I dorEespondenee. 1 : FAITH. November 3. 'The Ladies Aid YADKIN VALLEY RIPPLES. November 9 The political agd-; is about a Cotton is not NORTH DUNN'S MOUNTAIN. Novembar 9. Ver little sick ness around here now. Corn shuckings, wheat sowing aud picking cotton thing of th j past so good this year. The school started at Dunn's Mountain Monday morning with Mr. Philips as teacher. We wish him much success. D, C. Trexler is having an L put to his house. J. D. Brown, has the contract. Mrs. James Dry has been righi sick, bnt is some better now. We hope for her a speedy recovery. Rev, Jeff Laning filled his ap pointment at DuLn's Mountain last Sunday. He had to preach in the schoolhouse on account of ceiling the church, but we hope I A. l itvin Kn Vim -Vl tit 1 1 i be finished. We noticed in Hawk's letter last week thak he spoke of some weddings in the future. We won der if Hawk will be abl to get him a bird for Christmas. The members of Dunn's Moun tain Baptist church have placed a bell in their church. As Hawk has not been in our community lately we think he must be watching the birds in up per Rowan. W. A. Bringle aid family vis ited at Mr. Dry's last Sunday. John D. Brown has the contract to finish Dunn's Mountain Bap tist church. He is gettii g along nicely with the work. They will have a nice church when done. Patron. and Missionary Society, r f Shiloh j ny is all over with aud even de- Reformed church, will have their annual missionary sale on Thanks giving day, November 26th, at one o'clock p. m. Everybody is CHESTNUT HILL. November 9. Ben Littleton, who has had chills for some time, is invited to come is well enough to be at his work J. T,. Wyatt shipped a pair of we ar glad to note. large millstones to Lawndale, N. Mrs. Frances Cornelison hap- 0., today to grind corn. penea with an accident a few days The big crowd of gnnite cutters are having fine weather to work j now. Several young men have set in to learn to cut granite as appren tics and are learning fast. ago. A cow- ran away with her, threw her down and broke her arm, nevertheless she iB getting along very well now, Mrs, M. 0. Eagle, was taken se riously ill Saturday last, but is better at present we are glad to note. Willie Albright, who has been seriously ill for some time, is slowly improving. Alexander Shaver, from Pina WoodB, was on Chestnut Hill a few days ago with potatoes and peanuts. O It is a young union granite cut ter at John R. Ludwiok's. Mrs. Charlie -Shive, who was taken to the sanitorium, is get ting along very well. We saw men at work on the big monument that is to go up near the public square in Salisbury, N C, to the memory of the fallen confederate soldiers. It will be Work is still booming. N. C. one of the finest monuments ever Eagle has repaired his honse. made in this part of the country. J. W.Taylor and wife visited The Balfour Quarry people have N. C. Eagle's Sunday, also Mrs. the contract. Annie Overman. November 9. George Peeler E. A. Goodman and wife visited left this morning for Newton to home folks Saturday and Sunday, euter college. He was accom- down near Liberty X Roads. paied by his lather, L. M. Pflfllnr miss ao a n,aeie visitea miss Susan Overman Sunday. A crowd of youngsters from Some Fine Pears. The young sons of John Karriker, of No. 10 township were . 4-1 - 4. Iff Si i 4- V. n In -A feated candidates are sighing with 1U"7 relief. Ye pencil pusher, like fe peae At the Karriker plan other free American citizens, went j tation there 18 a tra.t set apart for to the polls to vote. There we ' an orchard covering probably an arrived C, to Liberty X Roads made a flying visit to Chestnut Hill Friday last. There was an Epworth League service at South Main Street M. E. church Sunday evening. Miss Mazgie Nail was called John" Kuykendali has in Faith from Latta, S spend a few days. Robert Simmons has moved here from Mt. Airy. Mat Cam and family moved to Faith from Mt. Airy, N. C. There will be preaching at the found quite a number of zealous poll hucksters ready to offer all kinds of free advice. To please them all, we voted for two Repub licans, two or three Socialists and one or two prohibitionists whom we never heard of before, but the poll hucksters said that tbey were mighty nice the bus'ness Democratic as the Democratic fac tion of poll workers, we thought, got little the best of the argument concerning the empty dinner pails and the crime of '73, With due defference to the in telligence of the voters of North Carolina we are in a crying need of en Australian system of ballot ing. I have talked to a number of highly-educated voters who do not seem to know anything about the principle. For their benefit, if they can digest my clodhopper rhetoric, I will try to explain: Etch ticket, from the presidential electors on down to the township constables, are printed on one sheetof paper,in separate columns; he election judges give the voter a ticket, he goes alone in a booth, and if he wants to vote the straight icket all he has to do is to put acre, on which there are 79 pear trees. From these trees this year Mr. Karriker has gathered 250 bushels, of pears, and has brought to this market 50 or more bushels, selliug them at the average prio,e of $1.25 per bushel. Tne pears here Monday were some of the finest ones that have rni i 1 i l . . t men. ine res oi erer oeen orougnt to town, ua- we votea straignt , Darrus orcnaras are quite pront- able where they are properly at tended to, and Mr. Karriker is making good with his experiment in the pear market. The remain der of his crop will be sold from time to time between now and Christmas. Concord Tribune. from Chestnut Hill, Sunday, to aapt-at cnurcn nere tne u ouu Barber Junction to see one of her day in this month, at 11 a. m. uncle's who is lying at the point and at 7:30 p. m., by Rev. Lan- GRAHAM X ROADS. (Printed as written.) Nov. 7. The health of this com munity is good. Farmars ar some what behind with fall work on ac counct of much rain for the past week. Corn huskings ar not over yet, Misa Anna Brggs will com mance he school at the Barbar schoolhouse . about the middle of Nov., The Salem School will open the 16, of Nov Miss Dasy Fisher is prinsible com Boys get reaeb, This neighborhood is struck with what is cold morning feavor W. H. Bost move to town last Thursday, a man, cook in Bost.s house and John Lippert of death. Mrs. Hayworth, is on. the sick list at thiB writing. The election is past. I hope politics will tak9 winter quarters. Now, William Taf t is to be presi dent, W. W. Kitchm governor. With greetings to the editor of the Watchman and it's readers. Bubby. IM MANUEL. November 9th. The school at gramte Bethany will begin Monday, No vember 16th. Pole Treler and family visited L. A. Beaver's Saturday night and Sunday. B. A. Earnhardt is wearing a ning. Robert Thompson, of Franklin, movfld to Faith Saturday. He will ha,nl granite, H. L. Gant went to Cleveland on a visit with Rich S Hoard Sat urday. They returned Sunday. J. T. Bean and two sons have come up from Gold Hill to work at the quarry. John Parish, of Mt. Airy, has mnvftd to Faith to live aud cut The sale of the ladies mission ary society will be held November 26th, at one o'clock. Peeler, Bame & Co. are loading a car with building stone today to go to Danville, Vai Venus. mer is the cook house all the same gmile so big that it illuminates day, White Eliott, will move in hi8 whole blacksmith shop. It's the moB Best's L, W, Lingle, will a big boy. 60LD HILL. November 7 The school a move totohnabouth 15,and John, n txii,-.. fornix Barger school i house will begin Albright, will move in the Lingle ... , - A Mi9flnlfimfir Sun- Monday, November,' the 9th with house so you See we have quite moving ebedamic at this time, Rev, B, S, Brown, will ocupy the A. A Miller visited at B. R. A. Salem Parsonage by Dec the first, Beaver s Sunday. , , well the Election is over and w. A, Beaver and brother went Some of the Boys came near loos- to Salisbury on business last ing all their hair for is was a close Thursday. Shave, well boys what uo you 0d6 0f Homer Beaver's big 'pos think George, the boss aud hlB Lnmg eot; cut and hunted tall tim- 0 ber last Sunday night. Miss Dovie Beaver is on the sick list. We wish for her a speedy recovery. Miss Mary Beaver, of Kanna The Age of Presidents. Roosevelt's celebration of his fiftieth birthday recalls the fact that he is the seventh President to have presided in the White House during his fiftieth year. The other six wure Polk, Fillmore, Pierce, Arthur aud Cleveland in his first term. Polk, Fillmore pio Human Hand Touches IS Many of the so-called breakfast foods are improperly pre pared contain so large a quantity of sweetening substance that they become too heating to have a well-balanced food value, if not dangerous to life and health. Mai WHEAT FLAKE CELERY mm is prepared under the supervision of a physician and chemist with years of experience in the making of pure food products. It is composed of wheat, celery and salt, so cleanly and carefully prepared that no human hand touches it from its first process of manufacture until it reaches the consumer. In daily use it has a tonic as also.a mild laxative effect. 216 GRAHAM WILL HANG. Confeeses His Crime. Was Convicted and Is Now Under Death Sentence. The case of Will Graham, the Cabarrus rapist, has been dis posed as guilty and in order that he will meet, at the hands of the law, the fate he so richly deserves. A dispatch from Concord on the 6th was as follows : and Arthur were fifty m the first "Will Graham has confessed administration. Pierce and that he was a rapist and he is now Cleveland- became fifty in the under sentence of death. Before third year of thsir administra- noon Friday the trial was ended tions, and Grant, who until the and a verdict of guilty returned coming of Roosevelt was the by the jury. He was sentenced to his mark above the column, but! youngest of, the Presidents, be- hang on December 18th next. f he wants to vote for four or five came fifty in the fouth year of his "Graham confessed his crime to different parties, same as I did in ad ministration. - Garfield was two negro preachers. Ihe best of ast Spencer, he can put his mark forty-nina when he was iuaugu- order prevailed during tne trial . j . a . . C V - i -i i "! l I t nAAUAJ I oni mnni on fiaa nf inn a f f f fin 4- to tne lelt oi eacn uaiuw , n ratea, oucuibu. uaioru uo rtjauuwu. uiuuu omioiuuviuu wants information or assistance the age of fifty. disposition was manifested to none bnt the election iudges can It i8 noticeable that Roosevelt wre ik vengeance upon the crimi- . i . . . .. . .1 i furnish it, and they are not al- reaches the age ot ntty in tne last "ai. wed to tell how he votes. If every year of his administration and he voter knew tha there was no pos- leaves office an age earlier than Read the pain formula on a box fnr t.hft election whsn fcha maiorifev of the Presi- of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask VUUkUV vyw " I J J I udges to find out how he voted it dents entered it, The average of your Doctor if there is a better would often change the results of the firBt thirteen Presidents was one. Pam means congestion nreciuctB and save poll hucksters fifty-seven at the time of their in- blood pressure somewhere. Dr. of bragging about how they voted auguration. The average age of Shoop's PmkPain Tables check! us. Their persistant curiosity and the last thirteen was fifty-one. head pains, womanly pains, pain j advice is annoying as well as em- Wall Street Journal. anywhere. 1 ry one, and see 1 for 25c. Sold by niilrairac and Rnwifwicm In niir Frlimafinn al UoOK, uuuugti) biiu nunujiviii in um hii Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness, means Korre Btrength. or Nerve Weakness -nothing more. Pos itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is. In it self, actually diseased. It is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscure nerve the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve simply needs, and must have, more power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength. Without that the Heaft must continue to fail, and the stomach and -kidneys also have these sama controlling nerves. This clearly explains why, as a medicine. Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restorative this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It builds; itCstrengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di- gestion, strengthen these Inerves re-establish a em as needed, with Dr. Shoop's Restorative CORNELISON & COOK. Dr. L. S. FOX, DENTIST, 122 N. Main St. Phone 305. Now is the time to have your teeth looked after, this fall may be too late. All work guaranteed. Best materials. Latest methods. h&rr&aainff. I have otten won dered whether Bill Nye was tick led or disgusted with the univer sal but silly system of truckling for votes around the pol's, when he wrote the country is very healthful, meaning Western North Carolina, on account of the ozone and unrestricted influence of the ballot. Lf g'.slative representa tives, give this matter your con sidsration. Two years hence let's have an Australian system and quit our everlasting scratching. Uncle Tom. 20 Cornelison & Institutions. There coms to our table, m the lOttCB tO WltOfS Oi BOyfleil C. TreileF. Minneapolis Bellman, of Septem- Having qnalified as administrators u. go arhh nepma tn ns a ofBoydenC Trexler late of Rowan ber, 26 .(which, seems to us a Counyj notice is hereby given all per- praiseworthy publication), a very SOns holding claims or demands vigoron, articie concerning the SfJSSSSjSS growiug outrages and rowdyism in on or before the 10th day of Novem- . , .. i r Vvi. 1 QDQ fliia nnt.iVo will hp. nltfld in our educational institutions, irom 1: "i" : HI ZQg E. 2 3T. VISITING CARDS 1QO FOR BO CENTS Stationery Printing of Quality Write for samples: Wedding Invitations; Social and Busi ness Stationery. Orders sent by registered mail or express Boys wear Bossom hunting this fall and they run seme ding and the could not keep it. and the BoyB j got mad and Sed they would See wad the darnd ding was anyhow. So the next knight they wend ag- ain, and soon tney juni tu uiug pons, pam uum.iuiAD - and it went a running for life so urday night, Sunday and Sunday the. Boys, wend afliing rite after night. it to See the ding, now Boys what The Lutneran conference will do you' dink it was, why it was &t gt StephenB church next Bryan, a runing for life and old ThurBdayj November 12th. Taft right on his his heals and . old T. made it So hot for B. that When boys and g.rl, g,t to- t i. a Jr. , hnlA gether at corn shuckings and use Tl mat. rnn and iumo in a noie " . Rev. P. M. Trexler and Miss iMag gie Park as teachers. Misa Lncv Barser will teach school at Gold Hill this winter J. M. Proctor has rented his farm to the Morgan saw mill boys The big sale that was advertised at this place on October 24th., which was to be at Washington, has been postponed until a later date. The farmers . have been some what belated in sowing their wheat and oats on account of the recent rains. It Beems that Cyrus Trexler has started to school at Crescent Wonder what has become of Bro. Bartlette? G. H. Lyerly visited at T. J. A Trexler's last Sunday night. The people at this place seem J. W, Peeler has just moved in to his new home. Jethbo. nor, Hon. W. W, Kitchin, as they i like his name so well. ?:,J. Tr'T I language uufit for boys alone to . . tfl use it ie time for parents to take to think they have a good gover ix. u- u ' . Qf .v,a hold-of the matter inn r van ra tn Judge the Dams. well i.ecke Township has Some LUWERSTONc. We rather think that Cornelia- offercera. Sneer Sifford, and Con- November 9. The health of oramitus made a little mistake stoble Cauble. they ar a fine Set this community is good at this when he said no one was wearing of offersers they have their office I writing. Mr. Taft's picture but negroes. As ' ... . I I . w t I on Rout 7. Any one wishing tneir rne farmers are busy sowing ne is very young i nope you wji wheat. excuse all of his mistakes and sur which we take the following: 'The spoiled children of the rich set the very worst emamples in their defiance of constituted au thority. Boys come to college from nrenaratorv schools without1 ROCKWELL , proper training or discipline. Both N'oy. 9. -The public school here at home and at school they have in Rockwell will start Mouday been allowed to believe that tbey morning, Novembpr 16th., with J. can do as they please without fear C. Feeler as teacher. ot punisnment. "It is humiliating, but true, that in schools and colleges, the effect of bad training at home and There were.et least three or four lax Btandards of discipline in pri- hundred people present at the mary 8Chools, are bringing forth Baptist preaching last tounuay a claBg Qf young people who are night, when Rev. Summey preach- rotten before they are ripe, and a ed his farewell sermon.- movement to restore the authority The Rockwell Furniture Com- of the rod, when it is needed, can- pany is booming about one day in not be inaugurated too soon for a week along now. the safety of the nation and the i -r-r i l. u stood of the rising generation." Crawford Holshonser is busy Bu U1 e 6 sawme wood with his new gaso- , , F . J. , . . .c. that because of an entire want of line engine outnt. , , ,. . .. . , childn have come to think they brother in Faith over Sunday. mftV do wnat thev Diease without Everybody is busy digging sweet fear of punishment, and so have potatoes this week. come to feel very little respect lor mu :ii u .ha their own parents or the laws o. IJJOIO Will UD JJl C70. J-i g, " Reformed church next Sunday morning at eleven o'clock. Rev Heller of Faith, will preach. Youngster. debted to said estate are reqnired to make immediate settlement. This the 5th day of November, 1908. H. A Teexlek, I Admrs. of Boy Henry M. Trkxlbr, ) en C. Trexler. B. B. Miller, attorn ay. Service Just call at their office they have a big Sine hung out above the door in big letters Judges of the Peas and corn stnr- bles, all combmd in one office, Jack Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. We are not only the largest deal-O ers in Seed Urain in the boutn, but we sell the .best, cleanest and heaviest qualities. Our stocks are secured from the best and largest yielding crops, and our warehouses are fully equipped with the best and most improved machinery for cleaning. If you want superior crops 5 Plant Wood's Seeds. Prices quoted on request r Descriptive Fall Catalogue, r.. 4Y.U Infnnniilinn' o Krin all I seeds, mauea tree. T. 7. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond. Va." Re-Sale, of Land. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court of Rowan County rendered in the special proceeding entitled: "Jas. A. Ritchie, Admr. of Peter A. Ritchie, et al vs. Wiley W. Ritchie, Daniel Peeler, Mary Peeler, W. Ernest Ritchie and others," authorizing, empowering ani directing the undersigned, as com missioner and administrator to expose to public sale the land hereinafter de scribed, at the Court House in the city of dalisbury, the undersigned will, on Monday, November the 16th, 1908, at 12 o'clock m , sell to the highest bidder, for cash, -at the Court House door in tne city oi aaiisoury, tne lol lowing described real estate, lying and being near Gay's chapel, in Franklin township, 7 miles from Salisbury, coun ty of Rowan and bounded as follows : Beginning at a hickory 110 chairs south of the beginning corner (a post oak) of the 104-acre tract in the sub- ! division of the Hillary Elliott estate, and running N. 85 W 59.50 chains to a white oak; thence S. 2 west, 15.30 chains to a post oak ; thence south 88 east, 7.75 chaies to a maple in the branch ; thence south 3 west, 18.26 chains to a black oak ; thence north 79 east, 24.57 chains to a hickory; thence north 54 east, 5 50 chains to a dog wood ; thence south 71 east, 7 50 chains to a pine, dower corner ; thence south 28 east, 10 chains to a pine ; thence north 41 east. 20.50 chain to the beginning, containing 132 . acres, more or less, deed for which is regis tered in Book 72 page 270 in the Regis ter's office of Rowa county. This is a valuable tract of land in a good neighborhood, and title to the same is perfect, and whoever buys will get a court deed. The sale will be lefc over lOdavs for a 10 per cen t. bid , and the purchaser will be required to pay 10 per cent, of the purchase money on day of sale. This October 15. 1908. Efidding to begin at f 1,116.50. James A. Ritchie, Admr. andComr., rural route No. 3, Salisbury, N. C. R Lee Weight, Att'y. the land. GEO. T. ANGELL. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the ooooooooooooooooocooooooooo 8 RllR lllltllY flilPLEMtl CllLo Mind Your Business!' If you don't nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all 1 way on Sunday nights The corn shuckings are about prises- over with this year. Sides & Lentz worked the road Mrs. George Hill happened with last Monday from this place to an accident the other day. She Rockwell with their traction en- fell down and sprained her leg. We hope her a speedy recovery. We hope to report a wedding soon, that is, if a certain young man keens on coming over this - i. gme. I heard a good Democrat say the other day that William Jennings Bryan made the best speech he ever heard and J. M. Proctor, ou . r . 1 J . 1. . J T A payment oi ine inueuieiuiess to j. a. Miller secured by a certain mortgage deed of trust executed by D. VV . Mont gomery and wife, ianme Montgom- . t t- itir.ii . i a 1 ery, to li. ji.muier, trustee, ou me 6th day of June, 1907. and duly regis- tered in ifook 31, page ia, oi Kowani County of Record of Mortgages, pur suant to tne provisions oi saiu more gage the undersiged will sell at public Sale to tne nigaesb umuer, iur uasii, ai the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Nonday, the 7th day of December, 1908, tice law, however, but to live. He at 12 o'clock M., the following prop- .... t - r I ertv: will become, alter January iu, Beginning at the East corner of the traveling representative of the intersection of Shaver and Elm streets n k. Agents fob the What the GoienorWill do. Those who are interested in the future of Govenor Glenn will be attracted by this item in tne Win-ston-Salem Journal, being a state ment from him to that paper, that he "would return to Winston-ba-lem January 10, next, not to prac-t Chas. A. Stickney and Waterloo Gasoline Engines Monarch Corn Meal and Feed Mills, with Genuine French Burs. trouble and you can and will keed out of liver and bowel trou- ble if you take Dr. King's New Life .Pills. They keep bilious ness, malaria and jaundice out of vour system. 25c at all drug jgtoreB, J. A. cotton. M. Brown is still ginning ever heard at this place. Mr. Mrs. J. A. M. Brown is in Salis ter, Mrs. George Bost, who is sick. Proctor thoroughly explained the ,, A x, A tann question, uobnelia in o z We are glad to state that Miss TCHt.hnr Fisher is imDrovinf slowly. 1 Nebuchadnezzab. The Watchman f 1.00 per year. nome miBsi'.'ii jjuniu ui uuo wuuuu- .f Salisbury, and runs thence in a n PranhTrffirian nhnrch in con- Southeasterly direction witn aim .'. ... u,.4 street 150 -feet to a stake, thence junction with Similar boards of . Northeasterly direction parallel the Southern Methodist and Bap-j with Shaver street, and with the line . , . , , r .1 o., A 4. li , i c il. . J I OI 10b J0. OO. OU Iccb lO a SlDIkO IU line the night of the 2nd at Barger tlst churches, for the next six oflotNo . 20, thence L.with the line of school house, made the next best, months and would afterwards take No. 20 and parallel with mm street m This was said to be the best speech WRITE US FOR PRICES. Office in Wallace Building, near Passenger Depot. Salisbury, N. C. 10-28 6m. M. C. QUIIMN. COTTON BUYER. . , . l.j. - r I a oriuwctt3iiv uucunuu w -ecu uv ; tne lecture piaworm iur "MShaver street, thence with Shaver tt' i. i Tffart PrifP VniA fflf PnffftTi oJ months," So the retiring Gov- in a Southwesterly direction 50 feet to . Jll-C-ieSl ITiarKe. rrlCe raia 101 trOtlOIl 3110. . - . m-' -1 1 - x. XT -tf , to l,a Unih miaainnftrv tneDeginmng ! same oeing ki u. I 1- tery, Salisbury, North Carolina, on Southern Life & Trust Company's and a lecturer, as has been print-j map of property near National Ceme- ed aforetime. Charlotte Chroni cle. This the 2nd day of WovemDer, lyus. Va .it, TVT; C4-f i TJ rA n -l o. r k uii t.-iit.to. ii iii 1. 1 1 in n, iii aLicGL. - iiaiiiai a, ii ii 11 1 . i xrnitA -l K l . . , wmw -m. ml mm ' ' mw mr j j "VV4v Cotton Seed SEE ME BEFORE SELLING.

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