STAT ES VI LLE - AND IREOEU. COUHTY. Sna. Mr. BlBsonrol Texas, Hire: StatesvIUe Landmark Jafy 2n4. vlfc J. L. Gibson, of Ganad6;Texas, is visiting relatives in the county. Ho arrived in Statesville Wednes day and yesterday he ipent the day with his coustn, Mrs G. M' Austin. He wilI4spe$Pout ft m o th here, th e greater part of the time in the Cool Spring com munity, where he was I orn. A , little over 85 years ago Mr. Gib jOnftiredelJ and moved to ;'T'huessee,'- After remain iner there three months he went to Texas, wnere ne has since lived, lie is now merchandising at Ganado. This is his first visit to Iredell since he left. Alborrespoudent of The Land mark mentioned a few days ago the death of Ernest Shaw, which occurred at his home in Turnerslmrg township soon after midnight on Sunday morning, Jane 20th. Mr. Shaw's remains were b aried at Mt. Bethel church at 4 o'clock on Sunday afternoon, 20th; and his young wife, a bride of less than six months, wh o was critically ill at the time of her husband's death, died' Sunday night, June 2 tb, aud was buried at Mt. Bethel the following Mon day afternoon at 4 o'clock. Both diod of typhoid fever. During the strm Wednesday afternoon lightning struck S. C. Tomlin's barn, on Elm street, and damaged it to the extent of about $150, th loss being covered by insurance. Lightning struck the comb of the building and toie out a corner and the front end. Fortunately Mr. Tomlin's h rse was not in the yard at the time. Mr. . Wm. Siceloff, who was walking along east Broad street when the!;? lightning .struck the barn, was so badly shocked that in an instant,7 however," and is Buffering no ill effects aa a result of the experience. The lightning played m the air considerably in east and north Statesville aud quite a number of people were slightly shooked. So far as known the damage at Mr. Tomlin's was the only makerial damage done by the lightning. Says Girls Tempt Chinaman. Worthester, Maes., June 30. "It is not the bad Chinamen in fluencing American girls, but American girls exerting wrong in fluences over the mild and virtu ous Chinamen." Such is the claim of Mrs. H. E. Mitchell, of this city, president of the New England Chinese Sanday School Union. She says: "Chinamen coming to the Uni ted States to become Christianized are being victimized instead. Vir tuous Chinamen have their honor dragged in the mire, all because of the American girls; good Chi namen, striving in the face of great odds to protect themselves from the swarms of -American affinites; Chinamen, kind and docile as they art, do not like bad American girls, and strive at ev ery opportunity to avoid them. They are cf even a higher moral . i l a : ii4.r tone than wa Americans Haiti- more Sun. $100 Reward $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at leaBt one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh be ing a constitutional disease, re quires a constitutional treatment. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for net of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c . Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. "'-4flMroWDviiocowin. . ArpinentlJYBr i Cottar Bloam Thresh Leiington TtJspafch, June 30th, Threshing machines have been busy all ovt-r the countv for week. In spite of the damage wrought by wet weather the Wop is good, Some big yields are re ported. r W L. Smith, who lives ftear Linwood, claims acres of cotton blooms. A blocm he sent to the office occasioned warm debate, town farmers declaring it was a hollyhock bloom, that it wasn't the right color, and so forth Others maintained that it was a genuine cotton bloom and. we let it go at thai. Lexington people are South bound stirred. The prospect of a new road, th3 expenditure of hun dreds of thousands, the employ- ment men can get, all combine to make our citizenship enthusiastic. Having wavered for years between hope and dispair the people wel- ome gladly the evidence that there is no longer a doubt about the much-talked-of Southbound. There is instant recognition of the advantage Lexington will win and our immediate desire is to get right in the fight for the shops and all other possible benefits. What has become of the propo sition of making a map of David son county? All our neighboring c muties are having maps made and now that there are signs of re turning prosperity, Southbound railway, Southern Power Com pany, new factories, etc., and talk of good roads, w ought to take the matter up. Get a good sur veyor and have a map made of the, entire county, showiug loca tion of roads, houses of farmers, towns, railroads, streams, etc. We u nderstand that ther wil 1 be peoj pie Jbef ore the. boad -jaex t Monday to urge that something be done. Progress demands it. An operator at a Sonthern rail way station, thinking to do the public a service, trimmed up a time table so that it showed the arrival of all pasaeuger trains. It was one of those yellow papers reserved for the use of employes. The man framed it and stuck it ou the side of the station and many patrons of the road were glad of it. Along came a red tapeist, saw it, reported it and then came a sudden order for the operator to remove the table in- stanter. A brakeman, hearing of it. indulged in a little sarcasm. - r He said the red tape fiends were getting easier on conductors,, that they now allowed them to sharpen their lead pencils every .trip -w- stead of every Tound trip. v- High Point Physician Hangs Himself. High Point, July 1. A tragedy occurred here yesterday afternoon between 5 and 5:80 o'clock, when Dr. J. W. Burton, a well-known physician and prominent, citizen of High Point, hanged himself in his stables. He was found in the oft of his stable about 5:30 in the afternoon by his daughter. The method of the suicide was evident frcm the position of the body, He had tied a hitch rein to one of the rafters of the stable, aud having looped the other end around his neck, had jumped from box out into space. He was quite dead when found. The cause of the suicide was probably ill health and despond ency. Since the death of his wire about two years ago, Dr. Uurton-s health had been bad, and it is thought that he had grown tired o xx fchrAA anna and t,nr.e daughters r .ce. : XT is survived by pecial to the Charlotte Observer. A book on Rheumatism, by Dr. Snoop, of Racine Wis tells some plain thruths and in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial treatment of Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Remedy for some disheartened sufferer in rrmr vininitv . Make a grateful and appreciative friend of some Not so with Dr. King's Ntw Life one who is discouraged because of Pills. They never distress or in the failures of others to help him. convenience, but always cleanse Help me make this test, sand I'll the system, curing Colds, Head certainly help your suffering ache, Constipation, Malaria. 25c friend. Oornelison & Cook, ALBEMARLE AND STANLY COUNTY. More ot ffis SsnthboDotl Road. Attorney will Iniestlgata Death of Young Man. Starrly Enterprise, J rily 1st. Prof. Ciarence Betts, of Salis bury, has been spending several days with his untHeandilon.imea8 foraUhat and Mrs S. H. Hearne. - Governor Kitchir. has appointed 1 D. D. Parker a member of ij National Prison Ass ciatl which meets at Seattle, W$sh7n"rTyv 16. Quite an honor to vbhfdis tinguishedyouug edunty treas urer. It is x to 'behoped that Dock" wtlpd proudly rep resent his county and' State1. A. P. Brewer, of Eagle's Springs N. C , was here Monaday. As a result of his visit, Attorney Z. B. Sanders left on Tuesday for Col umbia, S. C , to investigate the f-cts concerning the death in April of Wm. R. Brewer, who was a son of Mr. Brewer and a nephew of Mr. Sanders. The young man was on the construction force cf an elevated, railway and was knocked from a bridge while at work bv a piece of timber striking him. A suit may follow, in which a considerable sum will be named. S. H. Hearue a director of the ua Southbound Railway, was summoned to attend the meeting of the directors at Winston on Monday. Mr. Hearne say3 the road will be built, and that bids have been called for. It is some what authentically rumored that the new road will become part of a main trunk line, connecting the road of the Pennsylvania Companv in the North with the South, running through the coal regions of Virginia aud Penn sylvania. There is no way of es timating the value of the project to this section, and .AlbemarleJ m ay in a"f e iwear - be ran ked with' some of the State1! leading cities. The Concord Tribune of June 26 has an article reeffcting on the board of 'commissioners for this county, in which the statement is made that our commissioners need auythmg but a nervine Some months ago one R. R. Rogers and wife were admitted to the county horn1, and upon proper investiga tion it was found that they were subjects for Cabarrus county's care. Feeling that they have evi dence sufficient to show that they are right charges upon the county of Cabarrnft, our commissi ners have committed these paupers to she keeper of the county home in Cabarrus. Stauly is not trying to shirk a duty; but we are in clined to think that when the Tribune has ali the facts placed before it, that the little bit of Sarcasm indulged at the expense of our county board will ba ex plained and the facts in the case published c Georgia Railroad Arbitration Board Makes Award. Atlanta, June 30. The Georgia Railroad striko arbitration board decided last night against the sen iority of white firemen over ne groes. The arbitrators, however, placed a premium on intelligence among firemen, which, it is be lieved, will ultimately result in the gradual elimination of all ex cept the moat expert negroes. The decision was guardedly worded and did not in any case deal directly with the race prob lem. The most direct reference to the seniority problem was in the words : We find against proposition C." This proposition read: "All fireaie when hired shall be placed r . " "eigni yaras or nosningservice ana senior wnice uremea Buaii have the preference of engines and runs. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calo mel, croton oil or aloes pills They raid vour bed to rob vou of rest. at all druggists. ternessee'becomesIry. HoUadat State-Wide Prohititlon Law Be came Effectiie at llidolght. V Memphis, Tonu;, June j$0. Bells in church and' town clocTc steeples on tolling tlie midnight hrvnr .(-. nicrVlt. murlrprl f.Ma" noaiinrr a'A w stUo.ari,! ni4itioh4aw went intf-effect. This V.4'" t ' ii i . M- n . . . jafaKes,uyuiegai tseu aiconoi Phbvfira erea within fonftiniles of anv ScHoolhonse in the Stfete. Only two oases are left in a.l Tennes see. Both are within .12 miles of Memphis, near the Mississippi State line. The nearest school house is six miles from both of these poiutl,: but stp have al ready been taken by winte ribbon ers to have the county "board of education erect a Bonbol house within the distance prescribed by the Holladay I ill, so .that there will be no mecca in; the entire State for thirsty pilgrims. Thousands of men were thrown out of employment and barkeep ers are seeking better - irrigated fields. The passing of the saloon in Memphis, and in other cities throughout the State, according to advices received to-night, is marked by scenes of unusual hil arity. The celebration-; started early today and lasted until- the moment of closing, when there was a rush to purchase one last farewell drink ovr the bar. Grog shops were crowded with- lively revelers. Extra police precautions wer-i taken iu Memphis, Mayor Malouey instructing thuchief pf police to detail a patrolman to eveiy block wherein is, situated a saloon But it was on-Hhe.'main a good natnred throng that indulged in a farewell revelry. . While the good, feflojrship Cot tipplers was in progwgii iprohibPi Prayers Wereffered cud' hymns were sung in the 'homes of the leading teetotalers, although no public meetings were held at any of the churches What was Done on a North Carolina Farm. "A clear profit of $2,500 a year on the farm in the South is as good as a $0,000 salary in New Yor City, and far more easily made." is the statement of an ag ricultural writer. "Not only has the Souh a monopoly of cotton and of many types of -tohacco, but the farmer here can get so much higher prices for all kinds jpt live stick and dairy products, hay and corn, that a Buckeye Jarmer who recently visited North Carolina (ud will probably move later) spoke of the matter .jyith some amazement. The avefage- size of the farms in tins Stateris more thau 100 acres, but a Catawba county farmer cultivating SOsAcvea made $2,400 clear profit last year raising hogs. He bad three en closures of five acres each for soil ing crops one in cwpeas, an other in com, and another in wheat aud clover; on. ,85 acres more he ffrew mature corn for feeding in ther ear. The hogs are marketed as soon as they weigh 180 p junds, and, of course, only improved, quick-fattering breeds are usod." Take a day off aud go to Ral eigh, the capital city, on July 10 Fare from Gold Hill to Raleigh and return, $2 25. Fare from Salisbury and Spencer is only $2 00. A failing time nerveno longer than the finest silken thread takes from the Heart its impulse, its ptwer, its regularity. The Stomach also has its hidden, or in side nervo. It was Dr Shoop who first to.d us it was wrong to drugawtak or failing Stomach, Heart or Kidneys. His prescrip tion Dr. Snoop's Restorative is directed straight for the cause of these ailments these weak and faltering inside nerveB, This no doubt clearly explains why the Restorative has of late grown so rapidlayin popularity. Druggists Bay that those w'iO tests the Res torative even for a few days soon became fully convinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, don't rime the organ. Treating the cause of sickness is the only sens- ible and successful way. Sold by Oornelison & Cook. CHAN6E FOR THE BETTER. - Prohibitionists Placiog School Houses Where Stils Formerly were. Two of the counties that have been, cursed with whiskey stills stuck abut' in the caves and near t he creeks, are Wilkes and Yad kin . For 1 years lacking police protection, these stills debauched many of the jungrmen, increased the crimes onhe climinai docket, and oftenpro4tcejmurder. Some days ago this paperf printed some facts showing the remarkable .pro gress in public-schools and rural libraries in Wilkes county, o day we are taking the liberty of making an extract from, a private letter written the editor of this paper by a leading citizen in Yadkin county: "I thought perhaps you would be personally interested to know of the educational and moral pro gress in Yadkin, Bince, in my judgment as we'l as others, no county in the state presents more striking changes foV the. better along educational' awakening within the last eight years than Yadkin county. The closing out of the distilleries simply meant a revolution toward a higher and better life for all our people . Al most every man, woman and child you u.est now is interested iu im proved school facilities. I do not think that there is another county, in the state of anything like the financial standing of Yadkin that can equal net in good school houses and equipments We have now only one log. school house for whites in the county. Eight years ago more than baJf the houses were log, and hardly a school desk in anyrural school house. ' The school "property has increased in value from a'- little morfF- than $3,000 id 1901 to $18,000411 1909: Setehtyifive per cent of theachoolr naveurura jioranes. . Liooai tita taking hold of the people "fed a very encouraging extent, two elec tions having been carried this spring. Just now our people "are interested in the Statesville Air Line Railroad, and we think we will get it." This is the improved condition iu Yadkin a condition that is but an earnest of what the good people of that county are going to do for their children. No man can read the above brief statement without being thankful that the school-houses are taking the place of the stills. News acd Observer. A Word For the Overworked Cow. Dr. Evans, the Chicago health commissioner, is quoted as saying that God did not make cows to supply milk for human beings; that the original intention was for the cow to only furnish enough nourishment for the calf, and that man took a hand in the matter and by much feeding and much milking she has been forced to gradually increase her supply of milk so it may be use . for human needs. This unnatural forcing process has lowered her power of resisting disease and the modern cow is particularly susceptible to tuberculosis. The doctor appears to be of the same opinion as the lady ranchman in Texas who ex plained to her visitors that the absence of milk on the . table was due to it being out of season. The cows gave milk for a few months of the year and dried up, and then the milk season closed. The dairy press of the country is almost unanimous in their view that it is almost time for Dr. Evans to dry up. Exchange. Sees Mother Grow Young, "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my moth er since she began to use Electric Bitters," writes Mrs. W. L. Gil patrick, of Danforth, Me. "Al though past 70 she seems really to b growing young again, She suffered untold misery from dys pepsia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her up and all re medies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They invigorated all ! vital organs, cure Liver and Kid- j ney troubles, induce Bleep, and j impart strength and appetite. Only 50o at all druggists. THOUSANDS CHEER WRIGHTS, Time After Tine Orlvlile Wright Encircles Fort Mjer Drill SroBflds ia tils Aeroplane. Wa8hingtohnly'i;--Calmcou-fident and ueverless,OrvilleWright late to-day encircled theFort Mey er drill grounds time after time in hiB aeroplane in three success f uj flights while a crowd of thous ands cheered him for the success that attended his persistency and pluck. While ,th9 machine oscill ated at certain points in its flights and dipped and roBe suddenly at other doints, it was evident fro m the regularity with which these things happened that they were due "tooths condition " of the at mosphere and not to any fault of the machine. For the first fight the machine got away with a fine start, Down the field the aeroplane sailed, curved gracefully and came back up the east side of the field along the edge of Arlington Cemetery The machine seemed to be behav ing beautifully. The first round was made in fiity seconds. Five times the machine skirted the field attaining a height which varried from 15 to 30 feet.. On the sixth round Mr. Wright came to earth within a few hun dred feet of the starting point, completing the flight" in exactly five minutes. The landing was perfect, . the machine swooping down in successive glides until within a few feet of the earth, when'Qrville pulled the ' string which stops his motor and the aeroplane glided smoothly over the grass on its skids until itcame to a scop. ,;i ne machine wasjre turned to the aiartinapjparatus a ad agaiu wai-plaped lEL-pTpsitron and -another flight Jwas esssayed, !Tie start was as auccessf ul vaatha first lHeohtivili uiitutf-uiuc a -wilier turn? - auUx rose totr a 7 greatetehwghtYWHbttr Wr ighi-watcned'Svefytailtsf the flight with care. It was noticed that at times the motor skipped, but this seemed to have no effect on the progress of the aeroplane. The starting rai runs downward into a little hoi low in the field and whenever the aeroplane plane passed over this hollow it dipped noticeably and wheuever it passed over a vacant space between two of the stables, it was seen to rise as though on a billow of air, but these atmos pheric conditions were easily over come by manipulation of the leavers. Ou his second flight, Orville made nine rounds of the field in a few seconds less than eight minutes. In his last attempt he remained aloft for a few sesontls more than nine minutes;. nd encircled the field niue ancf one. half times. For one complete round he flew very close to th a ground , evidently pre paring to land. This he did with in two hundred feet of the aero plane shed. During this last flight he went higher than on his pre vious trials, reaching a height of forty feet. Just before making hiB landing the left wing scraped rhe ground and raised a cloud of dust, but Mr. Wright continued to fly half way around the field before descending. First Bale of Cotton For Season Brings 85 Cents a Pound. New York, July 1 The first bale of cotton raised in the United States this season was sold at auc tion in front of the cotton ex change to-day as ib the yearly cus torn with the first cotton bale. It brought 33 cents a pound. Leigh M. Pearsall, the buyer, will ship the cotton to Ellison & Co., of Liverpool, Saturday, on the steamer Carouia. The bale was grown in Hidalgo county, Texas, and shipped to Houston where it was sold at. auction at 85 cents a piund, and then consigned here. Tortured on a Horse. "For ten years I couldn't ride a horse without being in torture from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky., 'when all doctors failed, Bucklen's Arnica "Salve cured me." Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Feyer, Sores, v Eczema, . Salt Rheum, Corns. 25o. Guaranteed by all druggists. CONCORD AND CABARRUS COOXTY. Cow Killed bi UgBtAiog. - Found Dead In ner&ed. - . m,. Concord Times. July 1st. Lightning struck and killed a cow belonging to Walter Dorton of the Missouri City Merchantile Co , last Monday. The animal was tied under a tree at the tiinef?; On Tuesday Mrs. ftkaggie Bur- ,, rage, wife of Luther Burrage, was found dead in her bed at her home on Meadow-street. Slie had been in ill health for some time, but her death was entirely unexpect ed.. - Messri. T H. Vandorf ord and T. J : Jerome, of Salisbury, were in Conoord Tuesday on? business cennected with the proposed street railway for which they have'secur- ed a charter as promoters of the Piedmont Carolina Railway Co. They put up the sum of $1000 as a forfeit for failure to begin work on the railway within 60 days from the time of granting the franchise. Thev state that work will begin on the construction of the line within a short time, as they do not expect to wait until the 60 days have almost expired. It is expected that dirt will begin to move in a few days. A few days ago, Prof. Chas. E. Boger sold to B. L. Umbergej the ot on Corbin street next to Mr. Jno. K. Patterson's. The backbf this lot adjoins the court house property. In order to estabUih the corner the reoords were referr ed to and all partiea were amuedL - to find thaVno deed to ithe eoutt i- " I house lot'oould;' be ; iaunde-in; the v; I clerk'i office; andthat it had ney er been -recorded in the ofltoe iof tthe Register V. of Deeds. A : through rrch "was made e yerywherd in hoth4bffice3, but-ny deed or record; XU1M: was ohairman of thedtnlty com mi8ioners at thi time. The county has been in peaceable pos session of the property for much longer than the required time, and it is therefore safe in that possession. It is a myttery, how ever, what became of the deedjand and why it was not recorded. Old Fashioned Womanhood. The old fashoned woman looked well to the ways of her household. She was not particularly ambiti ous for a career or a calling. She did not know that she was down trodden, or realize her ignomini ous servitude to a false assump tion of superiority on the part of the unfair sex. She" found the homage and chivalry of mankind delighted, and took it at its face value. Nor did she trouble her self about the potential recon struction of the family on a new basis of relationship. . She was not struggling to be recogniied as man's equeal, for she found it tac itly admitted on all sides that she was man's superior. She felt a deep and rational delight in vari ous concerns and enterprises, but these were not of such a nature as to call for the sacrifice of her first and nearest interest, which were material and domestic. Philidelphia Ledger. DuriDg the storm which visited this section last Saturday, the new school house in East Spencer was struck by lightning and dam aged to the extent of about $25. It is insured and will be repaired without unnecessary loss of time. Any lady can get a silver "No Drip" Coffee Strainer by writing Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis., Send no money. Simply ask for the "No Drip" Coupon privilege, - giving your name and address. Dr. Shoop will also send free his new and very interesting little book describing Dr. Jhoop's Health Coffee. It is such a close imitation of real Coffee that it requires an expert to tell the difference.. And neither is there a grain of real coffee in it. Made from pure toasted grains, malt and huts, its flavor and taste is exceedingly gratifying; - No tedious boiling either. "Made in a minute." says Dr. Shoop. Write today for the book aud. "No-Drip" Coupon.Sold by all lirocen, - 7 j

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