THE CAAOLINA WATCHMAN. Official Vote 6 Rowan County, Election Held November 3rd, 1908. WU. U. 0TBWABV U. Mi PHk President 1904 1908 Congress 1906 , 1908 Sheriff 1906 , 1908 Register of Deeds Treas Gorernr Sir Coroner Legislature. v- Senate PifcUxfca Bray Wrtawtojr aft 119 TOWNSHIPS urer Yeyor House County Commissions. a u s AND o an nj . o a a o a . a a So u ' u a d v a e S J3 o - W a 0 ha 2 a St a i3 a -4- U m4 II fw tiletly 2 8 Q J 1-1 VOTING PRECINTS. 0) 0 p a SPA n a 2 a a ? ISO P3 a 8 8 - 4) a v A J3 D 4) 8 -a a u a, 5P 4 J3 v a. 53 n i o at .3 PS a a a a. fa 290 199 18 265 193 248 193 84 251 25! .341 281 65 280 219 289 67 279 215 284 279 219 m 210 286 204 206 58 67 109 157 47 71 277 matter Jaa. 276 213 64 98 50 64 105 158 42 278 2221 284 128 186 276 278 219 288 101 104j 157 68 103 157 67 103 161 41 72 36 68 88 105 156 38 70 68 67 279 219 285; 22lj 204 57 73 56 134 81 94 279 218 285 219 204 58 76 56 134 81 90 $2 32 61 51 41 67 36 68 98 156 39 75 35 67 88 129 104 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 229 286 19U. 1M. at tte fort ofl at Balte mrr, K O. ur tfci act af Catcnm of Uana to. 1OT. 1330 70 188 65 210 100 11 217 219 155 290! 222 100 102 280 212 160 253 16 51 8 34 217 121 283 221 4(fl 220 39 285 221 159; 157 217 124 41 61 201 223 221 71 52 16 46 218 207 57 75 57 135 207 58 75 71 209 207 38 73 36 79 40 39 193 53 202 54 100 54 70 36 66 87 129 104 74 36 63 87 129 36 68 87 56 44 68 71 701 59! 75 74 36 72 73 50 52 197 56 73 56 136 82 52 41 36 48! 203 36 66 89 129 57 205 59 70 56 136 82 86 59 76 55 135 82 89 99 33 36 66 89 129 104 73: 36 68 88i 129 104 29 83 Salibbury, N. C.,Nov 11, 1908. 54 67 88 57 57 134 57 jl29 100 87 54 130 78 88 71 56 133 82 55 134 82 89 132 104 133 130 10 130 8. 61 8: 104 130 mm.. It don't make much difference now how it all happened, the damage is done. We will anxiously await the tide of prosperity which was to folJow the election of Mr. Taft. The election is over, the smoke of the battle has blown away and we can all settle dowjp. .quietly to business once more. Probably the best way to com bat the simplified spelling dialect is to refuse to take or read papers, magazines, etc., making use of it. Chairman Mack would be a good man to have around a metro politan daily. He could be made very useful in giving out figures concerning the papsr's circula tion. ITT l i " r m , i i we ao nope mr. ran; will De as good as his word and steer us clear of any more panics. He said the people should have prosperity in large gobs if they vould elect him and they have "gone and did it." fteaa me article in tnis paper entitled: "Protestantism in bpam. and reflect how remark able it is that a country complete ly controlled by Catholicism for centuries, is just now awakening to the doctrines of the Bible and things spiritual. Salisbury, North Ward East " ' West " South " " Spencer r. " East Spencer Atwell, Bradshaw " Enochville China Grove, China Grove " " Lane is. Cleveland. . Franklin Gold Hill, Gold Hill... " Bernhardt' Mill... " " Granite Quarry Litaker, Bostian X Roads " Heilig's Mill Locke, Bost's Mill " Grant Creek Morgan Mount Ulla Providence, Hatter Shop.. " Rowan Academy Scotch Irish Steele Unity Totals, 1908 Totals, 1906. 11 12 IS 14 15 16 I 18 19 20i 21 22 2; 24 2n 26, it 28 110 96 47 5J 43 49 78i 3 23 70 48 69 26 43 50 .78 2314 21 31 72 59 32 73 54 12 31 137 33 59 51 51 33 19 f270 87 88 30 62 . 40 46 66 31 28i ' 89 65 61 42 54 42 76 2392 33 76 85 78 54 82 82 17 35 136 69 64 68 66 44 49 2009 53 146 77 103 113 47 62 63 51 69 28 23 44 79 79: 49 56 43 84 2348 71 54 40 47 59 42 26 1297 a a. s d tea 1 p. 8 a ,gQ Sft gfc -CQ g y Q g jtc o w o w a s a 266 85 281 74 226 40 255 86 192 136 220 113 160 58 175 134 272 177 270 171 181 128 283 165 198 59 219 35 191 23 194 59 188 87 208 65 110 53 194 83 53 41 58 36 30 18 59 36 74 68 72 69 47 52 58 84 55 88 56 88 45 76 45 97 135 129 137 126 123 124 113 142 80 102 77 107 64 64 79 109 89 32 88 32 106 18 59 48 92 77 97 73 70 62 91 79 30 85 28 89 38 51 31 83 62 79 64 78 55 64 62 80 46 46 47 44 48 38 46 48 45 82 42 82 45 77 41i 80 65 83 68 81 39 107 54! 95 37 15 36 16 16 23 37j 14 28 34 28 34 22 31 31 29 88 132 93 133 39 109 90 134 65 70 69 67 73 58 50 82 66 57 65 60 61 46 61 64 41 69 43 69 34 57 42 69 58 64 58 63 56 63 46 64 41 45 43 42 39 37 16 67 80 46 82 46 54 46 58 67 2440 L988 2780 1662 2270 2098 2497 1198 1967 1523 89 100 33 64 49 43 70 37 30 87 69 66 42 61 46 82 2590 2374 31 71 82 74 46 79 79 15 33 131 68 59 68 61 39j 46 1835 1283 101 33J 63 48! 41 67 38 29 84 69 66 43 59 46 81 2576 2371 31 69 82 46 81 82 14 34 132 68 59 68 62 40 47 1856 1291 134 82 89 95 33 61 48 41 67 35 29 83 69 66 38 58 44 80 2546! 6: 49 41 69 35 29 89 69 66 43 58; 46 81 2582 2352 31 77 82 73 46 79 J7 34 131 68 51 68 63 39; 47 1770 1271 134 82 88 98 31 61 49 41 72. 37 30 92 -69 66 43 57 46 82i 2544 2396 104 31 73 82 79 45 81 77 15 33 133 68 58: 68; 63 36 47 1859 1271 81 86 93 33 60 48 40 62 3 2 781 69 65 41 60 41 79 81 89 96 33 2538 2297 49 41 67 37 30 83 69 66 43 58 42 80 2526 2183 104 30 75 82 62h 80 45 81 83 15 37 1321 68 60 69 63 43 47 1879 1359 104 31 73 82 82 47 81 80 15 33 132 68 59 68 63 43 47, 2006, 1344 86 77 32 60 48 48 75 36 30 116 69 66 41 59 45 79 2579 2384 71 32 60 45 46 54 35 43 76 69! 65 39 58 36 79 2499 2272 85 32 60 46 41 60 37 31 78 69 63 38 58 47 82 2528 29 78 69 64 40 58 36 80 2454 90 .80 22 60 45 41 56 36 29 77 68 64 37 59 41 79 2498 The Socialists had out a ticket and received the following number of votes; commissioners 31. 88 131 105 31 79 82 75 83 17 32 132 69 59 70 63 54 47 1898 77 82! 82! 7 ! 46 85 82! 14! 23j 95 68 52 66 63 36 47 1808 104 28 73 81 70 42 81 42 15 30 131 68 63 64 63 42 47 1810 82 82 50 80 102 18 32 132 68 62 69 631 47 1910 1405 128 105 31 102 -82 82 41 76 83 15 32 132! 68 59 70 63 44 47 1890 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 for sheriff, H. C. Bueck, 43; for register of deeds, J. J. Qanttz, 32; for treasurer, L. T. Brown, 33; average vote for county It will be remembered that shortly Drior to the election, the', Democratic members of the Anti Saloon League made public an uouncement of their intention to support the Democratic nominees, regardless of whether those nomi nees were W9t or dry. This state ment! waB made in good faith and we have excellent reason for be lieving the promise was faithfully carried out. In view of the deter mination of these citizen to sup port the candidates whe were wet men, it would have been only a matter of common justice and fairness if the Democrats had also supported the ticket. Hardly any one needs to be bold that the fight made on certain of the can didates by men who had hereto fore voted the Democratic ticket, was the one prime cause of the THE ROAD TO WEALTH. It Is the First Thousand Dollars That Counts. "The thing that counts,".-said a man of independently large means, accumulated by hard work, saving and wise investments, "is the first thousand dollars. When you've got that amount together you are be ginning to get somewhere, and with that start you will want to keep on. The red ink interest entries that you see put down in your savings bank book twice a year will strike you very pleasantly kideed. As in terest on your thousand dollars you'll get $35 or $40 in a year. Your money has begun earning money for you. "You've got an income now, and vouH wan to add to it. You will leave that interest in the bank, to be added to your principal, and now your interest will begin to draw interest, and, to be sure, you will keep right on adding to your We hope Chairman Mack will have no finder in the next presi dential campaign but come to think of it, why have any more presidential campaigns? Let ub turn the whole business over to the Republicans as they seem to have a continuous performance of it any way. An esteemed local contempo rary perpetrates the following, and so far as we have learned, justice has not yet been meted out : "Mr, Hitchcock may justly claim exemption from Solomon's observation that all men are not expected to be profound Bi ble students. Trinciriftl. too. find pvptv nix -mnntlia usual majority in the county be- y0un see those red figures growing ing so badlyBlashed. The caudi- bigger and bigger, pretty figures to contemplate, and youll keep right along saving. But the thing that really counts is the first thousand dollars. Get that and vou're all right, and you'll always be glad you saved it. For there really is nothing like financial independence or like hav ing at least some money laid by. Then if you want money you've got it. You don't have to go to friends to borrow and take the risk of be ing refused, the risk of being com pelled to go without what you need. If you ve got money in the bank you can go there and get it. There might come a time when you would date upon whom the fiercest and hardest fight was made, has been elected, as we felt assured he would be, so those who fought him have nothing to reward them but memory of the labor and possibly cash they used against him. How much better, for the sake of the party if nothing more, if the bolting Democrats of th county had buried the hatchet and stood together. The least one can say is that they did not meet their brethren of the Anti- LEFT OH HER DOORSTEP FOR THIS MOTHER Mrs. A. Q. Tuson, of Ldvermore, Cal., writes: "I picked up from my door step one day a little book in which I soon became very much Interested. My little girl of five years of age had been troubled for a long time with loss of appetite, extreme nervousness and undue fatigue. She was all run down and In a very delicate condition. "This little book was very compre hensively written, and told of the new method of extracting the medicinal ele ments of the cod's liver from the oil, eliminating the obnoxious oil which is bo hard for children to take. " 'Just the thing,' said I, for my little daughter,' and I immediately went for a bottle of Vinol. It helped her won derfully., She has gained rapidly In flesh and strength, and she does not take cold half so easily. "I am extremely grateful for the good it has done her, and I hope other mothers who have weak, delicate or ailing children will be benefited by my experience and just give Vinol a trial." j pOOoi I COAT Smith Drug Co., Salisbury Saloon League in a proper spirit, need money for your family or for yourself very much. It s a grand The Human Finger Bowl. 'I'm fond of the table d'hotes," said the table d'hote fiend,"but they are ruining the manners of the peo ple. The other night I saw the pret- nest girl at a table across from me, so pretty I could hardly keep my eyes off her. She was dressed in Who will question the sincerity &ud the genuine patriotism of these words of Mr. Bryan, spoken white, with a big white hat covered in the last sneech ho madA nrinc L11 a wm veu ana na loveiy r a his magnificent campaign? I have tried to help make this government a government of the people, by the people and for the people. For eighteen years vou have had a chance to scan my ev ery apeech and act. While Re publican leaders have disappeared as the result of investigations, I have invited the scrutiny of my opponents and have outlived their criticisms and their misrepresen tations. I know not what the fu ture has for me. 1 know not whether it ia the people's wish that I shall be their spokesman in the White House, Tr continue to perform the work, which I have tried to. perform, as a private citi zen. But I have not lived in vain. Noble words, spoken by a grand and noble man. thing to have it where you can get "There s nothing mean about Deinsr savin? ana aeenmn atin? o o money. On the contrary, it is every man's dutv to make himself finan cially independent. I don't mean at all that a man wants to set out to accumulate great wealth. There is no great fun in that. But what he does want to do is to get togeth er enough to live on modestly." .New York Sun. Notice to Non-Resident. North Carolina, Rowan county, In Superior Court, before the Clerk Harriet C. Sechler vs Stokes Sechler, .Lee Sechler and others. NOTICE TO NON-RE SIDE XT. To Lee Sechler, take notice : ou are hereby notified that sum mons has been issued and petition filed in the above entitled cause against all of the heirs-at-law of R. S. W. Sechler and William Sechler for the purpose of semng one nouse ana lot ana one vacant lot in the town of China Grove for par tition and division and to pay to Har riet C. bechler the value of her life interest therein and pay the residue to tne neirs-at-Iaw, and thtt said sum mons and bearing will be had on De- c -mber the 8th, 1908, and that unless you appear and answer or demur and show cause, if any, why said lands should not be sold as prayed for, the petition win be heard ex parte as to you and the relief demanded therein will be granted. Herein fail not. This October 27th, iwu. J. Frank McCdbbins. Clerk Superior Court Rowan county. mx. iee vvrignc, attorney. 10-28 6t 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O 0 0 0 0 f SUITS, CLOAKS, At prices that cannot be matched. We are showing a very swell line of Tailor-made Coat Suits at popular prices $15 TO $25 made in the very latest styles, made of Broad cloth and fancy woven hard finished Worsted, etc., in all best colors. are really cheaper than vou would ex pect for such pretty suits. Prices $16, $18.50, $20 and $25. We also have very pretty suits at $10 00 and $12.50. ETC., Bui the prices blue eyes, and when she had finished eating her pear she licked every fin ger she had on both hands." New Ynrlr Proaa Forehanded. isn b bo aimcuit to strengthen ino- ori - farrn flT1(i n ha a weak Stomach if one goes at it Uf egressions were whollv unfamil Mill At V 1 PEOPLES III BANK Bargains in Cloaks. SadieB' long Wash Cloaks. Price 2 98 and 3 48 $7.50 value Ladies' long Covert and Ku?ey Coat. Special $5 OO Etra nice Cloaks at 7 50 and 10 00 Children's Dear Skin Coats at 2 00 2 48 and 2 98 Shoes for All the Family. We sell Goodwear All Polid Leather Shoes for Womnn and Children, which are tTie VERY BEST made. Let us get np your winter shoes. Will sell you shoes that will last well and for less mouey than othere will ask for shoddy shoes. -v .1 mi j .i correcuy. inis is true oi tne Heart and Kidneys. The old fashioned wav of dosing the Stom 1 1 . w acn or stimulating tne Heart or Kidneys is surely wrong 1 Dr. Shoop first pointed out this error. jo to tne weax or ailing nerves of these organs," said hb. Each inside organ has its controlling or "inside nerve." When these nerves fail then those organs must falter. This vital truth is lead ing druggists everywhere to dis pense and recommend Dr. Shoop's R.fiot.nrnt.i wo A Irvo nana to of. roil! surely tell! Sold by Cornelisoi & Cook. The Watchman desires to con gratulate the Democratic party of Rowan upon the fact that it elect ed its entire county ticket. The Republicans did not touch a man on it, notwithstanding they were aided in their efforts by a number of citizens who have lined up -vith the Democratic party since they were of voting agfe. The hot fight made on one of our candidates on ly had one effect, that of some what reducing the majority he should have received. But the party stood by its ticket nobly, wnen one considers the efforts made to swerve so many Demo crats from their allegiance. -We How Printing Began. Laurentms of Haarlem invented the art of printing about A. D. 1430 and practiced it with separate wood en types. liutenberg afterward invented cut metal types, but the art was carried ,to perfection b Peter Schoeffer, who invented the mode of casting the types in mat rices. Tederick Corselhe bean U print at Oxford in 1468 with wooden types, but it was William Caxton who introduced into England tin- an oi printing wren iusiie types, m 1474. lar to her. . One day she chanced to hear her country hostess praising tne good qualities of a thrifty neigh bor. ne reany ain t got mucn com pared to some folks," said the farm er's wife, "but he makes out won derful well. He's so forehanded." That evening the man thus laud ed happened to drop in, and Kath- erine immediately sidled up to him, with curious eyes. Slowly she re volved about the chair in which he sat, and so persistently did she gaze at mm that the farmers wife final ly noticed it. KTTT .11 T7" M vv eu, jvatnerine, she said, "vou seem to find a good deal to look at m Mr. B., don't you r "Why," replied the child, her lit tle forehead wrinkling m perplex ity, "I did want to see his two uvver hands, but I can't. Is he sittin' on 'em ?" New York Times. 0 0 o 0 0 8AL1LBURY, N. C. Docs a Geueral Ran kin it Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every tnree months. Prompt attention given to anv i - . . . " ousiness entrusted to us. Your business solicited. feoples' national Bank. D, R. Julian, J. D. Norwood, President. Cashier. P. H. TprnMPsnv J A Pwttttp-d V.-President. Teller. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Dress Goods Bargains. Men's and Boys' Clothing. 58 in. Grey Wool Goods, regular 75 cent value, notice the width, and only 48cd Big selection of Serges, Panama Worsteds, etc., all best and most popular shade, at 48 and 50c $1.75 yard wide Black Taffeta at 89c Men's $2 00 Pants at Men's $8.50 Black Suits at Men's $10.50 Worsted Suits at Extra values in Men's Suits at 12 50 and 1 48 6 50 7 50 10 50 15 00 Millinery. We are headquartdrs for stylish Millinery and at reasonable prices. Big stoce Boys' Knee Pants Suits at 98c 1 25 1 48 You will do the right thing to look at these suits before you buy. Men's 50c Heavy Fleeced Underwear, 0 0 o 0 0 0 shirts and drawers. Special 39c Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay you o Cjo Belk-Harry Company. 0 0 4 PER CENT INTEREST Needed More. tf i "nere is some complexion pow der, auntie said little Tommy Tod dles. "I bought this little box for trust sincerely that by the time mamma and the great big box for AUf another nminf.v oihttirtn ftof JV" little soreness and- bitterness which may have existed during tne campaign just ended, will have passed away and all Demo crats found presenting a solid "ont to the enemy! We con- emulate the successful candi- uaiea. "But why did you think I needed such a large box? ' asked the visit ing aunt in surprise. , -un, Decause i neara papa say you were two faced.' Kansas City Independent. DeWITT'S CARBOLIZED WITCH HAZEL SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sores. He Got the Ad. "You're not on that horrid pa per, are you," cried the girl who speaks her mind, "though I did once meet a reporter from it who was rather nice ? He came to see about gettmg an advertisement What! Not a reporter? Whv. I thought ne was. well, anyway, 1 had lost a dog, and he said he had heard of it and wanted to know if I didn't want to advertise in his paper for it. I told him I didn't belie veil liked his old paper, and he said he didn't think much of it himself, but he thought it was pretty apt to reach tne class of people who stole dogs. And so since he was so polite about it I thought I might; as well adver tise in it. But I didn't get the dog." New York Globe. Rodol For indigestion. palpitation of the heart. Digests what you eat. WACHOVIA LOAN S TRUST GO Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured oy a mortgage deed of trust executed y G. G. Rex to W. W. Reid on the !N h Attn nf AnTl'l IfiQl on1 rlul-tr wa- ThlS "Will make prosperity and corded in book No. 8. page t6, of Row , , . , , " , county Record of Mortgages, pursu- everybOdy Will be benefited, ant to the provisions of said mortgage the undersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1908, at 12 o'clock m., the following proper- That certain tract of land adioinins the lands of Smith Graham, John Rex, nssey Irraham, and others, confain- ig 40 acres more or less, and being t ie land unon which the said G. W: Hex now resides. " Also 1 bay horse called Cobble. 1 bay mare called Dinah, and I monse-col- oi-od mare mule called Lige. .The last payment having been made on sid in- dabtedness the 24th dav of February. 1902. This the 2nd day of November. 1908. H. A. Bernhardt, ( Admrs. of F. M. Thompson. ( WW Reid B. B. Miller, attorney. The State's Strongest Banking Institution. KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. Ling's fJev; Discovery F0RC8I;shst, AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OS MONEY REFUNDED. DR.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY Will Surely Stop That Cough. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the pay ment of the debt secured by a certain mortgage deed of trust executed by Walter E. Montgomery to F. J. Rose man on the 22nd day of October, 1907, and duly registered in book. 31, page 522, of Rowan county Record of Mort gages, pursuant to the provisions of said mortgage the undersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday, tiie 7th day of December, 1908. at 12 o'clock m , the following proper ty: Beginning at a stake in the West edge of the uew Concord road fiftv and one-third feet from the touthwest stone corner of the intersection of Wharton street and said road, and rnna thence south two and three-fourth e-s-rees east with the the west pd cro r.f said aoad fifty and one-third feet tn stake in west edSe of said road, thence south 80 degrees west 136 feet, to a stake, thence north 10 degrees west 50 feet to a Btake, north 80 de degrees east 143 feet to the beginning same being lot No. 69 on the Southern Loan & Trust Company's may of prop erty adjoining the Great South Ward of the city of Salisbury. See Rowan county Record of Deeds, book 106, page 67, and book 113, page 60. This the 2nd day of November. 1908. Hi. J. Kos-eman, trustee B. B. Muxes attorney. Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to the provisions of a cer tain mortgage deed of trrst made the 2 1st day of December, 1906, by G W Frix and wife, Lily Orr Frix, for the protection and benefit of Alexander Lyerly, and duly registered in book 10, page 62, of Rowan county Record of Mortgages, default having been made in payment of the debt which st?id mortgage was given to neon u dersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, North Caroli na, on Monday, the 7th dav of Dpcemhor lona an 12 o'clock m., the following roper- One lot lot in the West ward nf th r o i i . . . "- i iausuur- ginning at a stake at the Eastern intersection of Monroe and Jackson streets, and runs thence Southeast with Monroe street 50 feet to a stake, thence Northeast parallel with Jackson afreet le5 feet to a stake in j, M. Maupin's line, thence paral lel with Monroe street 50 feet to a stake in the edge of Jockson street, thence Southeast with the edge of Jack son street 23g feet to the beginning same being a part of lot No. 6 in divi sion of the Blackmer property as ap pears on the Ramsay plat. See Rowan county Kecord of Deeds, book 109. page 118. This the 2nd day of November, 1908. In -o v, lveblt, trustee. I a. is. Millbb, attorney. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 o I V, n 0 III 1 -

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