him a certain uombor of shut tie blocks according to certain . ... .... specifications: tiiat ne nas com plied with thetferms of the con tract in every particular and that the defendent has violated the the terms of the contract. Mr. Andrews is a citizen of Cumberland county and says that he manufactured the blocks in good faith and in acordauce with the contract, but after repeated effort has failed tc get them in spected as provided in contract and therefore has said blocks still on hand and no money or market for them, and he has been forced into the courts for the protection of his rights. Fayetteville, N C, dispatch. e CHESTNUT KILL. Oct. 5. Jack FroBt is visiting us again, we soon can drink some good old simon beer. Salisbury Cotton Mil? is run ning six days in a week. John Knox, a large stockholder in the Salisbury cotton mill, re turned home a few dajTs ago from a long visit at Cool Springs, wp are glad to have him back again. Linas Goodman, near here, visited home folks Sunday down near Liberty X Roads. J. W. Taylor and wife visited at N. C, Eagle's Sunday. " Miss Beulab, Cornelison is very ill at this writing, we hope her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Annie Overman visited at N, C. Eagle's Sunday. Also Misses Ada Shaver and Susan Overman glad to see them. Come again. Sad news came to Chestnut Hill Sunday from Piney Woods. It was concerning the deah of E. C. Shaver's little daughter. May the Lord comfort the bereaved ones. The writer has lost all hopes of reporting a wedding any ways soon for that widower has moved away and more don't come around any more. John Mesimore is having his Bobby. house covered a new. OliiBi&tebeilBaearsaiil. - That Statesville has a negro res ident who claims to be 108 years old waB learned by Dr. J. E. McLaughlin Saturday whan he examined an applicant for insur ance. The applicant for the in surance policy is Tillie Summers, a daughter of Tena Allison, aud gives her age as 50 years and that of her mother -as 108. Tena has ten children living seven girls and three boys and she says their ages ranges from 44 to 75. The family has lived in the vicinity of Statesville for tmany years and belonged to the Allisons of the county during slavery days. Dr. McLaughlin says he is' sure that at least two or threw of Tena's children are over 60 years old and he does not doubt .that she is 108. The doctor says some of the older children were known as "uncles aud aunts" when he was a small bov. Caesar Allison, an aged and known negro about towo, is a son of Tena. Statesville Landmark. oes Your eart Yes. 100,000 times each day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health ; bad biood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad blood Ayer's Sarsaoarilla. Doctors have endorsed it for 60 years. One f reqiier.i rsn-so of !r.l blood is a sluRtfisli liver. This pn.iiii-i-s cms; Motion. I'uisonous substances ;;io iln'ii ahsui'liud into the blood. Keep the bowels (ijien with Ayer's Tills. S Kr,i9 by o.C. Ayor Co., Lowoll, ilasi. $ II AIR ViOOK. 1 $PVQ AfltlE Cl'BE. L a ! O Cili:RkY PECTORAL. We have no E5cretB i v.'c puoiisu the formulas of oil our medieineR. 100 TisitiPi Cards for 50c Mail 50 cpnts in stamps or money order fc ioo Fine Visitine Cards. Stato whether &i- or gents size and write name plainly, and 1 will forward 100 f the most select printed 'ards at once. -All letters in addition to th UKuie are 2c each, the add res '. or business etc..- must le flamed 2c for every letter periods, commas, etc.. not to he counted. ."-amples sent uiwin request if you will mail letter tii'loHin.! 2c stamp to pay postage. Send all cow niunieai ions and orders to R. Ambrose Miller, 209 East 42 Street, New York City. Wedding invimtlons $s.50 per set of !ii inside and outside, envelopes in cabinets. WAITED! 5000 BUSHELS OF COTTON SEED AT Klnttz Grain & Provision Co. Opposite old Passenger Depot. 9-30 4t. ARE YOU AWARE in the cousre of one year the balance of your watch makes 157,680,000 revolutions? THINK OF IT! r j j i in time ine on gums, pro duces friction and wears the delicate bearings, destroying their high finish and perfect fit, thus ruining an accurate time-piece. An ordinary machine is oil ed daily, your watch should be oiled once a year. Let us examine it: an hon est opinion from us will cost you nothing. We also repair clocks, old clocks that have been laying away for some time. We make them run ii iiKe new ones, wive us a trial. Kespectf ully, G. Lentz. Up stairs over W. H. Huff's store, Salisbury, N. C. ATTENTION ! We do all kinds of GUN and" LOCK REPAIRING. Bring us whatever you have be repaired and we will give it the best attention. Arey Hd'w. Go., Successor to Chas. Arey, Salisbury, N. U. 1 4t. For Fall and Winter to please all in styles and prices. Call and see us, and we think hat you will be convinced of hie statement. We also carry an up-to-date ine of notions. PATTERSON & LENTZ, Chestnut Hill, Salisbury, N. C. -U4t. D H Beat a a IbII 0 0 0 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, OCT. 2ND. AND 3RD. You are all cordially incited to attend this grand display of the new Fall and Winter styles in Milli nery, Coat Suits, Cloaks, Skirts, etc. We will have on display the vry swell est styles Hats from $2.00 to 810.00 1o be seen this season. Coat Suits $10 00 to $25.00 If you cannot come on opening day, come any day. We will take pleasure in showing you. O o o 0 0 0 0 Mineral Belk Nature's Great Blood Tonic The recent drug: exposures in this Country have proven to all that deadly poisons and stimulants lurk in many Patent Medicines. You never know when you might be tak ing some of that class. Nature has made ample provision for restof ing1 vigor and vitality to humanity, and the public, as well as doctors, resort to Natural Remedies, when all others have failed, xai j Are 2u tr2TibledA with Dyspepsia, Nervousness, Malaria, Kidney or gladder Trouble, Chronic Diarrhoea or Dysentery, and above all, that dreadful disease Scrofula, which has almost baffled human skill, or Diseases pecu liar to Females? Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated r . Iron Alum Water Is Nature's Remedy for Nature's Ills. Yes, when you consider that disease comes from impoverished or run down conditions of the system, this Natural Mineral Water furnishes the system what it needs. . The analysis of this Water, shown on the bottle, tells you what Nature thinks you should take when sick, and the doctor who reads it will agree. Do you think the grouping together in this Water of 17 different minerals, which are recognized by medical writers as most powerful blood tonics, could have been accidental ? Reason answers, NO 1 An 18-oz bottle of Piedmont-Bedford Concentrated 'Iron and Alum water contains all the minerals of 25 gallons of the average natural water Then why buy a barrel of water when you can get a bottle of minerals at the trivial cost of one dollar. The dose is a teaspoonful in a glass 6f your own spring water. How this Water acts upon the system is not clearly known. It is judged mainly by its works. It has cured all the diseases numerated above, and many more, evidently through its action as a powerful BLOOD TONIC. " We have many valuable certificates, which we will -be glad to mail, if you are interested. ' - J. M. ECHOLS CO.. Lynchburg, Va. Sold aDd Recommended v T.W.Grimes Drusr Co., Notice ol Sale Under Execution. North Carolina. Rowan county. In Superior court. W. H. Goler vs O. 0. Scmerville By virtue of an execution directed to the undersigned from the SuDerior court oi iiowan county in the above en i I . . titled action, 1 will, on Monday The 2nd Day of November, 1908. at 12 o'clock a. m., at Ihe court house door of said county, sell to the highest oiuaer ior ua.ari, to satisfy said exe cution, all the right, title and interest which the said O. C Somerville has. or tiad on the 2nd day of June. 1908. in the tollowing described real estate, to-wit: One lot in the city of Salisbury, begin ning at a point on the eat side of the N o. R R. 100 feet from the center of said railroad on Monroe street and running S. 45 E. 10 feet more or less with Monrpe street to Somerville's comer: thence JN. 62 J5. 190 feet to Somerville's corner; thence N 45 W. 10 feet to a point 100 feet from th cen ter of the N. c. R. R. ; thence S. 62 W. 190 feet to the beginning, containing 1900 feet, more or less. Fnr back title see deed registered in Book 70 p. 412 This the 30th day of September 1908. J. 11. Khdikr, sheriff of Rowan county. Commissioner's Sale el City Property. By virtue of the judgment of the Supreme oourt of Rowan, in the caus? e and title of J. D? Brown, plaintifi, against Quilla F. Loflin, Mock Loflin and J L. Arey, administrator of J. H Loflin, dece ased, defendants.- wherein the undersigned was appoint ed commissioner and directed to sell the real estate described in the com plaint in said cause, I will sell at pub ic auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Salisbury. N. 0., on Monday, the 19th day of October, 1908, at 12 M, the following house and lot: .Beginning at the corner of the fnter- ection of Boundary and Henderson streets, and thence with Henderson (reet about north 48.15 west 51 feet to a stake, corner of lot No. 5 ; then with the line ot lot No. 5, about S 47.25 est 185 feet to alley 12 feet wide : thenee with alley about southeast, parallel with Lafayette street, 50 feet to Bound ary street about north, 47.25 east, 1.92 feet to the beginning, being lot num bered 6 on Henderson plot in East ward of Salisbury, N. C. See Deed Book No. at page No. On the above described lot is situated a five room cottage house. Dated this September 14th, 1908. B. B. MiiiLKB, commissioner. Walter H. Woodson, attorney. The Watchman $1.00 pe? year. .Our Annual v:jJT iJDi.jL iii.iL .51 Will be -Harry Company Water that Chestnut Hill Drue: Co., REr.1EHBER AfatcinofiSfi eery suit from $10nu 1908 Fall and Winter 1909 SM00T BROS. & ROGERS THE ROmrJ BRAZING COHPAHY "Ferrofix" Process. The Only Known Means of Brazing all Commercial Metals. Cast Iron a Specialty. Having purchased the right to operate these machines in thi3 county, we are now prepared to mend and braze broken castings of all kinds. None too large or too small. When you brake a part of your machinery don't suspend operation until you can order another but bring it to us, we will make it as good as new in a very short while and at a very little cost. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. ; F. J. MURDOCH, Jr., Manager. A Shop North Church St. 9-16 4t, Opposite Grimes Milling Co. o o o 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 5S Defies Drugs H. M. Cooke Pharmac When you read this acU vertisement many of the ad vance models in FALL and WINTER CLOTHING direct from the shops of famous makeas, will be on our coun ters. We want you to stop in as you pass by and look at a few of the nice things that are now ready for you to see.

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