yjmi Gomes from Grapes . pow- gSE K&8 , jdeijmaae from Royal SgrP fs&H Grape Cream of Tartar EgC B XflTfCf Imitation hairing powders are made from harsh B Hi Jwsf mineral acids and leave in the food Ot H jlfe " nnhealthful properties f Still After Holt's AH Durham is still stirred on account of the terrible assassina tion of Engineer Holt. Every ef fort is being made to get the guil ty parties. It is said that big re wards are now being offered and that the Governor has been asked to offer a reward of $400. The Brotherhood! is coming across with a reward. The Southern will as sist in it. There will certainly be a reward from the Governor and today petitions are being sent by the railroad men to the city and county officials asking that a re wards be offered. It is certain that the man or men who catch the murderer of Fred Holt will get more than a $1,000 reward. There has been a story that the city is filled with detectives. That is true in a way. Of course there are detectives at work on the job. Detective Woodall was at work on the job soon after the murder. There is no doubt but that there are special men here looking into the matter. So far as known no one has sent detectives here, al though it is known that big re wards are being prepared to be of fered for the arrest and conviction of the murderer, and that alone might attract people to Durham. Durham dispatch, Dec, 8th. Unusual Criminal Activity. The officers of the law in and around Greensboro have been un usually busy during the past three days, a score of crimnals, minus one, having been placed behind the bars of the Guilford county jail being charged with crimes ranging from assault with intent to kill and highway tobbery to va grancy. The cold weather is coming on and there are always more crimes commetted in - the winter than during the summer months. Sev eral reasons are given for this state of affairs. The negroes are pressed by cold and hunger more in the winter than in the summer and many of the lower class had rather be in jail or on the roads than not. They are- assured of plenty to eat and a comfortable fire which they possibly would not have were'they not in confinment. Anyway ths jail is filling at a rap id rate andifihey continue to come in as they have the first three days of this wetk when court con venes standing room Will be at a premium at the county hotel. There are now 42 awaiting trial, four of these being white. Of the negroes four are womem. Greens boro Telegram. Some 60 w!es. - A church somewnere, no mat ter where, prints on the back of little slips programmes denoting the order of service these words : "I will not worry. "I will not be afraid, "I will not give way to anger. "I will, not yield to envy, jeal ousy, or hatred. "I will be kind to every man, woman, and child with whom I come in contact. 4 ' T twill ha n Vi aavf nl an A V -..-.f .-. 1 w uvigt urn. " "I .will trust in God and bravely taee tne iuture" m ' Read them again.- They are worth while; You might cut them out and paste them in 'your hat indeed. If you will resolve to live by them -even forgone week you will be a great deallbetter for itj Washington Herald. A SuDject Which Needs Agitation. That the American criminal law has serious defects, and that if the American people wish to rule they must "thoroughly, rationally and honestly recast the criminal law," were asserted by Attorney Gener al C. J. Bonaparte, in an address before the Natioual Hunicipa League at Pittsburg a few days ago. He declared that the gravest and least excusable deficiency of the criminal law is found in its endless delays, and added that if the people demand prompt and unquestioning obedience to the people's laws, and give to this de mand an ample sanction in swift sure and grievous retribution for all rebellious to those laws, the people's rule will be real. "Why need there be a foretaste of eternity," he asked, "between rrest and indictment: another between indictment and trial, and yet another between trial and ac tual punishment?" This he an swered by declaring that it is part ly "because the bench and profes sional opinion among the bar tol erate all kinds of dilatory, frivo lous and often ridiculous proceed ings on the part of unscrupulous counsel, intended to cheat justice of her plain due; partly because our lawmakers anora almost in finite facilities for review of judi cial action to the criminal, al though being stingy in allowing them to the government: but mainly because our laws show lit tie eensejof the value to society of a speedy administration of jus tice." More Burglars Abroad. It may sound just a little' blood mirety, dud au tne same it seems evident that householders in the city will bekforced to resort to the most extreme- measures in order to protect themselves. If these measures should result in some coroner's inquests, so much the better Monday evening shortly after 7 o'clock a man attempted to effect an entrance to the house of J. K. Link by forcing a rear door. Being unable to do this he deliberately climbed a tree and got on the roof and then tried to break in through a window. Mr. Link was not at home but Mrs. Link was, and the. house was, lighted up as usual. She secured her pistol and opened fire on the intruder who made a hasty escape. The racket brought out Mrs. J. BO Maupin, who lives next door and haviDg her pistol with her she joined in the fusilade. So far as known the burglar was uninjured. Officers who who took hold of the case were unable to get any trace of the man. How far Should a Lawyer go? We do not know how much lati tude the ethical code gives lawyers in the conduct of cases. But it does seem that in a crimnal case when a man's guilt is clearly es tablished and twelve, honest and honorable men say that the de fendant is guilty,, that it should pass at that. But when an attor ney takes, advantage of every tech nicality to clear a guilty man he is an accessory after the fact and a very undesirable citizen. Spar tanburg, S.O., Citizen. NEW BOARD AT WORK. Some of the Business Transacted. Recent ly Elected Officers 6lve Bond. - The new board of .county com- miBsioners electad r. 15. tteara, chairman, vice 'i former commis- sioner Smoot. :After this matter was settled the board .got down to business. The bond-1 of sheriff McKenzie for $11,000 was tendered and ac cepted. The following gentle men are on the bond: Hon. John S. Henderson, fl. C. Grubb,' W. F. SniderTheo.iBuerbaum, CL L. Welch, W. W. McKenzie, M. D and J. Sam'l McCubbins. That is rather a stout bond. Register of Deeds Miller and Treasurer Nicholas, gave bond through a surety company and their bonds were accepted. T.C.Linn, Esq,, was elected countv attorney to server for two years. Township tax collector A. M. Rice and Coroner Dofsett submit ted their bonds and were received and approved. The superintendent of the coun ty home reported nine white per sons and five negroes, as inmates of the home. Mrs. J. S. Patter son was re-elected as superinten dent of the home, at $zo per month salary, for two years. Superintendent Carter reported 42 prisoners on gang No. 1," and Superintendent Hartley reported 35 on gang No. 2, making a total of 77 prisoners for the ccunty. Dr. I. H. Foust," the county super intendent of health, reported the general health of the prisoners good. A number of residents of Unity township petitioned the board to open a road from Lippard's to the home of Jos. Elliott, which peti tion was granted. lne report or tne recent grand jury was read and ordered filed. The salary of the county tresur- er as placed at $l,OUO. Bills amounting to $480 for concrete sidewalks and bitulithic work were ordered. H. W. Kluttz was awarded the contrast- for furnishing snpplies to the two chain gangs for the month of December. This should have appeared in last week's Watchmah, but its publication was unavoidably de layed. Ed " A Good Story or a Fine Lie. This story comes from Bad Axe Mich. Several years ago, Charles and Joseph Smith, brothers, un fortunately fell in love with the same woman. It is. j resumed tnat uupia was ousy with some international marriage at the time and overlooked the Michigan affair. Of course, a heart trage dy reseulted. The woman pre e i si -i .t , rerrea unaries, out ne made way for his brother aud finally mar ried another. Joseph proposed then and was accepted. In- the course of time, Charles' wife died and the love between Charles and his brother's wife, was rekin dled. They eloped; Joseph, in his first auger, swere; out warrants for the couple's arrest. Later, coming to think the ; matter over calmly, he decide! that he did not care to prosecute,! He eo in formed tha sheriff, but the officer declined to release ttie prisoners. However, he gave the teys of the ceils to Joseph and remarked that he was going dwn the street for a few minutes. Joseph walked to the door of the cell occupied by his wife, unlocked it aiid threw it open. "1 am opening this door so that you may go where you please," he said to his wife. "I am glad to get out," the wife re plied, "but 1 love Charley and I will go with him. :' The wife then accompanied her husbund to his brother's cell. The men stared at one another for a mo ment through the bars. Then Joseph said : "I am-going to let you out," He unlocked the; door aDd without another word walked into the office and stood there while his brother and wife passed on into the street. Do you know of any "unwritten Uawf thai, is better than the law of s brotherly love? Woman's National Daily, Preventics, the new Candy Cold Cure Tablets, are said by druggists to have four special specific ad vantages over all1 other remedies for a cold. FirstThey contain no quirine, nothing harsh or sick fining. Second 1 hey! give al most instant relief. Third pleas ant to the taste, like candy. Fourth A large box 48 Preven tics at 25o. Also fine for fever ish children. Sold by Cornelisdn &Cook - Does Hetelleve lt?" The Roman Catholic church must always be'the most impor- ant influence for the uplifting of the Filipino people." The man who'' made that statement has spent years in"' the Philppiue Is lands, and has had abundant ; op portunity to- know much upl if t the Roman Catholic church has given those islands during the four cen turies "of j the dominance. Not only that, but the man who made that statement heard the sworn testimony of. scores of witnesses givenbefore thfr com mission ap pointed by our government to in vestigate ecclesiastical conditions in the Philippines. He helped conduct the protracted examina tion of these wittnesses. He questioned them touching the morals of the friars and the nriests. and he heard these wit- E , nesses swear, day - by day, with monotonous uniformity of testi monv that these religious leaders V of the Roman Catholic church in Philippine Islands were degener ate, degraded and profligate to a degree that makes one blush for human nature. The distinguished gentleman who made the remaik which stands ai the head of the article transmitted the tesimony taken by the commission, with his re port as Secretary of War, to the home government. In response to a resolution of the Senate President McKinley laid this tes timony before the Senate. It was nrinted in Document No. 190 of ET , the 56th Congress, second session We shall have to refer our readers to this document. The testi mony, dealing with the morals of friarB and priests, is too indecent to print. When one of the wit neeseB, Suraio Laktaw, was asked in regard to his knowledce of the friars, he said: "I think I am in position to know more about them than auy other Filipino, becaus through my position as teacher '. was brought in constant contac with them." To the question "What do vbu know as of the morality of the friars?" he repli ed: "I would prefer to answer the question by sayingjjthat thenletails of the immorality of the friars are so base and so indecent tiat in stead of smirching the friars would smirch myself by relating them." Other witnesses, includ ing lawyers and physicians, did not hold themselves under such restraint, and consequently gave to the commission a volume of in formation which, if testimony taken under oath can prove any thing, proves that if the Filipino people are never uplifted unti the Koman (JathoJic church up lifts them through the leadership of her profligate priests and friars all eternity will be too short for the completion of the task. The information given to the commission was heard by the dis tinguished gentleman who made the remark on which we are com- r en ting; it all passed through his hands; and we may safely say that there are few, it any persons in the United States who are bet ter acquainted than he with the loathsome condition oL morals which prevailed in the Roman Catholic church in the Philippines when those islands c.amei nto our possession. JJoes he oen;eve what he says, or was he talkiiig for political effect? Presbyte- rian Standard. Frightened to Death. Three-year-old Effie Rossman and her sister Mary were playing in the back yard with their little brother Charlie. They heard their father call to them and ran to meet him, calling childish greet ings as they ran. Right in Effie's way stood her father's horse, hidden in the dusk.' She was almost upon him before she saw him looming up before her, and, as she tried to pass him the great hoof was raised. Call ing on her sister, to sayo her she fell headlong at her papa's feet as he entered the gato. The father raised the child in his arms and bore her into her mother's room and laid heron the bed, while the doctors came. Un til midnight they worked with her, when she passed away as peacefully as if she were failing into childish slumber. Then it was found that she was unmarked. She had been un touched by the horse's hoofs and had just been frightened mecg than the little heart already taxed by her play, could bear. San An tonio, Tex., dispatch. Whero to Go to Duy HARWESS! .When in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or. buggy Home-madfr Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of . - Innis nd Lee Sreets. We also do tliet class repairing on" short notion and at 'reasonable prices.,. - , Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. ., . - we solicit a portion ot your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. it your horse is injured in any way get a bottle ct our Morse Liniment. No cure, no pay. Hactline & Co. Phone 433, 180 East Inniss St. c Capital and Surplus $30,000.00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE. Salisbury, II. C. We offer cheap for quick sale a 33 acre farm five miles West from Salisbury on the Statesville road, known as the Chris Wagner home place Has dwelling, barn and good well. Half of the place is in timber. Terms can be made to suit the purchaser. Apply at . our office for price. WAT ER SUPPLY. Hydaulic Rams are Cheapest and Most Satisfactory. Probably the cheapest and best method of obtaining a constant aud abundant supply of good water for the household, stock, yard, garden and fire purposes, and at the same time that which needs the least attention is the hydraulic ram. You can have your water delivered right to your house from any nearby spring or branch without no further atten- tion atter tne installation ot a I ram. lne best r m on tne mar ket is sold and installed by T. A. P. Robeman, Route 8, Salisbury N C. Write for particciars. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. SALISBURY, N. C. W. Q, Coughenour, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. McGUBBIHS S HARRISON nnoi cRn nnn nnlw Surplus, - - $40,000.00 1 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. . - W.H. WHITE, Oashier. fc BO YEARS yl. . "EXPERIENCE 3T- 1 Trade Marks ' Demons Copyrights Ac invAntum la brobablT natentabla. "Cc tiong strictly conBdential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest agency for securing 'patents. ' Patent taken through Munn gt Co. reoelre tpecial notice, without "barge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest cir culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, $8 nar : fonr months. Si. gold by all newsdealers. '-(ranch Office. 62S 7 8t Washington. TUB BcLL dnuULili BF ON BOTTOM OF BVErRY-SHOE' YOU PUT ON Bell Shoe HANCOCK BROS. & .1 ark. COS. PLUG TOBACCO is one of the biggest plugs of standard grade flue cured tobacco ever sold for 10c It goes further and lasts longer in the going than any other brand made. A man who knows of this brand never goes around with a "chip" on his shoulder, he keeps it in his mouth. It makes-friends, and makes them always glad to see you. Demand Chip, and don't stand for substitution. Manufactured by a strictly independent firm. HANCOCK BROS. & CO., Lynchburg, Va. Established 1851 Leaders 1908 J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DRAY WAGON. DELIVERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOP, BEST QUALITY AND. UL, We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Go's Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carnages and Baggiest repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty : steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kinds of Wood and Iron Work dpne at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. OOOOOOOOOOOOOfOOOQOOOOOOOOO o Buy Christmas GIFTS OF FURNITURE o o o o o o o AT wiRoaiKJTr q o ifrlFTQ are f varionB kind8 from the Httle meaning AJ IF 1 Vj less trifle to the substantial and appreciative. The gift that lasts longest is srenerallv tha mn.t .ri j. o o Q serviceable and the longest to be w W i j i o o FURNITURE o o o jiB useful, will give long service jof the house, porch or yard. It service, expensive or cheap. - o o o the and o o jpnee, stock and suitable for any is WRIGHT is awaiting your inspection and is such to greatly assist O making appropriate selections. Do not fail to give him f o o jyou in a call. o o o o Q . Furniture Dealer O Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. Q oooooooo oooooooooooooooboo Drummers' SAMPLE SHOES Isour "LoDg Suit." Better than Stoek Shoes .and'you get them at FACTORY COST. A BIG LOT just received, to be fol lowed by another in a few days. Store & Co. WHITE & CO. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o CI 7 VMW U1U.0 IIKHI II I U lift - wuw remembered. comes in the class of the. sub-, stantial and appreciative. It and can be used in all parts may be ornamental or just for Furniture dealer, has 'a large well selected stock every variety place or home. Hiam.mmv o Respectfully, o o o o o o and Undertaker.