BAKING POWDEk J The only baking powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, the officially approved ingredient for a wholesome, high-class powder There Is greater deception k tke sale a! bakiag powders than erer befere. Cleselj observe tke label aid be certain of getting RoyaL HAD A HARD TIME. And After Going Through Such a Bitter Experience Was Beaten. The law that requires all candi dates for State, county and city offices to file a bill of their expen ditures during the campaign im mediately after elej$ion is in force in Georgia now, and the candidates who won and lost in the recent Georgia primaries are now filing the bills that show what it cost them to be elected or defeated. One of the defeated candidates for a county office in the state has just filed this bill : "Lost 4 months and 3 days can vassing, 1,349 thinking about the election, 5 acres of cotton, 23 acres of corn, a whole sweet po tato crop ; 4 sheep, 5 shoats and 1 beef given to a barbecue ; 2 front teeth and a considerable quantity of hair in a personal skirmish; gave 97 plugs of tobacco, 7 Sunday-school books, 2 pairs of sus penders, 4 calico dresses, 7 dolls and 13 baby rattlers. "Told 2,889 lies, shook hands 23,475 times, talked enough to have made in print 1,000 large volumes size of Patent Office re ports, kissed 126 babies, kindled 14 kitchen fires, cat 3 cords of wood, pulled 474 bundles of fod der, picked 774 pounds of cotton, helped pull 7 loads of coin, dug 14 bushels of potatoes, carried 27 buckets of water, put up 7 stoves, was dog-bit 4 times ; watch broken by baby, cost $3 to have repaired. "Loaned out 8 barrels of flour, Pf VtTi all 1 a - t maul "1 nrtn n)a rf bacon. 37 pounds of butter, 12 dozen eggs, 3 umbrellas, X3 lead pencils, 1 Bible dictionary, 1 mow blade, 2 hoes, 1 overcoat, 5 boxes paper collars, none of which has been returned. ""Cfriied my opponent a pream- bulating liar doctors bill $10. Had five arguments with my wife result ; One flower vase smash ed. 1 broom broken, 1 dish of 9 hash Knocked off the table, shirt bosom ruined, 2 handfuls of whiskers pulled out, 10 cents worth of sticking platser bought besides spending $1,768. " New York Times. WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS. DEFAULTING SHERIFF SENTENCED. Our English Cousins of the Fair Sex Ap pear to be in Earnest. Suffragette disturbances have driven the government to the un usual course of temporarily clos ing the strangers and ladies gal leries in the House of Commons. This was announced by the Speak er in response to a question from Premier Asquith and Mr. Bafour, the leader of the opposition as Parliament was adjourning to night, While the House was discussing the liceuing bill a sensation was caused by the display of a placard and suddsn shrill cries from ladies' galleries demanding votes for women, while simultaneously a bundle of handbills flattered down from the strangers' gallery at the opposite end of the cham ber, and a man shouted protests against "injustice to women," Attendants hurried to the gal leribB and the male offender was unceremoniously ejected," but from the ladies' gallery sounds were heard of a desperate strug gle. Two suffragette had firmly chained themselves to the grille and resisted for a time all efforts at removal, crying continuously in shrill tones, their demauds for votes. " The scene was watched with amazement from the'fioor of the house, but finally the suffragette were dragged from their posts and removed, but only after portious grille were removed with He Speculated in Grain With the County 4 , Fund and Lost. ? Tha trial of defaulting ex-Sher iff and Trjasurer A. W. Aman, of Sampson cotiuty, ended here last night. Aman entered a- plea of guilty upon two charges of em bezzlement and for the first was sentence ! to imprisonment in the county jail for a term of four months. For the second he was sentenced to a term of four years' imprisonment in the penitentiary, to begin at the expiration of the jail eentence. A verdict of not guilty was rendered, in the case for forgery. In a -.confession made in open court Aman said that he lost $6,000 in corn ! futures in 1904; that he lost all he was short in speculation in corn and cotton and his mercantile busiues, and that he never took away with him a cent of the county's money. He said his official and personal accounts got mixed ; that he took money from his business to pay the county script when the coun ty treasury had no funds and that he had to make a settlement with the county. The total shortage of Aman as treasurer amounted to $28,000, of which the bonds men made gocd about $20,000, the remainder $8,000 being deriv ed from his personal estate. His defalcation has generated a great deal rf . ligitation and bitterness in Sampson county, includiug in dictments and trials of the Re publican county commissioners and a civil suit now pending wherin certain bondsmen seek to recover their losees from the com missioners who made the settle ment with Aman. Clinton, N. C dispatch. . He Got His Daughter. J. L. Morgan, the rich ex-distiller of Marion, who hastened to Europe to prevent his daughter from marrying W. L. Craig, to get her away from whom, Morgan haxl sent her across the Atlantic, fouiid his daughter in Paris, ac cording to a diepatch laet week, but makes no mention of Craig, as if the marriage had not taken plac.i. Craig was a poor young man when the girt was sent away but his mother suddenly, realized some money and let him have $3,000, whereupon he hit the road for Europe. Whether he married the girl or not remains to be seen. INDIGESTION? DYSPEPSIA? 9 Fl ATIII FMP.Y Ban WMMaaaws a 255 FOR SPEEDY RELIEF. THE GENUINE HAS THE mm RED ON THE FRONT OF EACH PACKAGE AND THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF J. H. ZEILIN&CO., . ON THE SIDE, IN RED. ' ' Where to Go to Buy ! HARNESS! When in need of good, reliable, single or double .wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to tinnt up our place on the corner of I Innis and Lee Sreets. We also do II ret class repairing on short notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, C:mbs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always c miplete and ready for inspec. tioii. we solicit a portion ot your patronage and invite you to call aud see our stock. If your horse i9 injured in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 433, 130 East Inniss St. REr.lEr.1BER A watcli goes Willi every snit from $10 ud 1908 Fall and Winter 1909 notice. Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the stockholders of the Kincaid Veneer and Lumber Company at its office near Salisbury, N. O. , at 3 o'clock p. m., on Thursday the 19th day of November, 1908, to act upon the following resolution that was adopted by a two-thirds vote of the whole board of directors of said company at a meet ing of directors held on October 6, 1908, of which meeting of directors each di rector had four days' notice, to-wit: "Resolved, That in the judgment of this Board of Directors it is deemed ad visable and most for the benefit of the Kincaid Veneer and Lumber Company that the same should be forthwith dis solved and its affairs be settled; that its property be t old at public auction to thahighest bidder, after due adver tisement according to law ; that its debts, if any, paid ; and that then the proceeds remaining from said sale be divided among its stockholders accord ing to their respective interests; and that to that end ordered tha lameeting of the stockholders of th iscompany be held on Thursday the 19th day of No vember, 1908, at 3 o'clock p. m., at the office of thu Company hear Salisbury, N. C, to take action upon this resolu tion ; and further, that within ten days hereof, a notice, duly signed by presi dent J J. Kincaid and acting Secretary John Allen Brown, of this meeting of stockholders, and of the adoption of this resolution be forthwith mailed to each stock holderof the Company re siding in the United States, to his last known post-office address; and that also, beginning within said ten days, President J. J . Kincaid and Acting Secretary John Allen Brown shall forthwith cause a like notice to be pup lishrd in the Carolina Watchman at least four weeks successively once a week, next precesding the time ap pointed for the same, of said meeting of stockholders, to take action upon this resolution.' 10-21 At. Dated October 16, 1908. J. J. Kincaid, Pres J. A. Brown, Sect'y Edwin C. Gregory, attorney. H I C Capital ail Surplus $30,000.00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, NSURANCE. , Ki C, We offer cheap for quick sale a 331 acre farm five miles West from Salisbury on the Statesville road,- known as the Chris Wagner home place Has dwelling, barn and good well. Half of the place is in timber. Terms can be made to suit the purchaser. Apply at our office for price. oooooooooooooooooooooooooo of the them. Ten minutes later there was an other dramatic scene, a man in the strangers' gallery flinging a bundle of bills down upon the house and shouting : "Why don'fj Q READ ALL THIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Proie of Infinite Value. It is worth considerable to any citi zen of Salisbury to know how to be cured of painful, annoying and itching piles. Know then that Doan's Oint ment is a positive remedy for all itch ress of the skin, for piles, eczema, etc. One application relieves and soothes. Head this testimony of merit : Mrs. J. M. Litten, 02 E. Bank St., Salisbury, N. O,, "Several years ago I suffered a great deal from a skin erup tion. This appeared all over my body but was especially noticeable on my hands. The itching was almost un bearable and at night J 'was unable to obtain my proper rest. I tried salves and ointments but obtained only slight relief and had about despaired of ever being cured. Finally Doan's Ointment was brought to my attention and after procuring a box from the Salisbury Drug Company, I started its use. The itching ceased at once and soon every trace of the trouble disappeared. I know Doan's Ointment to be a wonder ful preparation for any troubles of this vKina ana will never fail to recommend it." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. New Yoik, sole agents for the United .States. Remember take no other. the name Doan's--and you give women votes and relieve the unemployed?" Attendants rashed upon him but he resisted fiercely the attempts made to carry him bodily from the gallery. After a desperate straggle, the at tendants succeeded in .ej-ctug the man. About the same time a large body of suffragette made a demonstration outside the Parliament building, and fifteen of them were arrested. According to their companions, the whole thing was planned be forehand with great secrecy. One band was to demonstrate outside the building, another in the lobby of the house and a third in the gallery. The gallery contingent numbered fourteen, but it was at tended by many passive sympa thizers. London dispatch. Supreme Court Against Hoicombe. Evangelist Walt Holcoiribe will have to pay "the $200 fine and costs for making a ribald remark in a church in Georgia. The Dispatch mentioned the case s t the time. The evangelist wished to speak to men only and asked the women to retire. As it was raining they were slow to get out. Whereupon Hoicombe yelling at a woman, calling attention to an excess of adipose upon an unmentionable part of ; her person. He was. in dicted for bemg indecent, and fined. The supreme court last week affirmed the decision of the lower court. Lexington Dispatch. o o o o o o 0 o o o o o o o o o T W fl a w y Fresh Made Candy To be sold at this Sale at O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o- o o o o o fits Pr I.h rianrivl V LUi 1 VI JLf Mi VU1XU J . OUR USUAL SALE ONE DAY ONLY! On Saturday, Nov. 1 We will sell all Candies at a Re duction of 5 Cents per Pound. Remember the DATE and PLAGE. Don't miss this Sweet Bargain. and remember we will not sell more than 5 pounds to any one family. AH these candies are made at our place daily. Come early and avoi 1 the rush at J i n n TinxiTT OiLMu i o St. Saturday, Nov .14. Canity KitGhen, Salisbury, II. G. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o WATER SUPPLY Hydaulic Rams are . Cheapes and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constan 11 i - a.ia aounaant supply ot good water for the household, stock yard, garden and fire purposes aud at the same time that which needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to your house- from any nearby spring or branch without no further atten tion alter the installation ot ram. rne beet r m on tne mar ket is sold and installed by T. A P. Roseman, Route 8, Salisbury N. 0. Write for partictJars. a oooooooooooooooooooooooooo OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N. O. W. C. Coughenoub, President, ' T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capital - - $50,000.00 Surplus, - - $40,000.00 Directors: JohnS. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, . W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE. Cashier. pn vnn rparl tTiia or) w vertisement many of the ad vance models in FALL and WINTER CLOTHING direct from the shops of famous makeas, will be on our coun ters. We want you to stop in as you pass by and look at a few of the nice things that are now ready for you to see. SM00T BROS. & ROGERS. jkMgLf, 50 YEARS tAftKitnuit mi iu I IRfe 1 nm m rrtiri imuMmmm I Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac Anyone sending a sketch and description may runt lions strictly conadentiiil. qnlckly ascertain onr opinion free whether an mventton lsprooaDiyi patentable. - Communica nt. Handbook on Patents oiiL iree. uiaesi agency lor securing patents. Patents taken tnroutch Mann It Co. receive special notice, without "barge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Xargest cir culaf ion of any scientiQc Journal. Terms. $3 a rear; fonr months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. 1UNN & Co.a New York rancb O0ca 25 V St. Watffainctoa IXO J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAG0V. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND 1H. We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co'a Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggies! repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds of Wood and Iron Work done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. WHITE & CO. THE Summersett Undertaking Co, Are Fully equipped with the" latest Hearses, Church Truck and all supplies necessary for con-, ducting funerals, and have a complete stock of all grades of . Coffins, Caskets and Burial Robes. Their Mr. R. M. Davis and Mr. T. W. Summer sett can be reached by phone at all times, night or day. oooooooooooootooocooooooooo UNDERTAKING.! O O O o O O O O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o it urnitare or all Kinds, of every variety and rrices to Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The Undertaking Parlors of C. W. WRIGHT'S Are the equal &f any in the State, which, com bined with the skill and experience of his assistants makes his place one of the most desirable to those needing' such services. A lady is employed in this department and. will render assistance whenever desired. o OOFFITOS, CASKETS, BURI AL ROBES FOR SALE. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00000000000000000000000000 suit all constantly kept in Stock. You are invited to call, Very respectfully, GEm W. :.BttRIGT;