THE CAR0UI1AA7ATCHMAN buby,;: C. Nov. 80th, 1909 SHORT LOO AL ITEM& V" TBq pj)! all along he line of the Yadkin Railroad are delighted that the Sunday train - hat . been put baekxm. It went outjjunday. morning at "9 :50 J ancTqaite' a number was on from Salisbury for different points down the road. It iwill be run on a dai.y schedule and will be an added convenience to parties who live or travel on that line. John G. Heilig has been named by sludge Long as receiver for the Dixie Manufacturing and Novelty Works of this city. This plant nasi been m operation here for some time . manufacturing tlittle wagons, wheelbarrows, etc., but - Thomas Jackson was held up and robbed of fourteen dollars, by a negro, on west Council street, between- Jackson and Fulton,, while on his wa home, about 10:80. o'qloct Thursday night. He claims that the negro prang upon him near the gate of pr. Whitehead's barn yard and knocked him down, took his money and ran. Mr. Zesler did not know the negro and the officers hae no clue to his identity. Rev. P. W. Tucker, pastor of the Methtdist church at Granite Quarry and several other places, has moved to Albemarle where b.3 wilt serve for the next year. Rev . Tucker is a hard worker and is greatly beloved by the flocks he Deafness Cann of be Cured., - by local application, as they" can- not'reacb the diseased portion of the ear.' There is only one-way to cure deafness, and that is by con stitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the nuoous lining onhe . Eusta chian Tuoe; When 5 this-4 tube is enflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf ttess is the result, and unless the inflammation can b& taken out and het tube restored to its normal condition, bearing willbe destroy ed forever; nine cases out of teii are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mudous surfaces? 1 We will give - Ono Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure1;: Send for circulars, free. ' l P. J. CHENEY & CO , Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75 Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. May's Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Natural Color and Beauty. ifo matter how long it has been gray or faded. Promotes a luxuriant growth of healthy hair. Stops its falling out. and positively removes Dan droll. Keeps hair soft and glossy. Re fuse all substitutes. 2 times as much in $1.00 as 50c'? size. - I&Not a Dye. $1 and 50c. bottles, at drncqists Send 2c for free book " The Care of the Hair. " Philo Hay Spec. Co., Newark, H. J. Hay's Harfina Soap Ted,roufrh and chapped hands, arid all- f Lin t is eases. Keep-4 skin fine an I soft 25c. drup jsts. Sead2c for free book "The Care of the fakm. . Smith Drug Company. .Report of the condition of " THE BANK OF SPENCER, , at Spencer, N. C, at the close of business, Nov 16, 1909. BESOUROES. Loans and Discounts $41,066.00 Overdrafts secured 303.22 Overdrafts unsecured 187.08 Furniture and Fixtures 1,100.00 .Due from Banks and Bankers 2,935.15 Gold Coin 500.00 Silver coin, including all mi nor coin currency . 454.34 National bank notes and other U. S. notes, .v. . . . 12,755.00 Total $59,300.79 'LIABILITIES. Capital stock $5,000.00 unaiviaea pronts, less cur rent expenses and taxes paid 5,141.52 Deposits subject toheck. ... 48,469.94 Due to Banks and Bankers 689.33 Total...... $59,300.79 State of N. C, county of Rowan, I, J . K, Dorsett, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best oi my knowledge and belief. Jas. K. Dobsett, cashier Correct Attest : W, C. Gatkwood, ) H. L. Monk, V Directors M. L Smoot, ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 26th day of Nov. 1909. Thos. S. Bkooks, notary public The Northern Conference of North Carolina Lutheran Synod which has been in session in Hav en church, Charlotte, since Thurs day morning, adjourned Saturday night. The following officers were chosen for next year : Rev M. M. Kinard, president; Rev. G. H, L. Lingle, secret i. , d Rev. T. C. Parker, treasurer, all being re-elected . The two store rooms on East Innes Street f rmerly occupied by the Spot Cash Store are being nil ed with new shelving, etc. and put in shape to be occupied. L. Banks will open a line of clothing in one of the rooms, and ITartline & Co, will move their large stock of harness and accessories from their present store, corner of Lee and East Innes into the other. When Yott Think Of the. pain which many women experience with everf month it makes the gentleness and kindness always associ ated "TOth" womanhood seem to "be almost a miracle. While in general no woman rebels against what she re gards as a natural necessity there is joo .woman who would nofgladly he free from this recurring period of pain. y DtPiirtes Favorite Prescrlbilon makes weak women strong and sick women well, and Hives' them freedom from pain. It establishes regularity, subdues inflame mation, heals .ulceration and cures te male weakness. Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free.' All corresoondence stricter private and sacredly confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med ical Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y. If you want a book that tells ah about woman's diseases, and how, to cure them at home, send 21 one-cent stamps to Dr. Pierce, to ,-pay, cost of mailing only, and be will send you a:copy ot Jut, great thousand-page illustrated Common Sense Medical Adviser-revised, upo-date edition,-in paper covert. In handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps. ' ' " ""' 4lf DR: M J. RAGLANO Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion Mouse corner. Day phone 205. Night phone 480. 4-27 tf - - op:poppapoposopoooooooooooo ; Mew IFgjIII. - ... .. . -. Sale maware SATURDAY, December 4th Doors Open Promptly At 10 O'clock. THE Summersett'Undertaking. Co., i08-110 W. InncNS St, 4 Salisbury, N. C, Carry a.fuli line of Caskets, Cof fins and Banal Robes.. Latest im proved equipments consisting of Hearses, Casket Wagons, Church Tracks, etc. all o o c c Q O a a o 8 Q 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o THAT in your mouth is a SURE SIGN TASTE Disordered Liver 3?r TO-DAY. You will feel better almost immediately, and still better To-Morrow THE CENUINE has the RED Z on tho front of each package and tho signature and seal of J. H. ZEIUN & CO., on tho side, in RED. r " FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Three large shipments of Chinaware just received, Of course it s too near toe noiiciays tor us to give so mucn room phone calls to this line, and next baturday we wilreell thousands of Sii-L or 201. pieces that will leally surprise you. To get the best bargains you must be here promptly at 10 o'clock. Many pieces worth as much as 50c will be sold for as little as 10 cents. : Special attention given to calls, day or night, by their dertakers, Mr. T. W. Summersett and Mr. R. M. Davis. day, 224; night, Embalming a Specialty. North Carolina Rowan County In Superior court T, 129 North flain Street. ooboooooooooosooooooooooooo NATIONAL i 8AL1LBUBY, N. C. Does a General Banking Business. We pay 4 per cent on time de posits. Interest payable every three months. Prompt attention given to any business entrusted to us. Your business solicited. Peoples' National Bank. D. R. Julian, J. D. Noewood, president. cashier, P.H.Thompson, W. T. Bdsbt, V.-preaident. teller. ooooooooooooo:ooocooooooooo 1 HOUSE FURNISHINGS I Q O:; WhPII in thp fiitV dou'fe forget to give me a call. I am the IIHCII III UIP UIIJ 0jdegt furnjture dealer in the city. I carry one of tho largest stocks in the State and can supply everything in and about the house. I have an ordinary store full in each department. Why I have more chairs than you can shake a stick at. Little chairs, big chaiis, rocking chairs, parlor chairs, dinning room chairs, kitchen chairs, office chairs, porch chairs, and chairs some more . Doric anri Doririinnr Window shades and curtains, carpets, DClia dllU DCUUIII&, matting, rugs, oil cloth and linoleum. bookcases, clocks, toilet sets, bath robes, hall racks, tables, baby cariiages, pictures and in short anything needed to make the home com- Wardrobes, 01 O! O O O O o g o o o o o o a o lU N D E R T AKIN Q 8; Si o fortable. Pnmo tn coo mo and T wil1 show yn godB and quote you UUII1G 1U OPC HIP prices that will help you to get right. OUDIOTMAO OICTO In making your selictions don't UnnlOl IVIAO Ulr I U. forget to give me a call. GOn't FflWfit that 1 do Undertaking and Embalming. UUII I I Ul&CI Q00fi service aod reasonable psices. When in need call on me. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, qoooogooooooo:ooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 0 o o o O- o o E or O: Oi Of o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o o o o o mm o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I ml MP I mm Agents for Hamilton, Brown Shoe Company's Shoes, the largest shoe makers in the world. There's a reason. They make nothing but all leather shoes, all kinds, all styles, all prices. See the six months guarantee on the Hardware Shoe. "HAEDWABE" The Guaranteed Shoe. Six months wear and satisfaction are guaranteed to the wearer of this shoe. ' What We Know. The upper stock in these shoes is cut from the celebrated chrome tanned water-proof leather. Soft and pliable, and the most durable leather known for hard wear. This shoe HAS TWO FULL SOLES, cut from overweight steer hide leather, tanned for seven months. The soles are fastened with Puritan stitch and two rows of Standard screws: The, in soles and counters are of special selection. The full leather gusset excludes the dirt. The pull strap is leather sewed with WAXED FLAX THREAD, DOUBLE STITCH SADDLE SEAM. We know this is the best shoe made for long wear and hard work. What "We Believe. Jf these shoes are kept cleaned and well oiled with neat's-f oot oil, tallow, or viscol oil, they will look better and wear much longer. Thousands of pairs have been worn a year, and many pairs have worn two years, when theyare well taken care of. What We Will Do. If this shoe does not give yon six months wear and satis faction, return them with this ticket to the dealer who sold them to you, and we will exchange them for a n 3 w pair without cost. This guarantee does not cover cases where the shoe has been cut, snagged, burned, or injured by powerful acids or alkaline substances. HAMILTON, BROWN SHOE CO. Coat Suits an d Coats. We have a few coat Buits and coats carried from last sea son that we are selling for half price. Some good rain coats at half price. Some good wool dres goods half price. Oar big stock of dress goods and notions are selling on a basis of 8 cts, cotton. Don't wait until this supply is gone and you have to buy on a 15cts. cotton basis. If you have never bought goods from us before it will pay you to come in and compare our prices. Come and see us. Brittain & Campbell. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o November term 1909 Notice to J. R. Thomas, C. J. Tinsley,"! Non-Re- H.W.Holtand H. o. Holt isidents vs J-of a u m I. L. Miller and wife Essie ) mons and M. Miller et ai: J Atlach ment. The defendants,! L. Miller and wife Essie M. Miller, above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior SCourt of Rowan county to recover of the defendant I. L Miller the sum of $83 80 and interest from December 11th 1907, and to set aside, as fraudulent, a deed for one house and lot in Spencer, IN. o.. from 1. Li Miller to his wife Es sie M. Miller, registered in Register's mce of Kowan county in book 111 page 382 ; and the said defendants wil ake further notice that a warrant of attachment has been issued by tne Clerk of the Superior court of Rowan bounty against the taid house and lot and that the sheriff of Rowan county has attached and levied on said house and lot in this cause, returnable to November term 1909 of Rowan Super ior court, and that the said I. L. Mil ler and wife Essie M, Miller are hereby required to appear at the next term of the Superior court of Rowan county to be held on the 11th Monday af ter the 1st Monday in September 1909, in Sal isbury, N. o , and answer or lemur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. mu octooerytn. 1809. J. F. MccUBBINS, clerk Superior court. For your inspection at this, store. Also big lot of going at factory cost. Or Q Oi O O O Oi CP Bett Shoe Store 1 11 North Main St. a' o as Ov 8 A Line 0000000000000:0000000000000 up That Can't be Beat: ... iThe Old Reliable Frick Steam Engine and the Stickney Gasoline, ; There Is None Better. 3 We represent Sprout-Weldron, mill builders, Flour :and Corn mill machinery, Feed cutters, Grinders, Hay Balers, etc. Y'e carry in stock a complete line of Circular and Cut-of Saws, Belting, Oils and a Gen eral line of mill supplies. Also the John Lucas Paints and Oils. " Hardware, Billies, Farm Implements, Galvanizes Eoofint. ARDWARE & SALISBURY, N. O. ROWAN MAGHINERY J. S. MeCUBBIN, President. P. A. HARTMAN, Vice-Pi rsident . H. L ROUZER, Treas. & Gen. Mgr AND HIDES HIGHEST MARKET PUCE . PAID FOR RAW FURS AND HIDES. Wocfl ComTntorioo. Write for price-list mentioning thia ad . ESTim isumiQT .JOH?2 WHITE & CO.. Looievna. Kx. OOOOOOOOOO&O0:O0OOOOOOOOOQO The Curse of the South- What iS the maMer With the SOUth? According to govern weht report of 1908 "The Secret is out at lastthe Southerner, contrary to enrrent opinion is not lazy, shiftless, indifferent or careless. "He is eick" the South is afflieted with and h irbors that most dreaded treacherous and destructive of all diseases Anemia, Pernicious Anemia, The average Southerner is a sufferer of this health destroying parasite which destroys the red bloood cells producing an impoverished con dition of the blood ; characterized by extreme pallor, general debility, weakness, loss of vigor, lack of ambition, and general undermining of vitality. The climate and atmospheric conditions destroy the vitality. Lethimgetover .it. Get rid of it. Get well, and he is good physically as the best American can boast. If there is health of the slightest degree in your system,' "WAKE IT UPL CALL IT FORTH. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER 1 MANi WOMAN OR CHILD; all can and thould be well. To neglect yourself is to reflect upon the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends all humanity to enjoy a full measure of health ind vigor. If you da not the fault is, your own, for you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders Tiave been accomplished for the people of Tenneessee, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi, let us now da as much for the people pf the Carohnas. A postal, will bring yorithe necessaTy information. Send no money. Write to-day. Don't neglect this chance here offered you" Address, The Cleveland Institute of riodicine and Surgery, 2 Cleveland, Ohio . Cobneb Kinbmak bd. and 72d. Stbeet. wplfl Young Men s Ms . , AT 8, $9 II $10 Ederheimer, Stein & Co. MAKERS We have just received i big ship ment of young men's suits. Prin cipally odd lots, but all sizes. Ev ery youth and small man can be fit ted. The fabrics are exceptionally good, and includes some of the most popular materials of the season. Every suit guaranteed to be all wool; or money refunded. The coats are made either single or double breasted, with all the latest flaps and cuffs; the new long roll lapel 3 button sack. The trousers are cut extreme full, with open welt seams and wide cuff bottoms. These! suits will be sold at $8, $9, $10. Buy one of these Suits and save from $3 to $5 -,.f 125 S. Main St. Sa lisbury 5