TiiE;c:I;uuffiS;a!i. WM." HXSTEWARr Ed. .and PropT Published every Tuesday - ' . Waal Inniss Street. "at subscription y rrice : . : ?i.uu . per year ; spot cash with order, 75cts. -Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th,' 1905. at the post, office, at Salis bury; N. C, under the act of Congress of March 3rd, 189T: - " Salisbury, N. C., Feb. 9, 1909 SHORT LOCAL ITEMS Spencer is making strides in the direction of a city. A number of important matters are now under consideration by the board of trade - of that place, and among" them are an electric plant and an ice factory. The Dixie Furniture Company, a new concern, has opened tor business at 118 East Innes Btreet John Howard and several others are the proprietors of the business and many friends hope their yen ture will be profitable. ' -i Citizens of Woodleaf will ask the legislature to incorporate that town. Reuben J. Holmes is the earliest aspirant for aldermanic honors He is a candidate for alderman Irom the west ward. Work began Monday, with a small force, on the new car line to the fair grounds. It is announced that the Demo cratic Executive Committee of - this city, will shortly hold a meet ing to arrange for the municipal primaries. The district meeting of the Odd Fellows will be held March 26th, with Beulah lodge, at Spencer. W, R. Beau, district supervisor, will arrange a pre gram no e for the oc casion. A mass meetiDg will be held to morrow evening at the First MethodiBt church, the members of the congregation and their friends, being invited to be present. ThiB meeting was to have be in held last Wednesday night, but was un avoidably postponed. A meeting of the Salisbury Min ister's Association was held Mon day, in the Baraca class room of the First Baptist church. The subject considered was the scope of the association. The Southern Railway offers t low rate to Washington on ac count 01 tne inauguration cere monies. There will be a meeting of a Men's Bible class Thursday night, at the Y. M. C, A. building at Spencer. Hon. John S. Hender son will be the teacher, with A. L. Smoot as assistant. It goes with out saying, that the class will be a large one when it gets fairly started. Miss Ella Holman and Kerr Mowery were united iu marriage last Wednesday night. The wed ding occured at the Reformed chtfrch, Rev. W. B. Duttera, pas tor of the church officiating. Vernon Early employed by the Southern at Spencer as call boy, was badly injured a few nights since, while crawling under some cars the train moved and a wheel mangled one of his legs. Ampu tation will not have to be resorted to. ' D. P. Williams, of Spencer, lost his residence by fire last week. The-prompt and efficient service v rendered by the Spencer Fire Department, saved the adjacent buildings. The loss is said to be nearly $2000. W. A. Carter, who has been superintendent tf the Rockwell Furniture Company, has resign ed that position and has gone to Atlanta. JMigs Willie Mahaley, of this city, and P, B. Daily,' of Greens boro, were married early last week by Rev. W. B. Duttera," at his home on East Inniss street. v ; t It is reported thatwork, on the aaA or trrtllav line'will be- proposed new trolley "ne" De gin at an early dat9. l he line e nrnin .tioot tn thft fair from Mam street to the lair grounds is to be built first.. , : . , ' ' L. E. Fisher a resident of the -V - oknTtlv move ll county, will shortly move 10 Hendersonville where he will -en- gage in the real estate bussiness. 6 B . - - - The infant sbiTof Dr. and Mrs. R. V. Brawley, died at the 8anito - rium last Tuesday, after a brief. illness. Is Peruna an alcoholic beverage indissruise? Is it possible to use Penma as a substitute for whiskey k Da people buy Peruna and use it as a toddyyor abitters,orabrwerXrv r ' c - ;J. ; "It would be the easiest thing inthe world for any one to demonstrate the falsify of such statements, lei anyone go to the drug store and purchase a bot tle of Peruna. Let Mm undertake to use it as a beverage, or take this remedy in doses considerably larger than those prescribed 0 the bottle. Would the result be alcoholic intoxication ? Nothing of the sort Let any one try it and see. . Peruna'is a medical compound quite heavily loaded with medicinal ingred ients. If taken in doses larger than prescribed it vrould produce a positive drug effect. - No one could take it as a beverage. If any one doubts these state ments, try it. and see. We know that, Peruna cannot be used as a bever age; that it will not intoxicate; that it cannot be used as a substitute for liquors. We guarantee that PERUNA CONTAINS NO CHEAP WHISKEY OIL ANY OTHER WHISKEY, for that matter. ' It contains a small per cent, of cologne spirits, absolutely essential to dis solve and hold in solution medicinal ingredients, but the drugs contained in Peruna prohibit its use as a beverage. It would be the easiest thing in the world for. any one to demonstrate this if Peruna is sold everywhere. THE PRINTED ON EACH BOTTLE. chemists have analyzed Peruna whiskey. Now we challenge any chemist to demonstrate any such statement. . , ' . a 1 i - 3 l - 1 . 1 Let any one who nas even a smattering bottle of Feruna ana see wnetner or not n contains wms&ey, una out ior nun self whether or not it is composed of cheap whiskey and cubebs. Of course, cubebs is one of the ingredients of Peruna, but there are many other ingred ients. It contains hydrastis canadensis, corydalis formosa, eollinsonia, and . at least four other medicinal ingredients. lvze Peruna as to be able to identify the is beyond the ability of any chemist. But any ordinary chemist would be able to say that Peruna is heavily loaded with medicinal ingredients of some kind in addition to cubebs. - Now why are these statements repeated when their falsity could be so easily demonstrated? Simply because runa on the part of the medical profession. Very likely the magazines which took up the crusade against Peruna and denounced it as a cheap beverage were misled by statements of the medical profession. Probably they were sincere in their attitude towards it But said and refuted, it would seem to be fairness and common sense in the matter. Every time any one says that Peruna is nothing but cheap whiskey and cubebs he is telling a lie an absolute the truth. But the prevalent habit of repeating other people s statements, without investigation as to their truth, has led many well-meaning people to say these false things about Peruna, 1 Used according to the directions on the bottle, PERUNA IS A SAPE AND RELIABLE CATARRH REMEDY, but, like any other good medicine, il taken in excess of those doses, it will produce drug effects very unpleasant to the person who takes it It is therefore up to every honest person to quit making such statements concerning Peruna, or acknowledge that he is repeating slanders about which e knows nothing. One might just as well say that Castor Oil is an intoxicant; that if taken in large enough doses it will operate as a "booze." If people never tried to see, but simply repeated such statements about Castor Oil, the majority of people would come to believe them. It is no easier to demonstrate such a statement about Castor Oil than it would be about Peruna. Any one who takes Peruna knows that such statements are false. To say that Peruna is cheap whiskey and cubebs may constitute good material for jokes on the vaudeville stage, but there is no excuse for any one who pretends to be truthful saying over again this oft-repeated falsehood. Court In Session. . The Febury term of the Super ior Court is now in session. Court convened Monday morning, with Judge E. B, Joues, on the bench. The judge charged the grand jury at some length, explaining the duties of this body, at length The case of Henry Young, char ged with' an assault upon Mrs. Moss, is set for to-morroiy-. It will-be remembered that this case was moved here from Stanly coun ty. The grand jury is composed of the following citizens : Grand jury: L. E. Heilig, fore man; Jobn A. Brady, J J. Sech ler, A L. Peeler, H. N. Woodson, Cicero A. Ludwick, W. T. Rainey, Milo A. J. Bost, R. F. Fleming, Julius A. Earnhardt, H. C. Kenpr ly. Paul Peeler, B. R Ketchie, W R Lyerly, 'Henry W. Cauble, W. J. Fesperman, J. R Steele, G. W. Connel. ! Following are the names of the petit jury : L. J. Hess, J. C. Sloan Geo. L.,Kluttz, Geo. Kluttz, Jno., D. Kenerly, C. D. McDaniel, G A Rufty, C. A. Boyd, Pinkney Lud wick, M. V. Cooper. R. C. Knox, Wm. M. L. Fesperman, Archie A. Bost, L: M. Safrit, R. J. Loflin. Work Commenced. A force of men and teams has commenced the grading where the annex to the Kesler Cotton Mill is to be erected. The coi.tract has been,awarded to F. C. Thompson & Co., of Charlotte. The new building will be 120 feet by 80 and two storries in height. HIDDEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That no Salisbury Citizen can Afford fo Ignore. DANGER SIGNAL NO. 1 comes from the kidney secretions. They will warn you wren me aiuueys are bick. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick, red, ill-smelling urine, full of sediment and irreg ular of passage DANGER SIGNAL NO. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heavy, or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you the ap proach of dropsy, diabetes and right's desease. Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them per manently. Here's Salisbury proof: J. Collins. 519 So. Main St., Salis bury, N. C, says "I have a great faith in the curative powers of Djans Kidney pills as I have used them at different lime9 ad have always received the best j 8ufferedJa great deal from a disorder of the kidneys but was unable to obtain relief until I heard of Doans Kidney piUg procured a box at the Salisbury. Drug Company, after us ing them I experienced prompt relief and on several occasions since when I nave felta return I of the anoyance, they have neyer failed tQ hmefct me;. I have no hesitancy in advising others afflcted in a simular way to try them." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New Yoik, sole agents for the United Remember the name Doan's and take no other. they chose to do so. INGREDIENTS ARE PLAINLY It has been said over and over again that and found it to contain only cubebs and juiuwieuge 01 cuenustry purcuase a To be sure, no chemist could so ana various medicinal ingredients. This there is continued hostility toward Pe now, after all these things have been in order for such people to use a little falsehood. Most people intend to speak Door Blown Open Witb Explosives. Early last week the store of D. M. Miller, corner Ellis and Ceme tery streets, was entered and rob bed. Entiance was effected by blowing the door to pieces with dynamite, or some other explosive. The affair occurred shortly after midnight- and a number of perions iu the vicinity heard the unusual noise, and promptly paid no at tention to it. J. M. Miller, a son of D. M. Miller, has charge of the store. A rifle, some cigars and aoout $iu iu small cnange was stolen. That Liquor License. The citizens of Ea9t. Spencer don't fancy the granting of that liquor licinse a little bit There has been considerable talk and the matter has been commented up on quite freely. It is expressly stated in the cBarter of the town that no intox icating liquor shall be sold within the corporate limits of the place It is probable that the end is not yet and that Borne action will be taken by the people of East Spen cer, Salisbury and the county. Fair Association in a Bad Way, The enterprise known as the Yadkin Valley Fair Association, which has had a series of mishaps to contend with since its organiza tion, has been placed in the han4s of a receiver and its affairs will be wound up as soon as possible. Walter H. Woodson, Eeq , has been appointed receiver. The lute P. W. Brown was one of-jthe creditors of the organization, and as ! is .estate is to be settled, the indebtedness has to I e arranged It is understood that an effort w'll be made to adjust matters so a fair will be held in the fall,as usual. As a rule it is a safe practice not to put into the. stomach any thing that is not nourishing and easy of digestion. ! WHEAT FLAKE CELERY i mm is easily converted by the diges tive organs and supplies the nu tritive wants of all parts of the body. so For sale by all Grocer Mrs. Dr. MOOre will be in Dr. Fox's j office Janiiatf 25th for the extrac tion of teeth. Remember the date. . 1-9 2t Farmers TaUa Hindi - r "; nam beY t t "Rowan coun ty farmers,- who are: growing uneasy over the decrease of the -number of quail in .'this section, are cir culating the fallowing petition,' This ' petition will be presented to the legislature if enough names are secured, and it is believed there will be no difficulty on that score: VTo the General Assemblyof North Carolina : We the under sigued eittizensTof Rowan county respect'ully submit to your Honorably body, That the skill of the sportsman and the unfavorable weather "condition's have 8 5 largeiy diminished the i.umbe of quail u our county as to suggest the dan ger oiheir 6arly extermination. That we ?iew such threatened con ditions with alarm ; We, there fore, earnestly beg that you enact such law or laws at your present session that f"r two ensuing year? will give to Rowan county a c'o ed or shut sbusoii, iu whieh no quail will be allowed killed." Good News for Mr. Rolf. It is reported thatO. N. Rolf of Chestnut Hili neighborhood was notified of some news last week which pleased him exceedingly Tu fact, similar news would pleiise most anvone. Mr Rolf has an uncio in west Virginia wno is blessed w:th a snug lot of this world's goods, some $40,000 worth, toput it iu figures, and Mr.Rolf has received a letter to the effect that his uncle has made him his sole heir. The lucky nephew is an employe of the Salibury Cot ton Mill. : " -T SAVED -FROM AN OPERATION By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Louisville. Kv. "Xvdia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound has cer flM world of good and g cannot praise it tainly done me a enough. I suffered fromirregularities, dizziness, nervous ness, and a severe female trouble LydiaE.Pinkham's vegetable Com pound has restored me to perfect health and kept me from the operating table. I will never be without this medicine in the house." -Mrs. Sam'Ii Lee, 3523 Fourth St, Louisville, Kj. Another Operation Avoided. Adrian, Ga. "I suffered untold misery from female troubles, and my doctor said an operation was my only chance, and I dreaded it almost as much as death. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound completely cured me without an operation." Lena V. HEKKY, K. J) . U. 3. Tnirty years ot unparalleled suc cess confirms the power of Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to cure female diseases. The srreat vol. ume of unsolicited testimony constant- 1 s i 1 iv pounng in proves conclusively mat Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound is a remarkable remedy for those distressing feminine ills from which so many women suffer. Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Thenyput your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay yon 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. ifli The State's Strongest Banking Institution. WATER POWER. 38 lbs. of Cream of Wheat flour, 36 Best Patent and 14 lba. of bran and shorts per BUSHEL of WHEAT. These two brands of flour are as staple in Row an as sugar and coffee . This should be satisfactory even to the most exacting. Effective at once. 112 3mo EOTHROCK ROLLER MILLS. Ed. Oiercash! I lost some money near Kannapolis on January 21 or 22. Send me your address and I will describe same. Tal bert, Kan napolisTN. C. ! Eggs! I will sella fewset. tings of the famous Laken wel ders this season at $3,00 for 15 eggS. All my birds are prize winners, most beautiful and the vsry best layers. Maggie McLaughlin, Cleveland, N. C Cifi-i' V 01 S 1ST CO fetmm, mm JA Step by Step will the New Year g d wii iu History. NEEDED FURNITURE by buying from W. B. SUMMERS ETT, The House Furnisher. He carries a large and varied stock of Furniture and Fnrnishings. Something for every part of the house, from attie to cellar, from parlor to kitchen, and, for pocketbooks large and pocketbooke email, and, reasonable prices and courteous treatment to all. Very respectfully, W. B. QOOOOOOOOOO ooooooooodooooo o o o o o THE CLEAN m o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o A. W. tWIHECOFF'8 IS Still in Progress And will Continue for a Few; Days yet. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o The knife has been put deep into the prices, and good goods are beeing offered at remarkably low prices. I do not wish to over-rate myself nor use extravagaat language that would cause you 4o expect more , than is reasonable, but I do want you to call, in ease of need, and investi gate my stock and prices. By this method-there can be no dec3ption and no dis agreementsa square deal and satisfac tion to all. Come in and see, me while -these special inducements are being of- -f ered and you will not regret it. - Very respectfully, oooaoooQQQOooooooaoooooooo and Piece by Piece can you Supply your Home with Summersett. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o p o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o w The Queen of Fashion's Richest and choicest creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on the Standard Rotary. The World's Best Sewing Machine The ouly machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching on the same machine. Ladies When yon are in need of a sewing ma chine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should huy one which will last a life time, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It to Yourself to learn how the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in les time, and withjnore real comfort and pleas ure than any other machine made. Send for circular. The standard Sewing Machine Co., For sale by Atlanta, Ga. T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO., Salisbury, N. C. OPEN AN ACCOUNT WITH THE t SALISBURY, N. C. W. C. Coughenoub, President, T. C. Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cashier. Capita! - - - $50,000 OQ Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 OQ Surplus and Profits - 53,581 56 Oeposits January 1, 1909, 317 785 06: Resources January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 Directors : John S. Henderson, D. ' A. Atwell, T.C. Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Cnjjhejiour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe banking. W. H. WHITE, Cashier. Land Posters for sale at The Watch man office, 10 cents por dozen. Old Newspapers for sale at The Watchman office. Plant Wood's Seeds For The Garden & Farm. . Thirty years in business, with : a steadiljincreasing' trade every year until we have to-day one of the largest businesses in seeds in this country is the best of evidence as to he Superior Quality o Wood's Seeds. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover -Seeds, Seed Potatoes, Seed Oats, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and all P&rnr Seeds Wood's Descriptive Catalog - the most useful and valuable of -Garden and Farm seed Catalogs mailed free off request. T. 17. WOOD & sons, Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. M 1 I f I .