fl 2d J m - U WW U-Yh U 'X i U I I J II I I. I i fill HIM 11 ( I I nl I I I i-i a . i i t. -t i i m i a i i i i fit i -i i i ii i . - i i i i ill ii i w ii a v ,Ly;iuiyiJ THE CAROLINA ATCHUAH. mattar Jaa. 1HI, at tk fost oflM at Balla amrr. M. O. sate ta at at OoBgiam of IfAraa tii. MtT. Saubbubt, N. C, Dec. 16, 1908. The Watchman wishes all of its many readers aud friends a very happy Christmas season and many more of them. With the unpunished murder ers in our state. North Carolina cannot afford iusfc now to throw any large stones at Tennessee. What's the matter with the young people in Iredell county? There seems to be an epidemic of secret marriages over there. Are the folks ashamed to have the public know they have surrender ed to Cupid? Mr. Taft talks very plainly and fairly as to his intentions toward tne ooutn. ue can convince us of his sincerity by appointing white Republicans to Federal positions in the South, and giving those in the North to the colored brother who has claims on the4 G. O. P. A dispatch from Wake Forest states that nine sophomores have been expelled from Wake Forest College for hazing. Score one for Wake Forest. The boys will learn after while that the general public has a right to ex pect that college students will be gentlemen. There is no better way to have a good time Christmas than to help some one else to a good time. y-v -a upen up your Heart and your pocket book and you will be the gainer. Jf you don't feel able to give in a princely way, give modest ly and in a small way, but you will have no trouble in finding some one outside of your own family circle whom you cau make nappier at a very trifling outlay. Try it this year if you have never done so and you will want to repeat the performance. No one wishes Mr. Barbee, o Durham, anything but a full and fair investigating and trial. If he is innocent nobody desires harm to come to him, but if it be shown that he is the murderer o Engineer Holt, may he get all the law provides in such cases. we is In some parts of the West, we are told, that in some in stances, lawyers are voluntarily engaged in handling - picks and shovels as a means to a livelihood it has been only recently that Chauncy Depew stated that the profession was on the decline, and it is commonly admitted by large n umbers of leading business men that the occupation of lawyers " . Decommmg limited to tne service of the criminal class, in short peo pie are rapidly coming to the con elusion that lawyers as a class nave no more brains, no more justice and no more rights than any other class. Ofcourse there are exceptions pro and con, but we believe the average citizen has as much idea of justice as the average lawyer, and,- when it comes to deciding a case by the written law, he can look the matter up as quickly and render a decision with as much accord , to both the spirit and letter of said law as any one. rnis is not said witn any intention of reflecting on, or dis piragement of,; any of the gen tlemen engaged in the profession here, cn the contrary we think them a splendid body constituting part of our best citizenship. How ever, when they show a desire to monopolize the little offices creat ed by the establishment of a Re corner's Court here, they hurt their cause and give offense, o course not lntentially, to large number of good people who know and feel such a course, if adopted and we have no doubt of its adop tion, is not only: class legislation and. greed, but xoba them and their posterity of "equal opportu nities. We confess our Surprise at the action of the Salisbury bar. ed with it The "officers are not giving out s Sosnected of Being the Murderer of the stories m advance, but it is . c . : family of i eople. He is the son of Gray Barbee, is marrinlbut has no children. His escapades in the courts of the past. have cost him a great deal of money, his fight in the Cole mnrder case alone prob ably costing him $10,000." Engineer Holt. Evidence Strong. Lsst Friday morning, Reuben Barbee, a well known character of Durham, was arrested by officers and placed in jail, charged with having murdered Engineer Fred Holt. Ever since the? killing' of ficers have been investigating Bar bee's movements on the night of the murder and they claim to have wqven a strong net of circumstan lal evidence, about mm. it is stated that ' Ex-Soheitor Brooka has been retained by the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers to assist in"thf jprssecution of Bar bee, 'i- : ' The following from a Durham special will be of great interest at this time to the readers of The Watchman, as it serves to throw First Case Under New Law. considerable light upon the reputa- A temporary injunction was tion and character of Barbee, that granted .yesterday morning by is, admitting that such a dark Judge W. B. Council at chambers reputation is susceptible of being restraining r P. H. Poindexter & lightened: " Co., who operated a ferry at Don. It is said that the evidence naha from carrying passengers for against Barbee is very strong. The nothing or for a nominal sura. story is but the officers are not The injunction was grantedatthe giving tout anything that there instigatiion oPthe Yadkin River are two eye witnesses who saw the Bridge Company,- a corporation man who fired the shot and then I which recently erected a tble ran out from under the coal chute I bridge above the ferry and the and reload his gun. The witnesses, ferrymen were endeavoring by so the story goes, say that that means of carrying passengers and mam wa&penben Barbee. They vehicles gratis or nearly gratis, to are locked up and it is impossible monopolize trade and to crush - i to see either Barbee or the witnass- competition. es at this time. This is the first instance, so far "In the office of the sheriff is an as is known, of a suit being brought ominous message trom the mar- under the new anti-trust law, pass- der this being a single-barrel ed by Congress last j ear. The en shot gun that the detectives say tire question will be "threshed out was used in killing Holt. before a Forsyth jury probably at "Soon after the arrest of Barbee the next term of Superior Court. We Sell iftnk on the v. positive guarantee that if it doei not give sat isfaction we will return the entire amount of money paid us for it. 'Barbee comes from a goodkWe ask all those who are run-down, nervous,- debili tated, aged or weak, and every person suffering from stubborn colds, hanging-on coughsrbronchitis or incipi ent consumption to try Vinol with this understanding. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury said that there are two eye- wit nesses, who saw Barbee whem he ran out from under the coal chute, saw him stop, face around and re load his gun, "The place where these men say he stopped bears out the statement of other wit nesses, and the place shown isex actly where tha' empty shell was found by the officers the morning after the murder. r Sale o! Valuable Town Lots and Houses .and Lots. there were rumors that he would be taken from here. The sheriff said that he had not decided but that he did not want any unneces sary trouble in protecting the man, and there is undoubtedly a great deal of feeling against him. It is also learned that the governor had ordered the local military to keep Winston Journal. Sprinkling Scheme Dcn't Take. At a receni meeting of the Mer chants' Association, the proposi tion made the board of aldermen to take charge of the street sprinkling business and charge in readiness for any trouble that the.P??ple fr 8 "T IV the sheriff might have in handling 8Prinie' waB the situation. There is. however. members of the opposea zo ine no probability that the military will be called to use. If so it will be for some matter that is not now in sight. While the airest of Reuben Barbee caused a great deal of ex citement, and the facts were quick ly spread over the streets, still A 1 A mere was no great surprise. As a matter of fact it has been openly suggested on the streets and in all other kinds of quarters ever since the shooting that it was done by Reuben Barbee. This has been no secret, although not published in the . papers, and as a matter of fact Barbee himself has talked with people who openly charged him with the crime at least that is the story heard. "Reuben Barbee is a white man, little more than fifty years of age, and with a shining plate that shows the ravages of time have scraped off the hairs. He has led a checkered career. Time and again he has been in trouble and he has been charged with crimes on many occasions that would have put him up for terms or for his life if convicted. "On one occasion he was charg ed witb killing William Col There was no doubt about the mur der, but in the court he put up a showing that caused the jury to render a verdict of acquittal . The verdict so enraged the good people of the county that an open indig nation meeting was held in the very court room where the jury had returned the verdict. This meet ing had the effect to change the laws in regard to getting a jpecia) venire in this county. Up to that time the court had the right to order deputies to go out on the highways and get those they coald for service. This was done in that case against Barbee. Barbee has been charged shooting into a train on one occasion, and it is told of him.that while he was a boy in school that he was sent from school because he threw rocks at a train. Ife"was also sug gested, but he was never arrested for it, that he causedithe wrack of a train between herewi'tEast Durham many jSsrrx&iin which an engineer lost a' leg. -; ".There are many other crimes with which Reuben Barbee has been charged? and his name for years has been a household word to frighten children who did not wish to do what was right. He is known to be a man capable of crime and since the day when Holt was brutally murdered the name of Barbee has been connect- discossed The association were plan and stated they would not pay a cent for sprinkling. They are of the opin ion that they pay enough taxes to entitle them to this service free. A committee will take up the matter with the aldermen. ' in Pension Warrants Ready. Pension warrants for pansioners in Kowau county reacnea &upe rior Court Clerk J. Frank McCub oins late last wees ana tuey are now reaay ior aistnoution. it is probable that before this time many of them have found their way into the hands of thoee whose favor they were drawn 1 he sum allotted to the veterans and widows of veterans in this county is $7,639. This amount will be distributed as follows: 142 fourth class pensioners wil get $25 each ; 108 widows of vete rans, $25 each, 13 third class vet erans, $45 ; 5 second class veterans, $60 each: 2 first cUbs veterans. $72 each and three veterans who a'ejentirely blii-dwill r.ceive$120 each INDIGESTION ? DYSPEPSIA? FLATULENCY ? FOR "2ES" SPEEDY RELIEF. THE GENUINE HAS THE mm RED 4, ON THE FRONT OF EACH PACKAGE AND THE SIGNATURE AND SEAL OF J.H.ZEILIN &CO., ON-THE SIDE, ' :IN RED. S3 I 20 C. 42 ST. B VISITING CARDS 1QO FOR SO CENTS Statlontry Printing of Quality Write for sample; Wedding Invitations: Social and Busi ness Stationery. Order lent by registered mail or exprea Pursuant to a decree of the Superior Court made in the special proceeding entitled Mary T. Lefler, administratrix of D. L. Lefler against Etta Lefler et al. , the undersigned commissioner, ap pointed by the court, will expose to public Bale at the courthouse door in the city of Salisbury, at 12 o'clock m. on Monday, Januarj the 4th, (909, the following described town lots in the town of Granite Quarry, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Lot No. 1. Beginning at a stake on I the railroad and runs north 47 west 1.55 chains to a stake on the old line on the south side of the Gold Hill road; thence with the old line south 4 west 3.30 chains to a stone, corner of lot No. 2; thence with" line of lot No. 2 passing over the middle of the well, north 51 east 2.27 chains to a Btake on the rail road; thence with the railroad 80 links to the beginning, containing 63-100 of an acre. On this lot is situ ated one nice 3-room cottage and out buildings worth $500 per month. Lot No. 2. Beginning at a stake on the railroad corner to lot No. 1 and runs thence south 51 west 2.27 chains passing over the middle of the well to a stone in the old line ; thence with the old line south 4 west 1.58 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 5 ; thence north 51 east 3 chains to a stake on the rail road ; thence with the railroad 1.09 chains to the beginning, containing 40 100 of an acre. On this lot is situ ated a nice 3-room cottage with out buildings and rent9 for $5.00 per month. Lot jno. 3. Beginning at a stake on the railroad, corner of iotNo. 2, thence south 51 west 3 chains to a stake on the old line, corner of lot No. 2; thence with the old line south 4 west 1 47 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 4: thence north 51 east 332 chains to a stake on the railroac , corner of lot No. 4 ; thence with the railroad 1 06 chains to the beginning. On this lot is situated a very nice cnttage. 3 rooms, with out buildings, etc ana worth $5. 00 or $6.00 per month. .Lot rJo. 4. Beginning at a stak on the railroad, corner of lot No. 3, thence south 51 west 3 32 chains to a stake on the old line ; thence with the old line south 4 west 1.75 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 5; thence north 51 east 3.90 chains to a stake on the rail road, corner of lot No. 5 : thence with the railroad 1.50 chains to the begin ning, containing 45-100 of an acre This is a vacant lot suitable for a nice residence. Lot No. 5.. Beginning at a stake on the railroad, corner of lot No. 4, and runs thence south 51 west 3 90 chain to a stake on the old line ; thence witti the old line south 4 west 1.25 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 6 : thence north 57 east 2 30 chains to a stake on the railroad ; thence with the railroad 2.32 chains to the beginning, contain ing 45-100 of an acre. This is a very desirable lot for building purposes. Lot. No. 6. Beginning at a stake on the railroad, corner of lot No. 5 and runs thence south 51 west 2.30 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 5 on tht old line : thence with the old line south 4 west 4.25 chains to a stake on the railroad ; thence with the railroad 6 chains to the beginning, containing 90-100 of an acre. This is a vacant lot suitable for several residences. Lot No. 7. Beginning at a stake or the railroad and runs thence north 62 east 3.50 chains to a stake, corner of lot No 8 ; thence north 25J4 west 2.44 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 9 on Hall's line; thence, south 5814 west 'chain to a stake, Hall's corn r, on the railroad; thence with the railroad 3 70 chains to. the beginning, containing 55-100 of an acre. This is a very de sirable lot and has a portion of a gran ite pit on it. Lot No. 8. Beginning eta stake, cor ner of lot No. 9 on the south side of the Gold Hill road and runs thence south 583 west 2 chains to a stake: corner of lot No. 9 on Jine or lot JNo. 7 ; thence south 25, -4 east 1.22 chains to a stake. corner of lot No. 7 ; thence north 62 east 2 chains to a stone, Lefler's corner on the Gold Hill road ; thence with said road north 25 west 1.22 chains to the beginning, containing 2o-100 of ah acre. On this lot is a nice 3-room cot tage' with basement, outbuildings, etc. and worth $6.00 per month. Lot No. 9. Beginning at a stone, Hall's corner on the south side of the Gold Hill road and runs south 58 1-2 west 2 chains to a stake, corner of lot No.' 7; thence south 25 1-2 east 1.22 chains to a stake, corner of lot No. 8; thence north 58 1-2 east 2 chains to a stake on the south side of the Gold Hill road, corner of lot No. 8 ; thence with said road north 25 1-2 west 1.22 chains to the beginning, containing 25-100 of an acre. This is a vacant 1 j , well located and suitable for building purposes. The foregoing lots will be sold to the highest bidder for cash under a judg ment of the Superior Court and who ever purchases the same will get a court title. These lots and houses ai e in the growing town of Granite Quar ry and are kept rented and are always in demand. Now is the time to buy bargains. Sale will be left open 10 days for a 10 per cent, bid, and if no bid is put on and the sale is confirmed . the purchaser will get title within 20 days from day of sale. This December 1st, 1908. Mart T Lefler, Admr. and Comr. R. Lee Wright, attorney. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Attractions are W9 have a big stock of Staple and Holiday Goods, all at very Low, Reasonable prices. Toyland is now open on our second floored we are show ing a well-selected stock of Toys of all kinds, Dolls, Tool Boxes, Doll Trunks, Mechanical Toys,; Go - carts, Beds, Tea Sets and hundreds of other toys too numerous to mention. Fine Chickens. I have for sale a few tborontrh-bred vonrur roosters. Buff Orpint- ns and Barred Ply month Rocks. Price, $1.00 to $1.25 each, de livered to any point In ali8blirv. Birm tnr hatching will be offered later. Address. L. B. SPRACHEK, R. P. D. 4. Salisbury. N. C. 4t o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Special Bargains in Cloaks. Ladies' Long Black Cloaks only $2 98 Ladies' Loi.g Cloaks in Browa, Tan and Black, regular $5 00 value Price 3 98 $7.50 value Ladies' Long Kersey Cloaks, -made' of good material, latest style in Tan and Castor. Price 5 00 Ladies' Long Coats, made of good quality of lightweight Kersey, ex quisitely trim.rn.ed, satin yoke line, regular $10 00 coat in Tan, Cas tor and Black, Price 8 50 Ladies' Long Coats made of inspect ed Chiffon Broadcloth, semi-fitted trimmed with satin and yoke sat in lined. This is a regular $12 50 coat iu Tan, Castor and Black. Special "10 00 Millinery. Big reduction on Millinery. Big lot of Hats and Shapes worth 75c to $2.50. Cnoice 10c Clothing. New lot of Boys' Suits, all sizes. These wre bought late and are much cheaper than if we had bought them early in the season. Price 98c, 1 25 and up to 5 OO Our stock of Men's Suits is still com plete and we have extra g"od values at 4 98, 6 50, 7 50, 10 50 and up to 18 50 Bargains in Blankets. O O O o 'We have never before been able to sell blankets so cheap as we can now, g Medium size Cotton Blankets. Per pr 48c if Full-size Twill Cotton Blankets in O White, Grey and Tan, regular $1.25 value. Per pr 98c Extra large heave Twill -Cotton q Blankets. You have never bought there for less than $1.98. Special, pair 1 48 Grey Wool Blakets 10-4 regular $3 g blankets in second. Special per pr 2 00 2: .11 4 in same blankets at 2 48 "North Carolina White Wool Blank ets 10 4 regular $4 00 vae. Per pair 2 98 Coat uits. We still have some pretty coat suits and will make very low prices. Counterpanes. Extra good value in Counterpanes for holiday. $1.25 value nice full-size Counter panes, good heavy weight. Price $0 98 $1.48 Counterpanes, extra large and heavy. Special 1 25 Good value in Counterpanes at 1 98 to 2 48 Shoes. Buy your winter shoes of us We will sell you yood shoes at very low prices. I E qJ I I I "fyM3 mm raw Mil I iplipn O B m o ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo OC.) 1 I Knives. We are still giving a good knife to those who pay a year s subscription in advance to the Carolina Watchman. The Queen or Fashion's Richest and choicest creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on he Standard Rotary. The World's Best Sewing Machine The ouly machine which makes abso lutely perfect look and chain stitching on the same machine.. Ladies When you are in need of a sewing ma chine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a life time, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It to Yourself to learn how the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in less time, and with more real comfort and pleas ure than any other machine made. Send for circular. The ' tandard Sewing Machine Co., For sale by Atlanta, Qa. T. E. WTTHERSPOON & CO., Salisbury, N. C. SALISBURY MARKETS, Corrected weekly by D. M. Miller. Apples, per bushel, 60 to 80. Bacon, sides per tb, 11 to 11. shoulders, perm, 10 to 11. ham. per ft, 15 to 18. round, per ft, 10 to 12H. butter, cnoice yelJow, 20 to 22 Chickens, per lb, 8i to 9. Ducks, 20 to 30. Guineas, 125 to 30. Eggs, ner doz, 22 to 23. Oorn, per bushel, 75c. b lour .straight, per sack, $2 30 to $2.40 pat, $3.00 to 3 20. Hay, per. hundred fts. 60 to 80 Honey, per lb, 15 to 20. Lard, N. G., per lb, 10 to 12. Meal, bolted, per hu 1 1.00 Oats, per bu, 65 to 70 fotatoes, Irish, pe- bu 60 to 80 , Wheat per bush. 90 to $1 00 8ALISBUEY COTTON MARKET Norrected by M. C. Quinn. Good middling, 9.05c. Strict middling, 8c. Stains and tinges. 7 and8c. Market steady. Mortgage Sale. Old Newspapers for sale Watchman office. at The THE COOLEEMEE JOURNAL. Published at Cooleemee. N. C. Edited by J, C. Sell. A wide-awake, up-to-date progressive paper, contains all the news, both state and county, also all thejiews of Davie and surrounding counties. One of the best opportunities for Salisbury to ad vertise their business in surrounding counties, as Salisbury is the all-impor- x,anc mai-Ret lor the people, as thev have near three thousand inhabitants ana oniy is miles from this place. Sub scription $1.00 per year and advertising Address all communications to Coo lebmkk Journal, lock box 29, Coolee mee, jm. u. "hone JSTo. 6. 12-2 tf Re-Sale. o( Land. Pursuant to a decree of the Superior x-wuxu ui ivuw au county rendered in iJ5.?1.1 Proceeding entitled: "Jas. a. rvucnie, Aamr. of Peter A. Ritchie, f1 W Wliey W RtoWe. Daniel Peeler, Mary Peeler, W. Ernest Ritchie and others," authorizing, empowering . . "w.m6 uuuersignea, as com missioner and administrator to expose to public sale the land hereinafter de- 8noe Vat the Coui't House in the city of Salisbury, the undersigned will on AiU innn i juiiumj fin, laug, u-a fOCK m' 8el1 to the highest ... , tne uourt House door in the city of Salisbury, the fol, lowing described real estate, lying and ?wngPa G5r Chape1' i anklin township, 7 mile8 from Salisbury, coun ty of Rowan and bounded as follows' Beginning at a hickory 110 chairs south of the beginning corner (a nolt oak) : of the, 104-acre f5.ctflhe JSC division of the Hillary Elliott estate, and running N 85 W., 59.50 chains to a white oak; thence S. 2 west, IS 30 : a post oaK ; tnence south 88 east, 7.75 chaies to a maple in the Lranch-s thence south 3 west '"-18 9ft chains to a black oak; thence north 79 east, 24.57 chains to ahickorv thence north 54 east, 5 50 chains to a dog wood; thence south 71 east. 7 50 chains to a pine, dower corner ; Whence south 28 east, 10 chains to a pine thence north Al east. 2050 chains to more or less, deed for which is recis tered in Book 72 page 270 in the Relis tor s office of Rowan county. This is a valuable tract of land in a good neighborhood, and title to the eame is perfect and whoever buvs will get a court deed. . Bidding to begin at $1,200. r James A, Ritchie, Admr. and Comr rural route No. 3, Salisbury, NO R. Leb Weight, Att'y. Default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness secured by that certain mortgage deed of trust ex ecuted by S. J. Poarch and wife, Mm-y V. Poarch,- to A. S. Heilig on the 2! t day of March, 1901, and duly recoid A with Rowan County Record of Mo; t gages in book 18, at page 442, pursuant to the provisions of said mortgage det d of trust, the - undersigned will sell at public sale to'the highest bidder at the court house door in Salisbury, Koi !i Carolina, on Saturday, the 9tfa day of January, 1909, at 12 o'clock m., the following real es tate, towit: Two adjoining lots fronting forty feet each on Southern street, being Jots 30 and 32 as ghown upon Heilig's map of East Spencer," and lying about t o and one-half miles Esst of Salisbury and on the south-eist tide of Long street in East Spencer and described as follows: Beginning at a stone, C. H. Trexler's north-east corner, on Southern street, and runs thence wi'h said street north 57 degrees east 80 feet to a stone, corner of lot 33, thence south 38 1-2 degrees east 133 feet to stake on Newkirk's line, thence wi k said line south 49 degrees west SO fe t to a stake, C. H. Trexler's south-east corner, thence with his line nnr:h 38 1-2 degrees west 144 feet to the be ginning on Southern fetreet, reservi; g a five foot alley in rear, of said lots f r benefit of adjoining property. On one of the lots is a dwelling house. This the 5th day of December, 190S. J. G. & J. D. Heilig, Admrs.of A. S. Heifig B. B. Miller, attorney. Mortgage Sale. Default having been made in the Eayment of the indebtedness securt-d y that certain mortgage deed of trust executed on the 11th day of Septem ber, 1907, by A. L. Loflin and Sallie J. Lioflm to H. A. Bernhardt, trustee, to secure W. W. Reid, and recorded in book 31, at page 402 of Rowan County Record of Mortgages, pursuant to the provision of said mortgage deed of trust, the ll riders! crnoH n,;il call of n,,li. llC Sale tt th hiorhoat. hiHdoi. fri- nocli 5?'hecourt hose door in Salisbury, North Carolina, on Saturdaj. the 9th day of Japuary, 1909, at 12 o'clock m., the following real estate:- - Beginning at a stako ko foot nm-t.li- West from the west corner nf the inter section .of Vance avenue and Melrose streetjieing on the we t side of Vance avenue, and runs thence in a north westerly, direction with edee of Vance avenue 50 feet to a stake, corner of lot number thirtee oi lot number thirteen in south-westerly direction . 14S fQ? i. i , .-.u nu a o inivr un al ley, thence with the lino nf cM nllov in south-easterly direction 50 feet to a stake corner of lot number eleven, thence with the line of lot number ?i!Hn AD ?orth-easterly direction 145 jeet tojthe beginning; being lot number twelve in .block number three as shown ?Kf?a,0-f Melrose Heights recorded v;This the"5fch day of December, 1908. r ,i. H. A. Bernhardt, trustee. is. Miller, attorney. .

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