THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN WM. H. STEWART, Ed. and Prop Publiihed every Tuesday at 120 West Innes street. . Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19th. 1905, at the post office at Salis bury, N. 0., under the act of Congress of March 8rd, 1897. Salisbury, N. C. 'Nov. 80th, 1909 I5-Cent Cotton Soon Will Become a Matter of Manipulation. ' In a review of the cotton situa tion, A. Norden & Co. say: Up to the present, the advance has had at least some appearance of being well founded, in the ex pectation of a famine crop, versus a prospective normal consump tion of 13,000,000 bales. But as it becomes evideent tnat the crop is well over 11,000,000 baies, that the shortage of American cotton will be partially made up by an excess over last year of about 1,- 000,000 bales of India cotton, and that the curtailment in manufao turing will reduce the the urgent needs to say 12,000.000 bales, so that spinners may get through the season without encroaching to any extent on visible and invisible supplies carried over from last year, which encroachment they would still have before them as a last resource, the warrant for 15- cent cotton will no longer be legitimate one, but will become & matter of manipulation versus natural conditions, with prepara tions of another crop coming near er day by day. Wall Street Jour nal. "North Carolina Day." December 17 has beed appointed by State Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner as "North Carolina Da v." to be observed in all the public schools of the State And as plendid programme has just been gotton up and is being dis tributed to the schools, dealing with the history and resources of the 16 mountain counties. It is an admirably printed pamphlet of 68 pages and comprises the follow ing subjects of study : Gaston's the Old North State." 'The Land of the Sky," History and the Names of the Counties,' "Indian Names (a poem by Kemp P. Battle), "Cherokee Indians in the Revolution. "King's Moan tian, Boys," "Heroes of King's Mountian, Shelby, Cleveland and Sevier;" "Ho, For Carolina,' "James Robertson and the West em Settlements," "A Daughter of North Carolina," "David Low xie Swain A " Declamatioa,' ""Racing Waters," by Mary Bay ard Clark ; "The Western Carolina Railroad" and "America." . The programme was prepared by R. D. W. Connor, secretary of the State historical commission at the request of State Superinten dent Joyner. SHERIFF MCKENZIE MAKES 600D. red Stierrlll, the Slayer of One Alexander, Both Negroes, Captured In Knoxville. Fred Sherrill, the murderer of a negro bytne name Alexander, at Bear Poplar, Atwell Township, August 16th, was captured by Deputy Sheiff J. H, Mingus at Knoxville, Tenn., early Monday morning, bnerm Mcis.enzie naa obtained a clue some time ago and made strenuous efforts to lo cate Sherrill, but failed. Last week, however, he obtained infor mation that Sherrill was still in Knoxvilie, whereupon he imme diately dipatched one of his most trusty and efficient deputies, J. H. Mingus in persuit, which resulted in tne capture as aoov s&atea Deputy Miijgus arrived in Salis bury with Sherrill Monday even iug and he is now safe in the Row an jail. This is a decided relief, it being he first negro murderer who has made his escape that has been captured for seveial years and goe9 to show that Sheriff McKen- zie is always on the alert, always prudent and safe. With Sherrill, there is Ed. Davis, the s" .yer of Conductor Wiggins, John Jackson, the slayer of Officer Monroe, aud John Powe, who recehtly fatally cut his wife's throat at opencer, all at large, a great menace to the Deao of the countrv. All should be at least confined to preven further outrages, but wnen ona takes into consideration the simi larity in negroes, the indifference of officers and others concerning negroes, the small means provided for the hunting and capturing o criminals, and the disposition o negroes to shelter criminals o their own race, it borders on" the marvelous to learn of one's cap ture. Yet this is what has been done, a thing of credit to auy sheriff. This gives hope of the capture of others and the deter ment of thoBe who are so ready to shoot on small provocations. Sherrills crime was committed last August while he and his vie tim, Alexander, were sitting at a table. Thev had a quarrel which resulted in Sherrill shooting Alex ander three times and killing him Sherrill made his escape nd has been at large ever since. on Col. John R. Webster Passes. Reidsville, Nov. 28. Col. John R. Webster, aged 64, Confederate soldier, tonce Speaker of the House of Representative and editor Webster's Weekly died early this morning as a result of the second stroke of paralysis which he suf fered just a week ago. The funeral will be held from Main Street Methodist church Tuesday at 2:30. Colonel Webster was a vigor ous editorial writer and his paper had a wide reputation for the brilliancy of its editorial page. Four years ago he had a stroke of paralysis and has since been feeble, but his mind was clear uutil the last and only a few days before the end he announced that his paper would be continued. A brother, W. A. Webster of Archdale, and a sister, Mrs. Bar row of Winston, and his wife, who waB Mibs Lillie Morrison survive. Postponement ot "Sanitary Sabbath." Sundav. November 28th, had been selected as "Sanitary Sab bath" fDr North Carolina, but the date is postponed until late in March to allow the state board of health to furnish ministers with literature giving information important sanitary points.. The booklet arranged by the North Carolina Association for the Prevention of Tuberculosis for distribution is still in press, Many ministers are changing location at this season of the year, others are preparing for their annual meetings, therefore to suit all religious bodies it has been deemed wise to postpone the date. - C. A. JULIAN, M. D., Secretary North Carolina Asso ciation for the Prevention of Tu berculosis. Forced Into Exile. Wm. Upohurch of Glej Oak, Okla, was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would oure a frightful luog-racking cough that had defied all remedies for two years. After six months he returned, death dogging his steps.--- "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bottles I am as well as ever." It saves thou sands yearly from desperate lun& diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat. Cures Grip, Bronchitis. Hemorrhages, Asth ma, Croup, Whooping Cough. 50c and $1.00, trial bottle free, guar anteed by all druggists. Dies on 100th Birthday. A Richmond, Ind., message the 17th says: At the close of a big celebration in honor of the one hundredth annivessarv of his birth, John Fletcher Medaris o Green Fork, Ind., died to-day Medaris all but collapsed cjarli in the day, but by grim determi nation lived until the birthday party was over. The entire pop nlation of Green Fork turned out to honor Mr. Medaris, Medaris had been a citizen o Wayne county for 80 years," His father died in North Carolina, and when he was 20 years old he start ed with his mother and severa brothers and sisters overland for Indiana. Until eight years ago, when he went to make his home with his daughter in Green Fjrfe his entire life had been spent on a farm. One Oosii Coughs Children cough at night? Give them Ayers Cherry Pec toral. Often a single dose at bedtime will completely control the cough. Good for any one with a cold or cough. Good for easy cases, hard cases; .ood for acute cases, chronic cases. Ask your doctor to tell you, honestly and frankly, just what he thinks of this old.standard remedy. No alcohol in this cough medicine. . c.erG).; Lowell Mass. Kguagi ... " : - . FSJftl A lazy liver makes a lazy boy. An active brain demands An' active liver: No better laxative for boys and girls than Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor about them. He knows. RYIN6 FOR THE LUTHERAN SEMINARY, At a Meeting a Delegation was Selected to Present Salisbury's Clelms. Salisbury is making a vig orous effort to get the Luth eran Seminary of Mount Pleasant, S. C,, moved to this place, and at a largely at tended meeting, held Friday night under the auspices of tho iioara ot iraae, a com mittee was appointed to solicit funds, locate a site, etc., and a delegation, accompa nied by Hev. M. M, Kinard, on behalf of the Lutheran churches of Rowan county will appear before the commis sion in Charlotte this week and press Salisbury's claim, and, in view of the fact that Rowan is the home of Luth- eranism in JNortn uaronna, they hope to secure the school for her. The Charlotte Observer eays the reason for changing the location is the inaccessi bility of the present site, which is on an island across the bay from Charleston. The seminai y has been estab lished 40 years and has been at various times at Salem, Va., Lexington, S. C, New berry, S. 0., and Walhalla, S. C, What is desired now is a permanent location. The Lutheran Synod in eludes all the churches of this denomination in North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and East Tennes see. There is a total lay membership of 50,000. The seminary which it is proposed to locate is for graduates of colleges only and will be the feeder for the pulpits of the 50,000 parishioners. It has at piesent two professors and there have the assistance of three Charleston ministers who" lecture. Another pro- feasor will be elected and $50,000, it is planned, will be spent in equipping with build ings. First will come a cen tral administrative building and later a library, a dormis tory and four homes for pro fessors. Rev. A. C. Voight is dean. There are at present 14 students. The Kesler Hardware company began on Monday morniDg the removal of their large stock of hardware, etc, from their old quarters to the storo two doors north on Main street. The room has just been painted aud pat in shape for them aud will afford them'a much more commodiouB room for their large business. Why get up in the morning feel ing blue, Worry others and worry you ; Here's a secret between you and me, Better take Rocky Mountasn Tea. Gornelison & Cook, Gruesome Find Saturday. The discovery of the dead body of an aeed colored woman bv a negro while rambling across an old field Saturday afternoon in Mallard Creek towuship solved the mystery of the disappearance of Jane Douglas who escaped from the county home at night October 26, four weeks ago . She was ly ing prostrate oh her face about 2 miles above the home . Coroner W. A: Qresham found yesterday afternoon , that death resuaea irom natural causes. Charlotte Observer. THE WRY WAY. Daily Becoming Less Wearisome to Many in Salisbury With a back that aches all day, With rest disturbed at night, Annoying urinary disorders, 'Tia a weary way, indeed. Doan's Kidney Pills drive weariness away. Are endorsed by Salisbury citizens J. M. Trexler, retired, 512 No. Long St., Salisbury, N. C, says: I have no hesitation in recommending Doan's Kidney Pills, I consider them to be reliable remedy. "I suffered a great deal from backache and I bad dull miserable headaches. The kidney se cretions passed very irregular ana plainly showed by their natural ap pearance that my kidneys were out of order. When Doan's Kidney Pills were brought to my attention, I pro cured a box at McPherson & Go.'s drug store and after using them, felt better in every way. My kidney's are now in a healthy condition aid the pains in my back are a thing of the past, lor sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milbum Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and t&ke no other. gas SB mm His many friends here are de lighted to welcome home Phifer Quinn who comes to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Qaiim. Mr. Qainn went in fhe navy some two years ago and was on one of the big ships of the fleet in their cruise around the world. He comes now from New York where he has been located fcr the past six montba, being one of the naval electrical class there. B.iao for Prohibition. William J. Bryan is going to conduct a prohibition campaign in the United States, and the first gin in the battle is fired in the Commoner this week. He will positively announce his conversi on to the county option theory of prohibition and will open a com paig'.i in Nebraska, which he expects to spread all over the cauntry. All of this information is contained in a series of prohibi tion articles which Mr. Bryan has already; written and which will be printed, one each week, in the Commoner, Each article will be somewhat stronger than the preceding one. News was4 received here Satur day of the burning of the house of J. K. Valley, at Cleveland, on Thursday night ehortly aftrr mid night. The family who were sleeping in the house at the time escaped, but nearly all of the household effects were burned, ELDER HENRY CUNNINGHAM Recommends Vftrbt For Weak, Run-Down Peoples " I was run down and weak from indigestion and general debility, also suffered from vertigo. I saw a cod liver preparation called Vinol adver tised and decided to give it a trial, and the results were most gratifying. After taking two bottles I regained my strength, and ant now feeling unusually well." HENRY CUNNINGHAM Elder Baptist Church, Kinston, N.C. Vinol contains the two most world-famed tonics the medicinal, strengthening, body-building elements of Cod Liver Oil and Tonic Iron. Vinol contains no oil, and is by far the Best Strengthening Tonic obtainable. We return your money without question if Vinol does not accomplish all we claim for it. SMITH DRUG CO., Salisbury. 1 1 i RRFATCHRISTMAS OFFER S $83.00 T WMT AMP Ml $69.00 nil ii uuiiULiniiuim i uu 00 $44. A $14-00 CHRISTMAS GIFT. $35.00 In lieu of all other discounts and re bates this card presented at Draughon's Practical Business College, JRaleigh, N. O., on any working day between Thursday, December 2, and Tuesday, December 28, 1909, will be accepted as $9.00 part, pay ment on a $14.00 Life Scholarship, or $14 00 part payment on a $83-00 combined Scholarship. The scholarship must be purchased and paid for at the time card is presented. We have more young men and women to prepare for high-grade positions, and therefore we make the above Christmas Gift to every wide-awake young person that reads this card, Now is the time for you to get busy and secure your Scholarjhip. . DRAUGHON'S pBSffi. COLLEGE, M-SaffioH.N;c. .OS! mm Our stores are packed with a big lot of all kinds of winter goods; bought early and before the advancei in prides. Full stock of Dress Goods Millinery; Shoes, Coat Suits, Cloaks, Men's and and Boy's Clbthmg, Hats, Caps, Underwear, etc., at Bock Bottom Prices. Below we Mention a Few Articles: ' Ladies' Long Cloaks. 8 LRJool Flannel. t 6 50 value, Ladies' long conIt 2 ' Better flannel wfriti ' and red for. . . . . . cloaks in tau for only..... 3 98 v 15&20o farBiKtl0tf lftdi6B lDg wak.liUinaCaS; R " "BxVraica"WVhVtoflunel.. 25o ! ter. black, green, etc. Worth 10 oO and J i j 12 50 reduced to. 6 98 O - Nice stock of ladies coat suits nicely SJ nnAee (QnAfle made of good material, at.... O UPOSS ;.WUOUi $12 50, 15 OO and 20 OO Q Nice j)TeBi Goods, panama, etc , for ! " O only... 25c UndePlVeaP. O 54-inch grey wool goods worth 65c, foi Infants cotton vest for..... 10&15c q od1vv -38c B jys real heavy fleeced shirts and draw- Q " er8for 25o 0 Shoes. Women's nice soft fleeced ribbed veBt Q y " full size for 25c q Look over our sample shoe counters. Women's extra heavy fleeced shirts and Q Lots of very cheap shoes can be found on pants for... ..... 48c q themi jq CLEAN UP, Childrens for Women's red and white wool vest Q 48c and up. or ' 98c q gtoefc 0f men's and boys' heavy Men's extra nice rifled undershirts q work BnoeB g00d honest shoes at very low for 25c r KJ prices. Men's heavy fleeced shirts and drawers. Q Worth 50j for . . . 38c Q . - o Pen and Boys. OOPSetS. O We have some extra good : bargains in Nice corset medium length and worth d men and boys clothing. 38c for only 25c g Boy8 8Qit8 at 98c and up. Ertralong corset supporter on front 0 Men's suits for .....$3.98 and side for only 48c . , , . IWB . O Extra good value in men's suits for Full stock of W-B corsets all the popu-, X crt 0 rt , lar.stylesat 1 OO & up g $7.50, 8.50 and 10.00. YOU are welcome at our store. Come make this your headquarters' Leave your coats, etc., and we will sell you goods cheaper than anybod' else. 111 illiJJJliilJJJ o)n To) I Store lat sells Satisfaction. ft Reason A satisfied customer is a customer who will return to buy again. It is our aim to make our customers friends of our store. We want them to feel that they have an interest in the store and that we are always ready to serve them. The great department stores of the present day were not built by onetimecu stomerg, They made friends of their customers and those customers made great stores possible by their constant and con, tinued patronage. WE THY TO SELL SATIS FACTION, and there is a reason for it. ash Coups H) i) , n HE MUM BEGINNING MONDAY NOVEMBER 22nd we will give with each cash pur chase of $1.00 or more a coupon redeemable at our store in CHINA GLASSWARE OR FANCY ARTICLES. Each of these coupons will be worth about 5c. to the person holding it and may be used to purchase articles in the department desig nated. No coupons will be given for less amounts than $1.00. No coupon will be given except for SPOT CASH No coupons will be given where . articles are taken out on approval unless Paid articles are paid for when taken out. Who is he? Have you any confidence in him? Then trade with bira. This idea that you can buy your goods cheaper from the mail order houses of the North and west is all wrong. It is a false idea of economy. Any home mercha n t will duplicate the article you buy from the mail order house and usually at a lower figure. BE SELFISH ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, trade with your home chant and keep money at home. mer- your The home merchant creates a market for your pro duce, helps pay your taxes, builds up your towns and make your real estate for valuable. REAIX. THE WAT TO A W mm

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