V AND A j SOUR STOMACH ARE SIGNS THAT YOUR LIVER IS OUT OF ORDER. TAKE REGULATOR Anrf rM " Uke Yourself Again.9 THE GENUINE has the RED Z Trade Mark on tha front of each paokago and tha signature and seal of J. H. ZEIUN & CO. on the side, IN RED. Dr. L. S. FOX, THE DENTIST, m BUSY It will pay you to find out. TERMS STRICTLY CASH. Mortgage Sale. t Tsuant to the provisions contained in Mortgage Trust Deed registered in book No. 32, page 241 made by Caleb Heilig and wife, Patsy Heilig for the protection and benefit of the under signed, on the 9th day of April, 1908, default having been made in the pay ment of this debt, which said mortgage was given to secure, the undersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at court house door in Salisbury, on the 5th day of April oext, the following property : 1st. Beginning at a stake, Bern hardt's corner ; thence south 214 east, 2.85 chains to a stake, a new corner ; thence south 86 E, 3.50 chs to a stake on old line ; thence north 4 west, 2 85 chains to a stake ; thence north 86 west, 3 50 chains to the beginning, be ing one acre more or less. 2nd. Another tract of timber land beginning at a stake, Ellen Hall's cor ner; thence north east, 5.51 chains to a stake ; thence south 86) east, 3.75 chains to a stake; thence south 4 west, 5.50 chains to a stone; thence north 86 west, 3.79 chains to the be ginning, containing 2 acres more pr less. Conveyed by the said Caleb Hei lig and wife, Patsy Heilig, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. ' D. C. Linglk, trustee.! February 13, 1909. 2-16 Mortgage Sale. Pursuant to the provisions contained in a Mortgage Trust Deed registered in book No. 28, page 226, etc. made by Caleb Heilig and wife, Patsey Heilig for the protection and benefit of the undersighned, on the 6th day of Au gust , 1906, default having been made in the payment of this debt, which said Mortgage was given to secure, the un dersigned will sell at public sale for cash, at the court house door in Salis bury, N, C.f on the 5th day of April, 1909 next, the following property: Beginning at a stake, Palmer corner on Miller line; thence 21.86 W. 7,80 chs. to a stake on Miller's line ; thence N. 140 E. 5,40 chs. to a stake ; thence S. 88 E. 7.80 chs to a stone ; thence S 4J W 5.50 chs to thelieginning, containing 4 acres. Also a lot of timber land beginning at a stake Ellen Hall's coro ner ; thence N 4 d E 5 51 chs to a stake ; thence S 86 d E 3.75 chs to a stake ; thence south 4 d W 5-50 chs td a stone ; Thence N 86 d W 3 79 chs to the beginning. Containing 2 1-10 acres'; conveyed by the said Calab Heilig and wife, Patsy Heilig, to satisfy the debt provided for in said mortgage. 2-16 D. C. Linglk, trustee February 13. 1909. ! I net Rrnron at.nmnaH tail ferrtftltii I dog. Liberal reward for HbM return or information that will lead to her recovery. Cable B.; McBribe, Route No. 3, Box 18, Salisbury, N. C. 1 mo, pd.; SPECIAL Smith Says For Pure drugs, Prescription ac curately filled, and anything in an up-to-date drug store at lowest prices call at or phone 133. Formerly t.r-.-t T. W. Grimes Drug Co. " 2-16 6mo SMITH II WHITEHEAD KLUTTZ. Senator from the Twenty-Sixth Senatorial District. In Sunday's edition of the Ra leigh News aud Observer, its legis lative edition, we rind the follow ing interesting sketch of Hon. Whitehead Kluttz and his services duriDg the session of the recent legislature: No Senator's activities have been more strenuous than those of Whitehead Kluttz, Although pre siding over many sessions of the Senate, he has spoken in frequent important debates. A further heavy burden of work fell upon him as chairman of the big and busylcommittee on Counties, Cities and Towns, in addition to his work f on such other committees as Judi ciary, Appropriations and Educa tion. In spite of all this responsibility Senator Kluttz has originated and enacted some important and in teresting laws. That which pro tects human life by means of fire escapes and-other modern precau tions against fire in hotels, thea ters, factories and '11 other placeB of public use and resort is one of the best of the session. He has also succeeded in having forbiden the sale of narcotic drugor"dope" except on prescription aud in- creasing tne punishment tor vio lation of the act of 1907 His act making the giving of worthless checks prima facie evidence of fraud where credit or goods are ob tained thereby, is generally ap proved. The old soldiers at the Soldiers' Home will have their hearts gladdened and their last days, made happiar by his act providing each of them with a suit or uniform ol Confederate gray each year. Future legislators will owe him gratiture for the passage of a resolution providing for a modern system of ventilation for the dangerous and unsanitary Capitol. Id addition to these laws Sena tor Kluttz vigorously opened the fight for good roads and State aid thereto. The battle royal of the session was led by him in the last two days in his successful tight for this measure. On the last Satur day of the session a tis vote was broken by the Lieutenant-Gover nor against tbe bill, but on Mon day Senator Kluttz Becured the passage of a substitute providing or expert advice and assistance to counties and towns engaged in making good roads. The feature of the contest and its importance lie-in the fact that traie is the first recognition by the State of the good roads movemeut which has heretofore been a county, town ship or town proposition. It is undoubtedly the successful open ing of a great fight to be waged in North Carolina for State aid to great highways which will join the East to the Piedmont and the Piedmont to the mountain sec tions of North Carolina. The highest honor that can be bestowed upon a Senator was grac ed by Mr. Kluttz, the Senate hav ing elected him President Pro Tempre. He ib the youngest man ever to have held that ofhce. Mr. Kluttz was born in Salis bury September 21, 1881, aud is the son of Hen. Theo. F. Kluttz, ex-member of Congress. He was educated in Church H:gh School and the University of North'Carolina, and has for many years been active in public life, both as newspaper man and law yer. He was a member of the Senate of 1907, achieving distinc tion at that session as an orator and wise legislator. There was not a more iversatile member of the Senate. Mr. Kluttz is a member of the Presbyterian church . "wVl i it? ni . . i ff scales ana nans uiement were caDtbrecV yesterday, by Shim H IT N : -S J T i 31 McKeuxieNmd Deputy Sheri Yr iJeasiey, on a cnarge oi raising a Southern Railway cheok from $2.70 to $27.00. Upcn being ar rested they implicated otherB and more arrests are expected to fol low. ' Insickness, if a certain hidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that this nerve controls will also surely fail. It may be a Stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to the Heart or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that first pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop's Restorative was not made to d so the Stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the Heart or Kidney's. That old fashioned method is all wrong. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to these failing inside nerves. The re markable succeesess of .the pre scription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing organs, And it is indeed easy to prove. A simple Hive or ten days test will surely ! tell, Try it once, and seel Sold Cornelison & Cook. RNAN WILL RECEIVE MEDAL 61ft eemed Among Roman Catho- lies Is rded the Salisbury Authoress. Notre Dame, Ind., March 20. The Laetare Medal which is annu ally conferred by the University of Notre Dame, a Roman Catholic institution, on some lay member of the Roman Catholic church in the United States for what "it be lieves to be distinguished service in art, literature, science or phi lanthropy, will be giveu this year to Frances Christine Fisher Tier j! nan, me autnor, netter Know in the literary world as Christian Ried. She has written nearly for ty novels of distinct literary mer it, and she is also a constant con tributor to the literary magazines Her books and arguments are of strong moral tone, wholesome and elevating, and li? was for this rea son specially that the officials of Notre Dame conferred the medal on her. Announcement of the award will be made by the president of 4he university from the pulpit of the college church to-morrow. Al though the award will be made to morrow and tbe recipient named. the actual presentation will not take place until some time later. The ocoasion of the formal giving of the medal always brings togeth er noted officials of the Roman Catholic church and also other men and women prominent in their lines of work. The Laetare Medal takes its name from the fourth Sunday of Lent, on which it is always award ed . The gift of the medal is con fined to the members of the Ro man Catholic church in the Unit ed States. It is a large disc of pure gold beautifully enamelled and chased, and bears some ap propriate design, which changes from year to year, and which is suited to the profession or line of work for which the recipient is distinguished. Surrounding the design appears in Latin the moto : "Truth is Mighty and Shall Pre vail." The address of award which accompanies the medal is a beau tiful piece of art work, done in water colors on silk. This is the first time in history that the medal will go to the south. The recipient of the medal this year was born in Salisbury, North Carolina, where she now lives, in 1846-- She is the eldest daughter of Colonel Charles Frederic Fisher Mho was killed in the battle of Bull Run, She was married to James Marquis Tiernau, of Mary land in 18S7. Her first novel, 'Valerie Aylmer," was published in .New xork by D. Appleton & Co., in 1871, and was so eminent ly successful that it was shortly followed by "Morton House." a story of southern life thirty years ago. Her novels now number nearly for.y. By literary critics her style is pronounced as singu larly pure. The award of the medal is expected to meet appro bation everywhere, especially among Roman Catholics among whom Mrs. Tiernau is admired and beloved. Mrs Or. J. B. Gaither's Death, Mrs. Mollie Gaither, wife of Dr. J. B. Gaither, of China Grove, died at the Whitehead-Stokes san atorium, here last night at 11 o'clock, after suffering for months wit'T a complications of diseases, heart failure being the immediate cause of her death. Mrs. Gajther was born in 1850, and was-Keefore in her 59th year. She was a daughter of the late J. Samuel McCubbins, Sr., and 4ras married to Dr. J. B. Gait he .in 1869 . Four children, lames F ., John, Edear. who make r homes in Texas, Miss Mary Dr. Gaither survive, Mrs. aither'8 mother was a Miss Chunn before marriage andsbe was a sister of the late Dr. Locke Chunn, Mrs. Susan . Murphy, Mrs. James Murphy, J. F. McCubbins, clerk superior court, and was wide ly connected throughout the coun ty. She waB an cxlv'1. t woman in every sansb and her death bringB sorrow to a wide circle of friends and relatives. The funer al will probably be held from the ?irj5t Presbytenn church, Rev. rtfrfouClark officiating, and her remains win oe interred in the GhestnutSill cemetery. The de tails will not be completed until members of the family arrive. Have you a pain of any kinb anywhere? stop just a minute and think I It matters not whether it be womanly pains, head pains, or any kind of a pain, one of Dr. Shoop's little Pink Pain Tablets will surely stop it in 20 minutes. Formula plainly printed on the 25c. box. Sold by Cornelison & Oook. Land POSterS for sale at The Watch man office, 10 cents per dozen. I . X V HlghivElt Aa TWENTY YEARS. That Is What the Jury has Duncan Cooper and his Son. Col. Duncan B. CooperandRob in Cooper were found guilty of murder in the second degree and sentenced to twenty years in the State penitentiary for' the murder of ex-Senator Edw. W. Carmack. The verdict was appealed at once. Immediate application was made by the Coopers' attorneys for bail. Judge Hart said it would be granted and fixed the amount at.$25,000 for each. Both took the verdict calmy. The Colonel s two daughters, however, were heartbroken, Eighteen ballots were taken. The jury first stood five for the first deeree, six for the second de gree and one to acquit. Matters remained the same until last night wehn Juror Hyde, tho voted to acquit came over to the second de gree for murder and the vardict resulted. Under the Tennessee law the jury fixes the penalty. The maximum of twenty yearB was decided upon. McCarn is pleased with the ver dict, considering it a personal vin dication. He consented to bail until the Supreme Court passes on the validity of the conviction. The appeal will be on the grounds that the court in refusing to dis charge the jnry when it reported that it was hopelessly apart as to the Coopers', erred. Nashville, Tenn , dispatch. Fortify now against the Grip for it comes every season surel Preventics the little Candy Cold Cure Tablets offer in this respect a most certain aud dependable safeguard Preventics, at the sueeze stage" will, as well, also surely head off all common colds. But promptness is all important. Keep Preventics in the pocket or purse, for instant use. Box of 48 for 25c. Sold by .Cornelison & Cook. J. J. Daniels, who has been em ployed on the chain gang, as guard, was dismissed March 8th because he did not vote for any of the county commissioners. The gang was located at China Grove on the day of the election and Mr. Daniels, superior officers were in Salisbury till late in the day and did not return in time for Mr. Daniels to make the trip to Salis bury, his vrting place. Mr. Dan iels is a good citizen and his al ways voted the Democratic ticket and feels that he has been badlv treated. FEEBLE OLD LADY Has Strength Restored By Vinol Mrs. Michael Bloom of Lewistowa, Pa., who is 80 years of age, says: "For a long time I have been so feeble that I hare had to be wheeled around la an invalid's chair. I had no strength and took cold at the slightest provoca tion, which invariably settled on my lungs, and a cough would result My son learned of the cod liver prep aration called Vinol, and procured a bottle for m. It built up my strength rapidly, and after taking three bottles I am able to do most of my work, and I can walk a quarter of a mile easily. Every aged or weak person who re quires strength should try Vinol. I am delighted with what it has done for me." As a body builder and strength crea tor for old people, delicate children, weak, run-down persons, and after sickness, Vinol Is unexcelled. If It fails to give satisfaction we will re turn your money. Smith Drug Co., Salisbury, N. C. MaKing More Money Out of Cotton Crops is merely a question of using enough of the right kind of fertilizers. Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers are the right kind. The cotton plant cannot feed on barren land. Study your soil. Find out what it lacks. Then apply the necessary fertilization and the results will surprise you. See what Mr. W. C. Hays of Smith Station, Ala., did. He says: "I planted about 30 acres of some 'gray sandy land' that had been in cultivation for over 20 years, and used 300 pounds of Virginia-Carolina Fertilizers per acre, and I expect to gather SO bales from the SO acres." This is why we say it is the right kind. We have hundreds of letters like this, and even stronger, in praise of Virginia Carolina Fertilizer for cotton. Get a copy of the new 1909 Virginia-Carolina Farmers' Year Book from your fertilizer dealer, or write our nearest sales office and a copy will be sent you free. It contains pictures of tbe capitols of all tbe Southern States. Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. Sale Offices Richmond, Va. Norfolk, Va. Columbia, S. C. Atlanta, Ga. 8avannah,G. Memphis, Tenn. ClrgintaarQllna) V.Chem(pal7 Deputy Sheriff James KriderJ Nothi islrast n m 1 LI' r.u uu wwPluiwroa . I.-B6HBBU oaiisoury ana Uranite W r cij. J. . Kuttiry, oupaay, wno wa nearly frozen. The man was drunk, was - brought to town aad placed in jail until he recovered. Takii ma Cold Habit The old cold goes; a new one quickly comes. It's the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking-cold habit. It strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor about it. The beat kind of a testimonial - "Sold for over sixty years." M KMtobyJ.C.AyrCo.,Xrfwell,bM. d Almo manufacturers o flyers SARSAPAKILLA. PILLS. HAIR VIGOR. we nve no secret ! We publish the formulas of all oar medicines. Keep tne Dowels re&rular with iver'c Pills, Just one pill each night. Ji The Implement Co. RICHMOND, VA. It is very important both for effective and economical work to procure The best of FARM IMPLEMENTS Our New Descriptive Catalog v just issued tells all about the best V 0 time and labor-saving machinery. O A It is one of the best and most in- A teres ting1 Implement Catalogs is sued. Mailed free on request. We are also headquarters for Farm Wagons, Buggies, Barb Wire, Fencing, V-Crimp and other Roof ing, Gasoline Engines, Saw and Planing Mills. Write for prices and catalogs. The Implement Co., 1302 Main St - Richmond, Va. THE Summerset! Undertaking Go., 108-110 W. Inness St., Salisbury, IV. C, Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins aud Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagoos, Church Trucks, etc Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their nn dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: day, 224; night, 529 or 201. Embalming a Specialty. Sale Offices Durham, N.C. Charleston, 8. C Baltimore, Mgt Columbus, Ga. Montgomery, Ala. Sbreveport, La. Whe , I . S quite so annoying as a ticklin. t , , . teasmff. wheezinir hTfinfthia-fUTiw! I mu i I , Z I f ne quickest xelief comes perhaps irom a prescription known to Druggists everywhere as Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And be sides, it is so thoroughly harmless that mothers give it with perfect safety even to the youneest babes. The tender leaves of a ftimnlo mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its remark able curative effect. A few days' test will tell. Sold by Cornelison & Cook. Job Printing of all kinds neatly and promptlv executed at the Watchman Office. REPAIRING DONE It is now coming the time of year that you should have vnnr Sewing Machine put in running condition. To get this done call on n o H4i North Main Street, up Stairs. Don't forget we do repair work on Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Sew ing Machines. Any one havine repair work of this kind to do we would be glad to have you call and give us a trial. We assure you that we will do everything that is in our power to give you satisfac tion. When you come to town come up and see what is doing. Rsspectfully, tf. D. G. LErJtZ. Il4i N. Mala St.. up stairs, Silislurj H.C. c Capital nd Surplus $30,000.00. REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE. N n F Hi Ui We offer f nn Sain farm f mile from depot at Gran ite quarry, adjoining -Balfour yuarry, abont half in wood tim ber and half in cultivation, good ouuaing ana water. Also a 40-acre farm, six mil out of Salisbury on the old Mocks ville road, good two story dwell ing, splnndid orchard, land in nice state of cultivation; this place will double in value soon an mn- cadam road reaches it. You can set a barsrain in either of these farms if you look them up at once. Call at our office for description and prices. Farmers' Educntional and Co-operative Union of America. PREAMBLE. Speculators and those engaged in the distribution of farm products have or ganized ana operate to the great detri ment of the farming class. To enable farmers to meet these con ditions and protect their interest, we have oreanized the Farmers. Educa tional and Co-operative Union of America, and declare the following purposes : To establish justice. To secure equity. To apply the Golden Rule, To dischaige the credit and mortgage system. lo assist our members in buying and selling. To educate the agricultural class in scientific farming. lo teach farmers the classification of crops, domestic economy and the process of marketing. To systemize methods of production and distribution. To eliminate gambling in farm pro ducts by Boards of Trade, Cotton Ex changes and other speculators. To brine farmers up to the standard of o l her industries and business enter prises. lo secure ana maintain profitable and uniform prices for grain, cotton, live stock and other products of the farm. To strive for harmony and good will among all mankind and brotherly love among ourselves. To garner the tears of the-distressed. the blood of martyrs, the laugth of in nocent childhood, the sweat of honest labor and the virtue of a happy home as the brightest jewel known. xtor particulars address, . T. D. Brown, county organizer, route 3, box 60, Salisbury. N. G. McGUBWHillll Mill CO

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