lie I lit? IKS SHORT LOCAL ITEMS. Mr. and Mm T. E. Spry, ho have been making their home noar South River, have moved to Davie county. 'j'They are good people and their many friends iu Rowan rpgret their leavirg ard wish them much success in their new home. A very large crowd was present at the Salisbury Pawn Shop, at 3 o'clock on ChristmaB day, when the beautiful doll that had been advertised to be given away by them was to be presented'ito the holder of the lucky guess. When all of the guesses made had boen r li .1 guua over careiuuy mere was found a tie between Mrs. G. A. Shinn and Miss Juanita Kestler, who agreed to pull matches ta sen which should have it, and Mrs. Shinu won. The money in the jar amounted to $249 19, and the gu sses of each of the alxv6 named ladies was $249 49, being within 30 cents of the - correct amount in the jar. There were several other close guesses made, one missing by only 83c. W. A. Finney, who sometime ago leased the Meroney theater ' for a term of two years, has given up that lease and turned the pro perty over to Miss Lena Meroney, one of tb.9 owners, who is her from Philadelphia and who, w understand, will have charge of h for the present at least. Misil Meroney has bad some experiecco manager here before, and wo foal sure that she will, in the fn ture as in th-t past, bring amuse ments to Salisbury that wi! please the people. - Sheriff McKeuzie received a 'phone message from a Mr. Gfubb, who lives about 6 "miles from town on the Sheriil F ac roa 1, that his horns had been bu--g'.ufized. No particulars wn' givuii,. The Sheriff 'sent , two cf his dpunes, Jim Krider ar.d Looke McKenzie to investigate the matter aud they returned to town before noou aud arrested Hei ry Nichols, who Grnbb charg ed with entering his home. But a3 no one was at home at the tinu the house was entered they don't think the charge will be sustain, ed. The case will probably cota up for trial to-day. During the month, up to'Tues day morning, Registerof Deeds E . H Miller had issued 52 of tho93 licenses which permit 104 per-nns to be bouud in tho-r bonds which can only be sever -c by death, or divorce, aud thiutr he will have caila for more Lefrrt the year ends. Sheriff McKenzie, agisted in D.puty Jas. Krider, arrested Ja Nook, on Thursday, at Speucei, and held him for the South Caro lina officers, who came after hirr and took him there to answer to a cnarge of criminal assault on a Dfigro girl, 17 years of age, at Calhoun, S C, on the 8th of this month . Unsigned Letters. On several occasions we have re ceived letters that were not sign ed by thir writers, which, of course spoils the purpose and in tent of the communication A letter received from Gold Hill, dated Dec amber 22nd, requesting that we change the writer's ad dress from' "Gold Hill, N. C, to Rockwell, N. C ., R. F. D. No. 1," and uo8igned,, is a specimen of whaswebaveiu mind. Nowtbis good brother will soon be wanting to know why we do not obey his req lest when be alne is to blame Winn you 'write a letter see that yMir nam ) is attached, that vali dates it, makes it g od, worth whtlo, or, die with your bile in you. The Fair Association Pays Off. The Rowan County Fair -Association, on Wednesday, mailed checks, to all winners of premium at the fair held this fall Thi wh le amount sent out was $1 700 There hs been some de'ay in getting these chucks out, and there has been -some complaints made, but the management pr l ably did the best it could under the circumstances. At any rate tbey were paid in full with good, hard cash and at a time when the money, would bo most highly ap preciated, a kind of a Christmas gift as it were. We are glad to be able to make this statement, for it means interest in and suc cess for a bigger gand better fair next fall. Something to prepare for and look forward to. SUCCESSES OF CUPID. Jones-Harris, Smith Wise. Flsher-Bost, Miller-Shlye, Sfatye-Stlrewait and Others. Miss Neely Joikb and Samuel Harrison were married on Wednes day evening at the home of the bride's father, A. L. Jones, Rev. Davis, pastor of Chestnut Hill Methodist church, officating. Mr. Harrison is a son of the late Wil liam Harrison and a grandson of the late Samuel R. Harrison. Miss Cailie Smith and Tobbs Wise were married, near the Vance mill on Wednesday, at the home of the bride. Esq. F . M, Tarrh performed the ceremony and bid them God speed on their pilgrim age of joy. Miss Kate Belle Fisher and William A. Best were married at the homo of the bride's father, J. V. Fisher, on Park Avenue, at 7:30 o'clock Tuesday night, in the presence of a few inoitid friends, Rev. W. B. Duttera officiating, After the ceremony the couple left on a southbound train for Jacksonville, St. Augustine and other points in the south. They will return in about ten days and will make their home in Salisbury. On Wednesday December. 22, 1906. Miss Sallie .Rose Miller and Calvin L. Shive were married at the bride's father, Allen Miller. On Thursday, December. 28, 1909, Miss Mary S. Shive and Pearl M. Stirwalt were married at the bride's father, J. M. Shive, Rev. Fi. A. Trexler officiating at both. Miss Ollie HolBhcuser of Rowan county and Isaac T. Moose of Cabarrus county were married Sunday, December 26th, at Gold dill, Julius Earndardt, a justice the peace, officiating. Miss Ada Kesler und Walter ilomer Agner, both of Providence ' wi9hip, were married at the parsonage of Union Lutheran church on the afternoon of Decem ber 25th . The bride is a beauti tul M.nd accomplished young lady, the daughter of Calvin L. Kesler, a d orgainst at Union Church. The groom is an intelligent and industrious young farmer. Their rtoy friends bespeak for this h :npy cjuple a prosperous future. The ceremony was performed by L B. Sprac her. pastor of Union Church. On December. 22, 1909, Leroy F. Deal and Miss Essie M. Corn her, accompame by Jrown Deal and Misa Mary Corriher, and Corriher,and Mig3 Mary D;a!, if ive to Mt. Mcriah parson- n- ar China Grove, whore the rirt narn-rd couple wtr , we trust, aappiiy married. Rev. D. I. Off nan. officiating, Mr Dal is the fccn cf Mr. and Mra. Jacob W. Deal, of Saw this county, and Miss Corriher is the daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Henry C. Corriher, jf tbe Concordia neighborhood. The couple repaired to the heme cf the groom's father where a sup per awaited them. They will make their home at Saw in the Future where Mr. Deal has erected a new hoose. , Mtss Bessie Heilig and Joe. Mc Daniel were married at the home ot the groom, on East Horah street, on Friday night, in the presence of a few invited friends. Dr. R. L. Motley, of the first Bap tist church officiating. The bride is the daughter of J. K. P. Heilig, who lives in the country, and the groom is an apprentice at the Southern shops at Spencer. Both have many friends here who wish them well. The marriage of Miss Hallie, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. G Viele, for many years residents of Salisbury, now living at Taylors ville, and Theo Miller, secretary and teasurses of the Taylorsville Cotton Mill, and a native of Mid dieboro, Mass,, will take plac Friday evening Mies Vieleis a grand-daughter of the late J. J, tsrunuer, nas many mends in Salisbury and is a most charming young lady. A marriage of interest whi had so fo" been overlooked is that of Mhs E-.hel Grey Hicks and J Will Proctor, a p pular clrk in . rtr mi toe postomce. lheir marriage took place at the Baptist parson age, Wednesday evening, Decern ber 15th, Rev. R. L. Motley officiating. Miss Mamie Soli Yarborough and James Alexander Somers were married on Friday eveuing at Holme's Memorial church, Eas Salisbury, by Rey, C. M. Short in the nresence of a e-odlv num I cj j ber of the friends of both who bad gathered there to witness the cere mony; The I ride is n daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yar borough, aiid th groom is a son of J . M . Sc mera . Both have a large circle of friends in Salis bury. Tbe couple will beat home after January 10th, 1010. Miss Kachael Brown and Dan iel Luther Kenerly were married at the Methodist parsonage on Chestnut Hill last night. The tiride is a daughter of the late P. W. Brown, and, as she is only a little over 17 years of age, the ap plication for license was accom panied by a request from her mother that the license be issued. Christmas, of 1909, Passes. Christmas has come aud is past aud by each and all, we hope, was heartily enjoyed, some iu receiv ing gifts and others in giving them. The boye, with their pop sticks, firecrackers, tin horns and other noise producing contriv ances were in their glory, and the girls were just abont as noisy, but on the whole Christmas was spent quietly in Salisbury. The mer chants and the clerks were all tired from the rush of the holiday trade and were glad to retire to their homes and spend the day quietly. Servioes were he'd iu most of the ohurohes, but the sluw, drizzling rain prevented many from attending. There was a dearth of drinkiag and rowdy ism, that is usually seen on Christmas, there beiug only three drunks brought into court on Monday, anh they had been ar rested late Sunday evening, The merclants all report a goc d Christmas trade, some going so far as to say that thy had noth ing to advertise, as they had al most sold out. Two Houses Burned at Spsncer, Two email houses in Kast Spencer, opposite the 'Jimax Hotel, were destroyed by fife about 10:30 o'clock last night. We understand that onu or both of the houses belonged to the estate of the late D. K. Julian and were occupied by negroes. It was reported on the streets this morning that the Climax Hotel had burn- ea, out 11 pen investigation ! this was found to be a m:s- take. Until science discovered a way to construct the ifiitomatlc Smokeless Device, and make it completely dependab, all oil heaters had one common great fault smoke. With the advent of the Automatic Smokeless Devic and its practical appnwuuou iu mo You may now have all the heat you want when you wal h and whre you want it without the annoyance of smoke or odor. f Brass font holds 4 quarts of oil, which permits a glowing heat fcs 9 hours Brass wick tube damper top cool handle. Cleaned in a minute. .5 The Perfection is beautifully finished in Nickel or Japan. ! Every Dealer Everywhere. If Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Ccular to th Nearest Agency of the T STANDARD OIL COMPANY ) (Incorporated) , - oooooooooooooooooooocx)qoooo FALL AND W The attention of the buying pnblc is called to my splendid line of Falliland Winter Goods, Dross Goods, No&ns, Underwear for n en. 0 dren Blankets, Comforts, Art Sqiipres, 8 Rugs, Matting, Hand Bags, Satcfiels, lruiiKs, etc j See our fine line of UmbrellasS the largest and linest ever brought toSal- r a t lsbury, for ladies The ladies are splendid line ol ft Coat Suits, Capes, Sweaters aod Shirt Mists. 1 Respectfnllv, gt 4" A. W. Norman Resigns. m w. F . NormauS round houBP si foreman at the Saucer shops, has resigued his jsition there and has been succeeded by Locke Atwoll, former niglft foreman in the round house. orman is the man whose roughs-treatment of the men under hi brought on the strike sometinmligo, the men goingback to worksvitn the un derstanding that thgjmatter would be thoroughly instigated. We have been inform that, owing to this investigatijp, Norman's resignation was ased fjr. We also understand ththis does not mean that NormaifgiB dismissed from the company service, but that he will be transferred to some other of t Southern's shops. We only gif these as ru mors picked up on Ifjfe street and have not been verified. ISemi Weekly V0tchman4 iThe Semi-Weekly Record J which ever it majsuit you to call it, it amoits to the same thing. The two pa pers are publisbedjso far as news is concern, as a Bemi-weekly, TheCarolina Watchman is published and mailed at Salbury on Tuesday of each viffek, and The Rowan Reooriis pub lished on Fridaygof each week. This makeptwo pa pers per wee "HE Watchman givesyou the news of the first 'Half and The Record givelgrou the news of the seconhalf of tbe week. Subscribers who do not take botp papers will mis9 much nCws that they would get taking both papers, It ie news is what you want J&bese two papers should be !nsider ed as one, as two .;j?ues of the same paper. jj takii g the two papers yowill get tbe news o'tenpr fresher and more of it. Send i i you snbfer-iption to them hoth. WlSj n paid cash in advance,pve will solid both papers tti'oue ad dress for only ffCO, or $1.25 includit.g oug rf cu charts and caleuMtrs 'o -s. -2- 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1UI0 A;idrps J. Wm. H. STKWAB& . i ii' is; : XT r causigary, ix. j ERFECTION S3 ii EeatiF Jl 5 lp (Equipped with SmokcIessevleelO the smoke problem was successfully solved. N The Perfection Oil Hea&r it the only heater equipped with &is A se utomatic it Smokeless DeveN which insures, a steady, full-glcimsf heat, with the wick turned up as higES it will go, without a shred of smoke. Bfcvers the motion, turn the wick down thri no odor. The smokeless device automat&jdly lock and prevents the upward movenlit of the wick beyond the proper exposure. That is the scret. This splendid result gives leadership to the Perfection. ,;f INTER GOODS women and Ifehil- fi 8 .u and gentlemen. invited to mi - seeifour 0 WmECOHF. I Signs Extradition Papers. Trenton, N. J., Dec. 28. Governor Fort this afternoon signed papers for the extradi tion from New York of Mrs. Snead and Mrs. Martin, want ed in Newark to answer the charge of having murdered Mrs. Ocey Snead in East Or ange. The papers were pre sented to Governor Hughes of New York to-night for Ms signature. BUSINESS LOCALS. Locals under this head will he charged for at the rae of 5 cents per line for first Inser tion, 2 1-2 cents for subsequent insertions. Lost Dog." A reward is offered on a young shjpard dog, yellow, uofcvery shaggy, the end of his tail is white. Bruoer Propst, Rout .8, Salisbury, N. C. When In Need of Money call at the Salisbury Fawn Shop who can supply you with most auy a mount. The Place tO BlIJ,your high grade clothes, putols, shot gnns, amunition, musical in6trumment3, hardware, suit cases, . srins. trunks, clothing, jewelry, etc , as I will start to taking inventory about Jan. 11, '09, and to reduce my stock will offer great values, Salisbury Pawn Shop. Our Annual Midwinter Sale. Feidman is arranging his stock now, marking it iu plain figure?. He says the whole stock will be sold at and bolow cost. Watch for his advertisement when ready. Money tO Loan on satisfactory real ty, Hatcher & Smoot, Attor neys at Lew. 12-222t Railway Mail Clerks Wanted. The Government pays Railway Mail Clerks $ 800 to $1 ,200, and oth?r em ployees up to $2,500 annually. Uncle Sam will hold spring examina tions throughout the country for Rail way Mail clerks, custom House clerks, stenographers, Book-keepers, D?pa.-t-ment clerks, and other Government Position?. Ihounia .of appointments will be mad. Any man or woman over 18, in city or country can get Instnruction and free information by writing at once to the Bureau of In struction, Hamlin Building, Rochester, N. Y. 12-22 'G9 52t Entire stock must be closed i Copyright 1909, by 1. Hamburger & Sons Baltimore, Md a ffatae Weak Throat Weak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it. His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. XT t t . . . ... iNo aiconoi in mis cougn medicine. . C. A yer Co., Lowell, Mass. Always keep a good laxative in thehouse. Takeadosewhen your toiafirstcomeson. What is the best laxative for this? Ayer's Pills. Ask your doctor his opinion. Let him decide. J. S. MoCubbins, president. W..B. Steachan, treasurer. E. H, Harkisok, secretary and manager. M'GUBBINS & HARRISON COMPANY. Real Estate, Loans, Insurance. 1 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $30,000.00. We are selling High Grade 8-2-2 Guano at $1.80 and other grades at proportionately low prices. Try us. EEAL ESTATE ILOAJSTS: If you want to either loan or borrow money on good real estate secur ity in Rowan Co. it will certainly pay you well to look into our system of making real estate loans ; the lender nets 3 per cent each 6 months with the best security on earth and with as little trouble to him as deposit ing money in a bank. The security is a first mortgage real estate bond with our company guaranteeing payment of principal and interest. On the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each low fare round trip tickets will be sold Belt Route to points in Arkansas, and Oklahoma. Take advantage of investigate the wonderful opportunites now open in the Southwest. The 25 day return limit gives you ample time, and you can stop over both going and returning. The Direct Line to Texas The Cotton Belt is the direct line from Memphis to the Southwest, through Arkansas. It operates two daily trains, carrying through sleepers, chair cars and parlor-cafe cars. Trains from all points make direct connection at Memphis with Cotton Belt trains for the Southwest. Do not delay your "trip to the ' Southwest the big opportunities are gone write me where you want to go and I will show you how cheap you can make the trip and give you complete schedule, etc. I will also send you free our books on Texal and Arkansas, with County map in colors. H. H. SUTTON, District Passenger Agent. H. E. ALLEN, Passenger Agent. 109 W, 8rti SU Chattaaooga, Tenn. Suits and Overcoats out. Every piece clothing in the house marked down at greatly reduc ed prices. Our Christmas. trade has moved an enorm ous amount of goods but we still have too much left. Don't fail to avail yourself of the present offering. Salisbury, North Carolina. month, very via the Cotton Louisiana, Texas these low fares and until to-day Copyright 1909 by I. Hamburger & Sons Baltimore. Mcl. Sons, " s I! Jim . .r.,-la f So- ill wlP . 3 - w-n HII "6 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCDOOO I'm 1 1 "is - s a