. - - , - .-4. 3v - """' THE CAROLINA WATCH tlAK. J Buried Thu,rsfla. i Mlssionarj lleetlne. -.-v.-. Last Thnrsrla.v mnrn'Tmro enn;ni I nu . :i ;,HOR T LOCAL ITEMS consisting of a baggage; car and meeting of -the Woman.'. Home raiiman came down from-Greensq and Foreign Missionary Society C. C. Lentz, one oi xne conniy; b uu; was aiiacnea ; to: tram of Faith Lutheran bhurch will "be good farmers, who has beeji IFving Wo, 11 on the,.. Western. The held oa the 20th of December," be o:, the farm of Geo. Jalian'sy on special bore a funeral party: which ing the8rd Sunday, beginning at r. ute 8, will leav- today for accompained the remains of: the two o'clock p,m. An appropri bt.auly county and will locate near lae Moses H: Coni; The burial ate programme consisting of songs. Loadon. Mr, Liemz nas pmce inursaay attornoon at recitations and a very interesting i,e a uuuiuoi ui moima ucib """uaiuj uci .oiuvving exeroiBe win oe-renaereaj aiso aa . . i ... j l:. . ! wbo wisn mm auu uu xamiry much success in his uewhome. ; quit The spot was owned by Mr. dresses by tbe pa'tor"Sfid honorary members of the church. The pub- Wilham James has tendered his to be buried. resiguation as secretary of the Yadkin Valley Fair Aesociation. The directors accepted the resigna- Rock: I Gone and had been,; designated hv him as the place where he wanted Arrested In Charlotte. The CharlotteObserver of Mon- lic is cordially invited to come and hear this missionary service. A Membeb. . , xl'.i I day. has an article connArnincr f.ho I In Imnnrfant Panfnra tiou UU6 iney iiavw uin jrou uuysau e r n 1 VY I "",U,M' '" wbiiuhh T 1 r.nnaBBny. 00u vi iuavoBKV, ior 8611- ing a man a couple of pints of the Last Thursday night Sheriff T A Thompson, who is living fluid which inebriates, and which .McKenzie arrested a negro named f& dobbbbdoo ! Spial Biiif to liir tte llajs. i 8 . H, MMKM, Proprietor,, in the Saw neighborhood, China Grove township, ?H1 move to Ca biirru9 between now and Christ 01Ui. Mr. Thompson will make hia home on the O.awford Gillon farm, near Glass.Mr, Thompson is a good citizen and his many friends here regret his leaving. Rev. Chas. Friend,, of Bell Haven, Va., has accepted the call extended from the Spencer and , Chestnut Hill Presbyt erian churches and if " no obstacles' in tervene he will soon be in cur midst. It ia stated that H. C. Grubb has become the purchaser of the uiu lueuriaie in tnia trt. ticular instance. Mr. Mayberry was iormeriy connectea witd one of the drug stores in this city and is well known in Salisbury. The Observer says of the case. "The warrant was based oa evi dence given by Kennington. arres ted for drunkendess, who said that J M. Mercar was with him when he purchased the whiskey. Later Mercer was locked up for being drunk. Therefore the names of Kennington and Mercer appear on the warrant as witnesses for the State. The case, presumably, will be heard this morning. Bond in the sum of $100 was furni&hed last night. Unarles A, Moore, on passenger train No. 12 while it was at Salis bury. About four years ago Moore made a vicious assault on o o o o 121 South Main St., Salisbury, N. C. a negro named John Smith, a bar- q oer, at Aavance, lavie county, and carved mm. J be negro was turned ovr to the Davie county authorities. Ref. 6. W. Painter. This distinguished gentleman, George Fink farm, near town. 3Ir. Fink expects to remain in the who has spent 85 ears in China as county. a missionary, addressed large con- , , , . , gregations morning and evening, C.B.Webb, who is a fine speak- ftt tfae Presbyterian charch ,a8t er when you get him started, will Sunday. Dr. Painter's long resi- lplivpr an address at Troutman at dence in China and his close con Ludwlg Literary Society. We are indebted to Andrew J Brown, of Christiana, this county, who is attending the Collegiate Institute, at Mt. Ple&sant, for a cordial invitation to be present a. the annual exercises "of the Lud wig Literary Society, Tuesday, December, Twenty-second, Eight P. M. The programme is as fol lows : Address by the president, R L. Agner. Declamation, B o o o o Q m Owing to our enormous trade during the month of November and still hav ing about $18,000 stock of merchandise, which witt be old at HOLIDAY PRICES. When we say HOLIDAY PRICES we don't mean profits, but we mean 33i cts. less than Manufacturer's Cost. Bead carefully and see what you need, as every purchase here, means a money saving for you. eooQiiniiinicji December USth fo) o o o o o o L. Crowell a rally of the Juniors in the early tact with the people, gave him an Debate, Query: Resolved, That Qrf of Tannarv - unusual opportunity to became fa- the Existiog Tendencies of Social uart ol January. .;i; ,;(i, ;r;r,D -,or. : B... On the 17th there will be entertainingly and thoBe VTltl 1.1 I IVJ III lillin iJl I! J X WAUVCAWAB 1 u - . ., x , ,r- n .. gained a ot tne loiaiuiuiug - :nfoPmat;nn tVlo rnnA uArA. it is Hoped tnat some progreas win iy have 8ecured m-any other way Dr. Painter ad- miiiar witn tneir traaitions, man- m ftTft Rfinfificiftl to the Ameri- a ners, customs, etc. ne spoxe very an pon10 Affirmfttive? R T. present T1 K T Affnfi- Negative large amount of valua- A w. Callaway. A. J. Brown. be made toward final settlement. There has been'" a considerable amount of "lawing" over the matter already. F. N. Bryan, ef Scotch-Irish township, has moved to Salisbury and will reside here. L. C. Caldwell, of Statesville, has announced through the Char lotte News that he will be a can didate for Congress two years from now, and will cont .st honors with Mr. Cowles. Nothing like getting into the race early. Gertrude, the liUie daughter of Mrs. J. P. Roueche, tried to start a fire the other afternoon with kerosene and was badly burned about the fee? and head. Miss Carrie Roberts has gone to Pensacola, Fla., where she will spend several weeks and probably rest of the winter. She was ac companied to Florida by her niece. Mrs. W. B. Wright. Mnvl has received news of the death in California recent ly of an uncle, Rev. John Moyle. Both uncle and nephew came to this country together from Eng land 59 years ago. A committee is at work prepar ing some amendments to the char ter of the city. When the matter is in shape the amended charter will be presented to the legislature for ratification. John T. Barringer, who has been serving 8 term on the county roads, has been brought to the city and placed m jail. The con dition of his health, which is very poor, vas the cause of the change. There is yet time before Christ mas to do a lot of buying. When Monday night dressed the Men's Society of the First Presbyterian church and spoke particularly of the different politcal phases ot the Uninese m Dire in which the people general' ly are interested. All who heard! Dr. Painter feel that they enjoyed a real treat. Declamation, D S. Lippard, Hodge-podge, W. H. Dutton. Music by Glee Club. 6c cotton suiting, Mrs. Smoot Surprises Thief, Late Monday afternoon a negro aneak thief entered the home of A. L. Stnoot at Church and Coun cil streets. . He was prowling around the hall and had appro priated an umbrella, when Mrs. Smoot heard hnn. She got her went out after the m- For a Recorder. The Bar Association of this city held a meeting last Saturday to consider the bill providing for a recorder's court in Salisbury. Tbe bill was put id a shape to suit the views of the members of the asso ciation present and it will doubt less come before the legislature in due season. It was considered ad visable to have a lawyer for re corder also one for solicitor, and Messrs. B. B. Miller and Kerr Craige were recommended for these places, respectfully. It looks as though the whole thiug Be6t Extra Heavy large ribbed Hose. The 15c selling kind special 9c Nice dres-r ginghams special 6c Nice side border Percale, never sold for less than 12c. Price 8iC 12 l-2c Bed Tick 9c Extra heavy flauneletts hand some new patterns, special i $u New side border calico, best made.' latest pattern, light and dark colors, never sold less than 8c. (Special 12 1 2 and 15c special UC Now side border flannellettes regular 15c goods, special 9c Val Lace all widths, 1 , 2 3f 5c Fragrantglycerine soap at 3c 75c corsets 39c Good hneu napkins for holidays, soecial each 3c 5 inchv-extra good panama in blue, blck, brown and red, best pauama 75c can buy, special 48c Strictly all wool mixed goods for coat suits 39 ud 43c 25c Belts 10c Ladies combination suits 42c While oa the market our Buyer bought over 200 dozen of fine men's heavy fleece lined Underwear. All this Year goods.. Regular 75e values. Our Pnee 39c Misses ribbed union suits, 25, 35c values, special for holidays 19c 50 and "75c ladies elastic and leather belts, special 39c 17 in. wide Swiss embroidery new patterns, special . 12c Extra large heavy blankets, worth $1. Special per pair 59c New side border percale beauti tiful patterns always sold for 15c, special 9c Ladies 12 1-2 and 15o hose all colors, special 9c 10c Handkerchiefs, special 4c Lace bordered handkerchiefs 12 l-2c values, special 5c Ladies sample coats. Several big lines of samples just in by express, the very newest styles nnt Regular $12 and $15 coats. Soecial $898 Good heavy cotton towels, regu lar 15c towela, special 9c each Women's full 52 in. long black and gray coats, nicely trimmed, a nice $6 coat. Special . $3.98 Extra fine matting, never sold for less than 25 cents. Special per yard 12c Boys knee pants 39c Boys shirts 19c Men's up-to-date Pants made by the best pants makers, from 89c up to $3.98 A large variety of men's suits, latest style. These suits really make the men. Special $2.98 and up. Men's heavy Kangaroo shoes, good heavy soles $1.48 -Patent Colt shoe for- men the shoe that make vour feet, feel comfortable, special $2.98 $5.00 shoes 3.98 A large assortment ot men's hats from 43c up. Men's 25c and 35c Neckties, special 19c Extra large size Counterpanes, good heavy ones worth from $2 to $2 50. Special $1.19 Don't fail to visit our SHOE DEPARTMENT. All $1.00 shirts 79c 50c and 75c shirts 39c Dr. Wright Health underwear, the best $1 a garment, special 79c 50c Suspenders' 29c 12 l-2c Socks 7ic 15c Socks 9c Men's work handkerchiefs, ex tra large sizes, 3c Boys 25c and 85c underwear, special 19c Men's and boy's caps, all 25c and 35c, special 19c Extra large size pillows, the kind with gocse feathers, regular $100 values, special 48c Carpets, Rugs, Toilet sets, Len oleuns and Furniture at remark ably low prices. Come in and see for yourself and be convinced we do what we say we do. ..-- II MI.MI Ml III If nil Ll 14 XI Muu& whv i . . f uj u a had heen settled and the ac ll UUBl . 1U13 ucgiu Jlv I coming aDd was getting ready to leave when Mrs. Smoot seized him. The man jerked away from her and ran down the street, Mrs. Smoot taking a shot at him as he left. Officers looked for the ne gro but could not locate him. t.inn nf th legislature, wnicn or course will be favorable, is a mere formality. Q Election of Officers. 0 At a recent meeting of the Salisbury Council of the Royal Ar canrim, the following officers were I elected : Theodore Buerbaum, Reg. ; W T Jenkins. V. R. : L. C. Ridpi Escaped from the Gang. Early on Tuesday morning two white convicts on Supt. Hartley's chain gang, working in the neigh- nour q. : H. S. J ivengood, Chap. ; borhoodof Landis, made their es- T B Beall, Sec; J. M. Brown, cape. The men were convicted Col . w l, Kluttz, Treas. ; B. W. for serious offenses. One of them, Hall, guide; A. E. Bost, warden ; Adam Mesimer, made improper R g Ketchy, sentry ; J. A Ram proposals to a woman of Chestnut sayj p Hill, frightened her with a pistol yy t. R. Jenkins was sekctedas and rendered himself obnoxious representative to the Grand Couu in other "ways. The other man, cji which will meet at Newbem Henry Sims, is the individual wno next year tried to make mince meau 01 01 rtr Partflr when the latter ar rested him for creating auce at the depot. . mm mm mm iioip o o o o o H. MILLER, Proprietor, 121 louth Main it., alisbury, o o o o o o o idiSuXl The, Eloped. QOOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQOOQQQQQQQQQQQOQQQQQQQQQ Secret marriages and elopements are becoming too common to ex- The Laymen's Movement. d Qj that we do not hear of Beginning io-day there will be one or the other. The- latest . o-.. fho Lnnnlo to- adonfc the eloDPment you do your purchasing remember pirst Methodist church, of this feature was Miss VI aggie Rider The Watchman's advertisers. .. the interest of the "Lay- and John Bouldin. They slipped Ynn mav deDend UDon their doing I Mmnt,." This move- off to South Carolina baturoay j 1 . U1DU D ' , -I . . 3 inat. what, thftv nromise. . ;a a pnnoinff a crreat decree 01 nisrnc auu The Spencer Y. .M. C A. bas stenthuBiasm among tne various re- . nil hiiaflinor An effort I i:..,n Jannminntinns and it is U1CU1UCIO OH uu..-S ; I1K1UU" . - .lr. being made'to increase tne expected that much good win re- ceivea me cuupi witu frnm this meeting. J-tiw iui- muuiuiciDu ouo C U W w I lnwiuff is announced as tne pro- you, my crramme, though in addition there serene -were marriea. . ine father of the bride was a litter wrathy at first, but later he re- is membership to 600-by January lBt. From the way the boys are 11 not miss the mark very far. On the evenme of the 2Mta a public debate will be held at the fio.hnni hrkonae at Sumner Siding. Tko anV.iarf. for rllHCTlBSlOn IS Z Re- i U1' a V I W W usual "God bleBB children," and all is The friends of the young will be 'brief addresses from those couple wish them much happiness whose names do not appear: Wednesday 2:30 p m. Meet ing of the district stewards Ad drPSRfid bv Rev. Dr. J. C. Rowe. Mice ol Mortjap Sale. By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed of TruBt exe cuted on the 6fch day of Novem ber,!, by C. B. Jordan to the Southern Life & Trust Company, Trustee, which said Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Rowan Coun ty, book 29, pages 352 and follow ing, and by direction of the party of the third part, tne party to whom the note secured by said Hfiftd of Trust is payable; the made solved "That Christmas is not subject: "ine ruiueo uu cuy m i . if i r . nr A ' nrnnorlv celebrated." TD6 amrm ot tne movemeuB. J of lira mill Vio rflnreRfinted DV n n an hi A and G. H. Pae, while W H. CanuDand E, R. Odell will handle the other side. - A number of citizens of Landis taking atens to organize a are en- lodge of Odd Fellows in that terprisiue and growing town. Chairman Beard, of the Board nf flnnniir flnmiTiiaainnflrii. seems determined that business withjihe The Barbee Case. 7:30 p. m. Address by unaries . i i f H. Ireland, lt vice president oi the M. E. church, South, of the Laymen's Movement ot the wes tern North Carolina Conference. Subject : "Christian Stewardship and Christian uiving. An iuvitation is extended to tne public to be present. j n T T -pHnii hovihrr .... i n I HH.IU J. u a "" "O Dan't Keep mem UOWn. default in the payment of said Salisbury boys will be heard note when due; the undeisigned from hi whatever position they trustee asaforesaid, will on may be placed, and nearly always M fla thg 4tfj ,ja of jannary 1909, Ji-d I au twelve u uiuun, u.,. - tor casn, Uaan Vnf. a Hhorfc while since in at nnblic auction, wara d. vieui-uu, - i . a tt a ciia r J r T. XT PUmnnt nf dt. tftfi liOUIl nUUW U" " W0"0 air. aim iuib. . -n lL , jaw:u his city, was selected as fourth bury, . u., tne uu6 assistant to the chief surgeon of tha Philadfllnhia Municipal Hoa board shall be transacted , n a bus ine8s-hke manner. He has givsn notice that all bills against the county must be made out in ink, itemized and signed by the person authorizing the account. J D. Norwood, cashier of the PeoDles' National Bank, who has. been in Baltimore some -time for medical treatment, has returned home greatly improved in health. The various Sunday schools of the city are preparifig for the usual Christmas entertainment for the little folks. Detective Ashburn, who has been engaged on the Barbee case aince the date ot tne nrutai mur der of Engineer Holt, returned to Snencer early in the week, but will so back to Durham. VHe stated in reference to the matter that the State Had a strong case and hardly needed any additional evidence to convic she prisoner Mr. Ashburn addea that a dum ber of persons wno had a great terror of Barbee heretofore, were giving a uumber of points which will be useful to the State. pital. The news low reaches here that he has been advanced to the position of first assistant. In or der to secure' sucn a position .jr. Clement must have demonstrated his ability. - Hotel Ghanges Hands. ort lnt.s of land, to-wit: Being lotsNos. 15 and lo or ine 'Harrison Survey" and lymg at fbfl interBeclion of the extension tho. R..nt,h Fulton Street with Personally Conducted Tour to Havana, Cuba, and Return, January II, 1909. Via Southern Railway. Southern Railway will Bell Tound trip excursion tickets to Havana, Cuba, at following rates from points named: Asheville $39.10, Charlotte $41.50, Durham $46.00 Gastonia $40,80, Greensboro $44.50, Hick- ory $42 4U, nign roint $ua, MaEion $40.45, Uxtord . 40.w, Raleigh $44 64, Rutherfordton $41.50, Salisbury "$42.95, Shelby $41 50, Statesville $42 50. . Approximatly low rates from other-pohitB. Tickets on sale January 11th, good returning to leave Havana, Cuba, on or before January 27tb, 1909. Tickets may be routed through Jackson ville. thence either through Knight's Key, or Port Tampa. Good going and returning same route. Stop-oveie will be allowed , at Jacksonville, St. Aneustine. Palm Beach. 7 " . ' - . . Miami, and other points Land Posters for sale at The Watch man office, 10 cents per dozen Wanted to trade a good work horse for a milch cow, Apply at Watchman, office. Mortgage Sale. Jacksonville, within final limit of ... . . . r,4. A onTnci-.nfl(l1l-- IT I I I Aft. Harrison Street and being the east a - w i vMtnn mnvAmAnt. Qltrl Will lookafter the comfort and pleas- front- rnruer cf said intersetioi. ing one hundred (10U) feet on Fult:n Street and-ruuning back parallel with Harrison Street two hnndrd (200) feet and being in shane a narallelogram ; The above C-A TToTriar.n SliTVflv" IS Aff.flr January 1st the Hotel r 1 .111 IfnAnrn OS T.I1A jaoKBon win w 7 i -------- , . - ;H 'Salisbury Hotel." The property amapwmcu uwu has been leased by R. L. Mahaley ; ter of d.eds office of Rowan Coun andW. A. Blackwell. .Consider- ty, North Carolina m bpok No. ui. -m Ko HrnA and 69 naee600: Said lot deeded to C. fi rst. olftBB cafe with will be con- B. Jordan by C L. Hall , to U. L. th rnnmH HaU bv C. E. Comher, ZiZlA hv the'hotel bar. W." F.. Southekn Life & Tbust Company, JackSon, the former proprietor, By A. W. McAlhste president, will go into business in Baltimore. This the 28th day of Nov. 190S ure of the party. For further information as to side trip tour from Havana, sigh. seeing tours, hotel rates, leaving time at principals points, Pall maa and State Reservations, write J. H. Wood, D, P. A., Asheviile. N. C.;W. H. McGlamery, P. & T. A.. Raleigh, N. C. ; R. H. DeButts, P. & T. A., Greenfboro, N. C. ; or call on your agentB, or write R. L. Vebnon, T. P. A,. Charlotte. N. C. Pnrsuatit to the provisions contained in a certain mortgage trust deed regis tered in book No. 32 , page 260, made by Richard Holmes, and wite, Adlaid Holmes, and John Ship and wife, Alice Ship, for the protection and benefit of the undersignad, on the 25th day of April, 1903, default having been made in the payment of this debt, which said mortgage was given to secure, the un dersigned will sell at public out cry at the Court house door in the city of Salisbury on the 4tii day of January, 1909, for cash, the following described prop erty : One trat of land lying and being in Salisbury township, beginning at a stake in the center of the N. O. R. R , John I. Trexler's corner.in John Beard's eorner arid runs thence north 57 de I erees eas 4.48 chains to a stake in the Qnth nf 1 center of aid railroad, cam 1 Correll s uiuui-u v.. . j.u oa J . . -j COrlltJi , wiyjuse ouuiii oo ut-reeo ca.. 3 67 chain? to a stone, Correll's corner ; thence wts-t 57 degrees east 1.75 chains to a ator.p on Uorrella line : thence south 46a degrees east 1 chain to a stnnf, corner of lot No. 2 ; thence south 40 degrees west 4.38 chains to stone, Beard's line stone the beginning corner lot No. 2 ; thence north 55 de grees west 6.40 chains to the beginning, containing t wo acres. , Also another tract of land bought from Dock Chambers and wife, Marga ret Chambers, being two acres more or less, the same being adivision of Frank Ohamber8J lad. For description of same see derd from Dock Chambers to Ezekiel Brown, conveyed - by the said Richard Holmes and wife, Adlaid Holmes, and John Ship and wife, Alice Ship, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. John J. Strwaet, . December 1st, 1908- trustee Report of the condition of The Bank of China Grove, at China Grove, N. C, business Nov. at the close of ?T, 1908. KESOURCES. Loans and discounts $48,504 02 Overdrafts secured 1'.0 97 Furniture and fixtures 797 50 Due from Banks and Bankers 5,887 49 Gold coin 725 00 Silvei coin, including all minor coin currency sii 64 National bank and other U. S. notes, 3,798 00 Total 54,174 52 LIABILITIES. Capital stock, $10,000 00 Surplus Fukd , 1,000 00 Undivided pronts, less current ex penses and taxes paid 380 59 Bills payable 2.000 00 Time certificates of deposit .1.8?6 47 Deposits subject to Check. . .m 760 89 Cashier's checks outstanding 206 57 40,793 93 Total,.. $54,174 52 State of North Carolina, county of Rowan, ss: I. W. C. Siiferd, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. W. C 8IFFHRD, cashier. Correct attest? C. B. Miller, ) J. L. Bostian, V directors. McL. Ritchie, j Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 6th day of Dec, 1908. J. L. Siflerd, notary public ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned having qualified as administratrix of J A. Naile, deceased, all creditors are hereby notified to pre sent their claims to the undersigned on or btfore December 4, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to this estate will please settle their accounts immediately. t Mast C. Naile, Administratrix. Linm & Linn, attorneys. December 4, 1908. Mrs .Dr. Moore will be at Dr. Fox's office Thursday and Friday, Deo. 17th and 18th, for the ex traction of teeth by iher .jjainlesa method.- Remember the date. 2t DII CC i Immediate relief front ril.LHJ Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment, "V- Jr-

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