orres ponden ee. ROCK. ! March 8. Farmers are well along with their work, Lioe are killing the oats. Oar eohool closed last Friday with an entertainment in the afternoon and evening. The chil dren, young folks and old folks all had a pleasant time . We had a splendid school this winter. GOLD KNOB. March. 6. Sooner or later the dead will come to life so if pur items should come through the press,, he not deceived. Jno. L. Waller, experienced Utrins band of China Grove will1 IMMANUEL. Marh 8. Everybody is invited to come to Bethany next Saturday and Saturday night, March 13th, to the annual entertainment. In the morning there will be two speeches, one by Rev. Yearick. cf Rockwell, and the other by Prof. A. W. George. In the afternoon there will be a ball game and that night an entertainment by the pu pils of the school. The . Rogers quite a runaway last week when his horses ran with his wagou and almost put it out of commission. Mtes Lucy Barrier, who has been has furnish the sion. muBio for the occa VINOL CORES CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS AND BRONCHITIS After Other Remedies Fail The Oole Universal Planters 1 FOR SALE IN SALISBURY AT Kesler Sons Hardware Co. Georaa ShnnW to ' fft teaching school at Gold Hill goods in his storehouse this week, turned home. Miss Barrier taught a successful school at that oanay snuw aiea yesteraay Dlace, a88i8ted by Miss Ehster oKnnt "11 j-krt1rtl m ill Vwv knit- I ried todav at Fanial's church. Mr. I Smith was an old man and was The people, along the right-of- well known. He had manv way of the Southern Power Co., friends. He lived abonfe a mii6 he ve been busily engaged cutting west of Clark' Htnre. Mr. firnith wood and removing all timber and To Clean Up. The Civic Association has decid ed that, with the assistance of the citizens, they will have a general clean-up of the city on April 1st. And this does not mean the clean- 1 have been troubled with a chronic cold and bronchitis for-a long time and have tried many remedies without finding relief. Through the kind sug gestion of a friend I . tried Vinol, and after taking four bottles, am entirely cured." A. H. Wilde, 733-8th Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. . S. McDonald, 147 W. Congress Bt. Paul, Minn., writes: "I con tracted a .severe cold last winter and thought I would never get rid of it I tried Vinol as & last resort, and it has Uncle lK0mpietely cured me." r . . . m vinol comDines two woTia-iamea tonics, the healing, medicinal proper ties of cod liver oil and tonic iron, de liriously palatable and agreeable to the W&feeat stomach. For this reason, Vinol is unexcelled as a strength builder for old people, delicate chil- dren, weak and run-down persons, af ter sickness and for Chronic Coughs, Colds and Bronchitis. TESTIMONIAL: had not been well for a long time, Frank Sifford was at home a day or two recently on a visit. He re turned to Charlotte Saturday. rubbish off the line. It begins to excellent one. and when each citi look like "SnmDin doin." zen of the city vies with his neisnoor to see wno snau nave me ttt ; i j i . ; 1 1. j. i. . I o w e received ine news, wun ne neatest and cleanest premises, deepest regret, of the destructive then Salisbury will indeed become fii-Q o. fi-nlrl frill ari oYtanH nnr beautiful and attractive to the Soda-water, with its usual heavy deeDeBt svmoathv to the suffering eve i. -i i i - w i bwb6 syrups ana carDonic gas is nf nnr a;flfftr trtwn an(1 Aanftmftnv oojecwonaoie in most cases, it not our neighborand friend, Mr. Proc ill nil. DAW. I i. i Ul. oui tt law nao uuud uui uciguuui at this place, and who lost his CULU MUU 5UHUUL HUUSt. home and all its contents. Be March 8. The health of the not discouraged: "Prosperity shall community is very good at present, not always prevail, days ot adver Most of the Gold Knob girls ait sha11 Come were expecting to go to the exhi- Lewis b. Hoishouser is placing bition at Liberty last Saturday, lumber on the ground preparatory but owing to the bad weather they to building a nice residence near did not get to go, here. Our mail carrier, D. M, Lyerly, Sunday School will be reorganiz- has been on the sick list for the ed at St. Peters church March 28, 1909. Let everybody come. ins oi tne streets so mucn as it means cleaning up and making Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, ri. U. presentauly, the yards ana lots which are private property. The purpose of the association is an Land Posters for sale at The Watch man office, 10 cents per dozen. Newberry, S. C, April 25th, 1905. The Cole Mfg Co., ' Gentlemen: The Universal Planter No. 7 that I bought of you March, 1904, is the best farming implement a cotton or corn farmer can possess . If I could not get another one I would not take $150.00 for my machine today. I had the best stand of cotton and corn around here and it came up evenly. I have two other planters, but do not use them now . Yours respectfully, Edward Schlotz THE past few days. N. C. Park, and a number cf others had phones put in their houses last week. Mrs. Charlie Hoishouser who has been visiting home folks, returned home this morning. School at this place will close Friday evening. An exhibition will follow on Saturday, March 13, also, an entertainment will be given that night. Everybody come and bring a basket full of good things to eat. Betsy, CHESTNUT HILL March 8. The dark cloud which passed over a few days ago i was a fright to some on Chestnut Hill. The people of Chestnut Hill gave "Willie Albright and family an old time pounding last Friday night, whieh was appreciated very much. Mr. Alhright has been unable to work for some time and had con siderable expense all the time. .While sick he boarded at his fa ther's but at present has moved to himself, Miss Truely Morgan, who is teaching school at Franklin, N. C, visited relatives and friends Sat urday and Sunday on Chestnut Hill. Joseph Mesimer and family are contemplating moving to Coolee- mee, N. C, some time in the near future. Their friends will regret to have them leave. Mrs, N. C. Eagle has been suf fering from lagripp, but, at this writing, is improving we are glad to note, Rev. J. B, Craven began a se ries of sermons Sunday night, at South Mam Street M. E. Church, especially for the young people. . The hour is on Sunday night of each Sunday of March. Come and hear what he has to say. It will be worth hearing. Rev. Morgan, the pastor of the Lutheran church, is off on a vaca tion at this writing. Black Eye. J'A home gathers no Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Morgan visit,ed at Mrs. Morgan's father's, B. C. Cauble s, near Craven, last Saturday night. P. M. Philips is building a large .tool shed. He had an old time covering Friday. We were visited by a heavy hail storm last Wednesday morning. It was the most threatening 'cloud 4 we ever saw. however we have no damage to report. Watch this space, we have promised to, and will give the .-1 ii j. ' news, till well long alter you're tired out. The parties who are installing phone's in their homes this week are: Messrs Jno. M, Brady, N, C. Park, A. Mc Morgan, Jas. M Trexler, P. M. Phillips and P. J. C. Lentz. That's right, keap the ball rolling, "A rolling stone gathers no moss," without a telephone news. This line will connect at Liberty Central. , School at the Barger's, which has been so successfully taught by Rev. P. M. Trexler, principal and Miss Maggie Park, assistant, will close Friday, March, 12. On the 13th the school will give an exhi bition and that night will givete,n entertainment. The day perform ance will consist of dialogues and drama plays. "The old school at Hickory Hollow," will give its portion of amusement . Plenty of fun is stored up for you. "Old Hunks," and "Uncle Jeff," will be there and you should not fail to see "Billy's Mishaps." A $5.00 reward for those who can look solemn and notgr in. In the even ing there will be a game of ball by Lingle vs Gold Knob. Two bal loon ascensions will be made dur- ing tne aay. .Bring tne women and children. Something to see. Your Tnoney back if not satisfied. 'Lee. The Implement Co., RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work, to procure Vhebestoi FARM IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog just issued tells all about the best time ana laDor-savmg macnuiery. It is one of the best and most in teresting Implement Catalogs is sued. Mailed free on request. Summersett Undertaking Go., 108110 W. Inness St., Salisbury, IV. C, We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and othetitoof- ing, GasohneJ'7nes, Sawand Write for pric0f The Imp Fortify now againBt the Grip for it comes every season sure! Preventics the little Candy Cold CureTablets offer in this relspect a most certain and dependable safeguard Preventics," at the 'sneeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. But promptness is all-important. Keep Preventics in the pocket or puspe. for instant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold by iCornelison -& Cook. Mills. jdogs. y,va. m ait v-m M ?arry a tun inifi ot uasKets, uoi- Jli d? Burial Robes. Latest im prvedefiipme.n ts consisting of Efearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trjf et7e Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their nn dertakers, Mr. TW. Summersett aud Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: day, 224; night, 529 or 201. Embalming a Specialty. We keep these planters in stock and would be lad-to show them to any one desiring the best planter on the market. Keslei Sons Hardware Oo.3 SALISBURY, n. C. The Gurse of the South. What IS the Dialer With the SOUth? According to government report of 1908 "The Secret is out at last the Southerner, coutrary to current opinion is not lazy, shiftless, indifferent or careless. "He is sick" the South is afflicted with and harbors 'hat most dreaded treacherous and destructive of all diseases Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average soutnerner is a suiierer ot cms neaitn destroying parasite which destroys the red bloood cells producing an impoverished con dition of the blood ; characterized by extreme pallor, general debility, weakness, loss of vigor, lack of ambition, and general uudermining of vitality. The climate and atmospheric conditions destroy the vitality. ' Let him get over it. Get rid of it. Gat well, and he is good physically as the best American can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your system, "WAKE IT UP I CALL IT FORTH. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER 1 MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD; all can and fchould be well, lo neglect yourself is to reflect upuu burj w lDuuiii ui j uui maaci nauuic jubciiuo'aii uuiuaijitfjr iu eniov a iun measure oi neaitn ana visor. 11 vou ao not tne iauiv is your own, for you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for the people of Tenneessee, Alabama Georgia and Mississippi, let us now do as much for the people of the Carolinas. A postal wilHiring you the necessary information. Send no money. Write to-day. Don't neglect this chance here offered you. AddreBS, The Cleveland Institute of Medicine and Surnery, CLEVELAND, JHIO . UOBNEB JVIN8MAN BD. AND IZD VSHBEEr. Improh (e Quality, Increasing the Qs y of Tobacco Crops The ambition of every tobacco planter is to secure the largest possible crop of the best possible quality and this is most surely, easily, and quickly accomplished by the use of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers As a rule the more liberal the amount of these fertilizers used per acre, the better the results. Mr. John F. Cunningham of Cunningham, N. C, probably one of the largest tobacco growers in the world, says : MI have bepn using your fertilizer for twenty years. I have sold tobacco made by this fertilizer as high as 90c a lb. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer is used by the best tobacco farmers in the Tobacco States. It stands upon its merits. There is- no better f ertilizerrnadlNu- used in the United States. I take great pleasure in recommending it not only to the farmers of Virginia and North and South Carolina, but to all the tobacco growers in the Union." The beat results are invariably obtained with the use of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizer. Over one million tons were sold last year. Be sure and eret the 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book from your fertilizer dealer, copy will be sent free. or write our nearest sales office, and a Sales Offices Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. Savannah, Ga. Memphis, Tenn, Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co, CvjiyiniaOronnal Sales Office Durham, N. C. Charleston, S.C. Baltimore, Md. Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Shreveport, La. NATURE'S GREAT BLOOD TONIC Piedmont -Bedford Concentrated Y Iron & Alum Water I Nothing id, the way of a Cough is quite so annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheezing bronchia-Cough The quickest relief comes perhaps from a prescription known to Dmpffiata . evBrvwhftro T)r Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be-1 sides it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain shrub, give to Dr. ! Shoop's Cough Remedy itB remark able curative effect. A few days' i test will tell. Sold, by Coruelison ! & Cook. is theiast day Otuut Bia: stools: will be branded 66 KIDO'O 99 If you need 33 O" at all You'll save most Half their Regular Price. BELL SHOE STORE, 111 N. MAIN ST. ( Repreenting the Famous Bedford Alum & Iron Springs of Va.) contains 17 of the most powerful Mineral Tonics. An 18-oz. bottle contains all the minerals in a barrel of the average water. We furnish the minerals, you furnish the water. We. have certificates both, from the public and-from emi nent physicians, telling of its virtue in Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, a large variety of Female Diseases ' Chronic Diarrhoea and Dysentery, General De bility, 'Anaemia, Malaria, Ulceration of the Throat, Diabetes, Piles, Chronic Eczema, Ner vousness, Chronic Constipation, and many show ing the "wonderful cures in that dreadful disease, Scro fula, v , Dr. T. L. Kabler, for fifteen years a resident at the Springs, says: For Scrofula, that fearful destroyer of human health and happiness, we have in this water a remedy which neither science nor fortunate accident has hitherto found an equal. It is in this malady, and some forms of secondary and tertiary Syphilis, that th&toaterw?ienxrried to its full alterative effect, displays its highest curative powers. In all forms of diseases peculiar to females, this wdter will be found to exert a curative influence second to none in Virginia. ' I bava given your Concentrated "Water a fair trial, and say with pleas-' ure I have iaeen greatly benefited. For some years I have suffered more or less with Indigestion, followed by Constipation and other attendant ills. AVithin the past two months I have found such relief from your remedy that I have improved in strength and weight ; have eaten what I have not dared to do for a long time, and have done harder work than I have been ' able to do, before for years. : Rev. OSCAR LITTLETON, Presiding Elder, Lynchburg, Va. Since 1894 I have been afflicted with Chronic Diarrhoea. About six months ago I commenced using your Concentrated Iron and Alum Waters with tne most wonderful and satisfactory results. For three or four years past I have been deprived of the privilege of visiting friends or going to. church, aa my trouble kept me in constant apprehension having lost almost entirely the control of my bowels; but now I am happy to state that after using about a half dozen bottles of your remedy I am entirely cured, not having used any for the last four months. I can confidently and most gladly recommend your remedy for Chronic Diarrhoea. Capt. RUFUS AMIS. Virgilina, Va. I waj an intense sufferer for some months with Indigestion, and could get no relief from the ordinary remedies. During the month of January I began the use of your Concentrated Water, and one -bottle has entirely re lieved me. I can now digest any diet and am entirely free from suffering. I take great pleasure in giving this testimonial. ' Rev. H. M. BLAIR, Editor N. C. Christian Advocate, " ' Groensboro, N. C. I have used and prescribed waters from several Iron and Alum Springs, but none of them begin to come up to your Concentrated Water in all that f oes to make the ideal alterative, strengthener, appetizer and restorative, t is at once a fine tonic and flesh-builder.. Have advised Several recently to try it, and always with fine and quick results. In January I had a bottle sent from one of your dealers to a lady, with the -Understanding that if it did not at once improve her digestive apparatus, I would pay the$1.00myself. She not only willingly paid the bill, but used a part of one-half dozen more -bottles, and is now completely cured of a long and annoying Stomach Trouble. This seems to be the case with all who try it. S. P.-HILLIARD, M. D., Rocky Mount, N..C. J. M. ECHOLS CO., Lynchburg Va. I Sold and. recommended by T, W, Grimes Drug Co., Chest- s nut Hill Drug Co., H. M. Cook Pharmacy.

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