HE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. f ORT LOCAL ITEMS J. Elwood Cox, Republican can tlidate for governor, nas an- n unced his intention to make a speech at Spencer daring the cam paign, Owing to representations made by a number of our lpcal physi cians that such a course would be advisable, in view of the preva lence of scarlet fever, the opening of the city schools has been post poned until October 15th. Rev. W. M. Noacker has been assisting Rev, W. H, Causey in a protracted meeting at Concord. Rev. M. M. Kinard, Messrs. W, T. Snider, J. D. Heilig and B. B. Miller left early in the week for Savannah, Ga., where they go as delegates to a mejting of the United Synod of the Lutheran church in the S uth. Miss Dimple Leonard and John J. Avers, the latter of Lynchburg, Va , were married last Thursday night at the home of the bride's father, on Monroe street. Rev. E. K. McLarty officiated at the ceremony. Joseph Bullabaugh, who re sided iu Franklin township, died at his homp Sunday morning. Tb.9 funeral was held Monday after noon at Gay's chapel. Burglars have been operating recently in ' Spencer. Several houses have been entered and the thieves have secured small sums of cash and other articles. A large- part of Railway officials the Southern visited the shops Sunday. Miss May Jones, of Hickory, and Geo. C. Fisher, of the Salis bury postuffice force, will be mar ried in Hickory this morning at the home of the bride's brother, P. P. Jones. Last Wednesday Miss Cleta Lofliu and Chas. H. Chandler were married at the Baptist church in Spencer. Rev. J. M. Dunaway officiating. Mr. Chand ler is one of the engineers ;of. the Southern Railway. Mrs. D. A. Gray, of Little Rock, Ark., who has ben visiting her father, Rev. J. N. Stallmgs, for several weeks, returned to her home yesterday. P. A. Cauble has disposed of his grocery business here and will shortly moye to Black Mountain, which place he will make his fu ture home. F. T. Meacham, superintendent of the State farm near Statesville, will have a fine exhibit of horses and farm products at the fair here. Col. Walter Henry, of Char lotte, addressed an audience at the court house last Friday night. Mr. Henry represented matters from a Republicn standpoint. The talk is said to have been a Very good one. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Talbert, North Main s'treit, died last Friday night. The funeral was held Sunday af ternoon from St. John's Lutheran church.' The registration for the Novem ber election now opsn and will remain open until the evening of October 24, If your name is now on the book and you have not. changed your place of residence, you are not required to register again. The county is filled with speech making now and those who are interested can hear all about it. There is no question about win ter getting around soon. In the mornings and evenings overcoats are much in demand. W D. Wilkerson. until recent ly with the Empire store, has en tered the employ of Max Moses & Co. There was a .beautiful and in teresting Harvest Home service at the Reformed church Sunday night. Miss Early, who sang a solo, and Miss Schaffner of Cres- cent Academy, wno gave some readings, added much to the in terest of a pleasaut and profitable occasion, That proposed Salisbury rally of the Democracy has? been post noned to a later date, due notice A. of which will be given. The Men's Societyof the First Presbyterian church held a social meeting in the lecture room of the church last Thursday evening, Methodist Baraca. The Baraca class of the First Methodist church has elected of ficers as follows: J. KLink president; O. W. Spsncer, vice- president ; Wm. James, secretary ; D. R. Shields, assistant secretary ; A. B. Saleeby. press reporter ; A. L. Smoot, teacher; T. H. Stiff, assistant teacher. Married in Spencer. Miss Fannie Blalock, of East Spencer and T. C. Gaskill, of Winston, mrere married at Spencer last Sunday, Rev. R.,D. Sherrill, pastor of the Methodist church, officiating. After the ceremony, which took place at 8 o'clock p m., the couple drove to Winston. The China Groye Club. China Giove coms to the front with a Democratic club, with the folfowing officers : Dr. G. A. Ram saur, president; P. A. Sloop, first vice-president ; Gaither Blackwel der, second vice-president ; Ever ett Corriher, secretary, and Prof. P. E. Wright, assistant secretary. Preaching in Presbyterian Churches of Chestnut Hill and Spencer. Rev. Charles Friend, of Belle Haven, Va., is expected to arrive in this city Friday and will preach at Spencer Presbyterian church next Sunday at 11 a. m. and at Chestnut Hill Presbyterian church at 7:80 p. m. .All Presbyterians of Spencer and Chestnut Hill are urged to be present and meet Mr. Friend. Withdrawal. Owing to the fact that my friend and neighbor, M. G. M. Fisher, of Faith, is a candidate for the office of County Commis sioner, I have decided to withdraw from the race in his favor. I high ly appreciate the consideration shown me by friends and hope they will see fit to vote for Mr. Fisher iu the coming election. Respectfully, J. Calvin Lingle. Another Change. A number of hew men have been employed at the Spencer shops during the past week or ten days and some of those who were laid off for an indefinite period, have been taken on. On Monday the shop force commenced work iug on tne 10-hour basis, which is certainly quite an innovation and no doubt means that business in railroad circles is looking up some what. It is hoped that this im provement may not be merely a temporary arrangement. A Good Attraction. John L. Sullivan will be one of the attractions at the coming fair. He will give a series of exhibitions in his line which will be of inter est. So far as the active work in the prize ring is concerned, John L. may be a back number, but he is without doubt the most popular prize fighter we have ever had in this country. Sullivan has his faults and no one knows it better than himself, but the majority of people have liked him fdr his big, warm heart, and because he is such an able exponent of an art in which all who are inclined to athletics admire. Don't fail to visit the big fair and meet John. Death ot Will Johnson. Early Sunday Morning Will M. Johnson died at his home on West Lafayette street, death resulting from an attack of typhoid fever. The deceased was a son of Thomas P. Johnson and was well know to the citizens of this community, having spent his life here, His long association with the drug business of James Plummer and his subsequent connection with the Wachovia Bank, brought him into personal contact with many people, all of whom, who learned to know him, esteemed him high ly, He was quiet and unostenta tious, but nevertheless made an impression upon those with whom he was associated. He leaves a widow and two children to mourn his loss. The funeral was held from the First Presbyterian church Monday afternoon, Rev. Byron Clark conducting the usual ser vices. W. F. Sides and John Kenerly were fined $5 each in the mayor's court last Saturday, for disregard ing the speed limit with their automobiles. Will Seek Damages. Readers of The Watchman will remember the case of the negro woman, Delia Moore, who was re cently killed by a street car in the outskirts of Spencer. From the best information obtainable at the time of the fatality, the woman deliberately jumped in front of the car and was killed before the car could be stopped. The mother of the woman has employed a lawyer at Rock Hill, S. C, and will sue the company for damages. The Watchman knows very little about law, but it is under the impression that the law requires our street cars to be provided with fenders in front of the car. Not a sort of make shift underneath which may or may not do the work in time of danger, but a real fender which can be depended upon to pick up a person on the track and render it almost impossible to run over them. If any of the Salisbury's Spencer cars are provided with such fenders they have escaped the eye of this paper. It may be urged by counsel for this woman that had the car been equipped with the sor$ of fender contem plated by the law, the death of Delia Moore would not have re sulted. This may or may not have an effect upon the dscision of thy jury which will try the casa, should it get ir.to court. Paul Seiis Dead. The remains of the late Paul Betts, who died at Sherman, Texas, last week, were shipped to his former home at Mt. Pleasant for interment, reaching there on last Friday. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon from the I utheran church'in Mt. Pleasant. Rev. M. M. Kinard, A, L. Smoot, E. Moose and others went to Mt. Pieasant from this city and were present at the fuueral. The iceased was takeu seriously ill some time since with appendicitis, but apparently recovered his usual health. He was later seized sud denly and died. Mr. Betts was a brother of Prof. Betts and a most estimable young man- Yice-Presidential Nominee Here. John W Kern, of Indiana, the nominee of the Democratic party for vice-president, was in the city a short while yesterday morning and made a brief speech. Mr. Kern's time was limited, as he was passing through Salisbury on his way to Greensboro where he was to "talk in the afternoon. Quite a crowd was at the depot when Mr. Kern's train pulled in and yielding to the enthusiasm which prevailed, aud the repeated demands for a speech the gentle man went to the rear of the train and spoke to those present a few minutes. While he did not have time to say much, those who heard him think he said a great deal. He talks like a man who has no words to waste. He gets right down at once to the heart of what he wants to say and then says it in vigorous and impressive lan guage. Mr. Kern mide a fine im pression here and our people hope to have a talk from him later when he has more time at his dis posal. Lee Merriweathsr to Speak. It has been announced that Hou. Lee Merriweather, of St. Louis, Till make some speeches in this State during the campaign and will most likely speak in Salisbury. Mr. Merriweather is making speeches in different sec tions in the interest of W- J. Bry an, and appeals more directly to the working people than any oth er class of voters. It gives The Watchman pleasure to state, up on what it considers excellent au thority, that Mr. Merriweather is not in the "agitator" class. He knows, however, not only what the cause of labor wants, but he knows just what it needs as well as any man in the country. He is an able, interesting speaker, a man of the highest integrity and one whose motives cannot be ques tioned. He slftuds hiffb in his j own State and Chairman Eller of the State Democratic Executive Committee made no mistake in securing his services in North Car olina. To quickly check a cold, drug gists are dispensing everywhere, a clever Candy Cold Cure Tablet called Preventics. Preventics are also fine for feverish children. Take Preventics at the sneeze stage, to head off all colds. Box of 48 25c. Cornelison & Cook. THE YADKIN VALLEY FAIR. Bigger, Better and Cleaner than Ever. All Good and Worthy of the Best. The Becond annual fair, of Ro wan and adjoining count'es, will be held in this city Tuesday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, October 20, 21, 22 and 23. In a conversation with Mr. Jackson, president of the association, he has assured us that the fair will be on a much larger and better scale than the one of last year, that more and better exhibits will be had, that a higher 'and cleaner class of attractions will be offered, and, that more entries for speed trials have been made than for the fair of last year, which was only a beginning, but from which valuable experience in the way of conducting and managing ot fairs was secured. The list of attrac tions as enumerated in a large ad. on another page, to which your attention is called, consists of some- of the very best to be found anywhere Take the Strobel air ship exhibitions for instance. This will appear at most of the fairs this fall and is being advertised as a great specialty in Richmond, Raleigh, Greensboro, Winston and Charlotte, but is the same and no more than our people can see right at home.- The Sullivan-Kilrain boxing match is something seldom seen outside of the larger cities. The Johnny J. Jones show is a splendid, high class exhibition, expecially fine are his trained an imals leopards, wolves and lions. Owing to the large number of entries in the speed trials and stock department a contract for the erection of an additional 100 stalls was given out Monday. Another convenience arranged for is the building of 500 feet mo.e of railroad tract in the fair grounds and the leaving of the trains from the new passenger de pot, which will run every 15 or 20 minutes. Taking all in all the Rowan fair seems to be on a par with the best. It is our fair and as Buch deserves our'encouragement and patronage. Make up your mind to take the family and see the fair. The money Bpent is not" like giving it to a circus to be carried away, but the most of it will be spent in our midst and will return to the pock ets of our people. The poultry exhibit will be ex tra fine. Exhibits from all over the country have already been booked. Fcust Co:k Nuptials. Cards have been received by friends of the couple which read as follows : "Dr. and Mrs. Isaac Henry Foust will give in marriage their daughter Lillian Stevenson, to Walter Miller Cook," on the eve ning of Wednesday, 14th of Oc tober, 1908, at half after 7 o'clock. First Presbyterian church, Salis bury, North Carolina. The honor of your presence is requested." Mr. C-ok is a member of the drag firm of Cornelison & Cook and deserves to be heartily con gratulated upon his successsful wooing of the accomplished and charming Miss Foust. Fitzgerald-Rutty. Cards have been received here bearing the following announce ment : "Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tazewell Fitzgerald invite you to be pres ent at the marriage of their daughter, Loulie Doggett, to Hil ton BradBhaw Rufty, on Saturday morning, October seventeeth, at eleven o'clock at their home, 14 South 3rd street, Richmond, Va. Mr. Rufty is a son of M. C Rufty, of this city, and has been a resident of Richmond for about ten years. The many Salisbury friends of the young man congrat ulate him upon his aprroaching happiness. More Room Required. The indications are that the coming fair of the Yadkin Valley Fair Association will surpass the most sanguine expectations of thoso who are financially mterept ed in it. - The entries so far have been so much more numerous than had been anticipated, that contracts have been let for one hundred additional stalls for horses and cattle. The space for the agricultural exhibits will also be increased. This work will begin at once and will be rapidly pushed. The list of attractions is already a fine one and it is rap idly growing, Still They Come. - Our Democratic friends through out county certainly have a large sized hustle on themselves and the effect of their good work wil certainly show itself at the polls on election da,y. A Democratic club has been organizeoaSalem, with the following officers : J. E. Briggs, president; N. A, Lippard, 1st vice-president; E. M, Sifferd, 2nd vice-president; John Al bright, 3rd vice-president ; W. T. Briggs, secretary and treasurer. A New Road Being Opened. The public road recently sur veyed from the intersection of the Statesville and Wilkesbc-ro rad, three miles from Salisbury, to Spencer, by way of George Fink's farm and the Piedmont grounds, is being put in order for use. The Fair Association, the Pied mont J and Co., and Geo. are having a substantial bridge bui t across Grant Fink oak creek fair just in the rear of the grounds. This bridge will be 250 feet in length. Advertising For Bids. The government is now adver tising tor bids for work on the driveway to be built from South Main street to the National cem etery. The bids will be opened on October 16th and the contract awarded, should the bids prove satisfactory. It is believed that a sufficient sum is left from the appropriation to insure a drive way. A considerable portion of the money has already been ex pended in buildiug the tunnel under the Southern Railway tracke. A Gall. All Democratic clubs that have been organized in North Carolina during the present campaign aud those that shall yet be organized are called upon to send their names, together with the names and addresses of their officers to John W. Tomlinson, Chairman Committee on Organization, Chi cago, 111. This will, upon the authority of Chairman Tomlinson, insure each club receiving from Demo cratic National Headquarters lit erature, badges, buttoi.s and weekly letters from Mr. Bryan during the month of October. A similar report to State Head quarters will insure support of like character and our best efforts to supply their meetings with speakers when desired. A. H. Eller, chairman State Democratic Executive Com mittee. Raleigh, N. C, Sept, 28, 1908. More The gin of Night Riders." Calhoun Pruilt, a prosperous farmer of Varrnnes township, eight miles south of Anderson, was posted last night by supposed night riders. The notice warned him to close down the giD, aud threatened that the night riders would burn it if the command was not obeyed. Mr. Pruitt came to the city this after noon and brought the notice with him. It was written on part of a political circular with an iudeli ble pencil and the writing is with out doubt the work of some very ignorant person. The incident created some excitement at the scene, but the gin was not closed down. People iu the city do not know what to think ofit. The notice reads as follows: "Notise" Calhuue Pruite If you gin any more cotton you will be burnt out. We mc,an bisiness. From advause. "Night riders." A.ndersn; S. C, dispatch. It Tastes Good and Creates Strength the famous cod liver and iron medicine, without oil. Vinol is much better than cod liver oil and emulsions, because, while it contains all the medicinal value they do, it disagrees with no one. As a body builder and strength creator for old people, delicate children, after sickness, and for stub born coughs and colds Vinol is unequaled. W0 Smith Drug Co.. Salisbury Tests of Fitness. One of the leading railroad companies in the East has decided to establish a rule for physical test before employing men which will be as severe as that required for entering thj army or navy. This decision is based on the new Federal employers'; liability act, passed by the last Congress, the railroad taking the v position that in order to avoid the payment of heavy damages it will be neccs sary to require a higher degree of officiency among employes than heretofore. lhe traveling public will be pleased to learn of the new rule. As a general proposition, railroad men are a ruggedlot.butthe reports of the Interstate Commerce Com mission show that many accidents are traced to the physical ineffi ciency of railway trainmen. It will be better for mankind if em ployes charged with the transpor tation and care of human lives are required to show a clean bill of mental or moral health before hey secure or are allowed to retain their positions. Omaha, Neb., Bee. An Old Law Firm. Ex-Judge Alton B. Parker ad dressed the class entering the law school of Fordham University in the theatre of St, Francis Xavier College yesterday. "Don't, I beg of you, make your highest aim monoy," said Mr. Parker. "If money is the on ly aim of your career, then you'll find there are other endeavors that will bring you larger financial re ward than the law. "One of the oldest law firms known to the' world," continued Mr. Parker, "was that of Marshau & Son. This firm practiced law 2,000 years before the time of Ab raham. There was found in the tomb of these lawyers the bill of sale of a ring for a marriage. The document was O. K. except that it needed only a United States revenue stamp to make it valid. "That the lawyers of that date weTe willing to have such legal secrets buried with them instead of giving tbem to the morning pa pers makes a good showing for the legal profession of that time." New York Times. WHEAT FLAKE CELERY if eaten daily, there will be a daily action of the bowels waste re moved nutriment retained. It is made from the whole wheat berry. u For sale by all Grocers Report of the condition of THE BANK OF SPENCER, at Spencer, N. C, at the close ' of business, September 23, 1908. RESOURCES. Loans and Discounts $28,952.00 Overdrafs secured, $118.80. " unsecured, 67 38. 186.18 Furniture and Fixtures 1,100.00 Due from Banks and Bankers 10.191 80 Gold coin 500.00 Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency 90.40 National bank notes and other U. S. notes 5,308 00 Total .... $46,328 38 LIABILITIES. Capital stock 5,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 3,541.74 Deposits subject to check. ... 37,286.88 Due to Banks and Bankers.. 499 76 Total $46,328.38 State of N. C, county of Rowan, S.S: I, J. K, Dorsett, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief Jas K. Domett, cashier. i Correct Attest: M. L. Smoot, ) U. L. Moxk, VDiiectors. W. O. Gatkwood, Subscribed find sworn to before me, this the 29th day of September, 1908. t Y . A. Goodman, notary public. THE MOST PAYING SAVING. The relief you get in properly fitted glasses more than pays for them the first few weeks. A small saving of nerve force is of more value than the sav ing of a large sum of money. The Eyes control a large per cenfbf ths nerve force of the human body. We match broken glasses and mend your broken spectacles frames. Office hours: 9 o'clock a. m. to 3 o'clock p. m Up stairs over W. H. Huff's. store on Main street. Dr. U. E. MILLER, Stomach troubles would more quickly disappear if the idea of treating the cause, rather than the effeot, would come into prac tice. A tiny, inside, hidden nerve, says Dr. Shoop, governs and gives strength to the stomacn. A branch also goes to the Heart, and one goes to the Kidneys. When these "inside nerves" fail. then the organs must falter. Dr. SIiood's Restorative is directed specifically to these failing nerves Within 48 hours after starting the treatment patients say they real ize a gain. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. JOINT DDBATE COURTED. Appointments ineluding All the Township Have Been Made for Democratic Speaking. The Democratic candidates for the various county offices have arranged their itinerary and the times and places of speakings are as follows : PROVIDENCE . Trading Ford, Thursday night. Oct. 8. MT. ULLA. Mt. Ulla, at Saw Mill, Wednes day afternoon, October 14, at 2 o'clock. Hart's Store, Wed lesday night, October 14, at 8 o'clock. bernhardt's mill. Graiiite Quarry, Thursday night, October 15, at 8 o'clock. CLEVELAND. Barber's, Thursday night, Octo ber 8, at 8 o'clock. Cleveland, Monday night, Octo ber 12, at 8 o'clock. CHINA GROVE, China Grove, Tuesday night, October 13, at 8 o'clock. LOCKE. Cowan's school house, Wednes day night, October 7, at 8 o'clock. J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State, will speak at this appoint ment. The Republican nominees are invited to meet the county Demo cratic candidates at ail their ap pointments. Democratic clubs will be organ ized at all these places after the speaking. They Take the Kinks Out. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with in creasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fuss or fric tion," says N. H. Brown, of Pitts field, Vt. Guaranteed satisfacto ry at all Druggists. 25c. BUSINESS LOCALS. Advertisements under this head will toe charged for at the rate of one cent per word each insertion. COW for Sale. A young cow, will drop calf this winter. Call at Watchman Office. Job Printing of all kinds neatly and promptlv executed at the Vatchman Office. Knives. We are still giving a good knife to those who pay a year's subscription in advance to the Carolina Watchman. Wanted, For Cash: ah kinds of old books, papers, relics, furniture, etc. We sell school books at half price, or exchange for others. Send list wanted or for sale. Southern Book Exchange, Ra leigh, N. C. 8-26 lOt r Rheumatism Cured without medicine. By following instructions a cure is guaranteed or money will be re funded. Best of references fur nished. Call at this office, or ad dress Wm. H, Stewart, Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY MARKETS. .Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller. Apples, per bushel, 35 to 50. Bacon, sides perfi), 11 to 11. " shoulders, per lb, lOtoll. " ham", per lb, 15 to 18. round, per lb, 10 to 12. Butter, choice yellow, 20 to 22 Chickens, per lb, yz to 9. Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to 30. Eggs, per doz, 17 to 20. Corn, per bnshel, $1.00. Flour. straight, per sack, $2.30 to $2.40 " pat, $3.00 to 3 20. Hay, per. hundred lbs, 60 to 80 Honey, per lb, 15 to 20. Lard, N. C, per lb, 10 to 12. Meal, bolted, per bu. c1.00, ' Oats, per bu, 65 to 7 Potatoes. Irish, pe- bu 50 to 60 Wheat per bush. 90 to $1 00 4

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