-.55 i THE CAROLINA VATCHM AN, Salisbury, N. C , Oct. 5th, 1009. is. Items of interest are solicited. Write briefly and accurately. Items written on both sides of the paper and thoe mt accompanied by the author'sreal name go to the waste baskot. P1NEY WOODS. October 4 . The many readers of The Watchman have not ben surfeited with items from Piney Woods by this correspondent for the past few months. The pencil has been idle. The events, or happenings, have not been such as to inspire in oue a frequency of writing Summer has gone and we are now facing 1910. Times have" been pretty dull for some time, but with the South Bound railroad almost touching us we look for a prosperous 1910. The Mason Brcs. & Lack Con strncting Co. have camps at the Bald Mountain, and are making pretty go d headway grading the road bed. Several of our men are being 6mployfd. Farmers are busy sowing pats, but little corn has been gathered yet. The corn crop is short this season especially on bottom land. Eli Arey, son of D. C. Arey, who has had a severe cas9 of ty phoid fever, is doing very well. Dr. Allen is the attending phy siciau. Cupid has ben at work in our section Thn contracting parties wpre Enrly Morgan ai d Miss Pol ly Whitley. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Whitley, Sunday morning October 3rd, by Esquire W. C. Carroll. We extend to them best wishes and a long and "appy life. While moving his saw mill, W. C Lisk got one of his mules hurt right badly. The carriage of the mill slipped, while gcing down hill, which inflicted a bad wound fiirhig mule's thigli. Miss Lillie Shaver, of New Lon don visited homefolks over Sun day. Luther Basinger is building himself r. dwelling house, also, C. L Basinger has the framing of his up. More telephone lines are going up, A B. Lisk has built one to Bringle's Ferry. Tbe Joint Stock Co., haven't but one grounded line running Liter their board, and that will be made metallic this week. The South Bound people say we have the best rural tele phone system they ever saw. The recent frosts have been making lizzards hunt winter quar ters. Miss Mamie Fry, operator at Piney Woods swi' onboard, is run ning in The Watchman's contest. Any one wanting to subscribe te The Watchman or Record, she would be glad to roceive their sub scription. Southerner went 'po9snm hunt ing th other night and captured some nice slick tails. Wo would like to have the editor x-f The Watchman with us when we get them fat Mr. Wyatt'n family, who have had typhoid fever, are all able to be up we aru glad to ntr. Berry, sou of J. I Basinger, In s chills. Mock Morgan win b'1 I fertilizer for the Farmers' Union. SOUTHKRNKK DOWNWARD COURSE Fast BeingRsabzeti by Salisbury People. A little backache at first. Daily increusng 1 11 the Lack i lam e and weak. Urinary disorders quickly follow. Diabetes and fin-illy Brig ht's disease. This is the. downward.course of kid ney ills. Don't take this course. Follow the advice of a Salisbury citizen. J.J.Williams, 805 N. Le St. Salis bury N. C. , says : I suffered more a loss, from kidney trouble for several years. My kidneys were very inactive I had severe pains through the mall of my back , felt dull and la iiied ener gy. The kidney secretion were full of sediment and very unnatural. I heard of Doan's Kidney Fills, and deciding to give them a trial, I procured a box at .McPhersons & Oo.'s drug store. I used them as directed and received such great benefit that I obtaineria fur ther supply. In a few weeks I wasfree from pain and the kidneys were nor mal. I am glad to recommend this ex callent remedy. . lor sale by all dealers. Price50cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, Remember the name-Doan'Mnd take no outer. a Ml NEW LONDON. Work Begun at Whitney on Southbound. W. W. Growell Hart. New London. N. C. Oct. 6. Mrs. A. M. Norton was called to the beuside of her sistor in Wel- don, a few days ago. A good many of oui citizens went to Salisbury Friday to take iu the Sells Floto circus. D. I. Tolbert, of Kannapolis, was iu town on business last week. J. i . Kelly, cf Pittsburg, Pa who has been here for several days, and wh' returned to his home a few days ago, is back with us again. Clarence Misenheimer, of Atta- pulgus, Ga., who has been visitingitie took some horses in .the friends and relatives here for the past week, returned to his homo Saturday. Mrs. S. Cotton and little son, of Albemarle, visited Mrs. Lucy J Cotton la9t week. Geo. Palmer, of Palmerville, was in town Thursday, Mrs. T Bon R ss is visiting her parents in Albemarle. Mias Su E. Gaydon has accept ed a position as clerk in one of the stores in Salisbury. She left Thursday. Miss Mary Crowell, of Virgil:- T T a 1 1 m m ' na, Vrt.. wno nas oeen visiting here, and Mis Minnie Ivey, loft for Norwood Saturday, where they will visit Dr. aud Mrs. J. I. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs, S. Hoyl Howell, of Greensboro, are visiting Dr. aud Mrs. J. A. Allen's. Z. V. Ross loft Friday for Cleve land, where he will teach this fall. He will he principal of the Cleveland High School. The school opened Monday with two other teachers besides Mr. Mose. Several carloads of tools was switched off here last week. They were going to Whitney, where the work began Monday on the South bound. Several steam shovels are expected soou. They have the right-of-way nearly cleared off, all the way, and have begun moving dirt in several places along the line. There has beeu several men here all the week awaiting fcr the tools to arrive so that they could gee to work. The line has been changed near Whitney. Instead of crossing near Stokes ferry aud coming down the river by Whit ney, it is to cross the river just above the dam aud go between tbe dam and Fort Fiuley, the club house of the Whitney Company. The steel bridge across the river is to be about fifteen feet above the dam. The read then goes on the same route that was fiist set tled on. H. E Ross and family, of Whit ney, Bpent S turday and Sunday with Mr. R )es' parents, Mr. and Mrs. R . J. Roes. E T. Russell, who has been working in Salisbury for the pa9t month, spnt Situ. 'day and Sun day'with his family here. B A F'rm .n's children, of Al lnmarle, spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. J . A. Coggi i. Mr. and Mrs Thomas Cotton, of Palmrville, spent Sunday w th Mrs Lucy J. Cotton. Miss Male Ivey, who has beau working in Albemarle, stayed from Saturday Monday with her parent b, Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Ivey. The New London High School has a larger number of boarding students than they have had in several years. Miss Esther Earnhardt is visit ing her sister, Mrs. Isaac Bihs. E 0 . Botwick, of Palmerville HpHnt Sunday with Mr. aud Mrs E. T. Russell. Mr.-and Mrs. Manord, ot near s P lUnorvillo, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Chus. Harris. Missas Mary and Temple Lnfler 1 wh have been working in Albe in r e, sp'-nt atnrd iy and Snn t! v wit n tnir parents, Mr. aud Mis C A L'-fbr Ma-ahull Davis, of Eldorado was in town Monday aud Tuesday Mias Mary Foard, of Fo.it T ! it . i - n.ivr, h nie guest ,)t Mr. ui d Mrs. H. S. Trott. J. R. Littleton visited his daughter th's week, Mrs. Marshall Davis, of Eldorado. W. W, Crowell, of Richfield, got hlB arm seri0U8Jy hrt Mod- day morning while working in the GOLD HILL. Will go to Cincinnati by Private Conveyance, Mr Heldermti. Restored to Health Gold Hill, N. C, Oct. 4. The cool autun weather is pleasant and agreeable. Corn shucking and persimmon cus tards are on hand, also to 3 sum and sweet potatoes. W. L. Shaver has moved his family to Mt. Pleasant where he will send his child ren to school. Geo. Faggart has returned from N ew York and entered school atMt Pleasant again. Frank Hollinhead has sold the house and lot he recently purchased here, to J. A. Arev, trade which he proposes to drive through to Cincnnatti, Ohio, by way of Lexington, Ky A pretty long way to move in a wagon. Robe Glover has bought a house and lot from Luther Briggers near the depot, con sideration $250, and a'possum dog. John Gordey has come from the Iola mine where he has been doing contract work. B. T. Martin is at home from Charlotte where he has been employed as mill man and amalgamator. Rev. Willsion has closed his two-week's meeting. There was one addition to the church. Dr. Moorefield's office has! been completed and he Jias moved in same. C. A. Helderman has re turned home from the sani torium where he underwent an operation for appendici tis. Only a few persons from here attended the Sells-Floto circus at Salisbury. The Ar mour horses were the specal attraction. The whole show was good and clean as to gambling, etc. Rev. Loftin will preach at the Baptist church next Sun day. Miss Lillian Martin gave a singing last Saturday night at which a large number of young people met and had a pleasant time. Mike. FAITH. Oct. 2. Willian McCorabs, an old Confederate Veteran died at the home of one of his sons. He had been in feeble health for some time. A large number of children and grandchildren are left behind to mourn his depart. tlT a ure. we will give particu- ars in our next letter. Oct. 4. A young lady ar rived at B. A. Fesperman'a September 29th. A young gentleman at Dock Stiiewalt's October 2. A large congregation as sembled at Grace Reformed church Sunday evening where Kev. tisher and Rev. P eler preached the funeral of William McCombs. The pall bearers were: Orowford Peeler, Rufus Lentz. Alex Lyerly, Rufus lisher, John Moose aud Henry C. Peeler. Mr McCombs was 69 years old. He leaves one brother and one sister, 8 children, 40 grandchildren, and 4 greats grandchildren. John M. Wyatt is having a handsome new residence built on his lot. Venus. lumber sh p of J. A Ritctre. He was working with the diepsing ma chine, which he thought haa a hot box. He reached his hand under neath to feel if the boxiug was hot, when his right arm came in co.itact with tbe knives. Almost all of tbe flesh on one side of his arm from iiis hand to his elbow was cut and torn off. The wound was dressed by Drs, Allen, of New London, aud Whitlev, ol Albe marle. Later the arm was ampu tated at the elbov by the same d ctorp. Mr. Crowell is in his 84th year. His son, W. M. Crow ell, of Spencer, is at bis bedside. Edd Cotton spen) Sunday with lriends in Albemarle. The Missionary Conference met in Spaucer September 29 aud 30 Miss Ouuie Ross and Miss Albea, wei e delegates sent from here. Af ter conference dismissed Miss On me Ross visited in Salisbury. A M. Norton went to Albe marie Monday on business. TRADING FORO. The ladies of Bethel M. E church wii i give a missionary party at t he home of Abram Mil ler, on Saturday night, October tha 19th. Part of the time will ,be devoted to the sale of, box. s prepared by the ladies to be sold about 9 o'clock, also other re freshments will be served before and after. The public ifr mcst cordially invited. Please remem ber the date and place, October the 9th, at Abram Miller's. Mays snnno U U (BmnaM. Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to itsNalural Color and Beauty. No matter how long It has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removed Dan druff. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in $1.00 as 50c. size. Is Not & Dye. ' $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2c for free book " The Care ol the Hair. " Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. J. nay's Harfina Soap cures Pijnp1es, red, rouph and chapped hands, and all ekin dis eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25c. drug-gists. Send 2c for toe book "Tbe Care of the Skin.". Smith Drug Company. SPECIAL Smith Says For Pure drugs, Prescription ac curately filled, and anything in an up-to-date drug tore at lowest prices call at or phone 133. Formerly th-s T. W Grimes Drus Co. 2-16 6m o Luler Lumber Why not Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1.00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.50 to $2,50. Ceiling from $1:00 to $2.00. We make all kinds of molding and turned work at prices reas onable. Phone 405. chestnut hill. Goodman Lumber Go. OPEN AH ACCOUNT WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, SALISBURY, N C. W. C. O'Ughenour, President, T C Linn, Vice-President, W U. White Gushier. Capital - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surotus and Profits - 53,581 56 Deposit? January 1. 1909. 317 785 06 Kes)i'!0fs January i, iyua, 4D3,Mb 84 tors : John S. Henderson, D. r.. Atwell, T. C. Linn, H. N vVoodson, BuTton Graige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, V C Coushejiour. Evury accommodation extended con utent with aafe banking. W. H. WHITE, Cashier Execution Sale. State of North Carolina ) In the Supe Rowan County ) rior Court. . M. Miiler, Plaintiff. vs (Notice of axe Eureka Consolidated ( tion of sale. Copper Co J Py virturo of an execution directed to the undersigned from the Superior court of Rowan county in the above entitled action, I will, on Monday, the 1st day of November, 1909 at about 12 o'clock noon at the court house door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and in terest which the said Eureka Consoli dated Copper Co. . the defendant, has in the following described real estate, to-witf First tract: See deed to Wal ter Geo. Nswinan dated May the 5th, 1899, from R. J. Holmes and registered in book 86. page 446 and also see deed to Eureka Consolidated Co., in book 111, . page 218. Second tract : All of a certain tract of land containing 38 acres more or less and known as the Stockton Gold Mining tract, see deed to Walter Geo. Newman, dated May 5th, 1899 and recorded in book 111, page 218. Third tract : A certain trnct of land known as the E. Manney home place in the town of Gold Hill which was conveyen to Walter Geo. Newman on the 26th day of June 1906, and de rcribed in deed registered in book 111, naere 21. See also deed registered in bo :.k 111, page 222 in which the said property is conveyed, to JiureKa wjn solidated Copper Co., by the said Wal ter Geo. Newman. J. H. McKknzib, Sherifl Rowan county This 24th day of September. 1909. 5t m 1 III, II SALISBURY DRY GOODS gfell We have of ladies' Coats to 25 cents on the Dollar. We want you to come and see them, they are cut in the latest styles. $10.00 Coats for .uu uoats ior 5.00 Coats for BLANKETS, COMFORTS You want to buy one cheap. Our $2.50 Woolnays Blankets for Comforts at ... . 85c, 95c, $1.50, $2 00 ! Calico at 5c 10c Outing at , 8ic I Gin8ham a 5c Shawls at all prices.... 48c, 98c Our specials are the same for Friday, Men's Hats. . . 98c. $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 up ! Saturday, Monday. SALISBURY DRY GOOD CO. a. THE Summersett Undertaking Go. 108-110 W. miesis St., Carry a full line of Caskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Tmcks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their un dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. Phone calls: day, 224; night, 311-L or 201. Embalming a Specialty. RIFE Hydraulic Ram (Pumps Water by Water Power.) Town Water Work". R iilrrad Tanks. Irrigation, Country Homes, Green houses- (No Attention No Kxience Runs Continu ously. Operates under 18 Inches to 50 feet fall. El evates water 3i. feet each foot of fall. 5, 00 In successful operation. Sold on 3i' days trial Catalogue and estimate free Piping furnish ed at cost. T. A. P. ROSEMAN. i rent, Salisbury, N. C R. F. P. No. 8, Box. 27. Administrator's Notice. Having Qualified a administrator upon the estate of Mary Ann Casper deceased, this is tonotitiy all creditors to exhibit their claims to the under signed on or before the September 15th, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. John J. Stewart, adminiitrator Sept 16th. 1909. North Carolina, Rowan County. Jas. Brown, vs. In the Sup c rior Court. I NOTICE Florida II. Brown. ) ' The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior court of Rowan county by her hus band, James Brown, for a divorce from the. bonds of matrimony on the ground of forni nation . and auultry, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the next term of the Superior court oi said countv to be held on the 11th Mon- dayaftei the 1st Monday of September, the same being the 22nd day ot .Novem ber, 1909, at the Court House of said county, in Salisbury, N. C, and answer or demur to the complaint in said ac tion or the plaintiff will apply to the Coart for the relief demanded in said action. Dated this the 30th day of August, 1909. J. F. McCUBBINS, Clerk Superior Court. WALTER H, WOODSON, Attorney for Plaintiff. CHICHESTER S PILLS y- . T1IK DIAMOND BRAND. A Idtdleal Ask your Drnl Chl-eh eater's Diamond Bi I'lllp in Red and Hold boxes, sealed with Blue DnnM. Ask for C1U-CIIE8-TEK DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for 85 Tens known as Best, Safest, Always Reliable X ke no other. Kmr or voi at for a inrtallicW Ribbon. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE lit for nes purchased a lot long and short sell at less than $6.98 i Men's Shirts, 4.y 2.98 Men's Heavy Hose 15c two for 25c DRESS GOODS We have what you want in this line. 42-inch Serge at 47c $1.98 All colors and O0000O00OO000:0000OOO0OO0OO o o A CAR LOAD OF o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mew Faifl For your inspection at this store. Also big lot of o o o o o o o o o o o going at factory cost. Bell Shoe Store. Ill North Main St. o o o ooooooooooooosooooooooooooo No More Sore Necks and Shoulders, m i l yf, s Call at your harness store and y?X I I yl ask to see one of the famous XrX J4 f No Hameless Adjustable Metal Horse Collars If voti do not see them write and we 11 send you our catalog tully illustrating and describing these ideal horse collars that are saving farmers thousands of dollars annually. They cure sore necks and shoulders and do away with all names, sweat nads and straos. r7 b They can be adjusted to fit the draft is in the correct But the main thine is thev do with sweat pads which scald duce sores, l nousanas in use. wear out last for years. HARNESS! on hand a large stock of on and buggy harness. We also, carry a fine lim of Collars, Sad dles, Bridles. Halters, robes, blankets, whips, Harness oil and other Horse supplies. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices . harness oiled and drtssed for $1.00 to $1.25 per set. Try some of our Horse remedies, we have the best. Come to see us. HARTLINE & COMPANY. 130 E. Innes St. Phone 433. Salisbury, N. C Cotton Seed Cotton Seed ileal Cotton Seed Feed The Cotton Seed Oil Co., Salisbury Branch. Littman warehouse on North Church street. M. O. QXTINN, manager. GO ii i the heavy knit kind for 48c stripes h. wertz. mgr. M o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o and tlace. awav andpro - won DON'T FORGET we make aud keej ! single and doable wag m i urn M W VLI r ' I

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