SlMi If If Item-? of interest, are solicited. Write briefly and accurately. Itouis written ou 1 l h idH of th paper and tho.- n -t uc vurtpanid by the author's real name go to the waste basket. FAITH. -August 14 - The F.-iith and Emanuel Luthr-m "had their annual picnic at the Faith church Grnvrt Wednesday. It was wnll attended a-sd all hud a plua ant time, R-iV. and Mrs C. It. Heller have gone to visit their old homo in Pennsylvania . Miss Bertie M. Peeler has re turned from China Grove where fh ha bo-m visiting her uncle, John Brown Dr. II. H. Cauble, from near Franklin, N. C , arrived in Faith y-st- rdny to make his homo here. He is bonrdn.g with P. A. Peeler Faih now has a d xtor right in twn. The V'.rge crop of peaches n this settlement hus been selling go, d all this reason. The Faith Granito C . is put tin-' up a der.ick to day t unl a: tliM w.?2ons f building stones in Salisbury v.t the government building. A young lady arrived at the homo of Mrs. B wer'B widow of the liite D' ctor B w(;rs, this morn ing W. D. HoMur has bought an acre, lot where he will build in the near future A car load f w-udow siil? wii! shippd t i-diy ti I)i.viie, Va ,. by the Faith Granite ' t the new .GVttn Mill. Vents. IMMaNUEL Agu9t 16 Corn is not show ing up voc well and ik t uuu-h t iore than half a crop is expected in most s-vjti os. Cifct is look ing well and will be near'y ! goi d in .ajr community as it wa; laat year D. C. Trx!er and wife, of Gran ite Quarry, spent Friday and Sat urday at Mrs. Martha Beaver'. W. A B- aver and Jno. Miller will go to Norfolk :u the excur sion to-morrow. Mies Jennie Beaver is quite sick at this writing. We wish for her a speedy ftcovt-ry. MiBs Effie Page is- visiting in Spencer this we;k . Miss Mamie Dry of Cone rd visited M. B. Rum-iges last wnek. Sidney Barringer visited rela ts t dowu near the river rfiitunby tli; 'it. (J rover Leonard will m ve on A. B. Clemence's placu this fall. Success to he Watchman and itB readers Ikebo. UNION CHURCH. August 1C -The lioah of thi. comniuiiit y is very good at pres ent, excet t a few chills. There --.a a very good attend ance at Uni-'n Church Sunday last whni Rev. Spracher delivered a very good eermoo. There will he prKachiiig every 'uidnv . i 11 o' ch ok a. un . We are having a virv a d fea B -n at present. Crops niv much improved, especially ih- corn crop?, M. A. Goodman commenced this morning with several hands tr cut a large canal through hie bottom lands. .VlitiB Sarah Wis-, of Salisbury, i.- visiting at her sifter. Mrs. M. A. Goodman, and NW, M. A Cau ble. Several membe:s 7 Rowan r!.,nncil, No. I'JC, took tie- A. D. UN CORRESPONDENTS K. last Saturday night We had be a 8rMt ViU) for The Watoh lots of fun out ol then, wlujb they I Mf enjoyed very .f bacc 8 t;1 JHE Watchman aud J J J f its many readers The Cauble Threshing Co. lih- Wahunsonacook. ished up threshing last w.e . - - They did a very good business this ' The Watchman and Record .$1 season. - a year, in advance . Our Jr. O. U A. M. is growing very fast. V have application every meeting night. That's right' :nne righr al g and help along i he good work. John Blackwell, Sr., was a wel come vieitsr at A, L Lyerly's Sunday last. I will ring off for this time with best wishes to the editor and the readers of The Watchman. Bustier. CHESTNUT HILL The health of Chestnut Hill if-' Vf ry good at this writing. Miss Delia Shaver of Piney Woods is visiting her sisters at thiswritiug. Luther Miller and wile, of Dan ville, Va , spent Saturday ana Sunday with his parents on Chest nut Hill. Rev. W. Y. Scales and wife, of Cooleemoe, has been visiting on the Hill for the past few days Rev. Scales also preached at South Main Street M. E. Church Sunday night with a large crowd present. The people are always glad t" see Mr. Scales come on Chestnut Hill for he was their former pastor. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night at South Main Street church conducted by the pastor Rev. W. O. Davis. Everybody is invitted to attend . Miss Ada Eagle is on the sick iist at this writing we are sory to say. Grandma Shives is still confin ed to her bed. Friends hope her i speedy recovery. James Arey of Shaver Town, va? on Chestnut Hill a few days ago, pu -PS you all know what that .in-aiis. Hunting a cook I think. The Salisbury Cotton Mills ie n t ready to give their vacation and rest, but it is thonght it will l)e the first of September. Albert R Kirk the post master of Alhnmarlp, N. C, was on Chest nut Hill a few days ago, Bobby. NORTH DUNN'S MOUNTAIN. August 14 Wahuii s o n a c o o k comes again after a long vacation John Miller has purchased a lot in North Dunn Mountain and will erect a house ou it soon. L A. Trexler will soon com mence his large two-story dwelling in North Dunn Mountain and oth ers will build soon. A young housekeeper at Mr. and Mrs. James Myrick's and a young man at Mr. and Mrs. John Leach's. s T. J. Loftin, who is confined to his bed, is improving. R. E. Trexler has opened a store in T J. Lof tin's old-stand in North Dunn Mountain. He has a stock of gr c iries and general merchan dise. The Revival meeting closed at Dunn's M nnain Baptis- church Sunday, A -.grist 8th. It was con ducted by Rev. McKenzie, of Chestnut Hill, and, as a result. 16 were baptized Sunday evening at 5:30 .-'clock. Four were added to Dunn's Mountain Baptist church aud 5 to Faith Baptist church. Oil the fifth Sunday, at 10 a. m., two more will be baptised and ser vices at 11 a in, by the pastor, J, C. Ivey. Conference meet Saturday night, August 2l8t, and all the members are requested to be present. A young men's prayer meeting will soon begin at Dunn's Moun tain Baptist church. The Southern Powfir Cj. camps are located near North Dunn's Mountain and wiP soon have the wire on the towers to Salisbury If the P. P, A. would get u; sme emblem or badge, it would f atchaa and Record Voting Contest. A Rubber Tire Buggy, a New Home Sewing Machine, Good Books, Pock et Knives and Valuable Maps and Charts Among the Prizes to be Given Away. Now is the opportunity of a life time to earn a first class, ha;h grade, rubber tire buggy during the spare hours of the fall. Or, a firstclass sewing machine, or, for less time aud effort, a book for your evening's entertainment, a good pocket knife, one of the valu able charts which we will give away. Or, if one may wish, he or she may secure a book and a knife, or a chart, or, one of each. The arrangement for thee latter prizes has not yet been fully developed, but will be added to the list in plenty time for any one to se cure the article of her or his choice. A convention, so to speak, will be held from now until the first of September. During this time the candidates will be selected. The candidates are to be selected by filling out one of the nominating coupo is printed below and bringing or sending it to the office of the Watchman, o The Kowan Record. However, candidates can be nominated at any time after the contest opens until announcement is made to the con trary. Only one nominating coupon is necessary to nominate a candidate and only one will be accepted or counted. After September 1st the contest will b3 open and in full blast. It will then be up to the candidates to get busy, the more so the better for them and for us. If you enter the race, enter to win the first prize, aim high at least, and you will not bring up the rear or win the booby prize. As stated in the rules below, votes will be issued to all who bring or send in paid up subscriptions to either the Watchman or The Row an Record. And let us remark right here, this con test is just as much for The Record as it is for the Watchman. The good pe.iple of China Grove and vi cinity, therefore, with all other sections of the coun ty, are invited to take part in the contest, your assist ance and interest is greatly appreciated. Every vote will be kept on file until the close of the contest, so if any one should be dissatisfied with the count, a re count can be had under the supervision of the candi dates and all mistakes, if any, will be fully corrected and the prizes awarded accordingly. Rule 1. Partakers in the content must bo subscribers to The Carolina Watchman or Rowan Rkcow), or a member of the subscriber's immediate nwnily. Rule 2 The cont-sr, is open to any respectable white citi zen in tiowan man, woman, boy or girl, except no member of The Watchman's or Record's force, in any capacity, or any member ...f their families, will :;o allowed t ) participate. Rule 3 Voting coupons wiil be issued only to those who obtain and pay cash subscriptions to wither The Carolina Watchman, of Salisbury, or The Rowan Record, of China Grove. Rule 4 Five v tos wilt be given for every cent paid in on subscription, exc -pt as iuil.j.w: 50c paid on subscription, 250 votes. For one year's subscription to I) ih papers at $1.00, 1,500 votes. Ruin 5. Coupons will be issued to all win pay on subscrip tion. These coup ns are to bj deposited at the Watchman of fice, iu Salisbury, within 15 dayw after they are issued, and after having been voted cannot be transferred. Rule 0 A statement of the standing of the contestants will be published in every issue of each paper until the close of the contest. Rule 7. The contest having opened Wednesday, September 1st, will 51obo at G p. in, Friday, Decembir 24th, 1909. Rule 8 The person having the largest number of votes to nis credit attne close or the contest, will rf-ceive the buggy. ( This buggy will be a first-class, rubber tire, top. vehicle, is new being built at the shop of J. O. White & Co.. and guaranteed to be1 a neat, substantial and meritorious article in every respect. Mr. White premises to give it close attention ana win see that it will he something kr its owner to be proud of ) Rule 9. The person having the next largest number of votes at thj close of the contest will be awarded the sewing machine. (This machine will bo one of the New Home Sewing Machine Co 's make, durable and first-class in every respect. It will be on exhibition at The Watchman office ) t Rule 10. We have a number of good books, pocket knives ind cnarts and maps which will be awarded appiopriately to all who receive 5,000 or more votes, and most likely, other prizeB will be added to the list before the-close of the contest, hence, no one who makes any reasonable effort to secure votes, wiil go unrewarded. Rule 11 No trickery or under-hand methods will ba toler ated. Any one guilty of improper methods will be debarred from further participation, u d no prizj will be awarded to such person. For further information write or call on the above named papers. The Nominating CouroN. Good for 100 Votes. I, the undersigned, a reader of THE ROWAN RECORD r CAROLINA WATCHMAN suggest the name of Write, the name of your candidate here. Address, as a suitable pers n to receive one of the prizes to he offend in the cout st soon to open and hereby cast my votes for Signed ; Only one of these coupons will be counted. BINGHAM SCHOOL 1793 1910 FOR 1 10 YEARS lioys liavc boon prepared fnr COLLK(!E and for LIFE, and have been trained to be MEN at TH E BINCIIAM SCHOOL. Ideally located on Asheville Plateau- Organization MILITARY for discipline, control and carriage. Boys expelled from other schools not received. A V iciOUS toy sen home as soon as discovered. Hazing excluded by pledge of honor. Limited to I 36- Bates reasonable. Address COL. R. lilNOHAM, Supt., R. P. D., Box 89, ASHEVILLE, N. C. It is S i ved a j coffee, the new coflVe substitute known to rroc rs every where as Dr. Sharp's Health Cof fee, w tli trick even a c ffe" Xpert Not a gr iiu of iOui c ftY. in it either. Pure helthful toasted grain-1, m-.ult, nuts, etc. have been so cl-veriv blended as to give a wonderfully satisfying c ffeeibste and flavor. And is "made in a mii ute," too . No tedious 20 o 80 minut' s'b uling. 8o!d by all Grocers OPEN Ail .ACCOUNT WITH THE riRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N 0. W. C. Coughenour, President, T C Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White, Cushier. Capita! - - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surplus and Profits 53,581 56 Deposits January 1, 1909, 317,785 06 ResoiMct s January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 Dtkk tors : John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T, C. Linn, H. N. vVoodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, ,A. H. Price, W. C. Coughenour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with sale banking. W.H.WHITE, Cashier Do You Want to Help Make Good Times ? Then put your money in our bank. We will put it into Circulation and pay yu 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody will be benefited. The State's Strongest Banking Institution. The Queen of Fashions. Richest and choicest creations are most elegantly and perfectly reproduced on the Standard Rotary. The World's Best Sewing machine The ouly machine which makes abso lutely perfect lock and chain stitching on the same machine. Ladies When you are in need of a sewing ma chine, you no doubt intend to give the matter intelligent consideration and should buy one which will last a life time, the Standard Rotary. You Owe It to Yourself to learn how the Standard Rotary will do more and better work, in less time, and with more real comfort and pleas ure than any other machine made. Send for circular. The standard Sewing Machine Co,. For sale by Cleveland, Ohio. T. E. WITHERSPOON & CO., Salisbury. N. C. Where to Go to Buy HARWESSi When in need of good, reliable, single or double wagon or buggy Home-made Harness don't fail to hunt up our place on the corner of Innis and Lee Greets. We also do first-class repairing on short notice and at reasonable prices. Our line of Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halters, Whips, Brushes, Combs, Robes, Harness Oil and other horse supplies is always complete and ready for inspec tion. We solicit a portion of your patronage and invite you to call and see our stock. If your horse is injured in any way get a bottle cf our Horse Liniment. - No cure, no pay. Hartline & Co. Phone 488, 180 East Innis SI. Hay9 snip nam Never Falls to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long it has been trray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles at druggists Send 2c for free book " The Care of the Hair. " Philo Hay Spec Co., Newark, N.J. Hay's Harfina Soap cures Pimp, red, rouph and chapped hands, and all skin dis eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25c. drug-gists. Send 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." Smith Drug Company. New London High School, New London, N. C. Prepares young men and women for Col'ege Healthful location. Comfort able and convenient buildings. Ex perienced teachers, Religious influence Excellent advantages in music and Elocution, Board and tuition very reasonable. Fall term begins September 1, 1909. For Catalogue and other information Address REV. J. D. RANKIN, Prin., New London, N. C, On the account of ill health I have been forced to quit business, and now offer my store-house for rent, also store fixtures and a remnant of groceries for sale. My place is located on the pub lic Stokes ferry road, 3 miles from Sal isbury and within one short mile of Dunn's Mountain Granite Quarry and the American Stone plant. It is one of the best localities in the country to run a general merchandise business. For terms and f'irther particulars write or come and see me. T. J. LOFTIN, R, F. D. No. 6, Box 4. 8-3 4t. SALISBURY, N. C . THE NORTH CAROLINA State Normal and Industrial College Maintained by the State for the Women of lorth Carolina. Four regular Courses leading to Degrees. Special Courses foi Teachers. Fall session be gins September 15, 1909. Those de siring to enter should apply as early as possible. For catalogue and other in formation address J. I. FOUST, Pres., Greensboro, N. C. 6-i2-10t-pd THE Summersett Undertaking Co., 1 08-1 1 0 W. Tiiixo.-ss St., Salij-iljury, IV. C, Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trucks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their un dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: day, 224; night, 529 or 201. Embalming a Specialty. rHEWQRLCS GREATEST SEWING MAKE LIGHT RUNNING 1 If you want eilhera Vibrating Shuttle, Rotary .Sunt lie or a Single Throad Chain Stitch Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME SEWINQ MACHINE COMPANY Orange, Mass. Many sewing machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the New Home is made to wear. ' Our guaranty never runs out. Sold by authorized dealers only. m m. E.'!l EH 1111 E

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