TO FLOWEBS COUtffl ' . v . A Home Newspaper Published'iyerest of ;tK -People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs. ' " ' Y - , ' ' ' ' " J V no 46 SALISBURY, N.Oo WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 4TH, 1908. Wm. H. STEWART, EDITOR. 3 I - . i. : : . . ,., h m tw . .- . , . i i . C0NC0R0 AND CABARRUS COUNTY. Another A FINE SPEECH. Fires Cause Damage to Farmers. 11 Mati ng Put to Death. Concord Times Oct. 26th. G. N. Tucker, who has been in Cabarrus and Rowan for about six weeks visiting relatives and friends, left today for his home at Ashfork, Arizona, where he has a railroad position. Nelson F. White and Miss Ra chel Query . were married last Thursday evening at the home of the bride's father, R. W. Query on West Depot street. The cere mony was performed by Rev. C. W. Ervin. ' , The barn belonging to Milas Sa- frit, of No. 6 township, was burn ec to the ground last Friday night about dark, the fire being caused hv liffhtnine. All the feedstuff j 0 j contained in the barn was de stroyed, but the stock was gotten out in safety. There was no in surance, and Mr. Safrit has the sympathy of his neighbors and friends in his loss. A dog belonging to James Walt hall was shot and killed in front of Worth Piopst's Sunday after noon. The dog had several fits in the road aud Mr. Propst tele phoned the fact to police head quarters. He was advised to shoot the dog, which was doue. Mr. Propst had every reason to believe that the dog was mad. W. N. Suther, of No. 5 town ship, showed us yesterday cue of a second crop of pears, which was about the size of a guinea egg. The first crop ended the last of Au gust, and there were several of the second crop. The members of the Junior Or- Was the One Made In Salisbury Last Week by f 'Governor" Kitchin. .The rain fell in torrents here last Thursday morning and as a result Governor Kitchin spoke in the court house, instead of on the court house lawn as was first m inttnded. To speak accurately, m- Trit.-tifti wrh not governor at mi uw- w -- - the time he spoke, but he is now with the exception of being sworn into office. In spite cf the weath er the court room was filled to its I utmost capacity and those who were present and Democrats were there from all parts of the coun try heard a magnificent speech. The speaker was introduced by T. 0, Linn, Esq., in a brief, but apt and appropriate speech. Mr. Kitchin held the close attention of his audience throughout and they would have gladly listened to him muchlonger. He is not only an eloquent speaker, but he is sound, logical and forceful as well and his address made more than pass ing impression. He made no grand stand plays, no question able bids for popular favor, but reasoned with his audience coolly and sanely as though he believed whish he did that htf was talking to intelligent men who werecapable of grasping his arguments in detail and form ing conclusions from them. Mr. Kitchin made no appeal to pas sion or prejudice, but spoke of the issues panding before the peo pie as business matters STATESYILLE AND IREDELL COUNTY. Threatened Suit Between Physicians. To bacco Business Booming. 1 8tateBTlUe Landmark. Oct. 27th. Probably the finest chrysanthe mums grown in StateBville this year can be seen on the front pi azza of the residence of Mrs. V. B. Moore, on .Bell street, next to the graded school. The flowers are much admired by those who haxe seen them. The tobacco growers are learn ing that Statesville is a good mar- Jainp Qtt Moving Trail and -Ee Groom Prospects for a SaMum. Citizen Loses ELuPEfiQ! TO SRilf , ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. 6oes to a Hospitals William L. R.iehiaonda young man from CaS well county, lies in a ward at St. Leo's? Hospital suf fering from serious injuries re ceived in jumping ffom a South ern Railway train as it was enter ing this city las night, ine his Nome by Fire. Stanly Enterprise, Oct. 89th. Wonder why the Hon. Zeb B. Sanders refused to sit and listen to Mr. Oowle's speech in Albe marle? Lockie Cogin went to Salisbury about ten days ago and had an MORE EVIDENCE. And LEXIN6T0N AND DAYIDSON COUNTY. More Members of Tennessee Night- Damage Done at Gin House. Calls Judsre Riding Party Taken in. - TaffMr. Tariff." Within one week from the time texinyton Dispatch, Oct. 28th. tnejioiaiers or lennessee unaer The Lexington registration personal direction of Gov. M. R. books show that 182 new voter8 Patterson spread their tents in the-heart of the night-rider re- L.A4-in Alono anA t Vl QXT OTA briH? ing their product here! There were the train was entering, the city, young man and hi Bwcetheart, 1 operation performed. Mr. Cogginj Miss Mary Phuhps.i eloped from has been sick for about two years and his many friends will be glad to hear he is improving. Upon the whole, little has been f.hP Union Ridge section of Gas , well vesterdav and came to Greensboro to be married. As gion, evidence of the most dam aging nature against the murder ers of Capt. Quentiu Rankin has been unearthed. . Frank Fernner last night con- fARaad find lmnlicated ten or twelve men now in custody. He Byerly Brothers, registered. It is conceded that a good majority of these are demo crats. Sunday night at Arnold some unknown persons went to the gin belonging to C. A, Koontz and and cut a big at the Planters' warehouse last porar muuuuw. urou.i n;-M.hni m wftff0ns and this as the next stop, whereupon Mr. morning about 50,000 pounds of Richmond and Miss Phillips left leaf will be sold. A threatened suit in which Dr. L. V. Cl.oaninger, of Shiloh town ship, is plaintiff, and Dr. E. M. Yount, of Statesville, is defend ant, is pending and notice of sum mons has been issued. : The con- troversy has been periaiDg ior some months aDd a compromise is being considered, so that the case may not come to trial. Dr. Yount formerly practiced medicine in Shiloh township and wheu he moved to StateBville he sold hiB nr&nt'ee to Dr. Cloaninger, who t w was then located at Elmwood. While the complaint, has not been filed the trouble grows out of pro fAssional visits made bvDr. Youut to people in the territory which Dr. Cloaninger alleges was inclu ded in the sale of Dr. Yount's which practice to him. their seats and took teir position on the car steps. As the train besan to slacken itspeed. they leaped into the darkness violently to the grouhd. Miss Phillips escaped with a fQr oiitrht. bruises, but her nance -.vs-v - - o with a horse that crave names and went into details, belt, worth $35, all to pieces, and said by either party m the county Ferriner is carefully guarded in carried away 10 feet of it. Some ujonthe prohibition question dur- &n Ferriner,s con. pag(jing the p&cQ &bout Q lug tu prBuu f ; came affce- a lone aTAminiitinn in Holonel Tatom's L II x : i i- U . n 1 trnm ntn strong proaiuiHuu, uu a Governor Patterson in per- mav account for it. But there , m;i.ff t"l- had a white face and four white H 1 HI 1 1 1 II IIHMIiIlil Inll lilin V lUUCDDi 'a fQn are a few good Democrats who are Governor expressed, himself to- feet. He drove backward and for- auu. i .... a i - : . I I -t -i i , . nursing umr xuxxj . , .: . nifiaBfid with what waras ana arouna, acting cunous- I a"" o j r I , . , ii i- has been brought out. 'y BO inai K rati(int, tn- th uw QHr, Bnma mhtu ea to me outnt. .DiooanounuB still wounds. It will . . I j e ir. nr r t . -i hi ;j n j t I were wanted but could not be se- . w w iLiwiciTfonT ii r-u w r a iiii 111 hiiii rt-rri r rr r r rt a d u 1 ii uiiii " - or. fnrtnnatf. nil ri P IT, 1 niouua ui 1? . . w 1 etiuuK oyiucuw, uo, -1 . was uu" ou vi uw. . - --n 1 . , w . nnroH "ho nntrftcrAnns rlAflri IS vw t-d lx w i 111 1 111 1 imi 11 1 iii 1 inai a m f.(ii 1 iriuii 1. w m w iii ii i.-iiii 1 di u il j i u 1U. 4L. II I -V -VW--u w w w - 1 cat t-M-L WUUUVU V w r arm was broken near the Bhoulder Qnd Ha was iniured about t head. He was removed to St, Leo's Hospital, where he was at tended by Dr,..E. R, Michaux and Dr. A. R. Wilson, the Southern that both are much improved, and members of this marauding band shrouded m mystery. This sort hopes are again entertained for and convict them." of valdalism was perpetrated m their complete restoration to Besides Ferriner, four other men same section last spring, wlien health. are guarded in separate tents to- "me venioies, narness ana a wire .I , A mi. m ti fence were cut ud. Mere is need The residence of J. W. Wood nign xuey uu.u, .hncr 5t flfifiTTia. '. ' . ti.:-i-- , , TTornWV ftllpo-Ad '"to beone of the tor a snerm. Railway's surgeons, at uib pio. burned to tne crounaon mursaay -i o . , . ,,.,1, aiar 1,0 the entire lnght'vita tne parens, only recently purchasea tne piace ""' " who suffered greatly. His condi- from Wm. Stirewalt, and was ar- Springs, also alleged to be a cap- " . tioD today is improved and the ranging to carry the indebtedness taine band; Will Watson, There's lots of fan in a cam- physicians say he will be able to through the building and loan. capiu-eBtoiu, w .- vou u bui .B leave the hospital m a few weeks. There was $400 insurance on the madmen m u .uuu.j - ftlJU ail lus, BUil) hnildinir and 100 on the furni- whipping old man winn, anu xu por instance, one man, a rPuun- O 1 1-. T 5 Tl,ri I tn-A. Nnthin? was saved. rmion ana a man uiuu xv,. can.ays A score 01 aOAitionai piisouera 18 going to do eieciea. ThA vouuff man was delirious J CT - 1 through the night and laoorea under tho hhllucinationthat he should be calmly and deliberately J P. Baker was driving on Mul- uaa been assaulted by the father p.onsidered. He is certainly a berry street, between Walnut aod 0f hii bride-to-be. He, insisted stroug speaker. The gentleman Front streets, Friday morning tnat Mr Phillips had btruck him sooke at Spencer at night to a when his horse dropped dead. J he oa fene head with a stick and beggea good audience. A number of animal was valued about $50. ta0 physicians and nurses to keep - 1 ' 1 . -. . 1 . derU. A. M., ofiConcord, held a Salisburv people went out to hear It had given no previous indica- the supposed irate fatner away memorial service for their deceased ana all were charmed. Our tion of illness and Lr. JasB, tne from him. members last Sunday. They as- new governor has a most engaging veterinary, said that death was Miss Phillips refused to be sep- - sembled at their hall at 2 o clock personality, and when one comes due to apoplexy. Messrs. W. C. Irwin, F. G. "I hear that Mr. Tariff He was were brought iuYday! Most of innocent enough, and thought he Goodman, and Geo. B. Sincox and thQm &re wantef8 witnesses, but wa8 pronouncing Taft's name. It and marched to the cemetery, ;ntn riAraonal contact witn nim where they decorated the graves ne ceaBeB to wonder at his person- of the members who had passed ol nnnnlaritv throughout the to the beyond. The ceremony was state. a very impressive one. Here's to the next governor of The store of Joyner & Long, at North Carolina. Rocky Ridge, was destroyed by fire about 11 o'clock last Saturday night, with ail the contents. Mr. Long was sleeping in the store, and when he awoke the root was falling in. He barely escaped with his life. The buildi g and stock of goods were totally con SUES NIGHT RIDERS. Kentucky Victim Retaliates and Will try to get Large Damages. In an endeavor to establish his nnntAntion that all persons con- arated from her fiance and acoom- J. L. Thompson, whose lllnesB pamea to me uupiuw, uo u. aa r0fin0d in fcb last iasne of was giv n a room ior tne nigm. The landmark, died Friday at The She cotjfided to Dr. Mbhauxthat home of his son. P L. Thompson, it was her first trip on a train, but at Woodleaf, Rowan county, aged Uhe was of the opinion that her 78. His -vife died a vear or so ago sweetheart naa once oeiuie ucm la milwav naBsenger for a short nnU. ilt) ID BUI V1VCU UJ iiiiuwjmuicii . i - p T. Thomnsnn and Mrs. R. M. distance. Greensboro correspon c Mills, of Statesville. Mrs. Mills deuce Charlotte Observer. went to Woodleaf laBt week to at tend her father's bedside and Mr. & GOOD BURLESQUE. Mills and the other members of the family went Saturday to at- st. Louis Has Some Fun Over Republican tend the funeral. The remains CamnaigP KeWS. were buried at unity rresuywxwu Tho fnl,- ftnff from the Post- daughter, of Salem.. 111., have - been looking over the field here with a view to investing something like a hundred thousand dollars to establish a sanitorium for the treatment of tuberculosis, general diseases and surgery cases. They have met with much en couragement while here, and seem to be favorably impressed. The investment would mean much to Albemarle and the entire thrAA -who Vftre m wehended are regarded as impoQjjU prisoners. They are Fred Pinion, J. A. John son and R. L. Knight. On the ar rival at camp tonight of Maj. R. TC. Martin and his detachment, .1 1. was correct, tnougn, means tariff. - for Taffe A private letter from Monroe to a LoxingtoD man says that Hod. Zeb Vance Walser, in his recent Bpeech there, declared the panic bringing eight or ten prisoners, hadnt hH Lexington and that the Governor Patterson conducted a fnnrt nf innnirv in his tent, ex J 4 amining singly those brought in The total number of arrests, in eluding today s round up is 00, county, and it is to be hoped that ftnd of this number it is alleged these men will meet with that en oouragement which will induce them to locate their institution here. democratic young men were turn ing to Taf t. It is hard to believe I that Mr. Walser made such a statement, but a preacher wrote it. A remarkable, though not un usual case of recuperation after nected with the night-riders' as sumed, and a dog which was in Lociation are reBpon8ible for rav the store was burned to death. It made by any member of the church ia not Known now ine nre origma- anizatlon Henrv Bennett to- Todd Caldwell, of the Troutman -Aadincr even if the campaign is ... .. 1 o - 1 o - - ted, but it is thought that it was d filed a guit for $100,000 dam- community, will be tried before 0ver. It is a good jab at the ways caused by a rat igniting a matcn. aeegi n the United States Circuit Son ire Williams, at Troutmau, nf the other side 0 - 1 Court. The plaintiff on February tomorrow on a serious charge "Hebron. Neb.. Oct. Mr. Tragedy of a Kiss. An Atchison romance : not known her long, but as she I ton that half belong to the night- . V. - :-JL-a lone and severe illness is that of men left today for Tiptonville to Frank L. Tysinger of this place, take Ted Burton from the jail to He was seized with typhoid m Union City. Rumors say that an t He had effort may be made to lynch Bur- " bAcans he confessed, but "' not Known uer iuug, u v ohvsician discharged . .... 1 Qkn.;ff tTohioq ftiinkR no snob ef- PnJBlcl,u uioou.6o stood m the mooniignt a wnie ,., 7 .. tt.. was almost a skeleton Hraso nnri n. b1n Rashaet off her tort is liKeiy. ought he 1 , . j knDf..Ana nrAttier oicture. returnea 10 camp uy, him. He and even his friends thought he would die. Tv: tU C C4- T.ntiifl i a vnrt.ll ... ... ... I 1 J : - J.nlimanf. of BoldiATR. iibptu, ;.- figUre bo well that he thought he uauxUg ; 7 " w washed 105 pounds. His 1" L I n n . t r a I .1 A- r . n t n r ri tl 17 11(1 . n A w r t. j:il nnrmal AdthAnhAdidan awful thing: m charge James s u , . Mm - a i rr i ri u riiu I i r- vw (-t- iiaiiiiu. he kissed her. ine innocent gin r T a . Uriahs 160. i ii:nn mno i m m art i clt.a I v ornArea re-I " ' norror ana i utD riaa j summer weignt is iy Mr. and in winter, loU. Today ne and does not look like oV.oV from him in horror andl-Briuu was mimuuv . . , , -.. i - i DUiwua - i . - i nu iih.ii hvwk uscu a ijv - mamwm -vw 4th waa set upon and ternoiy a88auit with criminal intent, ine Bryan's quadrennial tour ot e- mftn realized that he leased, as it was clear tnaB a mis- .hoid thig summer. A Decision of interest to Labor. To facilitate a quick decision beaten with clubs and thorned 0Omplainant is Mrs. Brookshire, braska is the biggest fizzle in the bad Qone ToQ Far indeed as take had been made. Briceisnot i,of-, tha rnfirl plAefion in the switches by a band of night-ri- wife 0f jame8 Brookshire, of the historv of the state. Yesterday I , .. n .rnvft t nollect only a prominent and law-abiding WLVAW www. w w I - I " 1 fjlin IfCkLl UiUK B V w w I - . contempt proceedings against aers. a ue bsuio wmo u Troutman community, wiuwwi nia train crew siruu. uu ii. herself sufficiently to express the citizen oi m wwu, uuu vuow. President Gompers, Vice Presi- mery and tooacco iacwry auu um- and nig wlte spent rnday nignt at dent John Mitchell and Secretarv large and valuable buildings the hom6 of Mr. and Mrs. Brook MrrUnn. of t.hft American Feder- were destroyed by the night- Bhire and the offence is allegsd to fhA riders. Mr. Bennett since then AllAtrAd bovcatt. of the Buck Stove has been receiving letters, threat and Range Company, of St. Lonis, eniug that he Would be killed by counsel for the labor leaders to- night-riders. day gave notice to the counsel for In the suit filed today he is pro- the Buck St-ve Company that ceeding not only against the act- they will adduce no further evi- ual persons who were present at dence m behalf of themselves and will submit the case on the evi dence as already produced. They submit to the court that they are entitled to an immediate decision. The case had been set for a fur ther taking of testimony iu this city rexjb Thursday before an ex aminer, the thirty days first al lowed and twenty days additional allowad for the purpose of taking th testimony expiring on Thurs dav. Mr. Gcmpers and his aa Hociata leaders are anxious that the decision be reached and an nounced. Washington dispatch How Is Your Digestion. Mrs. Marv Dowline. of No. 228 8th Ave.. San Francisco, recom mends a remedy for stomach trou ble. She says: ''Gratitude fo .h wonderful effect of Electric Bitters in a case of acute indiges tion, prompts the testimonial. I am fully convinced that for stom ach and liver troubles Electric Bitters is the best remedy on the market today." This great tonic and, alterative medicine - invigo rates the system, purifies the blood and is especially helpful in all forms of female weakness 50c at all drug stores. the time of the destruction of his property and injury to himself. but against a large number of oth- j i er persons, many oi wnom are counted among the most promi nent and prosperous citizens of the western part of Kentucky, al- eged that they were members of a criminal conspiracy known as the "Night-Riders' Organization," or "Silent Brigade," and that they participated in the meetings which were held, throughout many couu-ties. The contention of the plaintiff is that all persons who are mem bers of the night-riders' organiza tion are bound by the acts of the several night-riders, all being alike responsible for the conduct and actions of the others, done in furtherance of the general object of the conspiracy, which was to force all independent raisers of and handlers of dark tobacco to place their 4k have occurred that night. Mrs. Caldwell and Mrs. Brookshire are sisterB. The trial promises to be rather sensational. Caldwell was arrested Saturday evening and gave bond for his appearance tomorrow. scorn surging in ut uuowxx uo , young man thought of tha beating western Tennessee. u . a ua nflTf. dav from Colonel xatom sai JJ. U1UBO ouuuio " J Koofc tnnwn newsDaDer men said the Poisoned Preacher's Senant. . j in DAftth bv noison oi two servants in the home of Rev. Carter Helm arrest Jones. oaBtor of the Baptist Found 'Possum in Mail Box. Carrier Allen, on Route 2, of Polkton, was much surprised one dav last week when he opeued mail box, looking for letters, and found a big 'possum grinning at him. Mr, Allen is not quife sure whether the owner of the box was using it for a 'possum cage or that this is a new idea among patrons for showing favors to their car riers. Be that as it may, the 'pos sum ras quickly dumped into a mail sack and experienced not a little mental anguish for several 'hours, fearing that he might be starting on a long and r-ugh trip byway of postal route. Mr. Alien jtis grinning next day. Wades- ' o a " bcro Ansonian. . , i a e j : : o go out on tne p-atiorm uisguis- anrffillir in her bosom the i j : a? a. i - w ed as farmers, ana seven qiumbub station agents turned the hose on I 11 H III II Hh HliU Ulu VUv UUAU 7 w ' I - I . . - him. k-r-.u a K,tw. nd of of Brice was the result ot a mis- church here, has startec an inves 1 iiHr 1 m, iiiinx nuu v v i . i i . i "He came into-Hebron from w ---nnnt s of th e fight that understanding of orders, as mucn tigation to determine wnetner the north at 11 o'clock this morn- ;ould" arin the newspapers, his fault as anybody's. Editor poison was meant tor tne miniB iug just ae the population went F ttnnAelv . he had hh hat in his Bricfa returned to his home at Troy ter by persons in Lynchburg, Va., into the cornfields south of town. . . on -Rnfc the I tonight. Camp Uemo, iteei xooz who objected to ms marrsag w Mr. Brvan was indignant, aud ac- , . . . , . anaolr . aha Won1d Lake, Tenn., dispatch, woman of the 1 riri u 1. 1 1 1 u if 1 r-11 ui ri uwzcm e. d mul j - v 1 cused his conductor of treachery. & , . . . - .t I Dr. Jones says iDao " . . ..u ; ft,;. i: ; maa mpnnt tor him. ion though it killed her. "When," 'mere is more . she said, in a low, faltering voice, sction of the country tnan .u M ru i - full of deep-seated hatred, "are other diseases put togther, and vants m the household o Dr. von coming again?" Atchison until the last tew years was sup- j ones wi . ' " you coming agaim 1 ui tt I ra hott. a of whiskey and noaea to uo luuuiauic, uuom - - -- . 1 . . 1 i 1 i manv vears doctors pro- a bottle oi DiacKuerry uiauujr. The conductor at once wired his resignation to the road and took fthe stump for the republican ticket." "Middletown, O., Oct. Mr. Taft was given here the most tre mendous ovation in the history of Ohio politics. The euthusiasm was remarkable, and Mr. Thomp son, the postmaster, split his windpipe blowing a horn. "Mr. Taft left his train here, and will continue the tour of the state afoot. The crowds at all stations have become so large that they get under the wheels in Methodist church. he does not be- Globe. orroat b - ... " . 1 . , , 1 1 u U nouunced it a local disease ana The nranay naa uib j prescribed local remedies, and by Dr. Jones' family trom Virginia. cure with Dr. Jones was pastor of Watched Fifteen Years. "For fifteen years I have watch- tobacco in the pool ; ed the working of Bucklen's Arni- oontrolled by the dark tobacco as- ica Salve ; and it has never failed to -oP.iation.-Louisville. Kv.. dis-! cure any sore, boil, ulcer or burn ww . , v , 1 1 - i. n-rnltnr BO WU1UU iu wao apjjiicu.. piOS. i niB Was tne wwesi iiieau 4-i-.nViad hxr nnmntinfl between J f - tr 1 , 1 r :i : - . T . 1 r I nnii.tftnT,lV muiun VJ 1860andlW, in tne penoarrom - .C TW.iat, church . lor.A treatment, uiuuuuuvicu i"- jjiuviij r lbbU tp 18SO tne average pump- e ' , on ,,;avill. Kv.. for years. About km weighed 82 pound, and pro- ----- dia. a vear aeo he went to Lynchburg, -i" 1. : j H in vhj kju urn w-j w v v 1 j -v v m tne penuu ;-oa ,n. ko to takft one of the largest . .. -v - 1UUMHM. III! UliriDlUlU vwm I TMaa - fromisyeto lU8 tne mean in- .,nj.v.u a TTa marriAd 1 ..a. vi-n Tn an . . r h.ii h 1 11 11 1 r.iinn uuu&va - - creased to 87 pounds 5 ounces, 1 , .. .is -u: uatarrn vure. and tne capacity 01 P"1 I T . , , n.- Lu:Q WQTr;flfl outside of his do, uuu """j I is t I J? . iJ . VjUcutjy ixi uvii xviouui uuiiu, uuio n- : of everv effort to restrain was i0 PWB" nnnof.nfinnfil nnre nn nnminfttlOD Caused bitter r . Tli o sacr Atari no also said that 1B " them. Mr. Tait lett here at 8 v the 1 irTri niinnn tim 111 ih 1 im wnj.ra 111 l.; ia 1 numoer 1 5 . . . , ua fpnm 10 rirnn. to a tea. - x i. 1 K W amaav.ia nnmn. UT UVD w Mr sweeter iuau u0uiUw.iU - Tl .... j-.i u .1 . iT- .... ui. rt ofllroH SPOOnlUl. 15 aciB UUtUWjr uu .uo ii. C1ULS$ jr lubu xod. a second niece of pie under a dem- blood and mucous surf aces of the tics, those little Candy Cold Cure d " system. They oiler on6 nunarea Tablets, are wonaerB in my r r ODQ if foila f.o PnrfiniirD onralir n wnnji Tn 1 ri1 I m. r M hiiii 1 nnQA ir a I'l i in. in him it I 11 H ill a riven 1 . . 1 . . j t . .v testimonials. very iew nours. auu rreyenwca Address: F. J. CHENEY & are so safe and harmless. No Quinine, nothing harsh nor sick- patch. It has saved us many a doctor bill," says A. F. Hardy,of East Wilton, Thb Watchman 1.00 per year. Maine! 25c at drug stores. o'cl'jck, acompanied by a of unemployed admirers, who . J x- wer:i tramping anyway uuu uiiej.- ed to eerve as a bedy-guard." "Wichita, Kan., Oct. Secre tary of Agriculture Wilson con tinued hsre last night bis rela tions concerning the effect of pol itics upon crops, 'The average weight of pump kins under Mr. Cleveland,' he said, "was 21 pounds 4 ounces, and their mean capacity was 8 Rheumatism promptly from the blood with Dr. Shoop's TUim4in 'Pomodtr Hnn't Wastfi ftUOUUHiwx.o.o... ml J.. An time with common test will surely tell. In tablet or liquid form. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. -x--m Atoa tx i i icuiouiDD. 1 i . r i . bold oy Jjruggists, ioc. enmg. riuo iur ibybubu restless Take Hall's Family Pills for j children. Box of 48 at 25o. Sold constipation. by Cornelison & Cook. " .-1