-v...-. 1 it r , a V 1 . - iV t - A Home Newspaper Published in the Interest of the People. and for;,Honesty,;in Gdvernmental Affairs. vol. v. Nori5; Salisbury, N. 0., Tuesday, March 30thI9Q9. Wm, H. Stewart, Editor. -a llie i i i i.- . r jb lit,. nArr: fi I I 1 wi f 11 y5 : r II .j i. hi ill ii ; Hi ir ii ru-u ii I. - ? 'i 1 T THE WATCHMAN'S HOKOR ROLL. List ef Naaes of tHe County's Good Peo plt flio bats Recently Subscribed. ,s,Thet fpliowing list of names cod ;' sistios of many of this and ad joining ' counties best citizens have recently either subscribed or re-newed their subscription to The Watchman", and many of whom have also taken The Rowan Rec obi. onr rew Daoer. 'To say that their support is appreciated is to mindlv state a .fact which, we honp. thev are already aware of. X- 7 , - . The reading maa is always the in formed man, and generally leader in his neighborhood. It is not claimed that theBe good peo ple agree with every article that apppears in The Watchman, for this is impossible. The paper that always suitB everybody has never been published, and we be lieve, never will. But we do claim that they are -above the average Lit -llectually and are broadmind ed enough not to expect every ar ticle in the paper to please them at all times; further they have that high appreciation of others' viewB that we all should accord one to another. It is rare , there fore, that the little narrow mind ed fellow comes in and has The Watchman stopped because ithe editor's views aie not always an expression of rhis own. As the world advances these little cotton shirt asses grow less lifce the bdow that meltsin the warm and friend ly rays of the morning sun, Our honor roll follows : C J bhive Eli Goodman J H PeelerE W Benson Mrs J A Har rison MisB J L Freeman Wesley Earnhardt-J F Elliott D C Kes ter HL Lewis S J Rink JJStar rette A L Kluttz FNMcLaugh lin H A Wyatt R F Miller Chas L Bringle D R Glover Miss' Eliza Sittleton LRLisk Luther Parker Solomon Lowder Chas Wilea McLee Gordon Mrs M C Carter C H Harris R F Crook J. L Basinger E J Canap Dr J F. Bunn C A Brown J A Lyerly G M Troutman E H Miller Jees Beaver Mrs L W Lingle D V J Peeler J M Yost C V McCombs Crowoll Bostian Mrs M E Shap ing W H Smith R L Bame G MBarringer John Lowery F D Holmes James Kluttz W H Grubb "L A Fesperman H S Barger W C Lipe R F Fleming H S Trott M A Lemley " W A Shaping Smith Cauble Mrs Dr. C B McNairy J C Trexler R F Rabon $Irs M E Kepley F M Patriah Miss Duck Shive J C Trexler John Y Hedrick D C Trexler James E Dry R C Elien Albert Brooks E S Parks M E Foard B F Weant A M Cruse C M Beaver L J Kluttz R E Burton B R Barrier G L Fisher A L Lyerly Charlie C Holshouser Sam Hailtqn R F . Hamilton Margaret Trexler W H Redwine P M Philips Mrs M L Holshouser J Gilberl Isenhour Z M Hill W C Poole T A Earnhardt A M Corl N Lufty John C Morgan James R Hill Adolphus Holsh ouser WC Hoffman ML Carter GWHill Albert T Eagle Miss Earmie Shaver C E Taylor JN Wise W MSofley J H Gobble J F Elliott -. John A Lingle P T Bangle Miss Emma Sloop Jno S Watson A 0 Grubb Rev, P. W. Tucker Ry Cress P A Kluttz J C GoodmaD H W Felker Alison Overcash John Eagle W 0 Lip- pard D F Cook W B Mowery W D Kester J W Parks H J Kester N C Eeagle W D Pethel C E Watson Jas H McKenzie Jas W Freeman William L Over cash W M Tayler S D Miller Jacob A Morgan J Love Morgan D C Arey Dr J A Allen C Wal ter Surratt C A Stoner J A Hill JM Eagle. H Page B A Earn hardt HAM Barringer C A Miller Jno A Misenheimer Geo L Brown Jas A Miller Charlie Miller M L Wvatt John Hoff ner Martin Moore John R Hill Chas W Arey John C Suuggs Charlie Morgan Charlie Gordon i Eogene Reid W G Burton W C Dicks FrankMiller Julius Earn hardt J F Wilhelm H J& J E Shuping W M Safloy Kesler Bona Hardware Co J M Hoffner jL L Hoffner Mrs Bettie Barger LEXINGTON AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. in Syrian Style. Newspape Reader Don't Like Road Talk. Lexington Dispatch. March 24th. An irate subscriber writes : "if You don't stOD Duttibe so much stuf in yore paper about rodes will quit taking the Despach am agin roads tax a -d Bonds, an the rodes is good enough for enny body. You can stop my paper now if You aim to keep on talk ing about rodes.' ' Farewell, dear brother. May you mire up some where so fast that it will take a "blook and tide" to pull you out. While aiding in the arrange ments for the funeral jof Esquire James Smith Monday morn ing, Miss Eliza Hillyard lost her ooting and fell backwards, her head striking a pew, at the Bap tist charcb. At first ii was fear ed she was badly hurt,! but while painful, her experience very for tunately resulted in nothing ser ious. Philip Sowers, of Rowan has generously consented to donate he site of the Daniel Boone cabin on the banks of the Yadkin to the association formed fot the pre petuation of the pioneers memory ; and those interested will take ac tive measures from riow on to carry out the idea of reconstruct ing the cabin and of j collecting data and relics of Boogie . It was a gracious act on the part or Mr. Sowers, one that is appreciated . Mr. Sowers is one of the largest and owners in the state and is a remarkable man. His thousands of acres were purchased with money he made himself, and he began life with little. :-As noted last week Sunday was he occasion of tho baptising of an infant of Thomas Saleeby, the Sy rian merchant, and it proved a jhty inter estibg eveuT to'r man Lexington friends of the Saleebys. Rev. A. L. Stanford, of the Meth odist- denomination, was selected as the officiating minister . Quite a number of relatives from distant cities were present, as were sever all Lexington people. ;The child, nude, was immersed three times headforemost, in a tub of water, while those surrounding the tub held lighted candles. The Meth odist baptismal service was car ried out. A dinner was served a la Syria and the strauge dishes were enjoyed by the! Americau guests. Ihe name Saleeby is said to mean "The Sign of the Cross," and the family numbers about 7,000 people, some huudreds of whom are in the United States, and when an occasion like this ar rives, they gather from all parts of the country. Franklin Morgan Mrs C M Sum ner A J Wineccff J H Mingus A B Clemence Mrs D F Harris G C Moss L O Ritchie E C Stokes Earnest Ritchie R L Austin M C Morgan , Fillimore Stokes Miss Nola Kirk M A Troutman R L Frick D A Goaty C G Sechler A D Sechler , C M Lyerly Mrs M S Yost Private Ie Private Case Walter New man E D McGee R A Raney M L Smith Mtb Nancy L Earn hardt Salisbury Hdw l& Fur Co J N Cress Whitehead Kluttz WT Workman C M Linn T E Webb Ira B Trexler L C Trex ler M A Deal H L Goodman T A Walton W H Moulden, James Whitley, Richfield; Mrs Rhoda Shaver T G Cress W A Agner W T Barber T W Wat kins Joe Mesimer N C File David Wyatt Joseph A. Lyerly Mrs E E Spry ' Henry Lagle W VV Kimball A B Petra J A Yet. Kills Would-Be-Slayer. A merciless murderer is Ap pendicitis with many victims But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing tht clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Constipation, Bilhousnesa, Chills Malaria, Headache and Indiges tion. 25o at all Druggists. FOR THE FARM BOYS. A Proposition Which May Possess Consld erable Interest for Then. Below will be found particulars of a contest which has been ar ranged by the State Board of Agri culture: For this contest the Board has made an approprietion of $100 to b9 divided into amounts for three prizes, first, $50; second. $30: third, $20, these amounts to the three boys in the State grow ing the most corn eacn on one acre of land, under the regulations sent out by the Department, which are : "(1) The contestant must be between 12 and 17 year? of age, and live on the farm. "(2) He must cultivate one acre or corn, doing all the work himBelf, except he may have help in gathering the crop. "(3) The acre may be in any part of the field ; but preferably the roadside. "(4) The acre must be land that would not make more than 35 bushells of corn without the use of commercial fertilizers or other manure. Though in this contest commercial fertilizer, in cluding cottonseed and cottonseed meal, may be used up to $10.00 worth; and lot, stable manure, wood mold, etc., without limit. '(5) A record must be kept of all fertilizers useS, kind and amount, work done on the acre, and everything of the kind. Also of the weather, rains, droughts, etc., and the condition of the soil when the crop is worked, the time of planting, cultivation, etc. "(6) The land must be meas ured, the crop gathered and weighed or measured in the pres ence of such witnesses as the De partment of Agriculture or its agent may select. '(7) The crop must be gathered and thejreport. sent into jmy.oflBce before -.November 15, 1909. s "(8) The Superintendent of Public Instruction in your county will cc-operate with me in these boys' corn club contests, and will be the representative of the De partment of Agriculture, and as Buch, will appoint committees, give further information, etc." A Sad Affair. An Atchison man has lam in an uncoD scions state ever since 10 o'clock last night. Everything has been done to aronse him to day, but all efforts are unvailing. His friends are greatly alarmed ; they fear he may never regain con sciousness. It seemed that yes terday evening right after dinner the man picked up his hat, put on hisovercoat, and, although his wife was sitting right in the room, she did not say, 'Where are you going?" He walked out of the hotte. At 10 o'clock in the even ing the man returned . He walked into the room where his wife sat and took off his hat and overcoat. She smiled at him pleasantly and did not say, "Where h been?" The man fell uvc to the floor. Atchison, Globe . ve ynu nscious Kami., Meeting to Consider Railroad. A meeting of citizens was held at the court house, in Salisbury, Tuesday night to consider the pro posed extension of the Southbound Railroad to Salisbury. W. F. Snider was chosen chairman of the metting and C. C. Adams, secretary. There was some dis cussion of what the result would be if the road was extended to Salisbury, what good would accrue to the city, and what the people of Salisbury should do in order tp secure the road. It was decided to hold a mas meeting at an early date. A committee consisting of L Ed. Heilig, T. B. Brown, C. L. Welch, M. C. Quinn, T. H. Van derford, Sr, and I. Littman, was appointed to arrange for the mass meeting. Don't wait until your blood is impoverished and you are sick and ailing, but take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea now. It will posi tively drive out all winter impuri ties. 35 centsjyTea or Tablets. Cornelison and 5ook. STATESYILLE ANO IREDELL COUNtf.: Son Killed in far South More Efforts; tor a new Passenger I. Stateaville Landmark. March 23-26. Mrs. Elizabeth Sherrill,lwiffof J. H. Sherrill, died Friday night at her home on Stockton-street She had oeeora sufferer from rheu- matism for three vears g jd her condition was critical for several days before death. The lem&ina accompanied by a number of rel atives and friends, were . taken to Lincolnton Saturday morning jind were buried there Saturday after- noon, runeral services being con ducted by Rev. W. R. Minter, pastor of the Lincolton Presbyte rian church. Mrs. Sherrill was a member of the Presbyterian church. An effort is being made to start a movement for a new passenger depot at Statesville. That-frew depot is not only needed but' is & necessity for the proper care of the paeseneer taffic will be admit ted by all persons conversant with the facts. The business of the Southern at Statesville amply justifies the request that will be made and the public generally is asked to aid in the effort to bring the railroad people to a proper view of the matter. East-bound train No. 74, the unlucky frieght train which hag met with a number of accidents recently, was wrecked again yes terday morning at 6:15 o'clock at point about a mile west of Old Fort. This time ten loaded box cars lert the track and were nrac- tically demolished, and a negro brakemau, who was on the portion of the train which left the". track was badly injured. The track, was so badly torn up and the cars piled so high that traffic was delayed all day." "the east- bound passenger trains,.. Nos. 86 nd. 22tJeimmm wrecks is thought , have beefa -l caused bjrth&i)nr8ting of a wheel of one of the heavy loaded cars. Conductor Henry Tomlin and En gineer Robt. James were in charge of tho train. A number of persons interested in the preservation ot local histo ry met at the court house Tuesday night to discuss the matter of or- ganizing the Iredell Historical Society. Dr. P. F. Langenour was made chairman of the meet ing. and Capt. P. C. Carlton acted as secretary. After some dicussion it was decided to defer the formal organization of the society until next Tuesday night, when another meeting will be held at the home of Capt Carlton, and when it is hoped that all persons interested in such society will be persent . Mrs. M. R Adams, Capt. Carlton and Dr. Langenour were named aB a committee to draft by-laws, etc., for the society, to be submitted at the meeting next Tuesday evening The county, by contract, has graded a road from Mooresville three miles in the direction of the Catawba river and has let a con tract for the macadam work. A citizen of the vicinity says that personB interested have continued the grading toward the river; that about two miles have been graded and one and a half to two miles additional will be finished, whioh will complete the grading to the river. White the county has let the contract for only three miles of macadam, the people along the road have yoluntarialy put up the money to have the road graded, hoping the macadam will be ex tended to the river. Mrs. Naucy Fleming, of Statesville received a letter yes terday giving her the first infor mation of the accidental killing of her son, Joseph Fleming, which occurred at Natalby, a., on the 8th uf Fe'iruary. The letter was from Mr. Fleming's wife. Mr. Fleming was employed by a rail way bridge construction force and while at work on the date named some heavy timber fell on him and crushed him. He was removed to a hospital but died the same day. The Watchman $1.00 per year ALBEttAHLt-AND STANLY COUNTY; Some Criticisms of the Courts. Improie .mints on Eleetnc Line. Stanly Enterprise, March. 25th. W.r RusseH, who lives on route No. 1 y lion JJUUU'Jli 1b new Irish Dotatoes. "grubbing He sent us a liberal offering from the first lot, some of which are the size -of hen eggs. LeviH, Hatley, who was foie man of the carpenter force in the Southern car shops at Spencer, is superintending the repair work on the Jethro Almond car on tile side track here. The car when built will look like new, andv Mr. Hatley goes at it like one who knows how. Mrs. Albert R. Kirk is in an extremely critical condition, and her death at any moment would come as no surprise . she has cad a form of trouble resembling pa- ralysiBgaud for a number of days has lost complete use of parts of her body., The utmost solicitation is being shown by friands, and everything possible is being done by the physicians and family to keep life and body intact. The right of way for tha South ern Power Company's line between Monroe and Albemarle has been surveyed and the timbers cleared out. Work between Albemarle and Salisbury is actively going on, and it begins to look as if the companjLwill be ready for furn ishing lights and power. One of the lawyers who has spent many years at pre ct ice be- ore the Stanly court bar, re marked during the last term of court that courts in Stanlyare getting to a bad point, that poli- icB is figuring in . the trial of cases. Jurors are chosen because of their politics, ' and , witnesses are put up for the political prejudice that may be Drought about by playing upon the minds of the courts indeed arc getting to an ut- y pass, and the administration jbf ustice is a matter of farce. It is the lowest aim of any party, law yers of officials to play with our courts of justice in such a way as this, and if there is a tendency in this direction it needs to be stop ped at once . Contract Awarded. The contract for the steel build- .11 TT 1 ing, to ne erecuea Dy uiay Grubb, at the corner of Maiu - and Innes streets in Salisbury, has been awarded aud work will be- ffin next wees, ine work nas i mi i i been awarded to contractor C. R. Propst, while the steel work will be sub-let to a Philadelphia firm. B. J. Farrar, Jr., of Richmond, will be on hand as engineer. It stated that the new building will be eight stories high aud fire proof. It will certainly be handsome structure and will be an ornament to the two streets It is stated that already a num ber of offers have been made for space in the building. It Saved His Leg. - "All thought I'd lose my leg," writes J. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis. "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could not cure, had at last laid me up. Then Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible tor Skin Erup tions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever SoreB, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25o at all Druggists. Noted Educator Here. Ex-prtsident Charles W. Eliott for ovr fortv vears president of Harvard College, and but recently resigned, was in the city a short while last Tuesday, on his way to Chapel Hill. Mr. Eliott is prob ably the foremost maa ot the na tion, in the educated field, and in spite of his 74 years, he is in bet ter physical condition than most men are at 60. if you be dubbed a handsome girlt And win a hadsome Knight, The secret here I do impart. Take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea at night. Cornelison and Cook, SEED CORN DAY. Some Experts Will be Here to Make Talks on Selecoing Seed and Planting Corn. -V" To The Watchman : The corn crop is one of the most important m this section of the state. Aside from good methods of preparation, cultivation, fertilization, etc., the kind of seed planted plays quite a large part in the question of yields. In of der to assist farmers in get ting good seed to plant, the Farm ers' Co-operative Demonstration Work will have a Seed Corn Day at Salisbury" Fair Grounds on April 7th, 1909. A corn breading expert and several practical corn growers will be present to help se lect seed corn and make talks up on corn growing. They will be on the grounds from 10 a. m. till 4 p. m. The talks will probably occur from 1 to 2 p. m. Please come and bring with you from thirty to fifty of the best ears of your seed corn and have enough selected to plant a seed patch of one acre, in the tall we will go in the seed patch with you and help yen make a careful field se lection. We will then talk about preserving from weevils, storing and keeping your corn perfectly sound through the winter. Next spring we will start the same oper ation again and hope by this means to have some excellent seed corn on a large number of farms in this county. We hope you will show your in terest in this, forward movement by coming out, bring your coys, and mviting' your neighbors to come. Remember the date, the -place, and come early. Yours cordially. - J. S. Haix. local agent. A New Phone Una and its Connections. A new f aimers' telephone line having eight subscribers has re- cently 'been:, cgiuktotedj. w ith,th Salisbury exchange of , the'South ern Bell Telephone ;& Telegraph Co . The line is owned and oper ated by the Craven Telephone Co,, of Craven, and extends as far as Craven on the Bringle's Ferry road, furnishing service to the follow:ng well known people: A. M. Eller, store ;R. A. Eller, residence; D. F. Agner, residence; H. C. Agner, residence; B. C. Cauble, residence; H. R. Kesbr, residence ; L. A. Kesler, residence; P. M. Barringer, residence The subscribers on the line are ir in constant telephonic com munication with each other and through the - Southern Bell ex change with telephone users in Salisbury and Spencer. The construction of this line and its connection with the tele phone exchange here is another step in the progress of tele phone development which is be ing made by the residents in the rural sections of Rowan coun ty. Under the plan of the Southern Bell company farm ers and other rural dwellers are enabled to secure telephone ser vice on an economical basis. As a result, farmers in all sections of the state are installing telephones in their homes. We Need More Like Him. Judge Wright, of the Federal court, has decided to refuse natur-1 alizatioa papers to William Stongv of Westerville, a member of " the. United Mine Workers of America. When asked "if it came to the point that the union and the laws of the United States differed, A. which should you follow?" Strong answered, 'The union, of course." Judge Wright said: "l can never grant the right of citizen ship in the United States to any man who follows the dictates of his trade union rather that the laws of our land." Danville, 111,, dispatch, t A spring tonio that makes rich, red blood. Brings strength, health and happiness to the whole family. Nothing equals Hollis ter's Rocky Mountain Tea as a : Spring regulator. 6t cents. yor- jneUson and Cook. CONCORD AND CABARftliS tOUNTY, Arrested od Charge of Attempt df Ineendf ary. PastortnstalletfpllirerDeatlis. Concord Times, mar. 25th. Ernest Barrier, of Mt. Pleasant, died at his home, last Saturday, after a long illness of the great enemy to the human raca, con sumption. His wife survives him. He was a son of A. C. Barrier and a splendid man in every respect. The funeral was preached Sunday in thfo Lutheran church were a large concourse being present to pay their last tribute of respect to tbeir friend or relative. Rev. J. . Miller, the pastor, officiated. Levi Shoe, of No. 8 township, died last Sunday after an illness of two years, aeed f2 vears. He eaves his wife and six children. The burial took place at St. John's on Monday. Mrs. Mollie Bost died on Tues day of last week at her home in Fate, .Texas. She was a sister jof Mrs. W.. H. Fisher and Miss Kate Shimpock, of Mt. Pleasant, and eft Mt. Pleasant 23 years ago. She was 54 years of age. Yesterday Samuel Rogers, who ives on J. P. Allison's place, two miles west of town, waB arrested charged with an attempt to set fire to the house of Frank Smith, who lives just beyond the Gibson mill. Last Saturday night about 8 o'clock Mr. Smith discovered a heap of leaves under the corner of his house, and saw a man running away from it. He says he is con fident that the man was Rogers. On examination he found the leaves had been saturated with kerosene oil. It will be remembered that Smith's barn and contents were burned some time ago. Rogers is about 32 years of age, and is mar ried. So far as is known, he and Smith are on good terms. They were former partners in a beef market. The trial of Rogers will take.place to-m6rrow. He is now out on $300 bail. W. T. Wall, of Concord, and Miss Katie F. Barringer, of Mt . Pleasant, were married last even ing at 6 o'clock at the home of the bride's father, Rev. Paul Bar ringer, in the latter place. , . ine ceremony was performed by Rev, E. Garver Williams, D. D., pas tor of the Reformed church. No cards had been issued, and the wedding was a quiet home affair. Rev. J. W. Simpson was in stalled as pastor of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian church here last Monday night. Rev. J. A Smith, of Charlotte, charged the pastor, and Rav. R, L. Pat rick, of Back Creek, the people. It was" a most interesting service. and took place in the new church. Dr. Paul W. Troutman, a young dentiet of the Troutman commu nity, who was ill with typhoid fever a long time, has regained his usual strength and will locate at Mooresville for the pratice of his profession, He'was in Moores- vile last week and rented a room which he wiir fit up for a dental office. 'Deafness Cannot be Cured by local applications, as they can not reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that's by the constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining cf the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect, hearing, .and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ness is the result, and unless th' inflammation can be takeaoutand this tube,-restored to its norma) condition, hearing will be de stroyed forever; nine cases but of ten are caused, by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaces. V We will give One Hundred DoN lars for any case of Deafnesa (caused by catarrh) that eannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ck Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation, i " j , The Watchman, $1.00 the year-

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