SQ-E ROO POST ELECTION FIGURES. THE SECRET DEATH. FEEDING THE COW. 8maU Grain Ration During the Sum mer Will Prove Profitable. The cows should be fed liberally. It will be found profitable to feed a small grain ration during ' the summer. It Kltctilu's MaJirltt648,HackeU's 458.Br2 Another Ccmparison Between Legal Execu an's335, AuSi.uiiig Final Carrectlons. : 11 3 lis and Mob Law. "I know th -it election figures People in Virginia and the have palled on the public, but it whole South and especially in the not only helps them to keep up the n ci -,.,11 ir i;, f TorrTfV, uVwMiIri stnn I now or mint, Dut tney come into win- history straight, for preseut jus-la moment to give some sober tico and future reference, ' said thought to the case of the man next spring able to do more work. Hon. Theo. F. Kluttz, Democratic killed here by electricity. His Much however, depends on the cows chairman of the 8th District, to- crime was as vile and horrible it is claimed that this additional feed day. "Wii h no desire to detract and and exasperatsting as haman In summer to the pasture Is better for from Mr. Kitohiu, but to do his imagination can conceive. His f des' yes 8uperlor - . 0 ujuii nxllk and more of it ascociates on the State ticket, victim was an old and helpless extensive dairyman says that for Congressman Hackett, and the white woman-Tempestuous in- twenty years his cows hare had dry Democrats of R , justice. I diguation and hot wrath were in- tSShlSTw feel it my duty, "said Mr. Kluttz, evitable. A lynching was at- day pasture never was bo good "to say that Mr. Kitchin's true tempted. The authc rites inter- but what those cows would eat some majority in llowan is 68, and not posed seriously and effectively. of feedlng or 1,118 as officially reported and The man was tried, fairly and hay In the summer time Is a very lm- published. given his full chance in court, a portant one. Professor Sanborn of ..xt4. ;i tfa, v,fl nnnt- m.v.Un.nU. onnnintRrl New Hampshire some years ago made xiuu u.vi vuuj Flululu0u.I.j01uufiByi, -xnertment and found that one He was convicted nound of hav was eauivalerA' to one canvassing board had completed for;his defense. i;s work and gone home, and after by clear evidence, sentenced to pound of grain for feeding his cows the official returns had been for- death and to-day was put to 0SE ceTaid warded to Raleigh, was it discov- death, decorously, in due course laat themost slovenly way of feeding flrfld that thronsh the erroneous of law. The State Dut out of ex- a cow is to let her go to pasture; that .i-- x eu ,fcr 1 she destroys more than sfoe will eat TiaOUiablOn OI tUH VUW Ul 1UU1 IBIUUUH UUH Ul uei uiBJfouo "J precincts, the vote instead ol be-1 his act had proved nimseil uu- pasture, especially on high priced land, ing Kitchin 2,780 and Cox 1.662, worthy of life. The death penal- he Is using it to great disadvantage. should have been Kitchin 2,539 ty was inflicted decently, secretly, and Cox 1,891, making Mr. Kitch- mercifully, relentlessly. Let in's majDrity 048 instead of 1,118. e very citizen reflect how much bet- The error seems to have occurred ter this is, how much more cred- iu this way : the official returns itable to the dignity of-the com- for Landis gave Kitchin 107,;Cox monwealth and character of our 77: for Morgan, Kitchin 133, Cox people, than the noisy, haety, 93; for Gold Hill, Kitchin 87, lawles and bungling work of a summer time and dry hay every time Cox 28. These figures should have mob. tney were mUked- cfme to d , iL lU r, , x .,, . . . A fw It by having had a lot of feed-ground been bxactly thereverse, the Kitch- It will be observed that the up com oatg mted wlth bran in vote was inadvertently putin News-Leader gives no details oi tnat fce wag feeding the cows, and n i aA r,;a rraraa wonnf,nr ' Wo are forbidden after he turned them out to grass he Again, the returns from the West by the law of the State to present had lgft Re notlced ttat the more fertilizer teaches little of value, Ward of Salisbury officially gave to the public any grewsome par cornmeal there was In the mixture the bnt a demonstration showing ho-y, Kitchin 370, Cos 71, while the ticulars. This law probably it better tne cows wtea . xuey uu. !th h & pr. per station of -r I i n n n t . rtnA Trw t-u n nrnnuri v u . i 1 1 v t w . T " r - J i. : i. 1. : 1 U4- rrin. I i---" , x He said he could better afford to grow a crop and feed it to the cow, so there would be no waste. It Is Important with silage and soil ing crops to feed some dry hay as well as grain through the summer for the effect that it has on the digestive tract A speaker before a dairymen's asso ciation said that some years back he began feeding the cows grain in the Interesting Fight In Nasn. There is an interetiug post elec tion fight in Nash county over the office of register of deeds. J. B. Boddie was nominated by the Qeniocrats aud endorsed by the re publicans, and received 2,895 votes. Two days before the elec tion E. T. Griffin announced him self as inpependent candidate and recieved 133 votes. The hitch comes hrjre. Boddie was postmasr ter under Cleveland 5?nd was in dicted for irr egularities convicted, and served a term in the peniten tiary and al6o one in jaiT within jail bounds. Oa this account it is declared he is ineligible to hold office. Prominent lawyers say he is. If he is Griffin is the register of deeds. The courts will be call ed on to decide. PE-RU-NA RECEIVES PRAISE For Relieving Such Symptoms as Debility, Backache and Headache. - r m-.-. KT-.l . ffiW XT..1I. Ell. A t.viii- mi Tonn nrrltniK (lis P.rnn a h H AnnamA nwnrM nf cnnrl &gjgj&?$.K$3 I feel in duty bound to teU of it, in hopes tha may meet the eye of some who hasnsuff ered as I d "For five years I really did not know what a perfectly well day was, and if I did not have Importance ot Land Improvement. We need to study more the per manent improvement of the land than' the temporary getting of crops with fertilizers, and a large part of the anxiety of farmers in the South to get special fertilizer mixtures or formulas has arisen from the everlasting experiment ing by thb stations with fertilizers for mere crop production. So long as farmers are led to believe that they need a Bpecial formula for every crop plauted there will not be the advance in real farm- in? that there should be. A dem- o onstration that with a certain amount of mixed fertilizer a pro fit, car bo made oyer he use of no true- figures, as I am informed, unconstitutional, but in our cpin- should be, Kitchin 270, C x 171. ion it is right and wis9. We have There was no intention on any- a very strong hope that the pri- body's part, of course, to do any- vacy and misery of the execution body injustice but these errors of the death senteuce will tend were doubtless the result of haste to make the law more terrible and and inadvertence. The error at dimish crime. Also we hope and Gold Hill was the only one made believe that the people of the by the county canvassing board, State will have drilled into their th nfehen having been made bv minds the conviction that lynch the Drecinct election officials, as law is as foolish aB it is useless, which cost 15 cents per 100, as- T m informed ' that the executive power of the sorted sizes. The nippers for placing 1 am miormea. " ; ... , , . onTi the rings cost 20 cents each. Place "With all the influence at State always will be used at any wMle pig work against Mr. Hackett, and cost or risk, to maintain the to reach down piaCe the .iL D ui: flV, 1 1 Qtat.fi riffhts and to protect her opening In the ring over the gristle with the Republican fight hotly btate rignts ana w y centered against him. his vote in prisoners and where the ueatn jQb fa finlshed We Rnwan wftB 2 446 Onlv 93 less penalty is neC88ary the courts have placed forty rings In their noses had plenty of protein. The next year he fed hay and cornmeal and oats and had an Increase of fif ty pounds of but ter over the product of the previous year. Pigs In the Orchard. A writer in Rural New Yorker says that before the pigs are turned on to a clover sod they should have nose rings, not for the good of the pig, but for protection of the sod. It is but little trouble to insert the ready made wire crops the lacd can be made to in crease annually in productiveness, aud less money spent for fertili zes, would be t)f immense value. The everlasting experiments by the stotious with fertilizer mix turps for direct results on sale crops make me tired Progressive Farmer. Rett Strength tit jmmmmim Heart Strenfth, or Heart WeakaMhntaaniKerr Strength, or Kerr Weakness nothin mor. Pos- ltJvely, not one weak heart in a hmidred U, in 1$. eli, actually diseased. It is almost always a juuuen way uraie nerve tnat really is all at fault. This obscure nerve the Cardiac, or Heart Nerva imply needs, and must hanre, more sower, more Stability, more controllins. more srOTemins;--strenarth. Without that the Heaft must contfnne to xau, ana tne stomacn an V.r. Mr "Kitchin's. and 98 more than he received" againBt Mr. Blackburn two years ago. Mr. fWlaa' vete. however, being. 690 more than Blackburn received two years ago, and 97 more than t- j. 4-a nfllAf. it. wit.h I within twentv mlnntes. When we may ua mubwu . - . . . ring them. We think it advantageous pjoper certainty and celerity.-- Richmond, Va., News-Leader. A Region of Curiosities. Luther Smith, of Baldwin town- to the tree and fruit to have the ground rotted up thoroughly. We are Inclined to think this method Is more beneficial to plum than to peach trees, especially hi producing fruit Our plum trees de velop wood and a quantity of choice Cox received this year, reaucmg . . hfc u 0p0g8um8 last frnit while the Deach trees develop .... . , ico n r I" -r a - I . . - Mackett's majority io oo. mi;Jmouth. wood and less fruit. Hackett also received more votes" Monlu T.?nfllftv has a t j.ii Oi... i.. n-l a nA. '4-"""' I Raising the Colt by Hand in ireaHii, diuuij, cat that frequently catcneB rao- Jt not frequently happens that Aebe than he did two years ago, &nd equirrels, and always colts are left motherless while yet and was only swamped by the . . t hi ife or her to quite young. Such colts are not an en- trcmendous and unexpected in- ? ' . which ehe divide8 JJZ Z crease in the Republican vote. .frh thQ c&t This remarkable proper care is given them. If the colt "I have felt," said Mr. Kluttz, at caueht t!ro Bqnirrels last week, has had even one or two feeds of its X,n,h waB lnft cat cangns iffo b4 mother's milk it Is well started, but IiLIUb bu say uuia uuu Mind Your Business! If you don't nobody will. It is your business to keep out of all trouble and you can and will ked out rf liver and bowel trou ble if yoi-tako Dr. King's New Life Pills. They keep bilious ness, malaria and jauudice out of your system. 25c at all drng stores. MRS. TRESSIE NELSON. headache, 1 bad backache or a pain somewhere and really life was not worth the effort I made to keep going. "A good friend advised me to use Pe runa and I was glad to try anything, and I am very pleased to say that six bottles made a new woman of m and I have no more pains and life looks bright again." There are a great many phases of woman's aliments that require the as-1 sistance of the surgeon. But by far the greatest number of such cases are amenable to correct medicinal treatment A vast multitude of women have been relieved from the ailments peculiar to their sex through the usa of Peruna as prescribed by Dr. Hartman. He receives many letters from all parts of the country relating to subjects of vital interest to womankind. Of the vast multitude of women Br. Hartman treats annually, only a small per cent, of them consider it necessary to write to the Doctor at all. While it is not affirmed that Peruna will relieve every case of this kind, it is certainly the part ot wisdom for every woman so afflicted to give Peruna a fair trial. Mrs. Joseph Lacelle, 124 Eronson St., Ottawa, East, Ontario, Canada, writes: "I suffered with backache and bead' ache for over nine months and nothing relieved me until I took Peruna. This medicine is by far better than any other medicine for these troubles. A few bot tles relieved me of my miserable, half dead, half-alive condition. 7 am now in gC3d health, have neither ache nor pain, nor have I had any for the past year. If every suffer ing woman would take Peruna, they would soon know its value and never be without it." Mrs. M. Kliner, 2648 E. 36th St., S. E., Cleveland, Ohio, writes : "I am enjoying good health since tak ing your medicine. I had suffered for a good many years previous to takiog Peruna, and ever since I can say that do not know whatbeadache or neuralgia Is. I can most assuredly say that any body afflicted with catarrh in any form can be cured by taking Peruna." Increase the farm stock to the extent of utilizing all the waste products and idle lands of the farm. Produce all the food required for the men and the animals on the farm. J. Dr. L. S. FOX, DENTIST, 122 N. Main St. Phone 305. Now is the time to have your teeth looked after, this fall may be too late. All work guaranteed. Best materials. Latest methods. And Iridnaim nloA kov. these sama controlling nerves. This clearly explains why. at a medicine. Dr. Bboop s Restorative has in the past done so much for weak and ailing: Hearts. Dr. Snoop first sought the cause of aU this painful, palpitating, suffocat ing' heart distress. Dr. Snoop's Restorative this popular prescription is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerre centers. It builds; it, strengthens; it offers real, genuine heart help. If you would have strong Hearts, strong di gestion, strengthen these inerves re-establish them as needed, with p Dr. SHoop's Restorative C0RNELIS0N & COOK. The Watchman $1.00 per year. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness to J. A. Miller secured by a certain mortgage deed of trust executed by D. W. Mont gomery and wife, Fannie E. Montgom ery, to B. B. Miller, trustee,3 on the 6th day of June, 1907, and duly regis tered in Book 31, page 134, of Rowan County of Kecord of Mortgages, pmv suant to the provisions of said mort gage the undersiged will sell at public sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Monday, the 7th day of December, 1908. at 12 o'clock M., the following prop erty: Beginning at the East corner of the intersection of Shaver and Elm streets in the Great South Ward of the city of Salisbury, and runs thence in a Southeasterly direction with Elm street 150 feet to a stake, thence in a Northeasterly direction parallel with Shaver streett and with the line of lot No. 36, 50 feet to a stake in line of, lot No. 20, thence with the line of No. 20 and parallel witfyElm street in a Northwesterly direction- 150 feet to Shaver street, thence with Shaver in a Southwesterly direction 50 feet to the beginning: Same being lot No. 19 on Southern Life & Trust Company's map of property near National Ceme tery, Salisbury, North Carolina. This the 2nd day of November, 1908. B. B. MILLER, trustee. Notice to Creditors ol Boyden C. Trexler. Having qualified as administrators ofBovdenC Trexler late of Rowan County, notice is hereby given all per sons holding claims or aemanas against him or his estate to present the same duly verified to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of Novem ber, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate are required to make immediate settlement. This the 5th day of November, 1908. H. A TrExlEb, ) Admrs. of Boy Hknky M. Trexler, ) en C. Trexler. B.B. Miller, attorn 3y. mmim to both Mr. Hackett and myself." Owing to the above and a num ber of other errors in our tabulat ed statement last week, The Watchman has made every .effort and, as usual, brought tnem to where lt nad none it is in a worse Mrs. Lindley. shape. In such case the bowels should James H. Quackenbush has nould first be opened with a dose of james xi. uw cagtor ofl and a short whJle after that heretofore been voting in Hickory lt can get its first feeL To make a Mountain tovfuship, but this year substitute of its mother's mfik take he reentered and voted in Hadley fresh coWs milk add to It one-fourth t x i ,i.u .i....4. I ...... water and sweeten somewnat wnu possiDie to miiB'WBjiswi township, and yet he is living m gugar This should be fed to the colt correct in every particular. To this Bame house in which he has at blood temperature four or five times end we have, with the kind assis- hfiptofore livea. The line runs a day. After the colt is a few weeks en 4. Tt, A P.m.Rv neretoiore nveu , month old it can be fed a little tance of Capt. John A. Ramsay thr0ugh his dwelling house, and oatmeal or otner soft food. Even be- ffone over the official report ol , oian,, jn a room rtwtMo m n- win hPHn nihhiinar a i l,ms veal l-i V . d oiuj"!, I wuw w ' -e 1 " 1 1 . . i. fn - . . . , r ' m. 1 Uk...1. . 1 1 every precinct in tne cwuuly. iui U UttU.uUCo B. - h0UBe wm f()und that they help every Iigure, ana, iuaiug buu Cotton blooms in November are wonderfully.-Gregor H. Glitzke. unusual in this latitude, and yet James I. Harmon, of this town Dairy Rules. aViir hn.H sent to the Kecord Otnce --nfr ow.iv from old traditions and some cotton blooms plucked by enstoms: select a dairy breed that suits him from his field a few days ago. y0U best and stay by that breed; do n.hftth&m. N. C. Record. not change; grade up the best cows i ... . . i i . n j j.t that you nave; test ana aiscuru me m Jit . . xi a i poor ana wormiess cows; uave & iuuu' KUeumatism PJ au. ard to line up to; do not be afraid of a corrections as appeared just. This tabulated statement there fore can be taken to be absolutely correct, with all other statements to the contrary nevertheless. For township tax collector, A. M. Rice received a majoiity of Q11 I ..... ;t T- CUn'a Frnm t.hA Olr.OQ WllU VI. tJUWUp D I . . UaAirytr tr. At- The Democatic majontips in Rheumatic Remedy. Don't waste neredltT. don.t mix the breeds; depend the county, for lyuo, rortne eigut tjme wltn common remeaies. a apon e sIre and breeding to ad candidates named below, which test will surely tell. In tablet or Tance the merit of a herdj do not u .ODOnHi;A nf the liouid form. Sold by Cornehson change sires very oftw tawed for good are taken as representative of the 1 Wor Klth; be thorough; feed for milk and vote cast, were as louows . not beefmaklng; be sanitary; be dairy student; don't get finicky, and the I' Copyright, 1908 B. Kuppenheimer & Co. Hackett for Coixgress, 1,050. Krider for sheriff, 444. Miller for register of 1.052. Nicholas for treasurer, 1,372. ! Dorsett for coroner, 1,099. Kluttz for State senate, -1,125. Julian for bouse cf representa tive, 986. Murphy f r house o representa tives.. This makes the average Demr catic majority, for 1906, 989f . Taking the candidates for the eame offices, tor 1908, we have the following majorities: Hackett for Congress, 458. McKenzie for sheriff, 172. Miller for register of deeds, 755. Nicholas for treasures, 720 Dorsett for coroner. 729. Kluttz for S'-ate senate, 691. Julian for house of representa tives, 612. Carlton for house of representa tires, 666. This gives us an ity of 600, and an average loss of dairy of the future will be the wonder deeds, 389f . According to tins it win oe - - seen that the sheriff did not tail pjr Watep of as heavily in proportion as aid n0gS mu8t hv plenty of good. t he other candidetes. Mr. Mc- pure water, obtained from well, spring Kenzie's majority loss being only to wallow dur. 272, while other's majority losses jng the hot period. We have never seen that good, clean mud ana water in jured our hogs in the least, says a breeder, and it certainly affords them a great deal of pleasure to sink down la a good sized mudhole where th water for The mixta to wpptted from aTgprlng. run from 324 to 652. Itm Years of Proof. "I have had seven yers of proof that Dr. King's New Dis covery is the best medicine to take for coughs and colds and for every diseased condition of throat, chest or lungs," says W. V. Henry, of Panama. Mo. xne wunu ua Read the pain formula on a b x of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask thirty-eight years of proof that your Doctor if there is a t etter Dr. K.inf s New iiBcovBijr ib f lone. Pain means cong?.stion rompdv for cougns anu uuiuo, ui iTrI asthma? hay fever, bron- blood pressure somewhere. Dr cbitis, hemorrhage of the lungs, ghoop's Pink Pain Tablets check ??.tth8T '! aaysTrVU-dpain-, woman.y pain,, pai vents the development of pneu- anywhere. Try one, and see I 20 monia. Sold under guarantee at . - g fe Corneiigon & n pf.nrAR. 50o and $l,UU. i an wis 'Conic average major- Trial bottle free. HEN Kui IPs said and done on the clothes question, the ippenheimer line stands in a place by itself. That's why we're glad to link our name with that line and to back it up with our strongest endorsement. Lst us show you the exceptional styles and values offered in Kuppenheimer Clothes this season. And fairness of price is not their least surprising feature. SALISBURY, NORTH CAROLINA.