HE CAROLINA YATCHM AH. S . fORT LOCAL ITEMS Rowan has 120 schools, in oper ation this year. Arthur Richardeob, a printer, who lived in Salisbury for sone time, died a few days ago- at Mil tm, N C. Mr. Richardson was a most estimable young man and his Salisbury friends learn of his death with sincere regret. It is rumored that Messrs. J. O. Huston and M. F. Albright will leave Rowan and settle in some other part of the State. If this rumor is true, Rowan will , lose two good citizens. There will probably be some very cold weather in this section of the State before the Democrats of the Anti-Saloon League allow themselves to make another such agreement as they made before the last election. We had a little weather the past week which must have made some of our coal dealers happy. It has been announced that Rev. H. A. McCullough, who is the State secretary of teacher training department of the Salis bury township Sunday school con vention, will visit this city on the 19th. Mr?McCullougk will dis cuss the question of properly trained teachers for Sunday school work. One day last week Miss Buna Jackson and D. L. Bradshaw were united in marriage. Rev. J, A. J. Farriiigton officiated. According to the record of Reg ister of Deeds -Miller, 27 coupleB were married daring the month of October. Twenty of these were white and seven were negroes. J. L. Rusher was painfully in jured recently at Pelham, and is at home recovering. The directors of the Yadkin Valley Fair Association held a business meeting last week. McCall and Fesperman, who have been operating a saloon on East Inniss street, have filed the nocessary papers and have been adjudged voluntary bankrupts by Judge Boyd. Walter H. Wood son Esq., haB been appointed re ceiver. Supt. Griffin states that there is no; a particle of truth in the ru mor that several cases of scarlet feverhave developed at the school. East Spencer had a fire last week which destroyed four build ings They were small houses owned by citizens in this city. The fire was caused by a defective flue. Work on the pedestal for the monument to" the Confederate dead is being pushed as rapidly as possible. . A pet monkey, the property of Walter Poole, came near causing lots of trouble Saturday afternoon at the business place of Mr. Poole, on Council street. It seems that the beast got hold of some match es and some of them "going off" get fire to a lot of old paperB, The fire war extinguished before any damage was done. Will Parker, a negro, is in jail and will abide there until a young white man named Miller; is able to appear against him in court, mi jl ' i i t ine iwn Decame involved in a quarrel " when the negro drew a knife and cut Miller several times. The injured man is not thought to be in a seriousjiondition. The stock of the Salisbury Drug Co., has been sold by the -receiver, to E r C. Heins, of this city and J. W. McPnerson, of Lillington, N. C. The - new firm has already commenced business. ur. jsrignt uyra, an eye specialist of Winston-Salem, has located in Salisbnry for the prac tioe of hits profession. Messrs. A. L. Smoot and A. B. Saleeby were selected Sunday at a meeting. of the Baraca class of the First Methodist church, to repre sent the class at the Western Car- -olina ' conference of Baracas 1 t Ml - . . wnicn wm meet in Asnevme. on he JBfch. inst. Mr. A. B. Saleeby's usual fall y sale : of candies, will take place Saturday of this week. Candy will be sold at 5 cents per pound Mr. Saleeby is one of the barges manufacturers of candy in this State. Those wishing to pDr chase their Christmas candies vrVl do well to buy now at this great redaction sale. It has been only a short while uince a negro woman here lost hkt life by the explosion of a lamp. On Sunday John Link, a negro farmer living near town, lost his house and most of household goods by the explosion of a lamp. Mrs. N. E. Donaldson died Monday in Spencer at the home of her daughter, "Mrs. R. L. Chambers. The remains were taken to Charlotte for interment. The funeral of Salhe Kerns, the little daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gus Kerns, took place Sunday afternoon, Rev. M. M. Kinard officiatiag. To-morrow night Bishop Ches hire, Sf Raleigh, will conduct ser vices at St. Luke's Episcopal church on Chestnut Hill and ad minister the sacrament of con firmation. vThe Bishop will be at St. Luke's church at the morning service next Sunday. H H, Clarke, of the firm of H. Clarke & Sons, has gone to Rich mond, Va., where he will engage in business. A defective flue caused some alarm and a small fire at the home of Mrs. R. B. Lee, in Spencer, on Monday. The neighbors came to rescue and got the fire under con trol before any serious damage bad been done. We note an item in some of the papers referring to f Col. Paul B. Means, of Concord, State Senator elect." This is a trifle mislead ing, for according tbe Concord Times, a Republican brother named Bradford beat Col. Means by 234r votes. Carl Hammer expects to leave this city shortly to accept a posi tion as night editor of tbe Cincin nati Commercial Tribune. Mr. Hammer is an old newspaper man and can't dismiss his longing to get back in the harness. All Sal isbury will regret to give up Mr. Hammer and his estimable wife. Conductor Wm. Sprinkle died in unariotte last Monday, He had been 'in the service of the Southern Railway Company for nearly 45 years. The deceased was well known to Salisbury and Spencer railroad men. Tbe South Yakin Baptist Asso ciation will hold a three-days' session at Jerusalem, in Davie county, beginning on Nov. 29th. An elaborate programme has been prepared for the occasion. Fisher street from Main to Lee is among the lastest tobe treated o the bitnlithfc process. hey Like Senator Overman. Chairman Adams, of the Re- pubhan State Committee, is 're ported as saying in an interview concerning the result of the elec tion in this State: "Of course all people who have kept up with the trend of affairs realize the fact that Senator Over man has made a most excellent Senator and but for his record and the fact that he is a candidate or re-electiou, there is no telling what the Republican majority in North Carolina would have been." Pastor Remenbered. On Thursday, November 5, 1908, about 10:30 a. m.f about 50 of the members of the Center Grove E. L. congregation of the Lutheran chapel pastorate, drove up to the parsonage at China Grove, agree ably surprising their pastor and his family. After an hour and a half of the most pleasant social enjoyment, a most sumptuous ta ble was spread to which all who were present were invited. H&y- mg gathered around the table, incere thanks of gratitude were returned to a kind Heavenlv Fa ther for His kindness and manv mercies in so bountiful a provis ion tor our temporal wants, and invoking God's richest blessings on those present and all who had helped to make the occasion one of rejoicing. Then an envelope containing a handsome sum of money and a list of the names o the contributors were handed to us. Thire were also many other ar ticlea for the pantry, for all of which1 the pastor and his family are truly and sincerely grateful. oucn toxens ot appreciation mean much more to a pastor than the commercial or face value 0 the gifts. May these pleasant re lations continue to exist for many j yars to come. I C. A, Beown, pastor. A NoTember Wedding. On Monday evening therewara pretty wedding -at 4he-home el the bride ill East: Salisbury , Miss Nellie Witherspoon j and G. J Lipe being united in marriage by Rev; Byron Clark, pastor of the First Presbyterian church. The couple left same evening for a short visit to points in .the north. Both are well known here and their many friends join in wish ing them much happiness. County Commissioners Meet. Tbe board of county commis sioners held a brief session Mon day. All the members of the board were present. It was ordered that the road from Woodleaf to South River be worked and J. G. Lyerly was in structed to see that the work was done. Superintendent Hartley report ed 19 white and 18 negro convicts in his camp. Superintendent Carter reported 25 negro and 2 white couvicts at his camp. A report was submitted by Dr. I. H. Foust to the effect that tbe general health of the county was good. Gets a Reprieve. Sam Maesey, who was under sentence of death by hanging, next Friday, has been respited by Governor Glenn who has granted a stay of execution until Decem ber 4th. The governor has the case under consideration and the sentence of Massey may be com muted to life imprisonment. A strong petition was sent to Gover nor Glenn from here urging execu tive clemency. The Early Case Again. Secretary Cortelyou in a state ment today announced that he concurred in the recent decision of Attorney Bonaparte against the deportation of John R.Early, the North Carolina leper who is kept here under guard. Mr. Cortelyou holds that while he has authority to make regulations to prevent the introduction of contagious or in fectious diseases into a State or Territory or the District of Col umbia from any State, he has no authority to make any rule by which Early may be legally de ported from this city or the State of North Carolina required to re ceive him. Washington dispatch. Experience with a Pickpocket. P. W. Eagle, who spent last week visiting in Salisbury Spen cer and Rowan county and taking in the Salisbury fair, was in town Wednesday on his way to his home in bnarpesourg township. Mr. agle says arrangements have been made for a reunion of the Eagles and their connection at. Spencer on Thanksgiving Day, which falls this year on November 20. There are many Eagles in Rowan and Iredell and a great gathering of the family connec tion is expected at Spencer on Thanksgiving. While at the Salis bury fair Mr. Eagle bad an expe rience with a pickpocket. While he was viewing the sights at the fair a stranger joined him and was talkative and friendly. In tbe conversation the stranger made a remark which caused Mr. Eagle to laugh and as he leaned back to give free vent to his laugh ter, his coat being unbuttoned, his companion took the liberty to thrust his hand in the inside pock et of Mr. Eagle's coat. Mr. Eagle, however, had taken the precaution to place his cash in his inside vest pocket, and when the pickpocket found nothing he lost interest in the Iredell man. Mr. Eagle sim ply Walked away but he didn't laugh any more at remarks of strangers who apoeared friendly. Statesville Landmark. Tickling, tight Coughs, can be surely and quicklv loosened with a prescription Druggists are dis pensitg everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And it is so very, very different than common cougn medicines, jno opium, no Chloroform, absolutely nothing harsh or unsafe. The tender leaves of a harmles, lung healing mountainous shrub, gives the en r- ative properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough- Remedy. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressng Cough and to soothe and heal the most sensitive bron chial membrane. Mothers sbttuld, for safety s sake alone, always de maud Dr. Shoop's. It can with perfect freedom be given to even the youngest bsbes. Test it your self I and see. Sold by Cornelison & Cook, Subscribe to The Watchman quick EX-SENATOR SLAIN. Tbe Brilliant Carmlck of Tennessee . Killed in Street Duel. As a sequel to the recent bitter Democratic primary for the guber uatorial nomination in Tennessee; Hon. Edward Ward Carmack, for mer United States Senator from Tennessee, was shot and killed in a street duel here this afternoon by Robin Cooper,a young attorney. Young Cpoper was wounded in the shoulder by a bullet from Car mack's revolver and is to-night under police Burveillairea in a lo cal hospital. His condition is not serious. Carmick was wounded three times, in the neck, the breast and the left shoulder. Col. Duncan B. Cooper, father of the vouna man, was with his son during tbe affray but did hot fire a shot. It is said he stood by with pistol in hand. He is detained to-night at police peadquarters. -The direct cause of the killing is a recent se ries of editorials m the Tenuesse an, of which Mr. Carmack became editor after his defeat for the nom ination for Governor. Tbe ed'to- rials in question had been vigor ous in their comment on Col. Cooper and his alleged connection with what Mr. Carmack termed the "Democratic machine" and its methods. Col. Cooper, who is well known in business, newspaper and apolitical circles in Tennessee and tbe South, had, it is said, no tified Mr. Carmack that the refer ences to him must cease. Anoth er such .' ditorial appeared this morning. Nashville, Tenn., dis patch, November 9bh. BUSINESS LOCALS. Advertisements uuder this head will te charged for at the rale of Oue cent per word each-insertion. Job Printing of all kinds neatly and promptiv executed at the Watchman Office Knives. We are still giving a good knife to those who pay a year's subscription in advance to the Carolina Watchman. Wanted Lady to cook aud do gen eral housework. Middle aged preferred. Address T. D. Brown, Route No. 3, Box 60, Salisbury, N. C. 10-21 tf Sales Agents Wanted. $36 per week or 400 proht. All samples, stationery, aud art catalogue fre6. We want one permanent agent in this locality for the largest pic ture aud frame house in America. Experience unnecessary. We in struct you how to sell our goods and furnish the oapital. If you want a permanent, honorableaud profitable position, write us today for particulars, catalogue and samples FRANK W WILLIAMS COMPANY, 1214 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. 10 21 4t. There is no Reason Why Farmers wives should not have the best of everything going especially Flour. JJnthrock's Best Patent flour will not disappoint hei on "baking days" and will prove a pleasure aa well as a proht. ROTH ROCK'S ROLLER MILLS, Gold Hill.S.C. CABBAGE PLANTS. Prom the first of Nov. to the last of March we are prepared to furnish more plants of that fine cabbage, and at better prices I5e per 100 or $1.35 per 1000, vou pay tne express. .Large or ders make the express less per 1000. State the a mount, kind and place you want them sent, and send the cash or money order for same to R. L. Brown, No. 6 Salis bury, N C. 10-28. Leave your watches with E L, Lyerly, (iranite Quarry, for re pairB, or get a new one. 11 11 HANCOCK BROS. CO' PLUG TOBACCO is one of the biggest plugs of standard grade flue cured tobacco ever sold for 10e. It goes further and lasts longer in the going than.any other brand made. A man . who knows of this brand never goes around with a "chip" on his shoulder, he keeps it in his mouth. It makes friends, and makes them always glad to see you. Demand Chip, and don7 1 stand for substitution. Manufactured by a strictly independent firm. HANCOCK BROS. & CO., Lynchburg, Va. Established 1851 ' ' Leaders 1908 " , A Versatile OW Lady.vf The attention of the class injiis tory seemed to be any where but oh the subject in hand, and the young teacher was getting impatient. "Children' she said, "you must Say better attention to what youare" oing. You cannot possibly do two things at the same time. No one can do two things at once." At this point a small boy raised his hand and waved it frantically in the air. 'Well, Willie, what is it?" she in quired. t "Please, teacher," said Willie, "my grannyJrin do two things ter onc't. I seen her." "N o, Willie. I think you must be mistaken, but suppose you tell us wnat tnese two tilings are. use, ma'am, she kin read an' soak her feet all ter onc't." Ladies' Home Journal. Sonw Thought. A writer uuder the initials !"S. B. U." lays down the following axioms which may not be entire ly new, but they are worth while: I hold these truths to be self- evident: That man was not made to mourn. That laughter wins more bat tles than tears, and that & smile is a very good weapon. That fear is a devil to be avoid ed. That the came ia worth the candle if the game is straight and clean. That idleness is a vice and sin a crime. That the great thing is not to make a living but a life. That it is not so much how we die but how we live that counts. That this great, beautiful world is somehow all good. That love is the chief end of life. That God is, not was. That thoiuture is what we make it--a continuation of the present. HelpHelp! Fm Falling Thus cried the hair. And a kind neighbor came to the res cue with a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor. The hair was saved! This was because Ayer's Hair Vigor is a regular hair medicine. Falling hair is caused by a germ, and this medicine completely destroys these germs. Then the healthy scalp gives rich, healthy hair. The best kind of a testimonial " Sold for over sixty years." A 2ads by J. o. Ayer Co.. Lowell, Mass. Aiag tMnuxsctursrs or 7. SARSAPAKILLA. yers PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weeklv hv T. M. Millar. Apples, per bushel, 35 to 50. Bacon, sides per fi, 11 to 11. shoulders, per n, 10 to 11. " ham, per ft, 15 to 18. " round, uer ft. 10 to 12U. Butter, choice vellow. 20 to 22 Chickens, per lb, 8 to 9. Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to 30. Eccrs. Derdoz. 17 to 20. Corn. Der bushel. $1.00. t lour .straight, per sack, $2.30 to $2.40 - pat, $s.uu to a m. Hay, per. hundred ft s, 60 to 80 Honev. ter lb. 15 to 20. Lard, N. C, per lb, 10 to 12. Meal, polted, per bu 1.00. Oats, per bu, 65 to 7f Potatoes. Irish, pe' bu 50 to 60 Wheat per bush. 90 to $1 0Q E LECTRIC i Hi, iiKST FOB 8UIOUSNES8 IND KIDNEYS, BITTERS Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve In The World. Whert yon When yon bBAri. .ftso'oSf smoke viiui in some PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smokeless Device) to the room you want to heat suitable for any room in the house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing i ti . . 1.11.1- smoke or smell turn the as low as you like brass font holds 4 quarts of oil that gives out glowing heat for 9 hours. Fin ished in japan and anywhere. Every Thei Lamp i the lamp for the student or ' reader. 4 It gives a brilliant steady lioht that makes study a pleasure. Made oi brass, nickel plated and equipped -with the latest improved central draft burner. Every lamp warranted. II you cannot obtain the Perfection Oil Heater or Rayo Lamp from your dealer write to our nearest agency lor descriptive circular, STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Incorporated) nnumn FALL AID ft GOODS. I now have one of " the largest and best selected lines of Fall and Winter Goods in the city. My stock is fresh and up-to-date in every particular and consists of all kinds of Dress Goods; Underwear and Hosiery for Men, Wo men and Children; Laces, Embroideries, Ribbons, Corsets, Linens; Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats, an elegant line at lowest prices; Ladies' Skirts; a big lot of sample Fascinators, Tobagans, etc., which will be sold at about half price. Specials at Special Prices A big lot of Men's Underwear, Wright's Health Underwear, 75c quality at 60c, and 65c quality at 50c. Some odd lots in Shoes at especially low prices. An elegant line of Furs that will be sold at extra low figures. My prices on all other goods are as low as prudent business methods will allow. J would be glad to re ceive a portion of y our patronage. Wheti in the city you are cordially invited to come in and see me and make nry store your headquarters. Respectfully, A. W. WINECOFF, 126 South Main Street. BF ON THE BOTTOM OF BV&RY SHOE' YOU PUT ON Bfell Shoe Dir get Immediate relief from IlLLJ Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment DII; Ffcl1 mediate relief from i'ILDh)r.ShoopsMa$icOintmenU MM... want it want it no smell no trouble. juu tv cull uvai xxt a aiua & j room in the house the fur nace does not reach. It's so easy to pick up and carry a wick as high as you can or nickel an ornament heater warranted. i ! WINTER Drummers' Is our "Long Suit." Better than Stoek Shoes and you gee them at FACTORY COST. A BIG LOT just received, to be fol lowed by another in a few days. Store & Co. Dlt PC mediate relief from TILLJ Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment DHiCC' &t immediate relief ht KlLti Dr,Shoop'sKfn? SAMPLE HOE i