THE CAROLINA WATCHMAN WM. R. STEWART, Ed. and Prop Publiihed every Tuesday at 120 West Innea street. Entered as second-class matter Jan. 19 th. 1905, at the post office at Salis bury, N. C, under the act of Congress of March 8rd, 1897. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. Watchman and Record . one year two papers per week cash in advance, $1,00 per year ; six months, 60c. Sausbuby, N. O. Deo. 29th, 1909 The Watchman and Record's voting contest begin next week If yon want to be in it send in your name at once and .call and get instructions, receipt books, etc. This contest will surely end by some one getting a good buggy, a sewing machine or something worth while. Start with the crowd and go in to win. It will be noticed in another co'nmn that some several folks hve "gone and took and got married," and that Register of Dseds Miller seems to think there will be others who will change from single bliss to double har ness, or single harness to mutual bliss, as the case may be, within th9 next few days. Wejwish them all much joy, long and prosperous lives . The Watchman is enabled to print accounts of a number of tKese owing to the kindness and thoughtfulness of good friends who sent in the notices. We ap preciate this. The editor cannot b i all over the countyjat one time and gather these items, conse quently must depend to some ex tt nt on friends and the faithful correspondents. And right here ne wish to make an explanation to our correspondents. During the last few weeks there has been an unusual amount of advertising This advertising was received and promised space. They were set in type, the items sent in by the cor respondents were also put in type, but there was not always room for both, consequently on several occasions they were thus unavoid ably omitted, but some were pub lished in The Recokd. It is our intention to continue to give space for the county -correspondents and we hope theyjwill con tinue to send us the news; it will be printed, if it is possible to do so . Hereafter we will send both The Watchman and The Record to them. There are a number of places .in addition to those we hcve, where we are anxious to heve correspondents. They are: E )ochville, Mt. UHa, Cleveland, Mt. Vernon, South River, Spen cer, Trading Ford, etc. New Advertisements. The BrownPalmer Cloth ing Co., has a change of ad vertisement in this issue. See it. TT itt n r o i v . w anace b oons nave a new advertisement in today's VY atchman. It s on page 3. SOUTHERN EDUCATORS WELCOMED. Opening Sessions of Southern Educational Conference Held in Charlotte Yesterday. The solons have arrived and have taken possession. The widely heralded South era Educational Association convened in its initial session in Charlotte yesterday morns about 10:30 o clock. Al though the attendance at the preliminary exercises was rather meager, the numbers of visitors increased rapidly with the passing of the hours. Addresses considerably abotre the average in content and in expression were delivered, morning and evening, in the auditorium of the Presbyte rian College. Proceedings are now in full swing and ev er j thing is in readiness for two succeeding days which will eclipse even yesterday. Addresses of welcome by State Superintendent J. Y. Joyner, Mayor T. W. Haw kins and City Superintendent Alexander Graham, a re sponse by R. J. Tighe, super intendent of the Asheville schools and formerly secreta ry of the association, and re ports from several State su perintendents of education were conspicious featrues of the morning session. The evening session- was equally interesting, th larg er attendance proving a source of added inspiration. . Charlotte Observer. BEAD THE RECORD. E Items of interest are solicited Write briefly and accurately. Items written on both sides of the paper and those rnt acsompanied by the author's real name go to the waste basket. FAITH. Dec. 27. Miss Hanna Hart- man, ot Umna urove, ana John Earnhardt, son iof W. S. Earnhardt, were married during the holidays, Rev. C. P. Fisher officiating. Miss Cora Kluttzi, daughter of Alex, Klutlz, and Clarence Kluttz. son of Wilker Kluttz, were married by Rev. R. L. Brown at the latter's resi dence. Miss Annie Agner, daugh ter of the late John Agner and Geo. Hodcre, son of D. A. Hodge, were married De cember 23rd, 1909. Hauley Canup has moved to Faith in Mr. Heilig's resi dence, where he finds plenty of work to do. The quarries have shut down for the holidays. Venus. MT. PLEASANT. Deo. 20, The regular work will close, at the Institute, Wed nesday night, with the debate. We are sorry to note that Messrs David Lippard, Hal. Garmon and Barrett are sick with coids. Messrs. Lippard and Garmon are to be participants in the debate Wednesday night and it earnestly hoped that they may be able to perform their duties succees fully. A Chiistmas exercise will be given by the ladies of the Semi nary, Wednesday night, Decern ber 22nd, at 6 o'clock. Tb students of the Institute are glad to have the kind invitation given them. There will be a Christmas tre and other exercise at the Luther an church Christmas eve. Sabres have been issued to the ca det officers of the institute. The two companies now make a very beautiful appearance. The expression clasB of the In stitute and Seminary will give an exercise to the public in the near future. F. & T. ROCK. Dec. 20. Jacob Holshouser has been ill for some time He was visiting in Salisbury and became so ill he could not come home un til Friday. There were services at Rock's Grove yesterday afternoon. Our school is getting along nice ly. The children are learning. The Farmer's Union is growing more in teresting. The Union store is getting in a nice line of goods. Robert Josey is digging a well. Miiow Brown sold George Bos tian a few acres of laud ast week. We had a little snow yesterday. Saw. GRAHAM X ROADS. Deo 19 Wiuter has set in at last. Hog-killing and eating, sausage is tbe go now. The only son of Mrs. Maggie V. Powless, of near Barber, died last Sunday. He was 14 years old. The health of the commanity is go d. No sickness at all. Rev. Bnwn has just killed two fine porkers. One weighed some thing like 200, the other over 300. Fine porkers. Tiie8h of Dac-mber was Aunt Jane's birthday; The neighbors came in and gave her a surprise dinner, some 40 or 50 beinp present. After dinner was ovnr the men folks went to the woods and chopped and hauled up fire wood to last her this winter, then all went home rejoicing. All the children of Salem are looking forward to the coming of Christmas to get 'that poke of candy. Our school bovs, of the various schools, are looking forward to the coming of Christmas time, when they will have a vacation of some two weeks, during which time a majority of them will go to their homes, where they will spend their time with home folks . Seme will come from the south, some from the ndrth, and some from the west. So E M. Seaford is grandpa at last. Ha! Hat A merry, merry Chsistmas and a happy New Year to the Watch man and it readers. Jack. Cleanl iness is the first law of health, inside as well as outside. 'Let Hollister's Rocky Mouutain 5 Tea be your internal cleans r, then your organs will be pure and clean, your health good, your sys tem right. Start tonight. C r aelison & Cook. on JACKSON COLLEGE. Dec. 27. The health of this community is very good at thiB writing except a few colds. The school at Jaokson College will begin Tuesday, 28th, after a week's vacation. There will bea Christmas tree at St. Matthues the 27th . Iyey C. Morgan is on the sick list at this writing. v Geo. Riblin visited home-folks Christmas. Samuel Riblin is visiting rela tives and friends near here at this writing. There was a very large orowd visiting at A. T. Kluttz's Sunday evening. Adolphns HolBhouser's young horse jumped and fell over a wire fence and is in a critical condi tion. N. P. Trexler and Dock Morgan visited at J. A. Riblin's Sunday evening. T. H. Rimer visited Ivey C. Morgau Saturday night. A. L. Morgan visited down on Pauther Creek recently. I won der if he is trying to oatch a pauther? C. W. Wyatt is spending the holidays at home. Northerner. ROCK. We had a little fight in our town last week, but no one was hurt. It occurred on East Main street Bro. Venus what must we do? We have uo police in our town. Oapt. J. Franklin Philips was in town today on busi ness. Charlie Park is right sick now. Shuping Bros, are doing a large business now. They have one of the best roller mills in the county. Geo. Park is at home from Roanoke, Va., to-day. A pretty wedding was sol emnized at the home of the bride's father, J A Miller, of Rockwell, Wednesday, when Miss Sallie was united in marriage to C L Shive, of Rock. G M Shuping is on Main street yet. Jake. WORK OF THE REAPER. Two Die From Sickness and one Is Killed by a Train. Mrs. M. J. Trexler, aged 73 years, one of the older resi dents of Salisbury, but for several years a resident of Old Fort, died at the home of her son, Engineer Joe Trexler, at Spencer recently. The funer al was held from Christ Lu theran church. Mrs. Mollie F. Thaxton, one of Spencer's best known and highly esteemed women, died at her home there last Wednesday night, following a severe illness from typhoid lasting several weeks. She had been desperately ill and no hope was entertained for her recovery. She was about 45 years old and is survived by two daughters, three sons, four sisters and two brothers. She was the wife of the late B. W. ThaxtoD, a well known Southern Railway conductor, who died three years ago. The interment took place In Richmond, the old home of the family, to which place the remains were carried. John M. Crowell, aged about 50, a painter by trade, formerly of New London, was instantly killed by a work train opposite the passenger station last Wednesday night at 7 o'clock, his body from hips to neck being literally ground to pieces, arms cut olf and otherwise broken up. He came here the Monday previ ous and was stopping at tL.3 Southern hotel. He had late ly been working at StatesvilJ j and Hiddenite. His remain 3 were taken to Wright's un dertaking rooms and positive ly identified by Ben. A. Fort -man, of Albemarle, a travel ing man. Crowell has a sist( r living near New London tie wa3 an uncle of R. A. Crow ell, of Albemarle and Attor ney Lee Crowell, of Concord. Health depends, as nature shows, More on the interior than meat suppose, Keep your system from impurities free, By using Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Cornelison & Cook. The Watchman and Record, $lyr. PROCEEDINGS GT THE GQUHTY COURT. Negro Given Tweie Months for Throwing Rocks m Street Car. A young nejgro man, whos name we have not iifen able to get, was sent to the Jiain gang for one year by Judgfe Miller in the coun ty court on Wednesday, for rock ing a street ca. Ihis was an ag gravated piecil f meaness. The negro was drqk when he got ' on the car in Salisbury, and, after the car hadfjaBsed the switch, going towards3pencer, he began cusing and raiBng a disturbance, on the rear exiwoi the car, when Sarretts strwas reached the coi.d'ictor poliphim off when he began throwiii frocks at the car. There was quit&a number of ladies on board and Cfcje with a child in her arnn camll very near beiog hit by a large ck which struck on the windowacing close to her head. The neg3 denied tnat he was on the carpJbut tbe evidence was so concluse and the charge so serious thatfjiany were of the opinion that hjot off light. Contrary to pgkpectations there was only a shct session of the county court onMonday. Wheth er it was because of more license being given on jcount of Christ mas, or whethfU. every body be haved better tn was expected, we can't say. jig There was only three white mepgrfrho plead guilty to the charge pf carrying more booze than wasthought proper. They were let gf upon payment of half the cosH but his honor informed them jat they were let down thus light because of the festal occasion afl that they bad given no troub!eJo any one, but they might expppt more severe treatment in ifee thev were brought in againj Several cases were postponed j Tuesday, and oue caso was applied to the Su perior Court. Thore was a rffht good crowd m thn court rqojn on Tuesday mori ing when Jtge Miller open ed, Seme of it ras simply the curious crowd- jjgjjhich gathered there to see wrJ is going on. But tber. was a fcfcuch larger ar ray of those who pere guilty but clamed not, as tir various of fences were calledtmt. Jas. Dor kins, J hn Mbornd Sam Bar br w( re up for scaling a small rifle from a negi restaurant in East pencer andlhioh they tried to pawn at the 'ilisbury Pbwii Shop. Dorkins ad Moore werf held until Wednesday to allow his ho:ior to loo&fjnto the mat- tor. Johi Rhinehardlgcolorc d, plead guilty of beii;g drgbk and using a pocket knife on i negro named Regard, in which lagers face was cut up some, how fadlj was not showiT, he having !fg plastered up good wit, d 8tickit;gj5iasters. Judg ment was suspendetbn Rbinehardt for the drunk upjfl payment of half the cost. In iilje ether case he wa? assessed and the cost. afine of $20.00 Geo. Burton anj John Gray w?re charged with disorderly con duct and cursing jMi the street. Their accuser was atjrather di?rep jutable lookiug yejjw girl, who ' stated that Burtoupid cussed her and treated tier bgjlly. When asked where she waif rom she stat ed that she had hit bwn a day or two ago from fct.Paul, Mini.. She wae advise by ,he Judge to hit the trail foSt.ifaul or some where else in the' nlt few days as her pr sence berilf was not de- sirab'f. BuTton w et off with ! half the cost. lis- - Mary Hill, col., s given 30 i i ; jdays on tbe roads fij an affray ! and Lou Hill, wbo!was empli cated :n the afiray ad who was also charged with renting an of ficer and disorderlyjjfoonduct on the streets and being? a frequent offender, was requiroA to pay a fine of $20.00 and clfet, or take four months on the reads'. I Several case" wrre ! to Wednesday. ovt r Rich Men's Gifts Ar Poor besides thiB: "I wantpo go on re cord as eayiug that I gard Elec tric Bittwrs as oue djljthe great eat gifie that God hasjffiade to wo man, writes Mrs. O- ihinevault. of Vesial Center, N, "I can never forget what it hps done for me." This glorious&j medicine gives a woman buoyjjjit spirits, vigor of body and jubiut health. It quickly cures Nervousness, Sleeplessness, MeMnchy, Head ache, Backache, Fainting and Diz zy Spells; soon buil&s up the weak, ailing and siikly. v Try lurried ,them. 50c. at all Druggists. Presiding Elder's Appointments. Below is given a liBt of the ap pointments of Rev . Dr. Rpwe, presiding elder of the Salisbury district, Methodist church: Salisbury circuit at Providence January 12. First church December 26, 27 Cottonville at Cedar Grove January 1, 2. Norwood January 2, 3. Salem January 4. GMd Hill at Gold Hill Janu ary 5. China Grove at China Grove January 8, 9. Soutn Main January 9, 10 Linwood Wesley Chapel, Jan uary 15, 16 Lexington January 16, 17. Woodleaf at South River Jan uary 22, 23. Bethel and Big Lick at Betbel January 28. Concord circuit at Olivet Jan nary 29, 30. West Concord at Kerr street January 30. Central January 80, 31, Kannapolis at Bethpage-Feb-ruary 5, 6. Jackson Hill at Center Feb ruary 12, 13. New London at New London February 13, 14. Mount Ploasant at Mount Pleas antFebruary 19, 20. Stung For 15 Years by Indigestion's pangs trying many doctors and $200.00 worth of medicine in vain, B. F. Ays cue, of Ingleaide, N. O, at last used Dr. King's New Life Pills, aud writes they wholly cured him. They cure Constipation, Billious ness, Sick Heudachp, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowel troub les. 25c at all druggists. INSURANCE that protects your life not In come only. Gowan's Preparation in the home insures against pneu monia, colds, croup, soreness in lungs and throat by destroying inflammation and congestion. External and penetrating. All Druggists. $1.00, 50c., 25c. In sure today. DR.M. J.RAGLAND VETERINARIAN. Office aud hospital on Inniss St., near Mansion House corner. Day phone 205. Night phone 430. 4-27tf oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o o o o o o o o o Q o Q m o o o o Continued Success C. N. Harper & Company Closing out sale of the BROWN-PALMER CLOTHING COMPANY, Is drawing immense crowds of eager purchasers. The people who have attended this sale have told thier friends and they are coming and carrying away big bundles. At the Extreme Low Prices we are naming it will pay you to buy now, even if you lay the goods away for future use. The goods are moving out very fast so we would ad vise you to come soon while you can find the goods you need. This Great Chance may never occur again to get fine high grade dependable Men's and Boy's wearing apparel at the bare cost of production. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Don't invest a j ou see our prices. BROWN ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooeooo A Clean Man Outside cleanliness is less than half the battle. A man may scrub himself a dozen times a day, and still be unclean. Good health means eleanliness not only outside, but inside. It means a clean stomach, clean bowels, clean blood, a clean liver, and new, clean, healthy tissues. The man who is clean in this way will look it and act it. He will work with energy and think clean, clear, healthy thoughts. He will never be troubled with liver, lung, stomach or blood disorders. Dyspepsia and indigestion originate in unclean stom achs. Blood diseases are found where there is unclean blood. Consumption and bronchitis mean unclean lungs. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery prevents these diseases. It makes a man's insides clean and healthy. It cleans the digestive organs, makes pure clean blood and clean healthy flesh. It restores tone to the nervous system, and cures nervous exhaustion and prostration. It contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs. Constipation is the most unclean uncleanliness.. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets cure it. They never gripe. Easy to take as candy. J. 0. WHITE & CO., Carriage and Wagon Builders. FARM AND DELIVERY WAGONS, OPP AND We sell the celebrated Geo. E. Nissen & Co'e Farm and Log Wagons, fully warranted. Old Carriages and Buggiesl repaired, painted and made as good as new. New Tops made and old Tops repaired. New Cushions furnished and old Cushions repaired. New Dashes furnished and Old Frames Re-covered. Rubber Tires a Specialty ; steel tired wheels changed to Rubber Tires. Old rubber tires repaired. All kindsjof Wood and Iron Work done at short notice, We have Skilled workmen in each department. Surreys, Buggies and Wagons for Sale. Harness of all kinds made and repaired. Call and get prices. J. O. The Curse of the South. What is the ma'ter With the South? According to government report of 1908 "The Secret is out at last the Southerner, contrary to current opinion is not lazy, shiftless, indifferent or careless. "He is sick" the South is afflicted with and harbors that most dreaded treacherous nd destructive of all diseases Anemia, Pernicious Anemia. The average Southerner is a sufferer of this health destroying parasite which destroys the red bloood cells producing an impoverished con dition of the blood; characterized by extreme pallor, general debility, weakness, loss of vigor, lack of ambition, and general undermining of vitality. The climate and atmospheric conditions destroy the vitality. Let him get over it. Get rid of it. Get well, and he is good physically as the best American-can boast. If there is health of tbe slightest degree in your system, "WAKE IT TJP1 CALL IT FORTH. PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER 1 MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD; all can and should be well, lo neglect yourself is to reflect upon the wisdom of your Maker. Nature intends all humanity to enjoy a full measure of health and vigor. If you do not the fault, is your own, for you are yourself to blame for it. Wonders have been accomplished for the people of Tenneessee, Alabama, Georgia and Mississippi, let us now do as much for the people of the Carolines. A postal will bring you the necessary information. Send no money. Write to-day. Don't neglect this chance here offered you. Addreas, The Cleveland Institute of Medicine and Surgery.. Cleveland, Ohio . Corner Kinsman rd. and 72d Street dollar for clothing or PALMER CLO. CO DRAY WAGON V TOP, BEST QUALITY AND STYLE Q WHITE & CO. O o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o furnishings until o

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