-, : ... . '-it. . : . - ...... t .. - : . -. i ; . ". .--v i .. - 1 . . .. -. . . j . . . , i -- - -- - - COXCQBO AND CABARRUS COUNTY; Uirrljgis Md Bulks Boy Who is Head ed forl&tPenitetflarj. - v- . . Ooneort Times Jan.- th,r v Cam Poplinthe 17-year-old "ojr got off the- chain gang laet Saturday after serving a five months .sentence, and proceeded to celebrate' by getting drank. He -went to' the denot and ot into a row with a : train crew.. He was arreated and put in the lock-up. After rffetfki a sober he navs ho r- trouble. :He was fiued $32.50. MrsiXM; Blaok; of .Np. 10 wwnsnip, aiea last Wednesdav of pneumonia, aged 50 iyears. Mrs. Black leaves her husband and six children. She was"" a sister of Harvey Cook. We learn that Judge G. D. Sut ton has bought the Central North Carolinian, the Republican paper, ? and will soon start the paper .up again. Mr. M. 0. Walter died this morning about 7 o'clock at Her home oil West Depot Btreet, af " ter an illness of eight days. On Sunday of last week she was strick en with paralysis, and her death was not unexpected. Charlie Woodsides, formerly of Concord, waB known to be in Blue field, W.Va, and his uncle, J. M. Cross, fears he may have been in ' the mine disaster there last, week which killed about 50 people; . Nothing has" beeiLjieard from him. Albert Faggart, of No 6,-and Miss Margaret Blackwelder. of No. 5, were married here lastSun day,: the ceremony being perform ed by Esq. C. A. -Pitts, BARBIE INDICTED. 1 Is Charged With the Mnrder of Engineer Holt and Will Have to iStand Trial. Reuben Barbee, w,ho was diB charged two weeks ago by Mayor P. O. Graham because of the in sufficiency of the evidence against him,, was re arrested; upon, the grand jury's finding! a truebill against him for the murder of Engineer J. A. Holt, and is. again jn" jail, j i Barbee was in the court room at the time of the finding. He was not the least perturbed and went to his sell as he usually does. What new evidence the State has is not known; The case had been thoroughly exploited! before and the detective's hand was shown before the trial actually began. This time, if there is anything new, it will probably istay in the keeping of the lawyers until the time of the trial. j Barbee cannot, tried at this term. therefore, means confinement un til the May term of court. Wheth er or not there will ts any effort to have him released; by habeas corpus proceedings will depend largely upon his lawyers' view of the matter. The ar thoroughly convinced that he is not guilty and that the fresh arrest has noth ing iu it. j- The foreman of thej grand jury is Dr. W. I. Crawford, professor of philosophy in Trinity College. LEXINGTON AND DAYIDSON .COUNTY. of course, be tThe arrest, Graham Elected Speaker. On the third ballotf and by a vote of 43 to 36 tha Democratic caucus of the House tonight elect ed ex-Judge Augustus W. Graham, of Granville Speaker of the House branch of the legislature of 1909, which will convene in f i biennial session at the! Capitol to morrow at noon. : over W. ! C. 4 As to the Electric Chair. The sentiment for the establish ment of the electric chair in North Carolina as theway. to inflict! Dowd, of -MfklenburgTher Hal- capital punishment and to be sub- lo.tmg was spmtechand close, and, stituted for the sallows is fast I although the last choice to be growing. Another grand iurv has made, excited the liveliest inter " - " - r ' ' I F - . .i . t ; w- . juafc upojtwu m.iavor or it, ana esc ana aiscussioui juage this has brought forth more favor- Graham received votesrmore than &bla OnmmATlf. fmm nannfo nf thiol Mf TrvWr) nn t.hn fira' IKollnf. and an f.qaal majority on tjhe seconds On tbe third the following of R. H. Hayes, of Chatham, fell away and Judge Graham was elected. At the .same time Whitehead Kluttz, of Rowan, was! chosen as State. The establishment of the electric chair would also mean one fixed place for all executions. This matter has been brought up in our legislature before, but never .vigorously, and therefore has never had an opportunity of prov-1 president pro tempore jof the Sen- log whether it could be successful I ate, the election being unanimous. or not. However, the nrattr will On motion Judge Graham's elec -very likely come before the legisla-1 tion was also made unlanimous. - ture this time, and stands a fine I Raligh correspondence Charlotte chance of being successful. With- Observer in the past two years the people of North Carolina have realized more and more that there should be some other means of inflicting capital punishment than by hang ing, ancLthat all executions should take place at one place, the State penitentiary being the natural one - under the circumstances. Within that period, too, several States, including Virginia, have adopted the electric chair. North Carolina should do so. First, from a humane standpoint; sec ond, from a financial. All execu- ." - i , i - tions are gruesome, cut mere is no reason why many .communities during each.year should be distort ed by the ghastliness of the hang ing, especially when in some case 3 the privacy prescribed by law is a perfect farce, and there is no rea son of placing a county at great expense in order to have an exe cution. Raleigh dispatch. Some Careless Shooting. Preacher Charg ed With Horrible Crime. . Lexinjrton Diggatch, Jan. 6th. Little Harold Shoaf. son of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Shoaf, on Cen ter street, was the victim of a fear ful accident last weeek, although it now seems that no serious in juries will result. He was shot point blank in the eye with an air rifle, in the hands of a small son of C. C.' Burkhart. The . lead en pellet went as straight to the pupil of the eye as it could have gone, and caused intense pain. Shoaf was on one side of the rail road bridge, lookii g up in a tree for birds, whle the Burkhart boyJ was on the other fide, when he ac cidentally fired andhit his com panion. The distance alone saved the lad's eye sight, and possibly saved his very life. " Monday J. A. Leonard, on be half of his neice, Miss Minnie Easter Bell, swore out a warrant before 'Squire John H. Moyer against tne Kev. zacnarian i. Bell, late of this place, but now of Cooleemee, charging him with Dcest. The young woman is les than 16 years of age She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell, a grand-daughter of the ac cused. The alleged unu.e ib said to have been committed last June, and the charge is brought by the girl herself. Leo. Morefield, the young son of Squire Morefield, who was so bad! y injured by the explosion of a pipe full of gunpowder during the holidays, is getting along very well. His ejes were not injured and a brand new skin is growing back on his face. . His father teas es him about ihis new skin by say ing it is quite an advantage in that before the accident he was freck ed, and the new akin lacks this eature. Whereas W6 ie remind-1 ed that it is an ill explosion that blows nobody good. The coming of state-wide prohi bition has again revived discus- cussion as to the degree in hich the law will be upheld by the of ficers. Some think that the gen eral assembly will appoint a spe cial corps of agents to aid in en forcement. There is a surprising ly large number of citizen through out the state who are very- p si- inistic as to the activity the sher iffs and deputies will put forth, many scoffing at tbe idea that elect ive officers will risk tbe office and their lives to put down moonshin ers. Once more rumors begin to GENERAL-cWS. Brief Hrss. Interesting HappeQ!ng$vi Various Paints There is some talkfqf Congress making the President's salary double the amount lias now; The agricujttiralealth of Vir ginia is said to have Jncrealed - 60 years. ALBEMARLE ANOSTANLY COUNTY. per cent in the pjjtei A farmer livin'gn9atyaldoita, Ga , has been ,arrBedr orfjrthe charge of holding negro boy in peonage.- i -v A. man named IJroerswho al leged that he wiis divinely in spired, cut off tlMtjegd of his motner tne otner ayvxecause,, &s l he said, the viiprld was comiDg idl an end. fv' " .' Roy Rogers, whose father had been" whipped by nTght-riders in Krtutucky, c ) n uiiied . suicide. He said he felt tht the family had been disgraced.. A .' - " ' President-elect Taft harexpress- ed bis diftpproval'oJT'the forma tion of Taft clubs in. the South at this time. He thinks it may do later on. . . The artistic graft'1 r of San Francisco, AbrahiiifL- Ruef by name, has been suptdneed to four teen years in the State peniten tiary. It was dari:ij his trial that Prosecuting Attorney Heney was shot and badly wounded by.a juror whom he had exposed. A fenibie uetb. A special from Elkilt-tells of the tragic death f Joiiu T. Mat riu v, iiicii 'icouriteu Wednesday ignt ab a result of an accident in the Chatham Woolen Mill, where hewaa employed. He was engag ed in doing s:me painting over head, near a revolving shaft, when his overalls were ;:?ught in and wasrapiui, cagctruaud the iinug, bis i.et ef.riking some nimbere above. Before the ma chinery could be stopped, one foot was completely torn into shreds and the other mashed into a pulp. Urs. King and Reece hurried to the mills and gave all relief p jibie. They amputated both legs below the knees, and gave him bvery itteution possible, but it availed nothing, and death relieved his suffering at 7 o'clock p. vo. His remains were taken to his old home in, Wilkes and barud in Pleasant Home ceme tery. A wife and four small chil dren are kjft to mourn the sudden taking away of husband and father. Much Building Contemplated, Rowan's County Suneior 6ets tne Contract, l&tanly Enterprise, Jan. 7th. 20ne of our leading contractors tells us that'thia year willg likely prove a record breaker in the build ing line for our little city. There are several projects now on foot, but it is too early at this time to give out information concerning them. There have been doubtful ones who hav been pessimistic at times as to the town's future, but in a steady growth during the past ten years the town haB not yet reached a stopping place, and even the doubtful ones are now becom ing optimistic, and believe that greater things than those yet achieved face us for the near fu ture. Watch Albemarle grow? The negro, Henry Young, who assaulted Mrs. James R. Moss, and who is being held for safe keeping in the Mecklenburg jail is report- ediusaue, and Sheriff Green has been requested by the Mecklen burg sheriff to remove him. Sher- j iff Green acted upon the advice of Solicitor Hammer, and since the Stanly court convenes next week it is probable that no steps will be taken till then. The county Commissioners have clo8edva contract with Surveyor 0. M. .Miller, of Salisbury, to make a map of Stanly county. The price agreed upon is $800.00. The contract is conditioned upon the payment by the Board of Education for the county of one half this amount. The map will uw all pubuc aLd priucipal pi vate roads, all churches, school houses, creeks, bridges, etc. A map of this kind would ' be of in estimable value in many ways. Wneu complete the maps can be : .... t - v.- JURORS SELECTED. Leglsture to be Asked for a Better Road Tai Sfsfem. ' The county commissioners hold ing another session last week, the proceedings were, not obtained in time for publica ion in our issue of the 6th. ' One of the most important mat- , STATESYIttE AKO ISECELtiJId'Ol FY A Pious Jmi; cuiifiV .fief cisi;d f i J JYYonloTTike Clgarettess; 8ttegvllle Undmuk. Jan. 5th- x " TJie,-Landmark ment its ;.; last 'iissueVthataSS: name unknown , tuf Tr ti&$0S:e ' K m - - - . A was irom Asia.vi n- Statesilie Thursday working, t' religions' ters considered and one which will lay and soliciting "for. a. church. . possess an interest for the citi-1 tis foreigner a tall iellow,wore zens of the county, waf that of a Ciericai coaTi DU5 n aia DOt mae ' nrt-.flj -u.ii - iV JA his dirty shirt nor entirely cover proposed chahge in the road tax , - ' t. . system. It is designed to abolish u a - u uuiu, Appruauuujg a viobim the present system of working the he would bestow his blessing, roads and nlace a k-vaH nnnn makincr frAfl na rf t.ha nnmo nt n i Jesus Christ, and then solicit eyery male citizen of Eowan coun ty. In order to brine about such change there will have to be some legislation on the subject, and the legislature will ha r. " 1-- donation. The Landmark a hopes that he got small comfort in StatesvilleJ for he was evidently a faker. In one business house he asked for money and was refused. titioned to pass an act authorizing Seeing a package of cigarettes on the commissioners, to carry the I the counter he asked for the cigar- proposed plan into effect. " ettes for a donation "to the The renewed bond of A. M. I cause." This request, too, was Rice, township tax collector, was! refused. He went out but return- approved. - led later and again made an unsuc- A request was made for certain J cessful effort to get a package of franchises for proposed electric cigarettes in aid "of the cause." lines, mention of which lines has The fellow desrved to be helped been made r reviously. I -helped out of town with some The following were selected as force. jurors for the February term of The friends of Hon. R 7 T.in. the Rowan Superior Court: Lev will reffret to le&rn that hft ifl purchased at $1.50 a piece. It is First week : Geo. Klnttz. R. J. Lofiin, R. C. Knox, Pink Lud wick, Caleb Cauble,. Archie A. Boat, G, A. Rufty, W. J. Fesner- man, J. J. Sechler. L. M. Safrit, R. F. Fleming, John A. Brady, l a r a r wm, m. Li eeperman, C. A. Boyd, W. Tfc Rainey. Henry W. Cauble, M, G. CoorJer, B. K. Ketohie, J. C. Sloan, Paul Peeler, C. D. McDaniel, W. R. Lyerly, A. L. Peeler, L. J, Hess, Geo. L. Kluttz, G. W. Connell, T. L. Gil lespie, H. N. Woodson, Julius A. to be. honed that the Board ofWg-!Ifl rAXlgrJolm B co-operate witlix ""i - ' s"- A nru. WtJs E Steele Second week7THTlijrWiIliai3 G. frV Thompson, J.L;CarrKker, lonias lyerly, WBgej;-mC Daggett, G. M. Bernhardt, S. M. Sloop, J. S. McCurdy, W. J. Swink, J. B. Goodnight, A. E. Rost, Luther G. Blackwelder, F. L. Bobbins, G. F. Wise, John If your Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys are weak, try at least, a few doses only of Dr.; Shoop's Restorative. In five or ten days only, tbe result will surprise you A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help comes so quickly. Dr. Shoop doen't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or' Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative- goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Each organ has its own controlling nerve When-these nerves fail, the depending organs meat of necessity falter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so umver saiiy -successful. its success is leading druggists everywhere to give it universal preference. A test will surely teU. Sold by Cor nelson & Cook. Famous Case Will Soon Close. . -1 Both sides concluded testimony today in the case of the eight al leged night-riders on tBal for the murder of Captain Quentin Ran kin and arguments will begin to morrow. Just how long it will be lefore the case reaches the jury is problematical. The eourt failed to" limit the time are argument of counsel, but intimated that he thought a day and a half for each t i i i i i mi side arouia do ampie. mere are five attoroneys on either side and not either one is w'llihg to let the case end without making anrgu- ment, j rne illness ot J uror itosson . is i causiug considerable uneasiness. Should he become too ill to finish the case, a mistrial wbuld result, j i m i in as tne lennessee Jaws mo not per- mit tne waiving ot a single juror. Judge Jones declares hat if neces Bary he will finish fthe case at the sick's man's bedside rather than declare a mistiial. Union City, Tenh., dispatchl fly as to blockading going on. Several men have tried, it is said, Gal! fjr Charity's Sake. to buy malt in town. There is another story to the effect that not far from Lexington there is an unobtrusive citizen who quietly makes corn licker every night in nis nouBe, using a nig wasn pot, Dear Sirs The call published below has been ent to the churches, frater ual societies, t :e city officials aud a number of others: ouiiaourv. Jan. 6. 1909. cation will commissioners. A hearing in the Whitney Com pany case in New York was set for Monday. It is generally believed that the affairs of the great power company will soon be satisfactori ly adjusted and the plant at the Narrows in this county will begin the work ot completion. The criminal tei m of our Supe rior court will convene next week, Judge J, B. Jones , of Forsyth county presiding. The docket is filled with a number of cases of minor importance, but with the exception of the case against Hen ry Young, the negro rapist, there are no cases of especial lmpor- I Samoa. E. C, Miller, of New London, and Wilbur Arey have bought a lot on tbe railroad near the Sibley Manufacturing Co's plant, and confined to bed at his home at Tay lorBville. It will be recalled that he suffered a sudden and severe attack of illness while making a speech in court in Bakersville more than a month ago. - He re covered sufficiently to come home and was able to go about for a time, but his condition -became worse recently and he is now confinedto his room. P. B. Summers, a well known citizen of Cool Spring township. died Jast nightiabout 9 oVlQcJkjafe had; been ill a long tiWe and bqhdititioh? wasltie for ome dajBFaherai services )an4iuter- ment will taj&eplace-rt -fro church tomorrow at 12 o clock, the services being conducted by ' Rev. W, S. Wilhelm. With the beginning pf the year Messrs. W. E. N attress, of Btates ville, and C. B. Moore, fAC2 ' r i 9 '-.- X. v. hifci "rv 1- - Trexler, Max-vell Holshouser, W. ville clerks in the office of the ih?; A, McCorkle, Milo A.Kluttz, Da vid L Rusher, Milas M. Hols houser, M. C. Rufty, P. MrBar ger, J. A. Ludwick. H. W. Kluttz secured the con tract for furnishing supplies for ternal revenue collector, 'retired from the service, the force being reduced on account of a-v loss of ,v- business. The order was rescind ed in the case of 'Miss Mary Leet, Ci-. who was also slated for retire the chain gangs during the month jment, and she retains her position Of January. Pan! Cornwell. nnln wotC at Gastonia for gamblisr and br r Sensation Sprung in Night Rider 1 rial, shooting at the officer who at- - Union City. Jan. 2. A sensation tempted to arrest him, was arrer-L was sprang in th trial of the night ed at Mooreeville yesterday motb1 i iiim m iii if i m. vr w n an arrrwt-tan i ' -v -x wuox iu. iaauuii aiiu - vt.vu iiuuuiudv v j ni ! 1 w - will open an iron foundry there as eral Caldwell recalled Mrs Word turned over to a Gatdniaronicer I- r which he sets in his fireplace, and carrying the water into tht house in buckets. The officers ''bust ed up same Buch contraption in Lincoln county recently. It had a wooden cap and a long p ; to branch. " Your attention is call to thefol lowing action : "Resolved, That ' the Ministers' Association of Salisbury and vi cmity call a meeting of represent atives Suon as they can bund. A Nice State ot Affairs. This town tonight is a scene of terror, between the two pitched f all the churches, of the! camps of fo mer Sher.ff Ed Calla President Helps Orphans. i Hundreds of orphans have been helped by tfce President of The Industrial and Orphafi's Home at Macon, tfa., who writes: We have used Electric Bitters in this Institution for nine years. It ha proved a most excellel t medicine for Siomach, Liver fnd Kidney troubles. We regard-it as one of the best familytriedicines ! on earth." It invigorates the vital organs, pupmes the bipod, aids di gestion, creates appetite. J To streughten, and build up thin, pale, weak children qr run-down people it has no equal. Best for female complaints. ()nly 50o v at all drug stores. city government, all tbe fraternal and business'organizatioDB of the city to meet uriaay, Jan. id. p. m., m th3 Merchants' Association Room,- over First National Bank, for the purpose of organizing a society han and the friends of James T. Deaton and Rush Sebastian, for shooting whom Callahan is to be tried. In the woods near Lost Creek is County Judge S. S. Taulbee, de claring that he will not return to Gold in Montgomery. Near Onville, on the land of Calvin Ledberry, gold has been discovered in paying quantities. Tne Montgomenan savs report ha it that as much as $100 a day whose object it shall be to supply j town to hold court in the Callahan can be panned on the surface lu a systematic and unified way I case unless the governor of Ken around the vein. C. A. Arm- the needs, of the worthy poor of strong has a" bond on .the property. ur Cly aQd vicinity. m.uutguuicijr uuuucy is ncn in goia, iuany prominent cit zens in lint. t. Hid nrnmitoo f.r Ka fVia .intm.i I . r -r-. . " wo ui-i nuucsi c uaiftff Mfivar hovaen naa criven -.-a m y D Morris to the stand. The husband! wno went MooresAiue fter of Mrs. Morris testifies that he was I him yesterday aftemoohrhe j: vrw vx una uiunu bUHIi ilBipeU LU I D vy.j " lyucu captain rtanzin.1 The wife UA uwuu wu woo&h. ' j testified when first called that her I -: - v Z huBband did not leave homo t.hftti 1 Initnr Harrl tn night at all. Today she says her The closing days in wet -Reids ..oi-ujr wasiaise.anawat Viiie w3re made lemarkable bytt her Husband s confession was true. fehe amonnt of monfiv -iin- s She says she told the first atorvLu- u, i T. . 1 of the gang that thev didn't pf.nn frlnittifc--VT- warned her that they would kill but carried it tn thitir fi guard and dumped it tobthe '2 tucky sends troops to proteot him from the two bands of armed men her it she didn't contradict her husband's evidence. Her story today has thrown the defense into confusion. mine of all. A Horrible Hold-Up. "About ten years ago my broth er was "held up" in his work. health and happiness by what was believed to be hopeless Consnmp tion," writes W, R Lipscomb, of Washington, N. C. "H: took all kinds of remedies and treatment from several doctors, but found no help till he used Dr. King's jNew discovery and was wholly cured by six bottles. He is a well man today." It's quick to relieve and the surest cure for weak or sore luugs, Hemorrhages, Coughs and Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, Asthma and all Bronchial affec tions. 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. their hearty approval to the move ment of such a charity organiza tion. You are therefore urged to Be lect a representative to. attend the above called meeting. Kindly give this your prompt cousideratirn. W. B DUTTERA, Pres. - C M. SHORT, Sec. Min isterial Association. in Jackson. Governor Wilson is absent from, the state and Lieutenant-Governor Cox up to this time has refused to send troops Jackson, Ky., dispatch. A Sad Sight. A drunken white -woman, Mrs. Eugene Stack by name, gave all bank folks to count is not known, but it waswf In 'all wet sections enptr quantities of whiskey were iL 1 1 those who fondly; believe 11. , '. tbey laid up a. supply "for dry - weather. As a matter.? ttik fact 4 they win soak it up sooner -than Si sorts of trouble to the nolioemftn as well as to the residents of south' everJQ tne mow taeyget,HhaI Greensboro vestordav afternoon I more .they drink. There is no Croup positively, stopped in 20 kminutes, wif.n ur. snoop's Uroup Remedy Ou test alone will surely prov this truth. No vom iting, no distress. A safe and pleasing syrup 50c. Sold by fCornelison & Cook. There is no Quinine, nothing j and last night. She took posses- J such thing as saYing-whigkeyj?:'' whatever harsh) or sickening in Ision of the delivery wagon of th j -Lexington Dispatch, ilon't Get i wShh PreventAcs. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic. A few hours and your threaten ing Cold is broken. Candylike in taste. Preventics please the chil dren and they break the fever-" isbness, always. And least of all is the ceremony. A large dox 48 Preventics 25 cents.- Ask your druggist. He knows! Sold by Corneliaon & Cook. - CD. Kenny Co., held the driver at bay while she drove the wagon over the town juBt as a real bad man would do in the bad lands. It took two'policemen to land her in the lock-up and two other offi A western judge graktedr.a'di vorce on accounf :vilUternper - Life Fills would haTrW:j u cers to place ice water at her con- They uConltinw venience in the cell. I bad brnafb T :.r:m Her husband is a respected and ill tAmnoi- -?A , ??7 , o t a i-i-v lF, io- coias,-Sbauisn 'WWW hard-working News, headachegr conquer chin aiarug storea The Watchman $1.00 per year. 1 Thx Watchman $1.00 per year. TBXWATCHM.$i;odpe' y tf-