THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN, SHORT LOCAL ITEMS Frank R. Brovrn has been offer ed the position of one of the five direstors of the North Carolina Retail Merchants Association, also the chairmanship of the arbitra tion committee. President Broughton, of Raleigh, has written Mr. Brown to this effect. Lnther M. Tesh, field secretary of the Baracas, spoke to an inter ested audience, last Thursday at the Spencer Y, M. C, A . The partnership which has ex isted between Drs. H. L. Monk and M. L. Smoot, of Spencer, has been disolved. Both physicians will still practice in Spencer. Cards have been received by friends, bearing the following an nouncement : 'Mr, and Mrs. S. H. Wetmore invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Mary Americas to Oscar Talmage Nesbit Wednesday evening, July the sev enth, nineteen hundred and nine at half past seven o'clock at Unity Presbyterian Church Woodleaf, North Carolina. - The Southern Hotel, near the depot, has been purchased by W. A. Blackwell, who will manage the business. During the month of June per mits were issued for the erection of buildings aggregating $129,000 in value. THE TAX LEVY. Board of Aldermen Complete Work of Se-1 lectlng Objects of Special Taxation. It is probably a fact that noth ing has been published in Salis bury for a long time, which has occasioned so much comment, as the publication of the list of oc cupations and business concerns which are to be made subject to municipal taxation. The com ment was vigorous and varied, not unmixed with kicks of numerous kinds . It was expected that there would be considerable kicking, for the aldermen di 1 not imagine that a schedule of this sort could be adopted which would please all citizens. About three-fourths of this schedule has been law for years and some of the most vigorous kicking is being done by parties who will not have 1 cent of the taxes to pay. The list is given herewith: Agents collecting accounts, $15. Agents collecting rents, $15. Real ostate agents, $15. Architects and draftsme' $10. Auctioneers, $50. Auction houses, $100. Automobile garage, $25. Bicycle dealers, $10. Baggage and transfer companies with one horse, $5; with two horses, $15; with more than two twc horses, $25. Barbershops, first chair, $2 50; additional chairs $1 each. Bill posters and tackers, $15. Billard and p-ol tables, first table; $50; second table, $40; lhe reward of $25. which was more than two tables $30 each. offered by the authorities of West Boarding houses for transient Virginia, for the arrest of the guests, less than ten rooms, $5 negro John Lucky, who killed his ten to fifteen rooms, $10; more wife in West Tirginia, has been than fifteen rooms $25. . Wholesale jobbers, $15. Merchant tailors, $25. sent to Sheriff McKenzie. Several dealer here have come to the front with the tax of $$00 on the near beer business. Most of the members of the local fire department have gone to Asheville, to attend the State tournament of the firemen. The Spencer Reel team left this morn ing and will be on hand. Companies or persons engaged in messenger service, $10. moving picture snows, $o a month. Dealers in milk, $5. Note shavers, $500. (This has been a law for eight years.) Dealers in and agents selling oil at retail or wholesale on the Sheriff McKenzie went to Char- streets, $25. lotte Sunday afternoon and Persons or firms selling gaBo brought back John Freeman, who line or benzine, $10. is charged with retailing at East Opticians and oculists, $5. CS T7I r . opsucer. rreeman iurnisnea a $400 bond and was released from custody. The hearing is to take place to-morrow. Will Davis, just off the chain Pawnbrokers, $250, with the right reserved to revoke license. Peanut and no corn peddlers, $5 ' Penny arcades, which includes gang, was employed Saturday um ttUU w'K"iuk macnines, $ zd. evening by M. A. Lemlev. who Veterinary surgeons, resident, lives about two miles from town 15 per year; itinernt 15 per day. on the old Mocksville road, has again secured a busy job on the road. He got up about 3 o'clock Monday morning and having a great desire for a bicycle belonging to Mr. Lemley departed with it without making settlement for Purpose oi inducing a BaUj, 10. same or other arrangements. The ExPre"a companies using the bicycle and Davis being missed streetB of the Clty for delivery Wesfcal Simflsnn mnnr,cA a purposes, $25. Storage warehouses, $5. Watch and iewelrv renairerp. y L y $5. Electric light companies, $100; dealers in electric supplies, $5. Dealers who give prices for the and easily followed the track of the wheel to the Toll Bridge, where the negro was nnable to pass for lack of funds. Mr. Sim eson took charge of the outfit and brought Davis in to the Bheriff. Davis was before Judge Miller this morning and was returned to the roads for a period of six mouths. J. C. Kizziah, a popular young man of Spencer, died in that place Friday morning after an illness of several weeks. The remains were taken to Charlotte Sunday where the interment took place, the masonic fraternity having the day. priyate 8ale tuumai urrangamentB in cnarge. The deceased was employed in the office of General Foreman Kadie, at the Spencer shops. He was a highly esteemed young" man and his death is universally regretted. The Tax Fixed. At a recent setsion of the board of aldermen the tax on near beer dealers was fixed at $300. There was a strong sentiment for a $1C0 tax, four of the city fathers favor mg this amount and four standing out for the larger sum. Mayor Smoot decided the matter by vot ing for the $300 tax . It has been said there is not a large profit in the near beer business anyway, unless it has other features con- Dealers in fertilizos, $10. Dealers in fish and oysters, $10. Dealers in firecrackers, $25. Foundries, $5. Fortune tellers, $25. Peddlers of fruit not thejr own product, $2.50. Fruit stands extending on the streets, $10. Gasoline companies, $50; deal ers in gasoline fittings, $5. TT 1 .Harness makers ana repairers $5 Hotels, $50. Transient horse dealers havmg seven head or more of stock, $5 a $20 a week. Hucksters buying from growers and peddling, $10. Sign makers, resident, $5 annu ally ; itinerant sign makers, $2 50 per day . Skating rinks, $20. Soda fountains, $10. Store peddlers, $25. Surveyors, $10. Telegraph companies, $25. Theatres $50. Traveling theatrical companies, $10 p rday. Dealers iu typewriters, $5. Tin shops, $10. Undertakers, $25. Concerts for reward, $5. Vaudeville showp, $5. Social clubs where liquors, wines or hpers are kept for and in cleaning, dyeing, repairing and pressing clothes, $15. Dealers in coca cola by the bot tle, $5 ; by the glass, $10.' Dealers in coffins, $15. -'Construction foreman, $2 50, Dealers in cotton and cotton seed. $10. M' Contractors employing two or more men, $2 ; building contrac tors or sub contractors engaged in the business of erecting buildings, $'6. - Dogs, $2 each. All. persons re fusing or failing to list dogs own ed by then shall be indicted and nneapojan aogs round running the streets of Salisbury after Au gust 1st without a tax check shall be declared nuisances and killed. Agents for photograph ehlarg ers, $5. T 1 i i raper nangers ana wan paper dealers, $5. Itiuerant piano tuners, $2 50 a week. Dealers iu rifles, pistols and ri flo and pistol carti idges, $20. Piano dealers and agents, $10. PlasteriDg contractors, $5 . Plumbers, $50. Planing mills, $10. Telegraph, telephone, electric light and street car poleB, $1 per pole, provided that the whole I amount assessed any single com pany on this account shall not ex ceed $100. Power companies, $50. Dealers in and agents for eafe9, $10. Bootb'acks, $10. (This hus been a law for seme time and the taxes have been collected regular- ly.) Bottling works, 100. Dealers in buggies, wagons and carriages. 5 Dealers in building material, 15 Dealers in brick, 15, Butchers, 30. Cafes and restaurants, 5. One-horse carriages for hire, 10; ' two-horse carriages for hire, 15. Carriage, buggy and repair shops, 10. Candy manufacturers. 10. Dealers in cider, cherry Bimilar drinks, 5. Civil engineers, 5. Dealers in cigarettes, 5. Ice cream dealers, 5. I;e croain and soft drink dlers, 25. Ice cream factories and dealers THE WEARY WAY, Daily Besoming Less Wearisome to Many h in Salisbury. With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, 'Tis a weary way, indeed. Doan's Kidney Pills drive weariness away. Are endorsed by Salisbury citizens. J. M. Trexler, retired. 512 N. Long St., Salisbury, N. O., says: I have no hesitation in recomendirig Doan's Kid ney Pills, as I consider them to be a reliable remedy. I suffered a preat deal from backache and I had lull miserable headaches. The. kidney se cretions passed very irregularly and plainly showed by their unnatural ap pearance that my kidneys were out of order. When Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention, I procured a box at Mcpherson & Co's drug store and after using them, felt better in every way. My kidneys are now in a healthy condition and the pains in my back are a thing of the past, lor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foner-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. FARMS FOR SALE. Two splendid 100-acre farms for sale. For description and other information write, or call at The Watchman Office. and ped- Lumber Limber Why not Patronize us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1 00 to $1 75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2 50. Ceiling from $1,00 to $2.00. Wh make all kinds of molding and turned work at prices reas onable. Phone 405. chestnut hill. Goodman Lumber Co. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIOOOOOOOQOOOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o SIiIDMlIf fffl Dj) THE GREAT 10c hose for 5c Ladies 10c black and tan hose for only 5c Ladies bleached vost tape, neck etc.js.regnlar 10c vost. Our price 5c 7c chambroy gingham, 5c Another case of that chambroy ging ham worth 7c in blue, Sgrey, pink eto. Our price j 5c Best apron gingham worth 7c, all colors for 5c 15c Crepon goods for 10c Just picked up lot of the popular ere- 10c pou goods, always sell for 15c. Our price White lawn 5c 38 inch white lawn worth 8c Our price 5c 33 inch smooth sea island for only 5c lliIDIIllI fi a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o 0 o o o o o D o o OO.OOOOOOOOOGOOOOOOOtOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IB E W I TXJ I E MOUTH CAKOLTN , I In the Superior Kownn bounty ( Uourt. William McGowan ( Sale of Real va -! Estate Under S. J. Ponrch. ( Execution By virtue of an execution, in attach ment proceedings b'afnibure is one of the Essentials of a home, its quality and quan tity determines the comforts of its owner. We would like to see every home in the county -luxuriously furnished, and, we would like to sup ply just as much of such furm-hiug as possible. This is why we ad vertise. We want you to know that we handle furniture and that we THE Summersett Undertaking Co,, 108-110 W.'Inne'st., Salisbury, IV. C, uirectea to the un dersignt-d ffrom the Superior Court of are anxious to sel 1 you som. We carry a large stock including the Rowan County in the above entitled . , action, I will, on - Monday, August the 2nd, 1909, nected with it, so it was thought served to members, $1 semi-annu that few, if any would take out a ally for every member of the club license for its sale, bat such were daring the preceding twelve aatraral nn P.tiaai . n fc Hill 1 I t UJOUtnS. tbe tax and are nee s. now doing buei- Wanted. You to know Mrs. Dr. Moore expects to be at Dr. Fox's office (if physically able) Circuses where the admission is net over 25 cents and- reserved seats not over 15 cents, $15 per day; where the admission is un der 50 cents and over 25 cents, $50 per day; where the admission Thursday July 8th, from 9 a. m. is 50 cents and over, $200 per day. to 5 p. m. One day only. It. Persons or corporations engaged in ice, 25. Insurance agents, 15. Itinerant agents and salesmen, 2 per day. Juuk dealers, 100. Itinerant jewelers, 5 per day. Livery Stables, 25 Dealers iu lumber, plauiDg mills excepted, 25. Money lenders, 250. Dealers iu magazines and peri odicals, 5. Mail order business, general merchants excepted, 10. Marble yards, 10. Itinerant merchants, 50 a week, This schedule becomes effeciive on the 15th iust. Spencer Lady Hurt. A Special dispatch of the 22nd, says: Mrs. Margaret Dorton, wiff of W. D. Dcrtou, of Spencer, was severely injured at her home yes terday by falling cut a rear door a distance, of about six feet. Ohm shoulder was brkn, her face badly bruised and otherwise shak en up. It required four hours un der two physicians to set the brok en bones and dress her wounds She is improving today and it is thought will soon recover She is being nursed by a sister, Mies Ida maiuBu nuiBd, oi xtoanoke, who happened to be in Spencer wnen tne accideut occurred. at 12 o'clock M., at the wourt 1 rouse door in the City of Salis bury, sell to the highest bidder for ea-h, to satisfy said execution all the right, tttlrt and interest which the said b.J . foarch, the delendant. had on M v 17th, 1909 or nowT has in the following uescriueu real estate: One house and lot in East Suenccr about 320 feet South of Long Street ana on tne soutueru extension of Spen cer Avenue ana Dounaea as follows Beginning at a stone on Southern St miming iuhicb u. oi j. ou ieet to a stone : thence S 3,8'A E. 138 feet to a stone Newkirk's line; thence with this line S 57 W. 40 feet to a stone ; thence N. 38K W. 144 feet to the beginning. oeing lot o. juon the tladen anJ Hei lig map. and fuller description refer ence is hereby made to deed registered in the Register's Office in Book 90 natre azxi inis oeing tne House and lot for merly occupied by S. J. Poareh Also another lot adjoining the above and fully described bv metes and bounds in Deed registered in the Reg ister's Office of Rowan County in Book 90 page 324. The same being a vacant lot and binf? 40 f6et front and running uuck aui;ui xoo ieet. neierenee is hereby made to both of said deeds for full description, metes and bounds. The house on the first lot has five rooms and is in good condition and well located- lhe above property will he lain, which is good and substantial and sold at small fieureB. and the -lore pretentious and luxnrient, which, though higher in price, is evory cent that we ask for it. It is both useful and ornameutal- worth Vlheh in need of Furniture don't forget us. You are cordially iuvited to give us a call and we assure of every possible courtesy whether you buy or not. JV.Ty respectfully. W. B. Summersett, 108 W. Iiniess St. - - i wnicn sold under attachment proceedings and ditio The Gurse of the South. Wnat IS Ine ma ter With the SOUth? According to government report of 1008 "The Secret is out at last the Southerner, contrary to cunent iiiji"ij ib not, iazy, BuuniosB, luaitterent or careless "He is aiek" the South is afflicted with and harb rs '..hat most dreaded treacherous and destructive of all diseases Aurnia, Pernicious Aoemia. The aveiage ooucnerner is a sutterer ot this health deetrovino- .r00;t j "tt r 1 Carry a full line of Caskets, CoA fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trucks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their nn dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: Hv. 99 J. ninht Salisbury, N. C. 529 or 201. Embalming a Specialty. PEOPLES 1101 M h destroys the red blwood cell producing an impoverished con n nf the blood: chftrsio.t.Ariyil 1 the purchaser will get a good title to a,1000 nf T" " . v 8"rai aeoillty, the same subject to a morto of , , . U1 r'"1' ittC01 am,)Icl0. and general undermining same subject to a mort erase about -$475. 00 due H. H. Swicegood. Terms of sale: CASH. This' June 22nd, 1909 J H. MeKENZTE. Sheriff of Rowan County. Re-Sale of Real Estate. Pursuant to a judgment of the Super ior Court made in the Special proceed ing entitled "U. b . Atwell, Lula Safrit Atwell, J. 11. Carroll,. lame Carroll and John Safrit vs John Hill, Henry Hill "Smoker's heart" cQmes from over-stimulation of the heart by rich, oily, nicotine-laden clear Hav ana cigars. You never find a case of it among the wise men who smoke light, domestic cigars like the Robert Burns mm 10c Cigar DR. M.J. RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near mausiou nouse corner. Day phone zuo. jxignt pnone 430. 4-27 tf J Albright, Maria E. L. Albrighr. Georw Hill, Sallie Hill and Rebecca Hill", the undersigned commissioners, appointed by said Uourt in said proceedings will sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at the Court House Uoor in the Uity of Salisbury , on Monday, July the 19th, 1909, at 12 o'clock M., eight-ninths undivid ed interest in ant! to one tract of land lying and being in Litaker Township, ixuw an ..ouniy anu Known as the Wash ington Hill lands, adjoining the lands ot John Kendleman mid others, and bounded as follows: Beeinninir t . stake, a corner formerly of Guy Hill s anu runs ou west oi south 55poles to a hickory, John Rendlemen's onvr,,. . thence South 23 East 59 poles to a post oak, said Rendleman's corner : thence iorui w vYest o poles to a black oak. said Rendleman's corner: thnc West 4 ISorth 34 poles to asnanish nnt II. . iicliu -n-eiiuieman-s corner ; thence South Ho poles to a post oak, thence East 150 puit-s in a siaite; tnence Woith 135 poles to the beginning, containing 97 uyia in uio en ure tract, bor back title reference is made to deed register edin the Register's Office of Rowan A V V' J DOOK Wo 41 Pae 288. Sale will be left onen 10 d 9TS fnv a 100 lhe purchaser on dav of snlo ,;ii v, xruuiicu iu uav iiown m nf-tUn - chase price and if he does not a re-sale Will be irnmrnl lol V, j . -"v.v llllil l w II n .1 1 . H 111 I IT O II flPnt. l.Jrl Cl, .11 4. - , ' , . . . . F1'1 . o..., nut u piaceo within 10 days then the amount deposited will be Zl2ld lhe Purche price, other wise it will be returned. Bidding to begin at $1275.00 g This June 18, 1909. P. S, CARLTON and KERR CRATGE, Commissioners. . vitality. onuiate ana atmoennenc condit omh H0fr. . IJ,lu "VMr - ria ot it. Uet well, and he is good physically as th best American can boast. If there is health or tne a lenitest. nerrrp m vnnr oroia nw a r-!? tt tti-i . r o n " " " .7 -' " J " i it nivi'j j.1 Url I A lit , II' OllTH . PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! MAM UmiVf a XT r-n 1'inr n . n ii i.i .. ""i m uiuaih yjtx IIILD all can and should be well, lo neglpct y mrself i8 to reflect 1) .ii the wisdom ol your Maker. int.u.,Ha oil k... . A I nv v. full miioani-n rf knUU ... J T , J -..j , j .....!,. i i'cuihi uiiu Vigor. II VOll tin nnf. flso fli A t 11. . . . " . . - "4WV UilD lOUll jwui uwu, im, yu urH yourseu to blame tor it Wm,iia accomplished tor the people of Tenneessee. Alulinm. MH8IS81DD1. lflt III) now Hn gg mi.oh fr, 1 , i ,S 1 ' " ' " u iui uun iimiiMH nr T. no i:o m n..n A j-- vi t vji mo. a. j Send no monev The Cleveland Institute of Medicine and Surgery Cleveland, Ohio. Corner Kinsman rd Ann 79n fi-,,. ' KJ i XEiPj 18 been 8AL1LBURY, N. C. Does a General Rankin? Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest navable every three months. Prompt atentio-u triven to anv business eiitrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Rank. D. R. Julian, J. 1). Norwood, president. , . cashier. P. H. Thompson w t t?..v:,.v V. -president. teller. XuJt e necessary information. Albright, Maria E. L. Albrighr, George Z. tday Don t 'glect this chalice here offei L F. MoCobbins, president. w R Stp miTiv ' . . -D. btrachan, treasurer. K. H. IIarrihowT secretary and manager. M'CUBBINS & HARRISON COMPANY. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00. Ze:tZ IZTlL,1- tm three miles east frc - - , . .. ,llu ,luu ,, uuiimi' iMri a tew years as tlin 1 m. x til I 111 111-1,1 VM I-l' all Imt a few nms f,,,sll d in h S S " Z lsl!"7' ,, j'tij jur itseu in vv niMiln..i;-.v u..: .-li r .. . part cash and balanne M V w ' ,V S"1 "o?, ?4,000, j i- ni miuw ir, r.n otiice. you from our REAL ESTATE LOANS: n you want to either loan nr W ...,. j ... ... i ijiiiiirv nil I'lifiii l". 711111 It. .Ill , -in-.iuu-n i i '.J j to iook into our svstem nf i"eal estate secur ity i n Rowan Co it will c uiuiwi ir real estatn nti thn. . r . J1" th l..r. f .r " ' " o uer cenr. each R innnth n-;n. J f pajfiuein, oi principal and interest 1 SPECIAL Smith Says For Pure drugs, Prescription ac curately filled, and anything iu an up-to-date drug tore at lowest prices call at SMITH 11! SIT or phone 133. Fermerl, i - T. W. Grimes Drug- Co 2-18 timo BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 FOR 11(1 YEARS tova tl KVP Kuan nHnAM ri i i , . . to be MEN &t T u c D i Vr. .7 'i'iTT"10' uf E. nd have been Plateau Onl-Ek MiMt.rv 7 VpOOL, Ideally located on As Ha-.atw w i . j . , , . w w vr Btsii nouie aa moon &a ui azing excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to I 3fi. Rt. trained heville xpelled Bcovereu. Address COI R. BrNGHAM, Supt.. R. f. D., Box 89. ASHEVIUE. N. C. The Watchman, 1 year, 75cts spot cash. CHICHESTER S PILLS -EV . T,,E 1MAMOND 11BAM). A Ladles! Ask your II 'hl--lies--r'8 Dlam fills in Red and boxes, sealed with Take no other. lrnrelt- Ask for DIAMOND ltRAM PILLS, for years known as Best, Safest, Always Relict la a n a. mr rugBlstfri ondIrttnd liold melallicWX Blue Ribbon. V Buy of your Cin.'II:S.TEIl 9 SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE