I . ...... I BUSINESS LOCALS. Locals under this bead will be charged for at the rate of 5 c nts per line for first Inser tion, s l-a cents for subsequent Insertions. MARRIAGES. Miss Reefer. Whitehead lummer andjJas. C.Windsor, of Lenoir City, Term., were married at the home of the bride'8 parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Plummer, on South Lee street, nt 8:15 o'clock on TSJa w iT HISlOU Of R0iaD.-Any one having a w T n.?a?$?r V Se eopyofthis little book can First Methodist Church, offi find ready sale for it by calling wa"u Aiier me ceremony at tot watchman Office a snort receDtion was hld Buckeye Drills and all kinds up-to-date vehicles for sale Homes & Overman's. 11-28 3t cf at AN ACCOUNT WITH THE after which th p.nnni ift Special Prices for-Reidsville to visit th ments, violins, baujig, guitars, mandolins, mouth harps, etc, a Salisbury Pawn Shop. to visit the groom, lrom on musical instru Reidsville mother of the there they will go to Leuoir .1TT7 Ttt h a Ml. A f Z I I ian.i. m ""cio iur, wmusor nas liDBC a rriC6S on an Kinds ot car- a position with the Lenoir penters and mechanics' tools Uar Wor&S. Salisbury Pawn Shop. A .... w Y- g r .interest was A GOOd Graphaphone and 18 records at ix iijuoa xjouise Xiooinson a Bargain. Salisbury fawn and JB. L. Orr, which was I Shop, solemnized at tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. SpeciaJ Pr,ces ? un1redeem.ed Thnmo0 and over-coats, also a nice line Ker HrtrS Z , a of new suits and over-coafcg, in 84, Kerr street, on Thursday 85 and 36 8i2eSf at yonr own prica: ns", u tue presence oi a Dout fail to come and Bee my luviKju ineuus. riev. o. prices. Salisbury Fawn pop. B. Turrentinft. nf t.h Tir-af Methodist fJhiirnh r.aT.rr.oi 6etYour 6UHS, pistols, shells and ttia orv, cartridges at Salisbury Pawn ui i j a . u nfl a taa r- iir fi r w v w wm wA- ML V - W.M, M I I J I WW I 1 1 . 1 I the couple left the South. Mrs. for a tour in Shop George Beaver and ard. L. J. Klottz. directors Subscribe and sworn to before me. this 25th day of November, 1909. W. T. Busby. N. P. 4 PER CENT INTEREST This will make prosperity and everybody Will be benefited. II rnnnnui a i mm VTnnoT nn IHUnUVin LUHNQItlUOl uu The State's Strongest Banking Institution Report of the condition i f FARMERS AND MERCHANTS BANK, T m r - aturanlte wuarry. N.U. JdlUeS Hi DrOWn Were mars in the State of North Carolina, at the elose of ried at 7:30 o'clock on Thurs- business wov.mn, im day ntaht bv Dr. R. L. Mnt- bbsotocbs. lr.Tr 04. I34.i4. Loans and discounts.. $11,400 00 ajjf, aj hjlcj xjdyviat parsuuajftJ. overdrafts unsecurea 45 Only a few friends were pres- SS::::::::v.V". t.USS ftnt, A f Tftr thf Moromnnxr fhunr Uae from Banks and Bankers 8,832 50 - vw wu.vuiuuj nuw; I Gold coin rf.nairf.fi t.n tliA Ihnmo rf i h o SHvei coin. Including all minor coin c . I currency 83511 grOOm, at JlaSt ODeDCer, National baak and other U. S. notes, 1,575 00 whprt. n r4fr.tirn xra a Tiolr. rT 7. , , ir ' Total W0.756 79 aiior wuicu tu coupie leit on liabiutiks. a southbound train for Jack- luh stock.-- $5,800 oo ... , ji ... Deposits subject to Check 12,8351" BOU Vllie ana Oiner points in Demand Certificates of Deposit 8,540 00 lM;U TU m:il 4. . Cashier's checks outstanding i7 75 A. Auxiu.a.. J- udj win ictuxuiu accrued interest due depositors 8 89 about ten days and make Total, $!o,76m their home in East Spencer. State of -'orth Carolina County of Rowan.ss : The bride is a daughter of t&I.St Mrs. Geo. A. Beaver, of this SSTUeJ. to the ZfSc2St&. P.itv Thfi ffrnnm is a arm nf Correct Attest J. il. A.. Lyerly, Geo. D. How- . H. Brown, of East Spen cer, and is employed by the Smith flm at Snfinftflr J. P. Harper left oh Satur. Do YoU WaD t to HelP day night for Danville, Ken- i i rr, tuckv. where, on Wednesrlav Make UrOOd limeS f evening at 4 o'clock, he will Trr n o T . a o (yrm s 4-Vr4- city. After visiting Lexing. Tnen Put yo,Jr money in our mgton, Ky., Indianapolis and bank. We will put it into Gincinnatti, he will return to Circulation and pay y.;u odiiouuij, amviu ijcxc oai urday night, with his bride. The best wishes of a large circle of friends here go out to him and his bride. The following announce ment was received here last week: Dr. and Mrs. Norman McLeod Johnson request the honor of your presence- at the marriage of their daughter Mary Blackwell to Mr. Charles Harris Livengood Wednesday morning, Deceml e the eighth nineteen hundred and nine at half atVr nine o'clock First Baptist Church Durham, North Carolina The groom to be is a son of David Livengood, of Jerusa lem, Davie county, and a brother of Mrs. Max Hoyle, of Spencer, and is a splendid young man. He is employed by the American Tobacco Company at Durham. A beautiful home wedding took place in Spencer, at the residence of T. F. Hudson, Esq., last Wednesday night, when Miss Lizzie Burton, sister of Mr. Hudson, and Stokes Carrick a native of Davidson county, became man and wife, Kev. P. W. Tucker, of Granite Quarry, officiating. After the cere mony a splendid supper was served. The couple later boarded a train for Charlotte where they took a train for Washington and other points north. After a short tour they will return to Greens boro to make their home, where Mr Carrick is employ ed by the Southern Railway. Miss Hudson is a daughter of the late James A. Hudson and a most excellent young woman. OPEN FIRST NATIONAL BUNK, SALISBURY, N 0 W. C. Coughenoub, President, T. C Linn, Vice-President, W. H. White Cashier Capital - - - $50,000 00 Stockholders' Liability - 50,000 00 Surplus and Profits - 53,581 56 Deposit? January 1, 1909, 317.785 06 Resocicis January 1, 1909, 459,736 84 DntK roRs: John S. Henderson, D. A. Atwell, T.C.Linn, H. N. Woodson, Burton Craige, W. S. Blackmer, Walter H. Woodson, W. B. Strachan, A. H. Price, W. C. Cougheiour. Every accommodation extended con sistent with safe hanking. W H.WHITE. Oathler Prof, Z. V. Moss, Cleveland, was in the city Satutday. Prof. Moss is the principal of the pub lic school at Cleveland. We Sell and Recommend Rexall Cherry Juice Cough Syrup, Bexall Cold Tablets, Eexall Grippe Pills, and Guarantee them to give Satisfaction or Refund your Money. Smith Drug Co. 126 N. Main St. YoDDg Girls Are Victms of headache, as well as older women, but get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and nervous headaches. They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build np your health. Try them 25 at all druggists. Dr. L. S. FOR, DENTIST, THE BUSY It will pay you to find out. TSRM8 8TRICTLY OA8H. B. L. AUSTIN, I BUSY HARNESS SHOP. WHY? It will pay you to find out, at 116 West Innes Street. 11-8 tf For Dm Pine and Oak Wood, see r. e, Trexler, rural No . 6, Salisbury. N. C. ll-9.4t Eiecntrii'sMlce. Having qualified as executrix up on the estate of N. P. Jacoby, de ceased, this is to notify all creditors to exhibit their claims to the under signed on or before October the 27th, 1910, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make prompt settlement. MfiS. JoSBPHINe JaoObt, r 4. oi Executrix. Oct. 27th, 1909. ouse Furnishin AND gs Shoe Sale. Inter Limner My pot Patronize Us? We Are The Cheapest. We have Weather Boardings for $1,00 to $1.75. Flooring from $1.60 to $2.50. Ceiling from $1,00 to $2.00. We make all kinds of molding and turned work at prices reas onable. PHONK 405. CHESTNUT HILL. Goodman Lumber Co. CHICHESTER S PILLS W -- THE DIAMOND BRAND. . MUMI Ptlia in boxes, Tmk DruKtat. DIAMOND JtBAND PILLS, for 25 yean known as Best. Safest. Always Rellabla SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWKERF -A.K ,ir Urars-lit for i a-tert Dlaaaond BrandA Red and Hold metallicW sealed with Blue Ribbon. V Ask forDII I.r'lfVli-TIfT a, That we are sellin&r Goods at Q'f moan r lin. -Z j i . , . , , , . , " , , """" "ig oavmg lo purcnasers is attested by the fact that almost every customer we sell brines in another 25 per cent, discount is of no small consideration, especially when you consider the high class of goods we handle and the low prices this big discount brings them down to. Our Ime of House Furnishings include almost everything nee essary to lurmsh a house, from window curtains to a cook stove. Our khoeBargains have never been equalled in this town -Everything from baby s Shoes to grandma's "comforts" are included in the Car Load of Bargains we bought-Some &hoes in the lot are worth double what we are seeing them Another week for bargains in House Furnishings and Shoes at SALISBURY'S GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORE. Empire Block. 220 to 228 Sonth Main St. Salisbury N. C. The Biggest Money Saving Event of Your Life Starting Friday morning and continuing through one week, heavy and we must turn the goods into money. We have bouhgt READ WONDER Then come and see why (jrUUDo UUMPAJN Y Sells it for less. THE SALISBURY DRY Blankets. Comforts a large discount. News of the accidental kill ing of Albert, the young son of Luther Hoffman, Lenoir, was feceived here on Satur day. From information re ceived the young man was visiting some boy friends and they were playing in a wood shed, and, in some way, a rifle standing against the wall was knocked down and 'dis charged, the ballet striking him in the neck causing his I death several hours later. The remains were brought to Salisbury Saturday night, at 7:40 o'clock, and the funeral was held on Sunday after noon at 5 o'clock from Bethel Lutheran church, Franklin 1 50 Comfort, big value 1 75 Comfort, big value 2 00 value 1 69 2 50 value at 1 39 1 49 199 Blankets Full size H Cotton Blanket Heavy Cotton Blanket, worth 2 50. Our price Our 3 50 Elkin Woolen Blankets at The heavy Elkin Blanket, full size, 5 00 value at 98c 1 99 2 99 3 99 Ladies' 25 cent Hose at Ladies' 15 cent Hose at Ladies' 10 cent Hose at Ladies' 50 cent Hose at Ladies' 25 cent black Combs at Ladies' 25 cent Barretisat Ladies' 25 cent Hat Pins at Ladies1 25 cent Collar at Ladies' 25 cent Belt Pin at Ladies' 25 cent Hand Bag at Ladies' 25 cent Supporters at 18c 10c 5c 35c 15c 15c 15c 15c loc 15c 15c en's Sample Hats We have a large amount of these hats that we must close out in a few days. We are offering them at and below cost. 99, 1.49, 1.69, 1.90 buys the best $3.00 Hat. Shoes. Shoes, Shoes. 15oO pairs ot Ladies' Shoes. These are regular 1.75 values at 1.49 900 pairs of Men's Shoes at a large discount 3 50 Shoes 2 99 4 00 Shoes 3 89. 5 00 Shoes 4 49 Ch ldren's Shoes at 50c, 75c, 1 00 and up Children's 50c caps at 39c Ladies' 75c Sweaters at 69c 1-len's Shirts these big values. ' 50 cents Shirts at Men's heavy Caps at Men's heavy Wool Hose at Men's heavy Fleeced Underwear at Men's regular 75c Underwear at men s nice JNecKwear at 25 and 50c Men's Holiday Ties at 25 and 50c Men's heavy work Gloves at large dis count owing to the fact that we are over stocked, we will close out a part at the following prices: 1 25 Glove at 99c 1 50 Glove at 1 19 2 00 Glove at l 69 are 45c 25c 25c 39c 49c Ladies White Goods are here ready for your inspection. Be sure you call and see the beautiful patterns which we have to show you. Our Christmas Goods are here and be sure and be first to see them. 203) ML 103 South Main Street SELLS IT FOE LESS m a BlBBBBiBBBBBBBaBBBBMBBBaBBBBBBaBBBBa bbi m aBaaaaaM aaw BBB.mmiammmmmBBB.ammBmiB.amBBmaB.mmaam f SPECIAL 11 WEEK I A. H. WBRTZ, manager.

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