THE aOWEfiS U0UICTK3N J A , Home Newspaper Published in the Jnterestrto: People and for Honesty in Governmental Affairs 1. V Salisbury, N: C., Tuesday, April 6th, 1909. Wm. H. Stewart, Editor. vs- .- -t life IT- STATESYiLli ANDZlpEOELL COUNfY. tlii FrnHWrt Disease! Paid tor the ' Scrap. "6ood Joli tor Gen.' ArafielaT fli.i. i ti - r j Tv. .r a V onl. ' --;. 'Mrs: J H.r Wjohoff weattp Sal ' . isbur? ye8t9rdaj,tQ visit h9r sifter Miss Woodwara, aua to wKe mi play there last night. His friends here will be glad to koow that Dr. Fred" Wf Phif6r is meeting with great success at Wheat,laudT--WyoM where he is resident physician surgeon at the WbeablanS sanatorium . A few days ago he was summoned to see a patient 90 miles away and was taken on a special train which made a record run. Geo. Daniels died suddenly ear ly Saturday morning at the home nf Mm. Wash. Shame, who lives near the Western railroad, about two and a half miles east of States villo . Death resulted from heart trouble for some yearB aud had been under treatment of a physi cian. Gen. J. F. Armfield, who was last week appointed adjuant geu- . eral, leaves for Raleigh this weak to take up his new work; his ap pointment being effective April 1st. While congratulating Gen. Armfield on his appointment, his Statesville friends regret that it will take him away from home for the next four years. He will live inRal eigh during his term of office The salary of the adjuant general is $1,800 a year and expenses while on duty away from home. A couple of wagon loads of col lege girls drave about town yester day afternoon, displaying the class colors, screaming and making a great noise. The performance was entertaining of a nusiance, accord ing to the point of view. In the mayor's court Friday E. B. Leinster plead guilty of strik - iug P. S. Pope at the railwiy sta tion a, few nights ago and was lin ed $1 and the costs, the trouble arising from an account against Pope; and A, M. Leinster and fin ed $2.50 and the costs for viola tion of a city ordiance. Otto W. Henry, who has held a railroad position at Muskogee, Okla., forsome time, spent Friday and Saturday here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Henry, and left Saturday night for Wash ington Citv, where he goes to take a position in the office of the audi tor of the Southern Railway Co. Mrs. Henry went from Oklahoma to Mobile, Ala., to visit relatives, and will join her husband at Washington later. Mr. Henry's change is a promotion. April 2nd. ' Dr. J, J. Mott is here for few days packing a portion of his fur niture, which will be shipped to Radford, Va., where Dr. Mott has been for some time and where he will spend the summer Miss Car oline Cowles is here Irom Ulem- mons assisting Dr. Mott in pack ing. Robert S. Hartness, who is a victim- of the groat White Plague and has been in Billingsley Hos pital for treatment, was removed to his home six miles north of town yesterday. He is gradually growing weaker and in compliance with his request he was taken home to spend his last days with his family, When Dick Brabble walked out of the Hotel Iredell office yester day morning and called Bob Hen ry to the telephone, when there was no 'phone call for him, an April fool joke was successfully perpetrated on Mr. Henry by Mr Brabble; but when numbers of patrons of the postoffice yesterday morning faund they couldn't gut theiy key in the lock of their box they never thought of it being an April fool prank. They knew they were up against Uncle Sam's methods of collecting box rent. Rev. Richard George Greene died Wednesday afternoon about 9:50 o'clock at his home on West Sharp street. Mr. Greene had been an invalid for more than four months. He became ill Thanks giving week the last week in No vember and for weeks his death UNCLE. SAU STEPS IN. - I - Tie: Wayjof ifie Ifli ciiLliBorSelhr Is B i- 'r? V . ----- Robert iM ftx 3brab8, and prQ&y olhers, whiwfire convict ed o! retailing t t&.e.dast term of IredejlOsuper jep uouiti erenr: prised thieek wheatheyoij that-the disposition of their!cases id the Superior Court was nbV the end of tlieir troubles; 'Reyehne Officer Miller, of Hickory, was hre this week with a list of names of the personswho were found guilty of retailing at the last term of Su perior Courjb and stated to ar lonal officer that lie was here to call on all the retailers and require them to pay the tegular United States liscence tax I for the.time they were in the liquor business, or else they must stand Itrial in the Federal Court for retailing without liscence. The officer slated that in the cases where the retailer had plead guil ty there wpiild be no getting a round the matter at alK Just how many of the retailers (there were a! number on his list) Mr. Miller waited on while on this trip is not kiiown, but it is known that he saw the two Combs broth , both of Whom submitted to charges of retailing in quite a number of ceIs9B in the Superior Court and were heavily fined. He collected in tfib neighborhood, of $100 from Felix Combs and it is understood that Robert had to put up about the same amount. The regular government license for re tailing is $25 a year. County and City Courts. The Legislature established county or city courts as f oliows ; For Durham and Durham town ship. I In the city Reidsville. For Rowan bounty. For the cityfof Hickory. For the tojpn of Aurora and; Richland township, Beaufort county . I For Hdgecombe county. For Washington county. j For Nash Coluuty. For the cityjjof Greensboro, For the town of Belhaven and S Pentego township, Beaufort coun ty. For the cityjof New Bern. For the cityfof Asheville, f m ma Manufacturers Forgot About it. What is designed as a "joker" cost the consumers of tobacco in this country jnearly $45,000,000, was found to-qay in the existing revenue laws df the United States by Representative Dawsop, of Iowa, who all once introduced a bill to correct ithe error. Under the pingley tarilf law the two-ounce packages of tobacco sell to the consumer at .5 cents each and the four-ounce packages at 10 cents. In 1898, a war reve nue tax of 6 1 cents a pound was levied on tobacco. At the same time, in order to serve the conven ience of the trade, the authoriza tion was givep for the reduction of the sizes of packages from 2, 8 aud 4 ounces fto If, 2 and 3 ounces, thus enabling the sm"ker to procure a fi-ctnt and 10-cent package of tobacco 'at the store." In due time, the war revenue tax was repealed. Somebody for got, Mr. Dawsdn believes, to re store the packages of tobacco to the original sis, and hence, ever since 1902, the consumer of tobac co has been paying the equivalent of the war "revenue tax to the man ufacturers of tbbacoo. Representative Dawson figures out that the iourchaser of each small package has been mulched out of 1 cent and the purchaser of tht. larger of 2 cents, and hence the "joker" ha!s cost the consumer almost $45,000000. Mr. Dawsonfs bill proposes to retore the packages to the original sizss, Washington dispatch. if was daily expfested. He rallied later but nbvqr recovered and ou account of his advanced age his re covery was not expected. For several years he had been feeble but apparently enjoyed good health and washable to walk about town until his illness last fall . LEXN6T0H AND DAVIDSON COUNTY. Large Strawberries. Rowan Getting the Trade. Pastor Resigned His Charge. Lexington Dispatch. Match 31st. Rev. Jos. T. Watts, who, has re signed as the pastor of the Baptist church, preached his farewell ser mon Sunday night to a large con gregation, , and left Monday for Raliegh, where he will visit his mother, before going on to Rich mond ; to beoome secretary of the Snnday school work in Virginia. rThe board of commissioners will likely name the various tax listers at their meeting next -Monday. For the first time in. ten. years the listers will be Republicans. .No Democrats will have a chance at the job, of course. The .faithful will be on hand to get their names .. . 1 a Lit 'lL. in tne pot, duc aouoties ne se lections havb already been made by the powers that be. March did the lion aot Wednes day night when a severe storm raged all over this section of the state. The wind attained a veloc ity that smashed records. Much rain fell and there was an electric cal display. Further south tor nadoes did much damage. In town the Williams-Holt brick building was damaged, the high brick froct which stood above the roof, giving to the wind in such a fashion that it was declared dan gerous and the street roped off to prevent possible injuries. Thurs day was much cooler and the high wind prevailed most of the day, Jim Green, of Boone township, was here yesterday aud expressed himself to a Dispatch man as strongly in favor of bonds, tax or anything else to make our roads setter. He pointed out that Row an is gradually getting a lot of our business and will get more if Lexington business men do not get btisy. We need good roads ! Davidson county moonshiners who think that the revenue officers have left the state since prohibi tion set in will probably be shocked to learn that Deputy Dayis ran across a regu'ar still house a dozen miles from town last week and destroyed a pretty large outfit. It seems that there was a full equipment, even a log house built for the business. The officer got everything but the still, the oper ators doubtless having received wireless messages to the effect that he was coming. Nobody was arrested but the officers have their eyes on some folks and they will probably make some arrests in a few days. Deputy Davis is from Statesville and was accompanied by some other offcers. W. F. Patterson, of Cotton Grove, fetched a couple of a straw berries to the office Friday, taken from the patch of Mrs. C. M. Hunter, iu Cotton Grove. They were big as the end of your finger and just turning red. being found Under the leaves, net to the ground. It might be that with care and late methods, strawber ries could be produced v. -n in this section much earlier lli ai we now get them on the market. Our people have' never realized the pos sibilities of this section in berries, fruits and vegetables. Found Box of Money. Down in South Iredell on last Friday, a negro, Henry Campbell, while grubbing in a field on th9 farm of the late John Sloop about four miles northeast of Moores ville, found a sum of money, both gold and silver. He found it bur ied in an old box and claims he found a gallon bucket full. It was known by some that there was some money found, as the ne gro showed several pieces of mon ey to them, but it is not known how much was really found. The negro claims he found $600 in all, and that there were twenty $10 gold pieces in the lot. Statesville Mascot. Read the pain fa.-mula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets, Then ak your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure somewhere. Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere, tryone, and see I 20 for 25c. Sold by Cornelisorf & Cook. rtnnv tuin CVTtaiumiuT nnilnMn. ..... l . i - iluui jJimAiROAiii. uuNUUnU ANU UAoAKnUS COUNTY, PRAYED FOR RAIN. An Enormous Increase In Expenditures Dur ing His Administration. "In no period excepWu time of war have t he expenditures of the Federal government increased so rapidly, both in the aggregate and per capita, as these expenditures ha 'e increased during yfche past eight years."' 3 - This is a comment which Repre sentative James A. Tawney, chair of the House committee on ap propriations, makes upon nation al expenditures during the admin istration of Roosevelt. A large proportion of the$cces8 is due to the rapid growtb of the military and naval establishments. Mr. Tawney is of opinion that the great increase in expenditures "is attributable chierly to insistent executive recommendations and a misguided public demand for the inauguration and exec ution of new projects without a due realisation of the consequent dangers." Appropriations for public ex penditures are made upon esti mates submitted by the executive department to Congress. The ag gregate of these estimates for ap propriations during the past eight years, including the fiscal year 1910, for which appropriations were made by the session of Con gress just ended, equals the stu pendous sum of $7,291,341,806.29. Congress has appropriated during that period the sum of $7,007,839, 183 46, or $288,502,622 83 less than the amounts estimated by the administration. The rapidity with which Ration al expenditures' have been increas ing during the Roosevelt period is shown by the total appropriations for ie fiscal year 1903, which were $996,683,864.79, and the to tal appropriations at the second session of tl" o Sixeth Congress, just ended, for the fiscal year 1910, which amounted to $1,044,298.23, the difference between the amount appropriated for the public service eight years ago and the amount required now being $247,380,383. 44. The President was always orying for millions more and frowned down the efforts of Congress to ward economy. Had the amount of his estimates for the past few years been appropriated, the de ficit would exceed $500,000,000 in stead of being in tho neighborhood of $150,000,000. Washington dis patch. ,; Some Venerable Customs. The Presbyterian Standard hap pily adverts to some changes that are taking place in the conduct of funerals, all of which, it says, are improvements, and all of which are coming about only too slowly. "It is pleasing," says The Stand ard, "to see the practice of open ing the coffin at the grave disap pearing. Que notes its continu ance now only in dark corners or where tb.9 objectionable habit is very inveterate. The custom of making elaborate addresses in eulogy of the dead is also passing away. It is distressing, be it said, that it passes so slowly. All such, heathenish things owe their exis tence either to lack of education or the great power of custom among men." The adjeotive "heathenism" is not at all too strong. The fascination of gaz ing at a doad face comes up from the dead ages. It is far more in accord with enlightenment and civilization that one should pre fer to remember a friend as he looked in life rather than as he appeared when turned to olay. The age of morbidity is, indeed, passing away, but less speedily than could be desired. The habit of laying in state the bodies of public men is a heathen origin, and should have no further count enance by and enlightened people. The best service for the dead is to put them away decently and in order and with no undue pomp or ceremony. Charlotte Chroncle. Builds up your whole . body. Regulates the bowels, clears the blood, ?.ids digestion, makes you well from head to feet That's what Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea will do, greatest spring regu-at-r. Tea or Tablets, 35e. Cor neiison & Cook, Rer. J. H. Sellers Sick in Charlotte Hos pital. Jailor Cline's "Boarders" Escape. Concord Times. April 1st. R. W. Biggers, of Salisbury, came down this morning and went to No. 10 township. '3llrs. Jessie JohnBon, erf Salis bury, is visiting friends here. Mrs. T. P. Johnson, of Salis bury, is visiting Mrs. John M. Young C. A. Guffy, of Rowan, is visit ing his son, H. P. Guffy. We regret to note that Rev. J. H. Sellers, pastor of the Kaunap olis Methodist charge, is ill in a Charlotte hospital, and will be unable to meet any of his engage ments made for this week. We trust he will soon reoover and re turn to his work. When Malcom G. Lent2 and family, of No. 7 township, re turned home from church last Sunday they found 14 nice chick ens lying dead in the yard. Two dogs of a neighbor had done the tfork, and had they not returned when they did the dogs would no doubt have killed all their chick ens. The two prisoners oonfined in the jail (these being the only "boarders Jailor Clinehad) walked out of the jail this morning at 8 o dock and made good their es cape. In some way they escaped from their oells, and the door leading down stairs, both of which are supposed to be kept locked, and then rushed down and out, passing by Mr. Clina, who was standing out in the yard. Any lady reader of this paper will receive, on request, a olever "No Drip" Coffee Strainer Coupon privilege, from Dr. Shoop, Racii.e, Wis. It is silver-plated, very pretty, and positively prevents all dripping of tea or coffee. The Doctor sends it, with his new free book on "Health Coffee" simply to introduce this clever substitute for real coffee. Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee is gaining its great popu larity because of : first, its exquis ite taste and flavor : second its ab solute healthfulness : third, its economy--la 25c; fourth, its convenience. No tedious 20 to 80 minute boiling. "Made in a min ute." gays Dr. Shoop. Try it at your grocer's for a pleasant sur prise. Sold by all Grocers, Another Gonrert. "Cut the tariff n steel or any thing else you please . American labor oan stand it. I don't care," said Charles M. Schwab, president of the Bethlehem Steel Company, to-day, as he stood in a lobby at a local hotel waiting for a train. "I believe in a reduction. I feel just as Andrew Carnegie does on that matter. American labor oan make the best steel in the world and with it we can compete with the world. I know nothing about other lines, that is, technic ally, but I have enough confidence in American labor to believe that the tariff can be cut without in juring business. "I have been in contact with la bor of all kinds for many years, and I know what I can do. I know that Amerioan workmen can produce more steel in a given tims than any others in the world. We have nothing to fear from a cut in duties, because we have the best goods. It is true that we pay our workmen more money than other nations, but you always have to pay skillful workmen the high est wages Therefore the highest paid labor is the most profitable to the employer. The skilHul man makes money for his emplop er." Chicago dispatch. Rheumatic poisons are quiokly and surely driven out of the blood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Rem edy liquid or tablet form. Dr, Shoop'B booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells just how this is done. Tell some suf ferer of this book, or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., for the book and free teBt samples Send no money. Just join with Dr. Shoop and give some sufferer a pleasant surprise. Cornelison & Cook. i 4 " Holiness Preachy Petitions Followed by Capious Supply of Raft. Like Moses of old calliLg down judgment of the Lord on the land of Pharaoh, Rev. Charles Ford, a Holiness preacher, called down a, plague on Bokhoma in the form of a drought, and scarcely a drop of ram has fallen hora fnr air months until yesterday, when the minister prayed for the drought to end. During the drought business was paralysed and hundreds of men moved their families that were in actual want, to other parts of the state. Rev. Mr. Ford's congregation at Bokhoma is small and, in addition to his clerical duties, the minister worked at the mill of the Frisco Lumber Company. Last Septem ber the pastor resigned at the mill and charged that he did not re ceive all the salary that was due him. He then announced his in tention to aBk the Lord to with hold the rain from his locality indefinitely. The following Sunday he made his prayer from the pulpit. -With in a radious of 50 mivj of the stricken town rain was plentiful on every side, but the nearest to a rain Bokhoma got was a thun der storm and a darkened Satur day. The water supply gradually grew smaller and the mills shut down. At the end of four months the big pood which supplied water for the Frisco Lumber Company was as dry as tinder, and the plant was forced to shut down. When the workmen's families began to suffer, Rev. Mr. Ford an nounced that he would pray for enough rain to enable the mills to resume operation for a week, and cautioned Jhe men tc he careful of their earnings and make them go as far as possible. His advice this time was heeded by men outside his congregation. Ab if iu an swer to his supplications, a heavy rain fell that night and continued throughout the next day, and the mills started up and worked just eight days before the supply again gaveyout and operation ceased. In his farewell sermon Rev. Mr. Ford told his congregation he would pray for ram as soon as he crossed the river into another county and bade them to prepare to' return to work. The next morning yesterday he took his departure, and three hours after he left Bokhoma the heaviest rain in more than a year set in. For six hours an hour for every month of the drought it poured in torrents without ceasing Bok homa, Okla., dispatch to Balti more Sun , Another Crumpacker. Representative Bennett, of New York, has offered a bill for the amendment of the appointment act of the fifty-sixth Congress re ducing the representation of states which deny to negro citizens the right of franchise. Mr. Bennett's bill specifies the reduction he would have made, giving Alabama five instead of nine representa tives; Arkansas five instead of seven ; Florida two instead of three; Georgia six instead of elev en ; Lousiana four instead of sev en ; Mississippi three instead of eight; North Carolina seven in stead of ten ; South Carolina three instead of seven ; Texas thirteen instead sixteen, and Virginia sev en instead of ten. Words to Freeze the Soul. "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These ap palliug wordB were spoken to Geo. E. Blevens, a leading merchant of Springfield, N, C, by two expert doctors ono a lung specialist. Then was shown th9 wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discov ery. "After three weeks use," writes Mr. Blevens, 'he was as well as ever. I would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, its the safest, surest . cure of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c . and $1 00. 411 druggists. Guarantee satiff action. Trial bottle free. r ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY.' Rural Carriers Appointed. Will Locate in Spencer. Wedding This Week. Stanly Enterprise, AprU 1. M. M. Clark will move his fami ly to Spencer, where he has onen- ed a barber shop. "Mich" is a fine barber. Miss Annie Kizer arrived Fri day and spent Saturday and Sun day with her sister Mrs. A. L. Pat terson. Miss Kizer is alwavs a welcomed visitor to Albemarle. The bill looking to the sale of the old court house, in Albemarle, and to the issuing of bonds for the purchase of a site and erection of a new one passed the House, but was "killed" in the Senate. Rep resentative Campbell gave us this informetion on Monday. The county was hardly ready for this venture just at present, but the plan is a good one, and it would be well for our people to keep it in mind until the next session of our Legislature. B. G. Whitley has been appoint ed carrier on Albemarle Route 8, with Willie Carter as substitute. And Robert L. Green on Norwood Route 1, with A, D. Green as substitute. Arnold A. Crowell, is to bemar- ried on Wednesday of next week to Miss Lizzie L. Vickers. who r Ives near Mt. Gilead. Mr. Crow ell lives about 6 miles northeast of Albemarle, and is a well known farmer and one of the county's best citizens. Some Timely Comments. it may be seriously questioned whether it does more harm than good to send out a lot of small children on the streets of a small town or city to raise money for the church . It is annoying to a great many people to be continu ally accosted by a swarm of little ones. Better for the official mem bers to take a subscription book aod present the matter in a busi ness like wav first to all the members of the church, then to the friends among the outsiders. This will usually briner in ten a times as much as the small coin collected by the little ones. When the church house is in need of re pair it is the duty of the trustees to raise the money and do it. Do not make a pack-horse out of the little ones of the League, Mission ary Society, or Sunday school, to oarry the financial burdens which belong to the whole church. Itinerant, in North Carolina Christian Advocate. Try it on Your Grouchy Husband. When it rains in the London Zoo hot milk is fed to the lions, tigers and monkeys. It has been found that rain "gets on the nerves" of these animals, and that the hot milk produces content ment and sleep. The hot milk treatment might be tried on our grumpy friends, and we wouldn't have to wait for rain, at that. The London Zoo man says the wolf perks up the minute his in- ctinct tells him rain is approach ing, and when the rain comes down he is so happy he wouldn't hurt a fly. The snakes also are in their best humor when tho weather is wet. As soon as the monkeys are seen clasping their hands over their heads the keepers know it is time to put the milk on the fire. The hands in thiB posi tion are described as the primi tive umbrella, the hands over the head forming the only shelter the monkey knows. New York Press. Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boat man ignores the river's warnings growing ripples and faster current -Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the kidneys need atteu tion if you would escape fata! maladies Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's disease. Take Electric Bitters at onoe and see Backache! fly and all your best feelings re4 turn. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle . wholly cured me,"" writes J. R. Blaukenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 60c at all druggists