t - Muy P-'-- , ,mmm THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN. Wit. B. ITBWAX1 Bt. tMi rik. PkUIxM ttrery IMmlai t IS l?Mt to Stew ' j ' ImheTtptto Prte tl pit jar gfaKUy Batarwl m NenUlui matter Jaa. IK. IMS, at U post oO at Salte ry, N. G, udw U at af OoBffrwn of Mare trc. 1OT. Salisbury, N. C, Nov 18, 1908. Has &none made any guesses yet on the next postmaster of Sal isbury, or the U. S. District At torney for this district? We dont mind saying- in strictlconfi dence that Jas. H. Ramsay will probably be postmaster under the Taft administration. Salisbury could not get a better one. There is evidently something wrong with the people in various sections of the country. It has been a long time Bince one heard of so many murders and shoot ings as have taken place lately. Many persons seem to have a Inst for blood which they are willing to satisfy at any risk. What is the trouble, are we to degenerate intoa nation of murderers? . The Watchman does not know who was the aggressor in the re cent street duel in Nashville, lenn., in which Ex-Senator Cor mack was killed. It knows one thing, however, that no one who knew.the dead Senator will believe for a second the preposterous story told by the Coopers, that Carmack tried to hide behind a woman when the shooting commenced. E W. Carmack was not that kind of a man. There is an element of fiendish ness and atrocious cold blooded ness in that Waynesville killing which is really appalling. From the published reports of Tihe affair it appears that there was a mis understanding between Jas. Moody and a young man named Vaughn. Seeing Moody on the street Vaughn went to him and was in the act of offering an apol ogy for something he had said or done, when Moody pulled a re volver and shot him. It is a mat ter of much regret that Moody made his escape, but the officers may yet capture him. It has been stated in more than one newspaper of the State re cently, that a bill will be intfbducr ed in the next legislature to grant communities .the right of local self-government. The Watch man does not believe-that such bill will be introduced, but if it should be, it is rf the opinion that the bill will meet a speedy death. The introduction of such a bill would simply mean, in ef Tect, an attempt to override the will of a .very large majority of the people, expressed at the election held last May. The voters of North Carolina voted overwhelmingly in favor of a dry State, and the man or set of men wno introduce sucn a measure as the one mentioned, or support it ,after it is introduced will simply sign, me aeatn warrant oi any hope of future -preferment they may have. A measure of this na ture might be brought ftp later on, in case we maysay, that the pro hition law proves a failure. So long as the State has voted dry we believe that all those who so 9 voted, together with many who voted on the other side, are anx ious to give the law a fair trail and it is the duty of every good citizen to see, as far as may be possible, that the law has this. True, it is only an experiment with the people of North Caro lina, but they have said at the polls that they were willing to try the experiment and they ought to be given every facility for testing the matter thorough ly. The Sunday School Institute. The institute for the instruc tion of Sunday school teaehers will be held at the First Presby terian church. There will be two services today, one at 3 p. m. and another at 7:30 p. m. To morrow there will be three sions, a. tn., p. m. There will be much of in terest to Sunday school workers, at those meetings. A FATAL FALL. Son of Henry Wattsrson Meets Dea'h by : Unusual Accident. Harvey W. Watterson, -a Iaw ye, and younger" son of Henry Watterson, editor of The Louis ville Courier-Journal, plunged to his death from the nineteenth floor of his office building at 37 Wall Street late today. . His body Bhot downward for 110 feet and fended on the roof of a ten-story building adjoining. Almost every bone was broken and the head crushed and death was practically instantaneous. While there were no eye-witness es to the tragedy, evidently it was entirely accidental. Mr. Watter son's hat and overcoat were on his closed desk. Presumably he had attempted to lower the window, and either stumbling over the ra diator which was in- front of the low sill, or losing his footing in some manner unknown pitched foward and down to death on the roof below. 1 Mr. Watterson was SU years old and married. He was.' junior member of the law firm of Wing, Russell & Watterson. Shortly before 4 o'clock Mr. Watterson left the office library, remarking that he was going homt, and passed from . the library through the office of F. R. Bagg, the managing clerk, into his pri vate office, the door of which closed and locked automatically las he entered, xsagg was tne last person to see the young lawyer alive. A few minutes later tht. superin tendent of the building rushed in and informed Thos. E. Wing, sen ior member of the firm, that he believed Mr. Watterson had fall en from the window and looked down from the window. The mangled form was seen lying be low. The body was removed to the Watterson home, after the coro ner had declared that the death of Mr. Watterson was due entirely to accident. A peculiar feature of the case was that Mr. Watterson's watch and cigarette case in one pocket, and a pipe in another, were not damaged by the fall. New York dispatch. Comes t& Salisbury, Ellis Pugh and family left Mon day for Salisbury to make their future home. Mr. Pugh has a po sition as foreman in a cotton mill there. His Lexington friends and there are scores of them re gret to see him leave town and hope he will decide to come back some time. Lexington Dispatch. Want Ret. E. K. McLarty Again. At a recent meeting of the board of stewards of the First Methodist church the members of that body united in a request to the confer ence at Asheville this week, that Rev. E. K. McLarty- be. returned to this charge. At the quarterly conference, held later, the follow ing were elected : Stewards: Hon, L S. Overman, GK W. Whitlock, T. H. Stiff, T. H. Vanderford, H. N. Woodson, W. B. Summersett, H. T. Simp son, A. R. Lazenby, W. H. Craw ford, P. N. Peaco:k, L. Gas kill, W. T. Burke, L. LGas!!, N. W. Collette,!). A. Beaver, 0. A. Montgomery, James Plammer, R. L. Shaver, Leroy A. Smith, M. L. Jackson, M. 0. Rafty, W. B. Smoot Recording Steward. W. T. Burke. District Steward : T. H. Vander- j ford. Sunday School Superintendent W. B. Summersett. An Interesting Occasion. v Frank R. Brown, president and Bismarck Capps, secretary, of the Salisbury Township Sunday School Association, have sent out the following : "You have no doubt felt the need of better equipped teachers for our Sunday schools. The privilege to hear this vital ques tion discussed will be offered to the Sunday Schools next Thurs day night on the 19th at 7 :30 p. m., in the First Presbyterian church of this city. R,ev.- H. A. McCullough, State Secretary of the Teachers Training DeDart- ment will present the subject. Please announce from the pulpits, and at the Sunday schools tomor- The speaker is a gentleman well qualified to discuss his subject in an able and instructive manner. HE CAROLINA YATCHM AH. ORT LOCAL ITEM -The First Baptist church, whidh has been without a regular pastpr since the resignation of Rev. R. Neighbor, has extended a call to Rev. J. L. Motley, of Atlanta, Ga. It is not known yet whether Mr, Motley will accept. Dr. 3. M. Poole, who has had much trouble with his eyes lately,; so much, in fact, that he waB un-; able to give attention to his med ical practice, is much improved. Harry Morton, a fireman, had the misfortune a few n'ghts ago to fall into a cinder pit near the roundhouse, in the Southern vards at Snencer. Me received a painful wound on the head. A Sunday school has been or ganized for the Hebrew children of the city. The services will be held in the rooms occupied by the Merchants' Association. Sheriff-elect McKenzie went to Greensboro last Friday to bring home his daughter, Miss Mary Wood. She is a student of the State Normal and is very ill with typhoid fever. Tne scarlet fever situation here is reported as being well under control. There have been very few fatal cases and there are no new cases developing. The official programme for the JNortn uaronna uav exercises is in the hands of Supt. Kizer. Any of the teachers in the county who want a copy of the programme can secure it by calling at the of fice of the superintendent. The day will be celebrated in the pub lic schools of the State on Decem ber 20th. The excavation at Main and In- niss streets, on the Bight of the Old Mansion House, is about ready for the foundation for the building which is to be erected there. Miss Belle Reeves and J. W. Teal were married last Tuesday afternoon by D. M. Miller. Esq. Sam Massey didn't became hi larious over the news that the governor had granted him a re spite until December 4th. . He! merely said, , Much obi tged,", borne of the members of the JNortn Carolina Corporation Com- mission visited apeucer last week and looked over the shops Ihe JBagley Council, Daughters of Libertv. had eighteen ! candi dates for initiation last Saturdav night. - mf lhomas Kothrock, a native of Rowan, is now located at Fort Mackenzie, Wyo. He is cunected With the hospital corps". He has many friends here who wish him much success in his new location. Dr. 0 D. King, a well-known physician of Albemarle, died last Thursday morning. Bright's dis ease was the cause of death. The deceased was highly esteemed by a number of friends in this city. J. R. Price, Esq., an attorney of Albemarle, was here last weak An nnainofio i . We havo recently received a very much appreciated letter from A. H. Caldwell, a native of this city, now located at Brevard, N. C. Mr. Caldwell is .roadmaster and trainmaster of the Transyl- vania division of .the Southern railway. Mr. Caldwell is mak- nga record for himself in the rail- road world and is giving great sat- lataction to the higher officials in his splendid and able management of the nronertv in his hands Mis mauy friends hore will be giad to learn of his success. A Full Forte may be put tO Work. For a img ttae there has been uusmetaDie speculation as to J t- 1 1 J 9 . I when the Southern Railway Com pany would restore its Soencer Shonforcp in it fnrm.r - L I : ' ii...-ri ; , cxv,u, auu mere iias neen various iKuiuiB auuai w wnat me com- pany would do and when it would be done. The most rel able in- Wtioa on the came .ucuiuci uay irom general Man- ager Ackert himself, who was in the city for a short time. He stated in substance thi if 7Z-T.. fcrwr . " . !De conumon oi DUSiness lustlbed a step, that most of the ' wno were laid off some time ag-o ehial membrane. Mothers should, would be put to work by the first for safety's sake alone, always de ofthevear. Sorb a itirrac, i mand Dr. Shoop's. It can with tti o v,;D uZ , u iU V1U meaumucnioiine ousiness men of Salisbury. TAF.T NOT THE ONLY ONE ELECTED. Justices of the Peace and Constants tor the Various Townships of Rowan. The following is a list by town ships of the justices of the peace and constables elected November 3rd, to serve during the next two years, provided they qualify be fore the clerk of the superior court within due time: SALISBURY TOWNSHIP. Justices: J M Brown, T D Brown, J C Kesler, Jno B Kerns, D M Miller, John Crawford, O W Spencer, F M Higgins, C M Hig gins, J D Heilig, W D Pethel, W L Ray, J K DorBett, D J Miller, T M Earnhardt. Qpnstable, B F Canble. ATWELL TOWNSHIP. Justices of the Peace r G H Houck, J S Fleming, J W Deal. Constable: H A Overcash. CHINA GROVE. TOWNSHIP. Justices of the Peace : Edward D Bostian, John R Brown, Dr John V Maduras. Constable: Hazelius S ilostian. CLEVELAND TOWNSHIP, Justices: C J Fleming, John H Davis, Rev A T Hord. Consta ble: John Gaither. FRANKLIN. Justices of the Peace: J Cicero Miller, Geo Thompson, W B Hartly. Constable : H C Keuerly. GOLD HILL. Justices of the Peace: Alfrad L Peeler, W F -Jsey. Julius Earn hardt. Constable: John A M Brown. L1TAKER TOWNSHIP. Justices of the Peace: Geo H Pless, Geo A Slough, J C Lingle Constable: James B W Yost. LOCKE TOWNSHIP. Justices of the Peace : . W Sifford, L E Fisher, W T Sumner Constable: J S Cauble. morgan: Justices of the Peace: John W Miller, W C Correll, J "W Basin ger. Constable: Walter M Ba singer. MOUNT ULLA, Justices of the Peace: John K Goodman. S M Hart, R C Knox. Constable: Scott E Miller. providence township. Justices of the Peace: H Agnfr, A L Kkutz. L D H Brown ii?r, Constable : David F Agner. gC0TCH IRIgH Justices of the Peace: F N Bryau, J Lyerly, S A Rndiaill. Constable: STEELE TOWNSHIP, Justices of the Peace: Joe S Hall, Chan S Betker, Samuel T Baker.. Constable: Chas Good man. UNITJT TOWNSHIP. Justices of the Peace: D C Click, R B BaUey, T B Terrell Constable: J M Benson. Election Board Decides a Case. The County Board of Elections met at the court house Friday morning at 10 o'clock to deter mine which candidates for justice Lf the Pea were elected from Sooth-Irish township in the clec wwu tuti oru oi iMovemoer, tne following named gentlemen hav- U"g received in that election the same number of votes, name'y; F. N. Bryan, Jonathan Lyerly, . A. Rndisil and W. D. Mo Laughlin, The Board of Elec tion declared that Messrs F. N . . - 1 - - Bryan, Jonhthan Lyerly and S. A. Rudisil were elected. GOPCert a SUCCBSS. A delightfully entertaining con cert was given at the graded school huildiag laBt Thursday evening by the Salisbury Choral Societv A large and was present and the music was &he o, some time during tne holidays A ' 1 . ... 1 lcfe""g. tight Coughs, can be OUI UUU HCK1 V lOOSOned With 1 I 'II 1 , ... a prescription Druggists are dis pensiug everywhere as Dr. Shoop's uougo Kemeay. And it is so very, very different thau common UUSU "ciiieB, no opium, no ZTtL tlX? leaves of a harmles, lung healiu mountainous shrub, gives the cur atlve properties to Dr. Shoop's have the Dower to calm t.h mit I vuugu ntineay. inose leaves Li;cfMO n u "T " " " "T'i uu not 1 BUO U1UBD BOllBllllVO U 1 UL1- "661 freedom be given to even tneyouuge8t babes. self I and see. feCook, i - . . u - . i - i . - - Sold by Cornelison ; ood m,lidii.n? ? : Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va7V "J J Strict middling 9c. II VS mm "L. ,hk tsFTfOS Stains and tinges. 7 and 8c. . hm LECTRIC MMODsxfflO Preacher Charged Witb Uurder. Detective Hurricane Branch to night arrested Rev. Ernest Lyons, at Reid's F6rry, Va., on the charge of murdering his predeces sor, Rev. Jas. L. Smith, who has been mysteriously missing since August 1st, and for whom detec tives have been searching for weeks. Smith, an exponent , of the Sanctified" or ''free love" band was mentioned in connection with a woman, whose reputatoin was questioned. They had a difficulty snortly before Smith's disappear ance. Last week a body was-found fl atiug on Nausemond river, and was buried as au unknown? To day it was disinterred and posi tively identified by the clothing hand a finger riue. The autonsv brought out the fact that death did not result from drowning, but from a blew which fractured the temple. Detectives say Smith's body was first buried and then thrown into the river. Suffolk a., dispatch. Postoffice Robbed. The postoffice in East Spencer was robbed last Wednesday night and the thieves secured abou jpy.uu in money and $2.UU in stamps. The office is located in the store of Esq. C. E. Fesperman and he is out a quantity of mer chandise of various kinds, just how much, he has not been able to determine. The thief evident ly had his nerve with him. He entered the residence of Mr. Fes perman and going- into his room be secured a watch and the key of the store lrom the pockets o Mr. Fesperman, who was sleeping soundly. The perpetrator of the robbery is beyond doubt one who is quite familiar with both Mr. fesperman s residence and his store. The officers believe they have a clue to the g-uilty party duc tney are not giving out any information. Bishop Cheshire at St. Luke's. There was a large congregation at St. Luke's Episcopal church last Sunday morning. Bishop Cheshire was present and admin istered the sacrament of confirma tion to a class of seventeen. This is one oi xne most solemn and impressive, as-well as one of the most beneficial rites of the i i . ii i cnuren ana tne audience, many of whom were not Episcopalians showed a marked degree of in terest. After concluding this portion of the service the Bishop preached an able and highly in structive sermon from 1st Samuel, 12-22: "For the Lord will not forsake his people for His great name's sake; because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.'.' m The sermon was devoted large ly to an outline of the history of the church, the part it had play ed and the mighty influence it had exerted upon English speak ing people. The Bishop stated that that was the first sermon of the kind he had ever prepared during his ministry. Grand Excursion to Richmond, Va., No- fember 25th. On account of Thanksgiving game between universities of North Caroliua and Virginia, the South era Railway will operate a spe cial train to leave Charlotte 7:45 m.. November 25th, arriving in Richmond about 6:00 a. m.. November 26th. 1908; returning leave Richmond mid-night 'same date. Train to consist of first- class- day coaches and Pullman cars. Tickets to be sold at points on branch lines to connect at junc tion points. Following round .rip rate : From Salisbury $4.00. Far detailed information see arge flyers, or call on your dep t agent. R. L. VERNON, Trav Pass. Agent. SALISBURY MARKETS. Corrected weekly hy D. M. Miller. Apples, per bushel, 50 to 80 Bacon, sides per ft, 11 to 11. shoulders, per n. 10 to 11. ham, per ft, 18 to 20. round, per ft. 10 to 121. Buter, choice yellow. 20 to 22'A Chickens, ner lb. 8 to 9. Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 25 to 30. Kggs, per doz. 17 to 20 Coin, per bushel, $1.00. Flour.straight, jr sacjt, $2 30 to $2.40 pat, f 3.UO tr. 3 20. 57. hundred lbs, 60 to 80 oney, per lb, 15 to 20. Lard, N. C, per lb, 10 to 12,. Meal, bolted, per hu '1.00. Otita. per bu, 65 to7.r Potatoes. Irish, pe bu 60 ro 80 Wheat per bush. 90 to $1 00 8ALISBUBT COTTON MARKET. II mm mmm .IAAM II M e M"' j -T, nreM I I II T I'l l'fnnn PL eAIIA If I o I . istered mail or Lxcfrttw m ; Test it your-! , corrected oy m. u. Quinn. II TT lUlini f i 1 Walter Exum, the negro who stole an overeoat from a Mr. Kes ler last week, played in hard luck. He wasrrested, and in the may or's court he was -given a choice between th9 chain gang rand a whipping. He chose the latter and it was administered by Capt. Cauble. Exum is. quite young and the whipping may be what he needed most. .... - Keep an account of each farm product, in order to know from which the gain or loss arises. Dr. Seaman A. Knapp. Old NeedVXWOL it streiig 9n3 and vitalizes Vinol ton' ; up the digestive organs, aids assimilation, enriches the blood, and rejuvenates every organ in the body. In this natural manner Vinol replaces weakness with strength. We are positive it will benefit every old person who will give it a trial. If it don't we will refund their money. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury Ambitious young men and ladies should learn telegraphy; for since the new 8-hour law became effective there is a shortage of many thoussnd telegraphers. Po sitions pay from $50 to $70 a month to beginners.- The Nation at Telegraph Institute of Colum bia, S. C, and five other cities is operated under suoervision of R. R. officials and ail students are placed when qualified. Write them for particulars. 11-18 2t The Queen of fashion's Richest and choicest creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on the Standard Rotary. The World's Best Sewing iliac hi ne The ouly machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching on the same machine. Ladies When you are in need of a sewine ma chine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a life time, the Standard Rotary You Owe It to Yourself to learn how the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in less time, and with more real comfort and pleas ure than any other machine made. Send for circular. The standard Sewing1 Machine Co,, For sal e hy Atlanta, Ga T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO., Salisbury, NC. Sale oi Personal Propsrty. Thursday, DecemDer 3rd. On the above date I wiil offer fo: on my premises near Fisher'a old mill, at auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following articles of personal property, to wit; 1 superior disc gram drill, 1 chamn ion reaping machine, 1 deering mower and rake, 2 two-horse waeons. 1 one- tiorse wagon, 1 surry. 1 bncev. 1 ridiner cultivator and also a lot of plows and hand cultivators, some household and kitchen furniture, 1 brood mare, 1 pair mules. Any of the above nronertv mav be bought at private sale before above date, should any one wish same Respectfully, M. F. ALBRIGHT. Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat, A Oats, Rye and Barley. We are not only the largest ifleal-O era ui oeeu vxram in tne ooutn, but we sell the best, cleanest and heaviest qualities. Our s tocks are secured from the best and largest yielding crops, and our warehouses are fully equipped with the best and most improved machinery for cleaning. If you want superior crops Plant Wood's Seeds. Prices quoted on request People- I II ' . If XyWsl inv.tanuu..:--- . mvwuj. - - -- - mm mm .rt.t . ..rtrw mm -m . snrifl aiiu . mm - f ''7. -r - u .i Ideal food for children. MUM WHEAT FLAKE CELEQV IF makes the chUdren plump ind strong and prevents' soitf itpmr i ach and consdparioft. ;5est? ; food for growing: c!dregViin-ir valids and the ageSd.'l"?t'.V' For sale by allrGrcasra 1 Mortgage m. Pursuant to the provisions of a cer tain mortgage deed of trrst made the 21st day of December. re06,.by GfcT'W Frix and -wife, Lily Orr Frix, for the protection and benefit of Alexander Lyerly, and duly registered in book'10, page 62, of Rowan county Record of Mortgages, default having been made in payment of the debt which Bid mortgage was given to secure, the un- ) dersigned will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, North Oaroli na. on Monday, the 7!!i day of December, 1908, an 12 o'clock m., the following A roper ty: One lot lot in .the West ward of the city of Salisbury, beginning at a stake ' at the Eastern intersection of Monroe: and Jackson strrots, and runs thence Southeast with Monroe street 50 feet to a stake, thence Northeast parallel: " with Jackson street ls5teet to a stake s, in Ji M. Maupin's kne, thenceparaJ r lei with Monme street 50 feet to ft-.: stake in the edge of Jockson street,;' thence Southeast with the edge of Jack- son street 23g feet to the beginning ; . same being a part of lot No. 6 in divi- T sion of the Blackmer property as ap- pears on the Ramsay plat. See Rowan ? county Record of Deeds, Toook 109. page 118. " I This the 2nd day of November, 1908, Abxandeb Ltekly, ixustee. B. B. MiLTiEB, attorney. c Mortgage Sale. Default having been made ii ment of the debt secured by mortgage deed of trust ex? Walter E. Montgomery to . man on the 22nd day of Oct and duly registered in bool 522, of Rowan county Record! ( saiu murigii me unuersignea wul ' sell at public sale to the highest bidder J ; .3 a il J ? i . . ror cash, at the court house door in vi Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday, the 7th day of December, I9QJL at 12 o'clock m., tbe following props ty: - iJ- Beginnijig at a stake in the West .1 - A.t a i d r i f Bv one-Hiird feet from the touthweai stone corner of the " intersection 'ofy. Wharton stroet nnd attiA ronrl anA rOTlft f.. , thence south two and three-fourth t'e crees east with the the' west edgeo said aoad fifty and one-third feet to a DiaKc in wesirjeuxfe pi earn roaaf n5" y ami til RA f!om-ODjnreiiulflft faot tCiA'' stake, thence north 10 degree west ou refit to a Rratfi- tnRAjfvnTi h degrees east 143 feet to the beiinnir,n. same being lot Nb;$$ib1rifa:'SnitfcJ? Loan & Trust Company's may of nror) ' t- "j uujwuiiig iuc ureal DiJUin VVrWI me cikj u oaiisDury. qee Kown xnis t&e 2nd day of November. Ej o. xiOSHMAW. trni Default h payment of by a mort: by G. G 18th day corded! in counuy Jc ant to t the ursder to thet court h( Carolina Monday, at 12 o'cl ty: That certain the' lands of Sn Crissey Graham mg 40 acres more the land upon .ffhich ' Kex now residesi 2: Also 1 bay horse called Oobblej mare called Dinah; and I mtfose' ored mare mule called LitreThe 1 payment having been madeonsid dabtedness the 24th day of Fetoi This the 2no d ay .of November' Hi Ai KSSgBiZirr:, 1? Admwk'ol jj. jj. nxixyjujtj, attorney, iiij-i 7 There is no Farmers wives best of everythi Flour. Rothrock will not disannoi: aays" ana will pp as a profit. . . . . KOTH ROCK'S R tki wcoi u cn l2 fr VISITING CAJWs f I r V I i I

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