w! 3 sg1 'i,(imi"!i,''Tg 1 -JMkt A xjN r from Royal Grape Cream of Tarfar Afv ijil v----madairomGrapes-r' . . S) . Makes Finest Purest Food (" P WATCH THE Mill . GiVEN BABIES. Poor Milk Scpply in Part U Blame for Death of 375,000 One-Year Olds. The American Academy of Med icine's committee on the Confer ence on the Prevention of Infant Mortality, at New Haven, Conn., sends out the following : If the babies of this country don't get their rights it .won't be because they lack friends among the grown-ups. One important universaty is to add a department of child study to its course, and in connection with it everything pertaining to the life of a child will he collected and collated. Another instance is afforded by the American Academy of Medi cine, which has arranged for a conference of physicians, sociolog ists and educators to be held at New Haven, November 11-12, on the prevention of Infant Mortal ity. At that meeting every as .spect of the problem, from the medical, philanthropic, educa tional and institutional points of view, will be gone into by specia lists who are giving their lives to the study of the subject. But to return to the rights of the babies. Take the single ques tion of milk aB it relates to their health. Every city that lays any olaim to being civilized has a milk commission now, or a board of health that says to the dairyman : MThe gobblins will catch you" (or what amounts to that) "if you lont keep that dairy of yours scrupulously cean, and those cows In apple-pie order." The time was when milk was milk, and that was all there was of it . But that was before some indiscreet scien tist put a drop of milk on the slide under his microscope, and then went ahead and let the rest of the world into the secret of what he found there. After that even the low brows knew that things rarely are what they seen. They learned that skim milk not only masquerades as cream, but that nice, innocent-looking white milk might be a whole storage warehouse full of germs. If you were so inclined you could go to that warehouse and get almost anything you wanted to , investi gate in the germ line harmless ones by the thousands, analagous to beneficial organizations; deadly ones as malevolent as any Black Hand association. Tuber culosis germs, for instance, or those of typhoid" fever. Epidem ics of scarlet fever and of diph theria have been traced likewise a. to apparently innocuous milk. One of the bug experts acquired the card index habit, and took a census of the bottom of the tube, and great hordes when the tem peratare went up. Then he re corded on one of hi' Hts of paste' board : 1 n. ft. milk at temnerature of room, 800 bacteria. Twenty-four hours later he madft ont, two more cards. These read : 1 c. c. milk at 50 degrees for twenty-four hours, 80,000 bac teria. 1 c. c. milk at temnerfeure of room for twenty-four hours, 10, 000,000 bacteria. A nontimeter measures di) of an inch . It requires only patience paper and pencils to compute how many cubic centimeters there are in a nint or a quart or a gallon of milk, and from that to estimate how many bacteria there are in the quantity selected. An inter esting point in this connection is that only about ten cities are on record as requiring the milk to be kept at 50 degrees until delivered tcTthe consumer. The inspection of dairies to insure cleanliness and the bacterial inspection of milk are being required however, by an increasingly large number of other cities. In New York and in a number of other cities the limit is 100 000 bacteria to the cubic centimeter, for milk commis sions which supervise the sale and distribution of milk intended for the babies fix the bacterial limit at 10,000 or less to the cubic centimeter . It is estimated that fifty per cent, of all deaths of children under one year of age are due to gastro enteric disease. And the evidence points strongly to the impure milk fed to the babies as the chief cause of this unnecessary waste of baby life. Compared with the money expended to pro tect the purity of other foodstuffs, the sum required to insure an ade quate supply of clean, pure milk for the thousands of babies who must of necessity depend upon cow's milk, is a mere bagatelle. Dr. George W. Goler, of Roches ter, estimates that it is possible to obtain a supply of milk for the summer months (July and Au gust) which can conscientiously be labelled food and not poison, for the babies in a city which. has a population of 200,000 at an expanditure of about one thou sand dollars. The estimate is based on the amount it cost tbe city of Rochester annually to maintain its milk depots...: iminary feature of this iuperviBi- ou of the sources of the baby's milk hat been the selection of some farm within reasonable dis tance from the.city in which the dairy and cows are kept under cleanly wholesome conditions. The source of , suddIv selected. and the milk contracted for. a portable laboratory is erected "On the place, and the . establishment is'put in charge of a trained nurse, who supervises the milking, the sterlization of the utteujsils, the preparation, bottling, pack ing and shipment of the milk. Packed ju ica, the milk is carried 6o the city and distributed from four cenrers in aB macy parts of the city. - During the ten years before the estabhshm nt of the milk depot the total itumber of deaths of children under one year was 4.675, T7 4 DAW t rrom iQvt, wnen yie wont was began, to 1906, the total number of deaths of children of that age was 3,421, a reduction of over 80 per, cent., without taking into consideration . any incease in population during that period. The milk depot, or dispensary, under the supervision of physici ans and the care of trained nurses, has become a recognized necessity, and where the municipality has been indifferent to its obligations the responsibility has been shoul dered by philanthropic mdivduals or private charities. Classes for the instruction of mothers in the proper care of the babies by the regular inspection of the babies by the physicians anduurses, have added immeasurably to the per manent benefits from, the milk stations. .Maternal nursing is en i i . . . uuurageu whenever cnat is possi ble, and some of the stations -fol low the lead of other countries in supplying the nursing mother with nourishing food if she needs it, and if she cannot provide it for herself. The problem of milk supply for the babies is one that has to be solved all the year round. The mortality from the gasto-interti nal diseasesris heaviest daring the summer, but tbe babies need pure milk quite as much in the winter as in the Bummer, and the munp cipalities that fail to insure it for them are virtually asleep at the switch. The eventualwrecking of countless baby lives is inevitable. ine uiBy f atners wno make no provision for the supervision of the sources of the milk supply are not only virtually asleep, but recklessly extravagant. D r. Uoler's estimate is $500 a month for a city the size of Rochester. Put opposite ths amount tbe economic loss due to the appall mg waste oi Daoy lite, it is estimated that 875,000 babies under one year old died in this country last year. Econom'os put the financial value of each o these babies at $90, so th.t the total loss, expressed merely in dollars and cents, amounted to $33,750,000. And yet physicians say that at least one-half of thh waste could have been preyented by the adequate supervision of the sources of the milk supply. f U Holiday Gifts i of Silverware Silver is the first .ii.i -, 'r. uiougni wnen considering cms for any season' or occasion. No more graceful compliment can be extended than an offering of rich silver elegant in design, per fect in taste and in the newest shapes. 1847 ROGERS BROS. TRIPLE is the mark which represents the highest perfec tion in silver plate. With this imprint on every article you can buy "Silber Tlate that Wears" as safely as an expert. This stamp also guar antees that each piece is perfect in artistic design and hnish. Sold by leading dealers every where. Send for catalogue "OI" nowrng all designs. MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO. (InternatlonalSilrer Co., Successor.) .. Merlden, Conn. wmm : Burglar Comes to Grief. There was a hilarious time around the home of T. H. Davit in Washington, state, early Sat urday morning when the man o the house was awakened by a noise and upon investigation found that a burglar, in attempt ing to go down a chimney, had lodged and couldn't budge, al though he was trying his best to get out. He gave his name as David Fulf ord. Mr; Davis imme diately telephoned for the police and they came on the jump Meanwhile Col. Fulford was. las 'ily calling for help, shouting that he was suffering, and implor ing his unwilling host to pull hin out. Soon a lot of citizens gath ered and began the work of dis lodging the burglar. A rope was let down from the top and Fulfon told to grab it, but he to" weak to hold on. The chimney was torn -down to the roof, bu': still the man was too far down to jjet hold of. Finally a brick ma 4on was summoned and he, by feak lug down the mantel and enlarg ing the fire-place, managed to ex--ricate Fulford. The burglar pre-, eutecf a sorry spectacle when 1 e finally emerged from the chimney, where he s,.ent four very excitiDg hours. HiftclotheB were'torn, his skin scratched, and he was cover ed with soot from head to foot He refused to tals: and would give no reason Jor lodging himself in a man's chimney like thatc JHe hired him a lawyer, waived exam ination, and went to jail in de fault of $500 bond. DuringVChange of says Mrs: Chas. Barday TTur,Pviii Vt:. !'I was nassiri through the Changeof Lif e andsuflered irom nervousness and other annoying symptoms, and I can truly say that Ly(UaE.Pinkham?s Vegetable-. Com Dound has proved worth mountains of gold to me, asit restorea my neaitn and strength. I never forget to tell my friends what T.vdiaE. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has done for me dnrlriff this trvincr nenod. -. Complete restoration to health means so mucn to me that for the sake or otner suuer- imj women I am willing to mate m trnnhlA nnrtlfo tin von mav PUbllS this letter." Mbs. Chas Babclay, Tl .araTiitAville. Vt No other medicine fox woman's Ilia has received such wide-spreJad and un- Siualififd endorsement. No other med cine we know of has such a record of cures of female ills as has .Lydia i. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. For more than 80 years it has been imrinsr female complaints such as inflammation, ulceration, local weak nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion a.nrl nervrvna nrostration; and it is -unequalled for carrying women safely inrougn tne period or cnange oi uie. It costs but little to try Xydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and. as Mrs-BarclaysayMt is "worth moua tlissef gold to ssfZixlfig woxstau WANTED l Hickory .Nute, , Scaley Barks, Large JWalntits. andf Wagon Builders. IH Ihd wagon DELIYERY WAGONS, OPEN AND TOf, BEST QDAUTI AND STYLE ; THEO. ATWELl. When in Sal isbury visit We sell the celebrated Geo. , E. Nissen & Co's Farm and Log Wagons," fully warranted. V ' Old Carriages and Buggies! repaired, painted and made as good as new. - sNew Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repsired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. n .Rubber Tires a Specialty; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires." Old rubber tires repaired. J. All kindsof Wood and IronWork done at short notice. We have skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and ga prices." J. O. WHITE & CO. up to date Candy How the Waitress Paraded tbe Drummer. A good story is going t he rounds about a drummer and a pretty waitress. Here is what happened according to the report. The dap per little traveling man glanced at the menu and then looked up at the pretty waitress : "Nic day, little one," he be gan. "Yes, it is," she answered, "and so was yesterday, and my name is .Ella and I know I'm a tittle peach, and have pretty blue eyes, and I've been here quite awhre and like the place, and I don't think I'm too nice a girl to be working in a hotel ; if I did j I d quit my job ; and my wages are satisfactory: and I don't know if there is a show or dance in town tonight, and if there is I shall not go with you, I'm and from the country, and I'm a re ioocable gin, and my brother is cook in this hotal and weighs 200 pounds, and last week he wiped ap this dining room floor with a fresh $50-a-month traveling man who tried to make a date with me. Now what'll you have?" Kitchen. 0000000000000:0000000000000 SPECIAL SALE AND GrTJE S SI3STG- CONTEST, AT W. B. SUMMEBSETrS. I am offering, for cash, duriDg the next ten days, every thing in the furniture line, at a discount of 83 per cent. This is something unusual in Salisbury, but t'ue neverthe less, and its greatly to the advantage of those who wish some furnituioor other house furnishing articles. In ad dition to this great reduction, I have arranged a guessing contest ; as follows : In my window has been placed a can dle, about 3 inches in diameter and 52 inches long. For every dollar's worth of goods purchased from me, paying cash therefor, I will give one as tohow many days, hours, minutes and seconds this caudle will burn.. The person making the guess will be given a handsome brass bed. This bed can be seen in the window opposite the candle. This is a double opportunity and one that should seoure your pat ronage. Come in and see mv stock, get prices and anyroth er information wanted. Very cordially yours, !jr B. Summersett, (HL WORLDS GREATEST SEWING MACHINE XIGHT RUNNING niir If. von vrant either a VibratingShnttle, Rotary Shuttle or a Single Thread Chain Stitch Sewing Machine write to THE NEW HOME 8EWING MACHINE COMPANY Orange IVf ass. Many tewing machines are made to sell regardless of quality, but the New Home is made to wear. Our guaranty never runs out Sold by authorized dealers only FOR SALB Mf HE will be glad to see U. Fresh Gandy II . . c II to Wo Sky Scraper, SALISBURY. N. C. II Every Day. 0000000000000:0000000000000 FALL AND WINTER GOODS The attention of the buying: public is called to my splendid line of Fall and Winter Cioods, Dress Goods, Notions, Underwear for men, women and chil dren. Blankets, Comforts, Art Squares, Rugs, Matting, Hand Bags, Satchels, Trunks, etc. See our fine line of Umbrellas, the 5 largest and finest ever brought to Sal- x lSDury, lor ladies and gentlemen. aijc lauius are mvuea to see our splendid line of Coat Suits, Capes, Sweaters and Shirt Waists. Reepectfully, A. W. WINECOFF, Yours very truly, A.B. S&LEEBY& CO. Phone No. 17. Application for-Pardon of Andrew Under. Application will be made to the Gov ernor of Worth Uarolina for the para on of Andrew Linder who was convicted at May Term 1908, of the Superior Court of Rowan County, of the crime of murder in the second degree and sentenced to the State Prison for a term of 15 years. All parsons who op pose the granting of said pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Governer without delay. This Nov. 0th 1909. R. LEE WRIGHT, ll-Q4t. ' Attorney. Hiss Adelaide E. White Voice Culture and Singing. Terms on application. Voices tried free Convenient hours arranged for country and out-of-town pupils. Studio 402 E . Inniss St. Phone 146. 9-14 4t 1SBR? The Cellar for all Farm Work No More Sore Necks and Shot Call at your harness store and - ask to see one of the famous iBameless Adjustable Metal Horse Collars r " If yon do not see them write and We u sena you our cauuun xuuy illtistratinsr and descnbme these ideal horse collars thatare saving farmers thousands oi aoiiars annually, 'i ney cure sore necra , artA hmi11frs and do AWa7 VltD oiihomoc cwpnt nflds and straos. he adiusted to fit and th kraft- ia in the correct nlace. nut- f Vio main thincr is tbe v do awav with sweat pads which scald and pro- duce sores. Thousands in use. Wont wear out last for years. DON'T J. 8. MoCubbins, president. W. B. Steaohan, treasurer. E. H, Habbisov, secretary and manager. M'CUBBINS & HARRISON COMPANY. Reai Estate, Loans, Insurance. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000 00. We are selling High Grade 8-2-2 Guano at $1.80 and other grades at proportionately low prices. Try us. REAL ESTATE LO AISTS: itv itfiiZ1 ? ei-er J?a? ?r borrow mon,ey on Kood real estate secur ity in Rowan Co. it will certainly pay you well to look info our system of making real estate loans ; the lender nets 3 per cent each 6 months with the best security on earth and with as little trouble to him as deposit ing money m a bank. The security is a first mortgage real eVtatSd with our company guaranteeiug payment of principal and interest. to Hd w HARNESS! FORGET we make and kee: ion hand a large stock of single and double wag on and bueev harness. We also, carry a fine lin t of Collars, sad dles, Bridles, Halters, robes, blankets,, whips, Harness oil and other Horse supplies. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable prices . harness oiled and dressed for $1 .00 to $1.25 per set. Try some of oar Horse remedies, we have the best. Come to, see us. HABTLINB Bt COMPANY. 180 B. InneiSt. Phone 488. Salisbury, N 0. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month. verv low fare round trip tickets will be sold via the Cotton Belt Route to points in .Arkansas, Louisiana. Texas and Oklahoma. Take advantage of these low fares and investigate the wonderful opportunites now open in the Southwest. The 25 day return limit . gives you ample time, and you can stop over both going and returning. The Direct Line to Texas The Cotton Belt is the direct line from Memphis to the Southwest, through Arkansas. It operates two daily trains, carrying through sleepers,. chair cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains from all points make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton .Belt trains for the bouthwest. Do not delay your trip to the Southwest until the big opportunities are gone write me to-day where you want to go and I will show you how cheap you can make the trip and give you complete schedule, etc. I will also tend you free our books on Texas and Arkansas,, with County map in colors. H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent. H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent IC9 W &tb St, Chattanooga, Teon. n ""I -v'J i t - 3r