ASTI-TUBEBCULOSfS IEA6UE TORUEO , Irtefesting Addresses Dellrered Aud Steps Ttfia to Combat the Disease. ' W. W? McKenzie, having been appointed secretary forRow apuGounty by. the State Anti-Tu-beroalosia Association, called a iq$bb meeting, which waB held in the Court House here Saturday night. After an invocation by Rev W . T. Cheetham, Dr. Mc Kenzie took charge of the meet ing,' explained the need of such work as is proposed to be done by the association and the objects of the meeting. He then called up on Or. W. S. Rankin, secretary of the State Board of Health, who addresaed the audience. Dr. Rankin took for his subject "The Economic Aspect of Health." He dealt largely in fig ures and the naration of experi ments, which, to him at least, were concluuive evidence in fa vor of the sanitary measures em ployed and to be employed. He tated .that, according to numer ous calculations, made by inves tigators, widely separated, the value of the average human life, in America, wasQOO over and above the expanse of his susten ance, and that the averaee value of life lost by preventable diseases as f 17,00, Thus, with the death rate by such diseases, he figured the annual loss, in dollars and cents, of various cities and the en tire country. Among the most common and most disastrous of these diseases be named typhoid feV6r, yellow fever, malaria and consumption. These, he said, were not always curable, but al most entirely preventable. He asserted that typhoid and yellow fever killed more of our soldiers during the Spanish-American war than did the Spanish bullets. He said that the common house fly carried the germs of typhoid fever and'caused 25 per cent, of the ca ses of sickness therefrom, water 80 to 50 per cent, and milk about 20 per cent. To prevent the spread of typhoid he recommended the use of fly-proof window and door screens, especially for the dining and sick rooms, and the prevent ion of Blops, privy, hog-pen and stable drains into the well or spring. He said the musquito was the cause of malaria, that there are about 70 varieties of mnsquitos, but only one variety that causes malaria by biting the victim, and that 630,000 deaths occur every year in the United States Ifrom this cause. His method of preventing this disease, is to get rid of the musquito. Drain off all stagnant water possi ble and put kerosene on the large bodies of water ihat cannot be drained, thus destroying the breeding place of the musquito. The musquito bar and screens can also be used to great advantage. Summing up his calculations, he claimed that about one billion dollars was the annual cost by sickness and death in the United States annually, practically all of which could be prevented by tak ing the proper precautions. The next speaker was Dr. Roy Williams, of Greensboro, an au thority on tuberculosis. He told the story of eonsumption from its origin to the death of its victim He said there were a very few, if any, cases of hereditary consump tion. It is a contageous disease and can be taken by breathing dust blown from the public high ways Or sweeping of a room where Btme careless consumptive has spit. Many cases, however, orig inate as pleurisy, without any known cause, ot which 100 Der cent., he believed, if not detected and cured at an early stage, would develop into consumption and result fatally. What he called secondary pleurisy, was that which followed pheumonia or ty phoid ; 25 to 40 per cent, of these would develop into consumption and prove fatal. He said the great need was for an early recog nition of the disease and the im mediate attention of a physician, under which circumstance a cure could be easily affected. The dis ease begins by a dry cough, fol lowed by the spitting of mucus, becoming more frequent as the Aifaaaaa nrncrraaseB and then color- wisvtw j?- iiig, and so on to the grave. The prevention of this disease is clear: Stop spitting on side walks, in ' m t V 1 roads, on floors, or otner piaces where it can dry and be carried vnt in the air. The bacilli of tuberculosis will die in if exiosed to light, but care should be taken by thoie afflicted to spit, either in a INTER-CAROLINA TROLLEYS. A Line to be Built From Spartanburg. S. C to Greensboro, N. c. Several times lately The Obser ver presented local hews stories- setting forth the prospects for an interurbau trolley line hereabouts- Those prospects, accurately oul lined then, have since become an assured reality. The Southern Power Company, already operaj ting or developing must of the im portant water powers along the Catawba or Wateree river and ex pected to acquire the great Yad kin river power site at Whitney as well, has another class of pro jects afoot. Interests behind it, namely, the Dukes, have bought the Anderson, S. C , trolley sys tem. They also stand back of the Carolina Traction Company organized to build trolley hnbs m an A arnnnn Rnck Hill. S. C. It WUVk v ' I is thus evident that local systems are contemplated ; something like a "net work covering the pied mont Carolinas" may even have been planned ; t.h main fea ture of the whole souume will al most certainly be a trolley con necting Greensboro with Ander son, 215 miles away. Between these two points along the South ern Railway's main line except from Greenville to Anderson are High Point, Thomasville, Lexing ton, Salisbury-Spencer, Concord, Charlotte, Gastonia, Oaffney, Spartanburg and Greenville. The hundreds of cotton mills on the railroad hubs running out from Charlotte are most largely on this line. Besides the centers of in dustry already mentioned there are such towns as China Grove, Kannapolis, Belmont, Bessemer City, King's Mountain, Blacks burg, Clifton, Welford, Pelzer and Belton. Of course this trol ley line would carry freight as well as passengers. Together with the double-tract work now rapidly going ahead on the South ern Railway, it should give its territory excellent transportation facilities Charlotte Observer. Afraid O --iJW-H- Many people are afraid ,of ghosts. . Few people are afraid of germs. Yet ' the ghost is a fancy and . the germ is a fact. Ifthe-germ could be magnified to a size equal to its terrors it would appear more' .''terrible than any fire-breathing . dragon ' Germs ' can't be" avoided;;' .Tliey are in the air we breathe, ?. the water we drink, .jr.?-;. - , .tj. . ,u-0l The germ can only, prosper when the 'condition. . f the system gives it free scope to establish tt .' self and develop. -When : there U a deficiency of ; vital force, languor, restlessness, a sallow cheek, a hollow ye, when- the appetite is poor and the - - Z sleep is broken, it is time to guard against the germ; You can" fortify the body against all germsby the use of Dr. Pierce's Gold-1' en Medical Discovery. It increases the vital power,. cleanses the. system of clogging impurities, enriches the blood, puts the stom ach and organs of digestion and nutrition in working condition, so that the germ finds no weak or tainted spot in which to breed. " Golden Medical Discovery' contains no -alcohol, wLkLyor ,f habit-forming drugs. All its ingredients printed on its outside vranner. It is not a secret nostrum but a medicine of known composition and with a record of 40 years of cures.- Accept no substitute there is nothing " just as good." Ask your neighbors. J DR. M. J. RAGLAN D VETERINARIAN. Qffiee aud hospital 911 Inniss St.. near Mansion House corner. Day phone 205. Night phone 430. , 4-27 tf WORK OF THE REAPER. V. L. Correll and Miss Margaret Ann Isabelle Powless the Victims. V." L. Correll, postmaster at China Grove, dfed very suddenly at his home on Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. He had been ill for several days, but was not consid ered dangerously ill until a short time before his death Tne funeral was held from Mt. Zion Reformed church and the burial was in Greer Lawn cemetery. He was about 40 years of age and leaves a family. Mr. Correll was one of China Groves most progres sive and useful citizens, he had many good qualities and will be greatly missed. Miss Margaret Ann Isabelle Powlas died on Saturday at the home of her father Geo. F. Pow las, of Unity township, and was burried from Unity Presbyterian church on Sunday." MUs Pow las ..was said to be a most, est im able young woman by those who knew her. She is survived by her father, a grandmortherr an aunt and her sister. We're sorry if you've- tried other medicines and they failed As a last resort try Hollister's Rocky Mountian Tea. It's a simple remedy, but it's worked wonders, made millions well and happy. Purifies the blood, makes flesh and muscle, cleanses your syste m. Corenleison &Cook. County Court la Dull Lines. - Very few cases have been up be fore the county court for several days and none of them were of any importance. On Monday three daskey damsels were charg ed with disorderly conduct and were let ff with a fine of $5.00 each and their proportionate part of the cost. One or two cases were continued ULtil to day. Makes blood and muscle faste than anv other remedy. Gives w health, streneth and vitality Holhfeter's Rocky Mountaim Tea towers above all other remedies for making sick people well, and well people 'weller. rate it to night. Corneleison & Cook. fifteen the sun- fire, or some places where the germ will not likely be met with before it has had time to die. Healthy people should avoid the use of drinking vessels, napkins, cloth ing, bedding and other articles used by consumptives, and many that are found in public use. The next speaker was Dr..Chas. A. Julian, ot High Point, sricre tary of the North Carolina Tuber culosis Association, Dr. Julian dwelt on the necessity of organized warfare, against disease and the prevention of it. He thought the State should increase appropria tion for the public health and that a sanatorium should be es tablished for the treatment of consumptives. He said that large quantities of literature on the sub ject of preventive diseases was be ing prepared and would soon be circulated. He asked that the pastors preach a health sermon on Sunday, November 28th, and sta ted that the Rowan Association would be given the agency for the Red Crosf stamps, which sell at 1 cent each, 80 per cent, of the pro ceeds being givoa to combat the di' eases with. He olosed by say ing he hoped au organization would be formed at ohce. After he took his seat Dr, Mc Kenzie called for the nomination of offioers whereupon tha follow ing gentlemen were named and duly elected : For president, Dr. John Whitehead ; 1st vice-president, Hon. John S. Henderson; 2nd vice-president, Rev. Byron S. Clark, and for treasurer, Prof. R, G. Kizer, May9 Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. No matter how long it has been gray orfaded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out, and positively removes Dan droll. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in $100 as 50c: size. Is Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at druggists Send 2c for free book " The Care of the Hair. " Pbilo Hay Spec Ca, Newark, N. J. Hay's Harfina Soap cares Pimpies, red, rouph and chapped hands, and all skin dis eases. Keeps skin fine and soft. 25c. druggists. Bend 2c for free book "The Care of the Skin." Smith Drug Company- THE REASON WHY V IS THE BEST STRENGTHENING TONIC for Feeble Old People, Delicate Children, Weak, Run-down Persons, and to Counteract Chronic Coughs, Colds and- Bronchitis, is because it combines the two most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements Ot Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron, without oil or grease, tastes good, and agrees with every one. We return your money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it SMITH DRUG CO., Salisbury. ooooooaooooo:ooooQooooooooo THE Summersett Undertaking Co.r 1Q8-I10 W. Inness StW, o O o O'- o o o o o PO.: o o o o o o o o o o o o o A CAR LOAD Gj3w Fauo The Curse of the South. What IS the mater With the SOUth? According to goverDo eut rep- rt of 1908 "The Secret is out at last the Southeruftr, contrary to current opinion is not lazy, shiftless, indifferent or carfless. "He is ick the South is afflicted with and harbors hat most dreaded treacherous and destructive of all diseases Anemia, Pernicious Aoemia. The average Southerner is a sufferer of th's health destroying parasite which destroys the red bloood cells producing an impoverished con dition of the blood: characterized by extreme pallor, general debility, weakness, loss of vigor, lack of ambition, and general undermining of vitality. The climate and atmoBpbnric conditions dstrov the vitalitv. Lt& mm ceu over id. urex; ria 01 it. wet wen, ano ue is good physically as the beat American cau boast . If thern is health of the slightest degree in your system, "WAKE IT UP1 GaLL IT FORTH. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER 1 MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD; all can and thonld be well, lo neglect yourself is toTeflect upon the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends alt humanity to enjoy a full measure of health and vigor. If you do not the fault is your own, for you are yourself to bJame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for the people of . Tenneessee, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi, let us now do as much for the people of the Carolinas. A postal will brine you the necessary information. Send no money Write to-day. Don't neglect this chance here offered you. Address, The Cleveland Institute of Filedicine and Surgery,; Cleveland, Ohio. Corner Kinsman bd. and 72d. Street. Buy Wedding and Birthday GIFT OF FURNITURE OOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOGOOOOOOOOO o o o o o o o o o o o f TC re f various kinds, from the little Jmeaning-Q J J J less trifle to the substantial and appreciative. Q The gift that lasts longest is generally the most useful and Q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o AT WRflC TP u serviceable and the longest to be remembered. o o o o FURNITURE comes in the class of the sub- It o o o o o o WRIGHT is useful, will give long service and can be used in all parts q of Ehe house, porch or yard. It may be ornamental or just for service, expensive or cheap. g the Furniture dealer, has a large O and well selected stock every variety; O and suitable for any place or home. His mammoth J O stock is awaiting your inspection and is such to greatly assist O Q you in making appropriate selections. Do not fail to give him Q q a call. Respectfully, Q price, O Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Eta O ooooooooo ooooooooooooooooo Carry a full line of Gaskets, Cof fins and Burial Robes. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Trucks, etc. Special attention given to all calls, day or night, by their un dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis.' For your inspection at this store. Also big lot of Q O O o o Q O O O o o o o o o going at factory cost. 1 Bell Shoe Store, s Phone calls : 311-L or 201. day, 224; night, Embalming a Specialty. North Carolina )In Superior court Rowan County f November term 1909. Notice to J. R. Thomas, C. J. Tinsley,! Non-Re- H. W. Holtand H. c. Holt isidents vs of sum- I. L. Miller and wife Essie mons and M. Miller et al. J Attach ment . The defendants, I, L. Miller and wife Essie M. Miller , above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tLe Superior Court of Rowan county to recover of the defendant I. L. Miller the,sum of $83.30 and interest from December 11th 1907, and to set aside, as fraudulent, a deed for one house and lot in Spencer, N. c.from I. L Miller to his wife Es sie M. Miller, registered in Register's office of Rowan county in book 111 page 382; and the said defendants will take further notice that a warrant of attachment has been issued by tne Clerk of the Superior court of Rowan county against the said house and lot and that the sheriff of Rowan county has attached and levied on said house and lot in this cause, returnable to November term 1909 of Rowan Super ior court, and that the said I. L. Mil ler and wife Essie M. Miller are hereby required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of Rowan county to be held on the llth Monday after the 1st Monday in September 1909, in Sal isbury, N. o , and answer or .lemur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. This October 9th, 1909. J. F. MccUBBINS, clerk Superior court. 8 1 1 1 North Main St o o 0000000000000:0000000000000 0 A Line-up That Can t be Beat: The Old Keliable Frick Steam Engine and the Stickney Gasoline, There Is None Better. 0 We represent Sprout-Weldron, mill builders, Flour q and Corn mill machinery, Feed cutters, Grinders, g XT T1 TIT ' 1 . T xictj uaiers, en;. tt k vairy in block a complete line of Circular and Cut-off Saws, Belting, Oils and a Gen eral line of mill supplies. Also the John Lucas Paints and Oils. Hardware, Bdedb, Farm Implements, Galvacizei Eoofii, ROWAN HARDWARE & MACHINERY CO, SALISBURY, N. C. J. S. President. P. A. BARTMAN, Vice-Pi sident. H. A. ROCZER, Treas. & Gen. Mgr, AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR RAW FUSS AND HIDES. Wool Commission. Write for price-list mentioning this ad ESTABLISHED 1RS7 g0OH WHITE & CO.. LOCI8YILL8. K-z. iHJiiflillUJ Wa ill) iOl II liP Pd I Tie Store that Sells ;'an Tilfi Reason A satisfied customer is a customer who will return to buy again. It is our aim to make our customers f riends of our store. We want tliem to feel that they have an interest in the store and that we are always ready to serve them. The' great department stores of the present day were not built by onetimecu s t o m e r s , They made friends of their customers and those customers made great stores possible by their constant and con tinued patronage. WE TRY TO SELL SATIS FACTION, and there ia a reason for it. Cast Cannons BEGINNING MONDAY NOVEMBER 22nd we will give with each cash pur chase of $1.00 or more a coupon redeemable at our store in CHINA GLASSWARE OR FANCY ARTICLES. Each of thesa coupons will be worth about 5c. to the person holding it and may be used to purchase articles in the department desig nated. No coupons will be given for less amounts than $1.00. No couDon will be e-iven except for SPOT CASH. No coupons will be - given where articles are taken out on approval unless said articles are paid for when taken out. YOUR HOME MERCHANT Who is he? Have you any confidence in him? Then trade with him. This idea that you can buy your goods cheaper from the mail order houses of the North and west is all wrong. It is a false idea of economy. Any home merchant will d uplicate the article youjDuy from the mail order house and usually at a lower figure. BE SELFISH ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, trade with your home mer chant and keep your money at home. The home merchant creates a market for your pro duce, helps pay your taxes, builds up your towns and make your real estate for valuable. REIUS!

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