Cbc Christmas Stocking A Parody, by FRANK J. BONNELLE i ' 4 .' '- ' '. V-'.'- ,- , How dear to tills heart Is the stock ing of childhood when fond recol- . lection presents It to view! On Christmas St. Nick came from frost whitened wlMwood with every loved toy which my. Infancy knew. The wide spreading chimney, the sled which stood by It, a horse and some books I remember them all a doll for my sister, and baby honse ' nigh 'it, and : then the full stocking which hung on the wall the Santa Clans stocking, the bountiful stocking, the Christmas morn stocking which hung on , the wall I The well stuffed envelope I hailed as a treasure as early that morn " lng I opened my eyes and found there the source of an exquisite pleasure, the purest and. sweetest that nature supplies. How ardent I seized it with hands that were glowing and Jback to my white sheeted bed went with, all, then soon, with the emblems of love overflow ing, was happy in what to my lot did befall the Santa Claus stocking, the generous stocking, the Christ mas morn stocking which hung on the wall! How sweet through its round open top to explore It as poised on my knee it .Inclined to my vlewl Not a hot, tempting , breakfast could make me Ignore it for longer at most than a minute or two. And now, far removed from the loved situation, the tear of regret will Intrusively fall as fancy reverts to my youth's habitation and sighs o'er he stocking which hung on the wall the Santa Claus stocking, the plethoric stocking, the Christmas morn stocking ; which hung on the wall! But grown people find there's a later sensation as grateful as any they felt long ago. It comes when they witness the glad exultation which on Christmas morning their own off spring show. And now, dear old Santa Claus, let me petition your favor for children, both large ones and small. Bring all the bright hopes to the fullest fruition that rest In each stocking which hangs on the wall the wealthy child's stocking, the poor urchin's stocking; yes, fill every stocking which hangs on the wall! BEAD CHRISTMAS TREES. Novelty Invented by German Woman Approved by Kaiaer. If nature's supply of Christmas trees gives out, as some people have feared it might, there will still be Christmas trees as long as a German woman In this city remains alive. Out of green beads, wire and tiny waxen ornaments she constructs miniature trees which nave been thought pretty enough to grace the court of Ludwig of Bava ria In his time and to amuse the children of Kai ser Wilhelm of Germany. That was when the in ventor was living in her native country. Since coming to Amer ica she has made them for various well known peo ple. One of the ad vantages of these trees, she says. Is brad chsistmas that they are al-TEEE- most Indestructi ble. They may be bent, crushed, packed into small compass, and when they are wanted again it is only neces sary to straighten the branches out into the original shape. When the Inventor was a girl, fifty five or sixty years ago, in Munich, she went to one olr those schools where German girls are taught to do, as her daughter says, "everything mlt the hands." It was having to make wreaths out of beads' that suggested to her the notion of making bead Christmas trees. She set to work and fashioned Innumerable tiny loops of green beads, each at the end of a long, slender wire. She bound the loops to gether in threes, making trefoils, and the trefoils Into' branches and the branches into a tapering trunk, the trunk being formed of nothing at all but the individual wires massed to gether. Then she trimmed the tree with candles and those tiny waxen fig ures which the Germans are adepts at making and fixed It In a pot of sand and melted wax. Her parents were quite proud of it 'Her father, who was director of the Hofgarten In Mu nich, showed It to his royal master, and King Ludwig Immediately ordered one for the Christmas festivities at court. After coming to this country she sent one to President Roosevelt and was grieved and surprised to find that he could not accept it "I expect he thinks he gets some dy namite," said the daughter. New York Tribune. MONSTER CHRISTMAS CAKE It Was Seven Feet High and the Lar gest Ever Made. Reproduced below is a picture of a mammoth Christmas cake, said to be the largest one ever made. It was seen last Christmas In a shop in Levton- stone, England. Some idea of its size may be gauged when It Is stated that it stood seven feet high and weighed no less than 1,660 pounds. Those who may dealre to turn out a rival cake may be interested to learn that the following Ingredients were used In its manufacture: One hundred and fifty-two pounds of butter, 152 pounds of Bugar, 825 pounds of flour, 110 pounds of raisins, 110 pounds of sultanas, 110 pounds of currants, 3,000 eggs, 35 pounds of citron peel. 35 pounds of lemon peel, 35 pounds of or- "BARKING WTNDMIXJj" cake. ange peel, 40 pounds of almonds, 30 pounds of milk (15 quarts), 120 pounds of almond paste, 100 pounds of Icing sugar, 5 pounds of fresh lemon lnoe 21 pounds of mixed spices, 1 pound of nutmegs and 1 pound of essence of lemon. Fortune For Toys For the Poor. The poor children of Pittsburg and Allegheny are to benefit through the expenaiture of an estate valued t $31,000, left by the late George B. utt The will provides that the es tate shall go to the wife during her lifetime and then is to be divided among his children eauallv. If the children all die before their mother- at her death the estate Is to be spent for the purchase of gifts and nlavthina for poor children, especially those in institutions. It was the wish of the decedent that the money be emended In small sums, to distribute it over as large an area as possible and benefit as many children as possible. In tn (0 i i s5 i . : . j - - i - Are now in Force At A. W. Winecoffs store, 126 South Main street, Salisbury, N. C. This sale should prove of exceptional interest to all women, men who are thinking of outergaraients either, for Dersonal use or mft rmrnnsps We start our Clean Sweep Sale a full month earlier than usual because of the very much larger stock than wee ever had before; we ve prepar ed for the great crowds that will undoubtedly respond to this timely announcement bigger stock and lower prices than in any previous sale await you". Ladies' Long Coats. 15.00 Quality, 9 gg 25.00 isleg 20.00 12.99 12.50 969 11.00 ygg 10.00 7J9 800 598 5.00 " 369 Children's Coats from 49c UP Big Lot Furs from 49c UP- Ladies' Shoes, $2.50 quality, 1.99 Ladies' Shoes, $3.00 quality, 2i35 V Men's Patent Leather Shoes, S2.50 quality, Men's Shoes, $3,00 quality, Men's Shoes, $1 50 quality, Men's Shoes, $3.50 quality, 10 and 12ic Flannelettes at All 10c Outing at One Lot 6c Outing at Rixudide Plaids at Lot A. A. Domestic at 1 piece White Table Linen at 1 Eed 50c Table Linen at 65c " " 1.00 " " 85c " " 1.90 2.40 1.19 2.75 7ni 7c yd 4ic yd 5c yd 4icyd 19c yd 19c yd 39c yd 43c yd 89c yd 60c yd Profit and Gost Unrecognized. The showing ot new prices, bordering on give away. BIG CLEAN SWEEP SALE Now Christmas Caution. it customary to ; hang up one stocktU' or de intiah pair on Christmas eve?" said Mr. Erastus Plnkley. "Only jes one," answered Miss Mi ami Brown. ' "If you hangs on to de mate you lsn' takln so many chances on somebody he'pln hisse'f- to foot wear 'stld o leavin' presents." Washington Star. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the Heart or Kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Shoop first pointed oat this error. This is why his prescrip tion Dr. Shoop's Restorative is directed entirely to the cause of . these ailments the weak inside or controlling nerves. - It isn4 so difficult, says Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart Origin of the Christmas Tree. There is a legend in Germany that wnen ifive plucked the fatal apple Im mediately the leaves of the tree shriv eled Into needle points and Its bright green turned dark. It changed its na ture and became the evergreen, in all seasons preaching the story of man's ran. pnly on Christmas does It bloom Drtgntly with lights and become beau tiful with love gifts. The curse is turn ed Into a blessing at the coming of the Christ Child,- and we have our uuristmas tree. or Kidneys, if one goes at it cor rectly. Each inside organ has its j wutiuiiuig or lnsiae nerve. When i. 1- m . . sues nerves ian, then those or gans must surely .falter. These vital truths are leading druggists ooijrwuwo to uispense ana rec ommend Dr. ShoopVRestorative. Test it a few days, and see! Im provement will promptly and sure ly follow. Sold by Cornelison & Goto on. Wo uld uu uUULS WMT U n 126 South Main St, MMl 'V. r""' .--V